List of extant papal tombs

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A procession in the Catacomb of Callixtus, a site of several ancient papal tombs. By Alberto Pisa, 1905 A-Procession-in-the-Catacomb-of-Callistus.jpg
A procession in the Catacomb of Callixtus, a site of several ancient papal tombs. By Alberto Pisa, 1905

A pope is the Bishop of Rome and the leader of the Catholic Church. Approximately 100 papal tombs are at least partially extant, representing fewer than half of the 265 deceased popes, from Saint Peter to Benedict XVI. [1]


For the first few centuries in particular, little is known of the popes and their tombs, and available information is often contradictory. As with other religious relics, multiple sites claim to house the same tomb. Furthermore, many papal tombs that recycled sarcophagi and other materials from earlier tombs were later recycled for their valuable materials or combined with other monuments. For example, the tomb of Pope Leo I was combined with Leos II, III, and IV circa 855, and then removed in the seventeenth century and placed under his own altar, below Alessandro Algardi's relief, Fuga d'Attila. The style of papal tombs has evolved considerably throughout history, tracking trends in the development of church monuments. [2] Notable papal tombs have been commissioned from sculptors such as Michelangelo and Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Most extant papal tombs are located in St. Peter's Basilica, other major churches of Rome (especially Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, Santa Maria sopra Minerva and Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore), or other churches of Italy, France, and Germany. [3]

Papal tombs by century of the pontificate
Non-extant  · Antipopes

Note on non-extant tombs

Many early tombs no longer exist due to repeated translations or destruction. This list does not include non-extant papal tombs. Information about these tombs is generally incomplete and uncertain. Locations of destroyed or lost papal tombs include:

Other tombs not included in this list are:

1st–5th centuries

1st century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
(as Head of the Church)
San Pietro - Lorenzo Veneziano.jpg Peter
Saint Peter
Rom, Vatikan, Petrusgrab unterhalb des Papstaltars des Petersdoms in den Vatikanischen Grotten.jpg Gian Lorenzo Bernini (baldachin) St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City (Rome)See Saint Peter's tomb
post 42 / ante 57–64/67(?)
(as Bishop of Rome)

2nd century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
c. 157–168 Papa Aniceto cropped.jpg Anicetus
Saint Anicetus
R-Anicet-Altemps.JPG Palazzo Altemps (Piazza Navona), RomeRemains transferred from Vatican Hill to the Cemetery of Callixtus and possibly again thereafter; [9] sarcophagus which may once have contained remains is extant in the Palazzo Altemps [10]

3rd century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
25 June 253 – 5 March 254 Lucius I.jpg Lucius I
Saint Lucius
Cripta Santa Cecilia 05.JPG Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, RomeTransferred from the Catacomb of Callixtus to one or more of: Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, San Silvestro in Capite, and Santa Prassede; [11] sarcophagus that once held remains is extant in the crypt of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere [10]
17 December 283 – 22 April 296 PCaius.jpg Caius
Saint Caius
Barberini chapel.jpg Sant'Andrea della Valle (Barberini chapel), RomeTranslated from the crypt of St. Eusebius in the Cemetery of Callixtus to San Silvestre in Capite, then to another church, then to the private chapel of the Barberini princes in Sant'Andrea della Valle [12]

4th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
18 January 336 – 7 October 336 Marcus (papa).jpg Mark
Saint Mark
Tomb of Pope Mark.jpg San Marco Evangelista al Campidoglio, Rome Translated from the Catacomb of Balbina, one of the Catacombs of Rome, to an urn below the main altar of San Marco [13]

5th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
29 September 440 – 10 November 461 Greatleoone.jpg Leo I
Saint Leo
Leo the Great
Expulsao de atila.jpg Alessandro Algardi (relief)St. Peter's Basilica, Chapel of the Madonna of PartorientiFirst pope buried on the porch of Old St. Peter's Basilica; translated multiple times, combined with Leos II, III, and IV circa 855; removed in the seventeenth century and placed under his own altar, below Algardi's relief, Fuga d'Attila (pictured) [14]

6th–10th centuries

6th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
3 September 590 – 12 March 604 Pedro Berruguete- Saint Gregory the Pope- MNAC.jpg Gregory I , O.S.B.
Saint Gregory
Gregory the Great
Tomb of pope Gregorius I.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginally buried in the portico of Old St. Peter's, partly transferred to Soissons; during the demolition of St. Peter's, transferred to Sant'Andrea della Valle then Cappella Clementina, near the entrance of the modern St. Peter's [15]

7th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
13 September 604 – 22 February 606 Sabinian.jpg Sabinian
Saint Sabinian
UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginal monument in the atrium of Old St. Peter's destroyed during the demolition of Old St. Peter's; [16] small fragment of the original epitaph remains in the crypt of St. Peter's Basilica [17]
25 August 608 – 8 May 615 Boniface IV.jpg Boniface IV , O.S.B.
Saint Boniface
UnknownSt. Peter's BaslicaOriginally buried in the portico of Old St. Peter's; translated to the interior; one arm translated to Santa Maria in Cosmedin; other relics translated to the Chapel of St. Sylvester beside the Church of the Quattro Coronati; remainder translated to another chapel of St. Peter's; [18] oratory which once contained the tomb is extant, as well as a sketch of the tomb by Ciampini [17]
December 681 – 3 July 683 Pope Leo II.jpg Leo II
Saint Leo II
Leonae II III IV.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's Basilica, Chapel of the Madonna of PartorientiOriginally buried in Old St. Peter's; translated under the altar of the Chapel of the Madonna della Colonna; combined with Leo I in the early seventeenth century; for centuries believed to be under the altar of the Church of San Stefano in Ferrara; combined remains of Leos I, II, and IV found during the demolition of Old St. Peter's [19]

8th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
1 February 772 – 26 December 795 Charlemagne and Pope Adrian I.jpg Adrian I UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginal monument in the Oratory of Cathedra Petri destroyed during the demolition of Old St. Peter's; [20] inscription, composed by Charlemagne, remains in the portico of modern St. Peter's [21] [22]
26 December 795 – 12 June 816 Pope Leo III portrait - Triclinium Leoninum.jpg Leo III
Saint Leo
Leonae II III IV.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's Basilica, Chapel of the Madonna of PartorientiOriginally buried in Old St. Peter's; combined with Leo II and IV by Pope Paschal II; combined sarcophagus destroyed during the demolition of Old St. Peter's; combined with Leo I in 1601 and placed in a sarcophagus under the altar of our Savior della Colonna in new St. Peter's [23]

9th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
January 847 – 17 July 855 Pope St. Leo IV.jpg Leo IV , O.S.B.
Saint Leo
Leonae II III IV.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's Basilica, Chapel of the Madonna of PartorientiCombined with Leos I, II, and III [24]
24 April 858 – 13 November 867 Pope Nicholas I.jpg Nicholas I
Saint Nicholas
Nicholas the Great
UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginally buried in the atrium of Old St. Peter's; epitaph partially preserved during the demolition of Old St. Peter's, extant in the Vatican grottoes [25]
14 December 867 – 14 December 872 Adrian II.jpg Adrian II UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginally buried in Old St. Peter's; epitaph partially preserved during the demolition of Old St. Peter's, still visible in the Vatican grottoes [25]
17 May 884 – c.September 885 Papa Adriano III.jpg Adrian III
Saint Adrian
Abbazia di nonantola, interno, cripta 03.JPG Unknown Nonantola Abbey, Modena Crypt altar [26]

