Index of education articles

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This is an index of education articles.


Abstract management - Academia - Academic administration - Academic Assembly - Academic conference - Academic degree - Academic department - Academic dishonesty - Academic elitism - Academic freedom - Academic honor code - Academic mobility - Academic rank - Academic Ranking of World Universities - Academic regalia - Academic Research Alliance - Academic seduction - Academic senate - Academic term - Academic writing - Academician - Academy - ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines - Active learning - Activity theory - Actual development level - Adaptive Design - ADDIE Model - Adolescence - Adult education - Adult high school - Adult learner - Advanced Placement Program - Affect heuristic - Affective filter - Agoge - Agricultural education - AICC - Algorithm of Inventive Problems Solving - Algorithmic learning theory - Alma mater - Alternative assessment - Alternative education - Alternative high school - Alternative school - ALT-J - Research in Learning Technology - Alumni association - Alumnus/a - Al-Madinah International University - American Educational Research Association - Anchoring and adjustment - Andragogy - Angelman syndrome - Animated narrative vignette - Anti-bias curriculum - Anti-intellectualism - Anti-racist mathematics - Applied Behavior Analysis - Apprenticeship - Art education - Articulation (education) - Assistive technology - Asynchronous learning - Atkinson-Shiffrin theory - Attention versus memory in prefrontal cortex - Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder - Attribution theory - Auckland University of Technology Alumni Association - Audiovisual Education - Australasian Journal of Educational Technology - Autism - Autodidacticism - Autonomous learning - Autoshaping - Availability heuristic



Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Education - Bachelor of Science - Baconian method - Baddeley's model of working memory - Barron's Educational Series - Basic education - Behaviorism - Bias in education - Bilingual education - Biliteracy - Bionics - Biscuit Fire publication controversy - Blended learning - Blindness and education - Block scheduling - Board of education - Boarding school - Bobo doll experiment - Bologna declaration - Bologna process - Book flood - Book-and-Record set - Borough Road - Brainstorming - Brainwashing - Bridge program - British degree abbreviations - Bulletin board - Bullying - Business Education Initiative - C.Phil.


California Virtual Academies - Cambridge International Examinations - Campus novel - Campus university - Career development - Career - Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education - Catholic education - Certificate of Higher Education - Chaining - Challenge Index - Chancellor (education) - Character education - Charter schools - Cheder - Chemistry education - Child - Childhood amnesia - Chunking (psychology) - Citizenship education - Civic, Social and Political Education - Class ring - Classical conditioning - Classical education - Classroom management - CliffsNotes - Co-counselling - Coeducation - Cognitive apprenticeship - Cognitive load - Cognitive map - Cognitive tutor - Collaborative learning - College and university rankings - College rivalry - College - Commentarii - Commonwealth Scholarship - Communicative language teaching - Community college - Community High School (Ann Arbor, Michigan) - Community of practice - Community Podcast - Comprehensive school - Compulsory education - Computer assisted instruction - Computer Based Learning - Computer Supported Cooperative Learning - Computer-adaptive test - Computer-based training - Concept map - Conceptual blending - Confabulation - Congregation (university) - Connectionism - Connexions - Constructive criticism - Constructivism (learning theory) - Continuing education - Coolhunting - Cooperative education - Cooperative learning - Core curriculum - Corporal punishment - Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations - Course (education) - course atlas - Creative Education Foundation - Creative industries - Creative problem solving - Creative services - Creative Services Firms - Creativity - Creativity techniques - Criterion-referenced test - Critical pedagogy - Critical thinking - Cronbach's alpha - Cross-registration - Cue-dependent forgetting - Culfest - Cultural learning - Culturally relevant teaching - Curriculum - Curriculum-based measurement


Dalton Plan - Dead white males - Dean (education) - Decay theory - Declarative learning - Declarative memory - Democratic school - Demyship - UK Department for Education and Skills - Deschooling - Deweyism - Dilemma - Diploma of Education - Diploma of Higher Education - Diploma - Direct instruction - Disability - Distance education - DISTAR - Doctor of Canon Law - Driving simulator - Dry campus - Dsamun - Dual education system - Dual-coding theory - Duck test - Dumbing down - Dunce - Dynamic assessment - Dyslexia


