List of regular polytopes

Last updated

Example regular polytopes
Regular (2D) polygons
Regular pentagon.svg
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Regular (3D) polyhedra
Small stellated dodecahedron.png
Regular 4D polytopes
Schlegel wireframe 120-cell.png
Ortho solid 010-uniform polychoron p53-t0.png
Regular 2D tessellations
Uniform tiling 44-t0.svg
Regular 3D tessellations
Cubic honeycomb.png
Hyperbolic orthogonal dodecahedral honeycomb.png

This article lists the regular polytopes in Euclidean, spherical and hyperbolic spaces.



This table shows a summary of regular polytope counts by rank.

ConvexStarSkew [a] [1] ConvexSkew [a] [1] ConvexStarConvex
  1. 1 2 Only counting polytopes of full rank. There are more regular polytopes of each rank > 1 in higher dimensions.

There are no Euclidean regular star tessellations in any number of dimensions.


Coxeter node markup1.png A Coxeter diagram represent mirror "planes" as nodes, and puts a ring around a node if a point is not on the plane. A dion { }, CDel node 1.png, is a point p and its mirror image point p', and the line segment between them.

There is only one polytope of rank 1 (1-polytope), the closed line segment bounded by its two endpoints. Every realization of this 1-polytope is regular. It has the Schläfli symbol { }, [2] [3] or a Coxeter diagram with a single ringed node, CDel node 1.png. Norman Johnson calls it a dion [4] and gives it the Schläfli symbol { }.

Although trivial as a polytope, it appears as the edges of polygons and other higher dimensional polytopes. [5] It is used in the definition of uniform prisms like Schläfli symbol { }×{p}, or Coxeter diagram CDel node 1.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.png as a Cartesian product of a line segment and a regular polygon. [6]

2-polytopes (polygons)

The polytopes of rank 2 (2-polytopes) are called polygons. Regular polygons are equilateral and cyclic. A p-gonal regular polygon is represented by Schläfli symbol {p}.

Many sources only consider convex polygons, but star polygons, like the pentagram, when considered, can also be regular. They use the same vertices as the convex forms, but connect in an alternate connectivity which passes around the circle more than once to be completed.


The Schläfli symbol {p} represents a regular p-gon.

Name Triangle
Hexagon Heptagon Octagon
Schläfli {3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}
SymmetryD3, [3]D4, [4]D5, [5]D6, [6]D7, [7]D8, [8]
Coxeter CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.png
Image Regular triangle.svg Regular quadrilateral.svg Regular pentagon.svg Regular hexagon.svg Regular heptagon.svg Regular octagon.svg
Name Nonagon
Decagon Hendecagon Dodecagon Tridecagon Tetradecagon
SymmetryD9, [9]D10, [10]D11, [11]D12, [12]D13, [13]D14, [14]
DynkinCDel node 1.pngCDel 9.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 10.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 11.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 12.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 13.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 14.pngCDel node.png
Image Regular nonagon.svg Regular decagon.svg Regular hendecagon.svg Regular dodecagon.svg Regular tridecagon.svg Regular tetradecagon.svg
Name Pentadecagon Hexadecagon Heptadecagon Octadecagon Enneadecagon Icosagon p-gon
SymmetryD15, [15]D16, [16]D17, [17]D18, [18]D19, [19]D20, [20]Dp, [p]
DynkinCDel node 1.pngCDel 15.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 16.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 17.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 18.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 19.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 20.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.png
Image Regular pentadecagon.svg Regular hexadecagon.svg Regular heptadecagon.svg Regular octadecagon.svg Regular enneadecagon.svg Regular icosagon.svg Disk 1.svg


The regular digon {2} can be considered to be a degenerate regular polygon. It can be realized non-degenerately in some non-Euclidean spaces, such as on the surface of a sphere or torus. For example, digon can be realised non-degenerately as a spherical lune. A monogon {1} could also be realised on the sphere as a single point with a great circle through it. [7] However, a monogon is not a valid abstract polytope because its single edge is incident to only one vertex rather than two.

Name Monogon Digon
Schläfli symbol {1}{2}
SymmetryD1, [ ]D2, [2]
Coxeter diagram CDel node.png or CDel node h.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png
Image Monogon.svg Digon.svg


There exist infinitely many regular star polytopes in two dimensions, whose Schläfli symbols consist of rational numbers {n/m}. They are called star polygons and share the same vertex arrangements of the convex regular polygons.

In general, for any natural number n, there are regular n-pointed stars with Schläfli symbols {n/m} for all m such that m < n/2 (strictly speaking {n/m} = {n/(nm)}) and m and n are coprime (as such, all stellations of a polygon with a prime number of sides will be regular stars). Symbols where m and n are not coprime may be used to represent compound polygons.

Name Pentagram Heptagrams Octagram Enneagrams Decagram ...n-grams
Schläfli {5/2}{7/2}{7/3}{8/3}{9/2}{9/4}{10/3}{p/q}
SymmetryD5, [5]D7, [7]D8, [8]D9, [9],D10, [10]Dp, [p]
Coxeter CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 8.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 9.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 9.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d4.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 10.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel p.pngCDel rat.pngCDel dq.pngCDel node.png
Image Star polygon 5-2.svg Star polygon 7-2.svg Star polygon 7-3.svg Star polygon 8-3.svg Star polygon 9-2.svg Star polygon 9-4.svg Star polygon 10-3.svg  
Regular star polygons up to 20 sides
Regular star polygon 11-2.svg
Regular star polygon 11-3.svg
Regular star polygon 11-4.svg
Regular star polygon 11-5.svg
Regular star polygon 12-5.svg
Regular star polygon 13-2.svg
Regular star polygon 13-3.svg
Regular star polygon 13-4.svg
Regular star polygon 13-5.svg
Regular star polygon 13-6.svg
Regular star polygon 14-3.svg
Regular star polygon 14-5.svg
Regular star polygon 15-2.svg
Regular star polygon 15-4.svg
Regular star polygon 15-7.svg
Regular star polygon 16-3.svg
Regular star polygon 16-5.svg
Regular star polygon 16-7.svg
Regular star polygon 17-2.svg
Regular star polygon 17-3.svg
Regular star polygon 17-4.svg
Regular star polygon 17-5.svg
Regular star polygon 17-6.svg
Regular star polygon 17-7.svg
Regular star polygon 17-8.svg
Regular star polygon 18-5.svg
Regular star polygon 18-7.svg
Regular star polygon 19-2.svg
Regular star polygon 19-3.svg
Regular star polygon 19-4.svg
Regular star polygon 19-5.svg
Regular star polygon 19-6.svg
Regular star polygon 19-7.svg
Regular star polygon 19-8.svg
Regular star polygon 19-9.svg
Regular star polygon 20-3.svg
Regular star polygon 20-7.svg
Regular star polygon 20-9.svg

Star polygons that can only exist as spherical tilings, similarly to the monogon and digon, may exist (for example: {3/2}, {5/3}, {5/4}, {7/4}, {9/5}), however these have not been studied in detail.

There also exist failed star polygons, such as the piangle, which do not cover the surface of a circle finitely many times. [8]

Skew polygons

In addition to the planar regular polygons there are infinitely many regular skew polygons. Skew polygons can be created via the blending operation.

The blend of two polygons P and Q, written P#Q, can be constructed as follows:

  1. take the cartesian product of their vertices VP × VQ.
  2. add edges (p0 × q0, p1 × q1) where (p0, p1) is an edge of P and (q0, q1) is an edge of Q.
  3. select an arbitrary connected component of the result.

Alternatively, the blend is the polygon ρ0σ0, ρ1σ1 where ρ and σ are the generating mirrors of P and Q placed in orthogonal subspaces. [9] The blending operation is commutative, associative and idempotent.

Every regular skew polygon can be expressed as the blend of a unique [i] set of planar polygons. [9] If P and Q share no factors then Dim(P#Q) = Dim(P) + Dim(Q).

In 3 space

The regular finite polygons in 3 dimensions are exactly the blends of the planar polygons (dimension 2) with the digon (dimension 1). They have vertices corresponding to a prism ({n/m}#{} where n is odd) or an antiprism ({n/m}#{} where n is even). All polygons in 3 space have an even number of vertices and edges.

Several of these appear as the Petrie polygons of regular polyhedra.

In 4 space

The regular finite polygons in 4 dimensions are exactly the polygons formed as a blend of two distinct planar polygons. They have vertices lying on a Clifford torus and related by a Clifford displacement. Unlike 3-dimensional polygons, skew polygons on double rotations can include an odd-number of sides.

3-polytopes (polyhedra)

Polytopes of rank 3 are called polyhedra:

A regular polyhedron with Schläfli symbol {p, q}, Coxeter diagrams CDel node 1.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.pngCDel q.pngCDel node.png, has a regular face type {p}, and regular vertex figure {q}.

A vertex figure (of a polyhedron) is a polygon, seen by connecting those vertices which are one edge away from a given vertex. For regular polyhedra, this vertex figure is always a regular (and planar) polygon.

