2010 United States gubernatorial elections

Last updated

2010 United States gubernatorial elections
Flag of the United States.svg
  2009 November 2, 2010 2011  

39 governorships
37 states; 2 territories [a]
 Majority partyMinority party
Party Republican Democratic
Seats before23 [b] 26
Seats after2920
Seat changeIncrease2.svg 6Decrease2.svg 6
Popular vote33,851,797 [1] 33,331,319
Seats up1719
Seats won2313

 Third party
Party Independent
Seats before1
Seats after1
Seat changeSteady2.svg
Popular vote1,123,209
Seats up1
Seats won1

2010 United States gubernatorial elections results map.svg
Map of the results
     Democratic gain     Republican gain
     Democratic hold     Republican hold
     Independent gain
     No election

United States gubernatorial elections were held on November 2, 2010, in 37 states (with a special election in Utah) and two territories. These elections coincided with the elections for the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives as well as other state and local elections. As in most midterm elections, the party controlling the White House lost ground. [2] Democrats took five governorships from the Republicans, while Republicans took 11 governorships from the Democrats. An independent won one governorship previously held by a Republican, while a Republican won one governorship previously held by an independent. Republicans held a majority of governorships for the first time since before the 2006 elections. One state, Louisiana, had no election for governor, but it did feature a special election for lieutenant governor.


Most gains from both parties were made in races where no incumbent was running, either due to term limits or voluntary retirement. However, Republicans did defeat incumbent Democrats Ted Strickland of Ohio and Chet Culver of Iowa, and held Nevada, where Republican Jim Gibbons lost in the primary.

As of 2025, this is the last time Democrats have won an Arkansas gubernatorial race and the only time since 1998 that Republicans won a Pennsylvania gubernatorial race. This is also the last time a third-party candidate won in Rhode Island.


October 20, 2010 [3]
October 31, 2010 [4]
September 25, 2010 [5]
November 1, 2010 [6]
October 1, 2010 [7]
October 28, 2010 [8]
April 7, 2010 [9]
November 1, 2010 [10]
Alabama Bob Riley
57.4% RSafe RSafe RLeans RLikely RLeans RSafe RLeans RLikely R Bentley
Alaska Sean Parnell 48.3% RLikely RSafe RSafe RSafe RSafe RSafe RLikely RSafe R Parnell
Arizona Jan Brewer 62.6% D [c] Likely RSafe RLeans RLikely RLikely RLeans RLeans RLeans R Brewer
Arkansas Mike Beebe 55.6% DLikely DLeans DSafe DLikely DSafe DSafe DSafe DSafe D Beebe
California Arnold Schwarzenegger
55.9% RTossupLeans D (flip)TossupLeans D (flip)TossupLeans D (flip)Leans D (flip)Leans D (flip) Brown
Colorado Bill Ritter
57.0% DLeans DTossupLeans DLeans DLikely DLeans DTossupLeans D Hickenlooper
Connecticut Jodi Rell
63.2% RLeans D (flip)TossupLeans D (flip)Leans RTossupTossupTossupTossup Malloy
Florida Charlie Crist
52.2% R [d] TossupLeans R (flip)TossupLeans R (flip)TossupTossupTossupTossup Scott
Georgia Sonny Perdue
57.9% RLeans RLeans RTossupLeans RTossupLeans RLeans RLeans R Deal
Hawaii Linda Lingle
62.5% RTossupTossupLeans D (flip)Leans D (flip)Leans D (flip)Tilt D (flip)Likely D (flip)Leans D (flip) Abercrombie
Idaho Butch Otter 52.7% RSafe RSafe RSafe RLikely RSafe RSafe RLikely RLikely R Otter
Illinois Pat Quinn 49.8% DTossupLeans R (flip)TossupLeans R (flip)TossupTilt R (flip)Leans DTossup Quinn
Iowa Chet Culver 54.0% DLikely R (flip)Safe R (flip)Leans R (flip)Likely R (flip)Likely R (flip)Likely R (flip)TossupLeans R (flip) Branstad
Kansas Mark Parkinson
57.9% DSafe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Likely R (flip)Safe R (flip) Brownback
Maine John Baldacci
38.1% DTossupTossupLeans DLeans R (flip)TossupTilt R (flip)Leans DLeans R (flip) LePage
Maryland Martin O'Malley 52.7% DLeans DLeans DTossupLikely DTossupLikely DLeans DLeans D O'Malley
Massachusetts Deval Patrick 55.6% DTossupLeans DTossupLeans DTossupTilt DTossupLeans D Patrick
Michigan Jennifer Granholm
56.3% DLikely R (flip)Safe R (flip)Leans R (flip)Likely R (flip)Leans R (flip)Likely R (flip)TossupLikely R (flip) Snyder
Minnesota Tim Pawlenty
46.7% RLeans D (flip)TossupTossupLeans D (flip)TossupTilt D (flip)TossupTossup Dayton
Nebraska Dave Heineman 73.4% RSafe RSafe RSafe RSafe RSafe RSafe RSafe RSafe R Heineman
Nevada Jim Gibbons 47.9% RLikely RSafe RLeans RLikely RTossupSafe RTossupLikely R Sandoval
New Hampshire John Lynch 70.1% DLikely DSafe DLeans DLeans DTossupLeans DLikely DLeans D Lynch
New Mexico Bill Richardson
68.8% DLeans R (flip)Leans R (flip)TossupLikely R (flip)TossupLeans R (flip)Likely DLeans R (flip) Martinez
New York David Paterson
65.3% DLikely DSafe DSafe DSafe DSafe DSafe DLikely DLikely D Cuomo
Ohio Ted Strickland 60.5% DLeans R (flip)TossupTossupLeans R (flip)TossupTilt R (flip)TossupTossup Kasich
Oklahoma Brad Henry
66.5% DSafe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Leans R (flip)Likely R (flip)Leans R (flip)Safe R (flip)Leans R (flip)Likely R (flip) Fallin
Oregon Ted Kulongoski
50.7% DTossupTossupLeans DLeans R (flip)TossupTossupLeans DTossup Kitzhaber
Pennsylvania Ed Rendell
60.4% DLeans R (flip)Safe R (flip)Leans R (flip)Likely R (flip)Leans R (flip)Leans R (flip)Leans R (flip)Leans R (flip) Corbett
Rhode Island Don Carcieri
51.0% RTossupTossupTossupLeans I (flip)TossupLeans I (flip)TossupLeans I (flip) Chafee
South Carolina Mark Sanford
55.1% RLeans RSafe RLeans RLikely RLikely RSafe RLeans RLeans R Haley
South Dakota Mike Rounds
61.7% RSafe RSafe RSafe RLikely RLikely RSafe RLikely RLikely R Daugaard
Tennessee Phil Bredesen
68.6% DSafe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Leans R (flip)Likely R (flip)Likely R (flip)Safe R (flip)Leans R (flip)Safe R (flip) Haslam
Texas Rick Perry 39.0% RLeans RSafe RTossupLikely RTossupLeans RLeans RLeans R Perry
Gary Herbert 77.6% RSafe RSafe RSafe RSafe RSafe RSafe RSafe RLikely R Herbert
Vermont Jim Douglas
53.4% RTossupTossupTossupLeans D (flip)TossupTilt D (flip)TossupTossup Shumlin
Wisconsin Jim Doyle
52.7% DLeans R (flip)Leans R (flip)TossupLikely R (flip)TossupLeans R (flip)TossupLeans R (flip) Walker
Wyoming Dave Freudenthal
70.0% DSafe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Safe R (flip)Safe R (flip) Mead

Race summary

Vote by county (click image for more details) 2010 United States gubernatorial election map by county.svg
Vote by county (click image for more details)


