Police diving

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NYPD divers removing material from the Harlem Meer following a murder in the area few days prior. NYPD SCUBA in Harlem Meer (01681).jpg
NYPD divers removing material from the Harlem Meer following a murder in the area few days prior.
Police divers in a river in Berlin Polizeitaucher.jpg
Police divers in a river in Berlin

Police diving is a branch of professional diving carried out by police services. Police divers are usually professional police officers, and may either be employed full-time as divers or as general water police officers, or be volunteers who usually serve in other units but are called in if their diving services are required.


The duties carried out by police divers include rescue diving for underwater casualties, under the general classification of public safety diving, and forensic diving, which is search and recovery diving for evidence and bodies. [1]


Police diving includes forensic diving – the recovery of evidence from underwater – and public safety diving. Police diving work may include: [2]

Forensic diving

Forensic diving is professional diving work related to the gathering of evidence for use in investigations and legal cases. Police divers may be called in to investigate and recover evidence in plane crashes, submerged vehicles, boating accidents, suicides, homicides, swimming fatalities and other incidents and crimes. Forensic divers may face a number of environmental hazards from underwater structures and infrastructure, debris, industrial pollution, medical waste, organic hazards from various sources, shifting currents, poor visibility, hypothermia and hyperthermia, for which special equipment may be required to mitigate the risk. Other specialised equipment could include locating devices, access equipment, and transportation. Underwater recovery efforts may include the use of trained dogs, which can detect human remains underwater at depths as great as 150 metres (490 ft) feet in ideal conditions. Qualifications and training for forensic divers are additional to departmental physical and psychological requirements. Training may include instruction in stress management, media relations and teamwork. [3]

Submerged evidence can have similar forensic value to evidence found above the water. Items recovered from immersion have been used as evidence in many cases where they have provided identifiable blood traces, fingerprints, hair and fibers, and other trace evidence. There are advantages to having a regional underwater investigation team available, but doing it well requires planning, administration, an adequate budget and due consideration of occupational health and safety issues. The working environment for underwater investigation includes a range of contaminated and inhospitable sites. Depending on the location and local procedural requirements, the teams may contain volunteers, firefighting and rescue personnel, or law enforcement personnel, and in some cases a collaboration of all of these. It is preferable that all members of an agency dive team be full-time, trained members of that agency for reasons of liability, training, policy and procedures. In some jurisdictions the required minimum certification is a recreational certification, in others an occupational qualification and registration may be stipulated. All members should be medically fit to dive, properly trained and competent to perform the tasks they may be assigned, and trained in matters of crime scene documentation and evidence handling and processing in an underwater environment. [4]

Public safety diving

Dominica Marine police, maneuver under a Barbadian coast guard ship looking for an inert training explosive US Navy 110609-N-XD935-239 Constable Gaueline Brouet, from the St. Lucia Marine Police, right, and Constable Dion Moses, from the Dominica Marine p.jpg
Dominica Marine police, maneuver under a Barbadian coast guard ship looking for an inert training explosive

"Public safety diving" is a term coined by Steven J Linton in the 1970s to describe underwater rescue, underwater recovery and underwater investigation conducted by divers working for or under the authority of municipal, state or federal agencies.[ citation needed ] These divers are typically members of police departments, sheriff's offices, fire rescue agencies, search and rescue teams or providers of emergency medical services. Public safety divers (PSDs) can be paid by the agencies employing them, or be non-paid volunteers.


Due to the conditions in which accidents may happen, or where criminals may choose to dispose of evidence or their victims, police divers might need to dive under hostile environmental conditions which can include: [5]

As these dives may have to be done at short notice, department diving supervisors should be aware of the conditions and local hazards of the likely sites within their areas of operation, so that appropriate measures can be available when their team is called out.

