Chinese interference in the 2024 United States elections

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China has interfered in the 2024 United States elections through propaganda and disinformation campaigns linked to its Spamouflage operation. [1] The efforts come amidst larger foreign interference in the 2024 United States elections.



In March 2021, the National Intelligence Council released a report that found China "considered but did not deploy" influence efforts in 2020. [2] A declassified U.S. intelligence assessment in 2023 found with "high confidence" that China, Russia, Iran and Cuba attempted to influence the 2022 midterms. It found that China had tacitly approved "efforts to try to influence a handful of midterm races involving members of both US political parties" and "portray the US democratic model as chaotic, ineffective, and unrepresentative". The U.S. intelligence report found that China had used images generated by artificial intelligence to mimic Americans online and provoke discussion on divisive social issues, and that they believed they would face less scrutiny during the midterms and that U.S. retaliation would be lower. [3] Since 2020, senior Chinese intelligence officials had issued directives to "intensify efforts to influence US policy and public opinion in China's favor" and "magnify US societal divisions". [4] In January 2024, the FBI and Justice Department issued a court order to address Chinese hacking and infiltration of key U.S. infrastructure in the transportation and maritime sectors. [5]

During APEC United States 2023, Joe Biden and General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping met in a separate summit on November 15 where Xi told Biden China would not interfere in the 2024 presidential election after being asked by Biden. This assurance was given again by Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi to Biden's national security advisor Jake Sullivan on the weekend of January 26-27 during a meeting in Bangkok after Sullivan brought up the topic. CNN reported in January 2024 that the topic had repeatedly come up during senior-level meetings between the two nations. The meetings came following a historic low in Sino-American relations after a Chinese spy balloon was shot down by the U.S. military after traversing the continental United States in February 2023. [4]


U.S. intelligence agencies have described Chinese interference as being more aggressive by September but overall cautious and nuanced, not targeting any particular candidate, but focusing on issues important to Beijing such as Taiwan, and "undermining confidence in elections, voting, and the U.S. in general." [1] [6] However, China has specifically denigrated President Biden using fake accounts. [7] According to The Washington Post , a senior official with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said China is "not attempting to influence the presidential race, but it is seeking to do so in state-level and regional races" as they did during the 2022 midterms. [8] Officials from the ODNI and FBI have outlined China's use of generative artificial intelligence tools and promotion of divisive content focused on drug use, immigration, and abortion to foster anti-Americanism. [9]

Efforts to interfere in the 2024 United States elections

As early as April 1, 2024, The New York Times reported that the Chinese government had created fake pro-Trump accounts on social media "promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November." [7] On April 26, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed the U.S. has seen evidence of attempts to “influence and arguably interfere” with the upcoming U.S. elections, despite an earlier commitment from Xi Jinping not to do so. [10] [11] On June 4, President Biden said in an interview that there was evidence of China interfering in the 2024 elections, and that "all the bad guys are rooting for Trump". [2]

Chinese interference has been linked to its Spamouflage operation. Chinese influence operations have involved networks of fake social media users that mimic Americans on social media sites such as X and TikTok in an attempt to manipulate and sway public opinion. In a September 2024 interview with the Associated Press, chief intelligence officer Jack Stubbs of Graphika stated that Chinese covert influence operations had "become more aggressive" in their "efforts to infiltrate and to sway U.S. political conversations ahead of the election". [1] [12] A threat report by Meta stated it detected 11 'coordinated inauthentic behavior' networks linked to China. [12] Microsoft detected attempts by Chinese actors to inflame tensions around campus protests, noting an increased capability to increase divisions and influence election activity. [12]

In August 2024, Cyber security firm CyberCX released a report that uncovered Beijing-based "Green Cicada," one of the largest publicly identified networks and which may feature more than 8,000 accounts on social media platform X, with a suspected intention to interfere with the US elections. [13]

In October 2024, there were further indications of influence attempts by the Chinese Communist Party. Reports indicate there is a focus on races that have the potential to influence U.S. foreign policy toward Taiwan. [14]



In 2023, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied that China was interfering or had interfered in the 2022 election, stating that they "adhere to the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs" and that "China does not interfere in US elections". [4] In response to a 2024 report by Graphika that outlined China's use of its Spamouflage network to mimic American social media users, Chinese Embassy spokesperson Liu Pengyu stated that the findings were "prejudice and malicious speculation" and that "China has no intention and will not interfere" in the election. [1]

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Spamouflage, Dragonbridge, Spamouflage Dragon, or Storm 1376 is an online propaganda and disinformation operation that uses a network of social media accounts to make posts in favor of the Chinese government and harass dissidents and journalists overseas since 2017. Beginning in the early 2020s, Spamouflage accounts also began making posts about American and Taiwanese politics. It is widely believed that the Chinese government is behind the network. Spamouflage has increasingly used generative artificial intelligence for influence operations. The campaign has largely failed to receive views from real users, although the evolution of its tactics has allowed some Spamouflage accounts to see some success in receiving organic engagement.

The Iranian government has interfered in the 2024 United States elections through social media efforts and hacking operations. Iranian interference has come amidst larger foreign interference in the 2024 United States elections. The efforts were identified as an effort to tip the race against former president Donald Trump through propaganda and disinformation campaigns. However, Iranian efforts have also targeted Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with similar attacks, which The New York Times stated suggested "a wider goal of sowing internal discord and discrediting the democratic system in the United States more broadly in the eyes of the world."

The Russian government has interfered in the 2024 United States elections through disinformation and propaganda campaigns aimed at damaging Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and other Democrats while boosting the candidacy of Donald Trump and other candidates who support isolationism and undercutting support for Ukraine aid and NATO. The efforts come amidst larger foreign interference in the 2024 United States elections and follow Russia's previous pattern of spreading disinformation through fake social media accounts and right-wing YouTube channels in order to divide American society and foster anti-Americanism. On September 4, the Department of Justice indicted members of Tenet Media for having received $9.7 million as part of a covert Russian influence operation to co-opt American right-wing influencers to espouse pro-Russian content and conspiracy theories.

Several nations have interfered in the 2024 United States elections. U.S. intelligence agencies have identified China, Iran, and Russia as the most pressing concerns.


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