Solar eclipse of July 31, 1981

Last updated
Solar eclipse of July 31, 1981
Type of eclipse
Gamma 0.5792
Magnitude 1.0258
Maximum eclipse
Duration122 s (2 min 2 s)
Coordinates 53°18′N134°06′E / 53.3°N 134.1°E / 53.3; 134.1
Max. width of band108 km (67 mi)
Times (UTC)
Greatest eclipse3:46:37
Saros 145 (20 of 77)
Catalog # (SE5000) 9467

A total solar eclipse occurred at the Moon's ascending node of orbit on Friday, July 31, 1981, with a magnitude of 1.0258. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun's, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across Earth's surface, with the partial solar eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of kilometres wide. The continental path of totality fell entirely within the Soviet Union, belonging to Georgia, Kazakhstan and Russia today. The southern part of Mount Elbrus, the highest mountain in Europe, also lies in the path of totality. Occurring only 3.8 days after perigee (on July 27, 1981), the Moon's apparent diameter was larger. With a path width of 107.8 km (66.984 mi, or 353,674.541 feet), this total solar eclipse had an average path.


The eclipse was mostly seen on July 31, 1981, except for Alaska, northwestern Canada and Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, where a partial eclipse was seen on July 30 local time, and northern Greenland, where a partial eclipse started on July 30, passing midnight and ended on July 31 due to the midnight sun.

It was the 20th eclipse of the 145th Saros cycle, which began with a partial eclipse on January 4, 1639 and will conclude with a partial eclipse on April 17, 3009.

The moon's apparent diameter was 7 arcseconds larger than the February 4, 1981 annular solar eclipse. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]


Scientists from the High Altitude Observatory of National Center for Atmospheric Research, E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research of the United States Naval Research Laboratory and the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union made studies to the high altitues of corona during the eclipse. A joint U.S.-Soviet observation team went to Bratsk, Irkutsk Oblast, Soviet Union. Scientists studied the three-dimensional structure of the corona based on coronagraph observations, images of the corona taken in Bratsk, and observations made from Solwind / P78-1 satellite. [15]

Eclipses in 1981





Solar Saros 145



Solar eclipses of 1979–1982

This eclipse is a member of a semester series. An eclipse in a semester series of solar eclipses repeats approximately every 177 days and 4 hours (a semester) at alternating nodes of the Moon's orbit. [16]

The partial solar eclipses on June 21, 1982 and December 15, 1982 occur in the next lunar year eclipse set.

Solar eclipse series sets from 1979 to 1982
Descending node Ascending node
1979 Solar eclipse, Brandon Manitoba Canada (35907221663).jpg
Totality in Brandon, MB,
February 26, 1979
0.8981125 August 22, 1979
130 February 16, 1980
0.2224135 August 10, 1980
140 February 4, 1981
−0.4838145 July 31, 1981
150 January 25, 1982
−1.2311155 July 20, 1982

Saros 145

This eclipse is a part of Saros series 145, repeating every 18 years, 11 days, and containing 77 events. The series started with a partial solar eclipse on January 4, 1639. It contains an annular eclipse on June 6, 1891; a hybrid eclipse on June 17, 1909; and total eclipses from June 29, 1927 through September 9, 2648. The series ends at member 77 as a partial eclipse on April 17, 3009. Its eclipses are tabulated in three columns; every third eclipse in the same column is one exeligmos apart, so they all cast shadows over approximately the same parts of the Earth.

The longest duration of annularity was produced by member 15 at 6 seconds (by default) on June 6, 1891, and the longest duration of totality will be produced by member 50 at 7 minutes, 12 seconds on June 25, 2522. All eclipses in this series occur at the Moon’s ascending node of orbit. [17]

Series members 10–32 occur between 1801 and 2200:
April 13, 1801
April 24, 1819
May 4, 1837
May 16, 1855
May 26, 1873
June 6, 1891
June 17, 1909
June 29, 1927
July 9, 1945
July 20, 1963
July 31, 1981
August 11, 1999
August 21, 2017
September 2, 2035
September 12, 2053
September 23, 2071
October 4, 2089
October 16, 2107
October 26, 2125
November 7, 2143
November 17, 2161
November 28, 2179
December 9, 2197

Metonic series

The metonic series repeats eclipses every 19 years (6939.69 days), lasting about 5 cycles. Eclipses occur in nearly the same calendar date. In addition, the octon subseries repeats 1/5 of that or every 3.8 years (1387.94 days). All eclipses in this table occur at the Moon's ascending node.