Existence of a regular polyhedron {p, q} is constrained by an inequality, related to the vertex figure's angle defect:

By enumerating the permutations, we find five convex forms, four star forms and three plane tilings, all with polygons {p} and {q} limited to: {3}, {4}, {5}, {5/2}, and {6}.

Beyond Euclidean space, there is an infinite set of regular hyperbolic tilings.


The five convex regular polyhedra are called the Platonic solids. The vertex figure is given with each vertex count. All these polyhedra have an Euler characteristic (χ) of 2.

Name Schläfli
{p, q}
CDel node 1.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.pngCDel q.pngCDel node.png
Edges Vertices
Symmetry Dual
{3,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png Polyhedron 4b.png Uniform tiling 332-t2.svg 4
{4,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png Polyhedron 6.png Uniform tiling 432-t0.png 6
{3,4}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png Polyhedron 8.png Uniform tiling 432-t2.png 8
Dodecahedron {5,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png Polyhedron 12.png Uniform tiling 532-t0.png 12
Icosahedron {3,5}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png Polyhedron 20.png Uniform tiling 532-t2.png 20


In spherical geometry, regular spherical polyhedra (tilings of the sphere) exist that would otherwise be degenerate as polytopes. These are the hosohedra {2,n} and their dual dihedra {n,2}. Coxeter calls these cases "improper" tessellations. [10]

The first few cases (n from 2 to 6) are listed below.

Name Schläfli
Edges Vertices
Symmetry Dual
Digonal hosohedron{2,2}CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png Spherical digonal hosohedron.svg 2
Trigonal hosohedron{2,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png Spherical trigonal hosohedron.svg 3
Trigonal dihedron
Square hosohedron{2,4}CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png Spherical square hosohedron.svg 4
Square dihedron
Pentagonal hosohedron{2,5}CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png Spherical pentagonal hosohedron.svg 5
Pentagonal dihedron
Hexagonal hosohedron{2,6}CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png Spherical hexagonal hosohedron.svg 6
Hexagonal dihedron
Name Schläfli
Edges Vertices
Symmetry Dual
Digonal dihedron{2,2}CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png Digonal dihedron.png 2
Trigonal dihedron{3,2}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png Trigonal dihedron.png 2
Trigonal hosohedron
Square dihedron{4,2}CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png Tetragonal dihedron.png 2
Square hosohedron
Pentagonal dihedron{5,2}CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png Pentagonal dihedron.png 2
Pentagonal hosohedron
Hexagonal dihedron{6,2}CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png Hexagonal dihedron.png 2
Hexagonal hosohedron

Star-dihedra and hosohedra {p/q, 2} and {2, p/q} also exist for any star polygon {p/q}.


The regular star polyhedra are called the Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra and there are four of them, based on the vertex arrangements of the dodecahedron {5,3} and icosahedron {3,5}:

As spherical tilings, these star forms overlap the sphere multiple times, called its density, being 3 or 7 for these forms. The tiling images show a single spherical polygon face in yellow.

{p, q} and
χ Density Symmetry Dual
Small stellated dodecahedron Skeleton St12, size m.png Small stellated dodecahedron (gray with yellow face).svg Small stellated dodecahedron tiling.png First stellation of dodecahedron facets.svg {5/2,5}
CDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node 1.png
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Regular pentagon.svg
Great dodecahedron
Great dodecahedron Skeleton Gr12, size m.png Great dodecahedron (gray with yellow face).svg Great dodecahedron tiling.svg Second stellation of dodecahedron facets.svg {5,5/2}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.png
Regular pentagon.svg
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Small stellated dodecahedron
Great stellated dodecahedron Skeleton GrSt12, size s.png Great stellated dodecahedron (gray with yellow face).svg Great stellated dodecahedron tiling.svg Third stellation of dodecahedron facets.svg {5/2,3}
CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node 1.png
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Regular triangle.svg
Great icosahedron
Great icosahedron Skeleton Gr20, size m.png Great icosahedron (gray with yellow face).svg Great icosahedron tiling.svg Great icosahedron stellation facets.svg {3,5/2}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.png
Regular triangle.svg
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Great stellated dodecahedron

There are infinitely many failed star polyhedra. These are also spherical tilings with star polygons in their Schläfli symbols, but they do not cover a sphere finitely many times. Some examples are {5/2,4}, {5/2,9}, {7/2,3}, {5/2,5/2}, {7/2,7/3}, {4,5/2}, and {3,7/3}.

Skew polyhedra

Regular skew polyhedra are generalizations to the set of regular polyhedron which include the possibility of nonplanar vertex figures.

For 4-dimensional skew polyhedra, Coxeter offered a modified Schläfli symbol {l,m|n} for these figures, with {l,m} implying the vertex figure, m l-gons around a vertex, and n-gonal holes. Their vertex figures are skew polygons, zig-zagging between two planes.

The regular skew polyhedra, represented by {l,m|n}, follow this equation:

Four of them can be seen in 4-dimensions as a subset of faces of four regular 4-polytopes, sharing the same vertex arrangement and edge arrangement:

4-simplex t03.svg 4-simplex t12.svg 24-cell t03 F4.svg 24-cell t12 F4.svg
{4, 6 | 3}{6, 4 | 3}{4, 8 | 3}{8, 4 | 3}


Regular 4-polytopes with Schläfli symbol have cells of type , faces of type , edge figures , and vertex figures .

The existence of a regular 4-polytope is constrained by the existence of the regular polyhedra . A suggested name for 4-polytopes is "polychoron". [11]

Each will exist in a space dependent upon this expression:

 : Hyperspherical 3-space honeycomb or 4-polytope
 : Euclidean 3-space honeycomb
 : Hyperbolic 3-space honeycomb

These constraints allow for 21 forms: 6 are convex, 10 are nonconvex, one is a Euclidean 3-space honeycomb, and 4 are hyperbolic honeycombs.

The Euler characteristic for convex 4-polytopes is zero:


The 6 convex regular 4-polytopes are shown in the table below. All these 4-polytopes have an Euler characteristic (χ) of 0.

CDel node.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.pngCDel q.pngCDel node.pngCDel r.pngCDel node.png
{3,3,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png5
{4,3,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png8
{3,3,4}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png16
24-cell {3,4,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png24
120-cell {5,3,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png120
600-cell {3,3,5}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png600
5-cell 8-cell 16-cell 24-cell 120-cell 600-cell
Wireframe (Petrie polygon) skew orthographic projections
Complete graph K5.svg 4-cube graph.svg 4-orthoplex.svg 24-cell graph F4.svg Cell120Petrie.svg Cell600Petrie.svg
Solid orthographic projections
cubic envelope
16-cell ortho cell-centered.png
cubic envelope
Ortho solid 24-cell.png

Ortho solid 120-cell.png
truncated rhombic

Ortho solid 600-cell.png

Wireframe Schlegel diagrams (Perspective projection)
Schlegel wireframe 5-cell.png
Schlegel wireframe 8-cell.png
Schlegel wireframe 16-cell.png
Schlegel wireframe 24-cell.png
Schlegel wireframe 120-cell.png
Schlegel wireframe 600-cell vertex-centered.png
Wireframe stereographic projections (Hyperspherical)
Stereographic polytope 5cell.png Stereographic polytope 8cell.png Stereographic polytope 16cell.png Stereographic polytope 24cell.png Stereographic polytope 120cell.png Stereographic polytope 600cell.png


Di-4-topes and hoso-4-topes exist as regular tessellations of the 3-sphere.

Regular di-4-topes (2 facets) include: {3,3,2}, {3,4,2}, {4,3,2}, {5,3,2}, {3,5,2}, {p,2,2}, and their hoso-4-tope duals (2 vertices): {2,3,3}, {2,4,3}, {2,3,4}, {2,3,5}, {2,5,3}, {2,2,p}. 4-polytopes of the form {2,p,2} are the same as {2,2,p}. There are also the cases {p,2,q} which have dihedral cells and hosohedral vertex figures.

Regular hoso-4-topes as 3-sphere honeycombs
CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.pngCDel q.pngCDel node.png
Edges Vertices Vertex figure
Symmetry Dual
{2,3,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png4
Spherical trigonal hosohedron.svg
Uniform tiling 332-t0-1-.svg
{2,4,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png6
Spherical square hosohedron.svg
Uniform tiling 432-t0.png
{2,3,4}CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png8
Spherical trigonal hosohedron.svg
Uniform tiling 432-t2.png
{2,5,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png12
Spherical trigonal hosohedron.svg
Uniform tiling 532-t0.png
{2,3,5}CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png20
Spherical pentagonal hosohedron.svg
Uniform tiling 532-t2.png


There are ten regular star 4-polytopes, which are called the Schläfli–Hess 4-polytopes. Their vertices are based on the convex 120-cell {5,3,3} and 600-cell {3,3,5}.