10th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
October 974 – 10 July 983 Pope Benedict VII Illustration.jpg Benedict VII Santa croce di gerusalemme.jpg Unknown Santa Croce in Gerusalemme Funerary inscription embedded in the wall near the entrance [27]
3 May 996 – 18 February 999 Otto III wird von Papst Gregor V. zum Kaiser gesalbt.jpg Gregory V 59-Gregorio-V.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaTomb discovered on August 14, 1607 under the pavement of St. Peter's; exhumed and reburied on January 15, 1609 in a fourth/fifth century sarcophagus [28]
2 April 999 – 12 May 1003 Silvester II.JPG Sylvester II San giovanni in laterano, interno, navata interna dx, cenotafio di silvestro II, m. 1003, 01.jpg Gzila Nalder and Giuseppe Damko Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran Destroyed in the Lateran fire of 1308; charred remains were collected and buried in a polyandrum in the same basilica; epitaph reingraved on a cenotaph in the same basilica; modern monument created in 1910 [29]

11th–15th centuries

11th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
31 July 1009 – 12 May 1012 Sergius IV.jpg Sergius IV San giovanni in laterano, interno, navata interna dx, sepolcro settecentesco di sergio IV, m. 1012.jpg Francesco Borromini Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran Original destroyed in a fire in either 1308 or 1361; remains collected in a polyandrum in the same basilica; new cenotaph placed on the right side of the main nave by Borromini in the seventeenth century [30]
24 December 1046 – 9 October 1047 Pope clement II.jpg Clement II Papstgrab.jpg "Reims workshop" [31] Bamberg Cathedral Only extant papal tomb outside of Italy and France; [32] [33] [34] original completed circa 1237, dismantled in the seventeenth century, separating the tomb-chest and effigy; tomb-chest constructed with marble from Kärnten [31] [35]
17 July 1048 – 9 August 1048 B Damasus II1.jpg Damasus II Tomb of Pope Damasus II.jpg Unknown San Lorenzo fuori le Mura Sarcophagus in the portico [36] [37]
12 February 1049 – 19 April 1054 Leon IX.jpg Leo IX
Saint Leo
UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginally buried in the east wall of Old St. Peter's, close to the altar of Gregory I; coffin opened on January 11, 1606 during the demolition of Old St. Peter's and parts were taken as relics; remainder reburied under the altar of Saints Marziale and Valeria, [38] now dedicated to the Crucifixion of St. Peter.
22 April 1073 – 25 May 1085 Pope Gregory VII.jpg Gregory VII , O.S.B.
Saint Gregory
Salerno PopeGregoriousVIITomb.JPG Unknown Salerno Cathedral Originally buried in the Church of St. Matthew; discovered in 1573, opened in 1578, reburied beneath the Salerno altar; opened again in 1605 (head taken to Cathedral of Soana; corpse translated to chapel of the Crociata); original sarcophagus placed in transept in 1954 [39]
24 May 1086 – 16 September 1087 Victor III.jpg Victor III , O.S.B.
Blessed Victor
Cathedral (Monte Cassino) - Facade.jpg UnknownAbbey of Monte Cassino Translated in 1515 to the altar in the chapel of St. Bertharius, then the chapel of St. Victor; transferred from Monte Cassino during World War II to San Paolo fuori le Mura, avoiding the aerial bombing that destroyed the original chapel; [40] returned to the rebuilt basilica of Monte Cassino in 1963 [41]

12th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
24 January 1118 – 28 January 1119 GelasioII.gif Gelasius II , O.S.B. Dehio 212 Cluny.jpg Unknown Cluny Abbey Tuscan-style bright marble tomb destroyed in 1792 during the French Revolution; [42] fragments remain [43]
14 February 1130 – 24 September 1143 Pope Innocent II - Santa Maria in Trastevere.jpg Innocent II , Can. Reg. Tomb of Innocentius II in Santa Maria in Trastevere (Rome).jpg Vespignani (design) Santa Maria in Trastevere Originally buried in the porphyry sarcophagus of Emperor Hadrian in the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran; damaged during the fire of 1308 and moved to the vestibule; moved to a simple slab in the fifteenth century; moved to Santa Maria Trastevere [44]
8 July 1153 – 3 December 1154 B Anastasius IV.jpg Anastasius IV Helena tomb.jpg Unknown Vatican Museum Reused the sarcophagus of Helena of Constantinople, Constantine's mother; only tomb to survive the Lateran fires of 1308 and 1361 (restored fully in 1509); moved to the treasury of the Vatican Museum in the nineteenth century [45]
4 December 1154 – 1 September 1159 Pope Hadrian IV.jpg Adrian IV , O.S.A. Tomb of Pope Adrian IV.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaReused an Early Christian sarcophagus [46]
7 September 1159 – 30 August 1181 B alexander III2 (cropped).jpg Alexander III San giovanni in laterano, interno, navata interna dx, sepolcro di alessandro III con scultura di domenico guidi, 1658-59.jpg Francesco Borromini Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran Ruined by mob graffiti and then destroyed in the Lateran fire of 1308 or 1361; new cenotaph raised in seventeenth century [47]
1 September 1181 – 25 November 1185 Lucius-III.jpg Lucius III Unknown Verona Cathedral Originally buried in a marble sarcophagus in front of the high altar; moved beneath the pavement under a red Veronese marble slab during the reign of bishop Gilberti (1524–1543); damaged during a storm on February 25, 1879; recovered with marble thereafter and original slab hung on the wall of the Cathedral [48] [49]
25 November 1185 – 19 October 1187 B Urban III.jpg Urban III Tomb of Pope Urban III.jpg G.B. Boffa (modern cenotaph) Ferrara Cathedral Moved several times; original tomb replaced with cenotaph in fifteenth century [50]
8 January 1198 – 16 July 1216 Innozenz3.jpg Innocent III Tomb Innocentius III San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07.jpg Giuseppe Lucchetti Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran Originally buried in the Perugia Cathedral; moved several times within the Cathedral, and temporarily combined with Urban IV and Martin IV, before being transferred to Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran in 1891 [51]

