List of cocaine analogues

Last updated

Cocaine positions tropane-ring only.png
Cocaine positions numbered.PNG
Top: Cocaine in the chair conformation of the tropane-ring, with only its tropane locants given.

Middle: Cocaine with its numerical substitution position locants.
2′ (6′) = ortho, 3′ (5′) = meta & 4′ = para

Bottom: Alternate two-dimensional molecular diagram of cocaine; shown specifically as a protonated, NH+, hydrochloride, and disregarding 3D stereochemistry

This is a list of cocaine analogues. A cocaine analogue is an (usually) artificial construct of a novel chemical compound from (often the starting point of natural) cocaine's molecular structure, with the result product sufficiently similar to cocaine to display similarity in, but alteration to, its chemical function. Within the scope of analogous compounds created from the structure of cocaine, so named "cocaine analogues" retain 3β-benzoyloxy or similar functionality (the term specifically used usually distinguishes from phenyltropanes, but in the broad sense generally, as a category, includes them) on a tropane skeleton, as compared to other stimulants of the kind. Many of the semi-synthetic cocaine analogues proper which have been made & studied have consisted of among the nine following classes of compounds: [a]


However strict analogues of cocaine would also include such other potential combinations as phenacyltropanes & other carbon branched replacements not listed above. The term may also be loosely used to refer to drugs manufactured from cocaine or having their basis as a total synthesis of cocaine, but modified to alter their effect & QSAR. These include both intracellular sodium channel blocker anaesthetics and stimulant dopamine reuptake inhibitor ligands (such as certain, namely tropane-bridged-excised, piperidines). Additionally, researchers have supported combinatorial approaches for taking the most promising analogues currently elucidated and mixing them to the end of discovering novel & efficacious compounds to optimize their utilization for differing distinct specified purposes. [b]

Analogs sensu stricto

Cocaine Stereoisomers

S. Singh's
IC50 (nM)
[3H]WIN 3542 inhibition to
rat striatal membranes
Mean error standard ≤5% in all cases
R-cocaine.svg R-cocaine
R-pseudococaine.svg R-pseudococaine
(Delcaine, Depsococaine, Dextrocaine, Isococaine, Psicaine. [2] )
R-allococaine.svg R-allococaine 1736160methyl(1R,2R,3R,5S)-3-(benzoyloxy)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-2-carboxylate
R-allopseudococaine.svg R-allopseudococaine 17428500methyl(1R,2S,3R,5S)-3-(benzoyloxy)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-2-carboxylate
S-cocaine.svg S-cocaine 17515800methyl(1S,3R,4R,5R)-3-(benzoyl)oxy-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-4-carboxylate
S-pseudococaine.svg S-pseudococaine 17622500methyl(1S,3R,4S,5R)-3-(benzoyl)oxy-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-4-carboxylate
S-allococaine.svg S-allococaine 1779820methyl(1S,3S,4R,5R)-3-(benzoyl)oxy-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-4-carboxylate
S-allopseudococaine.svg S-allopseudococaine 17867700methyl(1S,3S,4S,5R)-3-(benzoyl)oxy-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-4-carboxylate
The structure of cocaine with relevant structural motifs for activity at the dopamine transporter highlighted.

While it was originally thought that the 2b-carbomethoxy moiety interacted with the DAT through hydrogen bonding, subsequent research has indicated that electrostatic (ionic) interactions are the primary means of interactions with the DAT. Cocaine Pharmacophore.svg
The structure of cocaine with relevant structural motifs for activity at the dopamine transporter highlighted.

While it was originally thought that the 2β-carbomethoxy moiety interacted with the DAT through hydrogen bonding, subsequent research has indicated that electrostatic (ionic) interactions are the primary means of interactions with the DAT.

There are eight stereoisomers of cocaine (excluding mesomers and modifications to the internal portion of the tropane ring). [d] Due to the presence of four asymmetric carbon atoms in the 1- & 5- to 8 (N) position bond bridge that could adopt R- & S- configurations, cocaine can be considered to have as many as sixteen stereoisomers. However, geometric constraints imparted by the bridgehead amine allow only eight to be created.

The natural isomerism of cocaine is unstable and prone to epimerization. For example, the end product of cocaine biosynthesis contains an axial C2-carbomethoxy moiety which readily undergoes epimerization to the equatorial position via saponification.

For any 2D structural diagrams where stereochemistry is not indicated, it should be assumed the analogue depicted shares the stereochemical conformation of R-cocaine unless noted otherwise.

Arene benzene-ring 2′, 3′, 4′ (5′ & 6′) position (aryl) substitutions

para-substituted benzoylmethylecgonines

Carbon 4′-hydrogen Substitutions (benzene-4′ "para" substituted benzoyloxytropanes) [e]
Data-set congruent to, and aggregate with, following tables
IC50 values
StructureS. Singh's
4′=R DAT

[3H]WIN 35428









Cocaine H 249 ± 37615 ± 1202500 ± 702.510.0
non-benzoyloxy analogue
comparative ligands

non-tropane analogue
comparative ligands
11b (WIN 35428)

24 ± 4
775 ± 20
5200 ± 1270
690 ± 14
762 ± 90
15 ± 3
258 ± 40
135 ± 21
963 ± 158
183a-d Scaffold.svg
183a I 2522 ± 41052 ± 2318458 ± 10730.47.3
183b Ph 486 ± 63----
183c OAc 144 ± 2----
183d OH 158 ± 83104 ± 148601 ± 1119.63.8
(4′-Fluorococaine) [3] F -----
methyl ester
) [4]
NCS -----

The MAT binding pocket analogous to the lipophilic place on cocaine-like compounds, inclusive of the benzene ring, is approximate to 9 Å in length. Which is only slightly larger than a phenyl ring by itself. [f]

meta-substituted benzoylmethylecgonines

Carbon 3′-hydrogen Substitutions (benzene-3′ "meta" substituted benzoyloxytropanes) [g]
Data-set congruent to, and aggregate with, preceding and following tables
IC50 values
StructureS. Singh's

[3H]WIN 35428









(cocaine) H 249 ± 37615 ± 1202500 ± 702.510.0
184a-b Scaffold.svg
184bOH1183 ± 115793 ± 333760 ± 5890.73.2
191OBn -----
(m-Isococ) NCS -----
  • ɑIC50 value for displacement of [3H]cocaine

ortho-substituted benzoylmethylecgonines

Carbon 2′-hydrogen Substitutions (benzene-2′ "ortho" substituted benzoyloxytropanes) [h]
Data-set congruent to, and aggregate with, preceding and following tables
IC50 values
StructureS. Singh's

[3H]WIN 35428









Cocaine H 249 ± 37615 ± 1202500 ± 702.510.0
185a-d Scaffold.svg
185bF604 ± 671770 ± 3091392 ± 1732.92.3
(2′-Acetoxycocaine) [5]
OAc70 ± 1219 ± 2072 ± 93.11.0
(2′-Hydroxycocaine) [6]
OH25 ± 4143 ± 2148 ± 25.71.9
  • ɑIC50 value for displacement of [3H]cocaine

The hydroxylated 2′-OH analogue exhibited a tenfold increase in potency over cocaine. [i]

Manifold and termination benzoyloxy phenyl-substitutions

Vanillylmethylecgonine 186b
Hydroxymethoxycocaine.svg Cocaine analog 186.svg

Multi-substitutions (substitutions of substitutions; e.g. meta- & para-) or manifold ("many-fold") substituted analogues are analogues where more than one modification from the parent molecule takes place (having numerous intermediary constituents). These are created with often surprising structure–activity relationship results extrapolated therefrom. It is even a common case where two separate substitutions can each yield a weaker, lower affinity or even wholly non-efficacious compound respectively; but due to findings that oftentimes, when used together, such two mutually inferior changes being added in tandem to one analogue has the potential to make the resultant derivative display much greater efficacy, affinity, selectivity &/or strength than even the parent compound; which otherwise was compromised by either of those two alternations when made alone.

