List of countries by literacy rate

Last updated

World map of countries shaded according to the literacy rate for all people aged 15 and over World map of countries by literacy rate.svg
World map of countries shaded according to the literacy rate for all people aged 15 and over

This is a list of countries by literacy rate.

The global literacy rate for all people aged 15 and above is 86.3%. The global literacy rate for all males is 90.0%, and the rate for all females is 82.7%. The rate varies throughout the world, with developed nations having a rate of 99.2% (2013), South and West Asia having 70.2% (2015), and sub-Saharan Africa at 64.0% (2015). [1] Over 75% of the world's 781 million illiterate adults are found in South Asia, West Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa, and women represent almost two-thirds of all illiterate adults globally. [2]


List of UN member states by age group and gender disparity

Data published by UNESCO using the following definitions: [3]

Youth: Percentage of people aged 15 to 24 years who can both read and write, with understanding, a short simple statement on their everyday life. Generally, "literacy" also encompasses "numeracy", the ability to make simple arithmetic calculations.

Adult: Percentage of the population aged 25 years and over who can both read and write, with understanding, a short simple statement on his/her everyday life. Generally, "literacy" also encompasses "numeracy", the ability to make simple arithmetic calculations.

Elderly: Percentage of the population aged 65 years and over who can both read and write, with understanding, a short simple statement on their everyday life. Generally, "literacy" also encompasses "numeracy", the ability to make simple arithmetic calculations.

Gender Parity Index (GPI): The gender parity index (GPI) of the youth literacy rate is the ratio of the female to male literacy rates of the population aged 15 to 24 years. A GPI value between 0.97 and 1.03 is usually interpreted to indicate gender parity.

"*"indicates "Literacy in country or territory" or "Education in country or territory" links.