13th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
25 June 1243 – 7 December 1254 Innocent IV - Council of Lyon - 002r detail.jpg Innocent IV Napoli-Duomo-InnocenzoIV.JPG Tommaso Malvito Naples Cathedral Original, commissioned by archbishop Humbert of Montauro, almost completely destroyed; the recumbent figure (with the anachronistic round top tiara) and above reliefs were added in the sixteenth century [52]
29 August 1261 – 2 October 1264 Pope Urban IV.jpg Urban IV [53] Giovanni Pisano (original) Perugia Cathedral Destroyed in the late fourteenth century, save the epitaph which is currently in the Civic Museum of Perugia; combined with Innocent III and Martin IV in 1587 and interred in the sacristy; [54] Innocent III's remains were transferred to the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran in the late nineteenth century, but the iron casket is extant in the sacristy of the Perugia Cathedral; [10] possibly translated to the Troyes Cathedral in 1901 [55]
5 February 1265 – 29 November 1268 Tour Ferrande - Clement IV & Charles 1er de Sicile (cropped).JPG Clement IV Pietro di oderisio, monumento di clemente IV e del card. pierre le gros di saint-gilles, post 1268, 01.jpg Pietro Oderisi San Francesco (Viterbo) Translated from Santa Maria in Gradi [56] [57]
1 September 1271 – 10 January 1276 NoccoloAndMaffeoPoloWithGregoryX (Gregory X).JPG Gregory X
Blessed Gregory
Duomo di arezzo, interno, sepolcro di gregorio X, inizi XIV secolo.JPG Margaritone d'Arezzo Arezzo Cathedral Original body and sarcophagus are extant [43] [58]
11 July 1276 – 18 August 1276 Papa Adriano V.jpg Adrian V Mausoleo Adriano V.jpg Arnolfo di Cambio (possibly Pietro Vassalletto) San Francesco (Viterbo) Modified in 1994 [57] [59]
8 September 1276 – 20 May 1277 Papa Joao XXI - Galeria dos Arcebispos de Braga.png John XXI Jean XXI (Viterbo Cath.).JPG Filippo Gnaccarini Viterbo Cathedral Original destroyed in the sixteenth century, no longer extant; [57] new monument constructed in the 19th century and damaged during World War II, [60] of which a sarcophagus and other fragments remain [10] [61]
25 November 1277 – 22 August 1280 Scuola romana, affreschi del sancta sanctorum, 1280 ca., Niccolo III dona la chiesa ai ss. pietro e paolo 03 (cropped) (cropped).jpg Nicholas III St. Peter's Basilica-tomb2.JPG UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginal destroyed during the demolition of Old St. Peter's; combined with two Rainaldo Orsinis in 1620 [62]
22 February 1281 – 28 March 1285 Louis9 Canonization (cropped).jpg Martin IV [53] Giovanni Pisano Perugia Cathedral Original tomb destroyed by 1375; reconstructed and redestroyed by the end of the fourteenth century; combined with Popes Urban IV and Innocent III in 1587; Innocent III's remains were transferred to the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran in the late nineteenth century, but the iron casket containing Martin IV and possibly Urban IV is extant in the sacristy of the Perugia Cathedral [10]
2 April 1285 – 3 April 1287 PopeOnorioIV.jpg Honorius IV Santa Maria in Aracoeli; Grabmal Giovanna Aldobrandeschi.JPG Arnolfo di Cambio (disputed) [63] Santa Maria in Aracoeli Original destroyed early in the demolition of Old St. Peter's; baldecchio destroyed and replaced in 1727 [64] [65]

Relocated from Old St. Peter's to Santa Maria in Ara Coeli in 1545; the inscription dates it to 1288. [63]

Its attribution to Arnolfo di Cambio has been contested, and according to Cellini is a result of the confusion with Honorius III's tomb. [66]

22 February 1288 – 4 April 1292 NicholasIV.jpg Nicholas IV , O.F.M. Tomb of Pope Nicholas IV.jpg Domenico Fontana (design)
Leonardo da Sarzana (sculptor)
Leonardo Sormani (figures)
Basilica di Santa Maria MaggioreOriginally buried in a simple urn; mausoleum commissioned in the late sixteenth century [67]
5 July 1294 – 13 December 1294 Celestin 5 statue.jpg Celestine V , O.S.B.
Saint Celestine
Celestino V tomba.jpg Girolamo Pittoni da Vicenza Santa Maria di Collemaggio (L'Aquila)Originally buried in Church of St. Anthony; moved to Church of St. Agatha; stolen in 1327 by L'Aquilan friars; [68] damaged in the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake [69]
24 December 1294 – 11 October 1303 Bonifatius VIII Grabstatue.JPG Boniface VIII Tomb of Boniface VIII.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginal tomb chapel, into which Boniface VIII had moved the relics of Boniface IV, destroyed [70] [71]

14th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
22 October 1303 – 7 July 1304 39 Benedetto XI (cropped).jpg Benedict XI , O.P.
Blessed Benedict
Lorenzo maitani (attr.), monumento di benedetto XI, 1305 circa, 01.jpg Giovanni Pisano Basilica of San Domenico (Perugia)Wall tomb and ossuary [43] [72]
5 June 1305 – 20 April 1314 Andrea di bonaiuto, apotesosi di san tommaso d'aquino, scienze ed arti 02 Legge canonica e Clemente V 3.JPG Clement V FR-33-Uzeste3.JPG Jehan de Bonneval Collegiate church (Uzeste) [73]
7 August 1316 – 4 December 1334 John22.jpg John XXII Tombeau de Jean XXII.jpg Unknown Avignon Cathedral Moved several times within the Cathedral's chapels; all 60 statuettes have been stolen, head of effigy is originally from another bishop's tomb; damaged badly during French Revolution [74] [75]
20 December 1334 – 25 April 1342 Benedikt XII1.png Benedict XII , O.Cist. Tomb of Benedict XII, Cathedrale de Notre-Dame-des-Doms, Avignon.JPG Jean Lavenier Avignon CathedralBust of Benedict XII in the St. Peter's Basilica grottoes; [76] fragments of original in Fondation Calvet [43]
7 May 1342 – 6 December 1352 01 Clement VI (Fresque de la chapelle Saint-Martial du palais des papes).jpg Clement VI Gisant du pape Clement VI 2.jpeg Pierre Boye, Jean Sanholis, and Jean David Abbey of La Chaise-Dieu Sculpted weepers in Musée Crozatier, Le Puy; [77] [78] sculpted angel in Musée de Petit-Palais, Avignon [79]
18 December 1352 – 12 September 1362 Innocent VI par Andrea di Bonaiuto 1365.jpg Innocent VI Villeneuve avignon chartreuse tombeau.jpg Beltran Nogayrol Chartreuse du Val de Bénédiction (Villeneuve-lès-Avignon) [80]
28 September 1362 – 19 December 1370 Simone dei crocifissi, urbano V, 1375 ca., forse dalla cattedrale di s. pietro 01 (cropped).jpg Urban V , O.S.B.
Blessed Urban V
Urbain V by JM Rosier.jpg Joglarii Abbey of St. Victor (Marseille)Effigy in Musée de Petit-Palais, Avignon [81] [82]
30 December 1370 – 26 March 1378 Portrait of Pope Gregory XI.png Gregory XI Grabmal Gregor XI.jpg Pietro Paolo Olivieri Santa Francesca Romana Original Olivieri relief carved in 1584 (drawing above); [83] replica located in Palais des Papes
8 April 1378 – 15 October 1389 Urbanus VI.jpg Urban VI Tomb of pope Urbanus VI.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaSaved during the deconstruction of Old St. Peter's; nearly dumped by workmen for use as a water trough [84] [85]