22 eclipse events between December 24, 1916 and July 31, 2000
December 24–25October 12July 31–August 1May 19–20March 7
December 24, 1916
July 31, 1924
May 19, 1928
March 7, 1932
December 25, 1935
October 12, 1939
August 1, 1943
May 20, 1947
March 7, 1951
December 25, 1954
October 12, 1958
July 31, 1962
May 20, 1966
March 7, 1970
December 24, 1973
October 12, 1977
July 31, 1981
May 19, 1985
March 7, 1989
December 24, 1992
October 12, 1996
July 31, 2000

Tritos series

This eclipse is a part of a tritos cycle, repeating at alternating nodes every 135 synodic months (≈ 3986.63 days, or 11 years minus 1 month). Their appearance and longitude are irregular due to a lack of synchronization with the anomalistic month (period of perigee), but groupings of 3 tritos cycles (≈ 33 years minus 3 months) come close (≈ 434.044 anomalistic months), so eclipses are similar in these groupings.

The partial solar eclipses on December 18, 2188 (part of Saros 164) and November 18, 2199 (part of Saros 165) are also a part of this series but are not included in the table below.

Series members between 1801 and 2134
December 10, 1806
(Saros 129)
November 9, 1817
(Saros 130)
October 9, 1828
(Saros 131)
September 7, 1839
(Saros 132)
August 7, 1850
(Saros 133)
July 8, 1861
(Saros 134)
June 6, 1872
(Saros 135)
May 6, 1883
(Saros 136)
April 6, 1894
(Saros 137)
March 6, 1905
(Saros 138)
February 3, 1916
(Saros 139)
January 3, 1927
(Saros 140)
December 2, 1937
(Saros 141)
November 1, 1948
(Saros 142)
October 2, 1959
(Saros 143)
August 31, 1970
(Saros 144)
July 31, 1981
(Saros 145)
June 30, 1992
(Saros 146)
May 31, 2003
(Saros 147)
April 29, 2014
(Saros 148)
March 29, 2025
(Saros 149)
February 27, 2036
(Saros 150)
January 26, 2047
(Saros 151)
December 26, 2057
(Saros 152)
November 24, 2068
(Saros 153)
October 24, 2079
(Saros 154)
September 23, 2090
(Saros 155)
Saros156 06van69 SE2101Aug24P.jpg
August 24, 2101
(Saros 156)
Saros157 04van70 SE2112Jul23P.jpg
July 23, 2112
(Saros 157)
Saros158 04van70 SE2123Jun23P.jpg
June 23, 2123
(Saros 158)
Saros159 01van70 SE2134May23P.jpg
May 23, 2134
(Saros 159)

Inex series

This eclipse is a part of the long period inex cycle, repeating at alternating nodes, every 358 synodic months (≈ 10,571.95 days, or 29 years minus 20 days). Their appearance and longitude are irregular due to a lack of synchronization with the anomalistic month (period of perigee). However, groupings of 3 inex cycles (≈ 87 years minus 2 months) comes close (≈ 1,151.02 anomalistic months), so eclipses are similar in these groupings.

