Vertebrate visual opsin

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Three-dimensional structure of bovine rhodopsin. The seven transmembrane domains are shown in varying colors. The retinal chromophore is shown in red. Rhodopsin 3D.jpeg
Three-dimensional structure of bovine rhodopsin. The seven transmembrane domains are shown in varying colors. The retinal chromophore is shown in red.

Vertebrate visual opsins are a subclass of ciliary opsins and mediate vision in vertebrates. They include the opsins in human rod and cone cells. They are often abbreviated to opsin, as they were the first opsins discovered and are still the most widely studied opsins. [1]



Opsin refers strictly to the apoprotein (without bound retinal). When an opsin binds retinal to form a holoprotein, it is referred to as Retinylidene protein. However, the distinction is often ignored, and opsin may refer loosely to both (regardless of whether retinal is bound).

Opsins are G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and must bind retinal ⁠— typically 11-cis-retinal ⁠— in order to be photosensitive, since the retinal acts as the chromophore. When the Retinylidene protein absorbs a photon, the retinal isomerizes and is released by the opsin. The process that follows the isomerization and renewal of retinal is known as the visual cycle. Free 11-cis-retinal is photosensitive and carries its own spectral sensitivity of 380nm. [2] However, to trigger the phototransduction cascade, the process that underlies the visual signal, the retinal must be bound to an opsin when it is isomerized. The retinylidene protein has a spectral sensitivity that differs from that of free retinal and depends on the opsin sequence.

While opsins can only bind retinal, there are two forms of retinal that can act as the chromophore for vertebrate visual opsins:

Animals living on land and marine fish form their visual pigments exclusively with retinal 1. However, many freshwater fish and amphibians can also form visual pigments with retinal 2, depending on the activation of the enzyme retinal-3,4-desaturase (GO:0061899). Many of these species can switch between these chromophores during their life cycle, to adapt to a changing habitat. [3] [4]


Normalised absorption spectra of the three human photopsins and of human rhodopsin (dashed). Drawn after Bowmaker and Dartnall (1980). (Absorption curves do not directly reflect sensitivity spectra.) Cone-absorbance-en.svg
Normalised absorption spectra of the three human photopsins and of human rhodopsin (dashed). Drawn after Bowmaker and Dartnall (1980). (Absorption curves do not directly reflect sensitivity spectra.)

Isomerization of 11-cis-retinal into all-trans-retinal by light induces a conformational change in the protein that activates the phototransduction pathway.


There are two classes of vertebrate visual opsin, differentiated by whether they are expressed in rod or cone photoreceptors.

Cone opsins

Opsins expressed in cone cells are called cone opsins. [1] The cone opsins are called photopsins when unbound to retinal and iodopsins when bound to retinal. [1] Cone opsins mediate photopic vision (daylight). Cone opsins are further subdivided according to the spectral sensitivity of their iodopsin, namely the wavelength at which the highest light absorption is observed (λmax). [7]

NameAbbr.Cellλmax (nm)Human variant [5]
Long-wave sensitiveLWSCone500–570 OPN1LW "red" erythrolabe (564nm)
OPN1MW "green" chlorolabe (534nm)
Short-wave sensitive 1SWS1Cone355–445 OPN1SW "blue" cyanolabe (420nm)
(extinct in monotremes)
Short-wave sensitive 2SWS2Cone400–470(extinct in therian mammals)
Rhodopsin-like 2Rh2Cone480–530(Extinct in mammals)

Rod opsins

Opsins expressed in rod cells are called rod opsins. The rod opsins are called scotopsins when unbound to retinal and rhodopsins or porphyropsins when bound to retinal (1 and 2, respectively). Rod opsins mediate scotopic vision (dim light). [8] Compared to cone opsins, the spectral sensitivity of rhodopsin is quite stable, not deviating far from 500 nm in any vertebrate.

NameAbbr.Cellλmax (nm)Human variant [5]
ScotopsinRh1RodRhodopsin: ~500
Porphyropsin: ~522 [3]
RHO human rhodopsin (498nm)







Extant vertebrates typically have four cone opsin classes (LWS, SWS1, SWS2, and Rh2) as well as one rod opsin class (rhodopsin, Rh1), all of which were inherited from early vertebrate ancestors. These five classes of vertebrate visual opsins emerged through a series of gene duplications beginning with LWS and ending with Rh1, according to the cladogram to the right; this serves as an example of neofunctionalization. Each class has since evolved into numerous variants. [9] [10] Evolutionary relationships, deduced using the amino acid sequence of the opsins, are frequently used to categorize cone opsins into their respective class. [1] Mammals lost Rh2 and SWS2 classes during the nocturnal bottleneck. Primate ancestors later developed two LWS opsins (LWS and MWS), leaving humans with 4 visual opsins in 3 classes.


George Wald received the 1967 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his experiments in the 1950s that showed the difference in absorbance by these photopsins (see image). [11]

See also

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Animal opsins are G-protein-coupled receptors and a group of proteins made light-sensitive via a chromophore, typically retinal. When bound to retinal, opsins become retinylidene proteins, but are usually still called opsins regardless. Most prominently, they are found in photoreceptor cells of the retina. Five classical groups of opsins are involved in vision, mediating the conversion of a photon of light into an electrochemical signal, the first step in the visual transduction cascade. Another opsin found in the mammalian retina, melanopsin, is involved in circadian rhythms and pupillary reflex but not in vision. Humans have in total nine opsins. Beside vision and light perception, opsins may also sense temperature, sound, or chemicals.

Visual phototransduction is the sensory transduction process of the visual system by which light is detected by photoreceptor cells in the vertebrate retina. A photon is absorbed by a retinal chromophore, which initiates a signal cascade through several intermediate cells, then through the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) comprising the optic nerve.

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Photoreceptor proteins are light-sensitive proteins involved in the sensing and response to light in a variety of organisms. Some examples are rhodopsin in the photoreceptor cells of the vertebrate retina, phytochrome in plants, and bacteriorhodopsin and bacteriophytochromes in some bacteria. They mediate light responses as varied as visual perception, phototropism and phototaxis, as well as responses to light-dark cycles such as circadian rhythm and other photoperiodisms including control of flowering times in plants and mating seasons in animals.

Retinylidene proteins, or rhodopsins in a broad sense, are proteins that use retinal as a chromophore for light reception. They are the molecular basis for a variety of light-sensing systems from phototaxis in flagellates to eyesight in animals. Retinylidene proteins include all forms of opsin and rhodopsin. While rhodopsin in the narrow sense refers to a dim-light visual pigment found in vertebrates, usually on rod cells, rhodopsin in the broad sense refers to any molecule consisting of an opsin and a retinal chromophore in the ground state. When activated by light, the chromophore is isomerized, at which point the molecule as a whole is no longer rhodopsin, but a related molecule such as metarhodopsin. However, it remains a retinylidene protein. The chromophore then separates from the opsin, at which point the bare opsin is a retinylidene protein. Thus, the molecule remains a retinylidene protein throughout the phototransduction cycle.

The visual cycle is a process in the retina that replenishes the molecule retinal for its use in vision. Retinal is the chromophore of most visual opsins, meaning it captures the photons to begin the phototransduction cascade. When the photon is absorbed, the 11-cis retinal photoisomerizes into all-trans retinal as it is ejected from the opsin protein. Each molecule of retinal must travel from the photoreceptor cell to the RPE and back in order to be refreshed and combined with another opsin. This closed enzymatic pathway of 11-cis retinal is sometimes called Wald's visual cycle after George Wald (1906–1997), who received the Nobel Prize in 1967 for his work towards its discovery.

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