Alabama Bob Riley Republican 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican hold.
Alaska Sean Parnell Republican2009 [e] Incumbent elected to full term.
Arizona Jan Brewer Republican2009 [f] Incumbent elected to full term.
Arkansas Mike Beebe Democratic 2006 Incumbent re-elected.
California Arnold Schwarzenegger Republican 2003 (recall) Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Democratic gain.
Colorado Bill Ritter Democratic 2006 Incumbent retired.
New governor elected.
Democratic hold.
Connecticut Jodi Rell Republican2004 [g] Incumbent retired.
New governor elected.
Democratic gain.
Florida Charlie Crist Independent 2006 [h] Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
Georgia Sonny Perdue Republican 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican hold.
Hawaii Linda Lingle Republican 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Democratic gain.
Idaho Butch Otter Republican 2006 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green check.svgY Butch Otter (Republican) 59.1%
  • Keith G. Allred (Democratic) 32.9%
  • Jana M. Kemp (Independent) 5.9%
  • Ted Dunlap (Libertarian) 1.3%
Illinois Pat Quinn Democratic2009 [i] Incumbent elected to full term.
Iowa Chet Culver Democratic 2006 Incumbent lost re-election.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
  • Green check.svgY Terry Branstad (Republican) 52.8%
  • Chet Culver (Democratic) 43.2%
  • Jonathan Narcisse (Iowa) 1.9%
  • Eric Cooper (Libertarian) 1.3%
Kansas Mark Parkinson Democratic2009 [j] Incumbent retired.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
Maine John Baldacci Democratic 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
Maryland Martin O'Malley Democratic 2006 Incumbent re-elected.
Massachusetts Deval Patrick Democratic 2006 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan Jennifer Granholm Democratic 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
Minnesota Tim Pawlenty Republican 2002 Incumbent retired.
New governor elected.
DFL gain.
Nebraska Dave Heineman Republican2005 [k] Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green check.svgY Dave Heineman (Republican) 73.9%
  • Mike Meister (Democratic) 26.1%
Nevada Jim Gibbons Republican 2006 Incumbent lost renomination.
New governor elected.
Republican hold.
New Hampshire John Lynch Democratic 2004 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green check.svgY John Lynch (Democratic) 52.6%
  • John Stephen (Republican) 45.0%
  • John Babiarz (Libertarian) 2.2%
New Mexico Bill Richardson Democratic 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
New York David Paterson Democratic2008 [l] Incumbent retired.
New governor elected.
Democratic hold.
Ohio Ted Strickland Democratic 2006 Incumbent lost re-election.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
  • Green check.svgY John Kasich (Republican) 49.0%
  • Ted Strickland (Democratic) 47.0%
  • Ken Matesz (Libertarian) 2.4%
  • Dennis Spisak (Green) 1.5%
Oklahoma Brad Henry Democratic 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
Oregon Ted Kulongoski Democratic 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Democratic hold.
  • Green check.svgY John Kitzhaber (Democratic) 49.3%
  • Chris Dudley (Republican) 47.8%
  • Greg Kord (Constitution) 1.4%
  • Wes Wagner (Libertarian) 1.3%
Pennsylvania Ed Rendell Democratic 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
Rhode Island Donald Carcieri Republican 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Independent gain.
South Carolina Mark Sanford Republican 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican hold.
South Dakota Mike Rounds Republican 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican hold.
Tennessee Phil Bredesen Democratic 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
Texas Rick Perry Republican2000 [m] Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green check.svgY Rick Perry (Republican) 55.0%
  • Bill White (Democratic) 42.3%
  • Kathie Glass (Libertarian) 2.2%
Gary Herbert Republican2009 [n] Incumbent elected to full term.
  • Green check.svgY Gary Herbert (Republican) 64.1%
  • Peter Corroon (Democratic) 31.9%
  • Farley Anderson (Independent) 2.0%
  • Andrew McCullough (Libertarian) 2.0%
Vermont Jim Douglas Republican 2002 Incumbent retired.
New governor elected.
Democratic gain.
Wisconsin Jim Doyle Democratic 2002 Incumbent retired.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
Wyoming Dave Freudenthal Democratic 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican gain.
  • Green check.svgY Matt Mead (Republican) 65.7%
  • Leslie Petersen (Democratic) 22.9%
  • Taylor Haynes (Independent) 7.3%
  • Mike Wheeler (Libertarian) 2.9%

Territories and federal district

District of Columbia Adrian Fenty Democratic 2006 Incumbent lost renomination.
New mayor elected.
Democratic hold.
Guam Felix Camacho Republican 2002 Incumbent term-limited.
New governor elected.
Republican hold.
U.S. Virgin Islands John de Jongh Democratic 2006 Incumbent re-elected.

Closest races

States where the margin of victory was under 1%:

  1. Minnesota, 0.4%
  2. Connecticut, 0.7%
  3. Illinois, 0.9%

States where the margin of victory was under 5%:

  1. Oregon, 1.1%
  2. Florida, 1.2%
  3. Guam, 1.2%
  4. Maine, 1.8%
  5. Vermont, 1.8%
  6. Ohio, 2.0%
  7. Rhode Island, 2.5%
  8. South Carolina, 4.3%

States where the margin of victory was under 10%:

  1. Wisconsin, 5.7%
  2. Massachusetts, 6.3%
  3. New Mexico, 7.2%
  4. New Hampshire, 7.5%
  5. Pennsylvania, 9.0%
  6. Iowa, 9.7%
  7. Georgia, 9.8%

Red denotes states won by Republicans. Blue denotes states won by Democrats. Grey denotes states won by Independents.


Alabama gubernatorial election
Flag of Alabama.svg
  Robert Bentley (cropped).jpg 3x4.svg
Nominee Robert J. Bentley Ron Sparks
Party Republican Democratic
Popular vote860,472625,710

2010 Alabama gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Bob Riley

Elected Governor

Robert J. Bentley

Governor Bob Riley was term-limited in 2010.

Businessman and 2002 Republican gubernatorial primary candidate Timothy James, State Representative Robert Bentley, [12] Chancellor Bradley Byrne, [13] and former state Supreme Court chief justice Roy Moore, were all major contenders for the Republican nomination. In the June 1 primary, Byrne finished in first place with 28.9%, followed by Robert J. Bentley who won 25.2% of the vote. Due to state law, the two were forced into a July runoff election, in which Bentley defeated Byrne by a margin of 56.1 to 43.9% to win the Republican nomination. [14]

For the Democratic side, State Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks easily defeated Congressman Artur Davis of Alabama's 7th congressional district in the June 1 primary. [15]

In the general election, Bentley defeated Sparks.

2010 Alabama gubernatorial election [16]
Republican Robert J. Bentley (incumbent) 860,472 57.58% +0.13%
Democratic Ron Sparks 625,71041.87%+0.30%
Write-in 8,0910.54%-0.44%
Total votes1,494,273 100.00% N/A
Republican hold


Alaska gubernatorial election
Flag of Alaska.svg
  Former Governor of Alaska Sean Parnell.jpg Ethan Berkowitz.jpg
Nominee Sean Parnell Ethan Berkowitz
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate Mead Treadwell Diane E. Benson
Popular vote151,31896,519

2010 Alaska gubernatorial election results by borough.svg
Borough and census area results

Governor before election

Sean Parnell

Elected Governor

Sean Parnell

Governor Sarah Palin was elected in 2006 with 48% of the vote and was eligible to seek reelection in 2010. On July 3, 2009, Palin announced that she would not run for reelection, and resigned on July 26, 2009. On July 26, Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell became the 12th Governor of Alaska. [17] Parnell officially announced that he would be running for a first full-term in 2010. In August 2010 he won the Republican nomination for governor.

Parnell faced former State Representative and 2008 congressional nominee Ethan Berkowitz, and won the Democratic nomination against State Senator Hollis French, in the November election. [18] Parnell won a first full-term.

