English orthography

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English orthography comprises the set of rules used when writing the English language, [1] [2] allowing readers and writers to associate written graphemes with the sounds of spoken English, as well as other features of the language. [3] English's orthography includes norms for spelling, hyphenation, capitalisation, word breaks, emphasis, and punctuation.


As with the orthographies of most other world languages, written English is broadly standardised. This standardisation began to develop when movable type spread to England in the late 15th century. [4] However, unlike with most languages, there are multiple ways to spell every phoneme, and most letters also represent multiple pronunciations depending on their position in a word and the context.

This is partly due to the large number of words that have been loaned from a large number of other languages throughout the history of English, without successful attempts at complete spelling reforms, [5] and partly due to accidents of history, such as some of the earliest mass-produced English publications being typeset by highly trained, multilingual printing compositors, who occasionally used a spelling pattern more typical for another language. [4] For example, the word ghost was spelled gost in Middle English, until the Flemish spelling pattern was unintentionally substituted, and happened to be accepted. [4] Most of the spelling conventions in Modern English were derived from the phonemic spelling of a variety of Middle English, and generally do not reflect the sound changes that have occurred since the late 15th century (such as the Great Vowel Shift). [6]

Despite the various English dialects spoken from country to country and within different regions of the same country, there are only slight regional variations in English orthography, the two most recognised variations being British and American spelling, and its overall uniformity helps facilitate international communication. On the other hand, it also adds to the discrepancy between the way English is written and spoken in any given location. [5]

Function of letters

Phonemic representation

Letters in English orthography positioned at one location within a specific word usually represent a particular phoneme. For example, at /ˈæt/ consists of 2 letters a and t, which represent /æ/ and /t/, respectively.

Sequences of letters may perform this role as well as single letters. Thus, in thrash /θræʃ/ , the digraph th (two letters) represents /θ/. In hatch /hæ/ , the trigraph tch represents /tʃ/.

Less commonly, a single letter can represent multiple successive sounds. The most common example is x, which normally represents the consonant cluster /ks/ (for example, in tax /tæks/ ).

The same letter (or sequence of letters) may be pronounced differently when occurring in different positions within a word. For instance, gh represents /f/ at the end of some words (tough /tʌf/ ) but not in others (plough /pl/ ). At the beginning of syllables, gh is pronounced /ɡ/, as in ghost /ɡst/ . Conversely, gh is never pronounced /f/ in syllable onsets other than in inflected forms, and is almost never pronounced /ɡ/ in syllable codas (the proper name Pittsburgh is an exception).

Some words contain silent letters, which do not represent any sound in modern English pronunciation. Examples include the l in talk, half, calf, etc., the w in two and sword, gh as mentioned above in numerous words such as though, daughter, night, brought, and the commonly encountered silent e (discussed further below).

Word origin

Another type of spelling characteristic is related to word origin. For example, when representing a vowel, y represents the sound /ɪ/ in some words borrowed from Greek (reflecting an original upsilon), whereas the letter usually representing this sound in non-Greek words is the letter i. Thus, myth /ˈmɪθ/ is of Greek origin, while pith /ˈpɪθ/ is a Germanic word. However, a large number of Germanic words have y in word-final position.

Some other examples are ph pronounced /f/ (which is most commonly f), and ch pronounced /k/ (which is most commonly c or k). The use of these spellings for these sounds often marks words that have been borrowed from Greek.

Some researchers, such as Brengelman (1970), have suggested that, in addition to this marking of word origin, these spellings indicate a more formal level of style or register in a given text, although Rollings (2004) finds this point to be exaggerated as there would be many exceptions where a word with one of these spellings, such as ph for /f/ (like telephone), could occur in an informal text.

Homophone differentiation

Spelling may also be useful to distinguish in written language between homophones (words with the same pronunciation but different meanings), and thus resolve potential ambiguities that would arise otherwise. However in most cases the reason for the difference is historical, and it was not introduced to resolve amibiguity.


Nevertheless, many homophones remain that are unresolved by spelling (for example, the word bay has at least five fundamentally different meanings).

Marking sound changes in other letters

Some letters in English provide information about the pronunciation of other letters in the word. Rollings (2004) uses the term "markers" for such letters. Letters may mark different types of information.

For instance, e in once /ˈwʌns/ indicates that the preceding c is pronounced /s/, rather than the more common value of c in word-final position as the sound /k/, such as in attic /ˈætɪk/ .

e also often marks an altered pronunciation of a preceding vowel. In the pair mat and mate, the a of mat has the value /æ/, whereas the a of mate is marked by the e as having the value /eɪ/. In this context, the e is not pronounced, and is referred to as a "silent e".

A single letter may even fill multiple pronunciation-marking roles simultaneously. For example, in the word ace, e marks not only the change of a from /æ/ to /eɪ/, but also of c from /k/ to /s/. In the word vague, e marks the long a sound, but u keeps the g hard rather than soft.

Doubled consonants usually indicate that the preceding vowel is pronounced short. For example, the doubled t in batted indicates that the a is pronounced /æ/, while the single t of bated gives /eɪ/. Doubled consonants only indicate any lengthening or gemination of the consonant sound itself when they come from different morphemes, as with the nn in unnamed (un+named).

Multiple functionality

Any given letters may have dual functions. For example, u in statue has a sound-representing function (representing the sound /u/) and a pronunciation-marking function (marking the t as having the value // opposed to the value /t/).

Underlying representation

Like many other alphabetic orthographies, English spelling does not represent non-contrastive phonetic sounds (that is, minor differences in pronunciation which are not used to distinguish between different words).

Although the letter t is pronounced by most speakers with aspiration [tʰ] at the beginning of words, this is never indicated in the spelling, and, indeed, this phonetic detail is probably not noticeable to the average native speaker not trained in phonetics.

However, unlike some orthographies, English orthography often represents a very abstract underlying representation (or morphophonemic form) of English words. [7] [8] [9]

[T]he postulated underlying forms are systematically related to the conventional orthography ... and are, as is well known, related to the underlying forms of a much earlier historical stage of the language. There has, in other words, been little change in lexical representation since Middle English, and, consequently, we would expect ... that lexical representation would differ very little from dialect to dialect in Modern English ... [and] that conventional orthography is probably fairly close to optimal for all modern English dialects, as well as for the attested dialects of the past several hundred years. [10]

In these cases, a given morpheme (i.e., a component of a word) has a fixed spelling even though it is pronounced differently in different words. An example is the past tense suffix -ed, which may be pronounced variously as /t/, /d/, or /ᵻd/ [a] (for example, pay /ˈp/ , payed /ˈpd/ , hate /ˈht/ , hated /ˈhtɪd/ ). As it happens, these different pronunciations of -ed can be predicted by a few phonological rules, but that is not the reason why its spelling is fixed.

Another example involves the vowel differences (with accompanying stress pattern changes) in several related words. For instance, photographer is derived from photograph by adding the derivational suffix -er. When this suffix is added, the vowel pronunciations change largely owing to the moveable stress:

photograph /ˈftəɡræf/ or /ˈftəɡrɑːf/
photographer /fəˈtɒɡrəfər/
photographical /ˌftəˈɡræfɪkəl/

Other examples of this type are the -ity suffix (as in agile vs. agility, acid vs. acidity, divine vs. divinity, sane vs. sanity). See also: Trisyllabic laxing.

Another example includes words like mean /ˈmn/ and meant /ˈmɛnt/ , where ea is pronounced differently in the two related words. Thus, again, the orthography uses only a single spelling that corresponds to the single morphemic form rather than to the surface phonological form.

English orthography does not always provide an underlying representation; sometimes it provides an intermediate representation between the underlying form and the surface pronunciation. This is the case with the spelling of the regular plural morpheme, which is written as either -s (as in tat, tats and hat, hats) or -es (as in glass, glasses). Here, the spelling -s is pronounced either /s/ or /z/ (depending on the environment, e.g., tats /ˈtæts/ and tails /ˈtlz/ ) while -es is usually pronounced /ᵻz/ [a] (e.g. classes/ˈklæsᵻz/). Thus, there are two different spellings that correspond to the single underlying representation |z| of the plural suffix and the three surface forms. The spelling indicates the insertion of /ᵻ/ before the /z/ in the spelling -es, but does not indicate the devoiced /s/ distinctly from the unaffected /z/ in the spelling -s.

The abstract representation of words as indicated by the orthography can be considered advantageous since it makes etymological relationships more apparent to English readers. This makes writing English more complex, but arguably makes reading English more efficient. [11] [12] However, very abstract underlying representations, such as that of Chomsky & Halle (1968) or of underspecification theories, are sometimes considered too abstract to accurately reflect the communicative competence of native speakers. Followers of these arguments believe the less abstract surface forms are more "psychologically real" and thus more useful in terms of pedagogy. [13]


Some English words can be written with diacritics; these are mostly loanwords, usually from French. [14] As vocabulary becomes naturalised, there is an increasing tendency to omit the accent marks, even in formal writing. For example, rôle and hôtel originally had accents when they were borrowed into English, but now the accents are almost never used. The words were originally considered foreign—and some people considered that English alternatives were preferable—but today their foreign origin is largely forgotten. Words most likely to retain the accent are those atypical of English morphology and therefore still perceived as slightly foreign. For example, café and pâté both have a pronounced final e, which would otherwise be silent under the normal English pronunciation rules. Moreover, in pâté, the acute accent is helpful to distinguish it from pate.

Further examples of words sometimes retaining diacritics when used in English are: ångström—partly because its symbol is Åappliqué, attaché, blasé, bric-à-brac, Brötchen, [b] cliché, crème, crêpe, façade, fiancé(e), flambé, jalapeño, naïve, naïveté, né(e), papier-mâché, passé, piñata, protégé, résumé, risqué, and voilà. Italics, with appropriate accents, are generally applied to foreign terms that are uncommonly used in or have not been assimilated into English: for example, adiós , belles-lettres, crème brûlée , pièce de résistance , raison d'être , and vis-à-vis .

It was formerly common in American English to use a diaeresis to indicate a hiatus, e.g. coöperate, daïs, and reëlect. The New Yorker and Technology Review magazines still use it for this purpose, even as general use became much rarer. Instead, modern orthography generally prefers no mark (cooperate) or a hyphen (co-operate) for a hiatus between two morphemes in a compound word. By contrast, use of diaereses in monomorphemic loanwords such as naïve and Noël remains relatively common.

