List of oldest surviving ships

Last updated

This is a list of the oldest ships in the world which have survived to this day with exceptions to certain categories. The ships on the main list, which include warships, yachts, tall ships, and vessels recovered during archaeological excavations, all date to between 500 AD and 1918; earlier ships are covered in the list of surviving ancient ships. Vessels listed are sorted by date of launch as most accurately known. Many of the ships in the "Build location" column were built for use in other countries by the United Kingdom, which in the mid to late 1800s was a dominant worldwide ship builder. A majority of ships on this list are found in museums, and it includes examples that are the last of their kind left in the world.


List criteria

While this list includes the "oldest surviving" ships, many have since been restored, and/or reconstructed. Ships that have been exposed to the elements gradually deteriorate over time, thus no ship can be considered truly original due to part replacements during a ship's life. This leads to a known paradox called the "Ship of Theseus", making the definition of "original" unclear. [1] An example is the USS Niagara: the original sank in 1820 and was raised and reconstructed three times. [2] These extensive reconstructions left little of the original ship remaining (nonstructural items). Another separate issue is incomplete ships due to weathering conditions caused by their status as a former shipwreck, or by sheer neglect. One example is the ship Mary Rose , whose raised and preserved remains consist of only a partial hull. Those that remain underwater and intact are lumped into a separate category that focuses on shipwrecks, such as those found in the Black Sea. Many surviving old ships may also appear on other Wikipedia lists such as lightvessels. Many old lightvessels survive worldwide to this day, unlike ocean liners of which there are very few pre-World War II examples.

With these things in mind, the following are excluded

The following things are included in this page


Oldest ships

Before 500 AD

500–1400s AD

NameImageYear of constructionTypeBuild location [b] Current location Overall
Punjulharjo boat 660–780 AD [3] [4] Lashed-lug boat Indonesia
(Rembang Regency)
(Punjulharjo Cultural Conservation Site, Rembang Regency)
51 ft (16 m)
Butuan Boat 2 689–940 AD [5] [6] Lashed-lug boat Philippines
(National Museum of Anthropology, Manila)
37 ft (11 m)
Äskekärrskeppet Askekarr knarr.jpg 8th century [7] Viking ship Sweden
(Museum of Gothenburg, Gothenburg)
52.4 ft (16.0 m)
Butuan Boat 1 777–988 [8] [9] Lashed-lug boatPhilippines
(National Museum of the Philippines, Butuan)
33 ft (10 m)
First Lake Mendota canoe800 [10] Dugout canoe United States
(Lake Mendota)
United States
15 ft (4.6 m)
Oseberg Ship DSC00450, Viking Ship Museum, Oslo, Norway.jpg 820 [11] Viking ship Norway
71 ft (22 m)
Gokstad ship Gokstad Ship Side View.JPG 900 [12] Viking shipNorway
76 ft (23 m)
Tune ship TuneShip.jpg 900 [13] Viking shipNorway
61.3 ft (18.7 m) [c]
Utrecht ship Vaste collectie Centraal Museum Utrecht 12.jpg 997–1030 [14] [15] Cargo vessel Netherlands
58.39 ft (17.80 m)
Serçe Limanı Shipwreck [d] Castello di bodrum, sala del relitto di vetro 01.JPG 11th century [16] Merchant ship Byzantine Empire Turkey
49.2 ft (15.0 m)
Viksbåten  [ sv ] Viksbaten-Erikskulle-20171001-HGW.jpg 11th century [17] Viking shipSweden
(Erikskulle museum)
31.49 ft (9.60 m)
Stanley Ferry logboat Viking logboat (37867667156).jpg 1000 [18] [19] Logboat Britain United Kingdom
19 ft (5.8 m)
Roskilde 6  [ da ] Verdens laengste vikingeskib gores klar af konservatorer (8407954126).jpg 1025 [20] [21] [22] Viking shipNorway
122.7 ft (37.4 m)
Skuldelev 1 Skuldelev I.jpg 1030 [23] Viking shipNorway
51.96 ft (15.84 m)
Skuldelev 5 Skuldelev V.jpg 1030 [24] Viking shipDenmark
56.7 ft (17.3 m)
Skuldelev 6 Skuldelev VI.jpg 1030 [25] Viking shipNorway
36.7 ft (11.2 m)
Skuldelev 3 SkuldelevIII.jpg 1040 [26] Viking shipDenmark
45 ft (14 m)
Skuldelev 2 Skuldelev II.jpg 1042 [27] Viking ship Kingdom of Dublin Denmark
98 ft (30 m)
Ląd boat Lad longboat, 12th cent., Nar.Muz.Mor., Gdansk, Poland (1a).jpg After 1125 [28] [29] Cargo vessel Poland
27.8 ft (8.5 m) [e]
Ellingåskibet  [ da ] Ellingaskibet..1.JPG 1163 [30] Merchant shipDenmark
47.57 ft (14.50 m)
Quanzhou ship Song Dynasty Ancient Ship of Quanzhou Bay 20061229.jpg 1272 Junk China
113.5 ft (34.6 m)
Shinan ship Reconstructed ship (35977969852).jpg 14th century [31] [32] Trade shipChina
South Korea
105 ft (32 m)
Bremen cog Bremer Kogge, Schifffahrtmuseum Bremerhaven.jpg 1380 [33] Trade ship Holy Roman Empire
(Archbishopric of Bremen)
79 ft (24 m)
IJssel cog  [ nl ] IJsselkogge binnenzijde.jpg 15th century [34] Cog Netherlands
65 ft (20 m)
Newport Ship Newport ship.jpg 1449 [35] Trade ship Spain
(Basque Country)
United Kingdom
(Newport) [f]
116 ft (35 m)


NamesImageYear of constructionTypeBuild location [b] Current location Overall
Mary Rose Mary rose 2019 sideish.JPG 1511 Carrack England
United Kingdom
Riddarholmsskeppet  [ sv ] Riddarholmsskeppet 2010.jpg 1517 [36] Sailing warship [g] Sweden
Maasilinn Ship  [ et ] Maasilinna laeva lahkumine Orissaarest 07.10.2010 (foto nr 2).JPG 1550Transport ship Saaremaa Estonia
52 ft (16 m)
Tarihi Kadırga IstanbulNavalMuseum23.JPG Late 16th century [37] [38] Galley Ottoman Empire Turkey
130 ft (39.64 m)
Sparrow Hawk Plymouth.Colony Sparrowhawk 1626 photo 1865 600x379.jpg 1626 [39] Pinnace England
United States
(Plymouth) [h]
40 ft (12 m)
Vasa Djurgarden, Ostermalm, Stockholm, Sweden - panoramio (8).jpg 1627 [40] Sailing warship [g] Swedish Empire
226 ft (69 m)
Botik of Peter the Great Botik.jpg 1640sMiniature WarshipEngland or Russia Russia
(Central Naval Museum)
23 ft (7.0 m)
State Barge of Charles II Charles II's Royal Barge.jpg 1670 [41] [42] Shallop England
United Kingdom
35 ft (11 m)
La Belle Bullock Museum La Belle Reconstruction Side 2016.jpg 1684Colony Ship Kingdom of France United States
(Austin, TX)
54.4 ft (16.6 m)
Queen Mary's Shallop Queen Mary's Shallop.jpg 1689 [43] ShallopUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
41.60 ft (12.69 m)
Fortuna Botik 1.JPG 1689–1692 [44] BoatRussia
24 ft (7.3 m)
Tsar Peters Båt Tsar Peters bat, hoger sida - Livrustkammaren - 82384.tif 1697 [45] BoatNetherlands
16.73 ft (5.10 m)
Galeota Grande  [ pt ] Navy Museum (60430034).jpeg 1711 [46] [47] Royal barge Kingdom of Portugal
81 ft (24 m)
Bucintoro dei Savoia Il bucintoro dei Savoia.jpg 1729 [48] [49] Royal barge Republic of Venice Italy
(Venaria Reale)
52 ft (16 m)
Prince Frederick's Barge Prince Frederick's Barge - KTC 01.jpg 1732 [50] Royal barge Great Britain
(South Bank, London)
United Kingdom
63.34 ft (19.31 m)
Barque Musee de la civilisation 48.JPG 1735–1750 [51] [52] Transport ship Canada Canada
(Quebec City)
31.00 ft (9.45 m)
Galeota Pequena Portuguese Maritime Museum in Belem (42520455052).jpg 1753 [53] [54] Royal bargeKingdom of Portugal
58 ft (18 m)
HMS Victory HMS Victory.jpg 1765 [55] Ship of the line Great Britain
(Chatham, Kent)
United Kingdom
228 ft (69 m)
USS Philadelphia GunboatPhiladelphia.jpg 1776 [56] [57] Gunboat United States
United States
(Washington, D.C.)
53 ft (16 m)
Bergantim real Museu de Marinha 07 (346720237).jpg 1780 [58] Royal bargeKingdom of Portugal
96 ft (29 m)
Hvide Chalup Royal boat Royal Danish Naval Museum pic1.JPG 1780 [59] Royal bargeDenmark
Margaret Racing yacht Margaret.jpg 1780 [60] [61] Sailing yacht United Kingdom
United Kingdom
86.9 ft (26.5 m)
Delfinen  [ sv ] Delfinen gondol 2010a.jpg 1787 [62] Royal bargeSweden
33 ft (10 m)
Galten  [ sv ] Galten gondol 2010.jpg 1787 [63] Royal bargeSweden
33 ft (10 m)
HMS Nancy Remains of the schooner "Nancy" (I0026395).jpg 1789SchoonerUnited States
(Wasaga Beach, ON)
80 ft (24 m)
Peggy Peggy of Castletown.jpg 1789 [64] Armed yacht Isle of Man
Isle of Man
27 ft (8.2 m)
Saveira Dourada Portuguese Maritime Museum in Belem (41670605825).jpg 1790 [65] [47] Royal bargeKingdom of Portugal
43 ft (13 m)
USS Constitution photo essay 120819-N-MJ265-210.jpg 1797 [66] Frigate United States
(Boston, MA)
United States
(Boston, MA)
203.3 ft (62.0 m)
Galeota da Alfândega Portuguese Maritime Museum in Belem (42520452082).jpg Late 18th century [53] [67] State barge Kingdom of Portugal
38 ft (12 m)
Nordic Spirit Nordic Spirit 01.jpg 19th century [68] [69] Fishing boat (now replica Viking ship)Norway
United States
(Seattle, WA)
Zetland Open Day - Zetland Museum, by a volunteer.jpg 1802 [70] [71] Lifeboat United Kingdom
(South Shields)
United Kingdom
29.97 ft (9.13 m)
Galeota Real  [ pt ] Galeota de D. Joao VI - panoramio.jpg 1808 [72] Royal bargeKingdom of Portugal
(Rio de Janeiro)
78 ft (24 m)
Canot impérial de Napoléon  [ fr ] Le canot de l'Empereur (Musee national de la Marine) (15908323052).jpg 1810 [73] Royal barge French Empire
59 ft (18 m)
USS Ticonderoga Ticonderoga hull (March 18).jpg 1812–1814SchoonerUnited States
(Adam and Noah Brown)
United States
(Whitehall, NY)
120 ft (37 m)
Koningssloep  [ nl ] Koningssloep (2015).JPG 1816–1818 [74] Royal bargeNetherlands
55 ft (17 m)
HMS Trincomalee H.M.S. Trincomalee, Hartlepool Maritime Experience - - 1605076.jpg 1817 [75] [76] Frigate Company Raj
United Kingdom
150.45 ft (45.86 m)
Lady Guilford Lady Guilford.jpg 1819 [77] [78] Sailing galleyUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
HMS Unicorn HMS Unicorn.jpg 1824 [79] FrigateUnited Kingdom
(Chatham, Kent)
United Kingdom
151.9 ft (46.3 m)
Waka Taua NMoS World Cultures Galleries 16.jpg Before 1827 [80] Waka New Zealand
(Bay of Plenty)
United Kingdom
19 ft (5.8 m)
Oxford 1829 Boat 1828 [81] Racing yacht United Kingdom
United Kingdom
46.89 ft (14.29 m)
Prince Miguel's barge Portuguese Maritime Museum in Belem (42520456292).jpg 1831 [53] [67] Royal bargeKingdom of Portugal
47 ft (14 m)
Tyne Tyne Lifeboat - - 197804.jpg 1833 [82] LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(South Shields)
United Kingdom
(South Shields)
LV16 Inner Dowsing 1840 [83] Lightvessel United Kingdom
United Kingdom
87.44 ft (26.67 m)
Charles W. Morgan CharlesWMorganMysticSeaport.jpg 1841 [84] Whaler United States
(New Bedford, MA)
United States
(Mystic, CT)
113 ft (34 m)
Dom Fernando II e Glória 20121026 0433 Almada & Cacilhas 05.jpg 1843 [85] Frigate Portuguese India
284 ft (87 m)
Bertha Steam dredger 1844.jpg 1844 [86] Dredge United Kingdom
United Kingdom
50 ft (15 m)
Great Britain Bristol MMB 43 SS Great Britain.jpg 1845 [87] [88] Ocean liner United Kingdom
United Kingdom
322 ft (98 m)
Brandtaucher Brandtaucher Dresden.jpg 1850 [89] Submarine German Confederation
27 ft (8.2 m)
Dolly Windermere Steamboat Museum - - 606625.jpg 1850 [90] Launch United Kingdom
United Kingdom
40.98 ft (12.50 m)
Gondola Actual Venetian gondola at the Grand Canal Shoppes, Las Vegas.jpg 1850 [91] Gondola Italy
United States
(Las Vegas, NV)
36 ft (11 m)
Snow Squall 1851 [92] [93] Clipper United States
(Cape Elizabeth)
United States
157 ft (48 m) [i]
Edwin Fox Edwin Fox, bow detail..jpg 1853 [94] Australian convict shipCompany Raj
New Zealand
157 ft (48 m)
Maria Peak Forest NB Maria.jpg 1853 [95] Narrowboat United Kingdom
United Kingdom
70.00 ft (21.34 m)
USS Constellation Uss constellation baltimore no border.jpg 1854 [96] Sloop-of-war United States
(Portsmouth, VA)
United States
(Baltimore, MD)
199 ft (61 m)
Francis Metallic Surfboat Francis Metallic Surfboat Douglas MI.jpg 1854BoatUnited States
(Long Branch, NJ)
United States
(Douglas, MI)
26 ft (7.9 m)
Tudor Vladimirescu Nava Tudor Vladimirescu.jpg 1854 [97] [98] Paddle steamer Austrian Empire
195.0 ft (59.44 m)
Victoria 1855 [99] Racing yachtUnited Kingdom
(Newcastle upon Tyne)
United Kingdom
39.34 ft (11.99 m)
Santiago Wreck of the Santiago - Ships Graveyard Port Adelaide.jpg 1856 [100] BarqueUnited Kingdom
(Garden Island)
160 ft 7 in (48.95 m)
Skibladner Gjovik en sondags morgen 02.jpg 1856 [101] [102] [103] Paddle steamer Sweden–Norway
164 ft (50 m)
Gondola Gondola coniston.jpg 1859Steam yachtUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Coniston Water)
86 ft (26 m)