Ludwig Schläfli found four of them and skipped the last six because he would not allow forms that failed the Euler characteristic on cells or vertex figures (for zero-hole tori: F+V−E=2). Edmund Hess (1843–1903) completed the full list of ten in his German book Einleitung in die Lehre von der Kugelteilung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Anwendung auf die Theorie der Gleichflächigen und der gleicheckigen Polyeder (1883).

There are 4 unique edge arrangements and 7 unique face arrangements from these 10 regular star 4-polytopes, shown as orthogonal projections:

WireframeSolid Schläfli
{p, q, r}
{p, q}
{q, r}
Density χ Symmetry group Dual
{r, q,p}
Icosahedral 120-cell
(faceted 600-cell)
Schlafli-Hess polychoron-wireframe-3.png Ortho solid 007-uniform polychoron 35p-t0.png {3,5,5/2}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.png
Regular triangle.svg
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Great dodecahedron.png
Small stellated 120-cell
Small stellated 120-cell Schlafli-Hess polychoron-wireframe-2.png Ortho solid 010-uniform polychoron p53-t0.png {5/2,5,3}
CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node 1.png
Small stellated dodecahedron.png
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Regular triangle.svg
Icosahedral 120-cell
Great 120-cell Schlafli-Hess polychoron-wireframe-3.png Ortho solid 008-uniform polychoron 5p5-t0.png {5,5/2,5}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png
Great dodecahedron.png
Regular pentagon.svg
Regular pentagon.svg
Small stellated dodecahedron.png
Grand 120-cell Schlafli-Hess polychoron-wireframe-3.png Ortho solid 009-uniform polychoron 53p-t0.png {5,3,5/2}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.png
Regular pentagon.svg
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Great icosahedron.png
Great stellated 120-cell
Great stellated 120-cell Schlafli-Hess polychoron-wireframe-4.png Ortho solid 012-uniform polychoron p35-t0.png {5/2,3,5}
CDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node 1.png
Great stellated dodecahedron.png
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Regular pentagon.svg
Grand 120-cell
Grand stellated 120-cell Schlafli-Hess polychoron-wireframe-4.png Ortho solid 013-uniform polychoron p5p-t0.png {5/2,5,5/2}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.png
Small stellated dodecahedron.png
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Great dodecahedron.png
Great grand 120-cell Schlafli-Hess polychoron-wireframe-2.png Ortho solid 011-uniform polychoron 53p-t0.png {5,5/2,3}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
Great dodecahedron.png
Regular pentagon.svg
Regular triangle.svg
Great stellated dodecahedron.png
Great icosahedral 120-cell
Great icosahedral 120-cell
(great faceted 600-cell)
Schlafli-Hess polychoron-wireframe-4.png Ortho solid 014-uniform polychoron 3p5-t0.png {3,5/2,5}
CDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
Great icosahedron.png
Regular triangle.svg
Regular pentagon.svg
Small stellated dodecahedron.png
Great grand 120-cell
Grand 600-cell Schlafli-Hess polychoron-wireframe-4.png Ortho solid 015-uniform polychoron 33p-t0.png {3,3,5/2}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.png
Regular triangle.svg
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Great icosahedron.png
Great grand stellated 120-cell
Great grand stellated 120-cell Schlafli-Hess polychoron-wireframe-1.png Ortho solid 016-uniform polychoron p33-t0.png {5/2,3,3}
CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node 1.png
Great stellated dodecahedron.png
Star polygon 5-2.svg
Regular triangle.svg
Grand 600-cell

There are 4 failed potential regular star 4-polytopes permutations: {3,5/2,3}, {4,3,5/2}, {5/2,3,4}, {5/2,3,5/2}. Their cells and vertex figures exist, but they do not cover a hypersphere with a finite number of repetitions.

Skew 4-polytopes

In addition to the 16 planar 4-polytopes above there are 18 finite skew polytopes. [12] One of these is obtained as the Petrial of the tesseract, and the other 17 can be formed by applying the kappa operation to the planar polytopes and the Petrial of the tesseract.

Ranks 5 and higher

5-polytopes can be given the symbol where is the 4-face type, is the cell type, is the face type, and is the face figure, is the edge figure, and is the vertex figure.

A vertex figure (of a 5-polytope) is a 4-polytope, seen by the arrangement of neighboring vertices to each vertex.
An edge figure (of a 5-polytope) is a polyhedron, seen by the arrangement of faces around each edge.
A face figure (of a 5-polytope) is a polygon, seen by the arrangement of cells around each face.

A regular 5-polytope exists only if and are regular 4-polytopes.

The space it fits in is based on the expression:

 : Spherical 4-space tessellation or 5-space polytope
 : Euclidean 4-space tessellation
 : hyperbolic 4-space tessellation

Enumeration of these constraints produce 3 convex polytopes, no star polytopes, 3 tessellations of Euclidean 4-space, and 5 tessellations of paracompact hyperbolic 4-space. The only non-convex regular polytopes for ranks 5 and higher are skews.


In dimensions 5 and higher, there are only three kinds of convex regular polytopes. [13]

Name Schläfli
Coxeter k-facesFacet
n-simplex {3n−1}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.png...CDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png {3n−2}{3n−2}Self-dual
n-cube {4,3n−2}CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.png...CDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png{4,3n−3}{3n−2}n-orthoplex
n-orthoplex {3n−2,4}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.png...CDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png{3n−2}{3n−3,4}n-cube

There are also improper cases where some numbers in the Schläfli symbol are 2. For example, {p,q,r,...2} is an improper regular spherical polytope whenever {p,q,r...} is a regular spherical polytope, and {2,...p,q,r} is an improper regular spherical polytope whenever {...p,q,r} is a regular spherical polytope. Such polytopes may also be used as facets, yielding forms such as {p,q,...2...y,z}.

5 dimensions

Name Schläfli

5-simplex {3,3,3,3}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
5-cube {4,3,3,3}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
5-orthoplex {3,3,3,4}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
5-simplex t0.svg
5-cube graph.svg

6 dimensions

Name Schläfli VerticesEdgesFacesCells4-faces5-facesχ
6-simplex {3,3,3,3,3}72135352170
6-cube {4,3,3,3,3}6419224016060120
6-orthoplex {3,3,3,3,4}1260160240192640
6-simplex t0.svg
6-cube graph.svg

7 dimensions

Name Schläfli VerticesEdgesFacesCells4-faces5-faces6-facesχ
7-simplex {3,3,3,3,3,3}8285670562882
7-cube {4,3,3,3,3,3}12844867256028084142
7-orthoplex {3,3,3,3,3,4}14842805606724481282
7-simplex t0.svg
7-cube graph.svg

8 dimensions

Name Schläfli VerticesEdgesFacesCells4-faces5-faces6-faces7-facesχ
8-simplex {3,3,3,3,3,3,3}93684126126843690
8-cube {4,3,3,3,3,3,3}2561024179217921120448112160
8-orthoplex {3,3,3,3,3,3,4}1611244811201792179210242560
8-simplex t0.svg

9 dimensions

Name Schläfli VerticesEdgesFacesCells4-faces5-faces6-faces7-faces8-facesχ
9-simplex {38}104512021025221012045102
9-cube {4,37}51223044608537640322016672144182
9-orthoplex {37,4}18144672201640325376460823045122
9-simplex t0.svg

10 dimensions

Name Schläfli VerticesEdgesFacesCells4-faces5-faces6-faces7-faces8-faces9-facesχ
10-simplex {39}115516533046246233016555110
10-cube {4,38}1024512011520153601344080643360960180200
10-orthoplex {38,4}2018096033608064134401536011520512010240
10-simplex t0.svg

Star polytopes

There are no regular star polytopes of rank 5 or higher, with the exception of degenerate polytopes created by the star product of lower rank star polytopes. e.g. hosotopes and ditopes.

Regular projective polytopes

A projective regular (n+1)-polytope exists when an original regular n-spherical tessellation, {p,q,...}, is centrally symmetric. Such a polytope is named hemi-{p,q,...}, and contain half as many elements. Coxeter gives a symbol {p,q,...}/2, while McMullen writes {p,q,...}h/2 with h as the coxeter number. [14]

Even-sided regular polygons have hemi-2n-gon projective polygons, {2p}/2.

There are 4 regular projective polyhedra related to 4 of 5 Platonic solids.

The hemi-cube and hemi-octahedron generalize as hemi-n-cubes and hemi-n-orthoplexes to any rank.

Regular projective polyhedra

rank 3 regular hemi-polytopes
ImageFacesEdgesVertices χ skeleton graph
Hemi-cube {4,3}/2
Hemicube.svg 3641 K4
Hemi-octahedron {3,4}/2
Hemi-octahedron2.png 4631Double-edged K3
Hemi-dodecahedron {5,3}/2
Hemi-dodecahedron.png 615101 G(5,2)
Hemi-icosahedron {3,5}/2
Hemi-icosahedron2.png 101561 K6

Regular projective 4-polytopes

5 of 6 convex regular 4-polytopes are centrally symmetric generating projective 4-polytopes. The 3 special cases are hemi-24-cell, hemi-600-cell, and hemi-120-cell.

