List of mountains of Alberta

Last updated

Relief of Alberta AB-Relief.jpg
Relief of Alberta

Most of Alberta's mountains are found on the western edge of the province of Alberta, consisting of the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies, which run through the province from Alberta's mid-point to its southern border with the United States. Other elevated spots can be found in the Caribou Mountains and the Cypress Hills.


The peaks of the Canadian Rockies are majestic, many of them reaching a height of more than three kilometres above sea level. Alberta's southwestern boundary is traced on the Continental Divide, along the high ranges of the Rocky Mountains, and many peaks are located on the Alberta–British Columbia border. The peak of Mount Columbia, within Jasper National Park, is the highest point in Alberta, second highest in the Canadian Rockies and 28th highest in Canada.

The Caribou Mountains are located in the northern extremity of Alberta, forming an elevated plateau in the northern plains and wetlands. They reach an altitude of 1,030 m, almost 700 m higher than the surrounding area.

While not considered mountains, the Cypress Hills, located in the south-eastern corner of Alberta, extending into Saskatchewan, constitute the highest terrain in Canada between the Rocky Mountains and Labrador. They reach a maximum elevation of 1,468 m, 600 m above the surrounding prairie.

List of mountains

Peak  Height (m)  Height (ft)  Range  Remarks  

Aberdeen 3,15710,358 Bow Range   Named for 7th Governor General of Canada
Abraham 2,8209,252 Front Range   Named for a Stoney Indian guide
Adam Joachim 3,09410,151 Winston Churchill Range    
Aeolus 2,6438,671 Bosche Range    
Aiguille 2,9999,839 Waputik Range   Named for French word aiguille, meaning needle
Alberta 3,61911,873 Winston Churchill Range   Third highest in Alberta
Alexandra 3,40111,158Park Ranges   Named for Queen Alexandra
Allan 2,8199,249 Kananaskis Range    
Allen 3,31010,860 Sundance Range   Part of the Valley of the Ten Peaks
Allenby 2,9959,826 Sundance Range   Named for a British Army field-marshal who served in WWI
Allison 2,6468,681 High Rock Range   Named for a law enforcement agent
Allstones 2,9409,646 Front Ranges    
Amber 2,5658,415 Maligne Range    
Amery 3,32910,922Lyell Group    
Anderson 2,6858,809 Clark Range    
Andromache 3,0339,951Front Ranges    
Andromeda 3,45011,319 Columbia Icefield    
Angle 2,9109,547Front Ranges   
Anthozoan 2,6958,842 Slate Range    
Anûkathâ Îpa 2,5148,248 Fairholme Range   Previously known by a racist name
Apex 3,24610,650Park Ranges   Located in the centre of the Clemenceau Icefield
Apparition 3,0029,849 Palliser Range    
Aquila 2,7308,957Park Ranges  Named after the eagles in the area
Arethusa 2,9129,554 Misty Range   Named for a British cruiser sunk in WWI
Aries Peak 3,0129,882Waputik Mountains  Named for the sheep found on its slopes
Armstrong 2,8239,262 High Rock Range   Named for Canadian soldier killed in WWI
Assiniboine 3,61611,864 Assiniboine Group   Highest peak of the Southern Continental Ranges
Association 2,3627,749 Fairholme Range    
Astley 2,8699,413 Palliser Range    
Athabasca 3,49111,453 Columbia Icefield    
Aurora 2,7899,150 Blue Range    
Avens 2,9729,751 Sawback Range   Named for a flower
Aye 3,24310,640Park Ranges   On the Continental Divide
Aylmer 3,16210,374 Palliser Range    