(15 to 24)
Youth Gender
Parity Index
Flag of the Taliban.svg Afghanistan * 65.02020 [4] 31.7201120.320110.52011
Flag of Albania.svg Albania * 99.2201297.2201286.920121.02012
Flag of Algeria.svg Algeria * 93.8200875.1200819.520081.02008
Flag of American Samoa.svg American Samoa * 97.7198097.3198092.719801.01980
Flag of Andorra.svg Andorra *
Flag of Angola.svg Angola * 77.4201466.0201427.020140.82014
Flag of Anguilla.svg Anguilla * 99.1198495.4198488.019841.01984
Flag of Antigua and Barbuda.svg Antigua and Barbuda * 98.92015
Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina * 99.5201699.1201697.920161.02016
Flag of Armenia.svg Armenia * 99.8201199.7201198.920111.02011
Flag of Aruba.svg Aruba * 99.1201096.8201088.920101.02010
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Australia * 96.6
Flag of Austria.svg Austria *
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Azerbaijan * 99.9201699.8201698.420161.02016
Flag of the Bahamas.svg Bahamas
Flag of Bahrain.svg Bahrain * 97.0200186.5200142.320011.02001
Flag of Bangladesh.svg Bangladesh * 94.9201974.7201939.420191.032019
Flag of Barbados.svg Barbados * 99.9201499.6201498.520141.02014
Flag of Belarus.svg Belarus * 99.8200999.6200998.620091.02009
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium *
Flag of Belize.svg Belize * 77.6199170.3199144.819911.01991
Flag of Benin.svg Benin * 52.5201232.920127.020120.62012
Flag of Bermuda.svg Bermuda *
Flag of Bhutan.svg Bhutan * 87.3201257.0201214.920120.92012
Flag of Bolivia.svg Bolivia * 99.4201592.5201567.520151.02015
Flag of Bonaire.svg Bonaire
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg Bosnia and Herzegovina * 99.7201397.0201386.020131.02013
Flag of Botswana.svg Botswana * 97.7201487.7201440.720141.02014
Flag of Brazil.svg Brazil * 99.7202092.0201574.320151.02015
Flag of the British Virgin Islands.svg British Virgin Islands *
Flag of Brunei.svg Brunei * 99.4201196.1201161.620111.02011
Flag of Bulgaria.svg Bulgaria * 97.9201198.4201197.520111.02011
Flag of Burkina Faso.svg Burkina Faso * 50.1201434.620148.420140.82014
Flag of Burundi.svg Burundi * 79.6201461.6201424.920140.92014
Flag of Cape Verde.svg Cape Verde * 98.1201586.8201536.820151.02015
Flag of Cambodia.svg Cambodia * 92.2201580.5201553.120151.02015
Flag of Cameroon.svg Cameroon * 80.6201071.3201026.120100.92010
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Canada *
Flag of the Cayman Islands.svg Cayman Islands * 98.9200798.9200794.720071.02007
Flag of the Central African Republic.svg Central African Republic * 36.4201036.8201035.720100.62010
Flag of Chad.svg Chad * 30.8201622.320167.020160.62016
Flag of Chile.svg Chile * 99.4201596.9201589.920151.02015
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China * 99.8 [5] 201896.8 [6] 201873.920101.0 [7] 2018
Flag of Hong Kong.svg Hong Kong *
Flag of Macau.svg Macau * 99.8201696.5201681.220161.02016
Flag of Colombia.svg Colombia * 98.7201694.7201681.420161.02016
Flag of the Comoros.svg Comoros * 71.6201249.2201212.820120.92012
Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg Congo * 80.9201179.3201173.120110.92011
Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg DR Congo * 85.0201677.0201648.020160.92016
Flag of the Cook Islands.svg Cook Islands *
Flag of Costa Rica.svg Costa Rica * 99.1201197.4201190.420111.02011
Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg Ivory Coast * 53.0201443.9201418.020140.82014
Flag of Croatia.svg Croatia * 99.7201199.1201197.120111.02011
Flag of Cuba.svg Cuba * 99.9201299.8201299.220121.02012
Flag of Curacao.svg Curaçao
Flag of Cyprus.svg Cyprus * 99.8201198.7201193.820111.02011
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czech Republic *
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark *
Flag of Djibouti.svg Djibouti *
Flag of Dominica.svg Dominica *
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg Dominican Republic * 98.8201693.8201679.820161.02016
Flag of Ecuador.svg Ecuador * 99.1201694.4201677.720161.02016
Flag of Egypt.svg Egypt * 93.9201771.2201743.220131.02017
Flag of El Salvador.svg El Salvador * 98.0201688.5201765.720161.02016
Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg Equatorial Guinea * 98.2201495.0201467.220141.02014
Flag of Eritrea.svg Eritrea * 87.0200864.7200820.920080.92008
Flag of Estonia.svg Estonia * 99.9201199.9201199.720111.02011
Flag of Eswatini.svg Eswatini * 93.5201083.1201045.220101.02010
Flag of Ethiopia.svg Ethiopia * 55.0200739.0200713.620070.72007
Flag of the Faroe Islands.svg Faroe Islands *
Flag of the Falkland Islands.svg Falkland Islands *
Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji *
Flag of Finland.svg Finland *
Flag of France.svg France *
Flag of France.svg French Guiana * 91.3198282.9198269.71982
Flag of French Polynesia.svg French Polynesia *
Flag of Gabon.svg Gabon * 88.5201282.3201260.620121.02012