Rank 4 regular hemi-polytopes
CellsFacesEdgesVertices χ Skeleton graph
Hemitesseract {4,3,3}/2{4,3,3}44121680 K4,4
Hemi-16-cell {3,3,4}/2{3,3,4}48161240double-edged K4
Hemi-24-cell {3,4,3}/2{3,4,3}6124848120
Hemi-120-cell {5,3,3}/2{5,3,3}15603606003000
Hemi-600-cell {3,3,5}/2{3,3,5}15300600360600

Regular projective 5-polytopes

Only 2 of 3 regular spherical polytopes are centrally symmetric for ranks 5 or higher. The corresponding regular projective polytopes are the hemi versions of the regular hypercube and orthoplex. They are tabulated below for rank 5, for example:

Name Schläfli 4-facesCellsFacesEdgesVertices χ Skeleton graph
hemi-penteract {4,3,3,3}/25204040161Tesseract skeleton
+ 8 central diagonals
hemi-pentacross {3,3,3,4}/21640402051double-edged K5


An apeirotope or infinite polytope is a polytope which has infinitely many facets. An n-apeirotope is an infinite n-polytope: a 2-apeirotope or apeirogon is an infinite polygon, a 3-apeirotope or apeirohedron is an infinite polyhedron, etc.

There are two main geometric classes of apeirotope: [15]

2-apeirotopes (apeirogons)

The straight apeirogon is a regular tessellation of the line, subdividing it into infinitely many equal segments. It has infinitely many vertices and edges. Its Schläfli symbol is {∞}, and Coxeter diagram CDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png.

... Regular apeirogon.svg ...

It exists as the limit of the p-gon as p tends to infinity, as follows:

Name Monogon Digon Triangle Square Pentagon Hexagon Heptagon p-gon Apeirogon
Schläfli {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{p}{∞}
SymmetryD1, [ ]D2, [2]D3, [3]D4, [4]D5, [5]D6, [6]D7, [7][p]
Coxeter CDel node.png or CDel node h.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png
Image Monogon.svg Digon.svg Regular triangle.svg Regular quadrilateral.svg Regular pentagon.svg Regular hexagon.svg Regular heptagon.svg Regular apeirogon.svg

Apeirogons in the hyperbolic plane, most notably the regular apeirogon, {∞}, can have a curvature just like finite polygons of the Euclidean plane, with the vertices circumscribed by horocycles or hypercycles rather than circles.

Regular apeirogons that are scaled to converge at infinity have the symbol {∞} and exist on horocycles, while more generally they can exist on hypercycles.

Hyperbolic apeirogon example.png
Apeirogon on horocycle
Pseudogon example.png
Apeirogon on hypercycle

Above are two regular hyperbolic apeirogons in the Poincaré disk model, the right one shows perpendicular reflection lines of divergent fundamental domains, separated by length λ.

Skew apeirogons

A skew apeirogon in two dimensions forms a zig-zag line in the plane. If the zig-zag is even and symmetrical, then the apeirogon is regular.

Skew apeirogons can be constructed in any number of dimensions. In three dimensions, a regular skew apeirogon traces out a helical spiral and may be either left- or right-handed.

2 dimensions3 dimensions
Regular zig-zag.svg
Zig-zag apeirogon
Triangular helix.png
Helix apeirogon

3-apeirotopes (apeirohedra)

Euclidean tilings

There are six regular tessellations of the plane: the three listed below, and their corresponding Petrials.

Name Square tiling
Triangular tiling
Hexagonal tiling
Symmetry p4m, [4,4], (*442)p6m, [6,3], (*632)
Schläfli {p,q}{4,4}{3,6}{6,3}
Coxeter diagram CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
Image Uniform tiling 44-t0.svg Uniform tiling 63-t2-red.svg Uniform tiling 63-t0.svg

There are two improper regular tilings: {∞,2}, an apeirogonal dihedron, made from two apeirogons, each filling half the plane; and secondly, its dual, {2,∞}, an apeirogonal hosohedron, seen as an infinite set of parallel lines.

Apeirogonal tiling.png
{∞,2}, CDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node.png
Apeirogonal hosohedron.png
{2,∞}, CDel node 1.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png

Euclidean star-tilings

There are no regular plane tilings of star polygons. There are many enumerations that fit in the plane (1/p + 1/q = 1/2), like {8/3,8}, {10/3,5}, {5/2,10}, {12/5,12}, etc., but none repeat periodically.

Hyperbolic tilings

Tessellations of hyperbolic 2-space are hyperbolic tilings . There are infinitely many regular tilings in H2. As stated above, every positive integer pair {p,q} such that 1/p + 1/q < 1/2 gives a hyperbolic tiling. In fact, for the general Schwarz triangle (p, q, r) the same holds true for 1/p + 1/q + 1/r < 1.

There are a number of different ways to display the hyperbolic plane, including the Poincaré disc model which maps the plane into a circle, as shown below. It should be recognized that all of the polygon faces in the tilings below are equal-sized and only appear to get smaller near the edges due to the projection applied, very similar to the effect of a camera fisheye lens.

There are infinitely many flat regular 3-apeirotopes (apeirohedra) as regular tilings of the hyperbolic plane, of the form {p,q}, with p+q<pq/2.

  • {3,7}, {3,8}, {3,9} ... {3,∞}
  • {4,5}, {4,6}, {4,7} ... {4,∞}
  • {5,4}, {5,5}, {5,6} ... {5,∞}
  • {6,4}, {6,5}, {6,6} ... {6,∞}
  • {7,3}, {7,4}, {7,5} ... {7,∞}
  • {8,3}, {8,4}, {8,5} ... {8,∞}
  • {9,3}, {9,4}, {9,5} ... {9,∞}
  • ...
  • {∞,3}, {∞,4}, {∞,5} ... {∞,∞}

A sampling:

Regular hyperbolic tiling table
Spherical (improper/Platonic)/Euclidean/hyperbolic (Poincaré disc: compact/paracompact/noncompact) tessellations with their Schläfli symbol
p \ q2345678......iπ/λ
2 Spherical digonal hosohedron.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png
Spherical trigonal hosohedron.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
Spherical square hosohedron.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
Spherical pentagonal hosohedron.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png
Spherical hexagonal hosohedron.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png
Spherical heptagonal hosohedron.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.png
Spherical octagonal hosohedron.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.png
E2 tiling 22i-4.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 22i-4.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.png
3 Trigonal dihedron.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 332-t0-1-.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 432-t2.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 532-t2.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 63-t2-red.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 37-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 38-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 23i-4.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 2312j-4.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.png
4 Tetragonal dihedron.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 432-t0.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 44-t0.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 45-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 46-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 47-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 48-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 24i-4.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 2412j-4.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.png
5 Pentagonal dihedron.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 532-t0.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 55-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 56-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 57-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 58-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 25i-4.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 2512j-4.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.png
6 Hexagonal dihedron.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 63-t0.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 64-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 65-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 66-t2.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 67-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 68-t0.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 26i-4.png

CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 2612j-4.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.png
7 {7,2}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png
Heptagonal tiling.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 74-t0.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 75-t0.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 76-t0.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 77-t2.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 78-t0.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 27i-4.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.png
8 {8,2}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 84-t0.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 85-t0.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 86-t0.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 87-t0.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.png
Uniform tiling 88-t2.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 28i-4.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.png
E2 tiling 22i-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 24i-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 25i-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 26i-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 27i-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 28i-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 2ii-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 2i12j-4.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.png
iπ/λ H2 tiling 22i-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 2312j-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 2412j-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 2512j-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 2612j-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.pngCDel 8.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 2i12j-1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.pngCDel infin.pngCDel node.png
H2 tiling 212j12j-1.png

{iπ/λ, iπ/λ}
CDel node 1.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.pngCDel ultra.pngCDel node.png

The tilings {p, ∞} have ideal vertices, on the edge of the Poincaré disc model. Their duals {∞, p} have ideal apeirogonal faces, meaning that they are inscribed in horocycles. One could go further (as is done in the table above) and find tilings with ultra-ideal vertices, outside the Poincaré disc, which are dual to tiles inscribed in hypercycles; in what is symbolised {p, iπ/λ} above, infinitely many tiles still fit around each ultra-ideal vertex. [16] (Parallel lines in extended hyperbolic space meet at an ideal point; ultraparallel lines meet at an ultra-ideal point.) [17]

Hyperbolic star-tilings

There are 2 infinite forms of hyperbolic tilings whose faces or vertex figures are star polygons: {m/2, m} and their duals {m, m/2} with m = 7, 9, 11, .... [18] The {m/2, m} tilings are stellations of the {m, 3} tilings while the {m, m/2} dual tilings are facetings of the {3, m} tilings and greatenings [ii] of the {m, 3} tilings.