NamesImageYear of constructionTypeBuild location [b] Current location Overall
Rifle "The Rifle", Scottish Maritime Museum, Irvine - - 360616.jpg 1860s [104] Steamship United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Jylland Fregatten-jylland-2005.jpg 1860 [105] Steam frigate Denmark
233 ft (71 m)
Mossdale NWM Ellesmere - 20180425 114639 (39894341610).jpg 1860 [106] Mersey flat United Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Ellesmere Port)
71.97 ft (21.94 m)
Warrior HMS Warrior 2014.jpg 1860 [107] Ironclad United Kingdom
United Kingdom
420 ft (130 m)
Cairo USSCairo2010.JPG 1861 [108] IroncladUnited States
(Mound City, IL)
United States
(Vicksburg, MS)
175 ft (53 m)
Hjejlen Hjejlen ved Indelukket.jpg 1861 [109] Paddle steamerDenmark
(B&W Copenhagen)
26.9 m (88 ft)
Mayflower The Mayflower, Floating Harbour - - 173688.jpg 1861 [110] Tugboat United Kingdom
United Kingdom
64.95 ft (19.80 m)
Chattahoochee CSS Chattahoochee.jpg 1863 [111] Gunboat Confederate States of America
(Saffold, GA)
United States
(Columbus, GA)
150 ft (46 m)
Daring Daring shipwreck.jpg 1863 [112] SchoonerNew Zealand
New Zealand
55 ft (17 m)
H. L. Hunley H. L. Hunley in sodium hydroxide bath.jpg 1863 [113] SubmarineConfederate States of America
(Mobile, AL)
United States
(Charleston, SC)
40 ft (12 m)
Intelligent Whale 200812-Z-IB607-1004 (50615185433).jpg 1863 [114] SubmarineUnited States
United States
(Sea Girt, NJ)
28.8 ft (8.8 m)
Neuse Side view CSS Neuse.jpg 1863 [115] [116] IroncladConfederate States of America
(Kinston, NC)
United States
(Kinston, NC)
152 ft (46 m)
Star of India Starofindia.jpg 1863 [117] Windjammer United Kingdom
(Isle of Man)
United States
(San Diego, CA)
278 ft (85 m)
City of Adelaide City of Adelaide entering Port Adelaide 2.JPG 1864 [118] ClipperUnited Kingdom
(Adelaide, South Australia)
244 ft (74 m)
Muscogee 21-18-103-propeller.jpg 1864 [119] IroncladConfederate States of America
(Columbus, GA)
United States
(Columbus, GA)
223.6 ft (68.2 m)
Strelets Strelets1863-1956.jpg 1864 Monitor Russian Empire
(Saint Petersburg)
(Saint Petersburg)
201 ft (61 m)
El Mahrousa 000-Al-Mahrousah Royal Egyptian Yacht.jpg 1865 [120] Superyacht United Kingdom
478 ft (146 m)
Gerda SS Gerda pa Nashultasjon.JPG 1865SteamboatSweden–Norway
44.46 ft (13.55 m)
Huáscar RH monitor Huascar.JPG 1865 [121] MonitorUnited Kingdom
219 ft (67 m)
Sub Marine Explorer Sub Marine Explorer Wreck.jpg 1865 [j] SubmarineUnited States
(Brooklyn, NY)
(Pearl Islands)
39.4 ft (12.0 m)
Adelaide PS Adelaide (Echuca 2021).jpg 1866Paddle steamerAustralia
105.51 m (346.2 ft)
Bjoren Bjoren 1.jpg 1866 [122] Steamboat Sweden–Norway
69 ft (21 m)
Emma C. Berry EmmaberrymysticCTUSA.jpg 1866 Sloop United States
(Noank, CT)
United States
(Mystic, CT)
39.2 ft (11.9 m)
Waterlily National Maritime Museum Cornwall (8802).jpg 1866 [123] LaunchUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
41.97 ft (12.79 m)
Grönland  [ de ] Cuxhaven 2019 -Schiffname (ship, 0000)- by-RaBoe 100.jpg 1867 [124] Fishing vesselSweden–Norway
84.64 ft (25.80 m)
May Queen SV May Queen, Constitution Dock 2023.jpg 1867 [125] Ketch Australia
(Franklin, Tasmania)
(Hobart, Tasmania)
69 ft (21 m)
Buffel Rotterdam - Museumschip Zr Ms Buffel bij nacht.jpg 1868 [121] IroncladUnited Kingdom
196 ft (60 m)
Enköping Enkoping July 2017 01.jpg 1868 [126] SteamshipSweden–Norway
99 ft (30 m)
Freja af Fryken SS Freja af Fryken 01.JPG 1868SteamshipSweden–Norway
66.47 ft (20.26 m)
Lone Star Lone Star 2.jpg 1868 Towboat United States
(Lyons, IA)
United States
(Le Claire, IA)
90 ft (27 m)
Schorpioen Den helder schorpioen.JPG 1868 [121] Ironclad French Empire
(La Seyne-sur-Mer)
(Den Helder)
196 ft (60 m)
Cutty Sark The Cutty Sark 2005-01-24.jpg 1869 [127] ClipperUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
280 ft (85 m)
Esperance Lake Windermere on a rainy day (geograph 5379616).jpg 1869 [128] Saloon launchUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
64.95 ft (19.80 m)
Katarina Ravintolalaiva Katarina cropped.jpg 1869SteamshipSweden–Norway
97.42 ft (29.69 m)
LV44 Carnarvon Bay Derelict lightvessel - - 1838746.jpg 1869 [129] LightvesselUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Canvey Island)
105.67 ft (32.21 m)
Middlewich Severn trow, Spry, Blists Hill.jpg 1870 [130] Icebreaker United Kingdom
United Kingdom
42.10 ft (12.51 m)
Yavari Yavari steamboat20050915.jpg 1870 [131] Lake steamerUnited Kingdom
(Lake Titicaca)
100 ft (30 m)
TS ''Atlantic''  [ de ] Atlantic vor Harriersand.jpg 1871Gaff rigGermany
74.47 ft (22.70 m)
Gisela  [ de ] Traunsee Gisela-4067.jpg 1871Paddle steamerAustria-Hungary
170.60 ft (52.00 m)
Gurli MS Gurli 01.JPG 1871Passenger shipSweden–Norway
67.1 ft (20.5 m)
Leitha 10 SMS Leitha Budapest 080916.jpg 1871 [132] River monitor Austria-Hungary
166 ft (51 m)
Lewis R. French Lewis R. French NHL.jpg 1871 [133] SchoonerUnited States
(South Bristol, ME)
United States
(Camden, ME)
101 ft (31 m)
Raven Raven at Windermere Steamboat Museum (Geograph-2266703-by-David-Dixon).jpg 1871Steam bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
70.95 ft (21.63 m)
Stephen Taber Schooner Stephen Taber.jpg 1871 [134] SchoonerUnited States
(Glenwood Landing, NY)
United States
(Rockland, ME)
68 ft (21 m)
FK 312 FK 312 (hajo, 1872), jobboldal, 2018 Balatonboglar.jpg 1872 [135] TugboatHungary
Gjøa Oslo, Fram museum, Gjoa (1).jpg 1872 [136] SloopSweden–Norway
70 ft (21 m)
Kyles  [ fr ] "Kyles" at Clydebuilt Braehead - - 1425432.jpg 1872 [137] Cargo shipUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
77.15 ft (23.52 m)
Puno Puno (ex-Yapari) (5690588618).jpg 1872 Hospital ship United Kingdom
(Lake Titicaca)
100 ft (30 m)
Meiji Maru Man Chuan Shi noMing Zhi Wan .JPG 1873 [138] Lighthouse tender United Kingdom
249.3 ft (76.0 m)
Rap Rap in 1873.jpg 1873 [139] Torpedo boat United Kingdom
60 ft (18 m)
Eva Steam launch Eva (boat, 1874).jpg 1874 [140] Saloon launchUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
44.98 ft (13.71 m)
PS Hero Paddle Wheeler "Hero" - Echuca (5053816324).jpg 1874Paddle steamerAustralia
92 ft (28 m)
James Craig James Craig Sydney 3.JPG 1874 [141] Barque United Kingdom
229.6 ft (70.0 m)
Juno Juno 1.JPG 1874 [142] Passenger shipSweden–Norway
103.1 ft (31.45 m)
SS Salama KuunariSalama.jpg 1874 [143] [144] Steamship Finland
103.0 ft (31.4 m)
ARA Uruguay Corbeta Uruguay (A.R.A.).jpg 1874 [145] Corvette United Kingdom
(Buenos Aires)
150 ft (46 m)
Muñoz Gamero County of Peebles S Punta Arenas 18-01-2018.JPG 1875 Full-rigged ship United Kingdom
(Punta Arenas)
266.6 ft (81.3 m)
Sölve The Solve monitor.jpg 1875 [146] MonitorSweden–Norway
131 ft (40 m)
Anna Karoline Anna Karoline.jpg 1876 [147] NordlandsjektSweden–Norway
21 ft (6.40 m)
PS Gem PS Gem 14 July 21.jpg 1876 [148] [149] Paddle steamerAustralia
(Swan Hill)
131 ft (40 m)
Gustaf Wasa Fartyget Gustaf Wasa.jpg 1876Passenger shipSweden–Norway
98.0 ft (29.9 m)
Lottie Cooper LottieCooperWreck2.jpg 1876 [150] SchoonerUnited States
United States
(Sheboygan, WI)
131 ft (40 m) [k]
St. Georg  [ de ] Hamburg stoomboot.JPG 1876 [l] SteamboatGermany
Bonaire Zr. Ms. Bonaire, 1877, in restauratie, 2018 - 1.JPG 1877 [121] Steam frigateNetherlands
(Den Helder)
173 ft (53 m)
Elissa Elissa-ship.jpg 1877 [151] BarqueUnited Kingdom
United States
(Galveston, TX)
141 ft (43 m)
Governor Stone FWB Governor Stone01.jpg 1877SchoonerUnited States
(Pascagoula, MS)
United States
(Panama City, FL)
39 ft (12 m)
Lady of the Lake MV Lady of the Lake (7341216188).jpg 1877 [152] Steam yacht United Kingdom
United Kingdom
97 ft (30 m)
Loyal Loyal MG 9597 (34755729620).jpg 1877 [153] [154] KetchSweden–Norway
54 ft (16 m)
Sirius Portuguese Maritime Museum in Belem (41670607445).jpg 1877 [155] [156] YachtPortugal
73.81 ft (22.50 m)
Bayou St. John submarine BRStateMuseumJuly08SubmarineD.jpg 1878 [m] [157] SubmarineUnited States
(Unknown location)
United States
(Baton Rouge, LA)
20 ft (6.1 m)
Enterprise Paddle Steamer Enterprise 02.jpg 1878Paddle steamerAustralia
57 ft (17.3 m)
Falls of Clyde Hull of wood, heart of steel (2620978622).jpg 1878 [158] WindjammerUnited Kingdom
United States
(Honolulu, HI)
280 ft (85 m)
HMS Gannet HMS Gannet, Chatham Dockyard, Kent - - 1354527.jpg 1878 [159] [160] Sloop-of-warUnited Kingdom
(Sheerness, Kent)
United Kingdom
(Chatham, Kent)
170 ft (52 m)
Great Canoe Great Canoe 1 (4690478993).jpg 1878 [161] [162] Pacific Northwest United States
(New York City, NY)
63 ft (19 m)
Holland I Paterson Museum (NJ) images (45) number 35 Early submarine.jpg 1878 [163] SubmarineUnited States
(New York City)
United States
(Paterson, NJ)
14 ft (4.3 m)
The Lightship 1878 [164] LightvesselUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
91 ft (28 m)
Lady Elizabeth Lady Elizabeth shipwreck IMG 6593.jpg 1879 [165] BarqueUnited Kingdom
Falkland Islands
223 ft (68 m)
Light Vessel 50 H.Y. Tyne 1879 [166] LightvesselUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
99.93 ft (30.46 m)
Stadt Wehlen Dampfer Stadt Wehlen Waldschloesschenbruecke.JPG 1879 [167] Paddle steamerGermany
194.25 ft (59.21 m)
Vallejo 1879 Houseboat [n] United States
(Portland, OR)
United States
(Sausalito, CA)
123.2 ft (37.6 m)
Munter Angbaten Munter.JPG 1879 [168] Steam LaunchSweden–Norway
39.69 ft (12.1 m)
Annie Annie sloop 2008.jpg 1880 [169] SloopUnited States
(Mystic, CT)
United States
(Mystic, CT)
28 ft (8.5 m)
Ejdern Ejdern IMG 5157 (34229458726).jpg 1880 [170] [171] Passenger shipSweden–Norway
73.46 ft (22.39 m)
Friedrich BremenSchlachte-02b.jpg 1880 [172] Passenger shipGermany
60.13 ft (18.33 m)
Cygnet SB Cygnet 4604.JPG 1881 [173] Spritsail bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
41.97 ft (12.79 m)
Elise Ann Conners Elise Ann Conners (circa 2014).jpg 1881 [174] TugboatUnited States
(Camden, NJ)
United States
(Kingston, NY)
76.5 ft (23.3 m)
Fenian Ram Paterson Museum (NJ) images (45) number 36 Early submarine.jpg 1881 [175] SubmarineUnited States
(New York City)
United States
(Paterson, NJ)
30.10 ft (9.17 m)
Holvikejekta  [ no ] Holvikjekta 2010-08-01 1.jpg 1881 [176] JektSweden–Norway
64 ft (20 m)
Mary D. Hume Mary D. Hume steamer OR2.jpg 1881 [177] SteamboatUnited States
(Gold Beach, OR)
United States
(Gold Beach, OR)
140 ft (43 m)
Meissen Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum 090.JPG 1881Paddle SteamerGermany
S:t Erik af Göteborg ST Erik (3).JPG 1881Passenger shipSweden–Norway
122.28 ft (37.27 m)
Grace Bailey Grace Bailey.jpg 1882SchoonerUnited States
(Patchogue, NY)
United States
(Camden, ME)
118 ft (36 m)
Joseph Conrad Joseph Conrad 2008.jpg 1882 [178] Sailing ship Denmark
United States
(Mystic, CT)
118 ft (36 m)
SL ''Alaska''  [ fr ] SL Alaska.jpg 1883 [179] River launch United Kingdom
(Bourne End)
United Kingdom
59.67 ft (18.20 m)
HMS Calypso HMSBriton-1955.jpg 1883 Unprotected cruiser United Kingdom
(Embree, NL)
235 ft (72 m)
Christeen Oyster Bay The Christeen.jpg 1883 [180] SloopUnited States
(Glenwood Landing, NY)
United States
(Oyster Bay, NY)
40 ft (12 m)
Nelcebee Nelcebee.JPG 1883 [181] Lighter United Kingdom
(Port Adelaide)
107 ft (33 m)
Abdón Calderón BAE Calderon (1).jpg 1884 [182] GunboatUnited Kingdom
(Port Glasgow)
131 ft (40 m)
Kuna Lodolamacz Kuna, Gorzow Wielkopolski.JPG 1884IcebreakerPoland
(Gorzów Wielkopolski)
100 ft (30.48)
Little Jennie 1884BugeyeUnited States
(Solomons, MD)
United States
(Centerport, NY)
54 ft (16 m)
Amazon Gloucester Docks Tall Ship Festival 2013 (3736).jpg 1885 [183] Yacht United Kingdom
102 ft (31 m)
Coronet Stebbins-Coronet-1893-08-07.jpg 1885 [184] SchoonerUnited States
(Brooklyn, NY)
United States
(Newport, RI)
190 ft (58 m)
John Sebastian John Sebastian - Light Vessel 55 (geograph 3507101).jpg 1885 [185] LightvesselUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
102.92 ft (31.37 m)
Partridge 825RIParAjaccio.jpg 1885 [186] Gaff cutter United Kingdom
(La Ciotat)
71.78 ft (21.88 m)
Pioneer Schooner Pioneer.jpg 1885 [187] SchoonerUnited States
(Marcus Hook, PA)
United States
(New York, NY)
102 ft (31 m)
Polly Woodside Polly woodside-1w.jpg 1885 [188] BarqueUnited Kingdom
192 ft (59 m)
Wavertree South Street Seaport Boat.JPG 1885 [189] Full-rigged shipUnited Kingdom
United States
(New York, NY)
279 ft (85 m)
Balclutha Balclutha ship.jpg 1886 [190] Full-rigged shipUnited Kingdom
United States
(San Francisco, CA)
301 ft (92 m)
Hertha  [ de ] FGS Hertha (ship, 1886) (1) 02.jpg 1886SteamshipPoland
74.86 ft (22.82 m)
Isaac H. Evans Schooner Isaac Evans.jpg 1886SchoonerUnited States
(Mauricetown, NJ)
United States
(Rockland, ME)
118 ft (36 m)
L'Almée "L'Almee" - Aix-les-Bains, 2015 (2).jpg 1886 [191] YachtFrance
89 ft (27 m)
St. Nicholas  [ ru ] Parokhod Sviatitel' Nikolai.jpg 1886–1887 [192] Paddle steamerRussia
184.3 ft (56.2 m)
Primrose 1887 [193] BargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
56.39 ft (17.19 m)
RMS Segwun Black Smoke from the Segwun.jpg 1887 [194] SteamshipCanada
(Gravenhurst, ON)
125 ft (38.1 m)
Sigyn Sigyn forifran 2008.jpg 1887 [195] BarqueSweden–Norway
189 ft (58 m)
HNoMS Tyr 1887 [196] Flat-iron gunboat [o] Sweden–Norway
104.33 ft (31.80 m)
af Chapman Af Chapman-DSC 0210w.jpg 1888 [197] Full-rigged shipUnited Kingdom
290 ft (88 m)
Akarana AKARANA with North Head, Sydney, in the background (6798721926).jpg 1888 Cutter New Zealand
(Darling Harbour)
39 ft (12 m)
City of Seattle Sausalito houseboat community - 013.jpg 1888 [198] Houseboat [n] United States
(Portland, OR)
United States
(Sausalito, CA)
121.5 ft (37.0 m)
''Elbe 3''  [ de ] Feuerschiff Elbe 3.jpg 1888LightvesselGermany
147.96 ft (45.10 m)
Elf Elf Beatrice yachts LOC.jpg 1888 [199] [200] Racing YachtUnited States
(Pocomoke City, MD)
United States
(St. Michaels, MD)
68 ft (21 m)
Equator Equator schooner.jpg 1888 [201] SchoonerUnited States
(San Francisco, CA)
United States
(Everett, WA)
78 ft (24 m)
Monarch National Maritime Museum Cornwall (8847).jpg 1888 [202] [203] Rowing 10United Kingdom
United Kingdom
64.95 ft (19.80 m)
Priscilla Priscilla-bundled-up-for-winter.jpg 1888 [204] SloopUnited States
(Patchogue, NY)
United States
(West Sayville, NY)
60 ft (18 m)
Anna Kristina Dyrafjeld IMG 5444 sollerud brygge.JPG 1889HardangerjaktSweden–Norway
(Canary Islands)
108 ft (33 m)
Arthur Foss Tugboat Arthur Foss 04.jpg 1889 [205] [206] TugboatUnited States
(Portland, OR)
United States
(Seattle, WA)
120 ft (37 m)
Catarina  [ de ] Catarina S Hamburg 19-09-2021.jpg 1889KetchGermany
52.6 ft (16.0 m)
SS Maggie 1889 [207] Houseboat [p] United States or Denmark
United States
(Sausalito, CA)
MY Raven MV Raven (7341230058).jpg 1889 [208] Steam yachtUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
112 ft (34 m)
Peral Submarino de Isaac Peral.JPG 1889 [209] Submarine Kingdom of Spain
(Arsenal de la Carraca)
72 ft (22 m)