15th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
17 October 1404 – 6 November 1406 Nuremberg Chronicles f 235v 1 (Innocentius VII).jpg Innocent VII Tomb of Pope Innocent VII.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginally buried in the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul, moved to the Chapel of St. Thomas in 1455, moved into a mid-fifteenth century copy of the original sarcophagus on September 12, 1606 [86]
30 November 1406 – 4 July 1415 Girolamo Muziano - Portrait of Pope Gregory XII (Musei Vaticani).jpg Gregory XII Original Tomb of Gregory XII.jpg Camillo Rusconi San Flaviano (Recanati)Cardinal at the time of his death, due to his resignation during the Council of Constance; Moved in 1623, 1760, and 1793; illustrations of an "original" tomb (pictured) have been deemed fabrications by historians; [87] last papal tomb outside Rome (c.f. Tomb of Antipope John XXIII); original sarcophagus extant [10]
11 November 1417 – 20 February 1431 Papa Martino V.jpg Martin V Tomb of Pope Martin V Gregorovius.jpg Simone Ghini Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran [88] Moved in front of the high altar in 1853 [89]
3 March 1431 – 23 February 1447 PapstEugen.jpg Eugene IV , O.S.A. Tomb of Pope Eugene IV.jpg Iaia da Piso and Pellegrino di Antonio da Viterbo San Salvatore in Lauro Moved out of Old St. Peter's before its demolition [90]
6 March 1447 – 24 March 1455 Nicolaus V - Serie Gioviana.jpg Nicholas V , O.P. Tomb of Pope Nicholas V.jpg Mino da Fiesole St. Peter's BasilicaMoved from the left outer aisle of Old St. Peter's to the right outer aisle; monument (not sarcophagus) destroyed during the demolition of Old St. Peter's [91]
8 April 1455 – 6 August 1458 Papa Callisto III.jpg Callixtus III Tomb of Pope Callixtus III.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginally located in Chapel of St. Mary della febbre; monument, but not sarcophagus, destroyed during the demolition of Old St. Peter's [92]
Tomb of Popes Borja ( Callisto III and Alessandro VI).jpg Filippio Moratilla Santa Maria in Monserrato Remains later combined with Alexander VI [92]
19 August 1458 – 15 August 1464 Pintoricchio 014.jpg Pius II Grabmonument Pius II.jpg Paolo Romano Sant'Andrea della Valle Heart enshrined in the Duomo of Ancona; originally buried in the Chapel of St. Andrews in St. Peter's; moved to San Andrea della Valle in 1614 [93]
30 August 1464 – 26 July 1471 Pietrobarbo.jpg Paul II Saint Peter's Basilica 2020 P08 Grotte vaticane Grave of Paulus II.jpg Giovanni Dalmata (effigy)
Mino da Fiesole (figures and bas-reliefs)
St. Peter's BasilicaMonument moved in 1544 and torn down in seventeenth century; sarcophagus survived demolition of Old St. Peter's [94]
9 August 1471 – 12 August 1484 Pedro Berruguete, Portrait of Pope Sixtus IV della Rovere (early 1500s), Cleveland Museum of Art.jpg Sixtus IV , O.F.M. Antonio del Pollaiuolo Treasury Museum of St. Peter's BasilicaOriginally located in the choir chapel of Old St. Peter's; moved in 1610 to the sacristy; moved in 1625 to the Chapel del Coro in new St. Peter's; combined with Julius II in 1926; moved again in 1940s [95]
29 August 1484 – 25 July 1492 Papa Innocenzo VIII, di Cristofano dell'Altissimo, 1552-68 -FG.jpg Innocent VIII Monument to Innocentius VIII in Saint Peter's Basilica.jpg Antonio del Pollaiuolo St. Peter's BasilicaFirst papal tomb to depict a live pope rather than a deathbed effigy; originally placed in the Oratory of Our Lady in Old St. Peter's.
11 August 1492 – 18 August 1503 Portrait of Pope Alexander VI Borgia (Vatican Museums - Musei Vaticani, Vatican).jpg Alexander VI Regola - s M Monserrato tomba Borgia 1050567.JPG Filippio Moratilla Santa Maria di Monserrato Originally located in the oratory of Saints Cosmas and Damian, in the round chapel of Santa Maria de Febribus; moved in the sixteenth century next to Calixtus III; combined in 1582 in the Chapel of Santa Maria della Febbre; survived demolition of Old St. Peter's but broken up in 1605; urns were taken to Santa Maria di Monserrato; monument in Chapel of St. Diego sculpted in 1881 [96]

16th–21st centuries

16th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
22 September 1503 – 18 October 1503 PiusIII.jpg Pius III Tomb of pope Pius III.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginally built in Old St. Peter's; last papal mausoleum erected in Old St. Peter's [97]
Sant'andrea della valle, monumento a pio III.JPG Sebastiano Ferrucci Sant'Andrea della Valle Moved to Sant'Andrea della Valle by Paul V [97]
31 October 1503 – 21 February 1513 Raphael Julius II. (Guiliano della Rovere).jpg Julius II Rome-Basilique San Pietro in Vincoli-Moise MichelAnge.jpg Michelangelo
Possible assistants include:
Antonello Gagini
Giacomo del Duca
San Pietro in Vincoli Original, planned tomb—intended for the Cappella Maggiore of St. Peter's—never completed and moved to San Pietro in Vincoli [98]
See Tomb of Pope Julius II, Moses and Dying Slave
UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaActual remains deposited in a simple sarcophagus, combined with Sixtus IV, his uncle [97]
9 March 1513 – 1 December 1521 Angelo Bronzino - Pope Leo X - WGA3273.jpg Leo X LX graf.jpg Baccio Bandinelli (design)
Antonio da Sangallo the Younger (monument)
Raffaello da Montelupo (statue)
Santa Maria sopra Minerva Translated from Old St. Peter's in 1536 [99]
9 January 1522 – 14 September 1523 Paus Adrianus VI (1459-1523) Rijksmuseum SK-A-513.jpeg Adrian VI SantaMariaAnima-TombaAdrianoVI01-SteO153.JPG Baldassare Peruzzi (design)
Michelangelo of Sieno and Niccolò Tribolo (carved)
Santa Maria dell'Anima Translated from Old St. Peter's in 1533 to the national church of the Holy Roman Empire [100]
26 November 1523 – 25 September 1534 Portrait of Pope Clement VII (workshop of Bronzino).jpg Clement VII Antonio da sangallo il giovane, monumento di clemente VII.JPG Nanni di Baccio Bigio Santa Maria sopra MinervaOriginally buried in a brick tomb in Old St. Peter's; tomb is across from that of Leo X, another Medici pope [101]
13 October 1534 – 10 November 1549 Tizian (Schule) 001b.jpg Paul III Tomb of Pope Paul III.jpg Guglielmo della Porta St. Peter's BasilicaMoved in 1599 [102]
7 February 1550 – 29 March 1555 Julius III.jpg Julius III Tomb of Pope Julius III requiem.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginally buried in St. Peter's Basilica sans monument in a red stone sarcophagus in the chapel of San Andrea; reinterred in an ancient sarcophagus in 1608, which was reopened two years later during the demolition of Old St. Peter's; [103] sometimes cited as buried in the Del Monte chapel of San Pietro in Montorio along with his adopted cardinal-nephew, Innocenzo Ciocchi Del Monte [104]
9 April 1555 – 30 April or 1 May 1555 Pope Marcellus II.PNG Marcellus II Tomb of Marcellus II.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaNo monument; fourth century sarcophagus, bearing a traditio legis [105]
23 May 1555 – 18 August 1559 Paulus IV Papa Neapolitanus.jpg Paul IV Pirro Ligorio (design)
Giacomo da Castignola, Tommaso della Porta, Gian Pietro Annon, and Rocco da Montefiascone (sculpted)
Santa Maria sopra Minerva [106]
26 December 1559 – 9 December 1565 Portrait of Pope Pius IV (by Italian School, circa 1600).jpg Pius IV S. Maria degli Angeli-Interior3.JPG Unknown Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri Moved from Old St. Peter's in 1583; buried under the altar with a nearby wall plaque [107]
7 January 1566 – 1 May 1572 Portrait of Pope Pius V by Palma il Giovane.jpg Pius V , O.P.
Saint Pius
Tomb of Pope Pius V Gregorovius.jpg Domenico Fontana (design)
Leonardo Sormani (effigy)
Nicholas Cordier (left and right bas-reliefs)
Silla Longhi da Viggiu (center bas-relief)
Pierre Le Gros the Younger (design and execution of the sarcophagus)
Basilica di Santa Maria MaggioreTranslated from Old St. Peter's in 1583 [108]
After the canonisation process was started by Antonin Cloche, the sarcophagus with the body of the saint was added in 1697–98. A flap of gilded bronze, showing the effigy of the pope in shallow relief, is hinged and can be opened to venerate the body of the saint. [109]
13 May 1572 – 10 April 1585 Pope Gregory XIII portrait.jpg Gregory XIII Camillo rusconi, monumento a gregorio XIII, 1723, 01.JPG Camillo Rusconi St. Peter's BasilicaOriginal monument destroyed; new monument built in eighteenth century [110]
24 April 1585 – 27 August 1590 (Albi) Cathedrale Sainte-Cecile - Tresor - Portrait du pape Sixte V - PalissyIM81001477.jpg Sixtus V , O.F.M. Conv. Tomb of Pope Sixtus V Gregorovius.jpg Domenico Fontana (design)
Vasoldo (sculpted)
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore [111]
15 September 1590 – 27 September 1590 Portrait of Pope Urban VII Castagna (Vatican Museums - Musei Vaticani, Vatican).jpg Urban VII Tomb of Pope Urban VII.jpg Ambrogio Buonvicino Santa Maria sopra Minerva [112]
5 December 1590 – 15 /16 October 1591 Roman School - Portrait of Pope Gregory XIV (16th Century).jpg Gregory XIV Prospero Antichi St. Peter's Basilica [113]
29 October 1591 – 30 December 1591 Portrait of Pope Innocent IX (Fidenza Cathedral Museum - Museo del Duomo di Fidenza, Fidenza) - edited.jpg Innocent IX Tomb of pope Innocent IX.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaNo monument [113]
30 January 1592 – 3 March 1605 Papst Clemens VIII Italian 17th century.jpg Clement VIII RomSMariaMaggioreGrabClemensVIII.jpg Flaminio Ponzio (design)Basilica di Santa Maria MaggioreMoved in 1646 to the Borghese Crypt in the Paulline Chapel in Santa Maria Maggiore; figure of Clement VIII was carved by Silla da Viggiu and the cornice figures by Pietro Bernini; features "The Peace of Henry IV and Philip III by Ippolito Buzzi and "The Coronation of Clement VIII" by Bernini, "The Canonization of St. Giacinto and St. Raimondo" by Giovanni Antonio Valsolde, "The Occupation of Ferrara" by Ambriogo Bonvicino, and "Invitation of the Troops in Hungary" by Camillo Mariani [114]