Alaska election
Republican Sean Parnell (incumbent) 151,318 59.06
Democratic Ethan Berkowitz 96,51937.67
Independence Don Wright 4,7751.86
Libertarian Billy Toien2,6821.05
Write-in 8980.35
Total votes256,192 100.00
Republican hold


Arizona gubernatorial election
Flag of Arizona.svg
  Jan Brewer by Gage Skidmore 5.jpg Terry Goddard by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg
Nominee Jan Brewer Terry Goddard
Party Republican Democratic
Popular vote938,934733,935

2010 Arizona gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Jan Brewer

Elected Governor

Jan Brewer

Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano was nominated by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the United States Senate as Secretary of Homeland Security in early 2009. Republican Secretary of State Jan Brewer was first in the state's gubernatorial line of succession and became governor upon Napolitano's subsequent resignation. Brewer was seeking a full term in 2010. [19] She would face a primary challenge from former state Senator Karen Johnson, [20] Tucson attorney John Munger, [21] and State Treasurer Dean Martin. [22]

The announced Democratic candidate was Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard. A potential Democratic candidate could have been Phoenix mayor Phil Gordon. [23]

Jan Brewer won the Republican primary election, and Terry Goddard won the Democratic primary election. Brewer defeated Goddard in the election.

Arizona election [24]
Republican Jan Brewer (incumbent) 938,934 54.33
Democratic Terry Goddard 733,93542.43
Libertarian Barry Hess 38,7222.24
Green Larry Gist16,1280.93
Write-in 3620.02
Total votes1,728,081 100.00
Republican hold


Arkansas gubernatorial election
Flag of Arkansas.svg
  MikeBeebe2009 (cropped).jpg 3x4.svg
Nominee Mike Beebe Jim Keet
Party Democratic Republican
Popular vote503,336262,784

2010 Arkansas gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Mike Beebe

Elected Governor

Mike Beebe

Governor Mike Beebe sought a second term in 2010. [25] He was elected with 55% of the vote in 2006. [26] In March 2009 Beebe's approval rating was 68%, according to Public Policy Polling. [27] Jim Keet, a former State Senator, was the Republican nominee.

Beebe defeated Keet in a landslide election.

Arkansas election [28]
Democratic Mike Beebe (incumbent) 503,336 64.42
Republican Jim Keet 262,78433.63
Green Jim Lendall 14,5131.86
Write-in 7000.09
Total votes781,333 100.00
Democratic hold


California gubernatorial election
Flag of California.svg
  Edmund G Brown Jr (cropped).jpg Meg Whitman crop.jpg
Nominee Jerry Brown Meg Whitman
Party Democratic Republican
Popular vote5,428,1494,127,391

2010 California gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Elected Governor

Jerry Brown

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was term-limited in 2010. [25]

Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman was the Republican nominee for the Gubernatorial election, [29] defeating state Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner in the California Republican Party primary.

Former Governor and current Attorney General Jerry Brown was the Democratic nominee. [30] [31] [32]

Brown defeated Whitman in the general election.

California election [33]
Democratic Jerry Brown 5,428,149 53.77
Republican Meg Whitman 4,127,39140.88
American Independent Chelene Nightingale166,3121.65
Libertarian Dale Ogden150,8951.49
Green Laura Wells 129,2241.28
Peace and Freedom Carlos Alvarez92,8510.92
Write-in 3630.00
Total votes10,095,185 100.00
Democratic gain from Republican


Colorado gubernatorial election
Flag of Colorado.svg
  HickenlooperCropped.JPG Tom Tancredo, official Congressional photo cropped.jpg 3x4.svg
Nominee John Hickenlooper Tom Tancredo Dan Maes
Party Democratic Constitution Republican
Running mate Joe Garcia Pat Miller Tambor Williams
Popular vote915,436652,376199,792

2010 Colorado gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Bill Ritter

Elected Governor

John Hickenlooper

Governor Bill Ritter declined to run for re-election. [34] He had been elected with 57% of the vote in 2006. Following Ritter's announcement, Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper announced his candidacy. [35] Hickenlooper faced no opposition in the Democratic primary. [36]

Businessman Dan Maes became the Republican nominee by winning the August 10 primary election. [37]

Former Congressman Tom Tancredo ran under the banner of the American Constitution Party. [38]

In the general, Hickenlooper decisively defeated Tancredo and Maes. Maes won only 11.6% of the vote, nearly reducing the Republican Party to minor-party status in Colorado. [39]

Colorado election [40]
Democratic John Hickenlooper 915,436 51.05
Constitution Tom Tancredo 652,37636.38
Republican Dan Maes199,79211.14
Libertarian Jaimes Brown13,3650.74
Independent Jason R. Clark8,6010.48
Independent Paul Fiorino3,4920.19
Write-in 860.00
Total votes1,793,148 100.00
Democratic hold


Connecticut gubernatorial election
Flag of Connecticut.svg
  DannelMalloy.jpg Official portrait of Tom Foley, U.S. Ambassador to Ireland (cropped).jpg
Nominee Dannel Malloy Thomas C. Foley
Party Democratic Republican
Running mate Nancy Wyman Mark Boughton
Popular vote567,278560,874

2010 Connecticut gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Jodi Rell

Elected Governor

Dannel Malloy

On November 9, 2009, incumbent Governor Jodi Rell announced she would not seek a second full term in 2010. [41] She was elected to a full term in 2006 with 63% of the vote.

The Republican nomination was won by former United States Ambassador to Ireland Thomas C. Foley, who defeated Lt. Governor Michael Fedele.

The Democratic nominee was Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy, who defeated businessman and 2006 Democratic Senatorial nominee Ned Lamont. [42]

Connecticut election [43]
Democratic Dannel Malloy 567,278 49.51
Republican Thomas C. Foley 560,87448.95
Independent Thomas E. Marsh17,6291.54
Write-in 180.00
Total votes1,145,799 100.00
Democratic gain from Republican


Florida gubernatorial election
Flag of Florida.svg
  Rick Scott official portrait (cropped).jpg Alex Sink (cropped).png
Nominee Rick Scott Alex Sink
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate Jennifer Carroll Rod Smith
Popular vote2,619,3352,557,785

2010 Florida gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Charlie Crist

Elected Governor

Rick Scott

First-term Governor Charlie Crist was eligible to seek re-election, but decided instead to run for the United States Senate seat held by George LeMieux. [44] After a tough primary challenge the Republican Party chose businessman Rick Scott over Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum. The Democratic Party nominated Florida CFO Alex Sink.

Crist was elected as a Republican, but left the party and became an independent during his Senate campaign.

Scott defeated Sink in the election.

Florida election [45]
Republican Rick Scott 2,619,335 48.87
Democratic Alex Sink 2,557,78547.72
Independence Peter Allen123,8312.31
Independent C. C. Reed18,8420.35
Independent Michael E. Arth  [ de; es; fr; ja; zh ]18,6440.35
Independent Daniel Imperato13,6900.26
Independent Farid Khavari7,4870.14
Write-in 1210.00
Total votes5,359,735 100.00
Republican gain from Independent


Georgia gubernatorial election
Flag of Georgia (U.S. state).svg
  Nathan Deal, official 110th Congress photo.jpg Roy Barnes concession speech (cropped).jpg
Nominee Nathan Deal Roy Barnes
Party Republican Democratic
Popular vote1,365,8321,107,011

2010 Georgia gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Sonny Perdue

Elected Governor

Nathan Deal

Governor Sonny Perdue was term-limited in 2010. [46]

On the Republican side, former Secretary of State Karen Handel, and former Congressman Nathan Deal faced each other in a runoff, defeating other candidates including state Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine in the July 20 primary. Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle had established an exploratory committee in September 2008, [47] but dropped out of the race on April 15, 2009, because of health problems. [46]

On the Democratic side, former Governor Roy Barnes, whom Perdue unseated in 2002, won the July 20 primary against former state Secretary of State David Poythress, state Attorney General Thurbert Baker, and state House Minority Leader DuBose Porter. [48]

The Libertarian Party fielded as its candidate John Monds, who served as president of the Grady County NAACP and was the first Libertarian candidate in U.S. history to receive more than one million votes, when he ran for the Georgia Public Service Commission in 2008.