Babel 3,10110,174 Bow Range    
Backus 1,8155,955Canadian Rockies   
Baker 3,18010,433 Waputik Mountains   On the Continental Divide
Baldy 2,1927,192 Fisher Range    
Balinhard 3,13010,269Park Ranges  Named for a Scottish Earl
Ball 3,31110,863 Ball Range   Named for a politician who helped secure funding for the Palliser expedition
Balfour 3,27210,735 Waputik Range   Named for a Scottish botanist
Banded 2,9349,626 Kananaskis Range   Named for distinctive limestone cliff band
Barbette 3,07210,079 Waputik Mountains    
Barlow 3,12010,236Park Ranges   Named for a GSC cartographer who died in a maritime disaster
Barnard 3,33910,955Park Ranges  Named for a Lt. Governor of B.C.
Barricade 3,18010,433 Front Ranges    
Basilica 2,8999,511Park Ranges    
Bastion 2,9949,823Park Ranges    
Bauerman 2,3777,799Border Ranges   Named for a government geologist
Beacon 2,9869,797Park Ranges    
Beatrice 3,12510,253 Ball Range   On the Continental Divide
Beatty 3,0049,856Park Ranges  On the Continental Divide
Beaupré 2,7789,114 Victoria Cross Ranges    
Beehive (High Rock) 2,8959,498 High Rock Range   On the Continental Divide
Beehive (Lake Louise) 2,2707,448 Bow Range    
Beersheba 3,05410,020 Sundance Range    
Bell 2,9109,547Bow Range   
Bennington 3,26010,696Park Ranges   
Bergne 3,17610,420 Park Ranges   Named for mountaineer who died in a climbing accident
Bertha 2,4548,051 Clark Range    
Bess 3,20310,509Front Ranges   
Bident 3,08410,118Bow Range   Shape of a bident
Big Bend 2,8049,199Columbia Icefield    
Bishop 2,8509,350 Elk Range     
Birdwood 3,09710,161 Spray Mountains    
Blackhorn 3,0009,843 South Jasper Ranges    
Black Prince 2,9399,642 Spray Mountains    
Blakiston 2,9109,547 Clark Range   Highest in Waterton Lakes National Park
Blane 2,9939,820 Opal Range    
Block 2,9359,629 Sawback Range    
Bluerock 2,7899,150Front Ranges   
Bogart 3,14410,315 Kananaskis Range    
Bolton 2,7068,878 High Rock Range   Named for Canadian soldier killed in World War I
Bonnet 3,23510,614 Sawback Range    
Boswell 2,4548,051Border Ranges    
Bourgeau 2,9309,613 Massive Range    
Bow Peak 2,8409,318Waputik Mountains   
Brachiopod 2,6678,750 Slate Range    
Brazeau 3,47011,385 Brazeau Range    
Breaker 3,05810,033Waputik Range   
Brett 29849790 Massive Range  
Brewster 28599380 Vermilion Range  
Bridgland 29309613 Victoria Cross Ranges  
Brock 29029521 Opal Range  
Brussels 316110371Park Ranges 
Bryant 26298625 Fisher Range  
Buller 28059203 Kananaskis Range  
Bulyea 3,33210,932Park Ranges  Named after first Lieutenant-Governor of Alberta
Burney 29349626 Opal Range  
Burns 29369633Front Ranges 
Burstall 27609055 Spray Mountains  
Byng 2,9309,613 Blue Range    

Cairngorm 2,6108,563 Victoria Cross Ranges    
Caldron 2,9099,544 Waputik Range    
Cambrai 3,16510,384Park Ranges  Named for Battle of Cambrai (1917)
Campion 2,4848,150 Hoff Range    
Caribou 1,0303,379 Caribou Mountains   Range in northern Alberta wetlands
Cascade 2,9989,836 Vermillion Range    
Castle 2,7669,075 Sawback Range    
Castelets 2,8849,462 Columbia Icefield    
Catacombs 3,29010,794    
Cataract 3,33310,935Front Ranges  Named for nearby Cataract Creek
Charles Stewart 2,8099,216 Fairholme Range    
Cautley 2,8809,449Park Ranges  Named for a surveyor
Cave 2,6508,694 Park Ranges   On the Continental Divide
Centre 2,7008,858Maligne Range  Named for its location between two mountains
Chaba 3,21210,538Park Ranges  Chaba is the Nakoda word for beaver
Chak 2,7759,104    
Charlton 3,21710,554 Queen Elizabeth Ranges    
Chephren 3,26610,715 Waputik Range   Former name: Pyramid Mountain
Chester 3,05410,020 Kananaskis Range    
Chetamon 2,6068,550    
Chevron 2,8359,301Park Ranges   Named for similarity to a chevron
Chimney 3,0029,849Bow Range  Named for chimney feature on climbing route
Chinook 2,5918,501 Flathead Range    
Chown 3,31610,879 Front Ranges    
Christian 3,40611,175Park Ranges  Named for Swiss mountain guide
Christie 3,10310,180    
Cirque 2,9939,820    
Cinquefoil 2,2567,402 Jacques Range    
Cirrus 3,27010,728    
Citadel 2,6258,612   On the Continental Divide
Clairvaux 2,6908,825Park Ranges   French word meaning "clear valleys"
Cliff 2,7639,065Front Ranges   Named for steep faces on all sides
Cline 336111027 Park Ranges  
Cockscomb 27769108 Sawback Range  
Coleman 313510285  
Colin 26878816 Colin Range  
Columbia 374712294 Winston Churchill Range Highest peak in Alberta
Commonwealth 27759104 Spray Mountains  
Compression25458351 Fisher Range  
Cone 29109548 Sundance Range On the Continental Divide
Confederation 29699741 Winston Churchill Range  
Consort 28839459 Victoria Cross Ranges  
Conway 3,09810,164Park Ranges  Named for a British mountaineer
Copper 2,7959,170 Ball Range    
Cordonnier 3,0129,882Park Ranges  Named for a French army general
Cornwall 29709744  
Cornwell 29729750 Kananaskis Range On the Continental Divide
Coronach 24628077 Bosche Range  
Coronation 3,17610,420Park Ranges   
Cory 28029193 Sawback Range  
Costigan 2,9739,754 Palliser Range   Named for a Canadian politician
Côté 2,3917,844Front Ranges  Named for a Canadian politician
Cougar 28639394  
Crandell 23817812 Clark Range  
Cromwell 3,38011,089Winston Churchill Range  Named for one of the FA climbers
Crowfoot 305510023 Site of Crowfoot Glacier
Crowsnest 27859137 Crowsnest Range Southernmost peak in Alberta
Cumnock 24387999 De Smet Range  
Curator 26248609 Maligne Range  
Curia 2,8739,426Park Ranges  Named for its resemblance to a curia
Currie 2,7709,088 Blue Range    
Cyclone 3,05010,007Park Ranges   Named for a storm that occurred during first ascent
Cypress 1,4684,816   Highest point between Rockies and Labrador