Early Childhood Education Act - Early childhood education - Early college entrance program - Early literacy - Edline - Education International - Education of girls and women - Education Policy Analysis Archives - Education policy - Education reform - Education voucher - Education - Educational animation - Educational assessment - Educational counseling - Educational evaluation - Educational existentialism - Educational leadership - Educational music - Educational perennialism - Educational progressivism - Educational psychology - Educational reform in occupied Japan - Educational research - Educational Technology & Society - Educational technology - Edusat - Edutainment - Effect size - Eidetic memory - E-learning - Electronic portfolio - Elkonin boxes - E-mentoring - Emergent algorithm - Employment counsellor - Encaenia - English village - Environmental education - Episodic memory - Erhard Seminars Training - Eromenos - Esalen Institute - Ethics - Eurisko - Eurythmy - Evolutionary educational psychology - Executive Education - Exhibitioner - Exosomatic memory - Experiential education - Experimental analysis of behavior - Expulsion (academia) - Extinction (psychology) - Extracurricular Activity


Factor analysis - Factorial experiment - Faculty (division) - Faculty (teaching staff) - False memory - Fartlek - Fast mapping - Fear conditioning - Fellow - Filmstrip - Finishing school - Flashbulb memory - Flashcard - Flow (psychology) - Forbidden knowledge - Force field analysis - Forensics - Forgetting - Forgetting curve - For-Profit Education - Four stages of competence - Framework for Intervention - Free education - Free school meals - French immersion - Froebel Gifts - Frosh - Functional illiteracy - Further education - Future Problem Solving Program


Gap Year - Gateway to Higher Education (program) - GED - General education requirements - General intelligence factor - General National Vocational Qualification - Getting Things Done - G. I. American Universities - Gifted education - Gifted - Globalization - Goal Theory - Grading in education - Graduate Diploma - Graduate school - Graduation - Graphic organizers - Grounded theory (Glaser) - Grounded theory (Strauss)


Habituation - Halo effect - Harkness table - Hawthorne effect - Head boy - Head Start Program - Head teacher - High school - High/Scope - Higher Certificate - Higher Diploma - Higher education - Higher National Certificate - Higher National Diploma - Highly sensitive person - Hipster PDA - History and philosophy of science - History of education in Japan - HM (patient) - Holland Codes - Homeschooling - Honorary title (academic) - Honors student - Hooked on Phonics - Hospitality management - How to Read a Book - How to Solve It - Human memory process - Human Performance Technology - Human Potential Movement - Humanistic education - Human rights education


Iconic memory - Imitation - Imperial examination - Imprinting (psychology) - Inclusive classroom - Incremental reading - Independent scholar - Independent school - Individualized instruction - Infant Education - INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science - Information design - Information mapping - Innate behaviour - Inquiry education - Institutional pedagogy - Instructional capital - Instructional design - Instructional scaffolding - Instructional technology - Instructional theory - Integrative learning - Intellectual - Intelligence (trait) - Interdisciplinary teaching - Interference theory - International Democratic Education Conference - International Journal of Educational Technology - Science Olympiad, International - Internet tutorial - Intertwingularity - Intrinsic motivation - Ipsative - Item response theory - Ivy League


JANET - Jewish quota - Jigsaw Classroom - Joint Association of Classical Teachers - Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation - JUD - Juku


K-12 - K-5 (education) - Karzer - Kentucky Education Reform Act - Kindergarten - Kinesthetic learning - Knowledge building - Knowledge cafe - Knowledge is Power - Knowledge management - Knowledge transfer - Knowledge visualization - Knowledge - Kohlberg's stages of moral development - Kurso de Esperanto


Landmark Education - Language education - Language policy - Latchkey child - Lateral thinking - Latin honors - Law of effect - Laws of Technical Systems Evolution - League Tables of British Universities - Learned helplessness - Learner autonomy - Learning by teaching - Learning cycle - Learning disability - Learning sciences - Learning styles - Learning theory (education) - Learning theory - Learning - Lecture - Lecturer - Legal education - Legality of homeschooling in the United States - Legitimate peripheral participation - Lesson plan - Lesson - Level of Invention - Liberal arts - Lies My Teacher Told Me - Lie-to-children - Life coaching - Life skills - Lifelong learning - Lifespring - Likert scale - Linkword - Lisbon recognition convention - List of academic disciplines - List of colleges and universities by country - Colleges and universities by country, list of - Universities and colleges by country, list of - List of fields of doctoral studies - List of Friends Schools - List of Phonics Programs - List of publications in psychology - List of schools by country - List of Sudbury schools - List of Upper Canada College alumni - Literacy - LogoVisual thinking (LVT) - Longitudinal data system - Long-term memory - Losada Zone - Lyceum movement