Flag of The Gambia.svg Gambia * 60.8201342.0201310.420130.92013
Flag of Georgia.svg Georgia * 99.7201499.6201499.120141.02014
Flag of Germany.svg Germany *
Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana * 85.7201071.5201034.920100.92010
Flag of Gibraltar.svg Gibraltar *
Flag of Greece.svg Greece * 98.8201197.4201192.520111.02011
Flag of Greenland.svg Greenland * [8] 100.020151.02015
Flag of Grenada.svg Grenada * 99.2201498.6201496.220141.02014
Flag of France.svg Guadeloupe * 99.8201496.0201482.920141.02014
Flag of Guam.svg Guam * 99.9199099.4199095.919901.01990
Flag of Guatemala.svg Guatemala * 94.4201481.3201450.720141.02014
Flag of Guinea.svg Guinea * 46.3201432.0201413.120140.72014
Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg Guinea-Bissau * 60.4201445.6201419.520140.72014
Flag of Guyana.svg Guyana * 96.7201485.6201449.920141.02014
Flag of Haiti.svg Haiti * 72.3200648.720068.520060.92006
Flag of the Vatican City - 2001 version.svg Holy See
Flag of Honduras.svg Honduras * 96.1201689.0201666.320161.02016
Flag of Hungary.svg Hungary * 98.8201499.1201499.120141.02014
Flag of Iceland.svg Iceland *
Flag of India.svg India * 95.7201875.4201845.420180.972018
Flag of Indonesia.svg Indonesia * 99.7201695.4201670.120161.02016
Flag of Iran.svg Iran * 98.1201685.5201636.820161.02016
Flag of Iraq.svg Iraq * 93.5201785.6201720.420130.92013
Flag of Ireland.svg Ireland *
Flag of the Isle of Man.svg Isle of Man *
Flag of Israel.svg Israel * 98.6198391.8198379.819831.01983
Flag of Italy.svg Italy * 99.9201198.8201196.720111.02011
Flag of Jamaica.svg Jamaica * 96.3201488.1201466.620141.12014
Flag of Japan.svg Japan *
Flag of Jordan.svg Jordan * 99.1201297.9201287.720121.02012
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Kazakhstan * 99.9201099.8201099.520101.02010
Flag of Kenya.svg Kenya * 86.5201478.7201454.020141.02014
Flag of Kiribati.svg Kiribati *
Flag of North Korea.svg North Korea * 100.02008100.02008100.020081.02008
Flag of South Korea.svg South Korea *
Flag of Kuwait.svg Kuwait * 99.2201796.1201869.520151.02017
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Kyrgyzstan * 99.8200999.2200992.520091.02009
Flag of Laos.svg Laos * 92.5201584.7201558.620151.02015
Flag of Latvia.svg Latvia * 99.8201199.9201199.920111.02011
Flag of Lebanon.svg Lebanon * 99.2200991.2200960.220091.02009
Flag of Lesotho.svg Lesotho * 86.6201476.6201451.420141.22014
Flag of Liberia.svg Liberia * 49.1200742.9200732.820070.62007
Flag of Libya.svg Libya * 99.6200486.1200424.220041.02004
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg Liechtenstein *
Flag of Lithuania.svg Lithuania * 99.9201199.8201199.820111.02011
Flag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg *
Flag of Madagascar.svg Madagascar * 76.8201271.6201249.420121.02012
Flag of Malawi.svg Malawi * 72.9201562.1201535.120151.02015
Flag of Malaysia.svg Malaysia * 98.2200189.5200147.120011.02001
Flag of Maldives.svg Maldives * 99.3201498.6201492.820141.02014
Flag of Mali.svg Mali * 49.4201533.1201513.620150.62015
Flag of Malta.svg Malta * 98.9201193.3201185.820111.02011
Flag of the Marshall Islands.svg Marshall Islands * 98.5201198.3201189.420111.02011
Flag-of-Martinique.svg Martinique 99.8201496.9201488.120141.02014
Flag of Mauritania.svg Mauritania * 56.1200745.5200726.620070.72007
Flag of Mauritius.svg Mauritius * 98.1201193.2201664.620111.02011
Flag of France.svg Mayotte
Flag of Mexico.svg Mexico * 99.1201694.9201678.920161.02016
Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia.svg Micronesia *
Flag of Monaco.svg Monaco *
Flag of Mongolia.svg Mongolia * 98.5201098.3201094.620101.02010
Flag of Montenegro.svg Montenegro * 99.2201198.4201193.920111.02011
Flag of Montserrat.svg Montserrat *
Flag of Morocco.svg Morocco * 97.7 [9] 201873.8 [9] 201834.1 [9] 20180.99 [10] 2018
Flag of Mozambique.svg Mozambique * 70.5201556.0201526.020150.82015
Flag of Myanmar.svg Myanmar * 84.8201675.6201658.220161.02016
Flag of Namibia.svg Namibia * 94.4201188.3201156.720111.02011
Flag of Nauru.svg Nauru *
Flag of Nepal.svg Nepal * 84.8201168201820.820110.92011
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands *
Flags of New Caledonia.svg New Caledonia 99.2201497.8201490.620141.02014
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand *
Flag of Nicaragua.svg Nicaragua * 87.0200578.0200549.220051.02005
Flag of Niger.svg Niger * 39.8201230.6201213.720120.72012
Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria * 66.4200851.1200821.620080.82008
Flag of Niue.svg Niue *
Flag of North Macedonia.svg North Macedonia * 98.7200296.1200282.520021.02002
Flag of the Northern Mariana Islands.svg Northern Mariana Islands *
Flag of Norway.svg Norway *
Flag of Oman.svg Oman * 98.7201796.1201741.920161.02017
Flag of Pakistan.svg Pakistan * 74.5201759.1201727.120170.832017