The patterns {m/2, m} and {m, m/2} continue for odd m< 7 as polyhedra: when m = 5, we obtain the small stellated dodecahedron and great dodecahedron, [18] and when m = 3, the case degenerates to a tetrahedron. The other two Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra (the great stellated dodecahedron and great icosahedron) do not have regular hyperbolic tiling analogues. If m is even, depending on how we choose to define {m/2}, we can either obtain degenerate double covers of other tilings or compound tilings.

Name Schläfli Coxeter diagram ImageFace type
Vertex figure
Density Symmetry Dual
Order-7 heptagrammic tiling {7/2,7}CDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.png Hyperbolic tiling 7-2 7.png {7/2}
Star polygon 7-2.svg
Regular heptagon.svg
Heptagrammic-order heptagonal tiling
Heptagrammic-order heptagonal tiling {7,7/2}CDel node 1.pngCDel 7.pngCDel node.pngCDel 7.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.png Hyperbolic tiling 7 7-2.png {7}
Regular heptagon.svg
Star polygon 7-2.svg
Order-7 heptagrammic tiling
Order-9 enneagrammic tiling {9/2,9}CDel node 1.pngCDel 9.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.pngCDel 9.pngCDel node.png Hyperbolic tiling 9-2 9.png {9/2}
Star polygon 9-2.svg
Regular nonagon.svg
Enneagrammic-order enneagonal tiling
Enneagrammic-order enneagonal tiling {9,9/2}CDel node 1.pngCDel 9.pngCDel node.pngCDel 9.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.png Hyperbolic tiling 9 9-2.png {9}
Regular nonagon.svg
Star polygon 9-2.svg
Order-9 enneagrammic tiling
Order-11 hendecagrammic tiling {11/2,11}CDel node 1.pngCDel 11.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.pngCDel 11.pngCDel node.png Order-11 hendecagrammic tiling.png {11/2}
Star polygon 11-2.svg
Regular hendecagon.svg
Hendecagrammic-order hendecagonal tiling
Hendecagrammic-order hendecagonal tiling {11,11/2}CDel node 1.pngCDel 11.pngCDel node.pngCDel 11.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.png Hendecagrammic-order hendecagonal tiling.png {11}
Regular hendecagon.svg
Star polygon 11-2.svg
Order-11 hendecagrammic tiling
Order-pp-grammic tiling{p/2,p}CDel node 1.pngCDel p.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.png {p/2}{p}3*p32
p-grammic-order p-gonal tiling
p-grammic-order p-gonal tiling{p,p/2}CDel node 1.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.pngCDel p.pngCDel rat.pngCDel d2.pngCDel node.png {p}{p/2}3*p32
Order-pp-grammic tiling

Skew apeirohedra in Euclidean 3-space

There are three regular skew apeirohedra in Euclidean 3-space, with planar faces. [19] [20] [21] They share the same vertex arrangement and edge arrangement of 3 convex uniform honeycombs.

  • 6 squares around each vertex: {4,6|4}
  • 4 hexagons around each vertex: {6,4|4}
  • 6 hexagons around each vertex: {6,6|3}
12 3-dimensional "pure" apeirohedra based on the structure of the cubic honeycomb, {4,3,4}. A p petrie dual operator replaces faces with petrie polygons; d is a dual operator reverses vertices and faces; phk is a kth facetting operator; e is a halving operator, and s skewing halving operator. Pure 3-dimensional apeirohedra chart.png
12 3-dimensional "pure" apeirohedra based on the structure of the cubic honeycomb, {4,3,4}. A π petrie dual operator replaces faces with petrie polygons; δ is a dual operator reverses vertices and faces; φk is a kth facetting operator; η is a halving operator, and σ skewing halving operator.
Regular skew polyhedra with planar faces
Mucube external.png
Muoctahedron external.png
Mutetrahedron external.png

Allowing for skew faces, there are 30 regular apeirohedra in Euclidean 3-space. [23] These include the 12 blended apeirohedra created by blends with the Euclidean planar apeirohedra, and 18 pure apeirohedra, which cannot be expressed as a non-trivial blend including the planar apeirohedra and the three 3-dimensional apeirohedra above.

The 3-dimensional pure apeirohedra are:

  • {4,6|4}, the mucube
  • {,6}4,4, the Petrial of the mucube
  • {6,6|3}, the mutetrahedron
  • {,6}6,3, the Petrial of the mutetrahedron
  • {6,4|4}, the muoctahedron
  • {,4}6,4, the Petrial of the muoctahedron
  • {6,6}4, the halving of the mucube
  • {4,6}6, the Petrial of {6,6}4
  • {,4}·,*3, the skewing of the muoctahedron
  • {6,4}6, the Petrial of {,4}·,*3
  • {∞,3}(a)
  • {∞,3}(b)

Skew apeirohedra in hyperbolic 3-space

There are 31 regular skew apeirohedra with convex faces in hyperbolic 3-space with compact or paracompact symmetry: [24]

  • 14 are compact: {8,10|3}, {10,8|3}, {10,4|3}, {4,10|3}, {6,4|5}, {4,6|5}, {10,6|3}, {6,10|3}, {8,8|3}, {6,6|4}, {10,10|3},{6,6|5}, {8,6|3}, and {6,8|3}.
  • 17 are paracompact: {12,10|3}, {10,12|3}, {12,4|3}, {4,12|3}, {6,4|6}, {4,6|6}, {8,4|4}, {4,8|4}, {12,6|3}, {6,12|3}, {12,12|3}, {6,6|6}, {8,6|4}, {6,8|4}, {12,8|3}, {8,12|3}, and {8,8|4}.


Tessellations of Euclidean 3-space

Edge framework of cubic honeycomb, {4,3,4} Cubic honeycomb.png
Edge framework of cubic honeycomb, {4,3,4}

There is only one non-degenerate regular tessellation of 3-space ( honeycombs ), {4, 3, 4}: [25]

Name Schläfli
CDel node.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.pngCDel q.pngCDel node.pngCDel r.pngCDel node.png

χ Dual
Cubic honeycomb {4,3,4}CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png{4,3}{4}{4}{3,4}0Self-dual

Improper tessellations of Euclidean 3-space

Regular {2,4,4} honeycomb, seen projected into a sphere. Order-4 square hosohedral honeycomb-sphere.png
Regular {2,4,4} honeycomb, seen projected into a sphere.

There are six improper regular tessellations, pairs based on the three regular Euclidean tilings. Their cells and vertex figures are all regular hosohedra {2,n}, dihedra, {n,2}, and Euclidean tilings. These improper regular tilings are constructionally related to prismatic uniform honeycombs by truncation operations. They are higher-dimensional analogues of the order-2 apeirogonal tiling and apeirogonal hosohedron.


{2,4,4} CDel node 1.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png{2,4}{2}{4}{4,4}
{2,3,6} CDel node 1.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png{2,3}{2}{6}{3,6}
{2,6,3} CDel node 1.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png{2,6}{2}{3}{6,3}
{4,4,2} CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node.png{4,4}{4}{2}{4,2}
{3,6,2} CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node.png{3,6}{3}{2}{6,2}
{6,3,2} CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node.png{6,3}{6}{2}{3,2}

Tessellations of hyperbolic 3-space

There are 15 flat regular honeycombs of hyperbolic 3-space:

  • 4 are compact: {3,5,3}, {4,3,5}, {5,3,4}, and {5,3,5}
  • while 11 are paracompact: {3,3,6}, {6,3,3}, {3,4,4}, {4,4,3}, {3,6,3}, {4,3,6}, {6,3,4}, {4,4,4}, {5,3,6}, {6,3,5}, and {6,3,6}.
4 compact regular honeycombs
H3 534 CC center.png
H3 535 CC center.png
H3 435 CC center.png
H3 353 CC center.png
4 of 11 paracompact regular honeycombs
H3 344 CC center.png
H3 363 FC boundary.png
H3 443 FC boundary.png
H3 444 FC boundary.png

Tessellations of hyperbolic 3-space can be called hyperbolic honeycombs . There are 15 hyperbolic honeycombs in H3, 4 compact and 11 paracompact.

4 compact regular honeycombs
Name Schläfli
CDel node.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.pngCDel q.pngCDel node.pngCDel r.pngCDel node.png

χ Dual
Icosahedral honeycomb {3,5,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png {3,5} {3}{3} {5,3} 0Self-dual
Order-5 cubic honeycomb {4,3,5}CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png {4,3} {4}{5} {3,5} 0{5,3,4}
Order-4 dodecahedral honeycomb {5,3,4}CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png {5,3} {5}{4} {3,4} 0{4,3,5}
Order-5 dodecahedral honeycomb {5,3,5}CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png {5,3} {5}{5} {3,5} 0Self-dual

There are also 11 paracompact H3 honeycombs (those with infinite (Euclidean) cells and/or vertex figures): {3,3,6}, {6,3,3}, {3,4,4}, {4,4,3}, {3,6,3}, {4,3,6}, {6,3,4}, {4,4,4}, {5,3,6}, {6,3,5}, and {6,3,6}.