Darrah 2,7559,039 Flathead Range   Named for an astronomer
Deltaform 3,42411,234 Bow Range   Part of the Valley of the Ten Peaks
Davidson 2,9199,577Canadian Rockies    
Dent 3,26710,719Park Ranges   Named after an English mountaineer
De Veber 2,5738,442Front Ranges   Named for a Canadian politician
Devils Head 2,9979,833Canadian Rockies    
Devon 3,0049,856Front Ranges  Named for the Devonian period
Diadem 3,37111,060 Winston Churchill Range    
Division 3,0209,908Canadian Rockies    
Dolomite 2,9989,836Front Ranges → Murchison Group  Named for resemblance to the Dolomites in the Italian Alps
Douai 3,12010,236Park Ranges  Named for a village in France
Dragon 2,8809,449Park Ranges  Named for its dragon-shaped rock formation
Dromore 2,6608,727 Colin Range   Named for a town in Ireland
Drummond 3,14810,328Park Ranges  Named for an explorer
Dungarvan 2,5758,448   Waterton Lakes NP
Dungeon 3,12910,266 Park Ranges    

Eagle 2,8209,252    
Eden 3,18010,433Park Ranges   
Edith 2,5548,379 Sawback Range    
Edith Cavell 3,36311,033 South Jasper Ranges    
Elephas 2,9789,770Park Ranges   
Elliott 2,8739,426    
Elpoca 3,0369,961 Opal Range    
Emigrants 2,5538,376Victoria Cross Ranges  Named for gold miners of the Cariboo Gold Rush
End 2,4538,048    
Engadine 2,9729,751 Kananaskis Range    
Engelhard 3,27010,728Winston Churchill Range   
Ehagay Nakoda 2,6858,809 South Banff Range   Named for a Stoney Nakoda legend about the mountain
Epaulette 3,09410,151Waputik Mountains    
Erasmus 3,26510,712 Central Icefields    
Erebus 3,11210,210Park Ranges   
Ermatinger 3,06010,039Park Ranges   
Ernest 3,49811,476Park Ranges  Highest peak of Mt. Lyell
Ernest Ross 2,4548,051     
Esplanade 2,3017,549    
Estella 3,06910,069 Trident Range    
Etherington 2,8779,439High Rock Range    
Evans 3,21010,531Park Ranges  Named for British Antarctic explorer
Evan-Thomas 3,09710,161 Opal Range    
Evelyn 2,8559,367 Maligne Range   Unofficial name
Ex Coelis 2,5458,350    

Fable 2,7028,865 Fairholme Range    
Fairview 2,7449,003 Bow Range   Also called Mount Fairview
Fatigue 2,9509,678 Park Ranges   On the Continental Divide
Fay 3,23510,614Bow Range   
Fiddle 22437359 Fiddle Range  
Fifi 26218599 Sawback Range  
Fist26308629 Spray Mountains  
Finger 25458350 Sawback Range Unofficial name
Fisher 305310019 Fisher Range  
Flints 29509682 Vermilion Range  
Foch 3,19410,479Park Ranges  On the Continental Divide
Font 2,3537,720 Clark Range    
Forbes 3,61211,850Park Ranges  Named for a natural history professor
Forget 2,1216,959Front Ranges  Named for a Canadian politician
Forgetmenot 2,3327,651    
Fortress, The 3,0009,843 Kananaskis Range   Named for its fortress like appearance
Fortune 2,3407,677Park Ranges   Named for a naval ship
Forum 2,4157,923Border Ranges  Named for lake at its base
Fossil 2,9469,665 Slate Range    
Fox 2,9739,754Park Ranges  Named for an English engineer
Franchère 2,8059,203   Jasper NP
Fraser 3,32210,899Park Ranges  Named for explorer of British Columbia
French 3,24410,643 Spray Mountains    
Freshfield 3,33610,945Park Ranges  Named for a British climber
Fresnoy 3,24010,630Park Ranges  Named for a village in France
Fryatt 3,36111,027   South of Edith Cavell
Fullerton 2,7288,950 Fisher Range    