Machine learning - Maieutics - Marketing of schools - Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Mass education - Mastery learning - Math education - Mathetics - Matriculation - Maturationism - Mature student - Medical education - Medieval university (Asia) - Medieval university - Medium of instruction - Memory consolidation - Memory - Mental management - Mentor - Mentoring - Meta learning - Meta-analysis - Metacognition - Mickey Mouse degrees - Microcosmographia Academica - Microelectronics Education Programme - Middle School - Military academy - Mind map - M-learning - Mnemonic - Molecular mechanisms of memory - Money illusion - Monitorial system - Montessori method - Moral reasoning - Morphological analysis - Motivation - Moulage - Mozart effect - Music education


National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools - National Diploma - National Vocational Qualification - Nature study - NEPAD e-school programme - Network of practice - Networked learning - New Games Book - No Child Left Behind Act - Nobel Conference - Non-traditional students - Normal school - Norm-referenced test - Northfield School of Arts and Technology - Notetaking - Numeracy - Numerus clausus - Nurse education - Nursing school - Nurture


Obscurantism - Observational learning - Occam's Razor - Of Education - One-room school - Online education - Online learning - Online training - Open classroom - Open educational resources - Open Peer Commentary - Operant conditioning - Optics - Optout - Ordinary National Certificate - Organizational learning - Outcome-based education - Outdoor education - Out of school learning - Overjustification effect - Overlearning


Pair by association - Parallel education - Parallel tempering - Parents' Rights Coalition - Parent-Teacher Association - Parentocracy - Parsimony - Passive review - Pastoral care - Peabody Education Fund - Peace education - Peak–end rule - Pedagogical patterns - Pedagogy - Pedology (children study) - Peer pressure - Peer support - Perpetual Education Fund - Personal and social education - Personal budget - Personal development - Philosophy of education - Phonics - Phonological awareness - Photovoice - Phrase completions - Physical education - Picture superiority effect - Picture thinking - Piled Higher and Deeper - PISA (student assessment) - Pit school - Popular education - Postdoctoral researcher - Postgraduate Diploma - Postgraduate education - Post-secondary education - Praxis test - Predictive validity - Premack principle - Preparatory school - Preschool education - Primary education - Principal (university) - Principle of least astonishment - Prison education - Privatdozent - Private school - Proactive interference - Problem finding - Problem shaping - Problem solving - Problem-based learning - Problem-based learning - Procedural memory - Professional degree - Professionalism - Professor - Program evaluation - Programmed instruction - Project-based learning - Propositional knowledge - Prospective memory - Pro-Vice-Chancellor - Provost (education) - Psychology of learning - Psychometrics - Public education - Public lecture - Public school (UK) - Public school (government funded) - Punishment - Pushout - Pygmalion effect


Quadrivium - Qualitative psychological research - Quantitative psychological research - Quaternary education


Radical Teacher - Rasch model - Reactive search - Reader (academic rank) - Reading (activity) - Reading Comprehension - Reading disability - Reading education - Reading Recovery - Reasoner - Reasoning - Recitation - Recognition heuristic - Recollection - Recreational reading - Reggio Emilia approach - Reinforcement hierarchy - Reinforcement - Reliability (statistics) - Religious education - Representative heuristic - Repressed memory - Rescorla-Wagner model - Research assistant - Research Associate - Research I university - Resident Honors Program - Response to intervention - Retroactive interference - Roof and tunnel hacking - Ropes course - Rote learning - Rubric (academic) - Rubrics (education) - Running record