11 paracompact regular honeycombs
Name Schläfli
CDel node.pngCDel p.pngCDel node.pngCDel q.pngCDel node.pngCDel r.pngCDel node.png

χ Dual
Order-6 tetrahedral honeycomb {3,3,6}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png {3,3} {3}{6} {3,6} 0{6,3,3}
Hexagonal tiling honeycomb {6,3,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png {6,3} {6}{3} {3,3} 0{3,3,6}
Order-4 octahedral honeycomb {3,4,4}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png {3,4} {3}{4} {4,4} 0{4,4,3}
Square tiling honeycomb {4,4,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png {4,4} {4}{3} {4,3} 0{3,3,4}
Triangular tiling honeycomb {3,6,3}CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png {3,6} {3}{3} {6,3} 0Self-dual
Order-6 cubic honeycomb {4,3,6}CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png {4,3} {4}{4} {3,6} 0{6,3,4}
Order-4 hexagonal tiling honeycomb {6,3,4}CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png {6,3} {6}{4} {3,4} 0{4,3,6}
Order-4 square tiling honeycomb {4,4,4}CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png {4,4} {4}{4} {4,4} 0Self-dual
Order-6 dodecahedral honeycomb {5,3,6}CDel node 1.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png {5,3} {5}{5} {3,6} 0{6,3,5}
Order-5 hexagonal tiling honeycomb {6,3,5}CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 5.pngCDel node.png {6,3} {6}{5} {3,5} 0{5,3,6}
Order-6 hexagonal tiling honeycomb {6,3,6}CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png {6,3} {6}{6} {3,6} 0Self-dual

Noncompact solutions exist as Lorentzian Coxeter groups, and can be visualized with open domains in hyperbolic space (the fundamental tetrahedron having ultra-ideal vertices). All honeycombs with hyperbolic cells or vertex figures and do not have 2 in their Schläfli symbol are noncompact.

Spherical (improper/Platonic)/Euclidean/hyperbolic(compact/paracompact/noncompact) honeycombs {p,3,r}
{p,3} \ r2345678...
Spherical trigonal hosohedron.svg
Spherical trigonal hosohedron.svg
{2,3,3} {2,3,4} {2,3,5} {2,3,6} {2,3,7} {2,3,8} {2,3,}
Uniform polyhedron-33-t0.png
Schlegel wireframe 5-cell.png
Schlegel wireframe 16-cell.png
Schlegel wireframe 600-cell vertex-centered.png
H3 336 CC center.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-3-7 poincare cc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-3-8 poincare cc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-3-i poincare cc.png
Uniform polyhedron-43-t0.svg
Schlegel wireframe 8-cell.png
Cubic honeycomb.png
H3 435 CC center.png
H3 436 CC center.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-3-7 poincare cc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-3-8 poincare cc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-3-i poincare cc.png
Uniform polyhedron-53-t0.svg
Schlegel wireframe 120-cell.png
H3 534 CC center.png
H3 535 CC center.png
H3 536 CC center.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-3-7 poincare cc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-3-8 poincare cc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-3-i poincare cc.png
Uniform tiling 63-t0.svg
Uniform tiling 63-t0.svg
H3 633 FC boundary.png
H3 634 FC boundary.png
H3 635 FC boundary.png
H3 636 FC boundary.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-3-7 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-3-8 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-3-i poincare.png
Heptagonal tiling.svg
{7,3,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 7-3-3 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 7-3-4 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 7-3-5 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 7-3-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 7-3-7 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 7-3-8 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 7-3-i poincare.png
{8,3,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 8-3-3 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 8-3-4 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 8-3-5 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 8-3-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 8-3-7 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 8-3-8 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 8-3-i poincare.png
... {,3}
{,3,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb i-3-3 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-3-4 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-3-5 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-3-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-3-7 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-3-8 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-3-i poincare.png
{p,4} \ r23456
Spherical square hosohedron.svg
Spherical square hosohedron.svg
{2,4,3} Order-4 square hosohedral honeycomb-sphere.png
{2,4,5} {2,4,6} {2,4,}
Uniform polyhedron-43-t2.svg
Schlegel wireframe 24-cell.png
H3 344 CC center.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-4-5 poincare cc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-4-6 poincare cc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-4-i poincare cc.png
Uniform tiling 44-t0.svg
Uniform tiling 44-t0.svg
H3 443 FC boundary.png
H3 444 FC boundary.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-4-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-4-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-4-i poincare.png
{5,4,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-4-3 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-4-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-4-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-4-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-4-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 55-t0.png
{6,4,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-4-3 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-4-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-4-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-4-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-4-i poincare.png
H2 tiling 24i-1.png
{,4,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb i-4-3 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-4-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-4-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-4-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-4-i poincare.png
{p,5} \ r23456
Spherical pentagonal hosohedron.svg
Spherical pentagonal hosohedron.svg
{2,5,3} {2,5,4} {2,5,5} {2,5,6} {2,5,}
Uniform polyhedron-53-t2.svg
H3 353 CC center.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-5-4 poincare cc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-5-5 poincare cc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-5-6 poincare cc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-5-i poincare cc.png
Uniform tiling 45-t0.png
{4,5,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-5-3 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-5-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-5-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-5-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-5-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 55-t0.png
{5,5,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-5-3 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-5-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-5-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-5-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-5-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 65-t0.png
{6,5,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-5-3 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-5-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-5-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-5-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-5-i poincare.png
H2 tiling 25i-1.png
{,5,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb i-5-3 poincare vc.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-5-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-5-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-5-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-5-i poincare.png
{p,6} \ r23456
Spherical hexagonal hosohedron.svg
Spherical hexagonal hosohedron.svg
{2,6,3} {2,6,4} {2,6,5} {2,6,6} {2,6,}
Uniform tiling 63-t2-red.svg
Uniform tiling 63-t2-red.svg
H3 363 FC boundary.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-6-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-6-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-6-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-6-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 46-t0.png
{4,6,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-6-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-6-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-6-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-6-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-6-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 56-t0.png
{5,6,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-6-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-6-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-6-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-6-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-6-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 66-t0.png
{6,6,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-6-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-6-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-6-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-6-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-6-i poincare.png
H2 tiling 26i-1.png
{,6,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb i-6-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-6-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-6-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-6-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-6-i poincare.png
{p,7} \ r23456
Spherical heptagonal hosohedron.svg
Spherical heptagonal hosohedron.svg
{2,7,3} {2,7,4} {2,7,5} {2,7,6} {2,7,}
Uniform tiling 37-t0.png
{3,7,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-7-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-7-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-7-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-7-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-7-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 47-t0.png
{4,7,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-7-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-7-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-7-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-7-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-7-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 57-t0.png
{5,7,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-7-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-7-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-7-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-7-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-7-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 67-t0.png
{6,7,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-7-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-7-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-7-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-7-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-7-i poincare.png
H2 tiling 27i-1.png
{,7,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb i-7-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-7-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-7-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-7-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-7-i poincare.png
{p,8} \ r23456
Spherical octagonal hosohedron.svg
Spherical octagonal hosohedron.svg
{2,8,3} {2,8,4} {2,8,5} {2,8,6} {2,8,}
Uniform tiling 38-t0.png
{3,8,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-8-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-8-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-8-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-8-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-8-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 48-t0.png
{4,8,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-8-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-8-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-8-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-8-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-8-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 58-t0.png
{5,8,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-8-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-8-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-8-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-8-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-8-i poincare.png
Uniform tiling 68-t0.png
{6,8,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-8-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-8-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-8-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-8-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-8-i poincare.png
H2 tiling 28i-1.png
{,8,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb i-8-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-8-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-8-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-8-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-8-i poincare.png
{p,} \ r23456
Apeirogonal hosohedron.png
Apeirogonal hosohedron.png
{2,,3} {2,,4} {2,,5} {2,,6} {2,,}
H2 tiling 23i-4.png
{3,,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-i-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-i-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-i-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-i-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 3-i-i poincare.png
H2 tiling 24i-4.png
{4,,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-i-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-i-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-i-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-i-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 4-i-i poincare.png
H2 tiling 25i-4.png
{5,,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-i-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-i-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-i-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-i-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 5-i-i poincare.png
H2 tiling 26i-4.png
{6,,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-i-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-i-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-i-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-i-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb 6-i-i poincare.png
H2 tiling 2ii-4.png
{,,2} Hyperbolic honeycomb i-i-3 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-i-4 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-i-5 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-i-6 poincare.png
Hyperbolic honeycomb i-i-i poincare.png

There are no regular hyperbolic star-honeycombs in H3: all forms with a regular star polyhedron as cell, vertex figure or both end up being spherical.