Qualifications and training

Nesconset FD Scuba rescue team surface ice rescue training Nesconset FD Scuba rescue team surface ice rescue training with Lifeguard Systems 19766 1313051380657 1061841085 936726 3483645 n.jpg
Nesconset FD Scuba rescue team surface ice rescue training

For professional police diving, the diver would in most cases be expected to be trained as a professional public safety diver, with specialised training in handling underwater forensic work. All the principles of land-based law enforcement work preserving and collecting evidence apply underwater. [6]

More specialised training, depending on local requirements, may include airborne deployment of divers and gear, climbing and rappelling, cold water and ice diving, firearms training, night diving, operation of a recompression chamber, search management, surface-supplied air diving and diving voice communication systems, hazmat diving, and penetration diving. [6]

United States

In the US, diving training agencies such as Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI), the National Academy of Police Diving (NAPD), Team Lifeguard Systems, and Underwater Criminal Investigators have courses to train divers in public safety diving. [7] [8] [9] [10]

UCI (Underwater Criminal Investigators) was founded in 1987 to provide professional underwater criminal investigations training to the public safety diving community. [10]

The National Academy of Police Diving (NAPD) was formed in 1988 by a group of police divers to create a national standard for police and public safety diver training and certification in the US. [11] It has helped provide training[ clarification needed ] for police officers, fire departments, military divers, and environmental investigators in the following locations: North America, Central America, Russia, Australia, and the Caribbean.[ citation needed ]

South Africa

In South Africa, public safety diving and police diving fall under the Diving Regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993, and such divers are required to be registered as commercial divers by the Department of Employment and Labour. Their basic diver training must be done through registered commercial diving schools. As they are professional police officers, they are also trained in police procedures. [12]


The Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS) includes accreditation for police diver training. [13]


Some items of diving equipment have been designed or modified specifically for public safety diving, such as buoyancy compenstor harnesses modified for helicopter lifts and swiftwater work, and for chemical resistance and HAZMAT conditions. [14] [15] Most equipment is standard scuba and surface supplied diving equipment suitable for the conditions in which it is to be used.


In Britain, in the early years of the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC), police often called on BSAC branches to dive to find submerged bodies, before the police started their own diving branches.

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Recreational diving</span> Diving for the purpose of leisure and enjoyment, usually when using scuba equipment

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Professional diving</span> Underwater diving where divers are paid for their work

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Scuba diving</span> Swimming underwater, breathing gas carried by the diver

Scuba diving is a mode of underwater diving whereby divers use breathing equipment that is completely independent of a surface breathing gas supply, and therefore has a limited but variable endurance. The name scuba is an anacronym for "Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus" and was coined by Christian J. Lambertsen in a patent submitted in 1952. Scuba divers carry their own source of breathing gas, usually compressed air, affording them greater independence and movement than surface-supplied divers, and more time underwater than free divers. Although the use of compressed air is common, a gas blend with a higher oxygen content, known as enriched air or nitrox, has become popular due to the reduced nitrogen intake during long or repetitive dives. Also, breathing gas diluted with helium may be used to reduce the effects of nitrogen narcosis during deeper dives.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Diver rescue</span> Rescue of a distressed or incapacitated diver

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Underwater diving</span> Descending below the surface of the water to interact with the environment

Underwater diving, as a human activity, is the practice of descending below the water's surface to interact with the environment. It is also often referred to as diving, an ambiguous term with several possible meanings, depending on context. Immersion in water and exposure to high ambient pressure have physiological effects that limit the depths and duration possible in ambient pressure diving. Humans are not physiologically and anatomically well-adapted to the environmental conditions of diving, and various equipment has been developed to extend the depth and duration of human dives, and allow different types of work to be done.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Scuba Diving International</span> Recreational diver training and certification agency

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Underwater search and recovery</span> Locating and recovering underwater objects

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Public safety diving</span> Underwater work done by law enforcement, rescue and search and recovery teams

Public safety diving is underwater diving conducted as part of law enforcement and search and rescue. Public safety divers differ from recreational, scientific and commercial divers who can generally plan the date, time, and location of a dive, and dive only if the conditions are conducive to the task. Public safety divers respond to emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and may be required to dive in the middle of the night, during inclement weather, in zero visibility "black water," or in waters polluted by chemicals and biohazards.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Diver training</span> Processes to develop the skills and knowledge to dive safely underwater

Diver training is the set of processes through which a person learns the necessary and desirable skills to safely dive underwater within the scope of the diver training standard relevant to the specific training programme. Most diver training follows procedures and schedules laid down in the associated training standard, in a formal training programme, and includes relevant foundational knowledge of the underlying theory, including some basic physics, physiology and environmental information, practical skills training in the selection and safe use of the associated equipment in the specified underwater environment, and assessment of the required skills and knowledge deemed necessary by the certification agency to allow the newly certified diver to dive within the specified range of conditions at an acceptable level of risk. Recognition of prior learning is allowed in some training standards.

