List of incidents of cannibalism

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Depiction of Mongol cannibalism from Matthew Paris's chronicle (see SS Middle Ages) Tartar cannibalism illumination Matthew Paris Chronica Majora.jpg
Depiction of Mongol cannibalism from Matthew Paris's chronicle (see § Middle Ages)

This is a list of incidents of cannibalism, or anthropophagy, the consumption of human flesh or internal organs by other human beings. Accounts of human cannibalism date back as far as prehistoric times, and some anthropologists suggest that cannibalism was common in human societies as early as the Paleolithic. Historically, various peoples and groups have engaged in cannibalism, although very few continue the practice to this day.


Occasionally, starving people have resorted to cannibalism for survival. Classical antiquity recorded numerous references to cannibalism during siege-related famines. More recent well-documented examples include the Essex sinking in 1820, the Donner Party in 1846 and 1847, and the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 in 1972. Some murderers, such as Boone Helm, Albert Fish, Andrei Chikatilo, and Jeffrey Dahmer, are known to have eaten parts of their victims after killing them. Other individuals, such as journalist William Seabrook and artist Rick Gibson, have legally consumed human flesh out of curiosity or to attract attention to themselves.


A maxilla from Gough's Cave with cut marks near the teeth Cannibalised maxilla.jpg
A maxilla from Gough's Cave with cut marks near the teeth

Early history

First millennium

Starving Romans may have eaten human flesh before the sack of Rome (painting by Joseph-Noel Sylvestre, 1890) Visigoths sack Rome.jpg
Starving Romans may have eaten human flesh before the sack of Rome (painting by Joseph-Noël Sylvestre, 1890)

Middle Ages

Depiction of Mongol cannibalism from Matthew Paris's chronicle Tartar cannibalism illumination Matthew Paris Chronica Majora.jpg
Depiction of Mongol cannibalism from Matthew Paris's chronicle
A Chinese writer who had lived through the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty (1271–1368) likewise complained about their cannibalism, criticizing that Mongol soldiers did not hesitate to sacrifice civilians for their culinary pleasure: "Young children were the most appreciated; women came next and men last." He also criticized their cruelty, stating that victims were roasted alive (on iron grates) or boiled alive (by placing them "inside a double bag ... which was put into a large pot"). Just like Ivo of Narbonne's, his account indicates that breasts were particularly prized – if there were more corpses around than needed, they were sometimes the only part of a woman's body that was eaten. [159] The Song Shi written during, as well as later chronicles written about the dynasty, also note that children and "the weak were killed and eaten" during war campaigns at that time. [159]
A page of The Travels of Marco Polo Marco Polo - Battle of the King of Burma against the Mongols.jpg
A page of The Travels of Marco Polo

16th century

An 18th century albarello used for storing mummia Albarello MUMIA 18Jh.jpg
An 18th century albarello used for storing mummia

17th century

18th century

The Luxborough Galley on fire. Luxborough Galley on fire, 25 June 1727.jpg
The Luxborough Galley on fire.

19th century

1800s and 1810s

The Raft of the Medusa by Theodore Gericault, 1819 Raft of the Medusa - Theodore Gericault.JPG
The Raft of the Medusa by Théodore Géricault, 1819


A whale striking the Essex on 20 November 1820, depicted in a sketch by Thomas Nickerson Essex photo 03 b.jpg
A whale striking the Essex on 20 November 1820, depicted in a sketch by Thomas Nickerson


The British colonial authorities in Jamaica decided not to press charges against any of the Portuguese sailors, mostly based on the argument that they considered the ship's captain – who was known to have directed at least six slave voyages – too "inoffensive" to be capable "of such a horrible transaction". [285] Observing that this was not the only case where accusations of "White cannibalism" by Black victims of the slave trade were dismissed, the author of the paper investigating the case concludes that, "sheltered by distance, isolation, and lawlessness while at sea, other similar instances may have indeed taken place between the sixteenth and the nineteenth centuries". [286]
Massacre of the missionaries John Williams and James Harris in 1839, painted by George Baxter (1841) The Massacre of the Lamented Missionary, The Rev. J. Williams and Mr. Harris, 1841 (B-088-002).jpg
Massacre of the missionaries John Williams and James Harris in 1839, painted by George Baxter (1841)




The eight persons found guilty of murdering and eating a girl in a Vodou ritual in Haiti, 1864 Affaire de Bizoton 1864.png
The eight persons found guilty of murdering and eating a girl in a Vodou ritual in Haiti, 1864


Illustration from Harper's Magazine (1874) of the remains of several men supposedly eaten by Alfred Packer Harpers Illustration 1cropped.jpg
Illustration from Harper's Magazine (1874) of the remains of several men supposedly eaten by Alfred Packer


Presently a man appeared, leading a young girl of about ten years old at the hand, and I then witnessed the most horribly sickening sight I am ever likely to see in my life. He plunged a knife quickly into her breast twice, and she fell on her face, turning over on her side. Three men then ran forward, and began to cut up the body of the girl; finally her head was cut off, and not a particle remained, each man taking his piece away down to the river to wash it. The most extraordinary thing was that the girl never uttered a sound, nor struggled, until she fell. Until the last moment, I could not believe that they were in earnest ... that it was anything save a ruse to get money out of me ... When I went home I tried to make some small sketches of the scene while still fresh in my memory, not that it is ever likely to fade from it. No one here seemed to be in the least astonished at it. [303]