In poetry and performance arts, accent marks are occasionally used to indicate typically unstressed syllables that should be stressed when read for dramatic or prosodic effect. This is frequently seen with the -ed suffix in archaic and pseudoarchaic writing, e.g. cursèd indicates the e should be fully pronounced. The grave being to indicate that an ordinarily silent or elided syllable is pronounced (warnèd, parlìament).


In certain older texts (typically British), the use of the ligatures æ and œ is common in words such as archæology, diarrhœa, and encyclopædia, all of Latin or Greek origin. Nowadays, the ligatures have been generally replaced by the digraphs ae and oe (encyclopaedia, diarrhoea) in British English or just e (encyclopedia, diarrhea) in American English, though both spell some words with only e (economy, ecology) and others with ae and oe (paean, amoeba, oedipal, Caesar). In some cases, usage may vary; for instance, both encyclopedia and encyclopaedia are current in the UK.

Phonic irregularities

Partly because English has never had any official regulating authority for spelling, such as the Spanish Real Academia Española , the French Académie française , the German Council for German Orthography , the Danish Sprognævn , and the Thai Royal Society, English spelling is considered irregular and complex compared to that of other languages. Although French, Danish, and Thai, among other languages, present a similar degree of difficulty when encoding (writing), English is more difficult when decoding (reading), as there are clearly many more possible pronunciations of a group of letters. For example, in French, /u/ (as in "true", but short), can be spelled ou, ous, out, oux (ou, nous, tout, choux), but the pronunciation of each of those sequences is always the same. However, in English, while /uː/ can be spelled in up to 24 different ways, including oo, u, ui, ue, o, oe, ou, ough (spook, truth, suit, blues, to, shoe, group, through) (see Sound-to-spelling correspondences below), all of these spellings have other pronunciations as well (e.g., foot, us, build, bluest, so, toe, grout, plough, sew) Thus, in unfamiliar words and proper nouns, the pronunciation of some sequences, ough being the prime example, is unpredictable even for educated native speakers.

Spelling irregularities

Attempts to regularise or reform the spelling of English have usually failed. However, Noah Webster promoted more phonetic spellings in the United States, such as flavor for British flavour, fiber for fibre, defense for defence, analyze for analyse, catalog for catalogue, and so forth. These spellings already existed as alternatives, but Webster's dictionaries helped standardise them in the United States. [15] (See American and British English spelling differences for details.)

Besides the quirks the English spelling system has inherited from its past, there are other irregularities in spelling that make it tricky to learn. English contains, depending on dialect, 24–27 consonant phonemes and 13–20 vowels. However, there are only 26 letters in the modern English alphabet, so there is not a one-to-one correspondence between letters and sounds. Many sounds are spelled using different letters or multiple letters, and for those words whose pronunciation is predictable from the spelling, the sounds denoted by the letters depend on the surrounding letters. For example, th represents two different sounds (the voiced and voiceless dental fricatives) (see Pronunciation of English th), and the voiceless alveolar sibilant can be represented by s or c.

It is, however, not (solely) the shortage of letters which makes English spelling irregular. Its irregularities are caused mainly by the use of many different spellings for some of its sounds, such as /uː/,/iː/ and /oʊ/ (too, true, shoe, flew, through; sleeve, leave, even, seize, siege; stole, coal, bowl, roll, old, mould), and the use of identical sequences for spelling different sounds (over, oven, move).

Furthermore, English no longer makes any attempt to anglicise the spellings of loanwords, but preserves the foreign spellings, even when they do not follow English spelling conventions like the Polish cz in Czech (rather than *Check) or the Norwegian fj in fjord (although fiord was formerly the most common spelling). In early Middle English, until roughly 1400, most imports from French were respelled according to English rules (e.g. bataillebattle, boutonbutton, but not double, or trouble). Instead of loans being respelled to conform to English spelling standards, sometimes the pronunciation changes as a result of pressure from the spelling, e.g. ski , adopted from Norwegian in the mid-18th century. It used to be pronounced /ʃiː/, similar to the Norwegian pronunciation, but the increasing popularity of the sport after the mid-20th century helped the /skiː/ pronunciation replace it.[ citation needed ]

There was also a period when the spelling of a small number of words was altered to make them conform to their perceived etymological origins. For example, b was added to debt (originally dette) to link it to the Latin debitum, and s in island to link it to Latin insula instead of its true origin, the Old English word īġland. p in ptarmigan has no etymological justification whatsoever, only seeking to show Greek origin despite being a Gaelic word.

The spelling of English continues to evolve. Many loanwords come from languages where the pronunciation of vowels corresponds to the way they were pronounced in Old English, which is similar to the Italian or Spanish pronunciation of the vowels, and is the value the vowel symbols a, e, i, o, u have in the International Phonetic Alphabet. As a result, there is a somewhat regular system of pronouncing "foreign" words in English,[ citation needed ] and some borrowed words have had their spelling changed to conform to this system. For example, Hindu used to be spelled Hindoo, and the name Maria used to be pronounced like the name Mariah, but was changed to conform to this system. This only further complicates the spelling, however. On the one hand, words that retained anglicised spellings may be misread in a hyperforeign way. On the other hand, words that are respelled in a 'foreign' way may be misread as if they are English words, e.g. Muslim was formerly spelled Mooslim because of its original pronunciation.

Commercial advertisers have also had an effect on English spelling. They introduced new or simplified spellings like lite instead of light, thru instead of through, and rucsac instead of rucksack.[ citation needed ] The spellings of personal names have also been a source of spelling innovations: diminutive versions of women's names that sound the same as men's names have been spelled differently: Nikki and Nicky, Toni and Tony, Jo and Joe. The differentiation in between names that are spelled differently but have the same phonetic sound may come from modernisation or different countries of origin. For example, Isabelle and Isabel sound the same but are spelled differently; these versions are from France and Spain respectively. [16]

As an example of the irregular nature of English spelling, ou can be pronounced at least nine different ways: /aʊ/ in out, /oʊ/ in soul, // in soup, /ʌ/ in touch, /ʊ/ in could, /ɔː/ in four, /ɜː/ in journal, /ɒ/ in cough, and /ə/ in famous (See Spelling-to-sound correspondences). In the other direction, // can be spelled in at least 18~21 different ways: be (cede), ski (machine), bologna (GA), algae, quay, beach, bee, deceit, people, key, keyed, field (hygiene), amoeba, chamois (GA), dengue (GA), beguine, guyot, and ynambu (See Sound-to-spelling correspondences). (These examples assume a more-or-less standard non-regional British English accent. Other accents will vary.)

Sometimes everyday speakers of English change counterintuitive spellings, with the new spellings usually not judged to be entirely correct. However, such forms may gain acceptance if used enough. An example is the word miniscule, which still competes with its original spelling of minuscule, though this might also be because of analogy with the word mini. [17] [18]


Inconsistencies and irregularities in English pronunciation and spelling have gradually increased in number throughout the history of the English language. There are a number of contributing factors. First, gradual changes in pronunciation, such as the Great Vowel Shift, account for a tremendous number of irregularities. Second, more recent loan words generally carry their original spellings, which are often not phonetic in English; this includes romanized words from languages written using non-Latin scripts.

The regular spelling system of Old English was swept away by the Norman Conquest, and English itself was supplanted in some spheres by Norman French for three centuries, eventually emerging with its spelling much influenced by French. English had also borrowed large numbers of words from French, and kept their French spellings. The spelling of Middle English is very irregular and inconsistent, with the same word being spelled in different ways, sometimes even in the same sentence. However, these were generally much better guides to the then-pronunciation than modern English spelling is.[ opinion ]

For example, /ʌ/, normally written u, is spelled with an o in one, some, love, etc., due to Norman spelling conventions which prohibited writing u before m, n, v due to the graphical confusion that would result. (n, u, v were written identically with two minims in Norman handwriting; w was written as two u letters; m was written with three minims, hence mm looked like vun, nvu, uvu, etc.). Similarly, spelling conventions also prohibited final v. Hence the identical spellings of the three different vowel sounds in love, move, and cove are due to ambiguity in the Middle English spelling system, not sound change.

In 1417, Henry V began using English, which had no standardised spelling, for official correspondence instead of Latin or French which had standardised spelling, e.g. Latin had one spelling for right (rectus), Old French as used in English law had six and Middle English had 77. This motivated writers to standardise English spelling, an effort which lasted about 500 years. [19]

There was also a series of linguistic sound changes towards the end of this period, including the Great Vowel Shift, which resulted in the a in make, for example, changing from a pure vowel to a diphthong. These changes for the most part did not detract from the rule-governed nature of the spelling system; but, in some cases, they introduced confusing inconsistencies, like the well-known example of the many pronunciations of ough (tough, through, though, cough, plough, etc.). Most of these changes happened before the arrival of printing in England. However, the arrival of the modern printing press in 1476 froze the current system, rather than providing the impetus for a realignment of spelling with pronunciation. [4] Furthermore, it introduced further inconsistencies, partly because of the use of typesetters trained abroad, particularly in the Low Countries. For example, the h in ghost was influenced by Flemish. [4] [20] The addition and deletion of a silent e at the ends of words was also sometimes used to make the right-hand margin line up more neatly. [20]

By the time dictionaries were introduced in the mid-17th century, the spelling system of English had started to stabilise. By the 19th century, most words had set spellings, though it took some time before they diffused throughout the English-speaking world. In The Mill on the Floss (1860), English novelist George Eliot satirised the attitude of the English rural gentry of the 1820s towards orthography:

Mr. Tulliver did not willingly write a letter, and found the relation between spoken and written language, briefly known as spelling, one of the most puzzling things in this puzzling world. Nevertheless, like all fervid writing, the task was done in less time than usual, and if the spelling differed from Mrs. Glegg's,–why, she belonged, like himself, to a generation with whom spelling was a matter of private judgment.

The modern English spelling system, with its national variants, spread together with the expansion of public education later in the 19th century.