- Sail training - Salutatorian - Satisficing - Scholar - Scholarly method - Scholarship - School accreditation - School and university in literature - School choice - School discipline - School holiday - School principal - School psychologist - School refusal - School uniform - School - Science education - Scientific classification - Scientific consensus - Scientific enterprise - SCORM - Scottish Vocational Qualification - Second language acquisition - Secondary education - Second-order conditioning - Self-concept - Self-criticism - Self-Determination Theory - Self-efficacy - Self-help - Self-regulated learning - Semantic memory - Seminar - Senior project - Sensory memory - Service learning - Sex education - Shaping (psychology) - Sheffield Scientific School - Short-term memory - Similarity heuristic - Simulated annealing - Simulation heuristic - Single-sex education - Situated cognition - Situated learning - Slater Fund - Sleep-learning - Slöjd - Social cognitive theory of morality - Social cognitive theory - Social promotion - Social studies - Socialization - Socratic method - Spaced repetition - Spatial memory - Special education - Specialist degree - Testing, standardised; public policy - Standardized testing - STEM fields - Stipend - Student activism - Student engagement - Student loan - Student voice - Student - Student-centred learning - Studium Generale - Subvocalization - Sudbury school - Sudbury Valley School - Summer Learning Loss - Summerbridge - Summerhill School - Sustained silent reading - Suzuki method - SWCHA - Syllabus - Symposium


Take-the-best heuristic - Taking Children Seriously - Tamariki - Taxonomy of Educational Objectives - Teacher in role - Teachers College - Teaching credential - Teaching in-Role - Teaching method - Teaching - Teach First - Teaching philosophy - Technology education - Technology Integration - Telesecundaria - Tele-TASK - Teletraining - Tens System - Tenure - Tertiary education - TET - Textbook - The 2005 Global Intellectuals Poll - The Circle School - The Cruelty of Really Teaching Computer Science - The Dalton School - The Evolution of Education Museum - The Hershey Montessori Farm School - The Hidden Curriculum - The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two - The Princeton Review - The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - The Teaching Company - Theory of cognitive development - Theory of multiple intelligences - Thesis - Time management - Town and gown - Training manual - Training - Transfer of learning - Transformational learning - Transformative learning - Très honorable avec félicitations - Trial and error - Trial-and-error method - Triangle Program - Triarchic theory of intelligence - Trivium - TRIZ - Truancy - Tuition


Umbrella school - Undergraduate - Understanding - Underwater basket weaving - United States Academic Decathlon - United States Department of Education - Universal Design for Learning - Universal preschool - University constituency - University Interscholastic League - University of Auckland Society - University President - University - Unschooling - Upward Bound High School - Usability testing


Valedictorian - Validity (statistics) - Vertical thinking - Vice-Chancellor - Videobook - Virtual learning environment - Vision Forum - Vision span - Visual learning - Visual memory - Visual short term memory - Vocational education - Vocational school - Volksschule


- Waldorf education - Washington Homeschool Organization - Web literacy - Web-based training - Webinar - WebQuest - Whole language - Winnetka Plan - Wisdom - Woodcraft - Working backward from the goal - Working memory - World Innovation Summit for Education - Writing Associate - Writing Center - Writing process


XF (grade)


- Year 1 - Year-round school - YGLP - Youth development - Youth empowerment - Youth mentoring - Youth voice


Zeigarnik effect

See also

Related Research Articles

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to education:

Educational psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of human learning. The study of learning processes, from both cognitive and behavioral perspectives, allows researchers to understand individual differences in intelligence, cognitive development, affect, motivation, self-regulation, and self-concept, as well as their role in learning. The field of educational psychology relies heavily on quantitative methods, including testing and measurement, to enhance educational activities related to instructional design, classroom management, and assessment, which serve to facilitate learning processes in various educational settings across the lifespan.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Learning theory (education)</span> Theory that describes how students receive, process, and retain knowledge during learning

Learning theory describes how students receive, process, and retain knowledge during learning. Cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences, as well as prior experience, all play a part in how understanding, or a worldview, is acquired or changed and knowledge and skills retained.

Robert Mills Gagné was an American educational psychologist best known for his Conditions of Learning. He instructed during World War II when he worked with the Army Air Corps training pilots. He went on to develop a series of studies and works that simplified and explained what he and others believed to be good instruction. Gagné was also involved in applying concepts of instructional theory to the design of computer-based training and multimedia-based learning.

A graphic organizer, also known as a knowledge map, concept map, story map, cognitive organizer, advance organizer, or concept diagram, is a pedagogical tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge and concepts through relationships between them. The main purpose of a graphic organizer is to provide a visual aid to facilitate learning and instruction.

Instructional scaffolding is the support given to a student by an instructor throughout the learning process. This support is specifically tailored to each student; this instructional approach allows students to experience student-centered learning, which tends to facilitate more efficient learning than teacher-centered learning. This learning process promotes a deeper level of learning than many other common teaching strategies.

