Name | Countries | English equivalents |
amphoe | Thailand | district |
Amt | Germany | county (formerly; the modern term is kreis, which means literally "circle") |
amt | Denmark | county (replaced with regions in 2007) |
amt | Norway | county (formerly; the modern term is fylke) |
apskritis | Lithuania | county |
anakhett | Cambodia | prefecture |
arrondissement | Netherlands | borough, district |
French-speaking countries |
autónoma | Spanish-speaking countries | autonomous |
autônomo, autônoma | Portuguese-speaking countries |
автоно́мный (avtonomny) | Russia |
aimag (аймаг) | Mongolia | province |
baladiyah (baladiyat) | Arab countries | municipality |
barangay | Philippines | village (rural) or ward |
bairro | Brazil | neighbourhood, district |
Portugal |
Mozambique |
barrio | Spanish-speaking countries |
бановина (banovina) | Yugoslavia | banate, province |
bayan | Philippines | municipality |
Bezirk | Austria | district |
Bezirk | Switzerland | district |
Bezirk | Germany | district |
Bundesland | Germany (colloquial term) | federal state |
Bundesland | Austria (colloquial term) |
bibhag | Bangladesh | division |
bwrdeistref | Wales | borough county |
canton (French) cantone (Italian) chantun (Romansh) Kanton (German) | Switzerland | canton |
kanton (Bosnian) | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
castello | San Marino | municipality |
changwat | Thailand | province |
chef-lieu | France | chief town or city |
comarca | Portuguese-speaking countries (judicial system) | county |
Spanish-speaking countries |
comuna | Angola | division of município |
comuna | Spanish-speaking countries | commune |
comună | Romania | rural commune |
comune | Italy | municipality |
comunidad | Spain | community |
comunidade intermunicipal | Portugal | intermunicipal community |
comunidade urbana | Portugal | urban community |
concelho | Cape Verde | municipality; synonym of município |
Portugal |
corregimiento | Panama | subdivision of a distrito |
daerah | Malay-speaking countries | district |
provinsi | Indonesia | province |
Daerah Istimewa | Special District, all are first level (provincial level) |
Daerah Khusus Ibukota | Exclusive Capital District, refers to DKI Jakarta only. |
dào (Mandarin) | People's Republic of China | circuit |
deelgemeente | Belgium | submunicipality |
demos (δήμος) | Greece | municipality |
departamento | Latin America (Spanish-speaking countries) | department |
département | French-speaking countries | department |
desa | Indonesia | village |
district | Suriname | district |
distrik | Indonesia | district |
distrito | Portugal | group of municipalities |
São Tomé and Príncipe | municipality |
Philippines | district |
Spanish-speaking countries |
distrito, distritu | Timor-Leste | municipality |
distrito federal | Brazil | federal district |
dō | Japan | circuit |
do | North Korea |
South Korea |
dombon | Cambodia | area or region |
dzongkhag | Bhutan | district |
estado | Brazil | federal state |
Mexico |
Venezuela |
etrap | Turkmenistan | district |
freguesia | Cape Verde | civil parish |
Portugal |
fylke | Norway | county |
gemeente | Belgium ( Flanders) | municipality |
Netherlands |
Gemeinde | Austria | municipality |
Gemeinde | Germany |
Gemeinde | Italy |
Gemeinde | Switzerland |
gewog | Bhutan | block |
gmina | Poland | commune, municipality |
gobolka | Somalia | administrative region |
gouvernorat | Guinea | governorate |
grande área metropolitana | Portugal | greater metropolitan area |
губе́рния (guberniya) | Russian Empire | governorate |
hameau | France | hamlet |
hanua | Papua New Guinea | village |
iduhu | Papua New Guinea | clan |
raj | India | empire |
rajya | India | state |
il or vilayet | Turkey | province |
ilçe | Turkey | district |
imarah | Arab countries (formerly) | emirate |
United Arab Emirates |
jamoat | Tajikistan | commune or municipality |
járás | Hungary | district |
Jilla | Nepal | district |
județ | Moldova (formerly) | county |
Romania |
jurydyka | Poland | village |
kabupaten | Indonesia | regency |
kampung or kampong | Malay-speaking countries and Cambodia | village, hamlet, neighbourhood |
kasselrij | Netherlands | county or burgraviate |
kecamatan | Indonesia | district |
kelurahan | Indonesia | (urban) village or subdistrict |
ken | Japan | prefecture |
khan | Cambodia | district or section |
khett | Cambodia | province |
khoueng | Laos | province |
khum | Cambodia | commune |
kilil | Ethiopia | region |
kommun | Finland (Swedish speaking) | municipality |
Sweden |
kommune | Denmark | municipality |
Norway |
kota | Indonesia | chartered city |
кожуун (kozhuun) | Russia ( Tyva Republic) | rural council |
край (krai) | Russia | region |
kraj | Czech Republic | region |
Slovakia |
Kreis | Germany | district |
krom | Cambodia | group |
krong | Cambodia | municipality |
ku | Japan | ward |
kunta | Finland | municipality |
lääni | Finland | province |
lalawigan | Philippines | province |
län | Sweden | county |
Land | Austria (official term) | state |