Flag of Palau.svg Palau * 98.7201596.6201584.720151.02015
Flag of Palestine.svg Palestine 99 [11] 202097 [11] 201963.920161.13 [11] 2016
Flag of Panama.svg Panama * 97.6201094.1201080.920101.02010
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg Papua New Guinea * 67.9201061.6201033.020101.12010
Flag of Paraguay.svg Paraguay * 98.5201694.7201677.820161.02016
Flag of Peru.svg Peru * 98.9201694.1201777.720161.02016
Flag of the Philippines.svg Philippines * 98.1201396.4201390.120131.02013
Flag of the Pitcairn Islands.svg Pitcairn Islands
Flag of Poland.svg Poland * 99.8200898.7200893.020081.02008
Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal * 99.4201194.5201180.520111.02011
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg Puerto Rico * 98.8201092.4201784.520101.02010
Flag of Qatar.svg Qatar * 95.9200489.0200441.020041.02004
Flag of Moldova.svg Moldova * 99.5201299.1201295.820121.02012
Flag of Romania.svg Romania * 99.0201198.6201196.820111.02011
Flag of Russia.svg Russia * 99.7201099.7201099.220101.02010
Flag of Rwanda.svg Rwanda * 85.1201470.8201424.320141.02014
Flag of France.svg Réunion 95.7198278.6198242.019821.01982
Flag of Saint Helena.svg Saint Helena * 96.01998
Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis.svg Saint Kitts and Nevis *
Flag of Saint Lucia.svg Saint Lucia *
Flag of France.svg Saint Pierre and Miquelon 99.5198299.3198298.519821.01982
Flag of France.svg Saint Martin
Flag of Samoa.svg Samoa * 99.2201199.0201196.320111.02011
Flag of San Marino.svg San Marino *
Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg São Tomé and Príncipe * 96.7201290.1201249.620121.02012
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Saudi Arabia * 99.2201394.4201351.420131.02013
Flag of Senegal.svg Senegal * 69.5201751.9201721.520130.82017
Flag of Serbia.svg Serbia * 99.7201698.8201696.620161.02016
Flag of Seychelles.svg Seychelles 99.0201094.0201071.520101.02010
Flag of Sierra Leone.svg Sierra Leone * 57.0201332.420133.720130.82013
Flag of Singapore.svg Singapore * 99.9201697.0201684.020151.02016
Flag of Sint Maarten.svg Sint Maarten
Flag of Slovakia.svg Slovakia *
Flag of Slovenia.svg Slovenia * 99.8201499.7201499.320141.02014
Flag of the Solomon Islands.svg Solomon Islands * 76.61999
Flag of Somalia.svg Somalia *
Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa * 99.0201594.4201572.120151.02015
Flag of South Sudan.svg South Sudan * 36.7200826.8200811.020080.72008
Flag of Spain.svg Spain * 99.6201698.3201694.720161.02016
Flag of Sri Lanka.svg Sri Lanka * 98.9201791.9201781.020161.02017
Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg Saint Vincent and the Grenadines * 98.0197095.6197091.019701.01970
Flag of Sudan.svg Sudan * 65.8200853.5200824.320080.92008
Flag of Suriname.svg Suriname * 97.7201292.9201276.020121.02012
Flag of Norway.svg Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden *
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland *
Flag of Syria.svg Syria * 92.5200480.8200439.020041.02004
Flag of Tajikistan.svg Tajikistan * 99.9201499.8201498.120141.02014
Flag of Tanzania.svg Tanzania * 85.8201577.9201543.520151.02015
Flag of Thailand.svg Thailand * 98.1201592.9201578.720151.02015
Flag of East Timor.svg Timor-Leste * 79.5201058.3201011.220101.02010
Flag of Togo (3-2).svg Togo * 84.3201563.7201520.420150.92015
Flag of Tokelau.svg Tokelau *
Flag of Tonga.svg Tonga * 99.4201199.4201198.920111.02011
Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and Tobago * 99.3199096.9199082.819901.01990
Flag of Tunisia.svg Tunisia * 96.2201479.0201439.820141.02014
Flag of Turkey.svg Turkey * 99.6201696.2201688.120161.02016
Flag of Turkmenistan.svg Turkmenistan * 99.8201499.7201497.620141.02014
Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands.svg Turks and Caicos Islands
Flag of Tuvalu.svg Tuvalu *
Flag of Uganda.svg Uganda * 83.7201270.2201236.120121.02012
Flag of Ukraine.svg Ukraine * 100.02012100.02012100.020121.02012
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab Emirates * 95.0200590.0200542.120051.02005
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom *
Flag of the United States.svg United States *
Flag of the United States Virgin Islands.svg U.S. Virgin Islands *
Flag of Uruguay.svg Uruguay * 98.9201798.6201797.120161.02017
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Uzbekistan * 100.02016100.0201699.820161.02016
Flag of Vanuatu.svg Vanuatu * 95.3201484.7201444.220141.02014
Flag of Venezuela.svg Venezuela * 98.8201697.1201688.120161.02016
Flag of Vietnam.svg Vietnam * 97.1200995.8201976.920091.02009
Flag of France.svg Wallis and Futuna
Flag of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.svg Western Sahara
Flag of Yemen.svg Yemen * 77.0200454.1200413.720040.72004
Flag of Zambia.svg Zambia * 88.7201083.0201052.320100.92010
Flag of Zimbabwe.svg Zimbabwe * 90.4201488.7201481.120141.12014