17th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
1 April 1605 – 27 April 1605 Leo XI 2.jpg Leo XI Alessandro Algardi, monumento a leone XI Medici, 1644, 01.JPG Alessandro Algardi (pope and sarcophagus)
Ercole Ferrata (Prudence)
Giuseppe Peroni (Liberty)
St. Peter's Basilica [115]
16 May 1605 – 28 January 1621 Pope Paul V.jpg Paul V Paul V SM Maggiore.jpg Flaminio Ponzio (design)
Silla da Viggiu (figure of pope)
Stefano Moderna, Ambrogio Bonvicinio, Ippolito Buzzi, Cristoforo Stati, and Antonio Valsoldo (reliefs)
Pompeo Ferucci (cornice figures)
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore Moved from the Borghese Chapel of St. Peter's to the Pauline chapel of Santa Maria Maggiore [115]
9 February 1621 – 8 July 1623 (Albi) Cathedrale Sainte-Cecile - Tresor - Portrait du pape Gregoire XV - PalissyIM81001477.jpg Gregory XV Pierre legros, monumento a gregorio XV e al cardinale ludovico ludovisi, 1709-1717, 02.jpg Pierre Le Gros the Younger (design and execution)
Pierre-Étienne Monnot (sculpted the two Famae from designs by Le Gros))
Sant'Ignazio Uniquely combines the pope's tomb with that of his cardinal-nephew, Ludovico Ludovisi.
According to Reardon [116] the pope was originally buried in the Quirinal Palace and his remains moved to Sant'Ignazio in 1634.
The monument was created c. 1709–14. [117]
6 August 1623 – 29 July 1644 Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Portrait d'Urbain VIII.jpg Urban VIII Tomb of Pope Urban VIII Gregorovius.jpg Gian Lorenzo Bernini St. Peter's Basilica [118]
15 September 1644 – 7 January 1655 Retrato del Papa Inocencio X. Roma, by Diego Velazquez.jpg Innocent X SantAgneseAgone-InnocenzoX-SteO153.JPG G. Valvassori and G.B. Maini Sant'Agnese in Agone Cenotaph featuring the Virtues (left) and Strength (right) erected in 1730 [119]
7 April 1655 – 22 May 1667 Alexander VII.jpg Alexander VII View of the Tomb of Alexander VII, St Peter's, Vatican City.jpg Gian Lorenzo Bernini (monument)
Michele Maglia (figure of pope)
Giuseppe Mazzuoli (Charity)
Lazzaro Morelli and Giulio Catani (Truth)
Giuseppe Baratta and Giulio Cartari (Prudence)
Giulio Catani (Justice)
St. Peter's BasilicaSculpted between 1672 and 1678; Charity's breast's covered by Innocent XI [120]
See Tomb of Pope Alexander VII
20 June 1667 – 9 December 1669 Pope Clement IX.jpg Clement IX Carlo rainaldi, monum. a clemente IX (1671), con papa di domenico guidi, fede di cosimo fancelli e carita ercole ferrata 2.JPG Ercole Ferrata Basilica di Santa Maria MaggioreMoved from St. Peter's in 1675; figures are Clement IX (by Girolamo Rainaldi), Charity (by Ferrata), and Truth (by Cosimo Fancelli) [121]
29 April 1670 – 22 July 1676 Portrait of Pope Clement X Altieri (by Ciro Ferri).jpg Clement X ClementeX.jpg Mattia de' Rossi (design)St. Peter's BasilicaFigures are Clement X (by Ercole Ferrata), Clemency (by Giuseppe Mazzuoli), Goodness (by Lazzaro Morelli), and two putti (by Filippo Carcani) [122]
21 September 1676 – 11/12 August 1689 Portrait of Pope Innocent XI Odescalchi (by Roman School, 17th Century).jpg Innocent XI
Blessed Innocent XI
InocencioXIb.jpg C. Maratta (design)
Pierre Etienne Monnot (sculpted)
St. Peter's BasilicaFeatured the pope with the Virtue Truth and the Goddess Athena; bas-relief on the sarcophagus reads "The Liberation of Vienna" [123]
Saint Peter's Basilica (52).jpg UnknownSeparate glass sarcophagus moved under the altar of the Transfiguration after his body was removed from the altar of Saint Sebastian in 2011 [123]
6 October 1689 – 1 February 1691 Portrait of Pope Alexander VIII - Roman School of 17th Century - (unframed).jpg Alexander VIII AlexandreVIII.jpg Angelo de Rossi St. Peter's Basilica [124]
12 July 1691 – 27 September 1700 Pope Innocent XII.PNG Innocent XII Pope Innocent XII Tomb.jpg Filippo della Valle and Ferdinando Fuga St. Peter's BasilicaMoved from the tribune to the left transept in the late eighteenth century by Cardinal Giuseppe Spinelli; originally buried in a simple marble sarcophagus in the Chapel of the Sacrament; present monument completed in 1746; features the pope bestowing the benediction with Charity (left) and Justice (right) [125]