Galatea 3,18510,449 Kananaskis Range    
Galwey 2,3777,799 Crowsnest Range    
Gap 2,6758,776 Opal Range    
Gargoyle 2,6938,835    
Garth 3,0439,984Park Ranges  Named for a local fur trader
GEC 3,13010,269 Winston Churchill Range   Named for trio who did FA
Gendarme Mountain 2,9279,603Park Ranges   
Geraldine 2,9309,613   Unofficial name
Gibraltar 2,6658,743 Highwood Range    
Gilgit 3,09010,138Park Ranges  Named for Gilgit, Pakistan
Girouard 2,9959,826 Fairholme Range    
Glacier 3,30210,833Park Ranges  Named for glacier on north side
Glasgow 2,9359,629    
Gloria 2,9089,541Park Ranges  Named for lake on northern side
Goatview2,8049,199 Goat Range    
Golden Eagle 3,04810,000Park Ranges  Named for golden eagles in the area
Golden 2,9339,623Park Ranges  On the Continental Divide
Gong 312010237 Winston Churchill Range  
Gordon 316110368 Waputik Range  
Gorman 2,3807,808Northern Rocky Mountains  Named for a DLS surveyor
Grant MacEwan21497051 Bow Valley  
Greenock 20736081 De Smet Range  
Grisette 26208600 Colin Range  
Grotto 27068878 Fairholme Range  
Gusty 3,0009,843 Kananaskis Range    

Ha Ling Peak 2,4077,897   Former name: Chinaman's Peak
Habel 3,07310,082Waputik Mountains  Named for a German geographer
Haddo 3,07010,072 Bow Range    
Haiduk 2,9209,580 Ball Range   On the Continental Divide
Haig 2,6108,563Clark Range   Named for a British astronomer
Hardisty 2,7168,911 Maligne Range    
Hawk 2,5538,376 Colin Range    
Head 2,7829,127 Highwood Range    
Heart 2,1357,005 Bow Valley   Named for its heart-shaped appearance
Heather 2,6368,648 Slate Range    
Hector 3,39411,135Front Ranges → Murchison Group   Named for a geologist on the Palliser expedition
Helmer 3,0309,941Park Ranges  Named for father and son killed in World War I
Henry MacLeod 3,31510,876 Queen Elizabeth Ranges    
Hilda 3,05810,033 Columbia Icefield    
Holcroft 2,7138,901High Rock Range   Named for soldier killed in World War I
Holy Cross 2,6508,694 Highwood Range    
Hood 2,9039,524Opal Range  Named for a British Admiral who died in combat during World War I
Hooker 3,28710,784Park Ranges  Named for an English botanist
Howard 2,7779,111 Fisher Range    
Howard Douglas 2,8779,439Park Ranges   
Howse 3,29510,810 Waputik Range    
Hungabee 3,49211,457 Bow Range    

Indefatigable 2,6678,750 Spray Mountains    
Indian Ridge 2,8209,252 Trident Range    
Inflexible 3,0009,843 Kananaskis Range   Named for HMS Inflexible
Inglismaldie 2,9649,724 Fairholme Range    
Intersection 2,4528,045Front Ranges  Intersection where BC/Alberta border diverges from 120th Meridian
Invincible 2,7008,858 Spray Mountains    
Isabelle 2,9269,600 Ball Range    
Ishbel 2,9089,541 Sawback Range    

James Walker 3,0359,957 Kananaskis Range    
Jellicoe 3,07510,089 Spray Mountains    
Jerram 2,9969,829 Opal Range     
Jimmy Simpson 2,9669,731 Waputik Mountains    
Joffre 3,45011,319 Elk Range   On the Continental Divide
John Laurie 2,2407,349 Bow Valley   Also named Mount Yamnuska
Julian 2,8699,413 Queen Elizabeth Ranges    
Jumpingpound 2,2407,349 Kananaskis Range    
Junction 2,6828,799 Highwood Range    

Karpathos 2,9879,800    
Kent 2,6358,645 Kananaskis Range    
Kerr 2,5608,399 Victoria Cross Ranges    
Kenow 2,6978,848 Clark Range   On the Continental Divide
Kerkeslin 2,9849,790 Maligne Range    
Kidd 2,9589,705 Kananaskis Range    
King Albert 2,9879,800Park Ranges  Named for King Albert of Belgium
King Edward (Mount) 3,49011,450 Columbia Icefield    
Kista 2,5768,451 Ram Range    
Kitchener 3,50511,499 Winston Churchill Range    
Kleodora 2,8509,350Park Ranges    