List of UN member and observer states by adult literacy rate

"*"indicates "Literacy in country or territory" or "Education in country or territory" links.

CountryLiteracy rate [12] [13] [ text–source integrity? ]
TotalMaleFemaleGender gapYear
Flag of the Taliban.svg Afghanistan * 37.3%52.1%22.6%29.5%2021
Flag of Albania.svg Albania * 98.1%98.5%97.8%0.7%2018
Flag of Algeria.svg Algeria * 81.4%87.4%75.3%12.1%2018
Flag of Andorra.svg Andorra * 100.0%100.0%100.0%0.0%2016
Flag of Angola.svg Angola * 71.1%82.0%60.7%21.3%2015
Flag of Antigua and Barbuda.svg Antigua and Barbuda * 99.0%98.4%99.4%1.0%2015
Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina * 99.0%98.9%99.1%0.2%2018
Flag of Armenia.svg Armenia * 99.8%99.8%99.7%0.1%2020
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Australia * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Austria.svg Austria * 98.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Azerbaijan * 99.8%99.9%99.7%0.2%2019
Flag of the Bahamas.svg Bahamas 96.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Bahrain.svg Bahrain * 97.5%99.9%94.9%5.0%2018
Flag of Bangladesh.svg Bangladesh * 74.66%76.56%72.82%3.72%2022 [14]
Flag of Barbados.svg Barbados * 99.6%99.6%99.6%0.0%2014
Flag of Belarus.svg Belarus * 99.9%99.9%99.9%0.0%2019
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Belize.svg Belize * 83.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Benin.svg Benin * 42.4%54.0%31.1%22.9%2018
Flag of Bhutan.svg Bhutan * 66.6%75.0%57.1%17.9%2017
Flag of Bolivia.svg Bolivia * 92.5%96.5%88.6%7.9%2015
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg Bosnia and Herzegovina * 98.5%99.5%97.5%2.0%2015
Flag of Botswana.svg Botswana * 88.5%88.0%88.9%0.9%2015
Flag of Brazil.svg Brazil * 93.2%93.0%93.4%0.4%2018
Flag of Brunei.svg Brunei * 97.2%98.1%93.4%4.7%2018
Flag of Bulgaria.svg Bulgaria * 98.4%98.7%98.1%0.6%2015
Flag of Burkina Faso.svg Burkina Faso * 39.3%49.2%31.0%18.2%2018
Flag of Burundi.svg Burundi * 68.4%76.3%61.2%15.1%2017
Flag of Cape Verde.svg Cape Verde * 86.8%91.7%82.0%9.7%2015
Flag of Cambodia.svg Cambodia * 80.5%86.5%75.0%11.5%2015
Flag of Cameroon.svg Cameroon * 77.1%82.6%71.6%11.0%2018
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Canada * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of the Central African Republic.svg Central African Republic * 37.4%49.5%25.8%23.7%2018
Flag of Chad.svg Chad * 22.3%31.3%14.0%17.3%2016
Flag of Chile.svg Chile * 96.3%96.3%96.3%0.0%2017
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China * 96.8%98.5%95.2%3.3%2018
Flag of Colombia.svg Colombia * 95.6%95.4%95.9%0.5%2020
Flag of the Comoros.svg Comoros * 58.8%64.6%53.0%11.6%2018
Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg Congo * 80.3%86.1%74.6%11.5%2018
Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg DR Congo * 77.0%88.5%66.5%22.0%2016
Flag of Costa Rica.svg Costa Rica * 97.9%97.8%97.9%0.1%2018
Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg Ivory Coast * 89.9%93.1%86.7%6.4%2019
Flag of Croatia.svg Croatia * 99.3%99.7%98.9%0.8%2015
Flag of Cuba.svg Cuba * 99.8%99.9%99.8%0.1%2015
Flag of Cyprus.svg Cyprus * 99.1%99.5%98.7%0.8%2015
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czech Republic * 99.0%99.0%99.0%0.0%2011
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Djibouti.svg Djibouti * N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Dominica.svg Dominica * 92.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg Dominican Republic * 93.8%93.8%93.8%0.0%2016
Flag of Ecuador.svg Ecuador * 93.6%94.8%92.5%2.3%2020
Flag of Egypt.svg Egypt * 71.2%76.5%65.5%11.0%2017
Flag of El Salvador.svg El Salvador * 89.1%91.3%87.3%4.0%2019
Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg Equatorial Guinea * 95.3%97.4%93.0%4.4%2015
Flag of Eritrea.svg Eritrea * 76.6%84.4%68.9%15.5%2018
Flag of Estonia.svg Estonia * 99.8%99.8%99.8%0.0%2015
Flag of Ethiopia.svg Ethiopia * 51.8%57.2%44.4%12.8%2017
Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji * 99.1%99.1%99.1%0.0%2018
Flag of Finland.svg Finland * 100.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of France.svg France * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Gabon.svg Gabon * 84.7%85.9%83.4%2.5%2018
