Paleobiota of the Green River Formation

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The Green River Formation is a geological formation located in the Intermountain West of the United States, in the states of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. It comprises sediments deposited during the Early Eocene in a series of large freshwater lakes: Lake Gosiute, Lake Uinta, and Fossil Lake (the last containing Fossil Butte National Monument). It preserves a high diversity of freshwater fish, birds, reptiles, and mammals, with some sections of the formation (including Fossil Lake and the Parachute Creek member of Lake Uinta) qualifying as Konservat-Lagerstätten due to their extremely well-preserved fossils.


Cartilaginous fish

Asterotrygon A. maloneyiFossil LakeA stingray of uncertain affinities. [1] Asterotrygon maloneyi.jpg
Heliobatis H. radiansA stingray of uncertain affinities. Heliobatis radians, Lincoln County, Wyoming - Natural History Museum of Utah - DSC07176.JPG

Bony fish

Primarily based on Grande (2001), with changes where necessary: [2]


Crossopholis C. magnicaudatusFossil LakeA paddlefish. Crossopholis magnicaudatus.jpg


Atractosteus A. atrox Fossil LakeA gar related to the alligator gar. A. atrox is the largest of the Green River gar species. Lepisosteus atrox (fossil fish) (Green River Formation, Lower Eocene; quarry west of Kemmerer, Wyoming, USA) 3 (34158013541).jpg
A. simplex Fossil Lake, possibly Lake Gosiute Atractosteus simplex UMNH 02.jpg
Cuneatus C. cuneatusLake Gosiute, Lake Uinta, possibly Fossil LakeA gar.
C. wileyiLake Uinta
Lepisosteus L. bemisi Fossil LakeA gar. [3] LepisosteusBemisi.jpg
Masillosteus M. janeaeFossil LakeA gar. MasillosteusJaneae.jpg


Amia A. pattersoni Fossil Lake, Lake GosiuteAn amiid related to modern bowfins. Amia pattersoni is one of two amiids found in Fossil Lake. This species is very similar to Amia calva, the only living amiid (5a47b0c5-0e80-4808-b525-2f0c8c060167).tif
Cyclurus C. gurleyiFossil LakeOnly 8 specimens knownAn amiid. CyclurusGurleyi.jpg


Eohiodon E. falcatusFossil LakeA hiodontid. This beautiful specimen has a Goniobasis sp. snail in its abdominal area. To determine whether it is inside the body or simply (17077faa-6a4f-4df2-a1a0-9dbd5130fde3).jpg


Phareodus P. encaustusFossil Lake, Lake GosiuteA bonytongue. Phareodus encaustus.jpg
P. testisFossil Lake Phareodus testis 4354.JPG


Diplomystus D. dentatusFossil Lake, Lake Gosiute, & Lake UintaAn armigatid ellimmichthyiform. Diplomystus 01.jpg


Gosiutichthys G. parvusLake GosiuteA clupeiform. Gosiutichthys museon.jpg
Knightia K. altaFossil Lake, Lake Gosiute & Lake UintaA clupeid. [4] The most commonly found articulated vertebrate fossil in the world. [5] Knightia alta, Buffalo Museum of Science.jpg
K. eocaenaThe most common fish of the formation. Knightia eocaena FBNM.JPG


Notogoneus N. osculusFossil LakeA beaked sandfish. Notogoneus osculus.png


Amyzon A. gosiutensisLake GosiuteA sucker.
A. aggregatum, a related species Amyzon aggregatum SRIC SR 87-33-04 img1.jpg
A. aggregatum, a related species


Astephus A. antiquusLake Gosiute, Lake Uinta, Fossil LakeOnly one specimen known from Fossil Lake.An ictalurid catfish.
Hypsidoris H. farsonensisLake GosiuteA hypsidorid catfish. Hypsidoris AMNH.jpg


Esox E. kronneri Fossil LakeOnly a single specimen known.A pickerel.


Amphiplaga A. brachypteraFossil LakeA relative of trout-perch. Amphiplaga brachyptera.jpg
Erismatopterus E. levatusLake Gosiute, Lake UintaA relative of trout-perch. FMIB 51900 Erismatopterus endlicheri Cope Green River Eocene.jpeg


Mioplosus M. labracoidesFossil Lake, Lake UintaA relative of lates perches. [5] Mioplossus Labracoides.jpg


Cockerellites C. liopsFossil LakeA temperate bass. [5] Cockerellites liops (formerly Priscacara liops) occurs in at least one mass mortality layer indicating it was a schooling fish (f1a56815-155d-451f-67bf-f088f48c9a02).jpg
Hypsiprisca H. hypsacanthaFossil LakeA temperate bass. [5] Severn's Studio- Hypsiprisca hypsacantha larger juvenile (742c2ead-b663-4495-b3ba-f30cd19a751c).tif
H. sp. This is an undescribed species of Hypsiprisca. When the rock was split this specimen stayed all on one side perfectly exposed (b6cf9138-3f46-4618-bc68-01d274841659).tif
Priscacara P. serrataFossil Lake, Lake UintaA temperate bass. [5] Priscacara serrata 7834.jpg
P. sp. aFossil Lake
P. sp. b.