Lady Macdonald 2,6068,550 Fairholme Range   Named for wife of first Prime Minister of Canada
Lambe 3,18210,440Park Ranges   Named for a Canadian palaeontologist
Lawrence Grassi 2,6858,809Canadian Rockies   Named for Lawrence Grassi
Lawson 2,7959,170 Kananaskis Range    
La Coulotte Peak 2,4387,999Flathead Range    
La Coulotte Ridge 2,4387,999Flathead Range   Named for area in France where Canadian troops fought in WWI
Lefroy 3,42311,230Bow Range   Named for an English astronomer
Leah 2,8019,190 Queen Elizabeth Ranges    
Lectern 2,7729,094 Trident Range    
Leman 2,7308,957Park Ranges  Named for Belgian General of WWI
Leval 2,7138,901 Blue Range   Named for lawyer who represented Edith Cavell in her WWI trial
Lipalian 2,7108,891 Slate Range    
Lipsett 2,5758,448 Misty Range    
Little 3,08810,131 Bow Range   Named for member of the first ascent party
Little Alberta 2,9569,698 Winston Churchill Range    
Little Temple 2,6538,704 Bow Range    
Loomis 2,7989,180 Elk Range (Canada)   On the Continental Divide
Lorette 2,4878,159 Kananaskis Range    
Loudon 3,22110,568 Murchison Group    
Lougheed 3,10710,194 Kananaskis Range    
Louis 2,6828,799 Sawback Range    
Low 3,09010,138Park Ranges   Named for a Canadian geologist
Lowell 3,15010,335Park Ranges    
Lunette 3,42811,247Park Ranges   Directly SE of Mount Assiniboine
Lyall 2,9509,678High Rock Range   Named for a Scottish botanist
Lyautey 3,0459,990Park Ranges    
Lychnis 3,12410,249 Sawback Range    
Lyell 3,49811,476 Central Icefields   Consists of five distinct peaks
Lynx 3,19210,472 Rainbow Range   Named for Lynx bones found on nearby Coleman Glacier

Machray 2,7499,019Park Ranges   Named for an American bishop
Maclaren 2,8439,327 High Rock Range   Named for a general of the Canadian army in World War I
Mahood 2,8969,501 Victoria Cross Ranges    
Majestic 3,08610,125 Trident Range    
Maligne 3,20010,499 Queen Elizabeth Ranges    
Mangin 3,05710,030Park Ranges   Named for a French army general
Mary Barclay's 2,2607,415 Kananaskis Range    
Manx 3,0449,987 Trident Range    
Marlborough 2,9739,754 Park Ranges    
Marmot 2,6088,556 Trident Range    
Marvel 2,6508,694 Blue Range    
Massive 2,4357,989 Massive Range    
Maude 3,0439,984 Spray Mountains   On the Continental Divide
McCord 2,5118,238Park Ranges   Named for a surveyor
McDougall 2,7268,944 Fisher Range    
McGillivray 2,4518,041 Kananaskis Range    
McGladrey 2,6388,655Flathead Range   
McGuire 3,0309,941 Winston Churchill Range    
McHarg 2,8889,475Spray Mountains  Named for Canadian army officer killed in WWI
McLaren 2,3017,549 Flathead Range    
McPhail 2,8839,459 Elk Range   On the Continental Divide
Mercer 2,9709,744 Sundance Range    
Merlin 2,7118,894Jacques Range   
Michener 2,5458,350 Ram Range    
Midnight 2,3407,677 Fisher Range    
Mist 3,14010,302 Misty Range    
Mistaya 3,07810,098 Waputik Mountains    
Mitchell 3,0409,974 Winston Churchill Range    
Mitre 2,8509,350 Bow Range    
Monarch 2,7779,111 Victoria Cross Ranges    
Monkhead 3,25010,663Canadian Rockies    
Moose 2,4377,995 Kananaskis Range    
Morden Long 3,0409,974 Winston Churchill Range    
Morkill 2,2867,500Front Ranges  Named for a BC land surveyor
Morrison 2,7659,072 Blue Range    
Morro 1,6795,509 Colin Range    
Muhigan 2,6268,615 Trident Range    
Muir 2,7589,049 High Rock Range   Named for Canadian poet/songwriter
Mumm 2,9629,718Park Ranges  Named for English mountaineer who completed FA
Murchison 3,35311,001Murchison Group   
Murray 3,0269,928 Spray Mountains    
Mushroom 3,21010,531 Winston Churchill Range    
Mystic 2,9609,711 Sawback Range    

