Cholecystokinin receptor

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cholecystokinin A receptor
NCBI gene 886
HGNC 1570
OMIM 118444
RefSeq NM_000730
UniProt P32238
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Locus Chr. 4 p15.2-p15.1
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Structures Swiss-model
Domains InterPro
cholecystokinin B receptor
NCBI gene 887
HGNC 1571
OMIM 118445
RefSeq NM_176875
UniProt P32239
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Locus Chr. 11 p15.4
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Structures Swiss-model
Domains InterPro

Cholecystokinin receptors or CCK receptors are a group of G-protein coupled receptors which bind the peptide hormones cholecystokinin (CCK) and gastrin. [1] There are two different subtypes CCKA and CCKB which are ~50% homologous: [2] Various cholecystokinin antagonists have been developed and are used in research, although the only drug of this class that has been widely marketed to date is the anti-ulcer drug proglumide.

ProteinGeneTissue distributionPreferred ligandFunctionMechanism
CCKA (CCK1) CCKAR primarily gastrointestinal tract, lesser amounts in the CNS sulfated CCK >> nonsulfated CCK ≈ nonsulfated CCKstimulation of bicarb secretion, gall bladder emptying and inhibiting gut motility Gq [3] [4]
CCKB (CCK2) CCKBR primarily CNS, lesser amounts in the gastrointestinal tractgastrin ≈ CCK (receptor does not discriminate between sulfated and nonsulfated peptides)regulation of nociception, anxiety, memory and hunger Gq/G11 [4]

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The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY is an open-access website, acting as a portal to information on the biological targets of licensed drugs and other small molecules. The Guide to PHARMACOLOGY is developed as a joint venture between the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR) and the British Pharmacological Society (BPS). This replaces and expands upon the original 2009 IUPHAR Database. The Guide to PHARMACOLOGY aims to provide a concise overview of all pharmacological targets, accessible to all members of the scientific and clinical communities and the interested public, with links to details on a selected set of targets. The information featured includes pharmacological data, target, and gene nomenclature, as well as curated chemical information for ligands. Overviews and commentaries on each target family are included, with links to key references.

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  1. Noble F, Wank SA, Crawley JN, Bradwejn J, Seroogy KB, Hamon M, Roques BP (December 1999). "International Union of Pharmacology. XXI. Structure, distribution, and functions of cholecystokinin receptors". Pharmacological Reviews. 51 (4): 745–781. PMID   10581329.
  2. Dufresne M, Seva C, Fourmy D (July 2006). "Cholecystokinin and gastrin receptors". Physiological Reviews. 86 (3): 805–847. doi:10.1152/physrev.00014.2005. PMID   16816139.
  3. Wank SA (April 1998). "G protein-coupled receptors in gastrointestinal physiology. I. CCK receptors: an exemplary family". The American Journal of Physiology. 274 (4 Pt 1): G607–G613. doi:10.1152/ajpgi.1998.274.4.g607. PMID   9575840. S2CID   27674659.
  4. 1 2 Beinfeld M, Chen Q, Gao F, Liddle RA, Miller LJ, Rehfeld J (2019-09-16). "Cholecystokinin receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database". IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE. 2019 (4). doi: 10.2218/gtopdb/F15/2019.4 . S2CID   203825385.