NamesImageYear of constructionTypeBuild location [b] Current location LOA
Adamant Coventry Canal - steam narrowboat (geograph 3526470).jpg 1890 [210] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
56.00 ft (17.07 m)
Dorothy Northrop Grumman Newport News 032007 tugboat dorothy.png 1890 [211] TugboatUnited States
(Newport News, VA)
United States
(Newport News, VA)
90 ft (27.4 m)
Ethel von Brixham  [ de ] Stagsegelschoner Ethel von Brixham, Kieler Forde 1987.jpg 1890 [212] SchoonerUnited Kingdom
95.14 ft (29.60 m)
Eureka Eureka 2012-09-30 16-02-31.jpg 1890 [213] Ferry United States
(Tiburon, CA)
United States
(San Francisco, CA)
299 ft (91.29 m)
Free China FreeChinaJunk.jpg 1890 [214] [215] Junk China
75.4 ft (23.0 m)
Frifararen Fishing boat Frifararen at Vikarvet Museum 2.jpg 1890 [216] SloopSweden–Norway
Isabella Fortuna Isabella Fortuna 830820.jpg 1890 [217] Fifie United Kingdom
United Kingdom
43.48 ft (13.25 m)
SS Robin SS Robin 2010.JPG 1890 [218] SteamshipUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
143 ft (44 m)
Scorpio Barge 'Scorpio' at Boat Museum, 1983 - - 2268796.jpg 1890 [219] BargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Ellesmere Port)
71.97 ft (21.94 m)
Alma Alma (scow schooner, San Francisco) 2.JPG 1891 [220] SchoonerUnited States
(San Francisco, CA)
United States
(San Francisco, CA)
80 ft (24 m)
Greta 'Greta' at Whitstable - - 821084.jpg 1891 [221] [222] Thames sailing barge United Kingdom
United Kingdom
80 ft (24 m)
''Guvernøren''  [ no ] Guvernoren 9.jpg 1891 [223] Whaling shipUnited Kingdom
(Newcastle upon Tyne)
(Wilhelmina Bay)
436.3 ft (133.0 m)
''Helka''  [ hu ] Helka hajo.JPG 1891 [224] SteamshipHungary
(Lake Balaton)
115.55 ft (35.22 m)
''Kelén''  [ hu ] Kelen.jpg 1891 [225] SteamshipHungary
(Lake Balaton)
115.55 ft (35.22 m)
Nellie Nellie 2008.jpg 1891 [226] SloopUnited States
(Smithtown, NY)
United States
(Mystic, CT)
32.7 ft (10.0 m)
Tern Tern (cropped).jpg 1891 Motor yacht United Kingdom
United Kingdom
145.7 ft (44.41 m)
Fram Fram02.JPG 1892 [227] SchoonerSweden–Norway
128 ft (39 m)
Janet  [ fr ] Janet on Lake Windermere - - 732387.jpg 1892 [228] Admirals bargeUnited Kingdom
(Isle of Wight)
United Kingdom
40.00 ft (12.19 m)
Kestrel 1892 [229] Steam yachtUnited States
(Boston, MA)
United States
(Alexandria Bay, NY)
63 ft (19 m)
Leila 1892 [230] Gaff CutterUnited Kingdom
(Charlton, London)
United Kingdom
43.13 ft (13.15 m)
Mirosa SB Mirosa 4659.JPG 1892 [231] Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
82.92 ft (25.27 m)
Olympia Becuna and Olympia PA1.jpg 1892 [232] Protected cruiser United States
(San Francisco, CA)
United States
(Philadelphia, PA)
344 ft (105 m)
Rona Rona on hard eb.jpg 1892Sailing YachtNew Zealand
New Zealand
Trafik SS Trafik 1892 in Hjo Sweden 01.jpg 1892SteamshipSweden–Norway
103.87 ft (31.66 m)
Yarmouth Belle The Tour Boat "Yarmouth Belle" at Turks Pier near Kingston Bridge - panoramio.jpg 1892 [233] Excursion vesselUnited Kingdom
(Great Yarmouth)
United Kingdom
(Kingston upon Thames)
81.97 ft (25.0 m)
SS Coya Puno Peru 05.jpg 1893SteamshipUnited Kingdom
(William Denny and Brothers)
170 ft (52 m)
El Primero El Primero was a steam yacht 2.jpg 1893Steam yachtUnited States
(San Francisco, CA)
United States
(Bremerton, WA)
120 ft (37 m)
Lettie G. Howard Lettie G. Howard ship.jpg 1893 [234] SchoonerUnited States
(Essex, MA)
United States
(New York, NY)
125 ft (38 m)
Maggie S. Myers 1893SchoonerUnited States
(Bridgeton, NJ)
United States
(Leipsic, DE)
50 ft (15 m)
Result Schooner Result.jpg 1893 [235] SchoonerUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
102 ft (31 m)
SS ''Saimaa''  [ fi ] Saimaa 2016 10 01 kuva 1.jpg 1893SteamboatFinland
(Gulf of Finland)
81.0 ft (24.7 m)
Viking Viking1-Front-side.png 1893Replica Viking shipSweden–Norway
United States
(Chicago, IL)
78 ft (23 m)
Lagaren Fsk Nr 17 Svinbadan.jpg 1894MotorshipSweden–Norway
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
113.68 ft (34.65 m)
Sif1894SchoonerOdense, DenmarkImperia54.9 ft