Nanga Parbat 3,24010,630Park Ranges  Named for Nanga Parbat
Nasswald 3,0429,980Park Ranges  On the Continental Divide
Nelson 3,15010,335 Winston Churchill Range    
Neptuak 3,23310,607 Bow Range   Part of the Valley of the Ten Peaks
Nestor 29709744 Goat Range (Alberta)  
Niblock 29769764 Bow Range  
Nigel 321110535 Columbia Icefield  
Nomad 2,5448,346 Spray Mountains   Named for British warship sunk in WW I
Norquay 2,5228,274 Vermilion Range    
North Twin 373012240 Winston Churchill Range Part of the Twin Peaks massif
Northover 3,04810,000 Park Ranges   Named for Canadian army officer who earned the Military Cross
Noyes 3,08510,121Murchison Group   

Oates 3,12010,236Park Ranges  Named for British army officer who perished in Antarctica
O'Beirne 2,6378,652Park Ranges   
Observation 3,17410,413    
Odlum 2,6958,842 Elk Range   On the Continental Divide
Og 2,8749,429Park Ranges  Named for a Biblical reference
Old Baldy 2,7268,944 Fisher Range    
Old Goat 3,12010,236 Goat Range    
Oldhorn 3,0009,843 Trident Range    
Olive 3,12610,256Park Ranges    
Oliver 2,8659,400 Victoria Cross Ranges    
Omega 3,06010,039Park Ranges    
Opal 2,8409,318 Queen Elizabeth Ranges    
Oppy 3,33510,942Park Ranges   Named for a village in France
Oubliette 3,07010,072Park Ranges    
Outlaw 2,9579,701    
Outpost 2,8809,449Park Ranges    
Outram 3,24510,646 Forbes Group    
Oyster 2,7779,111 Sawback Range    

Packenham 3,0009,843 Opal Range    
Palmer 3,15010,335 Winston Churchill Range    
Panther 2,9439,656 Bare Range    
Paragon 3,0309,941Park Ranges    
Parapet 3,0309,941Park Ranges    
Parrish 2,5308,301 Flathead Range    
Patterson 3,19110,469 Waputik Range    
Paul 2,8509,350 Queen Elizabeth Ranges    
Pauline 2,6538,704 Park Ranges   Named for a Canadian politician
Peechee 2,9359,629 Fairholme Range    
Pengelly 2,5868,484Flathead Range    
Perren 3,05110,010 Bow Range   Named for a climbing guide
Peskett 3,12410,249 Murchison Group    
Unnamed (formerly Pétain) 3,19610,486 Park Ranges   On the Continental Divide
Peveril 2,6868,812 Trident Range    
Peyto 2,9809,777 Waputik Range    
Pharaoh 2,7138,901Park Ranges    
Phillips 3,24610,650Park Ranges   Named for a Jasper area outfitter and guide
Pigeon 2,3947,854 Kananaskis Range   Named for pigeons seen near summit
Piggy Plus 2,7609,055 Spray Mountains    
Pika 3,05310,016 Slate Range    
Pilkington 3,28510,778Park Ranges   Named for a British mountaineer
Pilot 2,9359,629 Massive Range    
Pinnacle 3,07010,072 Bow Range    
Pocaterra 2,9419,649 Elk Range    
Poilus 3,16610,387 Waputik Range    
Popes 3,16310,377 Bow Range   Named for a Canadian politician
Portal 2,9269,600 Waputik Mountains    
Potts 3,0029,849 Opal Range    
Prairie 2,2147,264    
Princess Margaret 2,5158,251 Fairholme Range    
Prior 3,27610,748Park Ranges   Named for a Lt-Governor of B.C.
Protection 2,9729,751 Sawback Range    
Prow 2,8589,377 Vermilion Range    
Ptarmigan 3,0359,957 Slate Range    
Ptolemy 2,8159,236 Flathead Range   Highest in the range
Pulpit 2,7208,924 Waputik Range    
Puma 3,12010,236 Palliser Range    
Putnik 2,9409,646 Kananaskis Range    
Pyramid 2,7669,075 Victoria Cross Ranges    
Pyriform 2,6218,599 Highwood Range    

Quadra 3,17310,410 Bow Range   Named for its four peaks
Quartz 2,5808,465Park Ranges   Top composed mainly of quartz
Queen Elizabeth 2,8509,350Park Ranges   Named for Queen Elisabeth of Belgium