Georgia election [49]
Republican Nathan Deal 1,365,832 53.02
Democratic Roy Barnes 1,107,01142.97
Libertarian John Monds 103,1944.01
Write-in 1240.00
Total votes2,576,161 100.00
Republican hold


Hawaii gubernatorial election
Flag of Hawaii.svg
  Neil Abercrombie (cropped).jpg Duke Aiona.jpg
Nominee Neil Abercrombie Duke Aiona
Party Democratic Republican
Running mate Brian Schatz Lynn Finnegan
Popular vote222,724157,311

2010 Hawaii gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Linda Lingle

Elected Governor

Neil Abercrombie

Governor Linda Lingle was term-limited in 2010. [25]

Republican Lieutenant Governor Duke Aiona ran. [50]

Democratic Congressman Neil Abercrombie announced that he would run. [51] Another possible Democratic candidate was Honolulu mayor Mufi Hannemann. [51]

Hawaii election [52]
Democratic Neil Abercrombie 222,724 58.61
Republican Duke Aiona 157,31141.39
Free EnergyDaniel Cunningham1,2650.33
Nonpartisan Tom Pollard1,2630.33
Total votes380,035 100.00
Democratic gain from Republican


Idaho gubernatorial election
Flag of Idaho.svg
  Butchotter.jpg 3x4.svg 3x4.svg
Nominee Butch Otter Keith G. AllredJana Kemp
Party Republican Democratic Independent
Popular vote267,483148,68026,655

2010 Idaho gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Butch Otter

Elected Governor

Butch Otter

Governor Butch Otter sought a second term in 2010. A former state legislator, lieutenant governor and Congressman, Otter was elected in 2006 with 52 percent of the vote but struggled to implement many of his policies despite an overwhelmingly Republican Idaho Legislature. [53] In May 2010 Otter brushed aside primary challenges from Ada County commissioner Sharon Ullman [54] and conservative activist Rex Rammell, who ran for U.S. Senate in 2008 as an independent. [55]

Democratic primary candidates included activist and mediator Keith G. Allred, [53] and Franklin County laborer Lon Chaney, who unsuccessfully contested the Democratic nomination in 2006. [56] Allred easily defeated Chaney for the Democratic nomination.

Former Republican state representative Jana Kemp was an announced independent candidate. [57]

Otter won re-election.

Idaho election [58]
Republican Butch Otter 267,483 59.11
Democratic Keith G. Allred 148,68032.85
Independent Jana M. Kemp26,6555.89
Libertarian Ted Dunlap5,8671.30
Independent Pro-Life 3,8500.85
Total votes452,535 100.00
Republican hold


Illinois gubernatorial election
Flag of Illinois.svg
  Governor Pat Quinn (a).jpg Bill Brady.jpg
Nominee Pat Quinn Bill Brady
Party Democratic Republican
Running mate Sheila Simon Jason Plummer
Popular vote1,745,2191,713,385

2010 Illinois gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Pat Quinn

Elected Governor

Pat Quinn

Governor Pat Quinn sought a full term in 2010. On January 29, 2009, by succession, Quinn became governor when Governor Rod Blagojevich was impeached, convicted and removed from office by the Illinois State Senate. [59] Quinn was challenged for the Democratic nomination by State Comptroller Dan Hynes. [60] On February 2, Quinn defeated Hynes by a narrow margin in a 50–50 split in the statewide primary. Despite trailing by only a few thousand votes, Hynes declined a recount and conceded the election to Quinn. [61]

The six-man Republican primary wasn't decided until March 5, 2010, when the final tally was announced. Only 193 votes (two-thousandths of one-percent) separated State Senator Bill Brady and former gubernatorial Chief of Staff Kirk Dillard, out of more than 750,000 votes. Dillard said he would not challenge the results for financial and political reasons. Political experts ABC talked with said, "unless Dillard had evidence of specific miscounting or fraud, it's not worth asking for a recount. And it's certainly better for party unity." [62]

Quinn defeated Brady in the election.

Illinois election [63]
Democratic Pat Quinn (incumbent) 1,745,219 46.79
Republican Bill Brady 1,713,38545.94
Independent Scott Lee Cohen 135,7053.64
Green Rich Whitney100,7562.70
Libertarian Lex Green34,6810.93
Total votes3,729,746 100.00
Democratic hold


Iowa gubernatorial election
Flag of Iowa.svg
  Terry Branstad by Gage Skidmore.jpg Gov Chet Culver.jpg
Nominee Terry Branstad Chet Culver
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate Kim Reynolds Patty Judge
Popular vote592,494484,798

2010 Iowa gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Chet Culver

Elected Governor

Terry Branstad

Governor Chet Culver sought a second term in 2010. He was elected with 54% of the vote in 2006.

Former Governor Terry Branstad, whose four terms in the governor's mansion made him the longest-serving governor in Iowa history, formed an exploratory committee for the race. [64] Republican Congressman Steve King was the subject of some early speculation but announced that he would run for re-election to the House in August 2009. [65] Businessman Bob Vander Plaats, who was the Republican nominee for lieutenant governor in 2006, ran [66] and was considered an early front-runner in the Republican primary. [67] Other Republicans seeking their party's nomination included State Representatives Christopher Rants [66] and businessman Christian Fong. [68] Branstad was the favorite for Republican nomination, and led incumbent Democratic Governor Chet Culver in aggregate polling. [69]

Branstad defeated then-sitting Governor Culver in the election.

Iowa election [70]
Republican Terry Branstad 592,494 52.81
Democratic Chet Culver (incumbent)484,79843.21
IowaJonathan Narcisse20,8591.86
Libertarian Eric Cooper14,3981.28
Independent Gregory Hughes3,8840.35
Socialist Workers David Rosenfeld2,7570.25
Write-in 2,8230.25
Total votes1,122,013 100.00
Republican gain from Democratic


Kansas gubernatorial election
Flag of Kansas.svg
  Sam Brownback headshot.jpg 3x4.svg
Nominee Sam Brownback Tom Holland
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate Jeff Colyer Kelly Kultala
Popular vote530,760270,166

2010 Kansas gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Mark Parkinson

Elected Governor

Sam Brownback

Governor Kathleen Sebelius was term-limited in 2010. [25] President Barack Obama nominated Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services. [71] Mark Parkinson, her replacement, did not seek a full term, and Republican Senator Sam Brownback defeated Democratic state Senator Tom Holland in the general election.

Kansas election [72]
Republican Sam Brownback 530,760 63.28
Democratic Tom Holland 270,16632.21
Libertarian Andrew P. Gray22,4602.68
Reform Kenneth W. Cannon15,3971.84
Write-in 70.00
Total votes838,790 100.00
Republican gain from Democratic


Maine gubernatorial election
Flag of Maine.svg
  PaulLePage (cropped).jpg Eliot Cutler (cropped) (1).jpg
Nominee Paul LePage Eliot Cutler Libby Mitchell
Party Republican Independent Democratic
Popular vote218,065208,270109,387

2010 Maine gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

John Baldacci

Elected Governor

Paul LePage

Governor John Baldacci was term-limited in 2010.

At the gubernatorial primary election on June 8, Maine Democrats chose State Senator Elizabeth "Libby" Mitchell as their nominee, [73] while Waterville Mayor Paul LePage was chosen by the Republicans. [74]

Three independent candidates were on the November 2 ballot: Eliot Cutler, lawyer, former staff member for U.S. Senator Edmund Muskie, and former adviser to President Jimmy Carter; [75] Shawn Moody, business owner; [76] and Kevin Scott, business owner. [77]

The Maine Green Independent Party did not have a candidate on the ballot this year. [78]

With 94% of precincts reporting on the day after the general election, the Bangor Daily News declared LePage the winner, carrying 38.1% of the votes. [79] Cutler was in second place with 36.7% of the votes (less than 7,500 votes behind LePage), while Mitchell was a distant third with 19%. [79] Moody and Scott had 5% and 1%, respectively. [79]

Maine election [80]
Republican Paul LePage 218,065 37.56
Independent Eliot Cutler 208,27035.87
Democratic Libby Mitchell 109,38718.84
Independent Shawn Moody 28,7564.95
Independent Kevin Scott5,6640.98
Total votes580,538 100.00
Republican gain from Democratic


Maryland gubernatorial election
Flag of Maryland.svg
  Martin O'Malley, photo portrait, visiting Maryland National Guard, June 8, 2008.jpg Robert ehrlich speaking at healthierUS summit cropped.jpg
Nominee Martin O'Malley Bob Ehrlich
Party Democratic Republican
Running mate Anthony Brown Mary Kane
Popular vote1,044,961776,319

2010 Maryland gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Martin O'Malley

Elected Governor

Martin O'Malley

Governor Martin O'Malley sought a second term in 2010. [81] He was elected with 53% of the vote in 2006.