Land | Germany (official term) | state |
lieu-dit | France | place name |
linn | Estonia | town or city |
lugar | Cape Verde | division of zona in Cape Verde |
Portugal | hamlet |
lungsod | Philippines | city |
maakond | Estonia | county |
մարզ (marz) | Armenia | province or region |
mahoz | Israel | district |
mancomunidad | Spain | association of municipalities, commonwealth |
merindad | Medieval Spain | county |
mesorregião | Brazil | mesoregion (division of estado) |
mintaqah (mintaqat) | Arab countries | province, region |
microrregião | Brazil | microregion (division of mesorregião, group of municípios) |
მხარე (mkhare) | Georgia | region |
muban | Thailand | village |
muhafazah (muhafazat) | Arab countries | governorate |
mukim | Malay-speaking countries | subdistrict, subdivision of subdistrict, survey district |
municipalidad | Latin America (Spanish-speaking countries) | municipality |
municipio | Spanish-speaking countries | municipality |
Portuguese-speaking countries |
nafa | Israel | subdistrict |
negeri | Malaysia | state |
nomos | Greece | prefecture |
novads | Latvia | municipality (amalgamated urban areas without town rights) |
NUTS | Europe | Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics |
obec | Czech Republic | municipality |
Slovakia |
область (oblast) | Countries formerly in the Soviet Union or Yugoslavia | province, region |
община (obshtina) | Bulgaria | municipality |
okres | Czech Republic | district |
Slovakia |
okrug | Serbia | district |
Russia |
opština | Republika Srpska | municipality |
Montenegro |
Serbia |
ostan (ostan-e) | Iran | province |
pagasts | Latvia | parish |
panchayati raj | India | village council |
paróquia | Portugal | parish (religious division) |
Cape Verde |
parroquia | Spain ( Galicia) | parish |
Andorra |
pedanía | Spain | county |
Περιφέρειες (periféreia) | Greece | periphery |
phum | Cambodia | village |
phumpheak | Cambodia | zone |
pilseta | Latvia | town/city |
povit | Ukraine | county |
powiat | Poland | county |
pradesh | India | state of India
Nepal | province of Nepal |
probinsya | Philippines | province |
provinsi | Indonesia | province |
provincia | Spanish-speaking countries | province |
Italy |
província | Portugal (formerly) | province |
Angola |
São Tomé and Príncipe |
prowincja | Poland | province |
purok | Philippines | district or zone |
raion | Russia | district |
Moldova |
Ukraine |
rajons | Latvia | district |
região | Brazil | group of estados; also macrorregião |
Guinea-Bissau | region |
Portugal |
região autónoma | Portugal | autonomous region |
São Tomé and Príncipe |
regierungsbezirk | Germany | district |
region | Denmark | region |
regione | Italy | region |
şäher | Turkmenistan | capital city district |
sangkat | Cambodia | commune or quarter |
sector | Guinea-Bissau | sector (municipality) |
sector autónomo | Guinea-Bissau | autonomous sector (municipality) |
сельсовет (selsoviet) | Russia | rural council |
sheng/shêng | People's Republic of China
Taiwan | province |
shi/shih | People's Republic of China
Taiwan | city |
sitio | Philippines
| district or zone |
շրջան (shrjan) | Republic of Artsakh | province or region |
hromada | Ukraine | municipality |
srŏk | Cambodia | district |
sum | Mongolia | district |
subdistrito, subdistritu | Timor-Leste | administrative post |
subregião | Portugal | subregion |
suco, suku | Timor-Leste | division of administrative post |
-stan | Central Asian countries | land (denotes high level of autonomy) |
sýsla | Faroe Islands | district |
Iceland |
tambon | Thailand | subdistrict |
thesaban | Thailand | municipality |
tỉnh | Vietnam | province |
todōfuken | Japan | prefectural level divisions (collectively) |
tuman | Uzbekistan | district |
ulus | Russia ( Sakha Republic) | district |
upazila | Bangladesh | subdistrict |
union parishad | Bangladesh | council or constituency |
mouza | Bangladesh | mouza |
gram/gaon | Bangladesh | village |
Ward | Bangladesh | ward |
vald | Estonia | parish, rural municipality |
vármegye | Hungary | county |
вилоят (viloyat) | Tajikistan | region |
Uzbekistan |
во́лость (volost) | Russia | district |
wojewodztwo | Poland | voivodeship |
waterschap | Netherlands | water board |
welaýaty | Turkmenistan | region |
wilayah | Arab countries | province, territory |
Malaysia |
xian/hsien | People's Republic of China
Taiwan | county |
země | Czech Republic | land (historical) |
zona | Cape Verde | zone (division of freguesia) |
ziemia | Poland | land |
Zillah | Pakistan | district |
Bangladesh |
India |
župa | Slovakia | county (historical) |
županija | Bosnia and Herzegovina (Croatian speaking) | county |
Croatia |
maahaanam | Sri Lanka (Tamil speaking) | province |
maavattam | Sri Lanka (Tamil speaking) | district |
pirathesam/koattam | Sri Lanka (Tamil speaking) | division |
palaatha | Sri Lanka (Sinhala speaking) | province |
dhisthrikaya | Sri Lanka (Sinhala speaking) | district |
kottahsha | Sri Lanka (Sinhala speaking) | division |