Jameson's diary also shows that he was well informed of cannibal customs and had even seen remains of a cannibal meal, making his line of defence doubtful. [304] The interpreter Assad Farran accused him of having deliberately instigated the murder out of curiosity, and Henry Morton Stanley finally decided to inform the European and American press. The resulting bad publicity likely contributed to the fact that privately organized, non-scientific expeditions into Africa ceased after that time. [305]


Girls held captive shortly before being killed and eaten at a feast held for Rodolphe Festetics de Tolna on Malaita (Solomon Islands) in the 1890s Slave girls being fattened.jpg
Girls held captive shortly before being killed and eaten at a feast held for Rodolphe Festetics de Tolna on Malaita (Solomon Islands) in the 1890s

20th century



Fritz Haarmann, the "Butcher of Hanover" Fritz Haarmann (1879-1925).jpg
Fritz Haarmann, the "Butcher of Hanover"


Cannibalism during the Russian famine of 1921-1922 Cannibalism during Russian famine 1921.jpg
Cannibalism during the Russian famine of 1921–1922


William Seabrook ate human flesh to study its taste William Seabrook (1884-1945) 1931 by Robert H. Davis (1869-1942) OeNB 19223094.jpg
William Seabrook ate human flesh to study its taste

It was like good, fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef. It was very definitely like that, and it was not like any other meat I had ever tasted. It was so nearly like good, fully developed veal that I think no person with a palate of ordinary, normal sensitiveness could distinguish it from veal. It was mild, good meat with no other sharply defined or highly characteristic taste such as for instance, goat, high game, and pork have. The [rump] steak was slightly tougher than prime veal, a little stringy, but not too tough or stringy to be agreeably edible. The [ loin ] roast, from which I cut and ate a central slice, was tender, and in color, texture, smell as well as taste, strengthened my certainty that of all the meats we habitually know, veal is the one meat to which this meat is accurately comparable. [334]

Seabrook might have eaten human flesh also on another occasion. Originally he had implied that he had eaten it during a trip to West Africa, and when this claim turned out wrong (and he had not yet dared reveal the hospital story), he was much mocked for it. According to his autobiography, the wealthy socialite Daisy Fellowes one day invited him to one of her garden parties, stating "I think you deserve to know what human flesh really tastes like". During the party, which was attended by about a dozen guests (some of them well-known), a piece of supposedly human flesh was grilled and eaten with much pomp. Seabrook comments that, while he never found out "the real truth" behind this meal, it "looked and tasted exactly" like the human flesh he had eaten before. [335]

Survival was a moral as well as a physical struggle. A woman doctor wrote to a friend in June 1933 that she had not yet become a cannibal, but was 'not sure that I shall not be one by the time my letter reaches you'. The good people died first. Those who refused to steal or to prostitute themselves died. Those who gave food to others died. Those who refused to eat corpses died. Those who refused to kill their fellow man died ... At least 2,505 people were sentenced for cannibalism in the years 1932 and 1933 in Ukraine, though the actual number of cases was certainly much higher. [339]


Finnish soldiers show the skin of Russian soldiers eaten by members of a Soviet patrol during the Continuation War Maaselka cannibalism.jpg
Finnish soldiers show the skin of Russian soldiers eaten by members of a Soviet patrol during the Continuation War

the Japanese started selecting prisoners and every day one prisoner was taken out and killed and eaten by the soldiers. I personally saw this happen and about 100 prisoners were eaten at this place by the Japanese. The remainder of us were taken to another spot 50 miles [80 km] away where 10 prisoners died of sickness. At this place, the Japanese again started selecting prisoners to eat. Those selected were taken to a hut where their flesh was cut from their bodies while they were alive and they were thrown into a ditch where they later died. [354]




Nando Parrado and Roberto Canessa (both sitting), two survivors of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 Viven5.jpg
Nando Parrado and Roberto Canessa (both sitting), two survivors of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571


Bovine testicles offered for sale on an Italian market. Artist Rick Gibson preferred eating human testicles instead. Testicoli.jpg
Bovine testicles offered for sale on an Italian market. Artist Rick Gibson preferred eating human testicles instead.


21st century


Rammstein made one of several songs about the Meiwes case RichardZK.JPG
Rammstein made one of several songs about the Meiwes case
A Korowai man KorowaiHombre01.jpg
A Korowai man


Trial of the Garanhuns cannibals (2018) Novo julgamento do trio de Garanhuns (32441822058).jpg
Trial of the Garanhuns cannibals (2018)
The MacArthur Causeway at night Macarthur Causeway at night.jpg
The MacArthur Causeway at night


