World Para Table Tennis Championships

Last updated

The World Para Table Tennis Championships are the world championships for para table tennis where athletes with a disability compete. They are organised by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) on a four-year rotation with the Paralympic Games (every four years).


The first edition was held in 1990 in Assen, Netherlands, the second in 1998, from that the championships was held every four years. [1]


Individual and TeamIndividualTeam
EditionYearHostDatesNationsCompetitorsMost golds wonRef
1 1990 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Assen 15–21 July35226Flag of Germany.svg  Germany (14) [2]
2 1998 Flag of France.svg Paris 24–30 October39292Flag of France.svg  France (10) [3]
3 2002 Flag of the Republic of China.svg Taipei 15–22 August45319Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China (8) [4]
4 2006 Civil Ensign of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Montreux 22 September–1 October48346Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China (14) [5]
5 2010 Flag of South Korea.svg Gwangju 25 October–3 November46296Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China (14) [6]
6 2014 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Beijing 6–15 September45304Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China (14) [7]
1 2017 Flag of Slovakia.svg Bratislava 17–20 May34247Flag of Russia.svg  Russia (3) [8]
7 2018 Flag of Slovenia.svg Laško 15–21 October56330Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea (4) [9]
8 2022 Flag of Spain.svg Granada 6–12 November51328Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea (11) [10]

All-time medal count

As 2022 (including medals won at the 2017 team championships)

1Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China  (CHN)542527106
2Flag of France.svg  France  (FRA)393256127
3Flag of Germany.svg  Germany  (GER)36223391
4Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea  (KOR)33262887
5Flag of Poland.svg  Poland  (POL)16212057
6Flag of Spain.svg  Spain  (ESP)971329
7Flag of Austria.svg  Austria  (AUT)7121534
8Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden  (SWE)7111836
9Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands  (NED)79925
10Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic  (CZE)611926
11Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia  (SVK)691126
12Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain  (GBR)671932
13Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine  (UKR)67821
14Flag of Russia.svg  Russia  (RUS)67619
15Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey  (TUR)591327
16Flag of Italy.svg  Italy  (ITA)551121
17Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium  (BEL)53917
18Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia  (SRB)51915
19Flag of Norway.svg  Norway  (NOR)46414
20Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong  (HKG)45312
21Flag of Japan.svg  Japan  (JPN)371020
22Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark  (DEN)35412
23 Chinese Taipei Paralympic Flag.svg Chinese Taipei (TPE)281525
24Flag of Finland.svg  Finland  (FIN)23712
25Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia  (AUS)2259
26Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil  (BRA)21912
27Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand  (THA)17715
28Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary  (HUN)1438
29Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia  (CRO)1348
30Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan  (JOR)1337
31Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States  (USA)12710
32Flag of Israel.svg  Israel  (ISR)1236
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland  (SUI)1236
34Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico  (MEX)1113
35Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia 0156
36Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia  (INA)0123
37Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria  (BUL)0101
38Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina  (ARG)0055
39Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt  (EGY)0033
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland  (IRL)0033
41Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia  (SLO)0022
42Flag of Greece.svg  Greece  (GRE)0011
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran  (IRI)0011
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania  (ROU)0011
Totals (44 entries)2882884251,001

See also


  1. "One Family, One Sport, the Reality Realised in Korea". Retrieved 16 September 2012.
  2. 1990 World Championships
  3. 1998 World Championships
  4. 2002 World Championships
  5. 2006 World Championships
  6. 2010 World Championships
  7. 2014 World Championships
  8. "2017 ITTF Para Table Tennis World Team Championship Info". International Table Tennis Federation. 8 April 2019.
  9. "2018 World Championships". International Para Table Tennis Federation. 17 March 2019.
  10. "Electronic table tennis review system approved by the ITTF Board of Directors". International Table Tennis Federation. 6 November 2021.