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Hsü-chou, Süchow
Xuzhou City 2.jpg
Huai Ta Fu Shi  - panoramio.jpg
Si Shui Ting sishuiting park.jpg
Xiao Nan Hu Shan Shui  - panoramio.jpg
Zhong Shi Jian Zhu Yu Dian Shi Ta  - panoramio.jpg
Left to right, top to bottom: Xuzhou skyline, Huaihai campaign Memorial Park, Surabaya Pavilion in Sishuiting Park, Yunlong Lake, the Xuzhou TV Tower
Xuzhou locator map in Jiangsu.svg
Location of Xuzhou City jurisdiction in Jiangsu
China Jiangsu adm location map.svg
Red pog.svg
Location of the city center in Jiangsu
Eastern China blank relief map.svg
Red pog.svg
Xuzhou (Eastern China)
China edcp location map.svg
Red pog.svg
Xuzhou (China)
Coordinates(Pengcheng Square): 34°15′54″N117°11′13″E / 34.265°N 117.187°E / 34.265; 117.187
Country People's Republic of China
Province Jiangsu
County-level divisions 10
Township-level divisions 161
Municipal seat Yunlong District
  MayorZhou Tiegen (周铁根)
  CPC Committee SecretaryZhang Guohua (张国华)
11,259 km2 (4,347 sq mi)
3,037 km2 (1,173 sq mi)
2,347 km2 (906 sq mi)
 (2020 census) [1]
  Density810/km2 (2,100/sq mi)
  Urban density1,200/km2 (3,100/sq mi)
  Metro density1,300/km2 (3,500/sq mi)
GDP [2]
   Prefecture-level city CN¥ 732 billion
US$ 106 billion
  Per capitaCN¥ 80,615
US$ 11,683
Time zone UTC+8 (China Standard)
Postal codes
221000 (Urban center), 221000, 221000, 221000 (Other areas)
Area code 0516
ISO 3166 code CN-JS-03
Major Nationalities Han
Licence plate prefixes 苏C
Website Archived link
  1. "China: Jiāngsū (Prefectures, Cities, Districts and Counties) - Population Statistics, Charts and Map".
  2. "存档副本". Archived from the original on 2019-10-07. Retrieved 2019-10-07.
  3. 国务院关于徐州市城市总体规划的批复(国函〔2017〕78号)_政府信息公开专栏. www.gov.cn. Archived from the original on 2017-08-25. Retrieved 2018-01-15.
  4. "Nature Index 2018 Science Cities | Nature Index Supplements | Nature Index". www.natureindex.com. Retrieved 2020-11-26.
  5. "US News Best Global Universities Rankings in Xuzhou". U.S. News & World Report. 2021-10-26. Retrieved 2021-10-26.
  6. Postal romanization, See, e.g., this 1947 ROC map.
  7. Rosario Renaud, Süchow. Diocèse de Chine 1882-1931, Montréal, 1955.
  8. 1 2 Canadian Missionaries, Indigenous Peoples: Representing Religion at Home and Abroad. University of Toronto Press. 2005. p. 208. ISBN   9780802037848.
  9. Louis Hermand, Les étapes de la Mission du Kiang-nan 1842-1922 et de la Mission de Nanking 1922-1932, Shanghai, 1933.
  10. See: Wade-Giles.
  11. Jaques, Tony (2007). Dictionary of Battles and Sieges: P-Z. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 1116. ISBN   978-0-313-33539-6. Archived from the original on 2016-11-26. Retrieved 2018-02-05.
  12. Twitchett, Fairbank (2009). The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 5: The Sung Dynasty and Its Precursors, 960-1279 AD, Part I. Cambridge University Press. p. 1042. ISBN   978-0521812481.
  13. 江苏邳州梁王城遗址大汶口文化遗存发掘简报 [Brief Excavation Report of the Remains of Dawenkou Culture at the Site of Liangwangcheng in Pizhou, Jiangsu](PDF). Southeast Culture东南文化. 2013 (4): 21–41. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-09-04. Retrieved 2017-04-29.