Incertae sedis

Asineops A. squamifronsFossil Lake, Lake Gosiute, Lake UintaAn acanthomorph of uncertain affinities, possibly a percopsiform, polymixiiform, or perciform. [6] Asineops squamifrons, Sweetwater County, Wyoming - Natural History Museum of Utah - DSC07155.JPG
A. sp.Fossil Lake



Aerugoamnis A. paulusFossil LakeOnly two specimens known.A relative of parsley frogs. [7] GreenRiverFrog.jpg


Paleoamphiuma P. tetradactylumFossil LakeA sirenid salamander. Paleoamphiuma tetradactylum.jpg



Afairiguana A. aviusFossil LakeA stem-anole. [8]
Bahndwivici B. ammoskiusA relative of the Chinese crocodile lizard.
Boavus B. idelmaniA boa. Boavus idelmani.JPG
Dunnophis D. sp.Possibly a dwarf boa. [9]
Saniwa S. ensidensA stem-monitor lizard. Saniwa cast Fossil Butte National Monument.jpg
Shinisauridae indet.Lake Uinta (Parachute Creek)A relative of the Chinese crocodile lizard, unusually preserved with a mineralized body without a skeleton. [10] Lizard-Green River Fm.jpg


Borealosuchus B. wilsoniFossil LakeA eusuchian of uncertain affinities. Borealosuchus wilsoni HMNS.jpg
Tsoabichi T. greenriverensisA caiman. [11] Tsoabichi greenriverensis cast Catalog number FOBU801.jpg


Axestemys A. sp.Fossil LakeA softshell turtle. Trionychidae FBNM.jpg
Baptemys B. wyomingensisA dermatemydid. Baptemys wyomingensis.png
Chisternon C. undatumA baenid. Chisternon.jpg
Echmatemys E. wyomingensisA geoemydid. [12] Echmatemys Wyomingensis.jpg
Oliveremys O. uintaensisA softshell turtle.
Plastomenus P. thomasiiA softshell turtle. Lindgren, Thomas- cast of Plastomenus thomasii with bite marks (34843b7d-6b83-4fba-aae1-2a78aa5ffa4f).tif



Calciavis C. grandeiFossil LakeA lithornithid. [13]
Pseudocrypturus P. cercanaxiusA lithornithid. Pseudocrypturus.jpg


Paakniwatavis P. grandeiFossil LakeAn anseriform of uncertain affinities. Paakniwatavis (holotype slab, FMNH PA725).png
Presbyornis P. pervetusA presbyornithid anseriform. Presbyornis pervetus AMNH 28505.jpg


Gallinuloides G. wyomingensisFossil LakeA gallinuloid galliform. Gallinuloides wyomingensis.jpg


Anneavis A. annaeFossil LakeA sandcoleid mousebird.


Plesiocathartes P. majorFossil LakeA stem-cuckoo roller. [14]
P. wyomingensis


Paracoracias P. occidentalisA coraciiform. [15]
Primobucco P. mcgrewiFossil LakeA primobucconid coraciiform. This roller is one of the most common bird species in the FBM (Fossil Butte Member). (d8f18560-945f-45ef-900c-bfd028589e94).jpg


Neanis N. schuchertiFossil LakeA possible piciform of uncertain affinities.
Pristineanis P. kistneriA possible piciform of uncertain affinities. [16]


Eocypselus E. rowei Fossil LakeA eocypselid apodiform. [17]
Fluvioviridavis F. platyrhamphusA basal strisore, possibly a stem-frogmouth. [18] [19] Fluvioviridavis.png
Prefica P. niveaA stem-oilbird. [20]


Foro F. panariumFossil LakeA stem-turaco. [21]


Juncitarsus J. merkeliFossil LakeA mirandornithine, possibly an early phoenicopteriform. Juncitarsus merkeli 1.jpg


Limnofregata L. azygosternonFossil LakeAn early frigatebird. Limnofregata azygosternon.jpg
L. hasegawai Limnofregata hasegawai.jpg


Vadaravis V. brownaeFossil LakePotentially a stem-ibis. [22]


?Recurvirostridae indet.Lake UintaA trackway of three footprints.A shorebird and potentially the earliest record of recurvirostrids, known from only three footprints. [23]


Messelornis M. nearcticaFossil LakeA messelornithid.
Specimen of a related species Messelornis sp 563.JPG
Specimen of a related species