See also


  1. Everts, Sarah (24 April 2013). "Europe's Hypocritical History of Cannibalism". Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved 21 November 2014.
  2. Mead, Simon; Whitfield, Jerome; Poulter, Mark; Shah, Paresh; Uphill, James; Campbell, Tracy; Al-Dujaily, Huda; Hummerich, Holger; Beck, Jon; Mein, Charles A.; Verzilli, Claudio; Whittaker, John; Alpers, Michael P.; Collinge, John (2009). "A Novel Protective Prion Protein Variant that Colocalizes with Kuru Exposure" (PDF). New England Journal of Medicine. 361 (21): 2056–65. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa0809716. PMID   19923577.
  3. Liberski, Pawel (2013). "Kuru: A Journey Back in Time from Papua New Guinea to the Neanderthals' Extinction". Pathogens. 2 (3): 472–505. doi: 10.3390/pathogens2030472 . PMC   4235695 . PMID   25437203.
  4. McKie, Robin (20 June 2010). "Bones from a Cheddar Gorge cave show that cannibalism helped Britain's earliest settlers survive the ice age". The Guardian. London. Retrieved 20 June 2010.
  5. Johnston, Ian (9 August 2017). "Cannibals who once lived in Somerset cave engraved human bones as part of eating ritual, study finds". The Independent. Retrieved 8 May 2023.
  6. Zuo Qiuming. Zuo Zhuan .; 《左传·襄公四年》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 羿猶不悛.將歸自田.家眾殺而亨之.以食其子.其子不忍食諸.死于窮門.
  7. Zhang Shoujie. Shiji Zhengyi (a commentary of the Shiji written during the Tang dynasty).; 《史记正义·卷三·殷本纪》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 纣烹(文王之子)为羮,赐文王曰:圣人当不食其子羮。文王食之
  8. Guan Zhong. Guanzi .; 《管子·小稱》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. (易牙)蒸其首子而献之公
  9. Zhuang Zhou. Zhuangzi .; 《庄子·盗跖》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 介子推至忠也,自割其股以食文公
  10. Tatian. "Address to the Greeks". New Advent. ch. 34. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
  11. Sima Qian. Shiji .; 《史记· 卷四十·楚世家第十》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 圍宋五月,城中食盡,易子而食,析骨而炊。宋
  12. Sima Qian. Shiji .; 《史记· 卷四十三·赵世家第十三》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 三國攻晉陽,歳餘,……城中懸釜而炊,易子而食。
  13. Sima Qian. Shiji .; 《史记· 卷七十六·平原君虞卿列传第十六》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 邯鄲之民,炊骨易子而食,可謂急矣
  14. Sima Qian. Shiji .; 《史记· 卷八十三·鲁仲连邹阳列传第二十三》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 齊田單攻聊城歲餘……食人炊骨,士無反外之心
  15. Thucydides. "Book 2"  . History of the Peloponnesian War  via Wikisource.
  16. Liu Xiang. Zhan Guo Ce .; 《战国策·魏策·乐羊为魏将而攻中山》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 中山之君烹其子而遗之羹,乐羊坐于幕下而啜之,尽一杯。
  17. Sima Qian. Shiji .; 《史记· 卷七十三·白起王翦列传》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 趙卒不得食四十六日,皆內陰相殺食
  18. Ban Gu. Book of Han .; 《汉书·卷二十四上·食货志第四上》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 漢興,接秦之敝,諸侯並起,民失作業,而大饑饉。凡米石五千,人相食,死者過半。
  19. Ban Gu. Book of Han .; 《汉书·卷六·武帝纪第六》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 三年春,河水溢于平原,大飢,人相食。
  20. Sima Qian. Shiji .; 《史记·卷一百二十·汲郑列传第六十》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 河南貧人傷水旱萬餘家,或父子相食
  21. Sima Qian. Shiji .; 《史记·卷三十·平准书第八》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 山東被河菑,及歲不登數年,人或相食,方一二千里。
  22. Garnsey, Peter (2009). Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 35–36. ISBN   978-0-511-58382-7.
  23. Strabo (1892) [c. AD 20], Hamilton, H. C.; Falconer, M. A. (eds.), The Geography of Strabo, vol. I, London: George Bell & Sons, p.  464 (book VII, chap. III, para. 9)
  24. Ban Gu. Book of Han .; 《汉书·卷九·元帝纪第九》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 關東郡國十一大水,饑,或人相食
  25. Ban Gu. Book of Han .; 《汉书·卷二十四上·食货志第四上》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 永始二年,梁國、平原郡比年傷水災,人相食
  26. Flavius Josephus. The Wars of the Jews, Book VI, Chapter 3, Section 4. Translated by William Whiston. Hosted at the Perseus Digital Library.
  27. Schaff, Philip; Wace, Henry, eds. (1893). St. Jerome: Letters and Select Works. New York: The Christian Literature Company. p.  394 (book 2, ch. 7). "Why should I speak of other nations when I myself, a youth on a visit to Gaul, heard that the Atticoti, a British tribe, eat human flesh, and that although they find herds of swine, and droves of large or small cattle in the woods, it is their custom to cut off the buttocks of the shepherds and the breasts of their women, and to regard them as the greatest delicacies?"
  28. Sozomen. Ecclesiastical History. bk. IX, ch. 8.
  29. Kneale, Matthew (2017). Rome: A History in Seven Sackings. London: Atlantic Books. ch. 2 (including the quotations by Jerome and Procopius).
  30. 1 2 Chong, Key Ray (1990). Cannibalism in China. Wakefield, NH: Longwood. pp. 86–87.
  31. Zheng, Yi (1996). Scarlet Memorial: Tales Of Cannibalism In Modern China. Boulder: Westview. p. 145.
  32. Benn, Charles (2004). China's Golden Age: Everyday Life in the Tang Dynasty. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 123–124. ISBN   0-19-517665-0.
  33. Orlandi, Riccardo; Cianci, Nicole; Invernizzi, Pietro; Cesana, Giancarlo (August 2018). "'I Miss My Liver.' Nonmedical Sources in the History of Hepatocentrism". Hepatology Communications. 2 (8): 989. doi:10.1002/hep4.1224. PMC   6078213 . PMID   30094408.