Former Republican Governor Bob Ehrlich on March 30, 2010, announced that he would run. [82] In the last election, in 2006, O'Malley narrowly defeated Ehrlich, who ran as an incumbent.

In the primary, Ehrlich faced business owner Brian Murphy. [83] [84]

O'Malley defeated former Governor Ehrlich in the election.

Maryland election [85]
Democratic Martin O'Malley (incumbent) 1,044,961 56.24
Republican Bob Ehrlich 776,31941.79
Libertarian Susan Gaztanaga14,1370.76
Green Maria Allwine11,8250.64
Constitution Eric Knowles8,6120.46
Write-in 2,0260.11
Total votes1,857,880 100.00
Democratic hold


Massachusetts gubernatorial election
Flag of Massachusetts.svg
  Deval Patrick official photo (cropped).jpg Charlie Baker crop.jpg Timothy Cahill.jpg
Nominee Deval Patrick Charlie Baker Tim Cahill
Party Democratic Republican Independent
Running mate Tim Murray Richard Tisei Paul Loscocco
Popular vote1,112,283964,866184,395

2010 Massachusetts gubernatorial election results map by municipality.svg
Municipality results

Governor before election

Deval Patrick

Elected Governor

Deval Patrick

Incumbent first-term Governor Deval Patrick, a Democrat, sought re-election. [86] He was elected with 56% of the vote in 2006.

Charlie Baker was the Republican candidate, while Jill Stein was the candidate of the Green-Rainbow Party. [87]

Tim Cahill, Treasurer of Massachusetts, ran as an Independent. If Cahill had been elected, he would have been the first independent candidate to win statewide in the Commonwealth. [88]

Patrick defeated Baker, Stein, and Cahill in the election.

Massachusetts election [89]
Democratic Deval Patrick (incumbent) 1,112,283 48.42
Republican Charlie Baker 964,86642.00
Independent Tim Cahill 184,3958.03
Green-Rainbow Jill Stein 32,8951.43
Write-in 2,6000.11
Total votes2,297,039 100.00
Democratic gain from


Michigan gubernatorial election
Flag of Michigan.svg
  Rick Snyder.jpg Virg-1 (cropped).jpg
Nominee Rick Snyder Virg Bernero
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate Brian Calley Brenda Lawrence
Popular vote1,874,8341,287,320

2010 Michigan gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Jennifer Granholm

Elected Governor

Rick Snyder

Governor Jennifer Granholm was term-limited in 2010. [90]

The party primaries on August 3 had five Republicans and two Democrats on the ballot.

On the Republican side, businessman Rick Snyder defeated Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard, Michigan State Senator Tom George and U.S. Representative Peter Hoekstra for the GOP nomination. [91]

On the Democratic side, Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero easily defeated state House Speaker Andy Dillon for the party nomination. [92]

In the general election Rick Snyder defeated Virg Bernero in a landslide.

Michigan election [93]
Republican Rick Snyder 1,874,834 58.11
Democratic Virgil Bernero 1,287,32039.90
Libertarian Ken Proctor22,3900.69
Constitution Stacey Mathia20,8180.65
Green Harley Mikkelson20,6990.64
Write-in 270.00
Total votes3,226,088 100.00
Republican gain from Democratic


Minnesota gubernatorial election
Flag of Minnesota (1983-2024).svg
  Mark Dayton official photo.jpg Tom Emmer official portrait 114th Congress (cropped 2).jpg 3x4.svg
Nominee Mark Dayton Tom Emmer Tom Horner
Party Democratic (DFL) Republican Independence
Running mate Yvonne Prettner Solon Annette Meeks Jim Mulder
Popular vote919,232910,462251,487

2010 Minnesota gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Tim Pawlenty

Elected Governor

Mark Dayton
Democratic (DFL)

Governor Tim Pawlenty would have been eligible to seek a third term in 2010, but decided not to run. [94] He won re-election by 1% in 2006, with 46.7% of the vote. [95]

For Republicans, potential candidates included former U.S. Senator Norm Coleman, former House Minority Leader Marty Seifert, State Representative Tom Emmer, State Senator David Hann, and several other less prominent politicians, such as former State Representative Bill Haas. Former Minnesota State Auditor Patricia Anderson also sought the endorsement briefly, but later withdrew in order to again run for state auditor. [96] As the campaign season progressed, Coleman, Hann and Haas withdrew from the contest.

Among Democrats, former U.S. Senator Mark Dayton, state senator John Marty, former State Representative Matt Entenza, former State Senator Steve Kelley, State Representative Paul Thissen, Minnesota House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner, State Representative Tom Rukavina, and Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak all announced their candidacies. State Senator Tom Bakk withdrew from the race in March 2010. [97] Saint Paul Mayor Chris Coleman announced that he would not run. [46]

Minnesota House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher won the endorsement of the Minnesota DFL Party, but still faced Mark Dayton and Matt Entenza in the August 10 primary. The Republican Party endorsed State Representative Tom Emmer.

In the primary, Mark Dayton won a narrow victory over DFL-endorsed candidate Margaret Anderson Kelliher. Republican-endorsed candidate Tom Emmer easily won the GOP primary. Independence Party candidate Tom Horner also won his party's primary.

Minnesota election [98]
Democratic (DFL) Mark Dayton 919,232 43.63
Republican Tom Emmer 910,46243.21
Independence Tom Horner251,48711.94
Grassroots Chris Wright7,5160.36
Green Farheen Hakeem6,1880.29
Ecology Democracy Ken Pentel6,1800.29
ResourceLinda Eno4,0920.19
Write-in 1,8640.09
Total votes2,106,979 100.00
Democratic (DFL) gain from Republican


Nebraska gubernatorial election
Flag of Nebraska.svg
  Dave Heineman official photo (cropped).jpg 3x4.svg
Nominee Dave Heineman Mike Meister
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate Rick Sheehy Anne Boyle
Popular vote360,645127,343

2010 Nebraska gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Dave Heineman

Elected Governor

Dave Heineman

Governor Dave Heineman succeeded Mike Johanns upon Johanns' confirmation as United States Secretary of Agriculture. Heineman won election in 2006 against David Hahn with 73% of the vote and sought a second term in 2010. [99]

Heineman won re-election.

Nebraska election [100]
Republican Dave Heineman (incumbent) 360,645 73.90
Democratic Mike Meister127,34326.10
Total votes487,988 100.00
Republican hold


Nevada gubernatorial election
Flag of Nevada.svg
  Brian Sandoval 2010 (cropped).jpg Rory Reid.jpg
Nominee Brian Sandoval Rory Reid
Party Republican Democratic
Popular vote382,350298,171

2010 Nevada gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Jim Gibbons

Elected Governor

Brian Sandoval

Governor Jim Gibbons sought a second term in 2010. He was elected in 2006 with 48% of the vote. Gibbons, who had low approval ratings in 2009, had two announced challengers before the end of the year from within his own party. Former State Senator Joe Heck and former North Las Vegas Mayor Mike Montandon both announced that they would challenge Gibbons in the Republican primary. [101] Former federal judge Brian Sandoval announced his candidacy for governor in September 2009. [102] On June 8, 2010, Gibbons was defeated in the Republican primary by Sandoval.