Manifold Compositions of Terminating Phenyl Ring Substitutions (Multiple benzene-2′,3′ & 4′ combined substituted benzoyloxytropanes) [j]
Data-set (excepting instanced references inside table) congruent to, and aggregate with, preceding and following tables
IC50 values
StructureS. Singh's

[3H]WIN 35428









Cocaine analog 186.svg 186HOHI215 ± 19195 ± 101021 ± 750.94.7
Hydroxymethoxycocaine.svg (Vanillylmethylecgonine) [7] H OCH3 OH-----
Terminating Phenyl Carbon Ring Fusions & Alterations [k]
Data-set congruent to, and aggregate with, preceding table
IC50 values
StructureS. Singh's

[3H]Cocaine (IC50)

Cocaine analog 187.svg 1871-naphthalene742 ± 48
Cocaine analog 188.svg 1882-naphthalene327 ± 63

Benzoyl and carbomethoxy branch modifications

Spirocyclic cocaine analog.svg
Spirocyclic benzoyl branch modification that fits criteria as a cocaine analog and a phenyltropane both (tropane 2nd locant ester rendered in given depiction shows, as has been attested, to only having been successfully alpha configured) [8]
Spirocyclic cocaine analog 12.svg

A sulfur in place of the oxygen at the benzoyl ester single bond results in a lower electronegativity than that of cocaine.

REC structure.png
REC is a cocaine analogue which contains a "reversed" C2 carbomethoxy moiety. In animal studies, REC lacked cocaine-like stimulant effects.

C1-tropane-ring hydrogen—substitutions

C1 substitutions [11]
Ki values for uptake inhibition obtained on HEK-293 heterologously expressed human monoamine transporter cells.
StructureTrivial name
(C1 moiety)
Ki (nM) @ DATKi (nM) @ SERTKi (nM) @ NETσ1 affinity
σ2 affinity
IC50 (μM) Na+ inhibition
influx of sodium channels
in Neocortical neurons)c
(XLogP3 algorithm,
Cheng et al., 2007)
(—)-CocaineH326 ± 106513 ± 143358 ± 696.7 ± 0.3 μMd [13] "significant" [14] 6.99 ± 2.432.30
1-methylcocaine.svg (—)-1-methyl-cocaineMe163 ± 23435 ± 77488 ± 101"unappreciable"1.13 μM16.01 ± 1.902.67
1-ethylcocaine.svg (—)-1-ethyl-cocaineEt95.1 ± 17.0ɑ1,106 ± 112598 ± 1793.20
1-propylcocaine.svg (—)-1-n-propyl-cocainen-Pr871 ± 205ɑ2,949 ± 462b796 ± 1953.56
1-pentylcocaine.svg (—)-1-n-pentyl-cocainen-C5H111,272 ± 199b1,866 ± 400ɑ1,596 ± 21b4.64
1-phenylcocaine.svg (—)-1-phenyl-cocainePh32.3 ± 5.7b974 ± 3081,980 ± 99b524 nM198 nM0.29 ± 0.073.77

Cocaine analogs substituting the C1-tropane ring position, requiring sulfinimine (N-sulfinyl-imine) chemistry (before the innovation of which were untenable) which bind unlike the typical configuration at DAT (open to out) as cocaine (with its terminal D79-Y156 distance of 6.03 Å), or in the atypical (closed to out) conformation of the benztropines (3.29 Å). Though closer to the open to out: (—)-1-methyl-cocaine = 4.40 Å & (—)-1-phenyl-cocaine = 4.89 Å, and exhibiting preferential interaction with outward facing DAT conformation, they appear to have the lack of behavioral stimulation as-like the closed to out type. Despite having non-stimulant behavior profiles, they still seem to have anti-depressant behavioral profiles. [12]

The C1 phenyl analog is ten times stronger than cocaine as a dopamine reuptake pump ligand, and twenty four times stronger as a local anesthetic (voltage-dependent Na+ channel blocker), whereas the C1 methyl analog is 2.3 times less potent as a local anesthetic. [12]

cf. hydroxytropacocaine for a natural alkaloid (lacking however, the 2-position carbmethoxy) that is a C1 substituent with a hydroxy group.


Direct 2β Substitutions [l]
(IC50 nM values)
StructureS. Singh's

[3H]WIN 35428









Cocaine analog 196a-o.svg
(Cocaine) Me 89 ± 4.81045 ± 893298 ± 29311.737.0
Et 195 ± 455801 ± 49310000 ± 75129.751.3
196bn-Pr196 ± 464517 ± 4306124 ± 26223.331.2
196ci-Pr219 ± 4825224 ± 149830384 ± 1685115139
196dPh112 ± 3133666 ± 333031024 ± 1909300277
196eBn257 ± 14302 ± 2320794 ± 9501.280.9
196fβ-phenethyl181 ± 10615 ± 5219944 ± 10263.4110
196gγ-phenylpropyl147 ± 19374 ± 154893 ± 3442.533.3
196h cinnamyl 371 ± 15368 ± 6.368931 ± 34761.0186
196ip-NO2-β-phenethyl601 ± 28----
196jp-Cl-β-phenethyl271 ± 12----
196kp-NH2-β-phenethyl72 ± 7----
196lp-NCS-β-phenethyl196 ± 14----
196mp-azido-β-phenethyl227 ± 19----
196n(p-NHCOCH2Br)β-phenethyl61 ± 6----
196o(p-NHCO(CH2)2CO2Et)β-phenethyl86 ± 4----
Cocaine analog 197a-d.svg 197aNH2753 ± 41.313725 ± 12563981 ± 22918.25.3
197b-NMe2127 ± 6.36143713 ± 88547329 ± 158113157.7
197c-N(OMe)Me60 ± 6.428162 ± 25653935 ± 26646965.6
197d-NHMe2424 ± 11844798 ± 21054213 ± 20618.51.7
Cocaine analog 196-197.svg 197fHOCH2-561 ± 149----
H5180 ± 1160----

Compounds 196e-h possess greater SERT affinity than cocaine, but possess weaker NET/DAT affinities (with the exception of 196g at NET). Compounds 196k, 196n, 196o, and 197c all possess greater DAT affinity than cocaine. Compound 197b (dimethyl amide) displayed a 1,131-fold increased selectivity in affinity over the serotonin transporter, with only slight reductions in potency for the dopamine & norepinephrine transporters. [m] Whereas 197c (Weinreb amide, N-methoxy-N-methyl amide) had a 469× increase at SERT, with greater affinity for DAT than cocaine and an equal NET affinity. [n] 197b was 137×, and 196c 27× less potent at binding to the serotonin transporter, but both had a NET / DAT ratio that made for a better dopaminergic than cocaine. [o] The consideration that large, bulky C2 substituents would alter the spatial conformation of the tropane ring system by distorting the piperidine portion of the system and thus hamper binding [p] appears to be unfounded. [q]