RNLB Alfred Corry (ON 353) Lifeboat Alfred Corry, Southwold, 14th June 2009 (2).JPG 1894LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(Great Yarmouth)
United Kingdom
44.1 ft (13.4 m)
Bore  [ sv ] Isbrytaren Bore.jpg 1894IcebreakerSweden–Norway
133.00 ft (40.54 m)
Effie M. Morrissey NewBedfordMA SchoonerErnestina.jpg 1894 [236] SchoonerUnited States
(Essex, MA)
United States
(New Bedford, MA)
152 ft (46 m)
Henry Ramey Upcher Lifeboat Henry Ramey Upcher Saturday 17 April 2010 (13).JPG 1894LifeboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
36 ft (11 m)
Spry Spry's bow, Blists Hill.jpg 1894 [237] Severn Trow United Kingdom
United Kingdom
71.5 ft (21.8 m)
Turbinia 27TurbiniaBR127b.jpg 1894 [238] [239] Experimental steamshipUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Newcastle upon Tyne)
102 ft (31 m)
Vridni Vridni (tugboat, 1894); Split, 2013-04-10.jpg 1894 [240] TugboatAustria-Hungary
42 ft (13 m)
Bessie Bessie (narrowboat).jpg 1895 [241] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
(Brierley Hill)
United Kingdom
69.97 ft (21.33 m)
C.A. Thayer C.A. Thayer - Hyde Street Pier - San Francisco, CA - DSC02069.jpg 1895 [242] SchoonerUnited States
(Eureka, CA)
United States
(San Francisco, CA)
219 ft (67 m)
Centaur Thames barge parade - in the Pool - Centaur - Reminder 6705.JPG 1895Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
85.7 ft (26.1 m)
Hiawatha Historic RCYC ferry, 2015 08 04 (2).JPG - panoramio.jpg 1895FerryCanada
56 ft (17 m)
Kitty Thames barge parade - downstream - Kitty 6786c.JPG 1895Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
82.13 ft (25.03 m)
Lightvessel Gedser Rev [q] Fyrskib No. XVII Gedser Rev in Nyhavn (1).jpg 1895LightvesselDenmark
110 ft (34 m)
Motala Express Motala Express May 2019 01.jpg 1895SteamshipSweden–Norway
117.03 ft (35.67 m)
Orinoco Sailing barge Orinoco - Geograph-6794564-by-Stefan-Czapski.jpg 1895 [243] BargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
86.0 ft (26.2 m)
Pilgrim  [ fr ] A Walk Around Brixham (11892459165).jpg 1895 [244] [245] Brixham trawler United Kingdom
United Kingdom
74.43 ft (22.69 m)
Belem Bayonne Belem.jpg 1896 [246] Barque France
190 ft (58 m)
Branksome Steam launch Branksome, at the Windermere Jetty museum in Windermere, Cumbria.jpg 1896 [247] Saloon launchUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
49.97 ft (15.23 m)
Edna G Edna G 004.jpg 1896TugboatUnited States
(Cleveland, OH)
United States
(Two Harbors, MN)
92.4 ft (28.2 m)
Genève CGN-Geneve.jpg 1896Paddle steamer Switzerland
(Lake Geneva)
208 ft (63 m)
Glenlee S.S. Glenlee (6731091951).jpg 1896 [248] BarqueUnited Kingdom
(Port Glasgow)
United Kingdom
246 ft (75 m)
''Kishamis''  [ hu ] Kishamis vitorlashajo. Fortepan 94219.jpg 1896 [249] Sailing boatHungary
40 ft (12 m)
Lynher Morwellham, restored Tamar sailing barge 'Lynher' - - 37536.jpg 1896 [250] Tamar Barge United Kingdom
United Kingdom
51.18 ft (15.60 m)
Meteor 1896 SS METEOR, Only Surviving Whaleback.jpg 1896 [251] Whaleback United States
(Superior, WI)
United States
(Superior, WI)
380 ft (120 m)
Otto Steam launch Otto.jpg 1896 [252] LaunchUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
45.48 ft (13.86 m)
Rebecca T. Ruark Rebecca T. Ruark skipjack MD1.jpg 1896 [253] SkipjackUnited States
(Taylors Island, MD)
United States
(Tilghman Island, MD)
Rickmer Rickmers Rickmer Rickmers nach Restaurierung 09-2016 (2).jpg 1896 [254] Barque German Empire
318 ft (97 m)
Dawn Sailing barge 'Dawn' in the Blackwater estuary (geograph 5001390).jpg 1897 [255] Spritsail bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(West Mersea)
81.93 ft (24.97 m)
Keenora Keenora 2010.JPG 1897 [256] Passenger shipCanada
(Lake of the Woods, ON)
(Selkirk, MB)
158 ft (48 m)
La Dolce Vita LA DOLCE VITA Cruising.jpg 1897 [257] Hotel bargeNetherlands
69 ft (21 m)
Marianne MS Marianne, vid Boforsarbetarnas semsteranlaggning pa Storon (Gullspang), foto 1940-talet.jpg 1897YachtSweden–Norway
82.45 ft (25.13 m)
HSwMS Najaden Najaden halmstad slott-1.JPG 1897 [258] Full-rigged shipSweden–Norway
160 ft (49 m)
Presidente Sarmiento Fragata Presidente Sarmiento 01.jpg 1897 [259] Training shipUnited Kingdom
(Buenos Aires)
267 ft (81 m)
St Paul Norfolk and Suffolk Class ON406 St Paul unrestored at Chatham.jpg 1897 [260] LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(Great Yarmouth)
United Kingdom
38.98 ft (11.88 m)
Wallace Foss 1897 [261] [262] TugboatUnited States
(Tacoma WA)
United States
(Newport, RI)
62 ft (19 m)
Wyvern Wyvern IMG 1650 (18938881133).jpg 1897Sailing yachtSweden–Norway
(Porsgrund Baatbyggeri)
59.75 ft (18.21 m)
Albion Albion Bill 031.jpg 1898Norfolk wherryUnited Kingdom
(Lake Lothing)
United Kingdom
65 ft (20 m)
Berkeley Berkeley Ferry and U.S.S. Dolphin at the Maritime Museum of San Diego.jpg 1898 [263] FerryUnited States
(San Francisco, CA)
United States
(San Diego, CA)
279 ft (85 m)
Carola Steam yacht Carola.jpg 1898 [264] Steam yachtUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
70.16 ft (21.38 m)
Consuta 1898 [265] Umpire's LaunchUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(River Thames)
49.97 ft (15.23 m)
Edme SB Edme 4836.jpg 1898Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(St Osyth)
80 ft (24 m)
RNLB Jane Anne Jane Anne - Irvine's last lifeboat.jpg 1898 [266] [267] LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(Thames Iron Works)
United Kingdom
36.9 ft (11.2 m)
Kittiwake Dolly and Kittiwake - Windermere Jetty Museum.jpg 1898 [268] Saloon launchUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
40.00 ft (12.19 m)
Marjorie SB Marjorie 4970.jpg 1898Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
84 ft (25.6 m)
Marquis Trent and Mersey Canal at Fradley Junction, Staffordshire - - 2664573.jpg 1898 [269] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
(Saltley Dock)
United Kingdom
(Trent & Mersey Canal)
54.00 ft (16.46 m)
Moyie S.S. Moyie National Historic Site of Canada.jpg 1898 [270] Paddle steamer Canada
161.7 ft (49.3 m)
Niagara SB Niagara 4719.JPG 1898 [271] Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
86.7 ft (26.43 m)
Northwich National Waterways Museum, Gloucester 20190210 103831 (46708115665).jpg 1898 [272] [273] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
71.28 ft (21.73 m)
Nuneham Steam Launch Nuneham - - 998089.jpg 1898 [274] Passenger vesselUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
Puglia [r] Puglia (Vittoriale degli italiani) - DSC02086.JPG 1898 [275] Protected cruiserItaly
(Vittoriale degli italiani)
289.5 ft (88.25 m)
MS ''Koski''  [ fi ] Kuopion satama - MS Koski.jpg 1898Pleasure shipFinland
78.74 ft (24.00 m)
MS ''Puijo''  [ fi ] Kuopion satama - MS Puijo.jpg 1898Pleasure shipFinland
92.84 ft (28.30 m)
MS ''Ukko''  [ fi ] MS Ukko Kuopio satama 2008-06-13.jpg 1898Pleasure shipFinland
100.06 ft (30.50 m)
PS Waimarie Waimarie Steamer (5660996528).jpg 1898 [276] Paddle SteamerUnited Kingdom
New Zealand
(Whanganui River)
100.2 ft (30.5 m)
SB Wyvenhoe Thames sailing barges - Maldon - - 541275.jpg 1898Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
85 ft (26 m)
Albatros Wells-next-the-Sea (6478976445).jpg 1899KetchNetherlands
(Capelle aan den IJssel)
131 ft (39.9 m)
Decima SB Decima at Dartford Lock 8716.jpg 1899 [277] Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
85 ft (26 m)
Enterprise No 1 Black country museum 1 (3453023058).jpg 1899 [278] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
52 ft (15.86 m)
James Stevens No 10 Old boats, St Ives harbour - - 940262.jpg 1899 [279] LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(Thames Iron Works)
United Kingdom
(St. Ives)
37.50 ft (11.43 m)
Maud Wherry Maud.jpg 1899Norfolk wherryUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
60 ft (18 m)
Norrtelje Ship ss norrtelje 20050826 001.jpg 1899SteamshipSweden–Norway
145.01 ft (44.20 m)
Shamrock SailingBarge Shamrock, CoteheleQuay.jpg 1899 [280] Tamar BargeUnited Kingdom
(Stonehouse Creek)
United Kingdom
(Cotehele Quay)
56.95 ft (17.36 m)
Stjernen I Stjernen ved Lovoya.jpg 1899SteamshipSweden–Norway
(Exact location unknown)
56 ft (17 m)
William B. Tennison Tennison Side Dec 08.JPG 1899 Bugeye United States
(Oriole, MD)
United States
(Solomons Island, MD)
60.5 ft (18.4 m)
MS ''Pyhäselkä''  [ fi ]1899Pleasure shipFinland
(exact location unknown)
102.36 ft (31.20 m)
Angara  [ ru ] Ledokol.jpg 1900 [281] IcebreakerUnited Kingdom
(Newcastle upon Tyne)
200.13 ft (61 m )
Christiaan Brunings ENI 02006647 CHRISTIAAN BRUNINGS (02).JPG 1900 Steamer Netherlands
Edward M. Cotter Edward M.Cotter 009.jpg 1900 Fireboat United States
(Elizabeth, NJ)
United States
(Buffalo, NY)
118 ft (36 m)
SY Ena SY Ena Melbourne 2015.jpg 1900Steam yachtAustralia
(Berrys Bay)
88 ft (27 m)
SS Howard L. Shaw WikiOntarioPlace Toronto ID2.jpg 1900Lake FreighterUnited States
(Wyandotte, MI)
(Ontario Place)
451 ft (137 m)
Ironsides SB Ironsides 4911.jpg 1900Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
84 ft (26 m)
James Stevens No 14 The James Stevens No. 14.jpg 1900 [282] LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(Thames Iron Works)
United Kingdom
42.98 ft (13.10 m)
HMS ''Jarramas''  [ sv ] Jarramas vid Marinmuseum 2004.jpg 1900Tall ship/FrigateSweden–Norway
128.4 ft (39.1 m)
Marbury Ice Breaker at the National Waterways Museum - - 2967605.jpg 1900 [283] IcebreakerUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Ellesmere Port)
40.98 ft (12.49 m)
Mikasa Mikasa05.jpg 1900 [284] Pre-dreadnought battleship United Kingdom
432 ft (132 m)
Regina M. Regina M.jpg 1900 [285] SloopUnited States-Canada
(Passamaquoddy Bay)
United States
(Mystic, CT)
River Thames Visitor Centre The River Thames Visitor Centre, Richmond - London. (6946022413).jpg 1900 [286] Thames LighterUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Richmond Upon Thames)
60 ft (18.30 m)
Sir Walter Scott Sir Walter Scott on Loch Katrine (22185406661).jpg 1900SteamshipUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
110 ft (34 m)
Västan MS Vastan 01.JPG 1900SteamshipSweden–Norway
106.5 ft (32.5 m)
Victory Chimes Victory Chimes Maine.jpg 1900 [287] SchoonerUnited States
(Bethel, DE)
United States
(Rockland, ME)
135 ft (41 m)
Cangarda CANGARA at Belfast, ME July, 2017.jpg 1901YachtUnited States
(Wilmington, DE)
United States
(Belfast, Maine)
126 ft (38 m)
Chauncy Maples Chauncy Maples1.jpg 1901 [288] Motor shipUnited Kingdom
(Monkey Bay)
126 ft (38 m)
RRS Discovery RRS DiscoveryFront.jpg 1901 [289] BarqueUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
172 ft (52 m)
Duchesse Anne Da14 Duchesse Anne, cropped.jpg 1901 [290] Full-rigged shipGerman Empire
302 ft (92 m)
Gazela Gazela-lowlova.JPG 1901 [291] Barquentine Kingdom of Portugal
United States
(Philadelphia, PA)
177 ft (54 m)
Holland 1 HMS Holland 1 1991.jpg 1901 [292] SubmarineUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
63.10 ft (19.23 m)
Janie Seddon Janie Seddon 24584719531 02.jpg 1901 [293] Submarine minelayer United Kingdom
New Zealand
90 ft (27 m)
Kathryn KATHRYN-Two-sail Bateau Skipjack, Dogwood Harbor, Chesapeake Bay, Tilghman vicinity (Talbot County, Maryland).jpg 1901SkipjackUnited States
(Crisfield, MD)
United States
(Chance, MD)
50 ft (15 m)
Lilith Narrowboat Lilith.jpg 1901 [294] [295] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
71.44 ft (21.77 m)
Reaper Shore Street and the Reaper.jpg 1901 [296] FifieUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
70.26 ft (21.42 m)
Sigsbee Sigsbee, Pier V, Baltimore City, Maryland.JPG 1901 [297] SkipjackUnited States
(Deal Island, MD)
United States
(Baltimore, MD)
47 ft (14 m)
Susan May 1901 Skipjack United States
(Pocomoke City, MD)
United States
(Wenona, MD)
46 ft (14 m)
Tilikum Tilikum.jpg 1901 [298] Dugout canoe British Canada Canada
(Victoria, British Columbia)
38 ft (12 m)
Urger Urger (canal tugboat) 01.jpg 1901 [299] TugboatUnited States
(Ferrysburg, MI)
United States
(Waterford, NY)
73 ft (22 m)
Uri  [ de ] DS Uri in Luzern.jpg 1901 [300] Paddle SteamerSwitzerland
(Lake Lucerne)
202.7 ft (61.8 m)
HMCC Vigilant HM Customs Cutter Vigilant on Faversham Creek - - 1086384.jpg 1901 [301] Customs cutterUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
99.93 ft (30.46 m)
Windsor Belle Windsor Belle.jpg 1901 [302] LaunchUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
59.48 ft (18.13 m)
Basuto Basuto (Clyde puffer), Ellesmere Port. - - 370953.jpg 1902 [303] [304] Clyde pufferUnited Kingdom
(Port Dundas)
United Kingdom
(Ellesmere Port)
65.90 ft (20.10 m)
Columbia SS Columbia, Sept 2019.jpg 1902 [305] Excursion steamship United States
(Wyandotte, MI)
United States
(Buffalo, NY)
207.67 ft (63.30 m)
Irene La Conner 32302.JPG 1902 [306] TugboatUnited States
(Crawford and Reid)
United States
(Seattle, WA)
70 ft (21 m)
Jupiter JupiterStarboard.jpg 1902 [307] TugboatUnited States
(Philadelphia, PA)
United States
(Philadelphia, PA)
101 ft (31 m)
Kung Ring Kung Ring, Nacka Strand, 20220815.jpg 1902Passenger shipSweden–Norway
66.08 ft (20.14 m)
Madiz Madiz at sunset.jpg 1902YachtUnited Kingdom
(Ailsa Shipbuilding Company)
147.5 ft (45.0 m)
Normac Captain John's Normac.jpg 1902 [308] SteamshipUnited States
(Port Huron, MI)
(Port Dalhousie,ON)
110 ft (35.2 m)
Osprey Steam launch Osprey.jpg 1902 [309] Saloon launchUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
45.48 ft (13.86 m)
USS Sachem Yacht Celt, USS Sachem, USS Phenakite.jpg 1902 [310] [311] YachtUnited States
(Pusey and Jones)
United States
(Petersburg, KY)
186 ft (57 m)
Shenandoah Le Shenandoah (goelette a trois mats construite en 1902).jpg 1902SchoonerUnited States
(New York City, NY)
United Kingdom
177 ft (54 m)
Silver Heel Silver Heel Chestertown MD1.jpg 1902 [312] Log canoe United States
(Kent County, MD)
United States
(Chestertown, MD)
33.11 ft (10.09 m)
Solway Lass Solway Lass.jpg 1902 [313] SchoonerNetherlands
(Whitsundays Islands)
127 ft (39 m)
Stanley Norman Skipjack Stanley Norman (2477749460).jpg 1902 [314] SkipjackUnited States
(Salisbury, MD)
