"Chinese bridge" redirects here. For the language competition, see Chinese Bridge.
This list of bridges in China includes notable bridges. China has a long history in bridge construction. The oldest bridge still in existence in China is the Anji Bridge, constructed during the years between 595 and 605.
During the infrastructure boom of the past two decades, bridge-building has proceeded at a rapid pace on a vast scale. Prior to the completion of the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge in 1957, there were no bridges across the Yangtze River, China's longest, from Yibin to Shanghai, and all overland roads and railways crossing this 2,884km (1,792mi.) stretch of the river had to be ferried. There were only seven such bridges in 1992, but that number reached 73 by the end of 2012, including eight new openings in that year alone.
China has been pushing the boundaries of bridge construction with many record breaking bridges, including:
Qinglan Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge in Wenchang. It is considered the most earthquake-resistant bridge in China being able to handle one at a magnitude of 8.5 on the Richter scale.[89]
Puqian Bridge, an under-construction bridge in the northeast part of Hainan, over the entrance to Dongzhai Harbor
↑ This title strictly applies only to the sum of attributes given (O’Connor, Colin: Roman Bridges, Cambridge University Press 1993, ISBN0-521-39326-4, p.171): Various Roman stone pillar bridges featured wooden open-spandrel segmental arches as early as the 2nd century CE, among them Trajan's bridge, the longest bridge of the world to have been built for over a thousand years. Also, a dozen or more Roman close-spandrel stone segmental arch bridges are known from the 1st century BC onwards, such as the Ponte San Lorenzo (Padua), Alconétar Bridge and the Makestos Bridge (Turkey), the last having half-open spandrels. The 27 segmental arches of the Bridge at Limyra (300 ce) feature span to rise ratios between 5.3 and 6.5 to 1, making it an earlier example of a stone quarter circle segmental arch bridge. This leaves the Anji bridge the title of "the oldest open-spandrel stone quarter circle segmental arch bridge in the world".
↑ The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is a mixed road / rail bridge which has a common part over the Yangtze, the two tracks branch off on either side of the central structure. The road section measures a total of 4,588 meters, the rail section 6,772 meters and the main truss structure 1,576 meters.[26]
↑ The length given only takes into account the main bridge, central span(s) and shore span(s), approach viaducts are not counted.
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