Benzoylecgonine (197e) is the inactive primary metabolite of cocaine generated through hydrolysis of the C2 methyl ester. In vitro binding studies indicate that benzoylecgonine is ~2,200x less potent than cocaine at the dopamine transporter, possibly due to zwitterion formation preventing strong DAT binding. In contrast to in vitro studies, the lack of activity observed in in vivo studies is likely the result of reduced blood–brain barrier penetration than formation of a zwitterion. [r]

Bioisostere 2-position carbmethoxy-ester functional replacements

2β-isoxazole and isoxazoline ring containing analogues [s] [t] [u]
IC50 nM values
StructureS. Singh's
R[3H]Mazindol [3H]DASelectivity


(Cocaine)(H)580 ± 70570 ± 1801.0
Cocaine analog 198.svg
198aH520 ± 40260 ± 700.5
198bCO2Et (5′-carboethoxy-)120 ± 10290 ± 402.4
198c BOC 2230 ± 2201820 ± 8100.8
198dPh2000 ± 6402920 ± 16201.5
198eCH=CHCO2Me3600 ± 4003590 ± 11801.0
Singh 199a-b.svg
199aβ(or R)CO2Et710 ± 1501060 ± 3401.5
199bα(or S)CO2Et5830 ± 6308460 ± 6201.4
Singh 200.svg 200880 ± 350400 ± 1400.4

Vinylogous 2β-position carbmethoxy-ester functional replacements

vinylogous 2β analogues [v]
Data-set congruent to, and aggregate with, preceding table
IC50 nM values
StructureS. Singh's


Cocaine analog 201.svg
Cocaine580 ± 70570 ± 1801
201aH1730 ± 5501120 ± 3900.6
201bCl222 ± 49368 ± 1901.6
201cCO2Et50 ± 10130 ± 102.6
201dCH=CHCO2Et1220 ± 100870 ± 500.7
201ePO(OEt)24850 ± 4705500 ± 701.1

Compounds 201b & 201c were significantly more potent than cocaine while compounds 201a, 201d & 201e were significantly less potent. This finding indicates that the presence of a hydrogen bond acceptor (i.e. carbomethoxy) at the 2β position is not absolutely necessary for the creation of high affinity cocaine analogues. [w]


Nitrogen Substitutions
Mazindol comparison table
(ɑβ-CFT comparison notation) [x]
CompoundS. Singh's


Cocaine methiodide.svg 217
(Cocaine methiodide)
-10700 ± 1530ɑ--
Cocaine analog 219.svg (Cocaine)CH3280 ± 60
320 ± 101.1
H303 ± 59ɑ--
219a Bn 668 ± 67ɑ--
219b Ac 3370 ± 1080ɑ--
219cCH2CH2OH700 ± 1001600 ± 2002.3
219dCH2CO2CH3480 ± 401600 ± 1003.3
219eCH2CO2H380 ± 202100 ± 4005.5
220aSO2CH3 (Ms)1290 ± 801970 ± 701.5
220bSO2CF3 (Tf)330 ± 30760 ± 202.3
220cSO2NCO120 ± 10160 ± 101.3
220dSO2Ph20800 ± 3500610002.9
220eSO2C6H4-4-NO2 (nosyl)5720 ± 114018800 ± 903.3
220fSO2C6H4-4-OCH36820 ± 58016400 ± 14002.4
221aNO99500 ± 12300231700 ± 395002.3
221bNO27500 ± 90021200 ± 6002.8

Tricyclic cocaine analogues

8 to 2 tethered analogues

Activity at monoamine transporters: Binding Affinities & MAT Inhibition of Bridged Phenyltropanes Ki (nM) [y]
(S. Singh's #)
Structure[3H]Mazindol binding[3H]DA uptake[3H]5-HT uptake[3H]NE uptakeselectivity
cocaine375 ± 68423 ± 147155 ± 4083.3 ± 1.50.4
(–)-12854.3 ± 10.260.3 ± 0.41.76 ± 0.235.24 ± 0.070.03
(+)-12879 ± 19114 ± 281.48 ± 0.074.62 ± 0.310.01
(±)-128 Singh 128.svg 61.7 ± 8.560.3 ± 0.42.32 ± 0.232.69 ± 0.120.04
129 Singh 129.svg 6.86 ± 0.4324.0 ± 1.31.77 ± 0.041.06 ± 0.030.07
130a Singh 130a.svg 17.2 ± 1.1310.2 ± 1.478.9 ± 0.915.0 ± 0.47.8
131a Singh 131a.svg 4.00 ± 0.072.23 ± 0.1214.0 ± 0.62.99 ± 0.176.3
131b Singh 131b.svg 3.61 ± 0.4311.3 ± 1.125.7 ± 4.34.43 ± 0.012.3
132a Singh 132a.svg 13.7 ± 0.814.2 ± 0.1618 ± 873.84 ± 0.3543.5
133a Singh 133a.svg 149 ± 6149 ± 2810 ± 8051.7 ± 125.4

See N-front & back bridged phenyltropanes.

Derivations upon fusions of the tropane's nitrogen bridge [z]
CompoundS. Singh's


Cocaine analog 222.svg 22244900 ± 6200115000 ± 157002.6

Back-bridged cocaine analogues are considered more akin to untethered cocaine analogs & phenyltropane derivatives (where the nitrogen lone pair is not fixed or constrained) and better mimics their affinities. This is due to when the eighth carbon tropane position is freely rotatable and unbound it preferably occupies the axial position as defining its least energy & most unhindered state. In front-bridged analogs the nitrogen lone pairings rigid fixity makes it reside in an equatorial placing for the piperidine ring-part of the tropane nucleus, pointing to the two-carbon & three methylene unit bridgehead; giving the attested front-bridged cocaine analogues preference for SERT over DAT. [aa]