The Democratic candidate was Rory Reid, Clark County Commissioner and the son of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. [103]

The Libertarian candidate was Arthur Forest Lampitt, Jr. Before running for office, he was an IT management consultant and small business owner. [104]

The Green candidate was David Scott Curtis, a residential designer and public artist. [104]

Nevada election [105]
Republican Brian Sandoval 382,350 53.36
Democratic Rory Reid 298,17141.61
None of These Candidates 12,2311.71
Independent Eugene DiSimone6,4030.89
Independent American Floyd Fitzgibbons5,0490.70
Libertarian Arthur Forest Lampitt4,6720.65
Green David Scott Curtis4,4370.62
Independent Aaron Y. Honig3,2160.45
Total votes716,529 100.00
Republican hold

New Hampshire

New Hampshire gubernatorial election
Flag of New Hampshire.svg
  John Lynch (cropped).jpg 3x4.svg
Nominee John Lynch John Stephen
Party Democratic Republican
Popular vote240,346205,616

2010 New Hampshire gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

John Lynch

Elected Governor

John Lynch

Governor John Lynch sought re-election in 2010. (The governors of New Hampshire and Vermont serve two-year terms.) He was re-elected with 70% of the vote in 2008.

Lynch was re-elected.

New Hampshire election
Democratic John Lynch 240,346 52.63
Republican John Stephen205,61645.03
Libertarian John Babiarz10,0892.21
Write-in 5370.01
Total votes456,588 100.00
Democratic hold

New Mexico

New Mexico gubernatorial election
Flag of New Mexico.svg
  Governor NewMexico.jpg Diane Denish.jpg
Nominee Susana Martinez Diane Denish
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate John Sanchez Brian Colón
Popular vote321,219280,614

2010 New Mexico gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Bill Richardson

Elected Governor

Susana Martinez

Governor Bill Richardson was term-limited in 2010. [25]

Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish (D) obtained the Democratic Party nomination by winning the June 1, 2010 primary without opposition. [106]

Doña Ana County District Attorney Susana Martinez [107] won the Republican nominee for Governor of New Mexico by winning the June 1, 2010 primary with 51% of the vote against four other candidates. Martinez is the first Latina woman nominated by a major party for governor anywhere in the United States. [108] [109] Martinez defeated PR firm owner Doug Turner, [110] Pete Domenici, Jr. (son of the former U.S. Senator Pete Domenici), State Representative Janice Arnold-Jones, [111] and former Republican party state chairman Allen Weh. [112] The election resulted in New Mexico's first female governor. [113] Martinez defeated Denish and became the nation's first Latina governor and first female governor of New Mexico.

New Mexico election [114]
Republican Susana Martinez 321,219 53.29
Democratic Diane Denish 280,61446.55
Write-in 9940.16
Total votes602,832 100.00
Republican gain from Democratic

New York

New York gubernatorial election
Flag of New York.svg
  Andrew Cuomo by Pat Arnow cropped.jpeg Paladino Gubernatorial 2010 (cropped).jpg
Nominee Andrew Cuomo Carl Paladino
Party Democratic Republican
Alliance Working Families
Running mate Robert Duffy Greg Edwards
Popular vote2,910,8761,547,857

2010 New York gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

David Paterson

Elected Governor

Andrew Cuomo

Governor David Paterson originally announced he would seek a first full term in 2010. [115] He became Governor of New York when Eliot Spitzer resigned amid a prostitution scandal on March 17, 2008. He was likely to face a tough primary challenge from Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who led him (and all other opponents) in polling. Paterson announced on February 26, 2010, that he would not be a candidate in the Democratic primary; Cuomo entered the race on May 24 of the same year. Businessman Carl Paladino defeated former Congressman Rick Lazio for the Republican nomination in a primary election, drawing heavily on support from upstate New York. [116] Cuomo soundly defeated Paladino in the general election.

New York election [117]
Democratic Andrew Cuomo2,609,46556.52
Working Families Andrew Cuomo154,8353.35
Independence Andrew Cuomo146,5763.17
Total Andrew Cuomo 2,910,876 63.05
Republican Carl Paladino1,289,81727.94
Conservative Carl Paladino232,2155.03
Taxpayers Carl Paladino25,8250.56
Total Carl Paladino 1,547,85733.53
Green Howie Hawkins 59,9061.30
Libertarian Warren Redlich 48,3591.05
Rent Is Too Damn High Jimmy McMillan 41,1290.89
Freedom Charles Barron 24,5710.53
Anti-Prohibition Kristin M. Davis 20,4210.44
Write-in 4,8360.10
Total votes4,769,741 100.00
Democratic hold


Ohio gubernatorial election
Flag of Ohio.svg
  Governor John Kasich.jpg Ted Strickland photo.jpg
Nominee John Kasich Ted Strickland
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate Mary Taylor Yvette McGee Brown
Popular vote1,889,1861,812,059

2010 Ohio gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Ted Strickland

Elected Governor

John Kasich

Governor Ted Strickland sought a second term in 2010. He was elected with 60% of the vote in 2006.

John Kasich, a former congressman from Ohio's 12th congressional district and Chairman of the United States House Committee on the Budget was the Republican nominee. [118] Recent polling showed this race to be competitive, with Rasmussen Reports polling in August 2010 showing John Kasich ahead of incumbent Governor Strickland by a 47 to 39% margin. [119] A survey from Public Policy Polling from the same month found similar results, with Governor Strickland trailing former Congressman Kasich by a 50 to 40% margin. [120]

Kasich defeated then-sitting Governor Strickland in the election.

Ohio election [121]
Republican John Kasich 1,889,186 49.04
Democratic Ted Strickland (incumbent)1,812,05947.04
Libertarian Ken Matesz92,1162.39
Green Dennis Spisak58,4751.52
Write-in 6330.02
Total votes3,852,469 100.00
Republican gain from Democratic


Oklahoma gubernatorial election
Flag of Oklahoma.svg
  Mary Fallin official 110th Congress photo.jpg Rep Jari Askins.jpg
Nominee Mary Fallin Jari Askins
Party Republican Democratic
Popular vote625,506409,261

2010 Oklahoma gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Brad Henry

Elected Governor

Mary Fallin

Democratic Governor Brad Henry was term-limited in 2010. [25]

Two Democrats announced their candidacies: state Attorney General Drew Edmondson, [122] and Lieutenant Governor Jari Askins, who would be Oklahoma's first female governor. [123]

Two Republicans announced their candidacies: Congresswoman and former lieutenant governor Mary Fallin, [124] who would also be Oklahoma's first female governor, and state Senator Randy Brogdon. [125] Oklahoma, which tilts Republican in party affiliation, was considered a strong pickup opportunity for the GOP. Either outcome would have resulted in Oklahoma's first female governor, as both Fallin and Askins won their primaries; Fallin defeated Askins in the general election.

Oklahoma election [126]
Republican Mary Fallin 625,506 60.45
Democratic Jari Askins 409,26139.55
Total votes1,034,767 100.00
Republican gain from Democratic


Oregon gubernatorial election
Flag of Oregon.svg
  Governor Kitzhaber.jpg Chrisdudley (cropped).jpg
Nominee John Kitzhaber Chris Dudley
Party Democratic Republican
Alliance Independent Party
Popular vote716,525694,287

Oregon Governor Election Results by County, 2010.svg
County results

Governor before election

Ted Kulongoski

Elected Governor

John Kitzhaber

Governor Ted Kulongoski was term-limited in 2010. [25] Former two-term Governor John Kitzhaber was the Democratic nominee and former Portland Trail Blazers basketball player Chris Dudley was his Republican opponent. In the primaries, Kitzhaber defeated former state Secretary of State Bill Bradbury, and Dudley won a plurality among a large field of candidates which included former Oregon State Treasurer candidate Allen Alley and former state Representative John Lim. [127] Greg Kord of the Constitution Party and Wes Wagner of the Libertarian Party also ran. [128] Kitzhaber defeated Dudley in the general election; his election marked the first time in Oregon that a person had been elected to three terms as governor.