United States
(Annapolis, MD)
48.3 ft (14.71 m)
Suomen Joutsen Suomen Joutsen, 2019 (02).jpg 1902 [315] Full-rigged shipFrance
315 ft (96 m)
Waratah JOSEPH CONRAD, tugboat WARATAH and light aircraft, Sydney Harbour (8088588391).jpg 1902 [316] TugboatAustralia
108.5 ft (33.1 m)
Water Viper Saloon launch Water Viper.jpg 1902 [317] Saloon launchUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
42.56 ft (12.97 m)
Alma Doepel Alma Doepel Under Sail.jpg 1903SchoonerAustralia
(Bellingen, NSW)
148.3 ft (45.2 m)
Aurora St Petersbourg.- Petrogradskaia, le croiseur "Aurora".jpg 1903 [318] Protected cruiser Russian Empire
(Saint Petersburg)
(Saint Petersburg)
416 ft (127 m)
Boomerang Yacht BOOMERANG sailing on Sydney Harbour (8711389501).jpg 1903 [319] SchoonerAustralia
96 ft (29.28 m)
Celtic SS Celtic (1903) 1.JPG 1903Thames sailing bargeNetherlands
United Kingdom
90 ft (27.43 m)
Daniel Adamson Steamboat Daniel Adamson under way in the Manchester Ship Canal (2017).jpg 1903 [320] TugboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
109.93 ft (33.53 m)
Eleanor Sloop Eleanor 2020.jpg 1903Racing sloopUnited States
(City Island, NY)
United States
(Hudson, NY)
36 ft (11 m)
Garlandstone Garlandstone in 2018.jpg 1903 [321] Cargo vesselUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
75.93 ft (23.14 m)
Lightship Finngrundet Lightship Finngrundet.jpg 1903LightvesselSweden–Norway
107.6 ft (32.7 m)
Föri Fori 1.jpg 1903 [322] Ferry Grand Duchy of Finland
Light Vessel 72 The Lightship (4973890411) (2).jpg 1903 [323] LightvesselUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
115.93 ft (35.34 m)
SS ''Mariefred''  [ sv ] SS Mariefred 09.JPG 1903Passenger shipSweden–Norway
107.74 ft (32.84 m)
Pommern Pommern2009.JPG 1903 [324] BarqueUnited Kingdom
311.8 ft (95.0 m)
Alose Alose french submarine 1907 02.jpg 1904 [325] SubmarineFrance
77.9 ft (23.7 m)
Ariki Ariki at National Maritime Museum, Auckland, NZ.jpg 1904 [326] YachtNew Zealand
(Logan Brothers)
New Zealand
54 ft (16.45 m)
Barnegat BARNEGAT (LIGHTSHIP) CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY.jpg 1904LightshipUnited States
(Camden, NJ)
United States
(Camden, NJ)
129 ft (39 m)
STV Black Jack STV Black Jack moored 2816.JPG 1904BrigantineUnited Kingdom
(Quyon, QC)
87 ft (27 m)
SS ''Boxholm II''  [ sv ] SS Boxholm II Tranas.jpg 1904SteamshipSweden–Norway
67.61 ft (20.61 m)
Fannie L. Daugherty FannieLDaugherty2-LRWalls.jpg 1904SkipjackUnited States
(Crisfield, MD)
United States
(Wenona, MD)
41.3 ft (12.6 m)
''Hajen''  [ sv ] Submarine Karlskrona Sweden.jpg 1904 [327] SubmarineSweden–Norway
( Karlskroma)
76.4 ft (23.3 m)
Henry Thames Sailing Barges on Faversham Creek - - 3026819.jpg 1904 [328] Spritsail bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
76.26 ft (23.24 m)
James & Mary Walker 1904 [329] LifeboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
38.00 ft (11.58 m)
RNLB J C Madge (ON 536) Sheringham Lifeboat J C Madge ON536 Sheringham Museum 29 03 2010 (11).JPG 1904LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(Thames Iron Works)
United Kingdom
(Sheringham Museum)
41 ft (12 m)
SS ''Leppävirta''  [ fi ] SS Leppavirta, Lappeenranta April 30st 2016.jpg 1904Pleasure shipFinland
88.09 ft (26.85 m)
Maple Leaf Ml-full-sail.jpg 1904 [330] SchoonerCanada
(Vancouver, BC)
(Vancouver, BC)
92 ft (28 m)
Medea SDMM--Medea.jpg 1904 [331] Steam yachtUnited Kingdom
United States
(San Diego, CA)
134 ft (41 m)
SS Milwaukee Clipper Milwaukee Clipper (8741872690).jpg 1904 [332] FerryUnited States
(Cleveland, OH)
United States
(Muskegon, MI)
361 ft (110 m)
PS ''Montreux''  [ fr ] DS "Montreux" in Ouchy (Lausanne).jpg 1904 [333] Paddle SteamerSwitzerland
(Lake Geneva)
206.6 ft (63.0 m)
Moshulu Moshulu.jpg 1904BarqueUnited Kingdom
(Port Glasgow)
United States
(Philadelphia, PA)
396 ft (121 m)
Piemonte  [ it ] Piroscafo Piemonte 2009.JPG 1904 [334] [335] Paddle SteamerSwitzerland
(Lake Maggiore)
167 ft (51 m)
Provider 1904 [336] SchoonerUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
45.97 ft (14.01 m)
Sava Monitor Sava - 04.jpg 1904 [337] MonitorAustria-Hungary
189 ft (58 m)
Seamew Yard tender Seamew.jpg 1904–08 [78] Yard tenderUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
25 ft (7.6 m)
Swiftsure (LV-83) Swiftsure 03.jpg 1904 [206] LightshipUnited States
(Camden, NJ)
United States
(Seattle, WA)
129.6 ft (39.47 m)
Virginia W Skipjack Virginia W MD1.jpg 1904SkipjackUnited States
(Guilford, VA)
United States
(Cambridge, MD)
37.5 ft (11.4 m)
Woltman 2011 06 04 Harburg Woltmann DSCI5251.JPG 1904TugboatGermany
72.10 ft (21.98 m)
SS Amasa Stone Amasa Stone ship.jpg 1905Lake freighter [s] United States
(Wyandotte, MI)
United States
(Charlevoix, MI)
545 ft (166 m)
BAP ''América''  [ es ] BAP America.jpg 1905GunboatUnited Kingdom
134 ft (41 m)
Asgard AsgardOfficialOpening2.jpg 1905 [338] Sailing yachtNorway
(Collins Barracks)
50.9 ft (15.5 m)
Doris DorisYacht.jpg 1905 [339] Sailing yachtUnited States
(Deep River, CT)
United States
(Deep River, CT)
77.6 ft (23.7 m)
MS Fæmund II Faemund II 2004.jpg 1905FerryNorway
82 ft (25 m)
Hathor Pleasure Wherry Hathor, South Walsham staithe - - 232264.jpg 1905 Norfolk wherry United Kingdom
United Kingdom
56 ft (17 m)
Hermann  [ de ] Besanewer-hermann-5-RZ.jpg 1905SailboatGermany
Hilda M. Willing HildaWillingLRWalls.jpg 1905 Skipjack United States
(Oriole, MD)
United States
(Chance, MD)
40 ft (12 m)
SS ''Karjalankoski''  [ fi ] Kuopion satama - SS Karjalankoski.jpg 1905Pleasure shipFinland
79.39 ft (24.20 m)
Kieler Sprotte  [ de ] Museumbrucke Kiel (05) (40062776371).jpg 1905SteamboatGermany
71.4 ft (21.8 m)
SS Ridgetown Ridgetown detail.jpg 1905Lake freighterUnited States
569 ft (176.4 m)
Sheila 1905 12.2023.jpg
1905 [340] Canoe YawlIsle of ManFrance
(Golfe du Morbihan)
23 ft (7.6m)
Alexander von Humboldt Alexander von Humboldt ship all sails.jpg 1906BarqueGermany
205.2 ft (62.55 m)
Baltimore Baltimore (tugboat), Baltimore, Maryland.jpg 1906 [341] TugboatUnited States
(Baltimore, MD)
United States
(Baltimore, MD)
84.5 ft (25.8 m)
Blümlisalp Swiss Steamboat Bluemlisalp lake Thun.jpg 1906Paddle steamerSwitzerland
(Lake Thun)
198.33 ft (60.45 m)
Bussard Navio Bussard, Kiel, Alemania, 2019-08-30, DD 06.jpg 1906 [t] SteamboatGermany
139.7 ft (42.6 m)
SB Cambria SB Cambria 4987.jpg 1906 [342] Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
90.95 ft (27.72 m)
Edith May Edith May Thames Barge.JPG 1906Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Lower Halstow)
20.75 ft (6.32 m)
SB Ena SB Ena 8507.jpg 1906 [343] Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Hoo St Werburgh)
88.13 ft (26.86 m)
Ida May IdaMayLRWalls.jpg 1906 [344] SkipjackUnited States
(Somewhere in Virginia)
United States
(Chance, MD)
42.2 ft (12.9 m)
Minnehaha Steamboat Minnehaha.jpg 1906 [345] SteamboatUnited States
United States
70 ft (21 m)
Östanå I Ostana Stockholm, jan 2017.jpg 1906 Passenger ferry Sweden
115 ft (35 m)
Saturn Historic narrow boat Saturn 04.JPG 1906 [346] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Shropshire Union Canal)
71.60 ft (21.82 m)
SS St. Marys Challenger St.Marys Challenger Owen Sound.jpg 1906 [u] Lake FreighterUnited States
(River Rouge, MI)
United States
(Great Lakes)
551 ft (167.945 m)
Thalatta Sailing Barge Thalatta River Blackwater 2004.jpg 1906Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(St Osyth)
88.9 ft (27.1 m)
Ticonderoga Ticonderoga (steamboat).jpg 1906 [347] Paddle steamerUnited States
(Shelburne, VT)
United States
(Shelburne, VT)
220 ft (67 m)
U-1 Uboot U-1.jpg 1906SubmarineGerman Empire
139.1 ft (42.4 m)
Viking Barken viking gothenburg 20051011.jpg 1906Barque Denmark
387.2 ft (118.0 m)
Viola Grytviken hg viola albatros cropped.jpg 1906 [348] Trawler United Kingdom
South Georgia
108.50 ft (33.07 m)
Ambrose (LV-87) Ambrose at South Street Seaport 02 (9427142430).jpg 1907LightvesselUnited States
(Camden, NJ)
United States
(Manhattan, NY)
135.5 ft (41.28 m)
Andechs Andechs (ship).jpg 1907 [349] Paddle steamerGermany
(Stegen am Ammersee)
(Holzhausen am Ammersee)
111.5 ft (34.0 m)
Charles Henry Ashley Charles Henry Ashley lifeboat (geograph 5024645).jpg 1907 [350] LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company)
United Kingdom
(Cemaes Bay)
37.97 ft (11.57 m)
Daniel McAllister  [ commons ] Daniel McAllister 18.jpg 1907 [351] TugboatCanada
(Collingwood, ON)
(Montreal, QC)
108.9 ft (33.2 m)
Drazki Naval Museum, Varna 2017 06.jpg 1907Torpedo boatFrance
124 ft (38 m)
F. C. Lewis Jr. 1907SkipjackUnited States
(Hopkins, VA)
United States
(Wenona, MD)
39 ft (12 m)
MS Henrik Ibsen Dalen Harbour 1.JPG 1907SteamshipSweden
(Telemark Canal)
101.5 ft (30.9 m)
Hercules Hercules (steam tug, San Francisco).JPG 1907 [352] TugboatUnited States
(Camden, NJ)
United States
(San Francisco, CA)
151 ft (46 m)
Hjälparen  [ sv ] Rescue boat hjalparen - 1907 - bow.jpg 1907LifeboatSweden
30.8 ft (9.4 m)
Irene Irene alongside Pooles Wharf, Bristol, January 2014.jpg 1907KetchUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
100 ft (30 m)
Keewatin SS Keewatin (2007).jpg 1907 [353] Passenger linerUnited Kingdom
Canada (Kingston, Ontario)336.5 ft (102.6 m)
Lyttelton Steam Tug Lyttelton (14842617625).jpg 1907TugboatUnited Kingdom
New Zealand
(Port Lyttelton)
Moewe 2013 09 28 Moewe 1 IMG 0146 S.JPG 1907KetchGermany
58.59 ft (17.86 m)
Nyanza SS Nyanza.jpg 1907SteamshipUnited Kingdom
Pegasus Tugboats Pegasus and Patriotic September 2019.jpg 1907TugboatUnited States
(Baltimore, MD)
United States
(Jersey City, NJ)
100 ft (30 m)
Prince Otman 1907 [354] YachtUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
92 ft (28 m)
Rosa Rosa hotel barge front.jpg 1907 Hotel barge Netherlands
(Canal Latéral de la Garonne)
98 ft (30 m)
SS ''Suur-Saimaa''  [ fi ] Steam ship Suur-Saimaa.JPG 1907Pleasure shipFinland
90.38 ft (27.55 m)
Tarmo Tarmo Eisbrecher langs Kotka.jpg 1907 [355] IcebreakerUnited Kingdom
(Newcastle upon Tyne)
220 ft (67 m)
Yankee Yankee-ferry.jpg 1907FerryUnited States
(Kensington, PA)
United States
(New York, NY)
136.6 ft (41.6 m)
Alexandra  [ de ] Dampfschiff Alexandra.jpg 1908 [356] [357] SteamshipGermany
121.25 ft (36.96 m)
Circle Line XIV Circle Line XIV September 2019.jpg 1908Tour boatUnited States
(Newburgh, NY)
United States
(Jersey City, NJ)
123 ft (37 m)
Fehmarnbelt Fehmarnbelt Flensburg2007.jpg 1908LightvesselGermany
(Brake, Lower Saxony)
149.1 ft (45.44 m)
Mohican II Steamboat Mohican II.jpg 1908SteamshipUnited States
(Newburgh, NY)
United States
(Lake George, NY)
117 ft (36 m)
Monarch Narrowboat at Nottingham Canal Museum (geograph 5860190).jpg 1908 [358] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
(Saltley Dock)
United Kingdom
(Trent & Mersey Canal)
61.97 ft (18.89 m)
Oscar W Paddle steamer "Oscar W" at Tailem Bend, South Australia.JPG 1908 [359] [360] [361] Paddle steamerAustralia
(River Murray)
103.1 ft (31.42 m)
Oster DS Oster2003.jpg 1908SteamshipNorway
104 ft (32 m)
Raeo Motorboat Raeo.jpg 1908 [362] TugboatUnited States
(Bronx, NY)
United States
(Wenatchee, WA)
72 ft (22 m)
Sabino Sabino Mystic Oct 2020.jpg 1908 [363] SteamshipUnited States
(Boothbay, ME)
United States
(Mystic, CT)
57 ft (17 m)
Sharpness Sharpness 2 (3963136626).jpg 1908 [364] TugboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
44.98 ft (13.72 m)
Speeder Speeder (motor vessel) circa 1921.jpg 1908 [365] Motor vesselUnited States
(Seattle, WA)
United States
(Exact location unknown)
87 ft (26.52 m)
Storskär Storskar August 2018 03.jpg 1908SteamshipSweden
127.8 ft (39.0 m)
Thalis o Milisios  [ ru ] Cableship Thalis.JPG 1908 Cable ship United States
(Newport News, VA)
(Palaio Faliro)
Angantyr Angantyr.jpg 1909FerrySweden
(Motala Verkstad)
76 ft (23 m)
Ardwina Thames barge parade - downstream - Ardwina 6765c.JPG 1909Thames sailing bargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
85 ft (26 m)
Arkansas North Shore Trip - August 2015 - Great Lakes Towing Company Tug Arkansas (21201455621).jpg 1909 [366] TugboatUnited States
(Cleveland, OH)
United States
(Wilmington, DE)
75 ft (23 m)
Bigwin 1909 [367] SteamshipCanada
(Dorset, ON)
66 ft (20 m)
Black Pearl Malta - Ta' Xbiex - Ix-Xatt Ta' Xbiex - Black Pearl 01 ies.jpg 1909 [368] SchoonerSweden
150 ft (46 m)
Bürgermeister Abendroth  [ de ] Bremerhaven-dsm-elbe3 hg.jpg 1909LightvesselGermany
144 ft (44 m)
Dar Pomorza Dar Pomorza1.jpg 1909 [369] FrigateGerman Empire
267 ft (81 m)
Doris Bawley Doris LO 284 from leigh on sea built at Harwich in 1909.jpg 1909 [370] Thames bawleyUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
40.00 ft (12.19 m)
Drottningholm SS Drottningholm 2012a.jpg 1909 [371] FerrySweden
(Motala Verkstad)
76 ft (23 m)
Duwamish Fireboat Duwamish 07.jpg 1909 [372] FireboatUnited States
(Shoreline, WA)
United States
(Seattle, WA)
120 ft (37 m)
Großherzogin Elisabeth Sail Amsterdam 2010 Sail-in (002a).JPG 1909Schooner Netherlands
209 ft (64 m)
Kysten  [ sv ] 5200021 Kysten 1909.jpg 1909SteamshipNorway
140 ft (43 m)
Lizzie Porter Lizzie Porter at Chatham.jpg 1909 [373] LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company)
United Kingdom
(Chatham Historic Dockyard)
34.98 ft (10.67 m)
Lotus 1909 MV Lotus, IMG1.png 1909 [374] Motor shipUnited States
(Seattle, WA)
United States
(Seattle, WA)
85 ft (26 m)
President President narrowboat at the junction of the old main line and new main line.JPG 1909NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
71 ft (22 m)
Stadt Zürich Dampfschiff Stadt Zurich - Burkliplatz 2011-07-29 15-25-46.jpg 1909 [375] Paddle steamerSwitzerland
(Lake Zürich)
193.9 ft (59.1 m)
Steam Pinnace 199 Steam Pinnace 199.jpg 1909 [376] Pinnace United Kingdom
United Kingdom
50 ft (15 m)
Unyo Maru  [ ja ] TUMSAT-Shinagawa-Unyo-Maru-2017100101.jpg 1909 Training ship Japan
(Osaka Iron Works)
136.1 ft (41.51 m)
William Riley of Birmingham William Riley of Birmingham and Leamington at Poole.jpg 1909 [377] LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(Thames Iron Works)
United Kingdom
33.97 ft (10.35 m)