⟨ough⟩ words

The tetragraph ough can be pronounced in at least ten different ways, six of which are illustrated in the construct, Though the tough cough and hiccough plough him through, which is quoted by Robert A. Heinlein in The Door into Summer to illustrate the difficulties facing automated speech transcription and reading. Ough itself is a word, an exclamation of disgust similar to ugh, though rarely known or used. The following are typical pronunciations of this string of letters:

The following pronunciations are found in uncommon single words:

The place name Loughborough uses two different pronunciations of ough: the first ough has the sound as in cuff and the second rhymes with thorough.

Spelling-to-sound correspondences



SpellingMajor value
Examples of major valueOther valuesExamples of other values
b, bbmorpheme final after mclimber, numbing, bombed /b/ lamb, nimb
elsewhere /b/ bit, ebb, limber, bombe, obtain, blood, bringcombe, bdellium, debtor, doubt
cbefore e, i, y, ae, oe /s/ cellar, city, cyst,
face, prince, nicer
caesium, coelacanth
cello, vermicelli
special, liquorice
Celts, chicer, syncing
word initial before n, tcnidarian, ctenoid
elsewhere /k/ cat, cross, predict, opuscule, pictureblancmange, indict, muscle, victual
ccbefore e, i, y /ks/ accept, eccentric, occidental /k/
soccer, recce, siccing
bocce, breccia, cappuccino
elsewhere /k/ account, accrue, occur, yucca
chafter n /(t)ʃ/ branch, truncheon, franchise, trenchant /k/
inchoate, synchronise, elasmobranch
enchant, enchilada, chinchilla
in words of Greek origin /k/ chasm, chimera, chord, lichendrachm
in words of Modern French origin /ʃ/ chaise, machine, cached, parachute /k/
chemist, choir, machination
chassis (GA), cheque, chowder, niche (GA)
elsewhere // chase, chin, attached, chore /k/
ached, anchor, leprechaun
machete, pistachio, welch
chutzpah (also with /x/ )
sandwich, Greenwich
yacht, Crichton
ck /k/ tack, ticket
d, dd, dh /d/ dive, ladder, jodhpurs /t/
ached, creased, iced, puffed, raked
graduate, gradual (both also /dj/ in RP)
gorsedd, edh
Wednesday, handsome, sandwich, ceilidh
dgbefore e, i, y or a suffix // lodger, pidgin, edgy, abridgment, acknowledgment, judgment, lodgment, fledgling /dɡ/ headgear
f, ff /f/ fine, off, affinity /v/ of
gbefore e, i, y, ae, oe /ɡ/
get, eager, algae (RP), gig
gel, pager, algae (GA), gin
gentle, rage, gigantic, regimen
/ʒ/ genre, barrage, gigue, regime
before m, nphlegmy, diaphragm
gnome, signed, poignant, reign
pigmy, signet, indignant
elsewhere /ɡ/ go, great, leg, margaric //
margarine, gaol
gg /ɡ/ dagger, smuggest, staggering //
agger, suggest, exaggerate
suggest (GA) [i]
ghword-initial /ɡ/ ghost, ghastly, ghetto
elsewheredaughter, through, fraught, brougham
eight, higher, straight, sighed
/ə/ //
/x/ /k/
lough, saugh
laughter, trough, draught, rough
burgher, ogham, yogh
leghorn, pigheaded
hword-final or after r, exoh, rhubarb, rhyme, exhibit, exhaust /h/ exhale, exhume (in RP)
elsewhere /h/ honey, heist, house, manhandle
doohickey, vehicular
j w ∅posthumous (in RP) Nahuatl honest, heir, hours, piranha
annihilate, vehicle, dinghy
j // jump, ajar
jonquil, Julian
jalap, cajole
Hallelujah, fjord
jongleur, julienne, bijou
jalapeno, fajita
k, kk, khword-initial before nknee, knife, knock /k/ knish, Knoebel
elsewhere /k/ key, bake, trekking, sheikh, weeknightbeknave, camiknickers
l, ll /l/ valve, balcony, almost, valley, flotilla, line, colony
halve, balk, salmon
colonel (in rhotic accents)
m, mmword-initial before nmnemonic
elsewhere /m/ mine, hammer
n, nnword-final after mhymn, autumn, damningly
before /k,ɡ/ /ŋ/ inkling, bangle, anchor, minx /n/ incline, vanguard, mankind
elsewhere /n/ nice, funny, enzyme
monsignor, damnable, tin
ngword-final non-silent letter /ŋ/ long, tongue, kingly, singer, clingy /ŋɡ/
longer, strongest
stingy (ungenerous)
strength, amongst
medially otherwise /ŋɡ/
congress, singly, finger, language
binging, wharfinger, dingy, engaol
congrats, engage, vanguard
hangar, lingonberry, angst
ingenue, lingerie
word-initial /əŋɡ/ ngana, ngultrum, Nguni /n/ ngaio, Ngati
p, ppword-initial before n, s, tpneumonia, psyche, ptomaine /p/ psst
elsewhere /p/ pill, happy, soup, corpse, scriptcoup, corps, receipt, raspberry
ph, pph /f/ photograph, sapphire /v/
kniphofia, drophead
qin words of Chinese origin // qi, qigong, guqin
elsewhere /k/ Iraq, waqf, yaqona, mbaqanga, qiviut
r, rr, rh, rrh
  • before a consonant
  • finally
  • before final e
/r/ , ∅ in non-rhotic cart, hurt
fir, walker, tear, burr, myrrh
sarsaparilla, forecastle
elsewhere /r/ ray, parrot, rhyme, diarrhoeairon, croissant (RP), hors d'oeuvre (some pronunciations)
See below for combinations of vowel letters and r
sword-final -s morpheme
after a fortis sound
/s/ pets, shops
word-final -s morpheme
after a lenis sound
/z/ ines
between vowels /z/ phrases, prison, pleasing /s/
bases, bison, leasing
vision, closure
elsewhere /s/ song, ask, misled /z/
is, lens, raspberry
sugar, tension
island, aisle, debris, mesne
scbefore e, i, y /s/ scene, scepter, scissors, scythe /sk/
sceptic, scirrhus
crescent (RP), discern
sch /ʃ/ schedule (RP), schist, eschalot /sk/
school, scheme,
ischemia, eschar
schism (RP)
mischief, eschew
sh /ʃ/ shin, fashion, wish,
Lewisham, foreshore, kinship
mishap, mishit
ss /s/ boss, assign, narcissus
dissert, posses, brassier,
finesse, cesspool, missout
tissue, passion
rescission, scissure
dessert, possess, brassiere, scissor
disseat, misspell, missort
sw /sw/ swore, swan, swift /s/

sword, answer

t, ttin -sten, stlehasten, listens, rustling, thistles /t/ tungsten, listless
elsewhere /t/ ten, bitter, etiology,
nastier, attune, piteous,
softer, wallet, gristmill,
haste, dishearten
ration, martial, cautious
bastion, nature, fortune, righteous
equation, transition (RP)
kindergarten (GA)
soften, ballet, Christmas, mortgage
tch // batch, kitchen
th /θ/
bother, soothe

outhouse, potherb (RP)
posthumous (GA)
v, vv /v/ vine, heavy, savvy, reveled, revved
wbefore r [ii] wrong, wrist, awry
elsewhere /w/ sward, swerve, wale
two, sword, answer, gunwale
Weltanschauung, witgat
wh-before o /h/ who, whole /w/ [iii] whopping, whorl
elsewhere /w/ [iii] wheel /f/ whew (RP), whanau
xword-initial /z/ xylophone, xenon, xenophobia
after e-, and before a vowel /ɡz/ example, exist, exotic, exult
existential, exultation, exit [iv]
exogenous, exercise
elsewhere /ks/ boxes, mixes, expect, taxation, tuxedo, proximity,
jinxed, next, six, taxi
Alexander, auxiliary
luxury (GA) [v] anxiety
anxious, luxury, sexual (GA) luxurious [v]
plateaux, chateaux
faux-pas, roux
xcbefore e, i /ks/ excellent, except, excited
xh /kʃ/ exhale, exhume, foxhole /ks/
exhibition, Vauxhall
exhaust, exhibit
exhilarating, exhortation
y- /j/ yes, young /ð/ ye (mock archaic)
z, zz /z/ gazump, seized, crazier,
rhizoophagous, pizzazz,
zoo, quiz
azure, seizure, brazier (GA)
schizophrenic, pizzas
  1. According to the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary, 77% of Americans pronounce "suggest" as /səɡˈɛst/ . [21]
  2. /w/ in Scottish English.
  3. 1 2 Or /hw/ in Scottish English, Hiberno-English, Southern American English and, less commonly, other variations (including RP).
  4. About half of both British and American speakers say /ˈɛksɪt/ , the other half says /ˈɛɡzɪt/ . [21]
  5. 1 2 Nearly 80% of Americans pronounce luxurious with /ɡʒ/ , while two thirds of British people use /kʒ/ . Half the American speakers pronounce luxury as /ˈlʌɡʒəri/ , the rest says /ˈlʌkʃəri/ . [21]


In a generative approach to English spelling, Rollings (2004) identifies twenty main orthographic vowels of stressed syllables that are grouped into four main categories: "Lax", "Tense", "Heavy", "Tense-R".

a /æ/ man // mane /ɑːr/ mar /ɛər/ mare
e /ɛ/ met // mete /ɜːr/ her /ɪər/ here
i /ɪ/ win // wine /ɜːr/ fir /aɪər/ fire
o /ɒ/ mop // mope /ɔːr/ for [i] /ɔːr/ fore [i]
u /ʌ/ hug /juː/ huge /ɜːr/ cur /jʊər/ cure
/ʊ/ push // rude [ii] /ʊər/ sure
  1. 1 2 no distinction between heavy and tense-r o in most varieties of English (see horse–hoarse merger).
  2. u in the /ʊ,,ʊər/ pattern does not have a heavy vowel.
ai, ay // bait /ɛər/ air
au, aw /ɔː/ audio /ɔːr/ aura
ea /ɛ/ dreamt // dream /ɜːr/ learn /ɪər/ hear
ee // see /ɪər/ beer
eu, ew /juː/ feudal /jʊər/ neurotic
oa // boat /ɔːr/ soar
oo /ʊ/ foot // goose /ʊər/ poor
/ɔːr/ floor
ou, ow /ʌ/ southern // south /ɜːr/ scourge /aʊər/ hour
// soul /ɔːr/ four
/ɒ/ knowledgeknow
oi, oy /ɔɪ/ point /ɔɪər/ coir

For instance, a can represent the lax vowel /æ/ , tense // , heavy /ɑː/, or tense-r /ɛə/. Heavy and tense-r vowels are the respective lax and tense counterparts followed by r.