Oregon election [129]
Democratic John Kitzhaber 716,525 49.29
Republican Chris Dudley 694,28747.76
Constitution Greg Kord20,4751.41
Libertarian Wes Wagner19,0481.31
Write-in 3,2130.22
Total votes1,453,548 100.00
Democratic hold


Pennsylvania gubernatorial election
Flag of Pennsylvania.svg
  Portrait of PA Governor Tom Corbett (cropped).jpg Clinton, Rendell, and Onorato St. Patrick's Day (cropped 2).jpg
Nominee Tom Corbett Dan Onorato
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate Jim Cawley H. Scott Conklin
Popular vote2,172,7631,814,788

Pennsylvania Governor Election Results by County, 2010.svg
County results

Governor before election

Ed Rendell

Elected Governor

Tom Corbett

Governor Ed Rendell was term-limited in 2010. [25]

Republican Attorney General Tom Corbett was the Republican nominee for governor. Republican Congressman Jim Gerlach had formed an exploratory committee and initiated a campaign in 2009, but he eventually dropped out of the race in early 2010 in order to run for re-election to his seat in the House. [130] The Democratic nominee was Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato. Corbett was considered the marginal favorite in a competitive election, and defeated Onorato.

Pennsylvania election [131]
Republican Tom Corbett 2,172,763 54.49
Democratic Dan Onorato 1,814,78845.51
Total votes3,987,551 100.00
Republican gain from Democratic

Rhode Island

Rhode Island gubernatorial election
Flag of Rhode Island.svg
  Lincoln Chafee official portrait (cropped 2).jpg John robitaille.jpg
Nominee Lincoln Chafee John Robitaille
Party Independent Republican
Popular vote123,571114,911

  Frank Caprio (cropped).JPG 3x4.svg
Nominee Frank T. Caprio Ken Block
Party Democratic Moderate
Popular vote78,89622,146

2010 Rhode Island gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Donald Carcieri

Elected Governor

Lincoln Chafee

Governor Donald Carcieri was term-limited in 2010. [25]

State Representative Joe Trillo was a potential Republican candidate. [132]

On the Democratic side, State General Treasurer Frank Caprio was the de facto nominee, with Attorney General Patrick C. Lynch dropping out of the race for governor. [132]

Former Republican Senator Lincoln D. Chafee formed an exploratory committee for a potential campaign as an independent. [133] After deciding to run, Senator Chafee went on to win the election.

Rhode Island election [134]
Independent Lincoln Chafee 123,571 36.10
Republican John Robitaille 114,91133.57
Democratic Frank T. Caprio 78,89623.05
Moderate Ken Block 22,1466.47
Independent Joseph Lusi1,0910.32
Independent Todd Giroux8820.26
Independent Ronald Algieri7930.23
Total votes342,290 100.00
Independent gain from Republican

South Carolina

South Carolina gubernatorial election
Flag of South Carolina.svg
  Nikki Haley official portrait.jpg Vincent Sheheen (cropped).jpg
Nominee Nikki Haley Vincent Sheheen
Party Republican Democratic
Popular vote690,525630,534

2010 South Carolina gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Mark Sanford

Elected Governor

Nikki Haley

Governor Mark Sanford was term-limited in 2010. [25]

On the Republican side, State Representative Nikki Haley ran, defeating Congressman Gresham Barrett in a June 22, 2010 run-off election. [135] She had the potential to become the state's first female governor as well as its first Indian governor.

On the Democratic side, Vincent Sheheen was the candidate, having defeated all other candidates in the primary election. [136]

Haley defeated Sheheen in the election and became South Carolina's first female governor.

South Carolina election [137]
Republican Nikki Haley 690,525 51.37
Democratic Vincent Sheheen 630,53446.91
United Citizens Morgan B. Reeves20,1141.50
Write-in 3,0250.23
Total votes1,344,198 100.00
Republican hold

South Dakota

South Dakota gubernatorial election
Flag of South Dakota.svg
  Photo of Gov. Dennis Daugaard.jpg Scott Heidepriem cropped.jpg
Nominee Dennis Daugaard Scott Heidepriem
Party Republican Democratic
Popular vote195,046122,037

2010 South Dakota gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Mike Rounds

Elected Governor

Dennis Daugaard

Governor Mike Rounds was term-limited in 2010. [25]

On the Republican side, State Senators Dave Knudson and Gordon Howie, [138] Lieutenant Governor Dennis Daugaard, [139] Brookings Mayor Scott Munsterman, [139] [140] and rancher Ken Knuppe [141] announced that they were running.

On the Democratic side, state Senator Scott Heidepriem, who announced his candidacy in July 2009, ran unopposed. [142] United States Representative Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, who represented the state at-large in the United States House of Representatives, announced that she would run for re-election rather than for Governor or the Senate seat held by incumbent John Thune in 2010. [142]

South Dakota election [143]
Republican Dennis Daugaard 195,046 61.51
Democratic Scott Heidepriem 122,03738.49
Total votes317,083 100.00
Republican hold


Tennessee gubernatorial election
Flag of Tennessee.svg
  Governor Bill Haslam crop.jpg Mike McWherter 2010 crop (cropped).jpg
Nominee Bill Haslam Mike McWherter
Party Republican Democratic
Popular vote1,041,545529,851

2010 Tennessee gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Phil Bredesen

Elected Governor

Bill Haslam

Democratic Governor Phil Bredesen was term-limited in 2010. [25]

On the Republican side, Congressman Zach Wamp of the state's 3rd District, [144] Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam, [145] and military veteran, internet sensation, and activist Basil Marceaux and Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey announced their candidacies. [146] Haslam was the Republican nominee for governor.

Businessman Mike McWherter, son of former Tennessee governor Ned McWherter ran for the Democratic nomination. [147]

There were several independent candidates as well, including Toni K. Hall, a college economics instructor.

Several non-partisan sources determined that the race was leaning Republican, and Haslam soundly defeated McWherter.

Tennessee election [148]
Republican Bill Haslam 1,041,545 65.03
Democratic Mike McWherter 529,85133.08
Independent Carl Twofeathers Whitaker6,5360.41
Independent Brandon Dodds4,7280.29
Independent Bayron Binkley4,6630.29
Independent June Griffin2,5870.16
Independent Linda Kay Perry2,0570.13
Independent Howard M. Switzer1,8870.12
Independent Samuel David Duck1,7550.11
Independent Thomas Smith II1,2070.07
Independent Toni K. Hall9930.06
Independent David Gatchell8590.05
Independent Boyce T. McCall8280.05
Independent James Reesor8090.05
Independent Mike Knois6000.03
Independent Donald Ray McFolin5830.03
Write-in 610.00
Total votes1,601,567 100.00
Republican gain from Democratic


Texas gubernatorial election
Flag of Texas.svg
  Rick Perry by Gage Skidmore 3 (cropped).jpg Bill White for Texas (41591).jpg
Nominee Rick Perry Bill White
Party Republican Democratic
Popular vote2,737,4812,106,395

2010 Texas gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Rick Perry

Elected Governor

Rick Perry

Texas Governor Rick Perry won the GOP gubernatorial primary with 51% of the vote on March 2, 2010. [149] Perry sought a third full term, as the longest-serving governor in the history of Texas. U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison challenged Perry in the Republican primary. [149] On December 4, 2008, Hutchison filed papers to set up an exploratory committee [150] and confirmed in July 2009 that she would be making her official entry into the race in August. Perry led in primary and general election match-ups, according to aggregate polling. [151] Dedra Medina also challenged Perry and Hutchison for Republican nomination. [152] [153]

Former Houston Mayor Bill White won the Texas Democratic primary, beating Houston businessman Farouk Shami. [149]

Perry defeated White in the election.

Texas election [154]
Republican Rick Perry (incumbent) 2,737,481 54.97
Democratic Bill White 2,106,39542.30
Libertarian Kathie Glass109,2112.19
Green Deb Shafto19,5160.39
Write-in 7,2670.15
Total votes4,979,870 100.00
Republican hold

Utah (special)

Utah gubernatorial special election
Flag of Utah.svg
  2013-05-23 Gary R Herbert.JPG Peter Corroon.jpg
Nominee Gary Herbert Peter Corroon
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate Greg Bell Sheryl Allen
Popular vote412,151205,246

Utah Governor Election Results by County, 2010.svg
County results

Governor before election

Gary Herbert

Elected Governor

Gary Herbert

Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. was nominated by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the Senate as the United States Ambassador to China. Lt. Governor Gary Herbert became governor on August 11, 2009. Utah law requires that a special election be held in 2010 to fill the remainder of the term, which expired on January 7, 2013. Herbert sought election and won the general election in this conservative state.