NamesImageYear of constructionTypeBuild location [b] Current location Length overall
George George at the National Waterways Museum, Ellesmere Port.jpg 1910 [378] Short boatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Ellesmere Port)
61.97 ft (18.89 m)
Georgios Averof Averof Today2.jpg 1910 [379] Armored cruiser Kingdom of Italy
(Palaio Faliro)
459.7 ft (140.1 m)
Gonca Bosphore - Gonca.jpg 1910 [380] Steam yachtTurkey
104.9 ft (32.0 m)
Grimsby Butty - Grimsby (3700319357).jpg 1910 [381] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
(Saltley Dock)
United Kingdom
(Trent & Mersey Canal)
71.60 ft (21.82 m)
RNLB Helen Smitton (ON 603) Helen Smitton launch, St Abbs, 1911.jpg 1910 [382] LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(Thames Iron Works)
United Kingdom
37.97 ft (11.57 m)
RNLB James Leith RNLI Chatham row 8376.JPG 1910LifeboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
Juneta 1910 [383] TugboatUnited States
(Astoria, OR)
United States
(Portland, OR)
43 ft (13 m)
Krasnyy Vympel  [ ru ] Krasnyj vympel.jpg 1910YachtRussia
(Saint Petersburg)
151.9 ft (46.3 m)
La Suisse  [ fr ] SS La Suisse.JPG 1910 [384] Paddle steamerSwitzerland
257.5 ft (78.5 m)
Laurindo Pitta Cerimonia comemorativa dos 76 Anos da DPHDM 05.jpg 1910 [385] [386] [v] TugboatGreat Britain
(Rio de Janeiro)
129 ft (39 m)
Noorderlicht Norderlicht.jpg 1910SchoonerGerman Empire
151.7 ft (46.2 m)
Norrskär SS Norrskar 05.JPG 1910SteamshipSweden
114.3 ft (34.8 m)
Sand Man Sand Man at Olympia Harbor Days 2012.JPG 1910 [387] [388] [389] TugboatUnited States
(Tacoma, WA) [w]
United States
(Olympia, WA)
60 ft (18 m)
Ste. Claire Boblo boat - panoramio.jpg 1910 [390] Excursion steamshipUnited States
(Toledo Shipbuilding Company)
United States
190 ft (58 m)
Suriname-Rivier Lichtschip met vuurtoren van opzij gefotografeerd - Nieuw-Amsterdam - 20418107 - RCE.jpg 1910LightvesselNetherlands
(Nieuw Amsterdam)
81.6 ft (24.85 m)
Tiger Tiger (Dampfschlepper) - panoramio.jpg 1910TugboatGermany
52.02 ft (15.86 m)
Trillium Trillium clip wide.jpg 1910 [391] FerryCanada
150 ft (46 m)
Atlinto 1911 [392] LaunchCanada
(Atlin, BC)
(Atlin, BC)
41 ft (12 m)
SS ''Blidösund''  [ sv ] Blidosund D81 7169 (50031030906).jpg 1911SteamshipSweden
115.7 ft (35.3 m)
Claude W. Somers Claud W. Somers at Reedville.jpg 1911SkipjackUnited States
(Young's Creek, VA)
United States
(Reedville, VA)
42.5 ft (13.0 m)
Connaught Hampton Court Palace with the River Thames from Cigarette Island Park - boat - Connaught.jpg 1911 [393] Passenger vesselUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Richmond Upon Thames)
105.93 ft (32.31 m)
Europa Europa bark in Scheveningen 2016 1.jpg 1911 [394] BarqueGermany
131 ft (40 m)
Eye of the Wind Eye-of-the-wind-2010.jpg 1911 Brigantine Germany
(exact location unknown)
132 ft (40 m)
Hestmanden Hestmanden, ved kai i Vestre havn, Kristiansand.JPG 1911Merchant shipNorway
195 ft (59 m)
James M. Schoonmaker Col James M Schoonmaker IMO 5077228 B Toledo 31-07-2018.jpg 1911 [395] Lake freighterUnited States
(Ecorse, MI)
United States
(Toledo, OH)
617 ft (188 m)
McKeever Brothers (SP-683) USS McKeever Brothers (SP-683).jpg 1911 [396] Patrol vessel United States
(Noank, CT)
United States
(Seaford, DE)
136 ft (41 m)
Nomadic Nomadic IMO 5161110 P Belfast 13-06-2015.jpg 1911 [397] Tender United Kingdom
United Kingdom
220 ft (67 m)
Nusret Nusrat mine layer in Tarsus a.jpg 1911 Minelayer German Empire
131 ft (40.20 m)
Passat Flying P-Liner Passat ship in Travemunde.jpg 1911 [398] BarqueGerman Empire
377 ft (115 m)
Peking Peking 08.07.19 5D4 3339 04.jpg 1911 [399] BarqueGerman Empire
377.6 ft (115.1 m)
Thomas W. Clyde Skipjack Thomas W. Clyde.jpg 1911SkipjackUnited States
(Oriole, MD)
United States
(Deal Island, MD)
54.4 ft (16.6 m)
Tordenskjold Tordenskjold (ship, 1911) 03.jpg 1911 [206] SchoonerUnited States
(Seattle, WA)
United States
(Seattle, WA)
75 ft (23 m)
Tradewind Tradewind sydney.jpg 1911SchoonerNetherlands
(Capelle aan de IJssel)
(Exact location unknown)
121 ft (37 m)
Wäiski Waiski ravintola laiva vastarannalta.JPG 1911Passenger shipGermany
157.48 ft (48.00 m)
''Zeelands Luister''  [ nl ] GraphyArchy - Wikipedia 00217.jpg 1911BargeNetherlands
128.8 ft (39.3 m)
African Queen The African Queen.JPG 1912 [400] BoatUnited Kingdom
United States
(Key Largo, FL)
30 ft (9.1 m)
''Albatros''  [ de ] Damp Albatros 0389.jpg 1912SteamboatGermany
119.81 ft (36.52 m)
Canberra Paddle Steamer on Murray River.JPG 1912Paddle SteamerAustralia
74 ft (22.6 m)
Cartela MV Cartela about 1995.jpg 1912FerryAustralia
(Hobart, TAS)
(Hobart, TAS)
123 ft (37 m)
TSS Earnslaw TSS Earnslaw (16) (8655808813).jpg 1912 [401] SteamshipNew Zealand
New Zealand
(Lake Wakatipu)
168 ft (51 m)
Garðar BA 64 Iceland2008-WestFjords.old.ship.JPG 1912 [402] WhalerNorway
100.39 ft (30.6 m)
MS Gustaf III Gustaf III 01.JPG 1912SteamshipSweden
76.11 ft (23.20 m)
MV Gustafsberg VII Gustafsberg VIII (5721916346).jpg 1912SteamshipSweden
113.7 ft (34.7 m)
Herons 1912 [403] HouseboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
48.50 ft (14.78 m)
Hospital Boat No. 67 1912 [404] Hospital boatUnited Kingdom
(Isle of Wight)
United Kingdom
70 ft (21 m)
Hyöky  [ fi ] Lightvessel Helsinki Hyoky.jpg 1912LightvesselRussia
(Saint Petersburg)
140.09 ft (42.70 m)
Ilford Narrowboat - Ilford (3700320019).jpg 1912 [405] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
(West Bromwich)
United Kingdom
70.46 ft (21.48 m)
James Caird James Caird bow.jpg 1912 [406] Whaleboat United Kingdom
United Kingdom
22.5 ft (6.9 m)
MS J. L. Runeberg MS J. L. Runeberg at South Harbour in Kaartinkaupunki, Helsinki, Finland, 2021 June.jpg 1912SteamshipFinland
(Gulf of Finland)
94.4 ft (28.8 m)
Kanangra Sydney Ferry KANANGRA at Darling Harbour 1988.tif 1912FerryAustralia
(Mort's Dock)
149.18 ft (45.47 m)
Katherine M. Lee 1912Oyster schoonerUnited States
(Greenwich, NJ)
United States
(Leipsic, DE)
85 ft (26 m)
Kerne  [ fr ] STEAM TUG KERNE AT THE MERSEYSIDE MARITIME MUSEUM CANNING DOCK LIVERPOOL JULY 2013 (9432742219).jpg 1912 [407] TugboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
76.95 ft (23.47 m)
Kwasind Kwasind, Royal Canadian Yacht Club Ferry,, a ferry built in 1912 -b.jpg 1912FerryCanada
71 ft (22 m)
La Palma Correillo "La Palma", vapor del ano 1912, conservado en Santa Cruz de Tenerife.JPG 1912SteamshipUnited Kingdom
Canary Islands
220.14 ft (67.10 m)
Lady Denman Sydney ferry LADY DENMAN on Sydney Harbour 17 January 1972.jpg 1912FerryAustralia
(Huskisson, NSW)
(City of Shoalhaven, NSW)
110 ft (34 m)
Sundowner Sunday 4 April, Ramsgate, Dunkirk Little ship Sundowner.JPG 1912 [408] [409] YachtUnited Kingdom
(Sheerness, Kent)
United Kingdom
(Ramsgate, Kent)
58 ft (18 m)
Wendameen Wendameen Portland (6234843174).jpg 1912SchoonerUnited States
(Boothbay, ME)
United States
(Portland, ME)
67 ft (20 m)
Zhongshan Zhongshan Warship 2.jpg 1912 [410] GunboatJapan
216.12 ft (65.87 m)
Acadia CSS Acadia 1.jpg 1913 [411] Survey vessel United Kingdom
(Tyne and Wear)
(Halifax, NS)
182 ft (55 m)
Adventuress Adventuress Under Sail.jpg 1913SchoonerUnited States
(Boothbay, ME)
United States
(Seattle, WA)
133 ft (41 m)
Benjamim Guimarães Vapor Benjamim Guimaraes.jpg 1913Paddle steamerUnited States
(Pittsburgh, PA)
144 ft (44 m)
Claus D Claus D S Hamburg 12-05-2024.jpg 1913TugboatGermany
58.26 ft (17.76 m)
Count Dracula 1913 [412] [413] LaunchGerman Empire
United Kingdom
(Hayling Island)
50.00 ft (15.24 m)
''Jókai''  [ hu ] Jokai (hajo, 1913).jpg 1913SteamshipHungary
118.43 ft (36.10 m)
Jolie Brise Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge, Jolie Brise, Vigo.jpg 1913 [414] Cutter France
(Le Havre)
United Kingdom
73.10 ft (22.28 m)
Kildare Butty 'Kildare' built 1913 Braithwaite & Kirk, West Bromwich & Castlefields boat dock, Black Country Museum, Dudley Nov 199 (10391734424).jpg 1913 [415] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
76.60 ft (23.35 m)
Kommuna Kommuna rescue ship 2008 G2.jpg 1913Salvage VesselRussian Empire
(St. Petersburg)
Sevastopol [x]
315 ft (96 m)
''Kossuth''  [ hu ] Kossuth (ship, 1913), 2017 Lipotvaros.jpg 1913 [416] SteamshipHungary
202.7 ft (61.80 m)
Kyle NL 2010-04-18 10-19-50 (4532747038).jpg 1913SteamshipUnited Kingdom
(Tyne and Wear)
(Harbour Grace, NL)
220 ft (67 m)
MV North Head MV North Head 1983.jpg 1913FerryAustralia
210 ft (64 m)
Rusinga 1913FerryUnited Kingdom
220 ft (67 m)
SS Stord I DS -Stord I- (181757).jpg 1913Passenger shipNorway
SS Usoga SS Usoga at Mwanza Port.jpg 1913FerryUnited Kingdom
220 ft (67 m)
SS ''Lokki''  [ fi ] Kuopion satama - SS Lokki.jpg 1913Pleasure shipFinland
78.58 ft (23.95 m)
Belle of Louisville Belle of Louisville 2.jpg 1914Paddle steamerUnited States
(Pittsburgh, PA)
United States
(Louisville, KY)
157.5 ft (48.0 m)
Borcea Vapor Borcea.jpg 1914 [417] Paddle steamerRomania
(Turnu Severin)
(Brăila )
129 ft (39.4 m)
Bustardthorpe 1914 [418] LighterUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
91.93 ft (28.02 m)
Caroline HMS Caroline 1914.jpg 1914 [419] Light cruiser United Kingdom
United Kingdom
420 ft (130 m)
Doulos Phos "Doulos Phos" - Singapore, 2012.jpg 1914 [y] Cruise ship United States
(Newport News, VA)
(Bintan Regency)
428 ft (130 m)
Eppleton Hall California-05944 - Eppleton Hall (20611482436).jpg 1914 [420] TugboatUnited Kingdom
(South Shields)
United States
(San Francisco)
100.5 ft (30.6 m)
Frédéric Mistral  [ de ] FredericMistral01.jpg 1914TugboatNetherlands
26.35 m (86.5 ft)
Fulton  [ da ] Skonnerten Fulton af Marstal.png 1914SchoonerDenmark
38 m (124.7 ft)
Halas 71 1914 [421] FerryUnited Kingdom
164.04 ft (50.00 m)
Hazel Old and new at Portland Basin (geograph 5249357).jpg 1914 [422] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
71.97 ft (21.94 m)
Hercules Ajax crane barge 1914.jpg 1914 Floating crane Germany
(Panama Canal)
152 ft (46 m)
Horns Rev Fyrskibet Horns Rev 1.jpg 1914LightvesselDenmark
110.18 ft (33.58 m)
Alaska Lorain's first "salty".jpg 1914 [423] TugboatUnited States
(Cleveland, OH)
United States
(Wilmington, DE)
71 ft (22 m)
Katahdin Katahdin steamboat.jpg 1914 [424] SteamboatUnited States
(Bath Iron Works)
United States
(Greenville, ME)
102 ft (31 m)
L.V. Railroad Barge No. 79 Lehigh Valley Red Hook jeh.JPG 1914 [425] BargeUnited States
(Perth Amboy, NJ)
United States
(Brooklyn, NY)
36 ft (11 m)
Libby's No. 23 Libbys No 23 Bristol Bay double-ender - Port Alsworth Alaska.jpg 1914 [426] Sailboat
(Fishing vessel)
United States
(Seattle, WA)
United States
(Port Alsworth, AK)
29.6 ft (9.0 m)
Naramata Sicamous (sternwheeler) at Penticton BC with tug, c1920.jpg 1914 [427] TugboatCanada
(Okanagan Landing, BC)
(Penticton, BC)
98 ft (30 m)
Perth MV Perth at Barrack Street.jpg 1914FerryUnited Kingdom
103 ft (31 m)
Pilot Pilot2011.jpg 1914 [428] Pilot boat United States
(San Diego, CA)
United States
(San Diego, CA)
52 ft (16 m)
Sicamous SS Sicamous Long Exposure.jpg 1914 [429] SternwheelerCanada
(Port Arthur, Ontario)
(Penticton, BC)
200.5 ft (61.1 m)
Stadt Rapperswil Dampfschiff Stadt Rapperswil - Rapperswil Lindenhof 2011-06-25 17-15-32.JPG 1914 [430] Paddle steamerSwitzerland
(Lake Zürich)
193.9 ft (59.1 m)
Statsraad Lehmkuhl Statsraad Lehmkuhl royal yard.jpg 1914 [431] [432] Training shipGerman Empire
320 ft (98 m)
Suur Tõll Suur Toll Icebreaker at Night (April 2021).jpg 1914 [433] IcebreakerGerman Empire
247 ft (75.4 m)
SSV Tabor Boy 1914SailboatNetherlands
United States
(Marion, MA)
92 ft (28 m)
Texas USS Texas no-blister.jpg 1914 [434] Dreadnought battleship United States
(Newport News, VA)
United States
(La Porte, TX)
573 ft (175 m)
USS Zumbrota Zumbrota.jpg 1914 [435] Motor boatUnited States
(Port Clinton, OH)
United States
(Marina del Rey, CA)
70 ft (21 m)
Addie Canary Wharf From Blackwall Basin.jpg 1915 [436] TugboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
63.93 ft (19.49 m)
Amrumbank  [ de ] Feuerschiff Amrumbank (Deutsche Bucht) Emden 03.jpg 1915LightvesselGermany
172.2 ft (52.5 m)
Atta Boy Dunkirk boat, Jubilee Pageant - - 2987186.jpg 1915 [437] Motor launch United Kingdom
United Kingdom
30 ft (9.1 m)
Bradbury CCGS Bradbury.JPG 1915 [438] Patrol boatCanada
(Selkirk, Manitoba)
(Selkirk, Manitoba)
158 ft (48 m)
Brandram 1915 [439] [440] X LighterUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
105 ft (32 m)
Cyclops Number 6 Boathouse Portsmouth (5694514750).jpg 1915 [441] Admiralty pinnaceUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
42.00 ft (12.80 m)
Glala 1915 [442] YachtUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
78.00 ft (23.77 m)
Iowa Elevation looking west - Lake and Rail Elevator, 120 Childs Street, Buffalo, Erie County, NY HAER NY,15-BUF,37-2.tif 1915 [443] TugboatUnited States
(Cleveland, OH)
United States
(Wilmington, DE)
75 ft (23 m)
Katie (SP-660) USS Katie (SP-660).jpg 1915Patrol vesselUnited States