  14. Yu, Weichao. 銅山丘湾商代社祀遗迹的推定. 考古 (Archaeology). 1973 (5): 296–298.
  15. 竹書紀年[ Bamboo Annals ]. 武丁…四十三年,王師滅大彭
  16. 國語 Guoyu [Discourses of the States]. 彭、豕韋為商伯矣。當週未有…彭姓彭祖、豕韋、諸稽,則商滅之矣
  17. Ji (2008), p. 8.
  18. Ji (2008), p. 17.
  19. Twitchett, Loewe (1987), p. 114.
  20. Twitchett, Loewe (1987), p. 670.
  21. 1 2 Jiangsu Provincial Chorographies: Demography Chorography (in Simplified Chinese). Nanjing: Jiangsu Guji Press. 1999. ISBN   7-80122-5260.
  22. Twitchett (2007), p. 593.
  23. Twitchett (2007), p. 541.
  24. Twitchett (2007), p. 687, 697.
  25. Twitchett (2007), p. 516, 557.
  26. Twitchett (2007), p. 558, 697.
  27. Twitchett (2007), p. 696.
  28. Twitchett (2007), p. 697.
  29. Twitchett (2007), p. 727.
  30. History of Song . 25. "三年春正月...丙午,粘罕陷徐州,守臣王復及子倚死之,軍校趙立結鄉兵為興復計...金兵執淮陽守臣李寬,殺轉運副使李跋,以騎兵三千取彭城,間道趣淮甸", "三月...趙立復徐州"; 448. "建炎三年,金人攻徐,王復拒守…城始破,立巷戰…陰結鄉民為收復計。金人北還,立率殘兵邀擊,斷其歸路,奪舟船金帛以千計,軍聲複振。乃盡結鄉民為兵,遂複徐州"; Study of Northern Alliances During the Three Reigns [三朝北盟會編]. 134. "趙立方知徐州,以徐州城孤且乏糧不可守,乃率将兵及民兵約三萬趨行在"
  31. 1 2 金史·列传第五十五. Archived from the original on 2016-12-03.
  32. 金史·列传第五十一. Archived from the original on 2016-12-03.
  33. 元史·列传第三十七. Archived from the original on 2016-12-20.
  34. 元史·列传第三十五. Archived from the original on 2016-12-20.
  35. History of Yuan. 42. "八月...丙戌,蕭縣李二及老彭、趙君用攻陷徐州。李二號芝麻李,與其黨亦以燒香聚眾而反", "二月...戊子,詔:「徐州內外群聚之眾,限二十日,不分首從,並與赦原」", "秋七月...以征西元帥斡羅為章佩添設少監,討徐州。脫脫請親出師討徐州,詔許之", "八月...辛卯,脫脫復徐州,屠其城,芝麻李等遁走"; 138. "十二年,紅巾有號芝麻李者,據徐州。脫脫請自行討之,以逯魯曾為淮南宣慰使,募鹽丁及城邑趫捷,通二萬人,與所統兵俱發。九月,師次徐州,攻其西門。賊出戰,以鐵翎箭射馬首,脫脫不為動,麾軍奮擊之,大破其衆,入其外郛。明日,大兵四集,亟攻之,賊不能支,城破,芝麻李遁去。獲其黃繖旗鼓,燒其積聚,追擒其偽千戶數十人,遂屠其城".
  36. Franke, Twitchett (2006). The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 6: Alien regimes and border states, 907-1368. Cambridge University Press. p. 577. ISBN   978-0-521-24331-5.