8 to 3 tethered analogues

Thiophene tricyclic tropane analogues [19]
StructureCompoundRX[3H]DA Uptake[3H]5-HT Uptake[3H]NE Uptake5-HT/DA SelectivityNE/DA Selectivity
Cocaine259 ± 19.9155 ± 0.4108 ± 3.50.600.42
Zhang thiophene tropane.svg
5aHCO2Me268 ± 16.62046 ± 4226.4 ± 1.97.630.10
5bMeCO2Me403 ± 20179 ± 384.9 ± 0.20.440.01
5cICO2Me368 ± 1.629 ± 1.65 ±
7HCO2iPr428 ± 45.71150 ± 1.652.3 ± 12.02.690.12
8HCH2OH~3000~1000~300~0.33~ 0.1
9HCH2OAc610 ± 531530 ± 150283 ± 162.510.46
10HCH2OCOC(CH3)31020 ± 70168 ± 53.51180 ± 1300.161.16
11HCH2OCOPh1750 ± 1401.53 ± 0.19894 ± 1260.00090.51
12HCH2OCO-2-naphthyl1678 ± 124169 ± 161234 ± 1660.100.74
13HCH2NHCOCH36140 ± 5013330 ± 31502430 ± 3402.170.39
14HCH2NHCO2C(CH3)32300 ± 3802360 ± 301700 ± 601.030.74
Conformationally constrained tricyclic tropane analogues [20]
StructureCompoundRX[3H]DA Uptake[3H]5-HT Uptake[3H]NE UptakeDA/5-HT SelectivityNE/DA Selectivity
Cocaine423 ± 147155 ± 0.4108 ±
Zhang tricyclic tropane.svg
8a4-FCO2Me6620 ± 460335 ± 45584 ± 1632.70.26
8b4-ClCO2Me853 ± 5834.3 ± 2.9208 ± 11124.80.24
8c3-ClCO2Me7780 ± 158053.6 ± 17.2231 ± 441450.03
8d4-BrCO2Me495 ± 1311 ± 3178 ± 9450.36
8e4-ICO2Me764 ± 1121.9 ± 0.3213 ± 3134.90.28
8f4-CF3CO2MeN/T12.6 ± 0.51830 ± 211N/TN/T
8gHCO2Me481 ± 111140 ± 7053 ± 160.420.11
8h4-MeCO2Me649 ± 215 ± 0.4146 ± 2843.30.22
8i4-OCH3CO2Me3130 ± 16056 ± 4187 ± 555.90.06
8j4-iPrCO2MeN/T10.2 ± 0.41110 ± 200N/TN/T
8k3,4-Cl2CO2Me1920 ± 26020 ± 11000 ± 280960.52
8l2,3-Cl2CO2Me950 ± 107354 ± 1881210 ± 3582.41.42
8m3,5-Cl2CO2Me5600 ± 400437 ± 0.34100 ± 50012.80.73
8n3,4-F2CO2Me7440 ± 19101 ± 8.7394 ± 9873.70.05
8o4-Br-3-ClCO2Me5420 ± 9402.3 ± 0.1459 ± 8023600.08
8p3-Cl-4-ICO2Me3140 ± 4501.8 ± 0.3272 ± 5517400.09
8q2-Cl-4-ICO2Me6640 ± 208074 ± 12.2508 ± 2189.70.08
8r3-Cl-4-MeCO2Me>100006.4 ± 1.3198 ± 10>1560<0.02
8s3,4-Me2CO2MeN/T10.1 ± 1.1659 ± 128N/TN/T
Zhang tricyclic tropane 2.svg
8t1-NaphthylCO2Me9720 ± 700121 ± 35370 ± 58080.30.55
8u2-NaphthylCO2Me735 ± 23521 ± 9.9157 ± 13350.21
8v1-PyrenylCO2Me9920 ± 906860 ± 20.6N/T11.5N/T
8w9-PhenanthrylCO2Me1640 ± 30233 ± 4413000 ± 130039.20.86
  • "N/T" = "not tested"

Tropane ring contraction (azabornane) analogues

Comparison of tropane ring versus the norbornane in overlay emphasizing the conformational differences of the benzoyl branch between the tropane ring system (dark blue on right) and norbornane ring system (light blue on right). NorbornaneBMEanalog.png
Comparison of tropane ring versus the norbornane in overlay emphasizing the conformational differences of the benzoyl branch between the tropane ring system (dark blue on right) and norbornane ring system (light blue on right).
7-Azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane Derivatives [ab]
StructureS. Singh's
[3H]WIN 35428
Ki (nM)
(Cocaine)89 ± 4.8
Cocaine analogue 155a.svg 155a60400 ± 4800
Cocaine analogue 155b.svg 155b96500 ± 42
Cocaine analogue 155c.svg 155c5620 ± 390
Cocaine analogue 155d.svg 155d18900 ± 1700

6/7 tropane position methoxycocaine & methoxypseudococaine analogues

Phenylsulfanyl, C2-C3 unsaturated nonisomeric (C2 inclusive) C4 chloro analog. Methyl (1R,4R,5S)-4-chloro-8-methyl-3-(phenylsulfanyl)-8-azabicyclo(3.2.1)oct-2-ene-2-carboxylate.svg
Phenylsulfanyl, C2-C3 unsaturated nonisomeric (C2 inclusive) C4 chloro analog.
Substitutions upon the 6 & 7 positions of the tropane [ac]
CompoundS. Singh's
XKi (nM)
[3H]Mazindol binding
Ki (nM)
[3H]DA uptake


(Cocaine)280 ± 60320 ± 101.1
(Pseudococaine)10400 ± 30013800 ± 15001.3
Cocaine analog 225a.svg 225a2β, 6β-OCH398000 ± 1200068000 ± 50000.7
Cocaine analog 225b.svg 225b2α, 6β-OCH3190000 ± 11000510000 ± 1100002.7
Cocaine analog 225c.svg 225c2β, 7β-OCH34200 ± 1006100 ± 2001.4
Cocaine analog 225d.svg 225d2α, 7β-OCH345000 ± 5000110000 ± 40002.4
Cocaine analog 225e.svg 225e2α, 7α-OCH354000 ± 3000200000 ± 700003.7

3β-position 2′—(6′) & 2β-substitution combination analogues

4′-Iodococaine-2β-substituted analogues [ad]
CompoundS. Singh's
2β-RC2′-RIC50 (nM)
(displacement of [3H]WIN 35428)
Cocaine analog 211.svg
211aCH2OHH6214 ± 1269
211bCH2OCOCH3H2995 ± 223
211dCO2EtH2031 ± 190
211eCO2-i-PrH1377 ± 10
211fCO2PhH2019 ± 253
211gCO2CH2PhH4602 ± 325
211h3-phenyl-1,2,4-oxadiazoleH3459 ± 60
211iCH=CH2H2165 ± 253
211jCH2CH3H2692 ± 486
Cocaine analog 212.svg 212CO2-i-PrHO663 ± 70
4507 ± 13ɑ
34838 ± 796b

3β-Carbamoyl analogues

3-position carbamoyl linkage substituting benzoyloxy analogues [ae]
CompoundS. Singh's
XIC50 (nM)
inhibition of [3H]Cocaine binding
(Rat Striatal Tissue)
IC50 (nM)
inhibition of [3H]DA uptake
(Rat Striatal Tissue)
(Cocaine)(H)70 ± 10210 ± 703.0
Cocaine analog 223a-e.svg
223aH5600 ± 70052600 ± 30009.4
223b4-NO21090 ± 2505700 ± 12005.2
223c4-NH263300 ± 12200>100000-
223d4-N31000 ± 2401180 ± 3601.2
223e4-NCS260 ± 60490 ± 801.9
Cocaine analog 223f-i.svg
223f3-NO237 ± 10178 ± 234.8
223g3-NH22070 ± 34023100 ± 90011.1
223h3-N3630 ± 1503900 ± 15906.2
223i3-NCS960 ± 2104900 ± 4205.1

Phenyl 3-position linkage substitutions

A 3-Dimensional (stick-&-ball) rendering of Troparil: A structural analogue of cocaine with omitted -COO- linkage - a parent compound of many MAT ligands; those of the phenyltropane class. (Here it is depicted in an unfavourable conformation of the O-Me; The methyl has to be at the other oxygen and trans to optimize its functional stimulation.) Phenyltropane.gif
A 3-Dimensional (stick-&-ball) rendering of Troparil: A structural analogue of cocaine with omitted -COO- linkage – a parent compound of many MAT ligands; those of the phenyltropane class. (Here it is depicted in an unfavourable conformation of the O-Me; The methyl has to be at the other oxygen and trans to optimize its functional stimulation.)
Troparil w ph distal cis OMe.png
Troparil w ph proximal trans OMe.png
The top image above is a 2-Dimensional emulation of the orientation for the animated 3D image to the far right, with a methoxy that is distal from the phenyl group and cis. While the alternate image below that to its bottom shown above is one with the carboxyl methyl group proximal to the phenyl, in its optimum conformation, with a likewise optimum trans configuration.