Diving safety is the aspect of underwater diving operations and activities concerned with the safety of the participants. The safety of underwater diving depends on four factors: the environment, the equipment, behaviour of the individual diver and performance of the dive team. The underwater environment can impose severe physical and psychological stress on a diver, and is mostly beyond the diver's control. Equipment is used to operate underwater for anything beyond very short periods, and the reliable function of some of the equipment is critical to even short-term survival. Other equipment allows the diver to operate in relative comfort and efficiency, or to remain healthy over the longer term. The performance of the individual diver depends on learned skills, many of which are not intuitive, and the performance of the team depends on competence, communication, attention and common goals.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Outline of underwater diving</span> Hierarchical outline list of articles related to underwater diving

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to underwater diving:

Investigation of diving accidents includes investigations into the causes of reportable incidents in professional diving and recreational diving accidents, usually when there is a fatality or litigation for gross negligence.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Index of underwater diving</span> Alphabetical listing of underwater diving related topics

The following index is provided as an overview of and topical guide to underwater diving:

Recreational scuba certification levels are the levels of skill represented by recreational scuba certification. Each certification level is associated with a specific training standard published by the certification agency, and a training programme associated with the standard., though in some cases recognition of prior learning can apply. These levels of skill can be categorised in several ways:

International Underwater Cave Rescue and Recovery (IUCRR) is an all-volunteer not-for-profit organization formed in 1999 that provides assistance to law enforcement with underwater rescue and recovery operations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Underwater diving environment</span> The underwater environment to which a diver may be exposed

The underwater diving environment, or just diving environment is the natural or artificial surroundings in which a dive is done. It is usually underwater, but professional diving is sometimes done in other liquids. Underwater diving is the human practice of voluntarily descending below the surface of the water to interact with the surroundings, for various recreational or occupational reasons, but the concept of diving also legally extends to immersion in other liquids, and exposure to other hyperbaric pressurised environments.


  1. Stanton, Gregg (2003). "Underwater Crime Scene Investigations (UCSI), a New Paradigm". In: SF Norton (Ed). 2003. Diving for Science...2003. Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (22nd annual Scientific Diving Symposium).
  2. Cocozza, Joe (2002). "NYPD SCUBA". Archived from the original on 7 February 2011. Retrieved 12 June 2012.
  3. "Forensic Diving NCJ Number 174498". FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. 7 (4). US Department of Justice: 1–8.
  4. Dutelle, Aric (July–August 2007). "Underwater Crime-Scene Response Part 1 of 2: Underwater Investigative Teams NCJ Number 220008". Evidence Technology Magazine. 5 (4). US Department of Justice: 24–27.
  5. Viders, Hillary. "The New York Police Department (NYPD) Scuba Team". www.wateroperations.com. Retrieved 1 September 2017.[ dead link ]
  6. 1 2 Falkenthal, Gayle (Summer–Fall 1999). "Underwater Search and Recovery Team: A Passion for Diving and a Desire to Serve (NCJ Number 179732)". Law Enforcement Quarterly. 28 (2): 20–23.
  7. http://www.tdisdi.com/wpsite/erdi/get-certified/erdi-course-options/ [ dead link ]
  8. http://napdonline.com/course-description-catalog/ [ dead link ]
  9. "Training". 12 December 2008.
  10. 1 2 "Home". ucidiver. Retrieved 8 November 2019.
  11. "NAPD: About us". National Academy of Police Diving. Retrieved 12 June 2012.
  12. "Diving Regulations 2009". Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 – Regulations and Notices – Government Notice R41. Pretoria: Government Printer. Archived from the original on 4 November 2016. Retrieved 3 November 2016 via Southern African Legal Information Institute.
  13. "Police diver". adas.org.au. Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme. Retrieved 16 April 2023.
  14. "OMS Chemically Resistant BC Systems". Archived from the original on 2012-06-13. Retrieved 2012-06-12.
  15. "Specialized BCS - BCS - Zeagle Dive Systems". Archived from the original on 2012-06-07. Retrieved 2012-06-12.

Further reading

Linton, Steven J.; Rupert, Edward "Ed" (1978). Dive rescue handbook - a field guide and emergency directory for the dive rescue specialist. Fort Collins, Colorado: Concept systems. LCCN   86113489.