  34. Ó Gráda, Cormac (2015). Eating People Is Wrong, and Other Essays on Famine, Its Past, and Its Future. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 25–29. ISBN   978-1-4008-6581-9.
  35. Ó Gráda 2015, pp. 30–37.
  36. Ban Gu. Book of Han .; 《汉书·卷九十九中·王莽传第六十九中》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 緣邊大飢,人相食。
  37. Ban Gu. Book of Han .; 《汉书·卷二十四下·食货志第四下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 戰鬥死亡,緣邊四夷所係虜,陷罪,飢疫,人相食,及莽未誅,而天下戶口減半矣。
  38. Ban Gu. Book of Han .; 《汉书·卷九十九下·王莽传第六十九下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 民飢餓相食,死者數十萬,長安為虛,城中無人行。
  39. Fan Ye. Book of the Later Han .; 《后汉书·卷一上·光武帝纪第一上》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 關中饑,民相食。
  40. Fan Ye. Book of the Later Han .; 《后汉书·卷十七·冯岑贾列传第七》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 時,百姓饑餓,人相食,黃金一斤易豆五升。
  41. Fan Ye. Book of the Later Han .; 《后汉书·卷五·孝安帝纪第五》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 京師大飢,民相食。……并涼二州大飢,人相食。
  42. Fan Ye. Book of the Later Han .; 《后汉书·卷七·孝桓帝纪第七》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 任城、梁國飢,民相食。
  43. Fan Ye. Book of the Later Han .; 《后汉书·卷七·孝桓帝纪第七》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 司隷、兾州飢,人相食。
  44. Fan Ye. Book of the Later Han .; 《后汉书·卷九·孝献帝纪第九》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 三輔大旱,……人相食啖,白骨委積。; 《后汉书·卷七十二·董卓列传第六十二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 人相食啖,白骨委樍,臭穢滿路。……強者四散,羸者相食,二三年閒,關中無復人跡。
  45. Fan Ye. Book of the Later Han .; 《后汉书·卷七十五·刘焉袁术吕布列传第六十五》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 天旱歲荒,士民凍餒,江、淮間相食殆盡。
  46. Fan Ye. Book of the Later Han .; 《后汉书·卷七十三·刘虞公孙瓒陶谦列传第六十三》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 是時旱蝗谷貴,民相食。
  47. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书·卷三十七·列传第七·宗室》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 時關中饑荒,百姓相噉,加以疾癘,盜賊公行。
  48. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百二·载记第二·刘聪等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 北地饑甚,人相食啖
  49. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百七·载记第七·石季龙下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 司、冀大饑,人相食。
  50. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百七·载记第七·石季龙下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 鄴中饑,人相食,季龍時宮人被食略盡。
  51. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百十四·载记第十四·苻坚下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 時長安大饑,人相食
  52. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百十四·载记第十四·苻坚下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 幽、冀人相食。….. (垂)與丕相持经年,百姓死几绝。
  53. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百二十二·载记第二十二·吕光等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 人相食,死者太半。
  54. Shen Yue. Book of Song .; 《宋书·卷一百·列传第六十·自序》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 東土饑荒,易子而食
  55. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷十三·志第三·天文下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 玄遂篡位,亂京都,大饑,人相食
  56. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百二十二·载记第二十二·吕光等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 姑臧谷价踊贵,斗直钱五千文,人相食,饿死者十余万口。
  57. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷十三·志第三·天文下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 大饑,人相食。浙江以東流亡十六七,吳郡、吳興戶口減半
  58. Xiao Zixian. Book of Qi .; 《南齐书· 卷二十八·列传第九·崔祖思等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 青州飢荒,人相食
  59. Yao Silian. Book of Liang .; 《梁书·卷十·列传第四·萧颖达等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 時益部兵亂日久,民廢耕農,內外苦饑,人多相食。
  60. Wei Shou. Book of Wei .; 《魏书·卷六十九·列传第五十七·崔休等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 城民大飢,人相食。賊知倉庫空虛,攻圍日甚,死者十三四。
  61. Li Yanshou. History of the Southern Dynasties .; 《南史·卷五十一·列传第四十一·梁宗室上》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 廣陵沃壤,遂爲之荒,至人相食噉。
  62. Li Yanshou. History of the Northern Dynasties .; 《北史·卷五·魏本纪第五》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 關中大饑,人相食,死者十七八。
  63. Yao Silian. Book of Liang .; 《梁书·卷四·本纪第四·简文帝》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 九江大饑,人相食十四五。
  64. Yao Silian. Book of Liang .; 《梁书·卷四·本纪第四·简文帝》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 大饑,人相食,京師尤甚。
  65. Wei Zheng. Book of Sui .; 《隋书·卷二十四·志第十九·食货》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 宮觀鞠為茂草,鄉亭絕其煙火,人相啖食,十而四五。
  66. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷五十五·列传第五 薛举等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 屬年飢,人相食
  67. Ouyang Xiu; et al. New Book of Tang .; 《新唐书·卷三十五·志第二十五》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 永淳元年,關中及山南州二十六饑,京師人相食。
  68. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷十·本纪第十·肃宗》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 自四月雨至閏月末不止。米價翔貴,人相食
  69. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷一百六十四·列传第一百一十四·王播等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 播至淮南,屬歲旱儉,人相啖食
  70. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷二十上 本纪第二十上· 昭宗》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 幅員數十州。五六年間,民無耕織,千室之邑,不存一二,歲既凶荒,皆膾人而食,喪亂之酷,未之前聞
  71. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷十九下·本纪第十九下 僖宗》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 荊南、襄陽仍歲蝗旱,米鬥三十千,人多相食。