Tense vowels are distinguished from lax vowels with a "silent" e that is added at the end of words. Thus, a in hat is lax /æ/ , but when e is added in the word hatea is tense // . Heavy and tense-r vowels follow a similar pattern, e.g. ar in car is heavy /ɑːr/ , ar followed by silent e in care is /ɛər/ . u represents two different vowel patterns, one being /ʌ,j,ɜː,jʊər/ , the other /ʊ,,ʊər/ . There is no distinction between heavy and tense-r o, and u in the /ʊ,,ʊər/ pattern does not have a heavy vowel.

Besides silent e, another strategy for indicating tense and tense-r vowels is the addition of another orthographic vowel forming a digraph. In this case, the first vowel is usually the main vowel while the second vowel is the "marking" vowel. For example, man has a lax a ( /æ/ ), but the addition of i (as the digraph ai) in main marks the a as tense ( // ). These two strategies produce words that are spelled differently but pronounced identically, which helps differentiate words that would otherwise be homonyms, as in mane (silent e strategy), main (digraph strategy) and Maine (both strategies).

Besides the 20 basic vowel spellings, Rollings (2004) has a reduced vowel category (representing the sounds /ə,ɪ/ ) and a miscellaneous category (representing the sounds /ɔɪ,,/ and /j/ +V, /w/ +V, V+V).

Combinations of vowel letters excluding those followed by ⟨r⟩

To reduce dialectal difficulties, the sound values given here correspond to the conventions at Help:IPA/English. This table includes h, w, y when they represent vowel sounds. If no information is given, it is assumed that the vowel is in a stressed syllable.

Deriving the pronunciation of an English word from its spelling requires not only a careful knowledge of the rules given below (many of which are not explicitly known even by native speakers: speakers merely learn the spelling of a word along with its pronunciation) and their many exceptions, but also:

The pronunciation of vowel letters when followed by r is covered in a separate table below.

SpellingMajor value
Examples of major valueMinor
Examples of minor valueExceptions
ain closed syllables
  • before multiple consonants
  • final vowel in word
/æ/ hatchet, banner, tally
acrobat, cat
// ancient, chamber, pastry,
  • /ɒ/ yacht, restaurant
  • /ɛ/ catch (GA)
  • /ʌ/ apsaras
  • ∅ forecastle
/ɑː/ (RP), /æ/ (GA)aft, ask, dance, past
  • followed by 2+ unstressed syllables
  • next syllable contains /ɪ,ə/
/æ/ national, camera, reality
acid, granite, palace
// nationhood, scathingly
basis, aphasic
∅ sarsaparilla
in open syllables or before cons. + e
  • before single consonant
  • before heterosyllabic vowel
// ache, gave,
opaque, savor, status
table, hatred, April
chaos, aorta, mosaic
/æ/ have, plaque, manor, statue
macle, sacrifice, theatrical
/ɛ/ many, any, ate (RP)
// naive (also with /ɑː/ )
/ʌ/ sati
/ɑː/ debacle
gala, lava, slalom, sonata
before final -nge, ste // range, exchange, haste /æ/ flange, caste (GA)
/ɑː/ melange
after /w/ except before /k,ɡ,ŋ/
  • closed syllables
/ɒ/ want, watch,
swamp, swastika, wallet
/ɒ/ (RP), /ɔː/ (GA)
squash, wasp, wash
wall, walnut, walrus
/ɑː/ qualm (also /ɔː/ ), suave, swami
/æ/ swam, aquatic (RP)
/ʌ/ was (GA), what (GA)
after /w/ except before /k,ɡ,ŋ/
  • open syllables
// persuade, swathe /ɒ/
word-final /ɑː/ bra, cha-cha, schwa, spa
unstressedin -ace, age, ase, ate
(except verbs)
/ɪ,ə/ palace, damage, forage, garbage, pirate, private /ɑː/
RP: garage, barrage
chocolate, purchase, solace
// rampage, primate
elsewhere /ə/ about, an, salary, woman,
blancmange, opera, via
/ə/ to ∅
/ɑː/ (RP), /æ/ (GA)
artistically, ordinary, necessary
probate, folate, kinase
anorak, rectangle, abscond
contrast (n), flabbergast, reprimand
/i/ karaoke, bologna (GA)
/æ/ Assam
/ʌ/ chaprassi
aa, ah /ɑː/ baa, naan, blah /ə/ Isaac, bar mitzvah // Quaalude
ae // encyclopaedia, paediatrician, Caesar /ɛ/ aesthetic // reggae, sundae, Gael
/ə/ Michael, polkaed
// maestro
/.ɛ/ paella
/æ/ Scottish Gaelic
aistressed // daisy, laid, paisley, regain, waif //
aisle, bonsai, daimon, krait
said, again, against
dais, laic, mosaic, papain
/æ/ plaid, plaited, daiquiri
/ˈ/ naif, caique
/i.ɪ/ archaism (RP)
unstressed /ɪ,ə/ bargain, mountain, portrait /ə/ certain, coxswain, spritsail
ao // manoao, miaow, Maoism, cacao (GA) //
kaon, chaos
au /ɔː/ cause, fraud, haul, sauce, slaughter /ɒ/
/ɑː/ (RP), /æ/ (GA)
because (RP), sausage (RP), leprechaun (GA)
aunt, draught, laughter
degauss, graupel, trauma (GA)
chauffeur, gauche, mauve
// gauge
/ʌ/ because (GA)
/ə/ meerschaum
∅ restaurant
aw /ɔː/ awed, flaw, hawk, tawny // Mawlid
ay // bayonet, essays, grayer, hayride //
aye, bayou, kayak, papaya
mayor, prayer, says
// cay, quay, parlay
/əj/ gayal
ein closed syllables
  • before multiple consonants
  • final vowel in word
/ɛ/ petty, lethargy, trebleget, watershed // axes (plural of axis) /ɪ/ pretty, English
/ɒ/ ennui, entourage, genre
// eh
/ʌ/ feng shui
  • bef. 2+ unstressed syllables
  • next syllable contains /ɪ/
/ɛ/ legacy, elegant, delicate, metric, crevice, epic // lethal, reflex, Stephen, feces, legally,
devious, premium, evil, scenic, strategic
in open syllables
  • before single consonant
  • before cons. + r + vowel
  • final, only vowel in word
  • before heterosyllabic vowel
// even, demon, fetal, recombine
metre, secret, egret, secretion
be, she
museum, neon, theater (GA)
/ɛ/ ever, lemon, petal, recollect
petrol, debris (RP), discretion
// crepe, suede, ukulele
// abbe, cafe (GA), saute, seance, rodeo, deity  (RP) /ɛ/ yeah (GA)
unstressedword-finaldiscipline, recites, smile, limitrophe // recipes, simile, apostrophe, deled // latte, mores, protege
/ɛ/ zanze
before heterosyllabic vowel /i/ create, area, atheism, video // fideism, realpolitik
elsewhere /ɪ,ə/ market, ticket, honest, college,
boxes, perfect, express, believe
/ə/ taken, decency, moment /ɛ/ contest, alphabet, princess
eain closed syllables
  • before multiple consonants
/ɛ/ dreamt, cleanse, wealth //
feast, yeast
realty, fealty
/ɔː/ ealderman
/æ/ poleax
/.ɑː/ seance
in open syllables
  • before single consonant
  • before cons. + r + vowel
  • final, only vowel in word
  • before heterosyllabic vowel
// read (infinitive), leaf, zeal, dreams, cleans /ɛ/
read (past simple), deaf, zealot
break, great, eagre, yea
hydrangea, likeable, ocean
ideal, real, cereal
urea, laureate
creating, protease, reagent
/ɑː/ orgeat
/ɛə/ yeah (RP)
/æ/ whereas
/æ/ caveat
/ɪ/ mileage
/.ɪ/ lineage
/æ/ beatify, reality
/ˈɑː/ real
eau // bureau, plateau, tableau /juː/ beauty /ɒ/ bureaucracy
/ə/ bureaucrat
ee // bee, breech, feed, trainee /ɪ/ breeches, been (GA) // matinee, fiancees, nee
/i/ bungee, coffee
/.ə/ freest, weest
/.ɛ/ reecho, /.ɪ/ reelect
/ɛ/ threepence (also /ɪ/ or /ʌ/ )
eh // eh, prehnite, tempeh /ɛər/ yeh /ɛ/ feh /ə/ , keffiyeh
ei, eyusually // veil, weight, heinous, obey //
caffeine, seize, key, geyser
either, height, heist, heinie, eye
albeit, being, cysteine, deist
/ɛ/ heifer, leisure, seigneur
/æ/ reveille, serein
/.ɪ/ fideist, /iˈ/ deice
after c // deceive, ceiling, conceit /æ/ ceinture, enceinte
/.ɪ/ glaceing, /.ɪ/ haecceity
unstressedword-final /i/
monkey, volley, curtsey, jersey // survey (n)
elsewhere /ɪ,ə/ foreign, counterfeit, forfeit /ə/
mullein, villein
/ɪ/ ageist, herein, ogreish
eousually bisyllabic /.ɒ/
eon, geology, reoffer, teleost
creole, geode, leonine, video
galleon, leotard, peon, theory
feoffee, jeopardy, leopard
feoff, people
luncheon, pigeon, embraceor
// yeoman, /ɛər/ ceorl
/juː/ feodary, /i/ geoduck
// rodeo, teosinte
/ɒ/ thereon
/ʌ/ whereof
/wʌ/ someone
eu,ew(ieu,iew)usually /juː/ deuce, feudal, queue,
dew, ewe, view
berceuse, danseuse
// sew
∅ fauteuil
after /r,ʃ,ʒ,ˌl/ // rheumatism, sleuth, jewel, blew, leukemia, lewd, lieu /ə/ nucleus, pileus