See: List of phenyltropanes (Many phenyltropanes are derived from cocaine metabolites, such as methylecgonidine, as precursors. Whereas fully synthetic methods have been devised from the starting material of vinylcarbenoids & pyrroles.) [21]

The difference in the length of the benzoyloxy and the phenyl linkage contrasted between cocaine and phenyltropanes makes for a shorter distance between the centroid of the aromatic benzene and the bridge nitrogen of the tropane in the latter PTs. This distance being on a scale of 5.6 Å for phenyltropanes and 7.7 Å for cocaine or analogs with the benzoyloxy intact. [af] This may account for PTs increased behavioral stimulation profile over cocaine. [ag] Differences in binding potency have also been explained considering solvation effects; cocaine containing 2β,3β-ester groups being calculated as more solvated than the WIN-type compounds (i.e. troparil). Higher pKɑs of the tropane nitrogen (8.65 for cocaine, 9.55 for troparil & 11.95 for vinyl analogue 43a), decreased aqueous solvation & decreased conformational flexibility added to increased binding affinity. [ah]

WIN 35,065-2.svg WF-31.svg RTI-11W.svg WF-23.svg

Despite the observation of increased stimulation, phenyltropanes lack the local anesthetic sodium channel blocking effect that the benzoyloxy imparts to cocaine. Beside topical affect, this gives cocaine an affinity for binding to sites on the dopamine and serotonin sodium dependent transport areas that are distinct & specific to MAT in contrast to the general sodium channels; creating a separate mechanism of relational affinity to the transporters in addition to its inhibition of the reuptake for those transporters; this is unique to the local anesthetic value in cocaine & analogues with a similar substitute for the benzoyloxy that leaves the sodium channel blockage ability intact. Rendering such compounds as different functionally in their relation to MAT contrasted to phenyltropane analogues which have the local anesthetic bridge removed. [22] (Requiring some of the sodium ions to be pumped from the axon via Na+/K+-ATPase). In addition, it even has been postulated that a crucial role regarding the electron energy imparted via voltage sensitization (and thus action potential blockage with a molecule capable of intersecting its specific channel, in the case of cocaine a sodium channel, that potentially serves in re-quantifying its charge) upon a receptor binding site may attenuate the mediating influence of the inhibitory regulation that autoreceptors play by their slowing neurotransmitter release when an efflux is created through an instance of agonism by a compound; allowing said efflux to be continued without the body's attempt to maintain homeostasis enacting in as readily responsive a manner to its conformational change. [23]

Various phenyltropane examples

RTI-353 structure.png RTI-150.png RTI-171 structure.png RTI-336.png
Altropane.svg Ioflupane.png Brasofensine.svg Tesofensine chemical structure.png

3β-Alkylphenyltropane & 3β-Alkenyl analogues

3-position alkylphenyl linkage substituting benzoyloxy analogues [ai]
CompoundS. Singh's
nIC50 (nM)
[3H]Cocaine binding
IC50 (nM)
[3H]DA uptake
(Cocaine)101 ± 26209 ± 202.1
Cocaine analog 224.svg
224a1885 ± 181020 ± 521.1
224b29.9 ± 0.3370.5 ± 1.07.1
224c3344 ± 122680 ± 1907.8
224d71.6 ± 0.7138 ± 91.9
224e2.10 ± 0.045.88 ± 0.092.8

The compound 224e, the 3β-styrene analogue, had the highest potency in its group. While 224b & 224c showed the most selectivity, with 224b having a ten-fold greater potency for the dopamine transporter than cocaine. [aj]

6-Alkyl-3-benzyltropane analogues

6-Alkyl-3-benzyl-2[(methoxycarbonyl)methyl]tropane analogues [ak]
(S. Singh compound #)
Cocaine analog 229a.svg Cocaine analog 229b.svg Cocaine analog 229c.svg Cocaine analog 229d.svg Cocaine analog 229e.svg Cocaine analog 229f.svg
Cocaine analog 230a.svg Cocaine analog 230b.svg Cocaine analog 230c.svg Cocaine analog 230d.svg Cocaine analog 230e.svg Cocaine analog 230f.svg
Cocaine analog 229a.svg Cocaine analog 231b.svg Cocaine analog 231c.svg Cocaine analog 231d.svg Cocaine analog 231e.svg Cocaine analog 231f.svg
Cocaine analog 230a.svg Cocaine analog 232b.svg Cocaine analog 232c.svg Cocaine analog 232d.svg Cocaine analogue 232e.svg Cocaine analog 232f.svg
6-Alkyl-3-benzyl-2[(methoxycarbonyl)methyl]tropane analogues [al]
CompoundS. Singh's
(name/WIN number)
RKi (nM)
[3H]WIN 35428 binding
IC50 (nM)
[3H]DA uptake


Cocaine32 ± 5
338 ± 221
405 ± 91
405 ± 91
WIN 35065-233 ± 17
314 ± 222
373 ± 1011.3
229 Analogue Scaffold.svg
(−)-229aH33 ± 5161 ± 1004.9
229aH91 ± 1094 ± 261.0
229bMe211 ± 23--
229cEt307 ± 28--
229dn-Pr4180 ± 418--
229en-Bu8580 ± 249--
229fBn3080 ± 277--
230 Analogue Scaffold.svg
(+)-230aH60 ± 6208 ± 633.5
230aH108 ± 14457 ± 1044.2
230bMe561 ± 64--
230cEt1150 ± 135--
230dn-Pr7240 ± 376--
230en-Bu19700 ± 350--
230fBn7590 ± 53--
231 Analogue Scaffold.svg
231bMe57 ± 5107 ± 361.9
231cEt3110 ± 187--
231dn-Pr5850 ± 702--
231fBn1560 ± 63--
232 Analogue Scaffold.svg
232bMe294 ± 29532 ± 1361.8
232cEt6210 ± 435--
232dn-Pr57300 ± 3440--
232fBn3080 ± 277--
241Bn4830 ± 434--
Benzylidene derivatives of 6-alkyl-3-benzyltropanes [am]
(S. Singh compound #)
Cocaine analog 237a.svg Cocaine analog 237b.svg Cocaine analog 237c.svg Cocaine analog 237d.svg Cocaine analog 237e.svg Cocaine analog 237f.svg
6β-isomers (exo):
Cocaine analog 238a.svg Cocaine analog 238b.svg Cocaine analog 238c.svg Cocaine analog 238d.svg Cocaine analog 238e.svg

Cocaine analog 238f.svg

3β-benzyl derivatives:
Cocaine analog 239a.svg Cocaine analog 239b.svg Cocaine analog 239c.svg Cocaine analog 239d.svg Cocaine analog 239e.svg Cocaine analog 239f.svg
alkylidene esters:
Cocaine analog 240a.svg Cocaine analog 240b.svg Cocaine analog 240c.svg Cocaine analog 240d.svg Cocaine analog 240e.svg Cocaine analog 240f.svg

N.B. The benzylidene derivatives serve as synthetic intermediates for 6-Alkyl-3-benzyltropanes and have not been assayed for biological activity. Compounds 237a and 238a are the same compound as both are the parent for either series with a hydrogen saturated in their respective substitution place.