Rae 3,21810,558 Misty Range    
Red Man 2,9059,531 Blue Range    
Redoubt 2,9029,521 Slate Range    
Redoubt 3,11510,220Park Ranges   Name for its appearance to a redoubt
Remus 2,6888,819 Fisher Range    
Resolute 3,15010,335 Front Range   Lion and Lioness
Revenant 3,06510,056 Palliser Range    
Rhondda 3,06210,046 Waputik Mountains   Named for a Welsh politician
Ribbon 2,8809,449 Kananaskis Range    
Richards 2,3777,799 Clark Range    
Richardson 3,08610,125 Slate Range    
Ringrose 3,29210,801 Bow Range    
Robertson 3,17710,423 Spray Mountains    
Roche à Bosche 21236965 Bosche Range  
Roche à Perdrix 21357002 Fiddle Range  
Roche Bonhomme 25008200 Colin Range  
Roche Jacques 26038540 Jacques Range  
Roche Miette 23167598 Miette Range  
Roche Noire 29209580 Trident Range  
Roche Ronde 21387014 Bosche Range  
Roche de Smet 25398330 De Smet Range  
Romulus 28329291 Fisher Range  
Rundle 2,9489,672 South Banff Range   Named for a missionary
Rutherford 2,8479,341Northern Front Ranges   Named for Alberta's first premier

Saddle 2,4337,982 Bow Range    
Saint Nicholas 2,9389,639 Waputik Mountains    
Samson 3,08110,108 Queen Elizabeth Ranges   Named for an Indigenous guide
Sarbach 3,15510,351 Waputik Mountains   Named for a Swiss mountain guide
Sarrail 3,17010,400Park Ranges   Named for a general of the French army
Saskatchewan 3,34210,965 Columbia Icefield   Named for Saskatchewan River
Scarab 2,9189,573Park Ranges   Named for scarabs of Ancient Egypt
Scarp 3,0009,843Park Ranges    
Scarpe 2,5918,501Clark Range   Named for river in France
Scott 3,30010,827Park Ranges   Named for Captain Robert Falcon Scott
Sentinel 2,3737,785 Livingstone Range    
Sentry 2,4357,989 Flathead Range    
Seven Sisters 2,5918,501 High Rock Range    
Shark 2,7869,140 Spray Mountains   Named for British destroyer sunk during WWI
Siffleur 3,12910,266 Murchison Group    
Sirdar 2,8049,199 Colin Range    
Signal 2,3127,585 Maligne Range    
Silverhorn 2,9119,551 Murchison Group    
Simon 3,32210,899Park Ranges   Named for explorer Simon Fraser
Sir Douglas 3,40611,175Park Ranges   Named for a British Army officer
Skogan 2,6628,734 Kananaskis Range    
Skoki 27078882 Slate Range  
Smith Dorrien315110338 Spray Mountains  
Smuts 29389639 Spray Mountains  
Smythe 3,24610,650 Winston Churchill Range   Named for an English mountaineer
Snaring 29319617 Victoria Cross Ranges  
Snow Dome 3,45611,339 Winston Churchill Range   On the Continental Divide
Snow Peak 28009187On the Continental Divide
Sofa Mountain 25158251 Lewis Range
South Ghost27008858  
South Twin 356611700 Winston Churchill Range Part of the Twin Peaks massif
Sparrowhawk 3,12110,240 Kananaskis Range   Named for a British destroyer sunk in WWI
Spring-Rice 3,27510,745 Park Ranges   Named for a British diplomat
St. Bride 3,31210,866 Sawback Range   Sawback's high point
St. Piran 2,6498,691 Bow Range    
Stairway 2,9999,839 Waputik Mountains   Named for rock formations resembling a stairway
Stenton28159236 Fairholme Range  
Stewart 331210866 Cloister Mountains Highest point in range
Stoney Squaw 18686129 Vermilion Range
Storm 3,09510,154 Misty Range    
Storm (Banff/Kootenay) 315810361 Ball Range  
Strachan 2,6828,799 High Rock Range   Named for Canadian army officer, recipient of the VC
Storelk 2,8719,419 Elk Range   On the Continental Divide
Stutfield 3,45011,319Winston Churchill Range   
Sulphur 2,4518,041 South Banff Range   A gondola runs to the peak
Sundance 2,9029,521 Sundance Range    
Sunwapta 3,31510,876 Queen Elizabeth Ranges    
Survey 2,6678,750 Central Icefields    
Synge 2,9729,751Waputik Mountains  Named for a British army officer