Series members between 1801 and 2200
November 29, 1807
(Saros 139)
November 9, 1836
(Saros 140)
October 19, 1865
(Saros 141)
September 29, 1894
(Saros 142)
September 10, 1923
(Saros 143)
August 20, 1952
(Saros 144)
July 31, 1981
(Saros 145)
July 11, 2010
(Saros 146)
June 21, 2039
(Saros 147)
May 31, 2068
(Saros 148)
May 11, 2097
(Saros 149)
Saros150 23van71 SE2126Apr22A.jpg
April 22, 2126
(Saros 150)
April 2, 2155
(Saros 151)
Saros152 22van70 SE2184Mar12T.jpg
March 12, 2184
(Saros 152)

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Solar eclipse of June 17, 1909</span> Hybrid eclipse

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Solar eclipse of April 17, 1912</span> Total eclipse

A total solar eclipse occurred at the Moon's ascending node of orbit on Wednesday, April 17, 1912, with a magnitude of 1.0003. It was a hybrid event, starting and ending as an annular eclipse, with only a small portion of totality. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun's, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across Earth's surface, with the partial solar eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of kilometres wide.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Solar eclipse of February 25, 1914</span> 20th-century annular solar eclipse

An annular solar eclipse occurred at the Moon's ascending node of orbit on Wednesday, February 25, 1914, with a magnitude of 0.9248. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun's, blocking most of the Sun's light and causing the Sun to look like an annulus (ring). An annular eclipse appears as a partial eclipse over a region of the Earth thousands of kilometres wide.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Solar eclipse of May 9, 1910</span> Total eclipse

A total solar eclipse occurred at the Moon's ascending node of orbit on Monday, May 9, 1910, with a magnitude of 1.06. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun's, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across Earth's surface, with the partial solar eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of kilometres wide. Totality was visible from part of Wilkes Land in Antarctica and Tasmania in Australia.


  1. "Muscovites view eclipse of the sun". Spokane Chronicle. Spokane, Washington. 1981-07-31. p. 3. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  2. "Bad weather hampers view of solar eclipse". Abilene Reporter-News. Abilene, Texas. 1981-07-31. p. 16. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  3. "Scientists Get Good Solar Eclipse Look". The Daily Advertiser. Lafayette, Louisiana. 1981-07-31. p. 6. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  4. "Former Beatrician among group studying eclipse in Russia". Beatrice Daily Sun. Beatrice, Nebraska. 1981-07-31. p. 3. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  5. "Clouds obstruct most of Soviet eclipse". Springfield Leader and Press. Springfield, Missouri. 1981-07-31. p. 17. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  6. "High-flying scientists view moon's path across sun". The Kokomo Tribune. Kokomo, Indiana. 1981-07-31. p. 13. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  7. "Long eclipse". Liverpool Echo. Liverpool, Merseyside, England. 1981-07-31. p. 1. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  8. "Black day for Reds". Manchester Evening News. Manchester, Greater Manchester, England. 1981-07-31. p. 1. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  9. "Clouds spoil view of eclipse of sun". Calgary Herald. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 1981-07-31. p. 14. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  10. "Total eclipse". North Bay Nugget. North Bay, Ontario, Canada. 1981-07-31. p. 2. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  11. "Weather blocks eclipse view". Edmonton Journal. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 1981-07-31. p. 48. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  12. "Hundreds of scientists study eclipse of sun". Standard-Speaker. Hazleton, Pennsylvania. 1981-08-01. p. 5. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  13. "Americans Join Scientists to Observe Eclipse". Tulsa World. Tulsa, Oklahoma. 1981-08-01. p. 32. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  14. "Eclipse casts its giant shadow across 4,300-mile Soviet path". Arizona Daily Star. Tucson, Arizona. 1981-08-01. p. 2. Retrieved 2023-10-18 via
  15. R. R. Fisher, L. B. Lacey, K. A. Rock, E. A. Yasukawa, N. R. Sheeley Jr., D. J. Michels, R. A. Howard, M. J. Koomen, A. Bagrov (March 1983). "The Solar Corona on 31 July, 1981" (PDF). Solar Physics. 83: 233–242. ISSN   0038-0938.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  16. van Gent, R.H. "Solar- and Lunar-Eclipse Predictions from Antiquity to the Present". A Catalogue of Eclipse Cycles. Utrecht University. Retrieved 6 October 2018.
  17. "NASA - Catalog of Solar Eclipses of Saros 145".