  37. History of Yuan. Vol. 138. 詔改徐州為武安州,而立碑以著其績
  38. History of Ming. Vol. 123. 當是時,士誠所據,南抵紹興,北逾徐州
  39. History of Ming. Vol. 1. 二十六年春...濠、徐、宿三州相繼下
  40. 明太祖實錄[Veritable Records of the Hongwu Reign]. Vol. 22. 元將擴廓帖木兒遣左丞李二侵徐州,兵駐陵子村。參政陸聚令指揮傅友德禦之,友德率兵二千餘泛舟至呂梁,伺其出掠,即舍舟登入擊之。李二遣禆將韓乙盛兵迎戰,友德奮槊刺韓乙墜馬,其兵敗去。友德度李二必益兵來鬥,趨還城開門,出兵陳城外,令士皆臥槍以待。有頃,李二果率眾至,友德令鳴鼓,我師奮起,沖其前鋒。李二眾大潰,多溺死,遂生擒李二及其將士二百七十餘人,獲馬五百餘疋。
  41. Twitchett, Mote (1998), p. 598.
  42. Twitchett, Mote (1998), p. 603.
  43. Peterson (2002). The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 9: The Ch'ing Empire to 1800, Part I. Cambridge University Press. p. 647. ISBN   0-521-24334-3.
  44. 錦南漂海錄[A Record of Drifting Across the Southern Brocade Sea]. Vol. 3. 江以北,若揚州、淮安,及淮河以北,若徐州、濟寧、臨清,繁華豐阜,無異江南,臨清為尤盛
  45. Twitchett, Mote (1998), p. 590.
  46. Twitchett, Mote (1998), p. 599.
  47. Shen, Defu. 萬曆野獲編[Unofficial Gleanings from the Wanli Era]. Vol. 12. 徐州卑濕,自堤上視之,如居釜底,與汴梁相似;而堤之堅厚重復,十不得汴二三餘見彼中故老,皆云目中已三見漂溺。須急徒城於高阜,如雲龍、子房等山,皆善地可版築,不然終有其魚之歎。又城下洪河,為古今孔道,自通泇後,軍民二運,俱不復經。商賈散徒,井邑蕭條,全不似一都會
  48. For instances, in 1453, see History of Ming. 177. "景泰...四年...先是,鳳陽、淮安、徐州大水,道堇相望...至是山東、河南饑民就食者坌至,廩不能給。惟徐州廣運倉有余積..."; in 1465, see History of Ming. 161. "夏寅...成化元年考滿入都,上言:「徐州旱澇,民不聊生...」"; in 1518, see 江南通志 [General Gazetteer of Jiangnan]. 83. "正德...十三年淮徐等處歲饑,截漕運粟數萬石并益以倉儲賑濟"; in 1544, see 明世宗實錄 [Veritable Records of the Jiajin Reign]. 290. "嘉靖二十三年九月…以鳳陽、淮安、揚州、廬州並徐州灾傷重大,命正兌米俱准折色"; in 1576, see History of Ming. 84. "萬曆...四年...未幾,河決韋家樓,又決沛縣縷水堤,豐、曹二縣長堤,豐、沛、徐州、睢甯、金鄉、魚臺、單、曹田廬漂溺無算"
  49. History of Ming. Vol. 84. 天啟...四年六月,決徐州魁山堤,東北灌州城,城中水深一丈三尺
  50. Mote, Twitchett (2007), p. 633.
  51. Mote, Twitchett (2007), p. 656.
  52. 江苏省志·地震事业志 [Jiangsu Provincial Gazetteer, Volume on Seismic Project](PDF). Jiangsu Ancient Books Publishing House. 1994. pp. 78–9. ISBN   7-80519-550-1. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2018-10-02. Retrieved 2018-10-02.
  53. Fairbank (2005), p. 651.
  54. Fairbank (2005), p. 665.
  55. Fairbank (2005), p. 700.
  56. Jiangsu Provincial Chorographies: Civil Administration Chorography. Beijing: China Local Records Publishing. 2002.
  57. 徐州绥靖公署军事法庭审判日本战犯回顾(in Chinese). Archived from the original on 2016-12-26.
  58. 不能忘却的审判 (in Chinese (China)). Archived from the original on 2016-12-26.
  59. "Battle of Suchow". Life Magazine, December 6, 1948.
  60. 万里同志与1975年铁路整顿. China Railway (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 2018-01-26. Retrieved 2018-01-26.