Flag of The Gambia.svg Gambia * 50.8%61.8%41.6%20.2%2015
Flag of Georgia.svg Georgia * 99.6%99.7%99.5%0.2%2019
Flag of Germany.svg Germany * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana * 79.0%83.5%74.5%9.0%2018
Flag of Greece.svg Greece * 97.9%98.5%97.4%1.1%2018
Flag of Grenada.svg Grenada * 98.6%98.6%98.6%0.0%2014
Flag of Guatemala.svg Guatemala * 80.8%85.3%76.7%8.6%2018
Flag of Guinea.svg Guinea * 39.6%54.4%27.7%26.7%2018
Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg Guinea-Bissau * 59.9%71.8%48.3%23.5%2015
Flag of Guyana.svg Guyana * 88.5%87.2%89.8%2.6%2015
Flag of Haiti.svg Haiti * 61.7%65.3%58.3%7.0%2016
Flag of Honduras.svg Honduras * 88.5%88.2%88.7%0.5%2019
Flag of Hungary.svg Hungary * 99.1%99.1%99.0%0.1%2015
Flag of Iceland.svg Iceland * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of India.svg India * 74.4%82.4%65.8%16.6%2011
Flag of Indonesia.svg Indonesia * 96.0%97.4%94.6%2.8%2020
Flag of Iran.svg Iran * 85.5%90.4%80.8%9.6%2016
Flag of Iraq.svg Iraq * 85.6%91.2%79.9%11.3%2017
Flag of Ireland.svg Ireland * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Israel.svg Israel * 97.8%98.7%96.8%1.9%2011
Flag of Italy.svg Italy * 99.2%99.4%99.0%0.4%2018
Flag of Jamaica.svg Jamaica * 88.7%84.0%93.1%9.1%2015
Flag of Japan.svg Japan * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Jordan.svg Jordan * 98.2%98.6%97.8%0.8%2018
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Kazakhstan * 99.8%99.8%99.7%0.1%2018
Flag of Kenya.svg Kenya * 81.5%85.0%78.2%6.8%2018
Flag of Kiribati.svg Kiribati * N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of North Korea.svg North Korea * 100.0%100.0%100.0%0.0%2015
Flag of South Korea.svg South Korea * 98.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Kuwait.svg Kuwait * 96.5%97.1%95.4%1.7%2020
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Kyrgyzstan * 99.6%99.7%99.5%0.2%2018
Flag of Laos.svg Laos * 84.7%90.0%79.4%10.6%2015
Flag of Latvia.svg Latvia * 99.9%99.9%99.9%0.0%2018
Flag of Lebanon.svg Lebanon * 95.1%96.9%93.3%3.6%2018
Flag of Lesotho.svg Lesotho * 79.4%70.1%88.3%18.2%2015
Flag of Liberia.svg Liberia * 48.3%62.7%34.1%28.6%2017
Flag of Libya.svg Libya * 91.0%96.7%85.6%11.1%2015
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg Liechtenstein * 100.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Lithuania.svg Lithuania * 99.8%99.8%99.8%0.0%2015
Flag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg * 100.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Madagascar.svg Madagascar * 76.7%78.4%75.1%3.3%2018
Flag of Malawi.svg Malawi * 62.1%69.8%55.2%14.6%2015
Flag of Malaysia.svg Malaysia * 95.0%96.2%93.6%2.6%2019
Flag of Maldives.svg Maldives * 97.7%97.3%98.1%0.8%2016
Flag of Mali.svg Mali * 35.5%46.2%25.7%20.5%2018
Flag of Malta.svg Malta * 94.5%93.0%96.0%3.0%2018
Flag of the Marshall Islands.svg Marshall Islands * 98.3%98.3%98.2%0.1%2011
Flag of Mauritania.svg Mauritania * 53.5%63.7%43.4%20.3%2017
Flag of Mauritius.svg Mauritius * 91.3%93.4%89.4%4.0%2018
Flag of Mexico.svg Mexico * 95.2%96.1%94.5%1.6%2020
Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia.svg Micronesia * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Moldova.svg Moldova * 99.4%99.7%99.1%0.6%2015
Flag of Monaco.svg Monaco * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Mongolia.svg Mongolia * 99.2%99.1%99.2%0.1%2020
Flag of Montenegro.svg Montenegro * 98.8%99.5%98.3%1.2%2018
Flag of Morocco.svg Morocco * 73.8%83.3%64.6%18.7%2018
Flag of Mozambique.svg Mozambique * 60.7%72.6%50.3%22.3%2017
Flag of Myanmar.svg Myanmar * 89.1%92.4%86.3%6.1%2019
Flag of Namibia.svg Namibia * 91.5%91.6%91.4%0.2%2018
Flag of Nauru.svg Nauru * 95.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Nepal.svg Nepal * 67.9%78.6%59.7%18.9%2018
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Nicaragua.svg Nicaragua * 82.6%82.4%82.8%0.4%2015
Flag of Niger.svg Niger * 35.1%43.6%26.7%16.9%2018
Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria * 62.0%71.3%52.7%18.6%2018
Flag of North Macedonia.svg North Macedonia * 98.4%99.1%97.6%1.5%2020
Flag of Norway.svg Norway * 100.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Oman.svg Oman * 95.7%97.0%92.7%4.3%2018