Avolatavis A. tenensFossil LakeA quercypsittid.
Cyrilavis C. colburnorumA halcyornithid. Parrot Green River.jpg
C. olsoni
Eofringillirostrum E. boudreauxiA psittacopedid. [24]
Eozygodactylus E. americanusA zygodactylid. [25] Eozygodactylus USNM 299821 - Smith et al 2018.jpg
Tynskya T. eocaenaA messelasturid. Tynskya eocaena (cropped).jpg
Zygodactylus Z. grandeiA zygodactylid. [26] Zygodactylus FMNH PA 726 - Smith et al 2018.jpg

Neoaves incertae sedis

Nahmavis N. grandeiFossil LakeEither a stem-gruiform or a stem-charadriiform. [27] Fossil bird Field Museum.jpg

Two other genera, Eoeurypyga (a stem-sunbittern) and Wyomingcypselus (an early apodiform) are mentioned only in a 2002 dissertation, [28] and are presently nomina nuda .


Partially based on Grande (1984). Aside from the few well-preserved mammals found in Fossil Lake, a majority of Green River mammals are based on isolated bones and teeth: [29]


Herpetotherium H. innominatumLake Gosiute & Lake UintaAn opossum-like basal metatherian. Originally placed in Peratherium .
H. huntii, a related species Herpetotherium cf. huntii.jpg
H. huntii, a related species
H. knightiLake Gosiute


Palaeosinopa P. didelphoidesFossil LakeA pantolestid. Palaeosinopa.jpg


Icaronycteris I. gunnelliFossil Lake2 skeletons. [30] An icaronycterid bat. Fossil holotype of Icaronycteris gunnelli (AMNH FM.145747A) dorsal view.jpg
I. index Icaronycteridae - Icaronycteris index.JPG
Onychonycteris O. finneyiAn onychonycterid bat. Onychonycteris finneyi Fossil Butte National Monument.jpg


Nyctitherium N. nitidumLake GosiuteA nyctitheriid. Originally identified as Talpavus nitidus.
N. sp.Lake Uinta


" Miacis ""M." gracilisLake UintaA carnivoraform of uncertain affinities.
Sinopa S. minorLake UintaA sinopid hyaenodont.
S. rapax, a related species Sinopa from Matthew.png
S. rapax, a related species
Viverravus V. minutusLake UintaA viverravid. Viverravus minutus 2.jpg
Vulpavus V. profectusLake GosiuteA miacid. Vulpavus cf. profectus Matthew.jpg


Hyopsodus H. minusculusLake Gosiute & Lake UintaA hyopsodontid.
H. paulus (=H. vicarius)Lake Uinta
H. wortmaniFossil Lake Hyopsodus Fossil Butte National Monument.jpg
Lambdotherium L. popoagicumFossil LakeA small-sized basal brontothere. Reconstruction-of-the-skull-of-Lambdotherium-popoagicum-from-Osborn-1929-fig-233.png
Protorohippus P. venticolus2 skeletons.An equid. Protorohippus Green River Formation.jpg
Tapiromorpha indet.1 skeletonA juvenile tapiromorph, the largest mammal specimen known from the formation. Initially identified as a Heptodon calciculus. [31]


Apatemys A. chardiniFossil Lake1 skeleton.An apatemyid.


Paramys P. sp.Lake UintaA ischyromyid rodent.
P. delicatus Paramys delicatus Leidy 1.jpg
P. delicatus
Sciuravus S. eucristadensLake UintaA sciuravid rodent. Originally identified as Viverravus eucristadens.
S. sp.
Thisbemys T. sp.Lake GosiuteA ischyromyid rodent.
T. plicatus Thisbemys plicatus Wood.jpg
T. plicatus


Microsyops M. elegansLake GosiuteA microsyopid stem-primate.
M. cardiorestes, a related species Microsyops cardiorestes Gunnell.jpg
M. cardiorestes, a related species
Notharctus N. sp.Lake GosiuteA notharctid adapiform.
N. tenebrosus Notharctus at AMNH.jpg
N. tenebrosus
Omomys O. carteri (=O. pucillus) [32] Lake UintaAn omomyid primate.
Smilodectes S. gracilisLake UintaA notharctid adapiform. Formerly placed in Notharctus matthewi. Smilodectes gracilis 01.jpg
Tetonius T. sp.Lake UintaAn omomyid primate.
T. homunculus Tetonus homunculus skull big.jpg
T. homunculus
Uintasorex U. parvulusLake GosiuteA microsyopid stem-primate.
Washakius W. insignisLake GosiuteAn omomyid primate. Washakius insignis Leidy.jpg