Talbot 2,3737,785Front Ranges  Named for a Canadian politician
Tangle Ridge 3,0019,846 Canadian Rockies    
Tatei Ridge 2,9119,551Rainbow Range   Tatei is the Stoney Indian word for "wind"
Tecumseh 2,5478,356High Rock Range    
Tekarra 2,6948,839 Maligne Range    
Temple 3,54311,624Bow Range    
Tent 2,2107,251Flathead Range    
Terminal 2,8359,301Trident Range    
Terrapin 2,9549,692Park Ranges   On the Continental Divide
Thompson 3,08910,135Waputik Mountains    
Thorington Tower 3,15510,351 Winston Churchill Range    
Three Sisters 2,9369,633 South Banff Range    
Threepoint 2,5958,514    
Throne 3,12010,236South Jasper Ranges    
Tombstone 3,0299,938 Opal Range    
Tonquin 2,3967,861South Jasper Ranges    
Tonsa 3,05310,016 Bow Range   Stoney Indian word for the number four
Tornado 3,09910,167 High Rock Range   Named in 1915
The Tower 3,11710,226 Kananaskis Range    
The Towers 2,8429,324Park Ranges  On the Continental Divide
Townsend 2,8209,252Front Ranges  Named for British pilot romantically involved with Princess Margaret
Trapper 2,9889,803 Wapta Icefield   Named in 1892
Treadmill 2,7168,911Front Ranges  Named for similarity to a treadmill
Tunnel 1,6925,551 Bow Valley   Mountain encircled by the town of Banff
Triad 3,04810,000Park Ranges  Named in 1936
Trutch 3,25810,689Park Ranges  Named for first Lieutenant Governor of B.C.
Turbulent 2,8509,350Sundance Range   
Turner 2,8069,206 Blue Range    
The Turret 2,5808,465Park Ranges   
Turtle 2,2107,251 Blairmore Range   1903 Frank Slide
Tuzo 3,24610,650 Canadian Rockies   Part of the Valley of the Ten Peaks
Tyrwhitt 2,8749,429 Elk Range   Named for a British admiral

Unwin 3,26810,722 Queen Elizabeth Ranges   FA 1908 Sidney Unwin
Upright Mountain 2,9789,770Front Ranges  FA 1911
Utopia 2,5638,409 Miette Range   Named in 1916

Victoria 3,46411,365Bow Range  Named for Queen Victoria
Vimy 2,3857,825 Lewis Range   Named for Canadian victory in the Battle of Vimy Ridge
Vista 2,7959,170Park Ranges   Named for its views at the top

Waitabit 3,09010,138Park Ranges  Named for Waitabit Creek
Wales 3,10910,200Park Ranges  Named for a British astronomer
Walter 3,40111,158Park Ranges  Fourth highest subpeak of Mt. Lyell (3498 m)
Wapta 2,7829,127 Waputik Range   Wapta means "river" in the Stoney language
Waputik 2,7368,976 Waputik Range   Waputik means "white goat" in the Stoney language
Warren 3,36211,030Park Ranges   Backdrop of Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park
Warrior 2,9739,754Park Ranges  Named for a British warship heavily damaged in the Battle of Jutland
Warspite 2,8609,383 Spray Mountains   Named for a British warship that served in WW I and II
Warwick 2,9069,534 Clemenceau Icefield    
Wasootch 2,3307,644 Fisher Range    
Watchman 3,0099,872Park Ranges  FA 1918
Watchtower 2,7919,157 Maligne Range    
Watermelon 3,09510,154Front Ranges  Banff NP
Wedge 2,6658,743 Kananaskis Range    
Weed 3,08010,105 Murchison Group   Named in 1902 for George Weed
Weiss 3,09010,138Winston Churchill Range    
Whistlers 2,4708,104 Trident Range    
Whistling Rock 2,9719,747    
White Man 2,9679,734 Blue Range    
White Pyramid 3,21910,561Waputik Mountains   Banff NP
Whiteaves 3,14510,318Park Ranges   Named for a British palaeontologist
Whitecrow 2,8819,452Park Ranges   Named for white crows seen on peak by FA party
Whitehorn 2,6378,652 Slate Range    
Whiteshield 2,6848,806Park Ranges  Named for snow and ice on eastern side
Whyte 2,9839,787Bow Range   
Wilcox 2,8849,462 Columbia Icefield    
William Booth 2,7288,950 Ram Range    
Wilson 3,26010,696Park Ranges    
Wind 3,15310,344Kananaskis Range   
Windtower 2,6978,848    
Wintour 2,7008,858Opal Range    
Wonder 2,8509,350Park Ranges   On the Continental Divide
Woolley 3,40511,171Winston Churchill Range    
Worthington 2,9159,564Spray Range   Named for Canadian army officer killed in WW II

Xerxes 2,9709,744Park Ranges   Name is not official

Yellowhead 2,4588,064Victoria Cross Ranges    
Younghusband 3,17010,400 Chaba Icefield   Named for a British army officer

Highest peaks

  1. Mount Columbia3,747 m (12,293 ft)
  2. Twin Peaks massif3,684 m (12,087 ft)
  3. Mount Alberta3,619 m (11,873 ft)
  4. Mount Assiniboine3,616 m (11,864 ft)
  5. Mount Forbes3,612 m (11,850 ft)
  6. Mount Temple3,543 m (11,624 ft)
  7. Mount Brazeau3,525 m (11,565 ft)
  8. Snow Dome3,520 m (11,549 ft)
  9. Mount Kitchener3,505 m (11,499 ft)
  10. Mount Lyell3,504 m (11,496 ft)

List of ranges

List of passes

The Rockies are crossed through east–west alpine passes, such as:

See also
