Timeline of LGBTQ history, 21st century

Last updated

The following is a timeline of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer ( LGBTQ ) history in the 21st century.


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Worldwide laws regarding same-sex intercourse, unions and expression
Same-sex intercourse illegal. Penalties:
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Prison; death not enforced
Death under militias
Prison, with arrests or detention
Prison, not enforced
Same-sex intercourse legal. Recognition of unions:
Extraterritorial marriage
Civil unions
Limited domestic
Limited foreign
Optional certification
Restrictions of expression, not enforced
Restrictions of association with arrests or detention

No imprisonment in the past three years
or moratorium on law.
Marriage not available locally. Some jurisdictions may perform other types of partnerships. World laws pertaining to homosexual relationships and expression.svg
Worldwide laws regarding same-sex intercourse, unions and expression
Same-sex intercourse illegal. Penalties:
  Prison; death not enforced
  Death under militias
  Prison, with arrests or detention
  Prison, not enforced
Same-sex intercourse legal. Recognition of unions:
  Extraterritorial marriage
  Limited foreign
  Optional certification
  Restrictions of expression, not enforced
  Restrictions of association with arrests or detention

No imprisonment in the past three years or moratorium on law.
Marriage not available locally. Some jurisdictions may perform other types of partnerships.








In 2006, Kim Coco Iwamoto became the first transgender official to win statewide office in Hawaii. Kim Coco Iwamoto.jpg
In 2006, Kim Coco Iwamoto became the first transgender official to win statewide office in Hawaii.





Johanna Sigurdardottir became the prime minister of Iceland in 2009, and thus became the first openly gay head of government in modern times. Johanna sigurdardottir official portrait.jpg
Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir became the prime minister of Iceland in 2009, and thus became the first openly gay head of government in modern times.




Kyrsten Sinema became the first openly bisexual person elected to the U.S. Congress in 2012. Rep Kyrsten Sinema, Official Portrait.jpg
Kyrsten Sinema became the first openly bisexual person elected to the U.S. Congress in 2012.














See also


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