Bechleja B. rostrataFossil LakeA palaemonid shrimp. [33] Freshwater shrimp. Catalog number FOBU391. (78d2d9aa-30d1-4869-8a13-ca6399f5ee67).tif
Cyclestherioides C. wyomingensisLake Gosiute (Laney)A clam shrimp. [34]
Procambarus P. primaevus Fossil LakeA cambarid crayfish. Procambarus primaevus.jpg
Prolynceus P. laneyensisLake Gosiute (Laney)A clam shrimp. [34]



Primarily based on Bechly et al (2020): [35]

Carlea C. eocenicaFossil LakeA carleid damselfly.
Cordulibellula C. inopinataLake Uinta (Parachute Creek)A cordulibellulid dragonfly, the last member of an ancient lineage. [36]
Dysagrion D. fredericiiLake Gosiute (Laney)A dysagrionid damselfly.
D. integrumFossil Lake
D. lakesii
Eocalopteryx E. atavinaA calopterygid damsefly.
Eodysphaea E. magnificaLake Uinta (Parachute Creek)A euphaeid damselfly.
Eolestes E. syntheticusAn eolestid damselfly.
Eopodagrion E. scudderiA damselfly of uncertain affinities.
Epallagites E. avusA euphaeid damselfly.
Kohlslibellula K. liniLake Uinta (Parachute Creek)A urolibellulid dragonfly
Labandeiraia L. americaborealisLake Uinta (Parachute Creek)A euphaeid damselfly.
L. riveriFossil Lake
Litheuphaea L. coloradensisLake Uinta (Parachute Creek)A euphaeid damselfly.
Oreodysagrion O. tenebrisFossil LakeA thaumatoneurid damselfly.
Petrolestes P. hendersoniLake Uinta (Parachute Creek)A dysagrionid damselfly.
Protamphipteryx P. basalisFossil LakeAn amphipterygid damselfly.
Tenebragrion T. shermaniFossil LakeA dysagrionid damselfly.
Tynskysagrion T. brookeaeFossil LakeA thaumatoneurid damselfly.
Urolibellula U. eocaenicaLake Uinta (Parachute Creek)A urolibellulid dragonfly
Viridiflumineagrion V. aaseiLake Uinta (Parachute Creek)A "megapodagrionid" damselfly. [37]
Zacallites Z. balliA zacallitid damselfly.
Z. cockerelliFossil Lake Damselfly fossils are more commonly found than dragonflies. Modern damselflies stay closer to water and ancient ones may have (4103948a-9066-4f32-9476-6dc3acb3be87).jpg


Arethaea A. solterae Lake Uinta (Parachute Creek)1 specimenA roundhead katydid. [38]


Hersiliola H. sp.Lake Uinta (Parachute Creek)A tree trunk spider. [39]
Miagrammopes M. sp.A uloborid spider. [39]
Selenopidae indet.A selenopid spider. [39]
Thomisidae indet.A crab spider. [39]
Uintascorpio U. halandrasi1 specimenA buthid scorpion. [40]
Uloboridae indet.A uloborid spider. [39]


Based on Grande (1984): [29] [41]


Plesielliptio P. priscusLake GosiuteA unionid river mussel.
P. sp. "A"
Sphaerium S. sp.A fingernail clam.
S. rhomboideum, a modern species Sphaerium rhomboideum.jpg
S. rhomboideum , a modern species


Biomphalaria B. aequalis Lake GosiuteA ramshorn snail.
B. storchi
B. pseudoammonius
? Drepanotrema ?D. sp.A ramshorn snail.
Elimia E. tenera A pleurocerid, the most common fossil snail of the formation and the source of the famous "Turritella agate". 2017-07-15 22-10-35 (C) DxO.jpg
Gastrocopta G. sp.A gastrocoptid land snail. [41]
Gyraulus G. militaris A ramshorn snail.
Holospira H. sp.A urocoptid land snail. [41]
Hydrobia H. aff. utaensis A mud snail.
H. sp. "A."
Lymnaea L. similis A pond snail.
L. sp. "B."
Omalodiscus O. cirrusA ramshorn snail.
Oreoconus O. sp. "A."A bulimulid land snail.
Physa P. bridgerensis A bladder snail.
P. longiuscula
P. pleromatis
P. sp. "A."
Pleurolimnaea P. tenuicostaA pond snail.
Valvata V. subumbilicata A valve snail.
V. cf. filosa
Viviparus V. paludinaeformis A river snail.
V. trochiformis

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  1. De Carvalho, Marcelo R.; Maisey, John G.; Grande, Lance (June 2004). "Freshwater Stingrays of the Green River Formation of Wyoming (Early Eocene), With the Description of a New Genus and Species and an Analysis of Its Phylogenetic Relationships (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes)". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 284: 1–136. doi:10.1206/0003-0090(2004)284<0001:FSOTGR>2.0.CO;2. ISSN   0003-0090.
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