  72. Xue Juzheng; et al. Old History of the Five Dynasties .; 《旧五代史·卷八十二(晋书)·少帝纪二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 同、華奏,人民相食
  73. Fan Ye. Book of the Later Han .; 《后汉书·卷十七·冯岑贾列传第七》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 漢兵攻之數月,(宛)城中糧盡,人相食,彭乃與說舉城降。
  74. Fan Ye. Book of the Later Han .; 《后汉书·卷三十三·朱冯虞郑周列传第二十三》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 浮城中糧盡,人相食。
  75. Fan Ye. Book of the Later Han .; 《后汉书· 卷五十八· 虞诩等列传》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. (臧洪)又殺其愛妾,以食兵將。
  76. Chen Shou. Records of the Three Kingdoms .; 《三国志·卷八·魏书八·二公孙陶四张传》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. (襄平)糧盡,人相食,死者甚多。
  77. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百二·载记第二·刘聪等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 王彌、劉曜至,復與晏會圍洛陽。時城內饑甚,人皆相食
  78. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷五·帝纪第五·孝怀帝 孝愍帝》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 京師饑甚,米斗金二兩,人相食,死者太半。
  79. Wei Shou. Book of Wei .; 《魏书·卷九十九·列传第八十七·凉州牧张实等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 南安,城內大饑,人相食。
  80. Shen Yue. Book of Song .; 《宋书·卷九十八·列传第五十八·氐胡》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 城中饑,萬餘口皆餓死,天周殺妻以食戰士
  81. Xiao Zixian. Book of Qi .; 《南齐书· 卷二十六·列传第七·王敬则 陈显达》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 虜食盡,啖死人肉及樹皮。
  82. Li Yanshou. History of the Southern Dynasties .; 《南史·卷八十·列传第七十·贼臣》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 景食石頭常平倉既盡,……人相食,有食其子者。……城中圍逼既久,……軍人屠馬于殿省間鬻之,雜以人肉
  83. Li Yanshou. History of the Northern Dynasties .; 《北史·卷五十三·列传第四十一·万俟普等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 人死,即火別分食,唯留骸骨。
  84. Wei Zheng. Book of Sui .; 《隋书·卷七十一·列传第三十六·诚节》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 糧食乏絕,人不聊生,男女相食,眾心離駭
  85. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷五十四·列传第四 王世充 窦建德》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 倉粟日盡,城中人相食
  86. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷一百一十四·列传第六十四·鲁炅等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 炅在圍中一年,救兵不至,晝夜苦戰,人相食。
  87. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷一百八十七下·列传第一百三十七 忠义下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 巡乃出其妾,對三軍殺之,以饗軍士。……所食人口二三萬,人心終不離變。
  88. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷二百上·列传第一百五十 安禄山等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 自十月被圍至二月,城中人相食
  89. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷一百四十一·列传第九十一·田承嗣等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 連年受敵,兵盡食竭,人易子而食
  90. Ouyang Xiu; et al. New Book of Tang .; 《新唐书·卷一百四十八·列传第七十三·令狐张康李刘田王牛史》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 吳迥守濠州,糧盡食人
  91. Ouyang Xiu; et al. New Book of Tang .; 《新唐书·卷一百八十六·列传第一百一十一 周王邓陈齐赵二杨顾》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 疫死者,爭啖其屍,縣首於戶以備饌。
  92. Ouyang Xiu; et al. New Book of Tang .; 《新唐书·卷一百九十·列传第一百一十五 三刘成杜钟张王》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 軍中殺人代糧,才千錢
  93. Xue Juzheng; et al. Old History of the Five Dynasties .; 《旧五代史·卷一百三十四·僭伪列传一》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 疫死者,爭啖其屍,縣首於戶以備饌。
  94. Ouyang Xiu; et al. New Book of Tang .; 《新唐书·卷五十二·志第四十二·食货二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 昭宗在鳳翔,為梁兵所圍,城中人相食
  95. Ouyang Xiu; et al. Historical Records of the Five Dynasties .; 《新五代史·卷三十九·杂传第二十七·王镕等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 梁攻滄州,……滄州被圍百餘日,城中食盡,人自相食
  96. Ouyang Xiu; et al. Historical Records of the Five Dynasties .; 《新五代史·卷三十九·杂传第二十七·王镕等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 守光圍之百餘日,……人相殺而食,……兗等率城中饑民食以麴,號「宰務」,日殺以餉軍
  97. Ouyang Xiu; et al. Historical Records of the Five Dynasties .; 《新五代史·卷五十一·杂传第三十九·朱守殷等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 光遠嬰城固守,自夏至冬,城中人相食幾盡
  98. Xue Juzheng; et al. Old History of the Five Dynasties .; 《旧五代史·卷一百九(汉书)·列传六》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 城中糧盡,殺人為食。
  99. Xue Juzheng; et al. Old History of the Five Dynasties .; 《旧五代史·卷一百九(汉书)·列传六》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 經年糧盡,遂殺人充食。思綰嘗對眾取人膽以酒吞之
  100. Chen Shou. Records of the Three Kingdoms .; 《三国志·卷十·魏书十·荀彧荀攸贾诩传》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 太祖軍乘氏,大饑,人相食。
  101. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书·卷四·帝纪第四·惠帝》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 張方大掠洛中,還長安。於是軍中大餒,人相食。
  102. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷六十一·列传第三十一·周浚等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. (潘)滔、(毕)邈等劫(司马)越出關,……縱兵寇抄,茹食居人,交屍塞路,暴骨盈野。
  103. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷六十三·列传第三十三·邵续等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 時大饑,賊帥侯都等每略人而食之
  104. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百四·载记第四·石勒上》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 勒所過路次,皆堅壁清野,采掠無所獲,軍中大饑,士衆相食。
  105. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百十四·载记第十四·苻坚下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 將軍李辯等擊敗之,斬首千八百級,分其屍而食之。
  106. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百十五·载记第十五 苻丕等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 士眾從之,啖死人肉,輒飽健能鬥。