Flag of Pakistan.svg Pakistan * 58.0%69.3%46.5%22.8%2019
Flag of Palau.svg Palau * 96.6%96.8%96.3%0.5%2015
Flag of Panama.svg Panama * 95.7%98.8%95.4%3.4%2019
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg Papua New Guinea * 64.2%65.6%62.8%2.8%2015
Flag of Paraguay.svg Paraguay * 94.5%94.9%94.2%0.7%2020
Flag of Peru.svg Peru * 94.5%97.0%92.0%5.0%2020
Flag of the Philippines.svg Philippines * 96.3%95.7%96.9%1.2%2019
Flag of Poland.svg Poland * 99.8%99.9%99.7%0.2%2015
Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal * 96.1%97.4%95.1%2.3%2018
Flag of Palestine.svg Palestine 97% [11] 99%96%3%2019
Flag of Qatar.svg Qatar * 93.5%92.4%94.7%2.3%2017
Flag of Romania.svg Romania * 98.8%99.1%98.6%0.5%2018
Flag of Russia.svg Russia * 99.7%99.7%99.7%0.0%2018
Flag of Rwanda.svg Rwanda * 73.2%77.6%69.4%8.2%2018
Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis.svg Saint Kitts and Nevis * 97.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Saint Lucia.svg Saint Lucia * 90.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg Saint Vincent and the Grenadines * 96.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Samoa.svg Samoa * 99.1%99.0%99.2%0.2%2018
Flag of San Marino.svg San Marino * 99.9%99.9%99.9%0.0%2018
Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg São Tomé and Príncipe * 92.8%96.2%89.5%6.7%2018
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Saudi Arabia * 97.6%98.6%96.0%2.6%2020
Flag of Senegal.svg Senegal * 51.9%64.8%39.8%25.0%2017
Flag of Serbia.svg Serbia * 99.5%99.9%99.1%0.8%2019
Flag of Seychelles.svg Seychelles 95.9%95.4%96.4%1.0%2018
Flag of Sierra Leone.svg Sierra Leone * 43.2%51.6%39.8%11.8%2018
Flag of Singapore.svg Singapore * 97.5%98.9%96.1%2.8%2019
Flag of Slovakia.svg Slovakia * 100.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Slovenia.svg Slovenia * 99.7%99.7%99.7%0.0%2015
Flag of the Solomon Islands.svg Solomon Islands * 77.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Somalia.svg Somalia * 39.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa * 95.0%95.5%94.5%1.0%2019
Flag of South Sudan.svg South Sudan * 34.5%40.3%28.9%11.4%2018
Flag of Spain.svg Spain * 98.6%99.0%98.2%0.8%2020
Flag of Sri Lanka.svg Sri Lanka * 92.3%93.0%91.6%1.4%2019
Flag of Sudan.svg Sudan * 60.7%65.4%56.1%9.3%2018
Flag of Suriname.svg Suriname * 94.4%96.1%92.7%3.4%2018
Flag of Eswatini.svg Eswatini * 88.4%88.3%88.5%0.2%2018
Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Syria.svg Syria * 86.4%91.7%81.0%10.7%2015
Flag of the Republic of China.svg Taiwan * 98.70%99.73%97.69%2.05%2017
Flag of Tajikistan.svg Tajikistan * 99.8%99.8%99.7%0.1%2015
Flag of Tanzania.svg Tanzania * 77.9%83.2%73.1%10.1%2015
Flag of Thailand.svg Thailand * 93.8%95.2%92.4%2.8%2018
Flag of East Timor.svg Timor-Leste * 68.1%71.9%64.2%7.7%2018
Flag of Togo (3-2).svg Togo * 66.5%80.0%55.1%24.9%2019
Flag of Tonga.svg Tonga * 99.4%99.4%99.5%0.1%2018
Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and Tobago * 99.0%99.2%98.7%0.5%2015
Flag of Tunisia.svg Tunisia * 81.8%89.6%74.2%15.4%2015
Flag of Turkey.svg Turkey * 96.7%99.1%94.4%4.7%2019
Flag of Turkmenistan.svg Turkmenistan * 99.7%99.8%99.6%0.2%2015
Flag of Tuvalu.svg Tuvalu * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Uganda.svg Uganda * 76.5%82.7%70.8%11.9%2018
Flag of Ukraine.svg Ukraine * 99.8%99.8%99.7%0.1%2015
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab Emirates * 97.6%98.0%96.9%1.1%2019
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom * 99.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of the United States.svg United States * 86.0%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Flag of Uruguay.svg Uruguay * 98.8%98.5%99.0%0.5%2019
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Uzbekistan * 100.0%100.0%100.0%0.0%2019
Flag of Vanuatu.svg Vanuatu * 87.5%88.3%86.7%1.6%2018
Flag of Venezuela.svg Venezuela * 97.1%97.0%97.2%0.2%2016
Flag of Vietnam.svg Vietnam * 95.8%97.0%94.6%2.4%2019
Flag of Yemen.svg Yemen * 70.1%85.1%55.0%30.1%2015
Flag of Zambia.svg Zambia * 86.7%90.6%83.1%7.5%2018
Flag of Zimbabwe.svg Zimbabwe * 86.5%88.5%84.6%3.9%2015