The Democratic nominee was Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon, who won his party's nomination unopposed at the Democratic Party Convention.

Utah special election [155]
Republican Gary Herbert (incumbent) 412,151 64.07
Democratic Peter Corroon 205,24631.90
Independent Farley Anderson13,0382.03
Libertarian W. Andrew McCullough12,8712.00
Total votes643,306 100.00
Republican hold


Vermont gubernatorial election
Flag of Vermont.svg
  Peter Shumlin (cropped).jpg Brian Dubie headshot.jpg
Nominee Peter Shumlin Brian Dubie
Party Democratic Republican
Electoral vote14528
Popular vote119,543115,212

2010 Vermont gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Jim Douglas

Elected Governor

Peter Shumlin

Governor Jim Douglas retired rather than seeking a fifth two-year term in 2010. [156] (The governors of Vermont and New Hampshire serve two-year terms.) Douglas was re-elected in 2008 with 53% of the vote. Republican Lieutenant Governor Brian Dubie announced his candidacy. [157] Former State Auditor and current State Senator Randy Brock, who is African-American, was rumored as a possible Republican candidate. [158]

Peter Shumlin won the Democratic primary according to the uncertified tabulation of statewide votes released by the Office of the Secretary of State on August 27, 2010, by 197 votes over Doug Racine, who requested a recount. [159]

Vermont election [160]
Democratic Peter Shumlin 119,543 49.44
Republican Brian Dubie 115,21247.69
Independent Dennis Steele1,9170.79
Marijuana Cris Ericson 1,8190.75
Independent Dan Feliciano1,3410.56
Independent Emily Peyton6840.28
Liberty Union Ben Mitchell4290.18
Write-in 6600.27
Total votes241,605 100.00
Democratic gain from Republican


Wisconsin gubernatorial election
Flag of Wisconsin.svg
  Scott Walker by Gage Skidmore.jpg Tom Barrett (politician).jpg
Nominee Scott Walker Tom Barrett
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate Rebecca Kleefisch Tom Nelson
Popular vote1,128,9411,004,303

2010 Wisconsin gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Jim Doyle

Elected Governor

Scott Walker

Governor Jim Doyle retired rather than seek re-election. He was re-elected with 53% of the vote in 2006. The resignation of his legal counsel as well as dipping poll numbers may have contributed to his decision to not seek re-election. [161]

Democratic Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton said in a statement on October 26, 2009, that she would not seek the Democratic nomination for governor. Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett [162] and Jared Gary Christiansen both filed to run as Democrats. [163]

On April 28, 2009, Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker announced that he would seek the Republican nomination for governor. Former Congressman Mark Neumann indicated that he too would enter the Republican primary by the fall of 2009. A third candidate, Appleton businessman Mark Todd, filed as well. [164]

Raymond L. Ertl ran as an Independent. He ran a grassroots campaign, and was based out of Milwaukee's East Side.

On November 2, 2010, in the general election, Republican Scott Walker defeated Democrat Tom Barrett to become the 45th governor of Wisconsin.

Wisconsin election [165]
Republican Scott Walker 1,128,941 52.29
Democratic Tom Barrett 1,004,30346.52
Independent Jim Langer10,6080.49
Common SenseJames James8,2730.38
Libertarian Terry Virgil6,7900.31
Write-in 590.00
Total votes2,158,974 100.00
Republican gain from Democratic


Wyoming gubernatorial election
Flag of Wyoming.svg
  Matt Mead.jpg 3x4.svg 3x4.svg
Nominee Matt Mead Leslie PetersenTaylor Haynes
Party Republican Democratic Independent
Popular vote123,78043,24013,796

2010 Wyoming gubernatorial election results map by county.svg
County results

Governor before election

Dave Freudenthal

Elected Governor

Matt Mead

Governor Dave Freudenthal was term-limited in 2010, but a 2010 Wyoming Supreme Court ruling invalidated legislative term-limits. Freudenthal announced on March 4, 2010, that he would not seek a third term. [166] [167]

Former U.S. Attorney Matt Mead, a Republican, defeated former state Democratic Party Chairwoman Leslie Petersen in a landslide.

Wyoming election [168]
Republican Matt Mead 123,780 65.68
Democratic Leslie Petersen43,24022.94
Independent Taylor Haynes13,7967.32
Libertarian Mike Wheeler5,3622.85
Write-in 2,2851.21
Total votes190,822 100.00
Republican gain from Democratic



Guam gubernatorial election
Flag of Guam.svg
  Eddie Baza Calvo 20171027.jpg Madeleine Bordallo and Carl T.C. Gutierrez (cropped).jpg
Nominee Eddie Calvo Carl Gutierrez
Party Republican Democratic
Running mate Ray Tenorio Frank Aguon
Popular vote20,06619,579

Guam gubernatorial election, 2010 results by village.svg
Village results

Governor before election

Felix Perez Camacho

Elected Governor

Eddie Calvo

Governor Felix Camacho was term-limited in 2010. Lieutenant Governor Michael W. Cruz, a surgeon and veteran of the Gulf War and Iraq War, ran for the Republican nomination against Senator Eddie B. Calvo. On the Democratic side, former governor Carl Gutierrez announced that he would run. Attorney Mike Phillips was considered a bid for the governorship.

Guam election
Republican Eddie Baza Calvo 20,066 50.61
Democratic Carl Gutierrez 19,57949.39
Total votes39,645 100.00
Republican hold

U.S. Virgin Islands

U.S. Virgin Islands gubernatorial election
Flag of the United States Virgin Islands.svg
  Governor John de Jongh - United States Virgin Islands (cropped).jpg Kenneth Ezra Mapp (cropped).png
Nominee John de Jongh Kenneth Mapp
Party Democratic Independent
Running mate Gregory Francis Malik Sekou
Popular vote17,53513,580

Governor before election

John de Jongh

Elected Governor

John de Jongh

Incumbent Governor John de Jongh sought re-election for a second term in 2010. He was elected with 57% of the vote (in a runoff) in 2006 over Kenneth Mapp.

On September 11, 2010, Governor John de Jongh won the Democratic primary election with 53% of the vote. [169] De Jongh defeated Senator Adlah Donastorg, former Lt. Governor Gerard Luz James and James O'Bryan Jr. with more votes than all three of his Democratic challengers combined. [169]

De Jongh faced independent candidate Kenneth Mapp, a former Lieutenant Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, in the general election on November 2, 2010. [169]

De Jongh defeated Mapp in the election.

United States Virgin Islands election [170]
Democratic John de Jongh Jr. (incumbent) 17,535 56.27
Independent Kenneth Mapp 13,58043.58
Total votes31,115 100.00
Democratic hold

See also


  1. Including a special election in Utah
  2. Governor Charlie Crist of Florida left the Republican Party to become an Independent in April 2010.
  3. Democratic governor Janet Napolitano was re-elected in 2006. Brewer succeeded Napolitano when she resigned in 2009.
  4. Crist was elected as a Republican and switched to Independent in April 2010.
  5. Parnell took office after his predecessor (Sarah Palin) resigned.
  6. Brewer took office after her predecessor (Janet Napolitano) resigned.
  7. Bell took office after her predecessor (John G. Rowland) resigned. She was subsequently elected in the 2006 Connecticut gubernatorial election.
  8. Crist was elected as a Republican in 2006. He became an independent in April 2010.
  9. Quinn took office after his predecessor (Rod Blagojevich) was removed from office.
  10. Parkinson took office after his predecessor (Kathleen Sebelius) resigned.
  11. Heineman took office after his predecessor (Mike Johanns) resigned. He was subsequently elected in the 2006 Nebraska gubernatorial election.
  12. Paterson took office after his predecessor (Eliot Spitzer) resigned.
  13. Perry took office after his predecessor (George W. Bush) resigned. He was subsequently elected in the 2002 Texas gubernatorial election.
  14. Herbert took office after his predecessor (Jon Huntsman Jr.) resigned.

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