  107. Wei Shou. Book of Wei .; 《魏书·卷五十八·列传第四十六·杨播》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 斬昱下統帥三十七人,皆令蜀兵刳腹取心食之。
  108. Ouyang Xiu; et al. New Book of Tang .; 《新唐书·卷八十七·列传第十二 萧辅沈李梁》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 勒所部略婦人孺兒分烹之,……收確於坐,並從者數十悉饔之,以饗左右
  109. Ouyang Xiu; et al. New Book of Tang .; 《新唐书·卷一百一十一·列传第三十六 郭二张三王苏薛程唐》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 不見虜,糧盡還。人饑相食
  110. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷一百七十二·列传第一百二十二·令狐楚等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 徐無兵食,乃分遣賊帥攻剽淮南諸郡,……淮南之民多為賊所啖。……淮卒五千人皆被生縶送徐州,為賊蒸而食之
  111. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书· 卷二百下·列传第一百五十·朱泚 黄巢 秦宗权》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 官軍皆執山砦百姓,鬻于賊為食,人獲數十萬
  112. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书· 卷二百下·列传第一百五十·朱泚 黄巢 秦宗权》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 賊俘人而食,日殺數千。賊有舂磨砦,為巨碓數百,生納人於臼碎之,合骨而食
  113. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书· 卷二百下·列传第一百五十·朱泚 黄巢 秦宗权》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 賊既乏食,啖人為儲,軍士四出,則鹽屍而從。
  114. Ouyang Xiu; et al. New Book of Tang .; 《新唐书·卷一百八十七·列传第一百一十二 二王诸葛李孟》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 是時大亂後,野無遺稈,部卒日剽人以食。
  115. Xue Juzheng; et al. Old History of the Five Dynasties .; 《旧五代史·卷二十六(唐书)·武皇纪下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 時歲饑,軍乏食,脯屍肉而食之。
  116. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷二百五十七·列传第十六· 吴廷祚等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 處耘釋所俘體肥者數十人,令左右分啖之
  117. Ban Gu. Book of Han .; 《汉书·卷九十九下·王莽传第六十九下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 傳莽首詣更始,縣宛市,百姓共提擊之,或切食其舌。
  118. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百·列传第七十·王弥等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 於是斬曾,而昌、胤臠其肉而啖之。
  119. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百五·载记第五·石勒下等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 勒囊盛于百尺樓自上扑殺之,令步都等妻子刳而食之。
  120. Wei Shou. Book of Wei .; 《魏书·卷十六·列传第四·道武七王》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 其先犯乘輿者,羣臣於城南都街生臠割而食之。
  121. Shen Yue. Book of Song .; 《宋书·卷九十九·列传第五十九·二凶》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 張超之…..為亂兵所殺。割腸刳心,臠剖其肉,諸將生噉之,焚其頭骨。
  122. Xiao Zixian. Book of Qi .; 《南齐书· 卷五十七·列传第三十八·魏虏》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 虜追軍獲瑤起,王肅募人臠食其肉。
  123. Li Yanshou. History of the Southern Dynasties .; 《南史·卷五十六·列传第四十六·张弘策等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 官軍捕文明斬於東市,張氏親屬臠食之。
  124. Yao Silian. Book of Liang .; 《梁书·卷五十六·列传第五十·侯景》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 百姓爭取屠膾啖食,焚骨揚灰。
  125. Li Yanshou. History of the Northern Dynasties .; 《北史·卷七·齐本纪中第七》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 帝命刳其五藏,使九人分食之,肉及穢惡皆盡。
  126. Wei Zheng. Book of Sui .; 《隋书·卷七十四·列传第三十九·酷吏》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 仇人剖其棺,臠其肉而啖之,斯須鹹盡。
  127. Wei Zheng. Book of Sui .; 《隋书·卷二十五·志第二十·刑法》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 及楊玄感反,帝誅之,罪及九族,……命公卿已下,臠噉其肉
  128. Wei Zheng. Book of Sui .; 《隋书·卷七十·列传第三十五·杨玄感》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 公卿百僚並親擊射,臠割其肉,多有噉者。噉後烹煮
  129. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷五十五·列传第五 薛举等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 怒其不降,磔於猛火之上,漸割以啖軍士
  130. Ouyang Xiu; et al. New Book of Tang .; 《新唐书·卷二百七·列传第一百三十二·宦者上》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 截手足,剔肉以食,肉盡乃得死。
  131. Xue Juzheng; et al. Old History of the Five Dynasties .; 《旧五代史·卷一百三十五·僭伪列传二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 推之伏锧,令軍士割其肉生啖之。
  132. Ouyang Xiu; et al. Historical Records of the Five Dynasties .; 《新五代史·卷三十九·杂传第二十七·王镕等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 守光圍之百餘日,……人相殺而食,……兗等率城中饑民食以麴,號「宰務」,日殺以餉軍
  133. Xue Juzheng; et al. Old History of the Five Dynasties .; 《旧五代史·卷二十九(唐书)·庄宗纪三》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 皆折足送行台,鎮人請醢而食之
  134. Xue Juzheng; et al. Old History of the Five Dynasties .; 《旧五代史·卷七十(唐书)·列传二十二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 持刀刲割其膚,燃鑊於前,自取啖食
  135. Ouyang Xiu; et al. Historical Records of the Five Dynasties .; 《新五代史·卷六十八·闽世家第八》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 磔文傑於市,閩人爭以瓦石投之,臠食立盡。
  136. Ouyang Xiu; et al. Historical Records of the Five Dynasties .; 《新五代史·卷五十一·杂传第三十九·朱守殷等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 責其劫父,臠而食之
  137. Xue Juzheng; et al. Old History of the Five Dynasties .; 《旧五代史·卷九十八(晋书)·列传十三》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 勛使人剖其心以祭死者,市人爭其肉而食之。
  138. Xue Juzheng; et al. Old History of the Five Dynasties .; 《旧五代史·卷一百(汉书)·高祖纪下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 磔死於市,市人爭啖其肉。
  139. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷四百八十三·列传第二百四十二·世家六》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 擒文表臠而食之。
  140. Fang Xuanling. Book of Jin .; 《晋书· 卷一百六·载记第六·石季龙上》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 內諸比丘尼有姿色者,與其交褻而殺之,合牛羊肉煮而食之
  141. Wei Zheng. Book of Sui .; 《隋书·卷二十五·志第二十·刑法》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 意有不快,則手自屠裂,或命左右臠噉