Direct 2,3-pyrimidino fused

above: Strobamine, a DARI functional cocaine analog with structural semblance. [24] Compare the phenyltropane length tropane C2 & C3 functional group fusion variant. [25]

below: Chalcostrobamine
Chalcostrobamine Structure.svg

cf. strobamine (at right) for a more efficacious compound as like the below.

2,3-direct fused "di-hetero-benzene" rigidified cocaine analogs. [26]
(Binding values @ biogenic amine transporters (BATs) for rigid and semi-rigid analogs)
IC50 (nM)
IC50 (nM)
IC50 (nM)
2,3-fused pyrimidino cocaine analogue 3a.svg
()-3aHC6H558,300 (20,200)6140 (3350)NA
(+)-3aHC6H548,700 (20,100)6030 (3400)NA
2,3-fused pyrimidino cocaine analogue 3b.svg
2,3-fused pyrimidino cocaine analogue 3c.svg
2,3-fused pyrimidino cocaine analogue 3d.svg
2,3-fused pyrimidino cocaine analogue 3e.svg (+/—)-3eC6H5C6H530,000 (11,200)3650 (1700)NA

Direct di-hetero-benzene (pyrimidino) 2,3-fused and thus rigidified cocaine analogs. [26]

Piperidine cocaine-homologues

Tricyclo benzoyloxy dibenzene cocaine analogue. cf. benztropine compound #277, tropatepine, etc. Methyl (1R,2R,3S,5S)-8-methyl-3-(tricyclo(,8)pentadeca-1(11),3,5,7,12,14-hexaene-2-carbonyloxy)-8-azabicyclo(3.2.1)octane-2-carboxylate.svg
Tricyclo benzoyloxy dibenzene cocaine analogue. cf. benztropine compound #277, tropatepine, etc.
Binding potency of piperidine homologues for displacement of [3H]WIN 35428 [an]
CompoundS. Singh's
2β-RIC50 (nM)
(i.e. CO2Me)
249 ± 37
Cocaine analog 183a.svg 183aCO2CH32522 ± 4
Cocaine analog 242.svg 242H11589 ± 4
Cocaine analog 243.svg 243CO2CH38064 ± 4

cf. phenyltropane piperidine-homologues for compounds with a more optimized conformation that yield higher affinities when binding to MAT.

Cocaine hapten analogues

"GNC", a cocaine analog designed to minimize the formation of noncocaine-like structures through its chemical coupling to the Ad proteins; all while maintaining the element of its antigenic determinant from the moiety of cocaine. Cocaine analog GNC.svg
"GNC", a cocaine analog designed to minimize the formation of noncocaine-like structures through its chemical coupling to the Ad proteins; all while maintaining the element of its antigenic determinant from the moiety of cocaine.
Cocaine analogs which elicit noncatalytic antibodies [ao]
CompoundS. Singh's
CocaineNoncatalyticHapten394.svg 394
CocaineNoncatalyticHapten395.svg 395
(Succinyl Norcocaine) [28]
Cocaine hapten GNE.svg GNEb [29]
including carrier proteins:
CocaineNoncatalyticHapten396.svg 396CONH(CH2)5CO2H
Tetrahedral-intermediate cocaine-hapten compound #400 Cocaine analog 400 intermediate.svg
Tetrahedral-intermediate cocaine-hapten compound #400
Cocaine transition state analogues (TSAs) which generate catalytic antibodies [ap]
CompoundS. Singh's
Cocaine analog 401.svg
Cocaine analog 402.svg
Cocaine analog 403.svg

Cocaine haptens that create catalytic anti-bodies require transitional states as affected in vivo. Monoclonal antibodies generated against BSA-coupled 402e accelerated the rate of cocaine hydrolysis by ~23,000x and eliminated the reinforcing effects of cocaine administration in rats. [30] [31] [32] [33]

Anti-idiotypic & butyl-cholinesterase mediated immunopharmacotherapy cocaine analogs [34]
K1-KLH-BSA.svg K2-KLH-BSA.svg

Structural/Functional intermediate analogues

Piperidine Analogues

JZ-IV-10 chemical structure.png


A somewhat recent occurrence among tentative modern folklore which has traversed the circling of rumors mostly confined to the likes of universities and popular culture trivia has been that cocaine is one element, or molecule increment of weight or charge etc., away from the molecular structure of sugar. [37] Though such a statement is false as a general pretense, there is a dextrose based super-structure that has a vaguely similar overlay with cocaine which is "benzoyl-beta-D-glucoside."


Benztropine (3α-Diphenylmethoxy Tropane) Analogues

3α-Diphenylmethoxy tropanes
(Benztropine analog affinities binding to DAT & DA uptake) [aq]
CompoundS. Singh's
RR′Ki (nM)
[3H]WIN 35428 binding
IC50 (nM)