18th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
23 November 1700 – 19 March 1721 Portrait of Pope Clement XI Albani (Vatican Museums - Musei Vaticani, Vatican).jpg Clement XI Tomb of Pope Clement XI requiem.jpg Carlo Fontana St. Peter's BasilicaIn the Choir chapel; no monument; [126] cenotaph also placed in Ferrara Cathedral [43]
8 May 1721 – 7 March 1724 InnocientXIII.jpg Innocent XIII Tomb of Innocentius XIII.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaOriginally buried in a stucco sepulcher in the right nave of St. Peter's; reinterred in an ancient sarcophagus in 1836 [127]
29 May 1724 – 21 February 1730 Benedetto XIII.jpg Servant of God
Benedict XIII , O.P.
Pietro Bracci and Carlo Marchionni Santa Maria sopra Minerva Remains were originally with his monument in St. Peter's Basilica [127]
12 July 1730 – 6 February 1740 Agostino Masucci - Portrait of Pope Clement XII, seated.jpg Clement XII Tomb of Pope Clement XII.jpg Giovanni Battista Maini Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran [128]
17 August 1740 – 3 May 1758 Benoit XIV.jpg Benedict XIV BentoXIVb.jpg Pietro Bracci St. Peter's BasilicaTwo figures are Knowledge (by Bracci) and Temptation (by Gaspare Sibilla) [129]
6 July 1758 – 2 February 1769 (Venice) Pope Clement XIII by Anton Raphael Mengs (Museo del Settecento Veneziano).jpg Clement XIII Tomb of Pope Clement XIII Gregorovius.jpg Antonio Canova St. Peter's Basilica [129]
19 May 1769 – 22 September 1774 Clement XIV.jpg Clement XIV , O.F.M. Conv. Tomb of Clemens XIV by Antonio Canova.jpg Antonio Canova Santi Apostoli, Rome Moved to Santi Apostoli in 1802 [130]
15 February 1775 – 29 August 1799 Pompeo Batoni - Ritratto di Papa Pio VI (National Gallery of Ireland).jpg Pius VI Tomb Monument of Pius VI Gregorovius.jpg Antonio Canova Crypt of St. Peter's BasilicaMonument by Antonio Canova, circa 1822 [43]
Tomb of Pius VI.jpg UnknownRemains placed in an ancient sarcophagus with a bas-relief of the Adoration of the Magi by Pius XII in 1949 (below); original praecordia monument in the Valence Cathedral sculpted by Massimiliano Laboureur and commissioned by Napoleon [43]
14 March 1800 – 20 August 1823 Jacques-Louis David 018.jpg Servant of God
Pius VII , O.S.B.
Grab Pius VII.jpg Bertel Thorvaldsen St. Peter's BasilicaCommissioned at the expense of Cardinal Consalvi, Pius VII's Secretary of State, it depicts the pope blessing the angels of Time and History, with the onlooking figures of Fortitude (left) and Wisdom (right) [131]

19th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
28 September 1823
– 10 February 1829
Pope Leo XII.PNG Leo XII Leoxii monument.jpg Giuseppe Fabris St. Peter's Basilica [132]
31 March 1829
– 1 December 1830
Pius PP. VIII, 1840-1860.jpg Pius VIII Monument to Pope Pius VIII.jpg Pietro Tenerani St. Peter's BasilicaMoved from the Vatican grottoes in 1857 to the Tenerani monument commissioned by Cardinal Albani; figures are the kneeling pontiff and seated Christ as well as Saints Peter (left) and Paul (right); base reliefs are Prudence (left) and Justice (right) [132]
2 February 1831
– 1 June 1846
Gregory XVI.jpg Gregory XVI
O.S.B. Cam.
GREGORYXVI.jpg Luigi Amici St. Peter's Basilica [133]
16 June 1846
– 7 February 1878
Pius ix.jpg Blessed
Pius IX
Tomb of Pope Pius IX.jpg Unknown San Lorenzo fuori le Mura [134]
20 February 1878
– 20 July 1903
Papa Leone XIII.jpeg Leo XIII Roma Grab Leo XIII BW.JPG Giulio Tadolini Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran Tomb monument [10]

20th century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
4 August 1903
– 20 August 1914
Pius X, by Francesco De Federicis, 1903 (retouched).jpg Saint
Pius X
Piusxtomb.jpg Pier Enrico Astorri
Florestano Di Fausto (architect)
St. Peter's Basilica [135]
3 September 1914
– 22 January 1922
Pope Benedict XV (LOC).jpg Benedict XV Benedyktxv rzezba.JPG Pietro Canonica St. Peter's BasilicaMonument in St. Peter's [136]
Grotto 9.JPG Giulio Barbieri (bronze effigy)Tomb [136]
6 February 1922
– 10 February 1939
Papst Pius XI. 1JS.jpg Pius XI Rom 58 (RaBoe).jpg Giannino Castiglioni Chapel of Saint Sebastian [137] Candoglia marble sarcophagus topped with a deathbed effigy [138]
2 March 1939
– 9 October 1958
Pius PP XII.jpg Venerable
Pius XII
Tumulo pio xii.jpg Francesco Messina (bronze funeral monument)St. Peter's BasilicaFuneral monument in St. Peter's separate from sarcophagus in the Vatican grottoes. [139]
28 October 1958
– 3 June 1963
Pope John XXIII, 1958-1963.jpg Saint
1380VaticanoJohnXXIIIGrave.jpg Emilio Greco St. Peter's BasilicaMoved from the Vatican grottoes to the Altar of Saint Jerome after his beatification on 3 September 2000. [140]
21 June 1963
– 6 August 1978
Paulus VI, from University of Urbino.jpg Saint
Paul VI
GravePaulVI.JPG UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaThree reliefs are from the fifteenth century; "as simple as possible [...] neither tomb nor monument" and buried in the ground per Paul VI's wishes. [141]
SanctusPaulusVI.jpg UnknownUpdated in October 2018 with "Sanctvs" for his canonisation.
26 August 1978
– 28 September 1978
Ioannes Paulus I, by Fotografia Felici, 1978 (cropped).jpg Blessed
John Paul I
TombaBeatoGiovanniPaoloI2022.jpg Francesco Vacchini (design)
Andrea Bregno (reliefs)
St. Peter's BasilicaReliefs are late fifteenth century; across the aisle from Marcellus II, another short-reigning pope. Updated in September 2022 with "Beatvs" for his beatification. [142]

21st century

PontificatePortraitCommon English nameImageSculptorLocationNotes
16 October 1978
– 2 April 2005
Pope John Paul II (1987).jpg Saint
John Paul II
Grave of JPII.JPG UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaSee Death and funeral of Pope John Paul II.
Vaticano sightseeing fc31.jpg UnknownHis body was moved from the Vatican grottoes to the chapel of Saint Sebastian after his beatification on 1 May 2011. The inscription "Beatvs" was changed in April 2014 to "Sanctvs" for his canonization.
19 April 2005
– 28 February 2013

(d. 31 December 2022)

Giao hoang Bien Duc XVI, Benedictus XVI, Benedict XVI.jpg Benedict XVI Tomba Benedetto XVI 2023.jpg UnknownSt. Peter's BasilicaSee Death and funeral of Pope Benedict XVI.