(Crittenden, VA)

United States
(Richmond, VA)
48 ft (15 m)
Langer Heinrich Langer Heinrich (Genua).JPG 1915Floating craneGermany
165 ft (50 m)
Liemba Liemba'nin su anki durumu..jpg 1915FerryGerman Empire
234.25 ft (71.40 m)
Light Ship Petrel The former lightship Ballydorn, Whiterock, Strangford Lough (geograph 3285753).jpg 1915 [444] LightvesselIreland
(Dublin Dockyard Company)
United Kingdom
99 ft (30 m)
M33 HMM "M33" (9439013534).jpg 1915 [445] MonitorUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
177 ft (54 m)
Marie Galante  [ fr ] Marie Galante Sailboat.jpg 1915SchoonerGermany
121 ft (37 m)
Miseford MV Miseford 2.jpg 1915TugboatCanada
(Welland, ON)
(Thunder Bay, ON)
80 ft (24 m)
Peacock Narrow boat Peacock.jpg 1915 [446] NarrowboatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
69.97 ft (21.33 m)
Peter P Looking towards Barking Creek at the Mill Pond - - 2825334.jpg 1915 [447] X LighterUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
(Barking Creek)
109.93 ft (33.51 m)
Sankt Erik Sankt Erik passerar Arsta holmar.jpg 1915 [448] IcebreakerSweden
200 ft (61 m)
See W. See (SP-740) Motorboat Pequest.jpg 1915 Patrol vessel United States
(Bay Shore, NY)
United States
(Richmond, VA)
65 ft (20 m)
Skjelskør  [ sv ] SS Skelskor.jpg 1915SteamshipDenmark
67.4 ft (20.5 m)
Spithead 1915 [449] X LighterUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
105.50 ft (32.16 m)
Wilhelm Carpelan MS Wilhelm Carpelan summer 2012.JPG 1915Transport boatFinland
60.8 ft (18.5 m)
Coastal Motor Boat 4 IWM Duxford 2017 CMB4.jpg 1916 [450] Torpedo boatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
40.00 ft (12.19 m)
Coastal Motor Boat 9 1916 [451] [452] Torpedo boatUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
40.00 ft (12.19 m)
Krassin Spb Vasilievsky Island Krasin asv2019-09 img2.jpg 1916 [453] IcebreakerUnited Kingdom
(Newcastle upon Tyne)
(Saint Petersburg)
327.4 ft (99.8 m)
Lilian Brest 2016 - 20160715-018 Lilian.jpg 1916 [454] YachtSweden
United Kingdom
98.43 ft (30.00 m)
MAS 15  [ it ] MAS15.jpg 1916 [455] Torpedo boatItaly
Mercantile TheMercantile.jpg 1916SchoonerUnited States
(Little Deer Isle, ME)
United States
(Camden, ME)
155 ft (47 m)
Portsmouth Lightship Portsmouth Lighthouse.jpg 1916LightvesselUnited States
(Pusey and Jones)
United States
(Portsmouth, VA)
101 ft (31 m)
Skeaf VII  [ fr ] Skeaf VII devant les tas de pois.jpg 1916 [456] Sailing cruiser Germany
(Douarnenez, Bretagne)
92 ft (28 m)
SM UB-46 Ub-46-wreck-1.jpg 1916 U-boat Germany
121.1 ft (36.9 m)
Carlisle II Carlisle II.jpg 1917FerryUnited States
(Bellingham, WA)
United States
(Port Orchard, WA)
65 ft (20 m)
CLS2 Carpentaria Queensland Maritime Museum - Joy of Museums - Carpentaria Light Ship 2.jpg 1917 [457] LightvesselAustralia
(Queensland Maritime Museum)
72.0 ft (21.9 m)
CLS4 Carpentaria Lightship CLS4 "Carpentaria" (7854156048).jpg 1917 [458] LightvesselAustralia
(Darling Harbour)
72.0 ft (21.9 m)
Commander MV Commander July 2018.jpg 1917 Motor vessel United States
(Morehead City, NC)
United States
(New York, NY)
60 ft (18 m)
Flashing Stream 1917 [459] PinnaceUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
L'Art de Vivre L'art de Vivre Hotel Barge Moored on the Nivernais Canal.jpg 1917Hotel bargeUnited Kingdom
100 ft (30 m)
''MAS 96''  [ it ] MAS 96 1.jpg 1917 [460] Torpedo boatItaly
(Gardone Riviera)
52 ft (16 m)
Hausten Hausten.jpg 1917 [461] Sailing shipNorway
119 ft (19 m)
Maud Maud at Tofte.jpg 1917 [462] Sailing shipNorway
119 ft (36 m)
''Pajtás''  [ hu ] A motorjachtta alakitott, egykori Pajtas gozhajo Pilismaroton, 2019-ben.JPG 1917SteamshipHungary
88.58 ft (27 m)
''Szőke Tisza''  [ hu ] Blonde Tisza name of a vessel, Szeged, march 1980 - Nr2.jpg 1917 [463] SteamshipHungary
253.94 ft (77.4 m)
Tarahne MV TARAHNE, ATLIN, BRITISH COLUMBIA.jpg 1917 [464] Passenger ferryCanada
(Atlin, BC)
(Atlin, BC)
119.3 ft (36.3 m)
Valley Camp SS Valley Camp Aerial.JPG 1917 [465] Lake freighterUnited States
(Lorain, OH)
United States
(Sault Ste. Marie, MI)
550 ft (170 m)
Concrete Canal Boat Gloucester Waterways Museum - Gloucester Docks - boat - S.N.D. No. 4.jpg 1918 [466] BargeUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
69.97 ft (21.33 m)
Felipe Larrazabal (R-11) USS Discoverer (ARS-3).jpg 1918 [467] Minesweeper United States
(New York City, NY)
(Puerto Cabello)
187 ft (57 m)
STS Kapitan Borchardt Kapitan Borchardt 01.jpg 1918SchoonerPoland
138 ft (42 m)
Lotus Schooner Lotus at Mooring.JPG 1918SchoonerUnited States
(Rocky River, OH)
United States
(Sodus Point, NY)
60 ft (18 m)
Oosterschelde Oosterschelde Quebec City 01.jpg 1918SchoonerNetherlands
160 ft (48.7 m)
President HMS President London.jpg 1918 [468] [469] Q-ship United Kingdom
United Kingdom
(City of London)
262 ft (80 m)
Robert and Ellen Robson RNLI Lifeboat 'Robert and Ellen Robson' - - 1579531.jpg 1918 [470] LifeboatUnited Kingdom
(Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company)
United Kingdom
33.97 ft (10.35 m)
Seaplane Lighter H21 Aircraft Lighter.jpg 1918 [471] Seaplane lighterUnited Kingdom
United Kingdom
57.97 ft (17.68 m)
Surprise Schooner Surprise, Camden, Maine.jpg 1918 [472] SchoonerUnited States
(Rockport, MA)
United States
(Camden, ME)
44.5 ft (13.6 m)
W. P. Snyder Jr. W.P.SnyderJr.jpg 1918 [472] SternwheelerUnited States
(Pittsburgh, PA)
United States
(Marietta, OH)
175 ft (53 m)