// shew
/ɛf/ lieutenant (RP) /jɜː/ milieu(RP)
/ˈj/ reuse
/.ʌ/ reutters
/ʌ/ pileup
/ə/ whereupon
/ɔɪ/ Freudian

iin closed syllables
  • before multiple consonants
  • final vowel in worded
/ɪ/ dissent, mislaid, slither
kiss, sic, bit, inflict, hint, plinth
// dissect, island,
indict, pint, ninth
/æ/ meringue, timbre, absinthe (also /ɪ/ )
// artiste, chenille, skis, chic, ambergris
  • bef. 2+ unstressed syllables
  • next syllable contains /ɪ/
  • before cons. + e, i + vowel
/ɪ/ litany, liberal, chivalry, misery
limit, minute (n)
hideous, position, Sirius
// blithely, irony, libelous, rivalry, miserly,
whitish, writing, shinier, tidied
in open syllables
  • before single consonant
  • before cons. + -le or r + vowel
  • before -gh, gn
  • word final
  • before heterosyllabic vowel
// cited, dive, mica, rise, polite, shine
idle, trifle, nitrous, mitres
sighed, signage
alumni, alibi, radii
vial, quiet, prior, pious
/ɪ/ city, give, vicar, risen
triple, citrus, giblets
pighead, signal
// ski, police, elite, machine, litres,
in vitro, chignon, Monsignor
clientele, fiat, lien, skiing
before -nd, l // wilder, remind /ɪ/ bewilder, rescind
unstressedbefore heterosyllabic vowel /j/ onion, minion // biology, diameter∅ parliament, lieu, nostalgia
/i/ liaison, alien, radii, idiot
elsewhere /ɪ,ə/ divide, permit (n), livid, typical /ə/ giraffe, pencil, cousin, Cheshire∅ business
// director, minute (adj)
/aɪər/ sapphire
ieword-finally // belie, die, untie, vie /i/ goalie, oldie, auntie, movie // lingerie (GA), /i/ kyrie
elsewhere // field, siege, rabies, skied //
/iə/ to /jə/
allied, pied, skies
client, diet, science, sliest
ambient, alien, oriel, ugliest
orient (v), acquiesce
/ɪ/ sieve, mischief, kerchief
/ɛ/ friend, hygienic (GA)
/ˈɛ/ biennial
// diene
/.ɒ/ clientele
/iˈ/ medieval
/ə/ lien
oin closed syllables
  • before multiple consonants
  • final vowel in word
/ɒ/ doctor, bother, donkey
dot, bomb, wonk, font
won, monkey, front
gross, comb, wonted, both
// tomb, womb
/ʊ/ wolf
/wʌ/ once
/ɔː/  (GA) long, broth
  • bef. 2+ unstressed syllables
  • next syllable contains /ɪ/
/ɒ/ opera, colonise, botany
topic, solid, promise
// brokenly, probity, diplomacy
meiosis, aerobic
in open syllables
  • before single consonant
  • before cons. + -le or r + vowel
  • word-final
  • before heterosyllabic vowel
    (inc. unstressed)
// omen, grove, total
noble, cobra
banjo, go
boa, poet, stoic
cooperate, proactive
proper, gone, shone (RP)
to, who, move, doable
come, love, done, colander
/ʊ/ woman, bosom
/ɪ/ women
/wʌ/ one
∅ colonel, chocolate
unstressed /ə/ eloquent, wanton, purpose, Europe /ɒ/ neuron, proton
/ɪ,ə/ hydrogen
oa // boat, coal, load, coaxing /.ə/
boa, inchoate
coaxial, ogdoad
oasis, cloaca
/ɔː/ broad
/ə/ doable
/ˈɑː/ koala
/wɑː/ quinoa
oeusually // amoeba, coelacanth, foetal, phoenix //
doeskin, woeful
shoelace, canoeing
poetic, soever, orthoepic
/ɛ/ foetid, roentgen
/ˈ/ coeval, noesis
/ˈɜː/ coerce
/.ə/ poetry, orthoepy
last vowel in word // foe, goes, toed, woe //
shoes, canoe
coed, noel, phloem
loess, poem
/ʌ/ does
/ə/ doeth, doer
/ɜː/ foehn
// diploe, kalanchoe
unstressed /ɪ/ oedema, oesophagus // aloe, echoed, oboes, soloed // hoopoe
oeu // manoeuvre /ɜːr/ hors d'oeuvre
ohfinal or before a consonant // oh, kohlrabi, ohm, pharaoh /ɒ/ John, johnny /ɔː/ bohrium
/ə/ matzoh
oi /ɔɪ/ boing, moist, coin, envoi /ɪ/
going, egoist, heroin, stoic
bourgeois, coiffeur, patois
connoisseur, porpoise, tortoise
/ɪ/ doing
/wæ/ croissant (RP)
/i/ chamois
// ghettoise, oroide
oousually // cool, sooth, boot, goosebumps /ʊ/ wool, soot, foot, gooseberry // brooch
/.ɒ/ coopt, zoology
before k, d /ʊ/ cook, shook, wood, stood // kook, spook, food, brood /ʌ/ flood, blood
  • before single consonant
  • before cons. + -le or r + vowel
  • before -nd, ld, gh, gn
  • word final
  • before heterosyllabic vowel
// out, aloud, bough //
soup, you, through
soul, dough
/juː/ (GA): ampoule, coupon
  • before multiple consonants
  • final vowel in word
  • bef. 2+ unstressed syllables
  • next syllable contains /ɪ/
  • before cons. + e, i + vowel
/ʊ/ could, should /ʌ/
trouble, country
/ɒ/ cough, fount (printing)
unstressed /ə/ camouflage, labour, nervous /ʊ/
bivouac, bedouin, potpourri
detour, fourchette
/ʌ/ hiccough
/w/ ratatouille, ouabaine
owstressed // owl, bow, row, sow, allow // own, bow, row, sow, alow /ɒ/ acknowledge
/ɒ/ or /ʌ/ rowlock
unstressed // yellow, teabowl, landowner // peafowl, sundowner /əw/ cassowary, toward (RP)
oy /ɔɪ/ boy, doyenne, foyer, voyage /w/ voyeur, noyade /j/ oyez
// coyote (GA)
/i/ buoy (GA)
uin closed syllables
  • before multiple consonants
  • final vowel in word
/ʌ/ budding, cuckold, mullet
but, gull, fuss
/ʊ/ pudding, cuckoo, bullet, put, full, puss // ruthless, brut
/juː/ butte, debut, fuchsia, tulle
in open syllables
  • before single consonant
  • before cons. + -le or r + vowel
  • before heterosyllabic vowel
  • word-final
/juː/ mute, student, puny, union, fuses
bugle, hubris, nutrient (RP)
duo, nuance, pursuant, ensuing
menu, emu, impromptu (RP)
study, punish, bunion, buses
butler, cutlery, subrogate
super, lunar, absolute, revolution
suet, lucrative, lugubrious
hindu, tutu, tofu, truth
/ɪ/ busy, business
in open syllables after /r,ʃ,ʒ,j/ , or cons. + /l/
  • before single consonant
  • before cons. + -le or r + vowel
  • before heterosyllabic vowel
  • word-final
// rule, chute, June, recluses
scruples, rubric
truant, fluent, cruelty
flu, guru
/juː/ overuse, underused /ʌ/ runaway, truculent, clubroom
/ʊ/ sugar
after gbefore e, i, yguest, guide, vaguer /w/ segue, distinguish /juː/ ambiguity
before a, o /w/ languageguard, languor /juː/ jaguar (RP)
after q /w/ quail, conquest, banquet, quitequay, conquer, bouquet, mosquito
unstressed /ə/ support, industry, useful, medium /juː/
guffaw, unruly, upend, vulgarity
/ɪ,ə/ minute, lettuce
ueafter gword finalleague, tongue /juː/ ague // merengue, /i/ dengue
word medial /ɛ/
guest, guessed, baguette
guerrilla, beleaguered


vaguely, intrigued


/w/ segued, /wɛ/ guenon
/wə/ unguent, /w/ ungues
/juːə/ arguer
// Portuguese
after r, or cons. + l // true, clue, gruesome, blues /ə/ influence, cruel, fluent, bluest /.ɪ/ cruet, /ɛ/ influential
elsewhere (except after q) /juː/ virtue, cue, valued, hue, muesli /juːə/
fuel, constituent, rescuer
innuendo, statuesque, minuet
Sue, snafued (GA: due, revenue)
GA: duel, pursuer
/juː/ tenues, /j/ habitue
/jʊər/ puerile, /ʊ/ muenster
/w/ suede, Venezuelan
/wɛ/ pueblo, /wɪ/ desuetude
uiafter g /ɪ/
guild, guitar, intriguing, roguish

guide, guise, beguile

/wɪ/ anguish, penguin, linguist, sanguine // beguine, /w/ linguine
/juːɪ/ arguing, aguish, contiguity
after j, r or cons. + l // juice, cruise, sluice, fruiting /ɪ/ fruition, fluid, ruin, druid, truism, incongruity /.j/ alleluia
/ʊ/ Cruickshank
elsewhere (except after q) /juːɪ/
conduit, cuing, genuine,
Buick, circuitous, Jesuit
build, circuit, biscuit, pursuivant
suit, suitable, nuisance (GA)
intuitive (RP), promiscuity
nuisance (RP), puisne
suicide, tui, Inuit, Hinduism
// duiker, /ə/ circuitry
/wɪ/ cuisine, suint
/w/ suite, ennui, tuille
// sui generis
/w/ feng shui
uu /ju.ə/ continuum, residuum /u.ə/ menstruum /(j)ʌ/ duumvir
/juː/ vacuum
// muumuu
uy // buy, buyout, guyed //
guyot, cliquy, plaguy
obsequy, soliloquy
/jʊɪ/ toluyl
/j/ thuya, gruyere
/w/ puy
/wj/ tuyere
w // cwm
  • before multiple consonants
  • bef. 2+ unstressed syllables
  • next syllable contains /ɪ/
/ɪ/ myth, cryptic, system, symbol
cylinder, typical, pyramid, dynasty
cynic, lyric, lytic, syringe
// cyclone, hyphen, psyche, python
hydrogen, dynasty (GA)
cyclist, hybrid, psychic, typist
  • before single consonant
  • before cons. + -le or r + vowel
  • word-final
// typing, style, paralyze, nylon
cycle, cypress, hydrate, lycra
awry, by, deny, sky, supply
/ɪ/ byzantine, synod, synagogue,
Cypriote, sycophantic
unstressedword-final /i/ any, city, happy, only, supply (adv) // ally (n)
elsewhere /ɪ/ bicycle, oxygen, polymer,
dyslexia, physique, synonymous
sibyl, pyjamas
dynamics, hypothesis, typhoon
anyway, everything