(Cocaine)388 ± 47--
(GBR 12909)11.6 ± 31--
Cocaine analog 249-251.svg
(Benztropine)HH118 ± 9403 ± 1153.4
249a4′-FH32.2 ± 10481.5
(AHN 1-055)
4′-F4′-F11.8 ± 1716.0
249c3′,4′-di-FH27.9 ± 11181 ± 45.76.5
249d4′-ClH30.0 ± 121153.8
249e4′-Cl4′-Cl20.0 ± 14753.8
249f3′,4′-di-ClH21.1 ± 19472.2
249g3′,4′-di-ClF18.9 ± 14241.3
249h4′-BrH37.9 ± 7290.8
249j4′-NO2H197 ± 82191.1
249k4′-CNH196 ± 92221.1
249l4′-CF3H635 ± 1021553.4
249m4′-OHH297 ± 136772.3
249n4′-OMeH78.4 ± 84686.0
249o4′-OMe4′-OMe2000 ± 728761.4
249p4′-MeH187 ± 55122.7
249q4′-Me4′-Me420 ± 725366.0
249r4′-EtH520 ± 89841.9
250a3′-FH68.5 ± 12250 ± 64.73.6
250b3′-F3′-F47.4 ± 1407 ± 63.98.6
250c3′-ClH21.6 ± 7228 ± 77.110.5
250d3′-CF3H187 ± 5457 ± 72.02.4
251a2′-FH50.0 ± 12140 ± 17.22.8
251b2′-ClH228 ± 9997 ± 1094.4
251c2′-MeH309 ± 61200 ± 1.643.9
251d2′-NH2H840 ± 8373 ± 1170.4
(Benztropine affinities to DAT & 5-HTT in cynomologous monkey caudate-putamen) [ar]
CompoundS. Singh's
RR′IC50 (nM)
(Binding of [3H]WIN 35428)
IC50 (nM)
(Binding of [3H]Citalopram)
(benztropine)312 ± 1.124100 ± 1480077.2
(WIN 35428)12.9 ± 1.1160 ± 2012.4
R-2562040 ± 2831460 ± 2550.7
Cocaine analog 257.svg
S-257aHH33.5 ± 4.510100 ± 1740301
S-257bHF13.2 ± 1.94930 ± 1200373
FF10.9 ± 1.23530 ± 1480324
S-257dHCl15.8 ± 0.955960 ± 467377
S-257eClCl91.4 ± 0.853360 ± 148036.8
S-257fHBr24.0 ± 4.65770 ± 493240
S-257gBrBr72.0 ± 3.652430 ± 33933.7
S-257hHI55.9 ± 10.39280 ± 1640166
S-257iBrI389 ± 29.44930 ± 8212.7
S-257jII909 ± 798550 ± 4429.4
S-257kHMe49.5 ± 6.013200266
S-257lMeMe240 ± 18.49800 ± 268040.8
N-Modified 2-carbomethoxybenztropines
(Benztropine affinities to DAT & 5-HTT in cynomologous monkey caudate-putamen) [as]
CompoundS. Singh's
RnIC50 (nM)
(Binding of [3H]WIN 35428)
IC50 (nM)
(Binding of [3H]Citalopram)
Cocaine analog 258.svg
258a20.3 ± 3.5--
258bH1223 ± 534970 ± 70022.3
258cH322.0 ± 11.919.7 ± 30.9
258dBr380.2 ± 8.8234 ± 0.52.9
258eI3119 ± 112200 ± 125018.5
258fH599.0 ± 28550 ± 635.5
259616 ± 8855200 ± 2000089.3
N-substituted 3α[bis(4′-fluorophenyl)methoxy]tropanes
(Benztropine affinities to DAT & 5-HTT) [at]
CompoundS. Singh's
RKi (nM)
(Binding of [3H]WIN 35428)
IC50 (nM)
(Uptake of [3H]DA)
Cocaine analog 260-265.svg
(AHN 2-003)
H11.2 ± 119.70.9
261a3-phenylpropyl41.9 ± 112305.5
261bindole-3-ethyl44.6 ± 11120026.9
261c4-phenylbutyl8.51 ± 14394.6
261d4-(4′-nitrophenyl)butyl20.2 ± 1165032.2
261e3-(4′-fluorophenyl)propyl60.7 ± 12--
262an-butyl24.6 ± 837015.0
262bcyclopropylmethyl32.4 ± 91805.5
262callyl29.9 ± 10140.5
262dbenzyl82.2 ± 152903.5
262e4-fluorobenzyl95.6 ± 102002.1
262fcinnanyl86.4 ± 121802.1
262g[bis(4-fluorophenyl)methoxy]ethyl634 ± 23--
262h[(4-nitrophenyl)phenylmethoxy]ethyl57.0 ± 17--
264formyl2020 ± 1354002.7
(AHN 2-005) [38] CH2CH=CH2---
(JHW 007) [38] CH2CH2CH2CH3---
(GA 2-99) [38] CH2CH2NH2---
(GA 103) [38] CH2CH2CH2CH2Ph---
Cocaine analog 266.svg 266108 ± 121301.2

ɑInhibition at 10 μM

8-Oxa-2-carbomethoxy norbenztropines
(8-Oxanortropane benztropine analog affinities to DAT & 5-HTT) [au]
CompoundS. Singh's
IC50 (nM)
(Binding of [3H]WIN 35428)
IC50 (nM)
(Binding of [3H]Citalopram)
Cocaine analog 268.svg R/S-2682β,3β>10000>1660
Cocaine analog 271.svg R/S-2712β,3α520>1660

The binding of benztropine analogues to the DAT differs significantly from that of cocaine and the phenyltropanes. Benztropines are considered to be "atypical" DAT ligands because they stabilize the DAT in an inward-facing (closed-to-out) conformation, whereas cocaine and the phenyltropanes stabilize the DAT in an outward-facing (open-to-out) conformation. This difference in DAT binding may be responsible for the lack of cocaine-like behavioral effects observed in animal and human studies of the benztropine analogues and other “atypical” DAT inhibitors. [40] Studies of the structure-activity relationships of benztropine have shown that DAT affinity and selectivity over other monoamine transporters is enhanced by 4′,4′-difluorination. Modification of the tropane n-substituent was found to mitigate the anticholinergic effects of benztropine analogues by reducing M1 affinity. [41] [42]

Tropanyl Isoxazoline Analogues

Compound 7a (3′-methoxy-8-methyl-spiro(8-azabicyclo(3.2.1)octane-3,5′(4′H)-isoxazole) allosterically enhances SERT binding of other reuptake ligands. Compound 7a construed as a potentiating allosteric effect (by unveiling occluded configured serotonin uptake-area ligand-site on surface of transporter that allows for binding by exogenous ligand, when SERT is otherwise conformed in a transitional manner where a SERT ligand cannot bind, this effect with compound in question occurs) at concentrations of 10μM—30μM (wherein it acts by interconverting the conformational state of unexposed SERTs to ones exposing the SSRI binding site via a shift to the equilibrium of the MAT) while exerting an inhibitory orthosteric effect when concentrations reach >30μM and above.

7a is the only known compound to allosterically modulate SERT in such a way within in vitro conditions (tianeptine has been shown to do similar, but has only shown efficacy doing so in living in vivo tissue samples). Considering its noncompetitive inhibition of 5-HT transporters decreasing Vmax with small change in the Km for serotonin, putatively stabilizing the cytoplasm-facing conformation of SERT: in such respect it is considered to have the opposite effect profile of the anti-addiction drug ibogaine (save for the function by which its anti-addictive properties are thought to be mediated, i.e. α3β4 nicotinic channel blockage. cf. 18-Methoxycornaridine for such nicotinergic activity without the likewise SERT affinity). [44]

Compound 11a possesses similar effects, but acts on the DAT. Similarly, such peripheral DAT considerations (when, as often is, considered conformational rather than otherwise explained as being electrostatic) may constitute the difference in affinity, through allosertic occulsion, between cyclopentyl-ruthenium phenyltropane in its difference from the tricarbonyl-chromium

Alicyclic Amine Analogues

EXP-561 Butyltolylquinuclidine
EXPfivesixone.png Butyltolylquinuclidine.png


Possible substitutions of the Mazindol molecular structure. Mazindol analogs 2.svg
Possible substitutions of the Mazindol molecular structure.

See: List of Mazindol analogues

Mazindol is usually considered a non-habituating (in humans, and some other mammals, but is habituating for e.g. Beagles [av] ) tetracyclic dopamine reuptake inhibitor (of somewhat spurious classification in the former).

It is a loosely functional analog used in cocaine research; due in large part to N-Ethylmaleimide being able to inhibit approximately 95% of the specific binding of [3H]Mazindol to the residues of the MAT binding site(s), however said effect of 10 mM N-Ethylmaleimide was prevented in its entirety by just 10 μM cocaine. Whereas neither 300 μM dopamine or D-amphetamine afforded sufficient protection to contrast the efficacy of cocaine. [aw]

Local anesthetics (not usually CNS stimulants)

Amylocaine, or Stovaine (above), the first synthetically constructed local anesthetic. Compare structure to dimethylaminopivalophenone (below), an analgesic (opioid). Cocaine's classification as a narcotic under U.S. legal code, as has been stretched to be medicinally rationalized such when defining terms very broadly (due to its topical numbing affect, hindering pain signals from CNS recognition via local anesthesia) usually considered an exaggeration of traditional medicine naming convention, in this instance between the first synthetic sodium channel blocker and one of the very simplest opioids there remains a measure of apparent structural similarity between the former anesthetic and latter analgesic "narcotic"; despite the highly differing methods of action for the respective 'pain-killing' properties of either. [45]

In animal studies, certain of the local anesthetics have displayed residual dopamine reuptake inhibitor properties, [46] although not normally ones that are easily available. These are expected to be more cardiotoxic than phenyltropanes. For example, dimethocaine has behavioral stimulant effects (and therefore not here listed below) if a dose of it is taken that is 10 times the amount of cocaine. Dimethocaine is equipotent to cocaine in terms of its anesthetic equivalency. [46] Intralipid "rescue" has been shown to reverse the cardiotoxic effects of sodium channel blockers and presumably those effects when from cocaine administered intravenously as well.