Ideal vertices now appear when the vertex figure is a Euclidean tiling, becoming inscribable in a horosphere rather than a sphere. They are dual to ideal cells (Euclidean tilings rather than finite polyhedra). As the last number in the Schläfli symbol rises further, the vertex figure becomes hyperbolic, and vertices become ultra-ideal (so the edges do not meet within hyperbolic space). In honeycombs {p, q, ∞} the edges intersect the Poincaré ball only in one ideal point; the rest of the edge has become ultra-ideal. Continuing further would lead to edges that are completely ultra-ideal, both for the honeycomb and for the fundamental simplex (though still infinitely many {p, q} would meet at such edges). In general, when the last number of the Schläfli symbol becomes ∞, faces of codimension two intersect the Poincaré hyperball only in one ideal point. [16]


Tessellations of Euclidean 4-space

There are three kinds of infinite regular tessellations (honeycombs) that can tessellate Euclidean four-dimensional space:

3 regular Euclidean honeycombs
Name Schläfli

Tesseractic honeycomb {4,3,3,4}{4,3,3}{4,3}{4}{4}{3,4}{3,3,4}Self-dual
16-cell honeycomb {3,3,4,3}{3,3,4}{3,3}{3}{3}{4,3}{3,4,3}{3,4,3,3}
24-cell honeycomb {3,4,3,3}{3,4,3}{3,4}{3}{3}{3,3}{4,3,3}{3,3,4,3}
Tesseractic tetracomb.png
Projected portion of {4,3,3,4}
(Tesseractic honeycomb)
Demitesseractic tetra hc.png
Projected portion of {3,3,4,3}
(16-cell honeycomb)
Icositetrachoronic tetracomb.png
Projected portion of {3,4,3,3}
(24-cell honeycomb)

There are also the two improper cases {4,3,4,2} and {2,4,3,4}.

There are three flat regular honeycombs of Euclidean 4-space: [25]

  • {4,3,3,4}, {3,3,4,3}, and {3,4,3,3}.

There are seven flat regular convex honeycombs of hyperbolic 4-space: [18]

  • 5 are compact: {3,3,3,5}, {5,3,3,3}, {4,3,3,5}, {5,3,3,4}, {5,3,3,5}
  • 2 are paracompact: {3,4,3,4}, and {4,3,4,3}.

There are four flat regular star honeycombs of hyperbolic 4-space: [18]

  • {5/2,5,3,3}, {3,3,5,5/2}, {3,5,5/2,5}, and {5,5/2,5,3}.

Tessellations of hyperbolic 4-space

There are seven convex regular honeycombs and four star-honeycombs in H4 space. [26] Five convex ones are compact, and two are paracompact.

Five compact regular honeycombs in H4:

5 compact regular honeycombs
Name Schläfli

Order-5 5-cell honeycomb {3,3,3,5} {3,3,3} {3,3} {3}{5} {3,5} {3,3,5} {5,3,3,3}
120-cell honeycomb {5,3,3,3} {5,3,3} {5,3} {5}{3} {3,3} {3,3,3} {3,3,3,5}
Order-5 tesseractic honeycomb {4,3,3,5} {4,3,3} {4,3} {4}{5} {3,5} {3,3,5} {5,3,3,4}
Order-4 120-cell honeycomb {5,3,3,4} {5,3,3} {5,3} {5}{4} {3,4} {3,3,4} {4,3,3,5}
Order-5 120-cell honeycomb {5,3,3,5} {5,3,3} {5,3} {5}{5} {3,5} {3,3,5} Self-dual

The two paracompact regular H4 honeycombs are: {3,4,3,4}, {4,3,4,3}.

2 paracompact regular honeycombs
Name Schläfli

Order-4 24-cell honeycomb {3,4,3,4} {3,4,3} {3,4} {3}{4} {3,4} {4,3,4} {4,3,4,3}
Cubic honeycomb honeycomb {4,3,4,3} {4,3,4} {4,3} {4}{3} {4,3} {3,4,3} {3,4,3,4}

Noncompact solutions exist as Lorentzian Coxeter groups, and can be visualized with open domains in hyperbolic space (the fundamental 5-cell having some parts inaccessible beyond infinity). All honeycombs which are not shown in the set of tables below and do not have 2 in their Schläfli symbol are noncompact.

Spherical/Euclidean/hyperbolic(compact/paracompact/noncompact) honeycombs {p,q,r,s}
q=3, s=3
p \ r345
3 5-simplex t0.svg
Demitesseractic tetra hc.png

4 5-cube t0.svg




q=3, s=4
p \ r34
3 5-cube t4.svg

4 Tesseractic tetracomb.png


q=3, s=5
p \ r34

q=4, s=3
p \ r34
3 Icositetrachoronic tetracomb.png


q=4, s=4
p \ r34

q=4, s=5
p \ r34


q=5, s=3
p \ r34



Star tessellations of hyperbolic 4-space

There are four regular star-honeycombs in H4 space, all compact:

4 compact regular star-honeycombs
Name Schläfli

Dual Density
Small stellated 120-cell honeycomb {5/2,5,3,3} {5/2,5,3} {5/2,5}{5/2}{3}{3,3} {5,3,3} {3,3,5,5/2}5
Pentagrammic-order 600-cell honeycomb {3,3,5,5/2} {3,3,5} {3,3} {3}{5/2}{5,5/2}{3,5,5/2}{5/2,5,3,3}5
Order-5 icosahedral 120-cell honeycomb {3,5,5/2,5}{3,5,5/2} {3,5} {3}{5}{5/2,5}{5,5/2,5}{5,5/2,5,3}10
Great 120-cell honeycomb {5,5/2,5,3}{5,5/2,5}{5,5/2}{5}{3} {5,3} {5/2,5,3}{3,5,5/2,5}10


There is only one flat regular honeycomb of Euclidean 5-space: (previously listed above as tessellations) [25]

There are five flat regular regular honeycombs of hyperbolic 5-space, all paracompact: (previously listed above as tessellations) [18]

Tessellations of Euclidean 5-space

The hypercubic honeycomb is the only family of regular honeycombs that can tessellate each dimension, five or higher, formed by hypercube facets, four around every ridge.

Name Schläfli
{p1, p2, ..., pn1}
Square tiling {4,4}{4}{4}Self-dual
Cubic honeycomb {4,3,4}{4,3}{3,4}Self-dual
Tesseractic honeycomb {4,32,4}{4,32}{32,4}Self-dual
5-cube honeycomb {4,33,4}{4,33}{33,4}Self-dual
6-cube honeycomb {4,34,4}{4,34}{34,4}Self-dual
7-cube honeycomb {4,35,4}{4,35}{35,4}Self-dual
8-cube honeycomb {4,36,4}{4,36}{36,4}Self-dual
n-hypercubic honeycomb {4,3n−2,4}{4,3n−2}{3n−2,4}Self-dual

In E5, there are also the improper cases {4,3,3,4,2}, {2,4,3,3,4}, {3,3,4,3,2}, {2,3,3,4,3}, {3,4,3,3,2}, and {2,3,4,3,3}. In En, {4,3n−3,4,2} and {2,4,3n−3,4} are always improper Euclidean tessellations.

Tessellations of hyperbolic 5-space

There are 5 regular honeycombs in H5, all paracompact, which include infinite (Euclidean) facets or vertex figures: {3,4,3,3,3}, {3,3,4,3,3}, {3,3,3,4,3}, {3,4,3,3,4}, and {4,3,3,4,3}.

There are no compact regular tessellations of hyperbolic space of dimension 5 or higher and no paracompact regular tessellations in hyperbolic space of dimension 6 or higher.

5 paracompact regular honeycombs
Name Schläfli

5-orthoplex honeycomb {3,3,3,4,3} {3,3,3,4} {3,3,3} {3,3} {3}{3} {4,3} {3,4,3} {3,3,4,3} {3,4,3,3,3}
24-cell honeycomb honeycomb {3,4,3,3,3} {3,4,3,3} {3,4,3} {3,4} {3}{3} {3,3} {3,3,3} {4,3,3,3} {3,3,3,4,3}
16-cell honeycomb honeycomb {3,3,4,3,3} {3,3,4,3} {3,3,4} {3,3} {3}{3} {3,3} {4,3,3} {3,4,3,3} self-dual
Order-4 24-cell honeycomb honeycomb {3,4,3,3,4} {3,4,3,3} {3,4,3} {3,4} {3}{4} {3,4} {3,3,4} {4,3,3,4} {4,3,3,4,3}
Tesseractic honeycomb honeycomb {4,3,3,4,3} {4,3,3,4} {4,3,3} {4,3} {4}{3} {4,3} {3,4,3} {3,3,4,3} {3,4,3,3,4}

Since there are no regular star n-polytopes for n  5, that could be potential cells or vertex figures, there are no more hyperbolic star honeycombs in Hn for n  5.