Technology integration is defined as the use of technology to enhance and support the educational environment. Technology integration in the classroom can also support classroom instruction by creating opportunities for students to complete assignments on the computer rather than with normal pencil and paper. In a larger sense, technology integration can also refer to the use of an integration platform and application programming interface (API) in the management of a school, to integrate disparate SaaS applications, databases, and programs used by an educational institution so that their data can be shared in real-time across all systems on campus, thus supporting students' education by improving data quality and access for faculty and staff.

"Curriculum integration with the use of technology involves the infusion of technology as a tool to enhance the learning in a content area or multidisciplinary setting... Effective technology integration is achieved when students can select technology tools to help them obtain information on time, analyze and synthesize it, and present it professionally to an authentic audience. Technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions—as accessible as all other classroom tools. The focus in each lesson or unit is the curriculum outcome, not the technology."

This glossary of education-related terms is based on how they commonly are used in Wikipedia articles. This article contains terms starting with A – C. Select a letter from the table of contents to find terms on other articles.

This glossary of education-related terms is based on how they commonly are used in Wikipedia articles. This article contains terms starting with D – F. Select a letter from the table of contents to find terms on other articles.

This glossary of education-related terms is based on how they commonly are used in Wikipedia articles. This article contains terms starting with G – L. Select a letter from the table of contents to find terms on other articles.

This glossary of education-related terms is based on how they commonly are used in Wikipedia articles. This article contains terms starting with P – R. Select a letter from the table of contents to find terms on other articles.

This glossary of education-related terms is based on how they commonly are used in Wikipedia articles. This article contains terms starting with T – Z. Select a letter from the table of contents to find terms on other articles.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">New Bulgarian University</span>

New Bulgarian University is a private university based in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Its campus is in the western district of the city, known for its proximity to the Vitosha nature park. The university also owns multiple other buildings across the country, as well as its own publishing house and a library.

William David "Bill" Winn (1945–2006) was an American educational psychologist, and professor at the University of Washington College of Education, known for his work on how people learn from diagrams, and on how cognitive and constructivist theories of learning can help instructional designers select effective teaching strategies.

Education sciences, also known as education studies, education theory, and traditionally called pedagogy, seek to describe, understand, and prescribe education including education policy. Subfields include comparative education, educational research, instructional theory, curriculum theory and psychology, philosophy, sociology, economics, and history of education. Related are learning theory or cognitive science.

E-learning theory describes the cognitive science principles of effective multimedia learning using electronic educational technology.

Allan M. Collins is an American cognitive scientist, Professor Emeritus of Learning Sciences at Northwestern University's School of Education and Social Policy. His research is recognized as having broad impact on the fields of cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, and education.

One of the most visible approaches to peer learning comes out of cognitive psychology, and is applied within a "mainstream" educational framework: "Peer learning is an educational practice in which students interact with other students to attain educational goals." Other authors including David Boud describe peer learning as a way of moving beyond independent to interdependent or mutual learning among peers. In this context, it can be compared to the practices that go by the name cooperative learning. However, other contemporary views on peer learning relax the constraints, and position "peer-to-peer learning" as a mode of "learning for everyone, by everyone, about almost anything." Whether it takes place in a formal or informal learning context, in small groups or online, peer learning manifests aspects of self-organization that are mostly absent from pedagogical models of teaching and learning.

Sidney Leavitt Pressey was professor of psychology at Ohio State University for many years. He is famous for having invented a teaching machine many years before the idea became popular.

Seductive details are often used in textbooks, lectures, slideshows, and other forms of educational content to make a course more interesting or interactive. Seductive details can take the form of text, animations, photos, illustrations, sounds or music and are by definition: (1) interesting and (2) not directed toward the learning objectives of a lesson. John Dewey, in 1913, first referred to this as "fictitious inducements to attention." While illustrated text can enhance comprehension, illustrations that are not relevant can lead to poor learning outcomes. Since the late 1980s, many studies in the field of educational psychology have shown that the addition of seductive details results in poorer retention of information and transfer of learning. Thalheimer conducted a meta-analysis that found, overall, a negative impact for the inclusion of seductive details such as text, photos or illustrations, and sounds or music in learning content. More recently, a 2020 paper found a similar effect for decorative animations This reduction to learning is called the seductive details effect. There have been criticisms of this theory. Critics argue that seductive details do not always impede understanding and that seductive details can sometimes be motivating for learners.