List of local anesthetics
NameOther common names
Amylocaine Stovaine
Articaine Astracaine, Carticaine, Septanest, Septocaine, Ultracaine, Zorcaine
Benzocaine Anbesol, Lanacane, Orajel
Bupivacaine Marcaine, Sensorcaine, Vivacaine
Butacaine Butyn
Chloroprocaine Nesacaine
Cinchocaine/Dibucaine Cincain, Cinchocaine, Nupercainal, Nupercaine, Sovcaine
Cyclomethycaine Surfacaine, Topocaine
Etidocaine Duranest
Eucaine α-eucaine, β-eucaine
Fomocaine [47]
Fotocaine [47]
Hexylcaine Cyclaine, Osmocaine
Levobupivacaine Chirocaine
Lidocaine/Lignocaine Xylocaine, Betacaine
Mepivacaine Carbocaine, Polocaine
Meprylcaine/Oracaine Epirocain
Metabutoxycaine Primacaine
Phenacaine/Holocaine Holocaine
Piperocaine Metycaine
Pramocaine/Pramoxine Pramoxine
Prilocaine Citanest
Propoxycaine/Ravocaine Pravocaine, Ranocaine, Blockain
Procaine/Novocaine Borocaine (Procaine Borate), Ethocaine
Proparacaine/Alcaine Alcaine
Quinisocaine Dimethisoquin
Risocaine Propaesin, Propazyl, Propylcain
Ropivacaine Naropin
Tetracaine/Amethocaine Pontocaine, Dicaine
Trimecaine Mesdicain, Mesocain, Mesokain

See also

Methylecgonine cinnamate, an alkaloid widely considered inactive in its own right, but postulated to be active under pyrolysis. (cf. alkylphenyltropane analogue "224e") It is, however, found in patents of active cocaine analogue structures. Cinnamoylcocaine.svg
Methylecgonine cinnamate, an alkaloid widely considered inactive in its own right, but postulated to be active under pyrolysis. (cf. alkylphenyltropane analogue "224e") It is, however, found in patents of active cocaine analogue structures.

Common analogues to prototypical D-RAs:

Notes (inclu. specific locations of citations from within references used)

  1. [1] Page #969 (45th page of article) §III. ¶1. Final line. Last sentence.
  2. [1] Page #1,018 (94th page of article) 2nd column, 2nd paragraph.
  3. [1] Page #940 (16th page of article) underneath Table 8., above §4
  4. [1] Page #970 (46th page of article) Table 27. Figure 29.
  5. [1] Page #971 (47th page of article) Figure 30. & Page #973 (49th page of article) Table 28.
  6. [1] Page #982 (58th page of article)
  7. [1] Page #971 (47th page of article) Figure 30 & Page #971 (47th page of article) Figure 30 & Page #973 (49th page of article) Table 28
  8. [1] Page #971 (47th page of article) Figure 30 & Page #971 (47th page of article) Figure 30 & Page #973 (49th page of article) Table 28
  9. [1] Page #972 (48th page of article) ¶2, Line 10.
  10. [1] Page #971 (47th page of article) Figure 30 & Page #971 (47th page of article) Figure 30 & Page #973 (49th page of article) Table 28
  11. [1] Page #971 (47th page of article) Figure 30 & Page #971 (47th page of article) Figure 30 & Page #973 (49th page of article) Table 28
  12. [1] Page #973 (49th page of article) §C. & Page #974 (50th page of article) Figure 31 & Page #976 (52nd page of article) Table 29.
  13. [1] Page #974 (50th page of article) Final ¶ (5th), Second line.
  14. [1] Page #975 (51st page of article) First ¶, first line.
  15. [1] Page #975 (51st page of article) First ¶, 4th line.
  16. [1] Page #974 (50st page of article) First (left) column, third ¶
  17. [1] Page #937 (13th page of article) Second (right) column, first ¶. Above/before §2
  18. [1] Page #974 (50st page of article) First (left) column, fourth ¶
  19. [1] Page #974 (50th page of article) Figure 31 & Page #977 (53rd page of article) Table 30.
  20. [1] Page #974 (50th page of article) Figure 31 & Page #977 (53rd page of article) Table 30.
  21. [1] Page #974 (50th page of article) Figure 31 & Page #977 (53rd page of article) Table 30.
  22. [1] Page #974 (50th page of article) Figure 31 & Page #977 (53rd page of article) Table 30.
  23. [1] Page #976 (52nd page of article)
  24. [1] Page #978 (54th page of article) §D & Page #980 (56th page of article) Figure 33 & Page #981 (57th page of article) Table 32.
  25. [1] Page #964 (39th page of article) Table 23.
  26. [1] Page #980 (56th page of article) Scheme 52.
  27. [1] Page #963 (39th page of article) 2nd (right side) column, 2nd paragraph.
  28. [1] Page #967 (43rd page of article) §C. & Page #967 (43rd page of article) Table 25
  29. [1] Page #982 (58th page of article) §G & Page #983 (59th page of article) Figure 36 & Page #984 (60th page of article) Table 35.
  30. [1] Page #979 (55th page of article) Table 31.
  31. [1] Page #981 (57th page of article) §E & Page #982 (58th page of article) Table 33.
  32. [1] Page #970 (46th page of article) §B, 10th line
  33. [1] Page #971 (47th page of article) 1st ¶, 10th line
  34. [1] Page #949 (25th page of article) 3rd ¶, 20th line
  35. [1] Page #982 (58th page of article) §F, Table 34 & Figure 35.
  36. [1] Page #982 (58th page of article) 3rd ¶, lines 2, 5 & 6.
  37. [1] Page #984 (60th page of article) Figure 37.
  38. [1] Page #984 (60th page of article) §H, Figure 37 & Page #985 (61st page of article) Table 36.
  39. [1] Page #984 (60th page of article) Scheme 56.
  40. [1] Page #986 (62nd page of article) §I, Table 37 & Scheme 58
  41. [1] Page #1,014 (90th page of article) §VIII, A. Figure 59.
  42. [1] Page #1,016 (92nd page of article) Figure 60.
  43. [1] Page #987 (63rd page of article) §IV, Figure 39 & Page #988 (64th page of article) Table 38.
  44. [1] Page #987 (63rd page of article) Figure 40, Page #988 (64th page of article) §B & Page #989 (65th page of article) Table 39.
  45. [1] Page #987 (63rd page of article) Figure 41, Page #989 (65th page of article) §C & Page #990 (66th page of article) Table 40.
  46. [1] Page #988 (64th page of article) Figure 42, Page #990 (66th page of article) §2 & Page #992 (68th page of article) Table 41.
  47. [1] Page #988 (64th page of article) Figure 43, Page #992 (68th page of article) §3 & Table 42.
  48. [1] Page #1,011 (87th page of article) §VII (7) 1st ¶.
  49. [1] Page #969 (45th page of article) 2nd (right-side) column 2nd .


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