Apeirotopes of rank 7 or more

Tessellations of hyperbolic 6-space and higher

There are no regular compact or paracompact tessellations of hyperbolic space of dimension 6 or higher. However, any Schläfli symbol of the form {p,q,r,s,...} not covered above (p,q,r,s,... natural numbers above 2, or infinity) will form a noncompact tessellation of hyperbolic n-space. [16]

Abstract polytopes

The abstract polytopes arose out of an attempt to study polytopes apart from the geometrical space they are embedded in. They include the tessellations of spherical, Euclidean and hyperbolic space, and of other manifolds. There are infinitely many of every rank greater than 1. See this atlas for a sample. Some notable examples of abstract regular polytopes that do not appear elsewhere in this list are the 11-cell, {3,5,3}, and the 57-cell, {5,3,5}, which have regular projective polyhedra as cells and vertex figures.

The elements of an abstract polyhedron are its body (the maximal element), its faces, edges, vertices and the null polytope or empty set. These abstract elements can be mapped into ordinary space or realised as geometrical figures. Some abstract polyhedra have well-formed or faithful realisations, others do not. A flag is a connected set of elements of each rank - for a polyhedron that is the body, a face, an edge of the face, a vertex of the edge, and the null polytope. An abstract polytope is said to be regular if its combinatorial symmetries are transitive on its flags - that is to say, that any flag can be mapped onto any other under a symmetry of the polyhedron. Abstract regular polytopes remain an active area of research.

Five such regular abstract polyhedra, which can not be realised faithfully and symmetrically, were identified by H. S. M. Coxeter in his book Regular Polytopes (1977) and again by J. M. Wills in his paper "The combinatorially regular polyhedra of index 2" (1987). [27] They are all topologically equivalent to toroids. Their construction, by arranging n faces around each vertex, can be repeated indefinitely as tilings of the hyperbolic plane. In the diagrams below, the hyperbolic tiling images have colors corresponding to those of the polyhedra images.

Polyhedron DU36 medial rhombic triacontahedron.png
Medial rhombic triacontahedron
DU41 medial triambic icosahedron.png
Medial triambic icosahedron
Ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron.png
Ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron
Excavated dodecahedron.png
Excavated dodecahedron
Vertex figure {5}, {5/2}
Regular polygon 5.svg Pentagram green.svg
Dodecadodecahedron vertfig.png
{5}, {5/2}
Regular polygon 5.svg Pentagram green.svg
Ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron vertfig.png
Medial triambic icosahedron face.svg
Faces30 rhombi
Rhombus definition2.svg
12 pentagons
12 pentagrams
Regular polygon 5.svg Pentagram green.svg
20 hexagons
Medial triambic icosahedron face.svg
12 pentagons
12 pentagrams
Regular polygon 5.svg Pentagram green.svg
20 hexagrams
Star hexagon face.png
Tiling Uniform tiling 45-t0.png
{4, 5}
Uniform tiling 552-t1.png
{5, 4}
Uniform tiling 65-t0.png
{6, 5}
Uniform tiling 553-t1.png
{5, 6}
Uniform tiling 66-t2.png
{6, 6}
χ −6−6−16−16−20

These occur as dual pairs as follows:

See also


  1. (up to identity and idempotency)
  2. In a classification advanced by Conway & adopted by Coxeter, [a] stellation refers to extension of edges, and greatening to extension of faces; the term aggrandizement is given for extension of cells (of polychora), though it appears to be less-commonly used. [b]


  1. Coxeter, H. M. S. (1975). Regular Complex Polytopes (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 46–7. ISBN   9780521201254.
  2. See: Inchbald, Guy (9 September 2024). "Stellating and Facetting – A Brief History". Guy's Polyhedra Page. Archived from the original on 2024-05-20.


  1. 1 2 McMullen, Peter (2004), "Regular polytopes of full rank", Discrete & Computational Geometry, 32: 1–35, doi:10.1007/s00454-004-0848-5, S2CID   46707382, archived from the original on 2024-01-20, retrieved 2024-01-20
  2. Coxeter (1973), p. 129.
  3. McMullen & Schulte (2002), p. 30.
  4. Johnson, N.W. (2018). "Chapter 11: Finite symmetry groups". Geometries and Transformations. Cambridge University Press. 11.1 Polytopes and Honeycombs, p. 224. ISBN   978-1-107-10340-5.
  5. Coxeter (1973), p. 120.
  6. Coxeter (1973), p. 124.
  7. Coxeter, Regular Complex Polytopes, p. 9
  8. Duncan, Hugh (28 September 2017). "Between a square rock and a hard pentagon: Fractional polygons". chalkdust. Archived from the original on 2018-12-23. Retrieved 2018-12-24.
  9. 1 2 McMullen & Schulte 2002.
  10. Coxeter (1973), pp. 66–67.
  11. Abstracts (PDF). Convex and Abstract Polytopes (May 19–21, 2005) and Polytopes Day in Calgary (May 22, 2005). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2014-11-29. Retrieved 2015-02-02.
  12. McMullen (2004).
  13. Coxeter (1973), Table I: Regular polytopes, (iii) The three regular polytopes in n dimensions (n>=5), pp. 294–295.
  14. McMullen & Schulte (2002), "6C Projective Regular Polytopes" pp. 162–165.
  15. Grünbaum, B. (1977). "Regular Polyhedra—Old and New". Aequationes Mathematicae. 16 (1–2): 1–20. doi:10.1007/BF01836414. S2CID   125049930.
  16. 1 2 3 Roice Nelson and Henry Segerman, Visualizing Hyperbolic Honeycombs Archived 2020-11-30 at the Wayback Machine
  17. Irving Adler, A New Look at Geometry (2012 Dover edition), p.233
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 Coxeter (1999), "Chapter 10".
  19. Coxeter, H.S.M. (1938). "Regular Skew Polyhedra in Three and Four Dimensions". Proc. London Math. Soc. 2. 43: 33–62. doi:10.1112/plms/s2-43.1.33.
  20. Coxeter, H.S.M. (1985). "Regular and semi-regular polytopes II". Mathematische Zeitschrift. 188 (4): 559–591. doi:10.1007/BF01161657. S2CID   120429557.
  21. Conway, John H.; Burgiel, Heidi; Goodman-Strauss, Chaim (2008). "Chapter 23: Objects with Primary Symmetry, Infinite Platonic Polyhedra". The Symmetries of Things. Taylor & Francis. pp. 333–335. ISBN   978-1-568-81220-5.
  22. McMullen & Schulte (2002), p. 224.
  23. McMullen & Schulte (2002), Section 7E.
  24. Garner, C.W.L. (1967). "Regular Skew Polyhedra in Hyperbolic Three-Space". Can. J. Math. 19: 1179–1186. doi: 10.4153/CJM-1967-106-9 . S2CID   124086497. Note: His paper says there are 32, but one is self-dual, leaving 31.
  25. 1 2 3 Coxeter (1973), Table II: Regular honeycombs, p. 296.
  26. Coxeter (1999), "Chapter 10" Table IV, p. 213.
  27. David A. Richter. "The Regular Polyhedra (of index two)". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2015-03-13.


Family An Bn I2(p) / Dn E6 / E7 / E8 / F4 / G2 Hn
Regular polygon Triangle Square p-gon Hexagon Pentagon
Uniform polyhedron Tetrahedron OctahedronCube Demicube DodecahedronIcosahedron
Uniform polychoron Pentachoron 16-cellTesseract Demitesseract 24-cell 120-cell600-cell
Uniform 5-polytope 5-simplex 5-orthoplex5-cube 5-demicube
Uniform 6-polytope 6-simplex 6-orthoplex6-cube 6-demicube 122221
Uniform 7-polytope 7-simplex 7-orthoplex7-cube 7-demicube 132231321
Uniform 8-polytope 8-simplex 8-orthoplex8-cube 8-demicube 142241421
Uniform 9-polytope 9-simplex 9-orthoplex9-cube 9-demicube
Uniform 10-polytope 10-simplex 10-orthoplex10-cube 10-demicube
Uniform n-polytope n-simplex n-orthoplexn-cube n-demicube 1k22k1k21 n-pentagonal polytope
Topics: Polytope familiesRegular polytopeList of regular polytopes and compounds
Space Family / /
E2 Uniform tiling 0[3] δ3 hδ3 qδ3 Hexagonal
E3 Uniform convex honeycomb 0[4] δ4 hδ4 qδ4
E4 Uniform 4-honeycomb 0[5] δ5 hδ5 qδ5 24-cell honeycomb
E5 Uniform 5-honeycomb 0[6] δ6 hδ6 qδ6
E6 Uniform 6-honeycomb 0[7] δ7 hδ7 qδ7 222
E7 Uniform 7-honeycomb 0[8] δ8 hδ8 qδ8 133331
E8 Uniform 8-honeycomb 0[9] δ9 hδ9 qδ9 152251521
E9 Uniform 9-honeycomb 0[10]δ10hδ10qδ10
E10Uniform 10-honeycomb0[11]δ11hδ11qδ11
En-1Uniform (n-1)-honeycomb 0[n] δn hδn qδn 1k22k1k21