Oldest surviving by category

The following is a list of ships arranged by category. These include ships that are the oldest in the world by type and by function, they do not include ships known only for being the last of their kind. The cutoff date as with the list are ships constructed before 1919.

By type

Oldest...NameYear of constructionType
Warship [473] Mary Rose 1511 Carrack
Continuously maintained [474] Tarihi Kadırga c.1600 [z] Galley
Schooner [475] Peggy 1791 Armed yacht
Lifeboat [476] Zetland 1802 Rescue craft
Submarine [477] Brandtaucher 1850 Naval ship
Tugboat [478] [479] Mayflower 1861 Steam tug
Clipper ship [480] [481] City of Adelaide 1864 Sailing ship
Turbine-powered ship [482] Turbinia 1894 Experimental
Sternwheeler [483] Moyie 1898 Paddle steamer

By function

Oldest...NameYear of constructionType
Commissioned naval vessel [484] HMS Victory [aa] 1765 Ship of the line
Commissioned naval vessel afloat [485] USS Constitution [aa] 1797 Frigate
Commissioned naval vessel in active service [486] Kommuna 1913 Salvage ship
Merchant ship [487] Charles W. Morgan 1841 Whaler
Ocean liner [488] SS Great Britain 1843 Passenger ship
Operational steamship [489] Bertha [ab] 1844 Dredge
Active steamship [490] Tudor Vladimirescu 1854 Paddle steamer [ac]
Active sailing ship [491] Star of India 1863 Windjammer
Active river icebreaker[ citation needed ] Kuna 1884 River icebreaker
Racing yacht [492] Partridge 1885 Yacht
Active fireboat [493] [494] Edward M. Cotter 1900 Fireboat

See also


  1. Use your best judgement when including these ships here per "Ship of Theseus". Going by reliable sources indicating that the ship is "surviving" is a good indication of inclusion.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Area of origin
  3. Estimated length
  4. It is popularly called the Glass Wreck because of the large quantities of broken glassware visible during the ships excavation
  5. Extant length
  6. Currently Disassembled
  7. 1 2 Not otherwise defined, it's only known that these ships were used for warfare.
  8. Currently in storage
  9. 36-foot bow section is preserved
  10. Built between 1863 and 1865
  11. 89-ft. section is preserved
  12. Oldest still navigable steamship in Germany
  13. This is the discovery date, it is assumed the submarine is from the Confederacy. No known information is available regarding a launch date or original name.
  14. 1 2 Originally built as a steam ferry
  15. Rebuilt as a car ferry
  16. Originally built as a steam Schooner.
  17. Lightvessel No. XVII Gedser Rev is the full name of the ship.
  18. Bow and bridge section are preserved
  19. Hull is now a breakwater
  20. Sea going museum ship
  21. Converted to an articulated barge in 2013. Bow section remains the same while the superstructure has changed.
  22. Laurindo Pitta is active at times when doing water tours.
  23. Wheelhouse was built in Olympia.
  24. Sevastopol is a city in Crimea
  25. Retains its original engines and other machinery as well as its stern section
  26. Tarihi Kadırga was constructed in the late 16th or early 17th century
  27. 1 2 Ceremonial role
  28. The Bertha is laid up (inactive)
  29. The Tudor Vladimirescu is a "Sidewheeler" as opposed to the Moyie.


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