Burial site in the Vatican Grottoes at the same location as John Paul II before his beatification in 2011. [143]

13 March 2013
– Present
Portrait of Pope Francis (2021) FXD.jpg Pope Francis Unknown Santa Maria Maggiore According to Francis, his tomb has already been constructed near the icon Salus Populi Romani, his devotion. [144]

See also


  1. Mann, 2003, p. 1.
  2. Reardon, 2004, pp. 5–12.
  3. Reardon, 2004, pp. 269–271.
  4. Reardon, 2004, pp. 23–26.
  5. Reardon, 2004, p. 23.
  6. Reardon, 2004, pp. 10–11.
  7. Reardon, 2004, pp. 272–277.
  8. Reardon, 2004, pp. 70–109.
  9. Reardon, 2004, p. 25.
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reardon, 2004, p. 270.
  11. Reardon, 2004, p. 30.
  12. Reardon, 2004, p. 31.
  13. Reardon, 2004, pp. 34–35.
  14. Reardon, 2004, p. 40–41.
  15. Reardon, 2004, pp. 46–48.
  16. Reardon, 2004, p. 48.
  17. 1 2 Mann, 2003, p. 22.
  18. Reardon, 2004, pp. 49–51.
  19. Reardon, 2004, pp. 54–55.
  20. Reardon, 2004, p. 60.
  21. Gardner, 1992, ill. 16.
  22. Mann, 2003, p. 24.
  23. Reardon, 2004, p. 61.
  24. Reardon, 2004, p. 62.
  25. 1 2 Reardon, 2004, p. 64.
  26. Reardon, 2004, pp. 66.
  27. Reardon, 2004, p. 74.
  28. Reardon, 2004, p. 76.
  29. Reardon, 2004, p. 77.
  30. Reardon, 2004, p. 80.
  31. 1 2 Williamson, Paul. (1998). Gothic sculpture, 1140–1300. pp. 95–98.
  32. Beckwith, John. (1961). "Review: The Tomb of Pope Clement II at Bamberg". The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 103, No. 700, pp. 321–322.
  33. Turner, Jane. (1996). The dictionary of art. p. 139.
  34. Porter, Darwin. (2004). Frommer's Germany. p. 210.
  35. Reardon, 2004, pp. 82–83.
  36. Gardner, 1992, ill. 9.
  37. Reardon, 2004, p. 83.
  38. Reardon, 2004, p. 84.
  39. Reardon, 2004, p. 87.
  40. Reardon, 2004, p. 88.
  41. Thomas, Sarah Fawcett. (2000). Butler's Lives of the Saints: September / revised by Sarah Fawcett Thomas. Continuum International Publishing. ISBN   978-0-86012-258-6. p. 150.
  42. Reardon, 2004, p. 89.
  43. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reardon, 2004, p. 269.
  44. Reardon, 2004, pp. 90–91.
  45. Reardon, 2004, p. 93.
  46. Gardner, 1992, ill. 11.
  47. Reardon, 2004, p. 95.
  48. Mann, 2003, p. 32.
  49. Gardner, 1992, ill. 12.
  50. Reardon, 2004, p. 98.
  51. Reardon, 2004, p. 100.
  52. Reardon, 2004, pp. 102–103.
  53. 1 2 An illustration of the iron casket can be seen in Reardon, 2004, p. 113.
  54. Reardon, 2004, p. 104.
  55. Keys to Umbria: City Walks. May 22, 2009 (retrieved). "Interior of the Duomo Archived 2009-01-07 at the Wayback Machine ".
  56. Gardner, 1992, p. 36, ill. 21, 25–27, 31.
  57. 1 2 3 Frothingham, A. L., Jr. (1891). "Notes on Roman Artists of the Middle Ages. III. Two Tombs of the Popes at Viterbo by Vassallectus and Petrus Oderisi". The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts, 7(1/2): 38.
  58. Gardner, 1992, ill. 132–135.
  59. Gardner, 1992, ill. 34–38.
  60. Reardon, 2004, p. 109.
  61. An illustration of the nineteenth century Tomb of Pope John XXI can be found in: Daly, Walter J. (2004). "An Earlier De Motu Cordis". Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, Vol. 115.
  62. Reardon, 2004, p. 111.
  63. 1 2 P. Cellini, Di Fra' Guglielmo e di Arnolfo, BArte, s. IV, 40, 1955, pp. 215-229
  64. Gardner, 1992, ill. 97–99.
  65. Reardon, 2004, p. 115.
  66. P. Cellini, Di Fra' Guglielmo e di Arnolfo, BArte, s. IV, 40, 1955, pp. 215-229
  67. Reardon, 2004, p. 116.
  68. Reardon, 2004, p. 118.
  69. Kington, Tom (14 April 2009). "Italy earthquake focus shifts to saving Abruzzo's heritage". The Guardian .
  70. Gardner, 1992, ill. 106–108, 111–112.
  71. Reardon, 2004, pp. 120–121.
  72. Gardner, 1992, ill. 88, 124–130.
  73. Gardner, 1992, ill. 176–179.
  74. Gardner, 1992, ill. 167–172.
  75. Reardon, 2004, p. 126.
  76. Gardner, 1992, ill. 139.
  77. Gardner, 1992, ill. 183–184.
  78. Gardner, 1992, ill. 186.
  79. Gardner, 1992, ill. 195–196.
  80. Gardner, 1992, ill. 190–194.
  81. Gardner, 1992, ill. 203. As seen in Acta Sanctorum .
  82. Gardner, 1992, ill. 204–207.
  83. Reardon, 2004, p. 133.
  84. Gardner, 1992, ill. 147.
  85. Reardon, 2004, p. 137.
  86. Reardon, 2004, pp. 141–142.
  87. Reardon, 2004, p. 145.
  88. Gardner, 1992, ill. 18.
  89. Reardon, 2004, p. 149.
  90. Reardon, 2004, p. 152.
  91. Reardon, 2004, p. 153.
  92. 1 2 Reardon, 2004, p. 156.
  93. Reardon, 2004, p. 161.
  94. Reardon, 2004, p. 163.
  95. Reardon, 2004, p. 167.
  96. Reardon, 2004, p. 173.
  97. 1 2 3 Reardon, 2004, p. 177.
  98. Reardon, 2004, pp. 177–178.
  99. Reardon, 2004, p. 179.
  100. Reardon, 2004, p. 182.
  101. Reardon, 2004, 182.
  102. Reardon, 2004, 185–186.
  103. Reardon, 2004, p. 186.
  104. Aldrich, Robert, and Wotherspoon, Garry. (2002). Who's who in gay and lesbian history. Routledge. p. 278.
  105. Reardon, 2004, p. 187–188.
  106. Reardon, 2004, p. 188.
  107. Reardon, 2004, p. 189.
  108. Reardon, 2004, p. 191.
  109. Gerhard Bissell, Pierre le Gros, 1666–1719, Reading, Berkshire 1997, pp. 42–44.
  110. Reardon, 2004, p. 195.
  111. Reardon, 2004, p. 195–197.
  112. Reardon, 2004, p. 198.
  113. 1 2 Reardon, 2004, p. 199.
  114. Reardon, 2004, p. 201.
  115. 1 2 Reardon, 2004, p. 204.
  116. Reardon, 2004, p. 206–207.
  117. Gerhard Bissell, Pierre le Gros, 1666–1719, Reading, Berkshire 1997, pp. 104–105. Reardon's statement (Reardon, 2004, p. 206–207) that the design was by Orazio Grassi is based on an unreliable source of more than a century ago and not correct; also, while it is correct, as she states, that Camillo Rusconi created statues of the Cardinal Virtues for the chapel, they were there decades before the monument and have nothing to do with it.
  118. Reardon, 2004, p. 207.
  119. Reardon, 2004, p. 208–209.
  120. Reardon, 2004, p. 211.
  121. Reardon, 2004, pp. 211–213.
  122. Reardon, 2004, p. 213.
  123. 1 2 Reardon, 2004, p. 215.
  124. Olszewski, Edward J. (2004). Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni (1667–1740) and the Vatican tomb of Pope Alexander VIII. Diane Publishing. ISBN   978-0-87169-252-8.
  125. Reardon, 2004, p. 218.
  126. Reardon, 2004, p. 218–219.
  127. 1 2 Reardon, 2004, p. 219.
  128. Reardon, 2004, p. 221.
  129. 1 2 Reardon, 2004, p. 223.
  130. Reardon, 2004, p. 224–225.
  131. Reardon, 2004, p. 227.
  132. 1 2 Reardon, 2004, p. 229.
  133. Reardon, 2004, pp. 229–232.
  134. Reardon, 2004, pp. 232–233.
  135. Reardon, 2004, p. 235.
  136. 1 2 Reardon, 2004, p. 239.
  137. "The Tomb of Pius XI".
  138. Reardon, 2004, p. 240.
  139. Reardon, 2004, p. 243.
  140. Fodors. 2009, May 24 (accessed). "Basilica di San Pietro Archived 2009-05-08 at the Wayback Machine ."
  141. Reardon, 2004, p. 246.
  142. Reardon, 2004, p. 249.
  143. "Pope Francis presides over funeral of predecessor Benedict XVI". France 24. 2023-01-05. Retrieved 2023-01-05.
  144. "The pope says he wants to be buried in the Rome basilica, not in the Vatican". AP News. 2023-12-13. Retrieved 2023-12-13.