List of other states and territories

TerritoryLiteracy rate (all)Male literacyFemale literacyGender difference [a] YearNote
Flag of Aruba.svg  Aruba 97.5%97.5%97.5%0.0%2015 [1] A constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Flag of the Cayman Islands.svg  Cayman Islands 98.9%98.7%99.0%−0.3%2007 [1] An overseas territory of the United Kingdom.
Flag of France.svg  Guadeloupe 96.5%96.4%96.6%−0.2%2015 [1] Overseas region/department of France.
Flag of Guam.svg  Guam 99.8%99.8%99.8%0.0%2015 [1] An unincorporated and organized territory of the United States.
Flag of Kosovo.svg  Kosovo 91.9%96.6%87.5%9.1%2003 [2] Member of two UN specialized agencies (World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund). It is claimed by Serbia.
Flag of Macau.svg  Macau 96.2%98.0%94.6%3.4%2015 [1] A special administrative region of China.
Flag-of-Martinique.svg  Martinique 97.0%97.6%96.4%1.2%2015 [1] Overseas region/department of France.
Flags of New Caledonia.svg  New Caledonia 96.9%97.3%96.5%0.8%2015 [1] Overseas region/department of France.
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 93.3%92.8%93.8%−1.0%2015 [1] Unincorporated territory of the United States.
Flag of France.svg  Réunion 93.9%93.2%94.5%−1.3%2015 [1] Overseas region/department of France.

See also


  1. A positive value indicates that the male literacy rate is higher. A negative value indicates that the female literacy rate is higher.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Adult literacy rate, population 15+ years (both sexes, female, male)". UIS Data Centre. UNESCO . Retrieved 20 November 2019.
  2. 1 2 "Country Comparison to the World of Literacy Rate". The World Factbook . Central Intelligence Agency. Archived from the original on June 13, 2007. Retrieved 1 November 2015.
  3. "UIS Tellmaps". Retrieved 2018-11-02.
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  5. "Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24) - China | Data". Retrieved 2020-01-05.
  6. "Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) - China". Retrieved 2020-01-05.
  7. "Literacy rate, youth (ages 15-24), gender parity index (GPI) - China | Data". Retrieved 2020-01-05.
  8. "People and Culture: Literacy". Greenland. World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Archived from the original on 13 May 2023.
  9. 1 2 3 "Morocco". 2016-11-27. Retrieved 2021-01-19.
  10. "UIS Statistics". Retrieved 2021-01-19.
  11. 1 2 3 4 "Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24) - West Bank and Gaza Data". Retrieved 2024-03-16.
  12. "List of Countries By Literacy Rate". WorldAtlas. 2020-08-12. Retrieved 2022-10-21.
  13. "Literacy - The World Factbook". Retrieved 2022-10-22.
  14. Report, Star Digital (2022-07-27). "Bangladesh's literacy rate now 74.66%". The Daily Star. Retrieved 2022-11-06.