    Combinations of vowel letters and ⟨r⟩

    SpellingMajor value
    Examples of major valueMinor values
    Examples of minor valueExceptions
    arbefore a vowelnext syllable contains /ɪ,ə/ within the same morpheme /ær/ apparent, arid, guarantee, mariners, parish /ɛər/ parent, garish
    followed by a morpheme boundary /ɛər/ carer, scary, sharing, rarity /ær/
    comparable, comparative
    faraway, tsarist
    otherwise /ɛər/ area, care, pharoah, vary, wariness /ɑːr/ aria, are, safaris /ɒr/ quarantine, waratah
    elsewherestressed /ɑːr/ argyle, car, farce /ɛər/ scarce
    /ær/ sarsaparilla (GA)
    /ɜːr/ dharna
    after /w/ /ɔːr/ war, award, dwarf, warning, quarter
    unstressed /ər/ circular, pillar
    aer /ɛər/ aerial, aeroplane /ɪər/ chimaera /ər/ anaerobe
    air /ɛər/ cairn, millionaire, dairy /aɪər/ hetaira
    /ˈɪər/ zaire
    aor /ˈɔːr/ aorta /.r/
    arrbefore a spoken vowel /ær/ marry, barrel, arrow, barren, carrot /ɑːr/ starry, barring
    elsewhere /ɑːr/ scarred, Parr
    aur /ɔːr/ dinosaur, aural, aura, Laura /ɒr/ laurel, Laurence
    awer /ɔː.ər/ gnawer, rawer, thawer /ɔːr/ drawer
    ayer, ayor /.ər/ layer, mayor, soothsayer
    erbefore a vowel /ɪər/ here, series, query, merely /ɛər/
    compere, there, werewolf
    derelict, heresy, perish, very
    derail, reremind
    /ɜːr/ were, weregild
    elsewherestressed /ɜːr/ her, jerk, coerced, merchant /ɛər/ berceuse /ɑːr/ clerk, sergeant
    unstressed /ər/ starter, fewer, Berber, arguer, shower // (or /ər/ )dossier, foyer
    earbefore a consonantbefore a morpheme boundary /ɪər/ dearly, fearless, tearful, yearling /ɛər/ bearskin, swearword /ɜːr/ heard
    elsewhere /ɜːr/ pearly, hearse, yearning, earth /ɑːr/ hearken, hearty, hearth /ɪər/ beard, peart
    /.ər/ bearnaise
    /iˈɑːr/ rearm
    elsewhere /ɪər/ fear, year, appear, hearing, /ɛər/
    pear, bearish, wearing
    linear, nuclear, stearin

    /ˈr/ tearoom
    eer /ɪər/ cheering, beer, eerie /ər/ freer, seers
    eir /ɛər/ heir, madeira, their /ɪər/ weird, weir, eyrie /aɪər/ oneiric, eirenic
    eor /iɔːr/ deorbit, reorganise /ɪər/ theory
    errbefore a spoken vowel /ɛr/ error, merry, terrible, herring, ferret /ɜːr/ referring
    elsewhere /ɜːr/ err, preferred
    eurafter /r,ʃ,ʒ,j/ , cons. + /l/ /ʊər/ pleurisy
    elsewhere /jʊər/ euro, liqueur, neural /ɜːr/ masseur, voyeur /.ɜːr/ theurgy
    irbefore a spoken vowelusually /aɪər/ pirate, virus, iris, spiral /ɪr/ mirage, virile, iridescent, spirit
    derived from a word with silent e following /aɪər/ wirable, aspiring
    before silent e /aɪər/ hire, fires, mired
    elsewherestressed /ɜːr/ bird, fir /ɪər/ menhir
    unstressed /ər/ elixir, kefir, triumvir
    ier /ɪər/ cashier, fierce, frontier, pier /aɪər/
    shier, fiery, hierarchy, plier
    busier, rapier, glacier, hosiery
    /i.ɛər/ concierge, premiere
    /i/ atelier, bustier, dossier
    /ər/ skier
    irrbefore a spoken vowel /ɪr/ mirror, squirrel, cirrus, tirret /ɜːr/ stirrer
    elsewhere /ɜːr/ whirred
    orafter w /ɜːr/ word, work, worst /ɔːr/ worn, sword, swore
    elsewherestressed /ɔːr/ ford, boring, more /ɒr/ forest, moral /ɜːr/ whorl
    /ʌr/ borough
    ∅ comfortable
    unstressed /ər/ gladiator, major, equator
    oar /ɔːr/ boar, coarse, keyboard, soaring /ər/ cupboard, starboard
    /ˈɑːr/ coarctate
    oer /.ər/ partygoer, forgoer /.ər/ undoer, canoer /ɜːr/ oersted
    oir /wɑːr/ reservoir, memoir, moire, soiree /ɔɪər/ coir, loir, Moira /waɪər/ choir
    /ər/ avoirdupois
    oor /ʊər/ poor, moor, boorish, roorback /ɔːr/ door, flooring /ər/ whippoorwill
    /ˈɔːr/ coordinate
    orrstressedafter w /ʌr/ worry
    elsewhere /ɒr/ horrid, porridge, torrent, correlate /ɒr/ (RP), /ɑːr/ (GA)borrow, sorry /ɔːr/ Andorra
    unstressed /ər/ correct, corrupt, haemorrhage, horrific
    ourstressed /ɔːr/ four, courtesan, discourse /aʊər/
    hour, flour, scours
    journey, courtesy, scourge
    tour, courier, gourd, velour
    /ʌr/ courage, flourish
    unstressed /ər/ labour, colourful /ʊr/
    entourage, potpourri
    detour, fourchette
    urbefore a vowelelsewhere /jʊər/ lure, purity, curing /ʊər/ allure, guru, Silurian /ɛr/ bury, burial
    after /r,ʃ,ʒ,j/ , cons. + /l/ /ʊər/ rural, jury, plural, sure, assurance, allure
    elsewherestressed /ɜːr/ turn, occur, curdle /ʌr/ /ʊər/ langur
    unstressed /ər/ sulphur, jodhpur, bulgur, murmur
    urrbefore a spoken vowel /ʌr/ current, hurry, flurry, burrow, turret /ɜːr/ furry, blurring
    elsewhere /ɜːr/ burr, blurred

    before a spoken vowel
    • bef. 2+ unstressed syllables
    • next syllable contains /ɪ/
    /ɪr/ syrup, Pyrenees, lyric, pyramid, Syria, myriad, syringe, tyranny, pyrrhic
    elsewhere /aɪər/ tyrant, gyrate, pyrotechnic, thyroid
    before silent e /aɪər/ lyre, pyre, tyres, gyred
    elsewherestressed /ɜːr/ myrtle, myrrh
    unstressed /ər/ martyr