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Saint Peter's tomb is a site under St. Peter's Basilica that includes several graves and a structure said by Vatican authorities to have been built to memorialize the location of Saint Peter's grave. St. Peter's tomb is alleged near the west end of a complex of mausoleums, the Vatican Necropolis, that date between about AD 130 and AD 300. The complex was partially torn down and filled with earth to provide a foundation for the building of the first St. Peter's Basilica during the reign of Constantine I in about AD 330. Though many bones have been found at the site of the 2nd-century shrine, as the result of two campaigns of archaeological excavation, Pope Pius XII stated in December 1950 that none could be confirmed to be Saint Peter's with absolute certainty. Following the discovery of bones that had been transferred from a second tomb under the monument, on June 26, 1968, Pope Paul VI said that the relics of Saint Peter had been identified in a manner considered convincing. Circumstantial evidence was provided to support the claim.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Origins of the papal tiara</span>

The origins of the papal tiara remain somewhat nebulous and clouded in mystery, first appearing in the Early Middle Ages, but developing a recognizable form in the High Middle Ages, after the Great Schism of 1054. The word tiara itself occurs in the classical annals to denote a Persian headdress, particularly that of the "great king". A camelaucum which was similar in shape to papal tiaras, was part of court dress in Byzantium; it was also inspired by the Phrygian cap, or frigium. Given that other rituals associated with the papal coronation, notably the use of the sedia gestatoria, were copied from Byzantine and eastern imperial ceremonial, it is likely that the tiara is also of Byzantine origin.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Old St. Peter's Basilica</span> Church in Rome, Papal States

Old St. Peter's Basilica was the church buildings that stood, from the 4th to 16th centuries, where St. Peter's Basilica stands today in Vatican City. Construction of the basilica, built over the historical site of the Circus of Nero, began during the reign of Roman Emperor Constantine I. The name "old St. Peter's Basilica" has been used since the construction of the current basilica to distinguish the two buildings.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Catacomb of Priscilla</span> Ancient Roman site

The Catacomb of Priscilla is a large archaeological site on the Via Salaria in Rome, Italy, situated in what was a quarry in Roman times. The catacombs extend downward for over seven miles, making them one of Romes most expansive catacombs. it was used for thousands of Christian burials from the late 2nd century through the 4th century. The origin of the catacomb's namesake is highly contested and theorized. In one theory, Priscilla belonged to the Acilii Glabriones family and was the woman patron who donated the site. The family name can be found etched into the hypogeum.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Papal tombs in Old St. Peter's Basilica</span> Burials from 462 to 1591

In Old St. Peter's Basilica, the papal tombs were the final resting places of the popes, most of which dated from the 5th to 16th centuries. The majority of these tombs were destroyed during the 16th through 17th century demolition of the basilica, except for one which was destroyed during the Saracen Sack of the church in 846 CE. The remainder were transferred in part to new St. Peter's Basilica, which stands on the site of the original basilica.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Catacomb of Callixtus</span> Ancient Roman site

The Catacomb(s) of Callixtus is one of the Catacombs of Rome on the Appian Way, most notable for containing the Crypt of the Popes, which once contained the tombs of several popes from the 2nd to 4th centuries.

The Catacomb of Calepodius is one of the Catacombs of Rome, notable for containing the tombs of Pope Callixtus I and Pope Julius I, along with the eponymous Calepodius.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Catacomb of Pontian</span> Ancient Roman artifact

The Catacomb(s) of Pontian is one of the catacombs of Rome on the Via Portuensis, notable for containing the original tombs of Pope Anastasius I (399–401) and his son Pope Innocent I (401–417). The Catacomb was discovered by famed Italian explorer Antonio Bosio in 1618.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Papacy in early Christianity</span> History of papacy from 30 A.D. to 313

Papacy in early Christianity was the period in papal history between 30 AD, when according to Catholic doctrine, Saint Peter effectively assumed his pastoral role as the Visible Head of the Church, until the pontificate of Miltiades, in 313, when Peace in the Church began.

The Catacomb of the Two Felixes is a catacomb on the ancient via Aurelia in Rome, run by the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology. Its ancient name is unknown but the Notitia ecclesiarum urbis Romae states of a catacomb near those of San Pancrazio and Santi Processo e Martiniano "and you ascend above and you will reach the church; there Saint[s] Martianus and Processus rest under the earth, and saint Lucina, virgin and martyr, in the upper part; then you will reach by the same via [Aurelia] the two martyred holy pontiffs both named Felix".