  61. 国务院关于同意苏州市和徐州市为"较大的市"的批复. Archived from the original on 2016-11-26.
  62. 徐州市区划简册(2016). Archived from the original on 2016-12-21.
  63. 沂沭泗流域介绍 (in Chinese (China)). Archived from the original on 2013-09-16.
  64. 中国气象数据网 – WeatherBk Data (in Simplified Chinese). China Meteorological Administration . Retrieved 25 June 2023.
  65. "Experience Template" 中国气象数据网 (in Simplified Chinese). China Meteorological Administration . Retrieved 25 June 2023.
  66. 中国地面国际交换站气候标准值月值数据集(1971-2000年). China Meteorological Administration. Archived from the original on 2013-09-21. Retrieved 2010-05-25.
  67. "The bulletin of 1% National Population Sample Survey in Xuzhou 2015 's main data". Archived from the original on 2016-11-24.
  68. "Jiangsu Provincial Geography" (in Chinese). Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group. 2011. ISBN   9787303131686.
  69. Feng, Yingliu (2001). 石炭. 蘇軾詩詞合注[Commentary to an Integrator of Several Versions of the Collection of Su Shi's Poetry and Lyrics]. Shanghai. p. 878. ISBN   9787532526529. 彭城舊無石炭。元豐元年十二月,始遣人訪獲於州之西南白土鎮之北,冶鐵作兵{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  70. A triangle-edge copper mirror with carved divine beasts unearthed at the Kurozuka Kofun ( 黒塚古墳 ), Tenri, Japan, bore "銅出徐州;師出洛陽 [Copper from Xuzhou; craftsman from Luoyang]".
  71. "Analysis: China's budding Caterpillars break new ground overseas". Reuters. 8 March 2012. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved 8 March 2012.
  72. History of the Later Han. Vol. 42. 詔報曰:「楚王誦黃老之微言,尚浮屠之仁祠,絜齋三月,與神為誓,何嫌何疑,當有悔吝?其還贖,以助伊蒲塞桑門之盛饌。」
  73. "Le financement canadien-français de la mission chinoise des Jésuites au Xuzhou de 1931 à 1949" (PDF) (in French).
  74. "Jiangsu Provincial Chorographies: Press Chorography" (in Chinese). Nanjing:Jiangsu Guji Press.
  75. 徐州地铁1号线一期9月28日10:00正式开通. 2019-09-26. Archived from the original on 2019-09-26. Retrieved 2019-09-28.

General references

  • Ji, Shijia (2008). 江苏省志・大事记(上) [Provincial Gazetteer of Jiangsu, Volume on Chronology, Part I: Prior to 1912](PDF). Jiangsu Guji Press. ISBN   978-7-806-43321-8.
  • Shan, Ma, Shumo, Xiangyong (1999). 江苏省志·地理志 [Provincial Gazetteer of Jiangsu, Volume on Geography](PDF). Jiangsu Guji Press. ISBN   978-7-806-43266-2.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Twitchett, Loewe, Denis, Michael (1987). The Cambridge History of China, Volume 1: The Ch'in and Han Empires, 221 BC–AD 220. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-0-521-24327-8.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Twitchett, Denis (2007). The Cambridge History of China, Volume 3: Sui and T'ang China, 589–906, Part 1. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-0-521-21446-9.
  • Mote, Twitchett, Frederick W., Denis (2007). The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 7: The Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644, Part 1. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-0-521-24332-2.
  • Twitchett, Mote, Denis, Frederick W. (1998). The Cambridge History of China, Volume 8: The Ming Dynasty, 1368–1644, Part 2. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-0-521-24333-9.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Fairbank (2005). The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 9: Republican China 1912-1949, Part 1. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-0-521-23541-9.
  • Zhao, Liangyu (2015). 环境·经济·社会——近代徐州城市社会变迁的研究(1882–1948). China Social Sciences Press. ISBN   978-7-516-16418-1.
XZ name.svg
"Xuzhou" in Chinese characters