  142. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史·卷二百五十·列传第九· 石守信等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 引所犯以手捽斷其耳,大嚼,卮酒下之
  143. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷四百六十三·列传第二百二十二·外戚上》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 強市民家子女備給使,小不如意,即殺食之
  144. Wei Zheng. Book of Sui .; 《隋书·卷八十一·列传第四十六•东夷》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 收取鬬死者,共聚而食之,……南境風俗少異,人有死者,邑里共食之。
  145. Liu Xu; et al. Old Book of Tang .; 《旧唐书·卷六十七·列传第十七 李靖等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 勣對之號慟,割股肉以啖之,曰:「生死永訣,此肉同歸於土矣。」
  146. Toqto'a; et al. History of Liao .; 《新五代史·卷五十一·杂传第三十九·朱守殷等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 光遠嬰城固守,自夏至冬,城中人相食幾盡
  147. Symeon of Durham (1855). The Historical Works of Simeon of Durham. The Church Historians of England. Vol. III, Part II. Translated by Joseph Stevenson. London: Seeleys. p. 551. So great a famine prevailed that men, compelled by hunger, devoured human flesh, that of horses, dogs, and cats, and whatever custom abhors.
  148. Heng, Geraldine (2003). Empire of Magic: Medieval Romance and the Politics of Cultural Fantasy. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 23–24.
  149. Peters, Edward (1998). The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 84.
  150. Maugh, Thomas (7 September 2000). "Conclusive evidence of American Indian cannibalism found". The Seattle Times.
  151. Bell, Christopher (24 May 2016). "A Tibetan Ritual Master's Objects of Power". Dissertation Reviews.
  152. Gentry, J. (2013). Substance and Sense: Objects of Power in the Life, Writings, and Legacy of the Tibetan Ritual Master Sog bzlog pa Blo gros rgyal mtshan (PDF) (PhD Thesis). Harvard University. p. 69.
  153. "The Fall of the Egyptian Old Kingdom". BBC. 17 February 2011. Retrieved 20 November 2014.
  154. Tannahill, Reay (1975). Flesh and Blood: A History of the Cannibal Complex. New York: Stein and Day. pp. 47–55. ISBN   978-0-8128-1756-0.
  155. Classen, A. (2008). Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: New Approaches to a Fundamental Cultural-Historical and Literary-Anthropological Theme. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture. De Gruyter. p. 405. ISBN   978-3-11-020940-2 . Retrieved 9 October 2022.
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  174. History of Cannibalism in China in (in Chinese Wikiversity)
  175. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷三百·列传第五十九·杨偕等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 河北大饑,人相食
  176. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Liao .; 《辽史· 卷二十八·本纪第二十八·天祚皇帝二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 民削榆皮食之,既而人相食。
  177. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷六十七·志第二十·五行五》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 山東郡國大饑,人相食。時金人陷京東諸郡,民聚為盜,至車載乾屍為糧。
  178. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷六十七·志第二十·五行五》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 三年春,建康府大饑,人相食。
  179. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Jin .; 《金史· 卷二十三·志第四·五行》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 是春,河朔人相食
  180. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷四百二十四·列传第一百八十三·陆持之》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 歲大饑,人相食
  181. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷六十七·志第二十·五行五》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 襄陽飢,人相食。
  182. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷二十二·本纪第二十二·武宗一》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 河南、山東大饑,有父食其子者
  183. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷五十·志第三上·五行一》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 天曆元年八月,陝西大旱,人相食。 ; 《元史· 卷一百七十五·列传第六十二·张珪等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 天曆二年,關中大旱,饑民相食
  184. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷三十三·本纪第三十三·文宗二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 河南府路以兵、旱民饑,食人肉事覺者五十一人
  185. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史·卷五十一·志第三下·五行二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 至正二年,彰德、大同二郡及冀寧平晉、榆次、徐溝縣,汾州孝義縣,忻州皆大旱,自春至秋不雨,人有相食者。
  186. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史·卷五十一·志第三下·五行二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 三年,衞輝、冀寧、忻州大饑,人相食
  187. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史·卷五十一·志第三下·五行二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 四年,……濟寧路兖州,汴梁鄢陵、通許、陳留、臨潁等縣大水害稼,人相食。……益都霖雨,饑民有相食者。……霸州大飢,人相食。
  188. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史·卷五十一·志第三下·五行二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 五年春,東平路須城、東阿、陽穀三縣及徐州大饑,人相食
  189. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷四十一·本纪第四十一·顺帝四》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 彰德路大饑,民相食。
  190. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷一百九十二·列传第七十九·良吏二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 至正八年,來為衞輝路總管……,歲大饑,人相食,死者過半
  191. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史·卷五十一·志第三下·五行二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 九年春,膠州大饑,人相食
  192. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史·卷五十一·志第三下·五行二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 十二年,蘄州、黃州大旱,人相食