    Combinations of other consonant and vowel letters

    SpellingMajor value
    Examples of major valueMinor values
    Examples of minor valueExceptions
    alExcluding before f, k, l, m, t
    (see below)
    /æl/ pal, talcum, algae, alp /ɔːl/ bald, Nepal, always, walrus /ɔː/ falcon (also with /ɔːl/ , /ɒl/ or /æl/ )
    /ɒl/ false (RP; also /ɔːl/ )
    alfbefore a vowel /ælf/ alfalfa, malfeasance
    elsewhere /ɑːf/  (RP)
    /æf/  (GA)
    calf, half /ɔːlf/ palfrey
    alkbefore a vowel /ælk/ alkaline, grimalkin /ɔːlk/ balkanise
    elsewhere /ɔːk/ walk
    all /ɔːl/
    call, fallout, smaller
    shall, callus, fallow
    wallet, swallow
    allow, dialled
    /ɛl/ marshmallow (GA), pall-mall (GA)
    almbefore a vowellm/palmate, salmonella, talmudlm/almanac, almost , instalment /æm/ salmon
    /ɑːlm/ almond (GA) [i]
    /əlm/ signalment
    /ɑːm/ almond (RP), balmy, palmistry.
    elsewhere /ɑː(l)m/ alms, calm
    /ɔːm/ halm
    alt /ɔːlt,ɒlt/ [ii] alter, malt, salty, basalt /ælt/ alto, shalt, saltation, asphalt (RP) /ɑːlt/ gestalt (GA)
    /əlt/ royalty, penalty
    angeword final /n/ arrange, change, mange, strange /æn/ flange, phalange /ɑːnʒ/ melange
    /ɒn/ blancmange
    /ɪn/ orange
    asteword final /st/ chaste, lambaste, paste, taste /æst/ cineaste, caste (GA), pleonaste /ɑːst/ (out)caste (RP)
    /əst/ namaste
    -ciunstressed before vowel /ʃ/ special, gracious /si/ (also /ʃ/ )species
    -cqu /kw/ acquaint, acquire /k/ lacquer, racquet
    edword final after /t/ or /d/ /ɪd,əd/ loaded, waited
    word final after a voiceless sound /t/ piped, enserfed, snaked /ɛd/ biped, underfed /ɪd,əd/ naked
    word final after a lenis sound /d/ limbed, enisled, unfeared /ɛd/ imbed, misled, infrared /ɪd,əd/ beloved
    esword final after a fricative /ɪz,əz/ mazes, washes, axes, bases, pieces /z/ axes, bases, feces, oases
    ex-unstressed before h or a vowel /ɪɡz,əɡz/ exist, examine, exhaust /ɛks/ exhale
    gu-before a /ɡw/ bilingual, guano, language /ɡ/ guard, guarantee
    (a)isleword final /l/ aisle, isle, enisle, lisle
    leword final after non r cons. /əl/ little, table /l/ orle, isle /l/ boucle
    ngueword final /ŋ/ tongue, harangue, meringue /ŋɡ/ merengue, distingué /ŋɡi/ dengue
    old /ld/ blindfold, older, bold /əld/ scaffold, kobold (also /ɒld/ )
    olk /k/ yolk, folklore /ɒlk/ polka (RP), kolkhoz /lk/ polka (GA)
    oll /ɒl/ dollhouse, pollen, trolley, holly /l/ tollhouse, swollen, troller, wholly /ɔː/ atoll (GA)
    /ɔɪ/ cholla
    /əl/ caroller, collide
    olm /ɒlm/ olm, dolmen /lm/ enrolment, holmium /m/ holm (oak)
    ongmorpheme-final /ɒŋ/  (RP)
    /ɔːŋ/  (GA)
    songstress, along, strong, wronger /ɒŋ/ tonger, bong, dugong, tongs /ʌŋ/ among
    elsewhere /ɒŋɡ/ congress, jongleur, bongo, conger, ongoing, nongraded /ɒn/
    congeries, longevity, pongee
    monger, humongous, mongrel
    sponger, longe, spongy
    /ʌŋ/ tongue
    /ənɡ/ congratulate, lemongrass
    /ən/ congeal, congestion
    /ɒnʒ/ allonge
    /nʒ/ congé (GA)
    ought /ɔːt/ bought, brought, fought, nought, ought, sought, thought, wrought /t/ doughty, drought
    qu- /kw/ queen, quick /k/ liquor, mosquito
    queword final /k/ mosque, bisque /k/ manque, risqué /kj/ barbeque
    /ki/ pulque
    reword final after non r cons. /ər/ timbre, acre, ogre, centre /r/ , /ri/
    cadre (GA), compadre, emigre
    genre, oeuvre, fiacre
    ronword final after vowel /rɒn/ neuron, moron, interferon, aileron /rən/ baron, heron, environ /ərn/ iron
    /rn/ chaperon
    sci-unstressed before a vowel /ʃ/ conscience, luscious, prosciutto /s/ sciatica, sciamachy, sciential /ʃi/ conscientious, fasciated
    /sɪ/  (RP) omniscient, prescience
    scleword final /səl/ corpuscle, muscle /skəl/ mascle
    -seword final after vowel (noun) /s/ house, excuse, moose, anise, geese /z/ prose, nose, tease, guise, compromise /z/ marchese
    word final after vowel (verb) /z/ house, excuse, choose, arise, please /s/ grouse, dose, lease, chase, promise
    -siunstressed after a vowel /ʒ/ vision, occasion, explosion, illusion /zi/ easier, enthusiasm, physiological
    unstressed after a cons./ʃ/pension, controversial, compulsion/si/ tarsier, Celsius
    -ssiunstressed before a vowel /ʃ/ mission, passion, Russia, session /si/ potassium, dossier, messier
    -stiunstressed before a vowel /s/ question, Christian, suggestion
    -sureunstressed after a vowel /ʒər/ leisure, treasure
    unstressed after a cons. /ʃər/ tonsure, censure
    -theunstressed /ð/ scathe, spathe
    -tiunstressed before a vowel /ʃ/ cautious, patient, inertia, initial, ration /ti/
    patios, consortia, fiftieth, courtier
    ratios, minutia, initiate, negotiate
    /t/ cation, cationic
    /ʒ/ equation
    /tj/ rentier (GA)
    -tureunstressed /ər/ nature, picture
    -zureunstressed /ʒər/ seizure, azure
    1. According to the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary, 75% of Americans pronounce almond as /ˈɑːlmənd/ . [21]
    2. /ɒlt/ or /ɔːlt/ in RP; always /ɔːlt/ in in GA

    Sound-to-spelling correspondences

    The following table shows for each sound the various spelling patterns used to denote it, starting with the prototypical pattern(s) followed by others in alphabetical order. Some of these patterns are very rare or unique (such as gh for /p/, ph for /v/, i for /ɑː/). An ellipsis () stands for an intervening consonant.


    Arranged in the order of the IPA consonant tables.

    IPA SpellingExamples
    /m/m, mm, chm, gm, lm, mb, mbe, me, mh, mme, mn, mp, smemine, hammer, drachm, phlegm, salmon, climb, combe, forme, mho, femme, autumn, assumption, disme
    /n/n, nn, cn, dn, gn, gne, kn, mn, mp, nd, ne, ng, nh, nne, nt, pn, sn, snenice, inn, cnidarian, Wednesday, gnome, coigne, knee, mnemonic, comptroller, handsome, borne, ngaio, piranha, tonne, topgallant-sail, pneumonia, puisne, mesne
    /ŋ/ng, n, nc, nd, ngh, nguesing, link, charabanc, handkerchief, sangh, tongue
    /p/p, pp, gh, pe, (ph), ppepill, apps, hiccough, thorpe, diphthong (RP), [i] steppe
    /b/b, bb, be, bh, pb, gbbit, ebb, barbe, bhang, cupboard, Igbo
    /t/t, tt, bt, cht, ct, d, dt, ed, ght, kt, pt, phth, st, te, th, tteten, sett, doubt, yacht, victual, iced, veldt, dressed, lighter, ktypeite, ptarmigan, phthisical, cestui, forte, thyme, cigarette
    /d/d, dd, ddh, bd, de, dh, ed, lddive, odd, Buddhism, bdellium, horde, dharma, abandoned, solder,
    /k/c, k, cc, cch, ch, ck, cq, cqu, cque, cu, ke, kh, kk, lk, q, qh, qu, que, x, (g)cat, key, account, zucchini, chord, tack, acquire, lacquer, sacque, biscuit, burke, khaki, trekker, polka-dotted, quorum, fiqh, liquor, mosque, excite, (strength)
    /ɡ/g, gg, ckg, gge, gh, gu, guegig, egg, blackguard, pogge, ghost, guard, catalogue
    /f/f, ff, fe, ffe, ft, gh, lf, ph, phe, pph, (u)fine, chaff, carafe, gaffe, soften, laugh, half, physical, ouphe, sapphire, lieutenant (RP)
    /v/v, vv, f, lve, ph, u, ve, w, zv, b, bhvine, savvy, of, halve, Stephen, quetsch, have, weltanschauung, rendezvous, Habdalah, kethibh
    /θ/th, the, chth, phth, tth, hthin, absinthe, chthonic, apophthegm, eighth
    /ð/th, the, dd, dh, ythem, breathe, gorsedd, edh, ye (mock archaic)
    /s/s, ss, c, cc, ce, ps, sc, sce, sch, se, sh, sse, sses, st, (sth), sw, t, th, ti, (ts), tsw, tzs, tz, (z)song, mess, city, flaccid, ounce, psalm, scene, coalesce, schism (RP), horse, dishonest, finesse, chausses, listen, asthma (RP), sword, tzitzit, zizith, Kiribati, tsunami (GA), boatswain, britzska, waltz (RP), quartz
    /z/z, zz, cz, s, (sc), se, sh, sp, ss, (sth), ts, tz, x, ze, zh, zs (one pronunciation), c (some dialects)zoo, fuzz, czar, has, crescent (RP), [ii] tease, déshabillé, raspberry, dissolve, asthma (GA), tsarina, tzar, xylophone, breeze, zho, (vizsla), (electricity)
    /ʃ/sh, c, ce, ch, che, chi, chsi, ci, s, sc, sch, sche, schsch, sci, sesh, she, shh, shi, si, sj, ss, ssi, ti, psh, zh, xshin, speciality, ocean, machine, quiche, marchioness, fuchsia, special, sugar, crescendo, schmooze, schottische, eschscholtzia, conscience, tortoiseshell, galoshe, shh, cushion, expansion, sjambok, tissue, mission, nation, pshaw, pirozhki, paxiuba
    /ʒ/(ci), g, ge, j, s, si, ssi, ti, z, zh, zhe, (zi), zs (one pronunciation)coercion (GA), genre, beige, bijou, leisure, division, abscission, equation, seizure, muzhik, uzhe, [iii] brazier (GA), (vizsla)
    /x/ch (in Scottish English), gh (in Irish English)loch, lough
    /h/h, wh, j, chhe, who, fajita, chutzpah
    /r/r, rh, wrrun, rhyme, wrong
    /l/l, ll, le, lh, lle, gl, sle, ln (some dialects)line, shall, tale, pelham, gazelle, imbroglio, aisle, (kiln)
    /j/y, h, i, j, l, ll, z, r (one pronunciation)yes, vinho verde, onion, hallelujah, llano, tortilla, capercailzie, February [iv]
    /hw/wh (in some dialects)which
    /w/w, u, h, ou, ju, wh (in most dialects)we, persuade, choir, marijuana, what
    /ts/ts, tz, zznuts, quartz, pizza
    /dz/ds, dzpads, podzol
    /tʃ/ch, tch, c, cc, cch, (che), chi, cs, cz, t, tche, te, (th), (ti), ts, tsch, tz, tzs, tzschchop, batch, cello, bocce, kaccha, niche (GA), falchion, csardas, Czech, nature, escutcheon, righteous, posthumous (GA), bastion (GA), britska (US), putsch, britz(s)ka (US), Nietzschean
    /dʒ/g, j, (ch), d, dg, dge, di, dj, dzh, ge, gg, gi, jj, tmagic, jump, sandwich (RP), graduate, judgment, bridge, soldier, adjust, Tadzhik, barge, veggies, Belgian, hajj, congratulate (US) [v]
    /ks/x, xx, cast, cc, chs, cks, cques, cs, cz, kes, ks, lks, ques, xc, xe, xs, xsc, xswsax, doxxing, forecastle, accent, tachs, backs, sacques, sacs, eczema, burkes, yaks, caulks, toques, excel, axe, exsert, exscind, coxswain
    /gz/x, ggs, gsexam, eggs, bags
    1. In 2008, 61% of British people pronounced diphthong as /ˈdɪpθɒŋ/ , though phoneticians prefer /ˈdɪfθɒŋ/ . [22]
    2. The majority of British people, and the great majority of younger ones, pronounce crescent as /ˈkrɛzənt/ . [23]
    3. The primarily spoken-only abbreviation of usual has no standardised spelling, but is often spelled uzhe.
    4. In 2008, 64% of Americans and 39% of British people pronounce February as /ˈfɛbjuɛri/ . [24]
    5. The majority of Americans, and the great majority of younger ones, pronounce congratulate as /kənˈɡræəlt/ . [25]


    Nasal vowels used by some speakers in words of French origin such as enceinte ( /ɒ̃ˈsæ̃t/ ), are not included.