  193. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷一百四十三·列传第三十·马祖常等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 行中書于淮東,……春夏大饑,人相食
  194. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史·卷五十一·志第三下·五行二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 十四年,懷慶河內縣、孟州,汴梁祥符縣,福建泉州,湖南永州、寶慶,廣西梧州皆大旱。祥符旱魃再見,泉州種不入土,人相食。……十四年春,浙東台州,江東饒,閩海福州、邵武、汀州,江西龍興、建昌、吉安、臨江,廣西靜江等郡皆大饑,人相食。
  195. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷四十三·本纪第四十三·顺帝六》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 京師大饑,加以疫癘,民有父子相食者。
  196. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史·卷五十一·志第三下·五行二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 京師大飢,人相食,彰德、山東亦如之,……莒州家人自相食,岐山人相食。……廣平人相食。
  197. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史·卷五十一·志第三下·五行二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 十九年正月至五月,……通州民劉五殺其子而食之,……濟南及…..等縣皆大飢,人相食。……十九年,大都霸州、……(以下50余處地名略),又罄,則人相食。
  198. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷一百九十六·列传第八十三·忠义四》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 时京师大饥,……民父子有相食者
  199. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史·卷五十一·志第三下·五行二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 二十二年,河南洛陽、孟津、偃師三縣大旱,人相食
  200. Zhang Tingyu; et al. History of Ming .; 《明史·卷三十·志第六·五行三(金 土)·年饥》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 北畿、山東並飢,發塋墓,斫道樹殆盡。父子或相食。
  201. Zhang Tingyu; et al. History of Ming .; 《明史·卷十四·本纪第十四·宪宗二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 陝西、山西大旱饑,人相食。
  202. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷一百五十三·列传第四十·刘敏等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 中都降,……時城中絕粒,人相食
  203. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷四百七十七·列传第二百三十六·叛臣下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 時全在圍一年,食牛馬及人且盡,將自食其軍。初軍民數十萬,至是餘數千矣。
  204. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Jin .; 《金史· 卷十八·本紀第十八·哀宗下》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 京城人相食。
  205. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Jin .; 《金史· 卷一百二十三·列传第六十一·忠义三》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 城中糧盡,人相食,黑漢殺其愛妾啖士,士爭殺其妻子。
  206. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷四百一十二·列传第一百七十一·孟珙》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 老弱互食,諸軍日以人畜骨和芹泥食之,又往往斬敗軍全隊,拘其肉以食
  207. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷六十七·志第二十·五行五》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 揚州谷價騰踴,民相食
  208. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷四百五十一·列传第二百一十·忠义六》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 瀘州食盡,人相食
  209. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷二百六·列传第九十三·叛臣》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 家賦之鹽,令以人為食。
  210. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷一百九十四·列传第八十一·忠义二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 城中餓者仆道上,即取啖之,……而後父子夫婦老穉更相食
  211. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷一百九十五·列传第八十二·忠义三》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 又盡,掘鼠羅雀,及殺老弱以食。
  212. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史·卷三百六十九·列传第一百二十八·张俊》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 五湖捕魚人夏寧聚眾千餘,掠人為食
  213. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷四百七十六·列傳第二百三十五·叛臣中》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 寶貨山委而不得食,相率食人。
  214. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷一百五十一·列传第三十八·薛塔剌海等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 民皆穴地以避之,盜發地而噉其人
  215. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Jin .; 《金史· 卷一百十三·列传第五十一·完颜赛不等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 哭聲相接,屍骸盈野。都尉高祿謙、苗用秀輩仍掠人食之
  216. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷一百六十八·列传第五十五·陈祐(天祥)等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 軍中乏糧,人自相食
  217. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷二百一·列传第八十八·列女二》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 平章刘哈剌不花兵乏食,执仲义欲烹之
  218. Zhang Tingyu; et al. History of Ming .; 《明史·卷一百二十二·列传第十·郭子兴 韩林儿》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 所過焚劫,至啖老弱為糧
  219. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷四百四十六·列传第二百五·忠义一》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 賊怒,臠其肉,使自啖之。
  220. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷四百五十三·列传第二百一十二·忠义八》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 知微不屈,忠怒,臠而食之。
  221. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Jin .; 《金史· 卷一百十七·列传第五十五·徒单益都等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 為怨家田福一軍臠食而盡
  222. Song Lian. History of Yuan .; 《元史· 卷一百九十三·列传第八十·忠义一》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 賊怒,縛景茂於樹,臠其肉,使自啖
  223. Zhang Tingyu; et al. History of Ming .; 《明史·卷一百六十六·列传第五十四·韩观等》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 把縛俘囚,置高竿,集健卒亂射殺之,復割裂肢體,烹啖諸壯士。
  224. Toqto'a ; et al. History of Song .; 《宋史· 卷四百九十五·列传第二百五十四·蛮夷三》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 嗜小兒肉,每食必殺小兒。
  225. Zhang Tingyu; et al. History of Ming .; 《明史·卷一百十六·列传第四·诸王》  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 得(朱)有熺掠食生人肝脑诸不法事,于是并免为庶人
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