    IPA SpellingExamples
    /æ/a, a...e, (ag), ai, al, (ar), (au), ea, ei, i, o (one pronunciation)hand, have, seraglio (GA), plaid, salmon, sarsaparilla (GA), laugh (GA), poleax enceinte, meringue, (chometz)
    /ɑː/a, a...e, aa, aae, aah, aahe, (ag), ah, (au), (i), o (one pronunciation), ar (one pronunciation)father, garage, salaam, baaed, aah, aahed, seraglio (RP), blah, aunt (RP), lingerie (GA), (chometz), (schoolmarm)
    /aɪ/i...e, ae, ai, aie, (aille), ais, ay, aye, ei, eigh, eu, ey, eye, i, ia, ic, ie, ig, igh, ighe, is, oi, (oy), ui, uy, uye, y, y...e, yefine, maestro, krait, shanghaied, canaille (RP), aisle, kayak, aye, heist, height, deuddarn, heyduck, eye, mic, diaper, indict, tie, sign, high, sighed, isle, choir, coyote (GA), guide, buy, guyed, why, type, bye
    /aʊ/ou, ow, ao, aou, aow, aowe, au, odh, ough, oughe, owe, iao, iauout, now, manoao, caoutchouc, miaow, miaowed, gauss, bodhrán, bough, ploughed, vowed, jiao, chiaus
    /ɛ/e, a, ae, ai, ay, e...e, ea, eh, ei, eo, ie, oe, ue, ee (one pronunciation)met, many, aesthetic, said, says, there, deaf, feh, heifer, jeopardy, friend, foetid, guess, (threepence)
    /eɪ/a, a...e, aa, ae, ai, ai...e, aig, aigh, ais,, alf, ao, au, ay, aye, e (é), e...e, ea, eg, ee (ée), eh, ei, ei...e, eig, eigh, eighe, er, ere, es, et, ete, ey, eye, ez, (ie), (oeh), ue, uetbass, rate, quaalude, reggae, rain, cocaine, arraign, straight, palais, halfpenny, gaol, gauge, hay, played, ukulele (café), crepe, steak, matinee (soirée), thegn, eh, veil, beige, reign, eight, weighed, dossier, espaliered, demesne, ballet, crocheted, they, obeyed, chez, lingerie (GA), boehmite (GA), merengue, bouquet
    /ə/a, e, i, o, u, y, a...e, ae, ah, ai, anc, ath, au, ea, eau, eh, ei, eig, eo, eou, (eu), gh, ia, ie, io, o...e, oa, oe, oh, oi, oo, op, ou, (ough), (u...e), ua, ue, (ui), uo, wa...etuna, oven, pencil, icon, opus, beryl, carcase, Messiah, mountain, blancmange, tuath, sergeant, bureaucrat, keffiyeh, mullein, foreign, truncheon, timeous, amateur (RP), burgh, spatial, deficient, legion, awesome, starboard, biocoenosis, matzoh, porpoise, whipoorwill, topgallant, callous, borough (RP), minute (GA), piquant, guerilla, circuit (GA), languor, gunwale
    /ɪ/i, y, a, a...e, ai, e, ea, ee, ei, i...e, ia, ie, ii, o, oe, u, u...e, uibit, myth, orange, chocolate, bargain, pretty, mileage, breeches, counterfeit, medicine, carriage, sieve, shiitake, women, oedema, busy, minute, build
    /iː/e, e...e, i, i...e, a, ae, aoi, ay, ea, ee, e'e, ei, eo, ey, eye, ie, ie...e, is, ix, oe, oi, ue, ui, uy, ybe, cede, ski, machine, bologna, algae, Taoiseach, quay, beach, bee, e'en, deceit, people, key, keyed, field, hygiene, debris, prix, amoeba, chamois, dengue, beguine, guyot, ynambu
    /ɒ/a, o, ach, au, eau, oh, (ou), ow, e, (eo)watch, lock, yacht, sausage, bureaucracy, cough (RP), acknowledge, entrée, cheongsam (RP)
    /ɔː/a, al, au, au...e, augh, aughe, aw, awe, eo, (o), oa, oss, (ou), oughbald, talk, author, cause, caught, overslaughed, jaw, awe, ealdorman, broad, crossjack, cough, bought
    /ɔɪ/oi, oy, eu, oll, ooi, oye, ui, (uoy), uoye, (awy)avoid, toy, lawyer, Freudian, cholla, rooibos, enjoyed, schuit, buoyant, buoyed (RP), (lawyer)
    /oʊ/o, o...e, aoh, au, aux, eau, eaue, eo, ew, oa, oe, oh, oo, ore, ot, ou, ough, oughe, ow, owe, wso, bone, pharaoh, mauve, faux, beau, plateaued, yeoman, sew, boat, foe, oh, brooch, forecastle, depot, soul, though, furloughed, know, owe, pwn
    /ʌ/u, o, o...e, oe, oo, ou, uddi, wo, a, au (some dialects), ee (one pronunciation)sun, son, come, does, flood, touch, studdingsail, twopence, sati, (because), (threepence)
    /ʊ/oo, u, o, o...e, (or), oul, wfoot, full, wolf, pembroke, worsted (RP), should, cwtch
    /uː/u, u...e, oo, oo...e, eew, eu, ew, ieu, ioux, o, o...e, oe, oeu, ooe, ou, ough, ougha, oup, ue, uh, ui, (uo), w, wotutu, flute, too, groove, leeward, sleuth, yew, lieu, Sioux, to, lose, shoe, manoeuvre, cooed, soup, through, brougham, coup, true, buhl, fruit, buoy (GA), cwm, two
    /juː/u, u...e, ew, eau, eo, eu, ewe, ieu, iew, (ou), ue, ueue, ui, ut, uu, youmusic, use, few, beauty, feodary, feud, ewe, adieu, view, ampoule (GA), cue, queue, nuisance, debut, vacuum, you

      Vowels followed by r

      Nasal vowels used by some speakers in words of French origin such as enceinte ( /ɒ̃ˈsæ̃t/ ), are not included.

      IPA SpellingExamples
      /ær/ar, arr, ahr, uararid, marry, Fahrenheit, guarantee
      /ɑːr/ar, aar, ahr, alla, are, arr, arre, arrh, ear, er, uar, our (some dialects)car, bazaar, tahr, topgallant-sail, are, parr, bizarre, catarrh, heart, sergeant, guard, (our)
      /aɪər/ire, ier, igher, yer, yre, oir, uyerfire, crier, higher, flyer, pyre, choir, buyer
      /aʊər/our, owersour, tower
      /ɛr/er, err, urvery, merry, bury
      /ɛər/are, aer, air, aire, ar, ayer, ayor, ayre, e'er, eah, ear, eir, eor, er, ere, err, erre, ert, ey're, eyrbare, aerial, tahr, hair, millionaire, scarce, prayer, mayor, fayre, ne'er, yeah, bear, heir, ceorl, moderne, where, err (GA), parterre, couvert, they're, eyra
      /ər/ar, er, ir, or, aur, aerhangar, letter, elixir, author, aurora, anaerobe
      /ɜːr/er, ir, ur, ar, ear, ere, err, erre, eur, eure, irr, irre, oeu, olo, or, our, ueur, uhr, urr, urre, yr, yrrhdefer, fir, fur, dharna, earl, were, err, interred, voyeur, chauffeured (GA), birr, stirred, hors d'oeuvre, colonel, worst, adjourn, liqueur, buhrstone, purr, murre, myrtle, myrrh
      /ɪr/ir, irr, yr, yrrh, erspirit, mirror, tyranny, pyrrhic, erase
      /ɪər/ere, aer, e're, ear, eare, eer, eere, ehr, eir, eor, er, ers, eyr, ier, iere, ir, oea, yerhere, chimaera, we're, ear, feared, beer, peered, lehr, weird, theory (RP), series, revers, eyrie, pier, premiere, souvenir, diarrhoea (RP), twyer
      /ɒr/or, orr, ar, arr, aurorange, sorry, quarantine, quarry, laurel
      /ɔːr/or, ore, aor, ar, aur, aure, hors, oar, oare, oor, oore, our, oure, owar, ohr, uoror, fore, extraordinary, war, dinosaur, roquelaure, hors d'oeuvre, oar, soared, door, floored, four, poured, toward (GA), bohrium, fluoridate
      /ʌr/urr, ur, orr, or, ourhurry, burgh, worry, thorough, courage
      /ʊər/oor, our, ure, urpoor, tour, sure, rural
      /jʊər/ure, ur, eurcure, purity, neural

        See also


        1. 1 2 The vowel of the suffixes -ed and -es may belong to the phoneme of either /ɪ/ or /ə/ depending on dialect, and is a shorthand for "either /ɪ/ or /ə/". This usage of the symbol is borrowed from the Oxford English Dictionary .
        2. Included in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, 1981


        1. Venezky 1967.
        2. Jared & Seidenberg 1991.
        3. Van Assche, Duyck & Hartsuiker 2013.
        4. 1 2 3 4 5 Okrent 2021.
        5. 1 2 Khansir & Tajeri 2015.
        6. "English language". Encyclopædia Britannica. 2010. Retrieved 23 November 2010.
        7. Rollings 2004, pp. 16–19.
        8. Chomsky & Halle 1968.
        9. Chomsky 1970.
        10. Chomsky & Halle 1968, p. 54.
        11. Chomsky 1970, p. 294.
        12. Rollings 2004, p. 17.
        13. Rollings 2004, pp. 17–19.
        14. "Common French words also common in English". The Good Life France. 23 November 2011. Retrieved 11 April 2016.
        15. Algeo 2008, p. 599.
        16. Satran, Pamela Redmond (8 November 2010). "There's More Than One Right Way to Spell Some Names". HuffPost. Archived from the original on 3 February 2017. Retrieved 18 November 2019.
        17. "Minuscule or miniscule?". Oxford Dictionaries. Archived from the original on 11 February 2017. Retrieved 11 February 2017.
        18. "minuscule (n.)". Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 11 April 2016.
        19. Stamper 2017, pp. 38–39.
        20. 1 2 Wolman 2008.
        21. 1 2 3 4 Wells 2008.
        22. Wells 2008, p. 232.
        23. Wells 2008, p. 196.
        24. Wells 2008, p. 301.
        25. Wells 2008, p. 176.
