List of Catholic saints

Last updated

This is an incomplete list of humans and angels whom the Catholic Church has canonized as saints. According to Catholic theology, all saints enjoy the beatific vision. Many of the saints listed here are to be found in the General Roman Calendar, while others may also be found in the Roman Martyrology ; [1] still others are particular to local places and their recognition does not extend to the larger worldwide church.


Candidates go through the following four steps on the way to being declared saints. [2] [3]

Catholics by stage of sainthood
Servants of God Venerated Catholics Beatified people Saints
by nationality by nationality by nationality by nationality
by religious order by religious order by religious order by religious order
proclaimed by local bishop by pope proclaimer by pope proclaimer by pope proclaimer
popes popes popes popes

Saints in the Eastern Orthodox Church and other churches are listed in Category:Christian saints by century and/or Category:Christian saints by nationality.

Catholic saints

SaintDate of birthDate of deathDate of canonizationNotes
Aaron of Aleth [4] unknownafter 552 [5] Hermit [5]
Abachum 200s270found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Abadiu of Antinoe 300s300s
Abamun of Tarnut 300s372Martyr
Abanoub 300s300sCoptic child martyr [6]
Abbán unknownc. 520
Abo of Tiflis unknown6 January 786Martyr
Abbo of Fleury [7] 94513 November 1004 [8] Assisted Archbishop of Oswald [7]
Abdas of Susa 300s420
Abdel Moati Massabki 1800s10 July 186020 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Abdon 100sc.250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Abel of Reims unknownc. 751
Abercius of Hieropolis [9] [10] unknownc. 167found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Aberoh and Atom unknownunknownBrothers
Abhor and Mehraela unknownunknownBrother and sister
Abibus of Edessa 307322
Abra of Poitiers 12 December 339c. 360
Abraham Kidunaia unknownc. 360
Abraham of Arbela unknown345
Abraham of Clermont unknownc. 479
Abraham of Cratia c. 474c. 558
Abraham of Cyrrhus c. 350422
Abraham of Rostov 900s1045–1074
Abraham of Smolensk 1150 or 1172c. 12221549 by Pope Paul III [11]
Abran 500s500s
Abrosima 200s341
Absadah 200sc. 300
Abudimus 200s305found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Abundius 400s469found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Acca of Hexham c. 660c. 742
Aceolus and Acius unknownc. 290
Acepsimas of Hnaita unknown10 October 376found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Acestes unknownc. 65One of the soldiers who led Paul the Apostle to his death
Achillas of Alexandria unknownJune 313Patriarch of Alexandria
Achilleus 0sc. 100 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Achilleus Kewanuka [12] 18693 June 188618 October 1964 by Pope Paul VI [13] One of the Uganda Martyrs [13] [14]
Achillius of Larissa 200s330
Acisclus 200s304
Adalard of Corbie 7512 January 8271026 by Pope John XIX [15]
Adalbard 600s652
Adalbero II of Metz c. 95814 December 1005
Adalbero of Wurzburg c. 10106 October 10901883 by Pope Leo XIII
Adalbert of Magdeburg c. 91020 June 981 Archbishop of Magdeburg
Adalbert of Prague [16] 956 [17] 23 April 997 [17] 3 February 999 by Pope Sylvester II [18] His skull is preserved and kept in the St. Vitus cathedral [19]
Adalgar 900s9 May 909Archbishop of Bremen
Adalgott II of Disentis [20] 1100s1165Bishop of Chur [20]
Adamo Abate c. 9903 May 1060–1070Professed religious of the Benedictines
Adauctus 200s303Martyred with Felix
Adela of France 10098 January 1079Wife of Richard III and Baldwin V
Adela of Normandy c. 10678 March 1137Daughter of William the Conqueror
Adela of Pfalzel unknown735Sister of Irmina of Oeren
Adelaide of Italy 93116 December 9991097 by Pope Urban II [21] Married layperson of the Archdiocese of Burgundy, queen of Italy and Burgundy, empress
Adelaide, Abbess of Vilich c. 9705 February 1015Professed religious of the Benedictine nuns
Adelelmus of Burgos 1000s1100
Adeloga of Kitzingen unknownc. 745
Adheritus 100sunknown
Adjutor 24 June 107330 April 1131
Adolf of Osnabrück c. 118530 June 1222 or 12241625 by Pope Urban VIII
Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa [22] c. 18613 June 1886 [23] 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [13] [14]
Adomnán c. 624704
Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia 200s4 March 306Husband and wife
Adrian of Canterbury c. 630c. 710
Adrian van Hilvarenbeek 15289 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Adulf unknownc. 680
Aedesius of Alexandria 200s8 April 306found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ælfheah of Canterbury c. 95319 April 10121078 by Pope Gregory VIIArchbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Winchester
Ælfwold II unknown1058Bishop of Sherborne
Aelred of Rievaulx 111012 January 1167
Afan unknown500s
Afra 291304found in Roman Martyrology [1] Virgin, martyr
Africus 600s600s
Agabus unknownunknown
Agapitus unknown6 August 258found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Agapius, Atticus, Carterius, Styriacus, Tobias, Eudoxius, Nictopolion, and companions unknown315
Agatha Kwon Chin-i 182018401984 by Pope John Paul IIOne of the Korean Martyrs
Agatha Lin 181718582000 October 1 by Pope John Paul II
Agatha of Sicily c. 231c. 251found in Roman Martyrology [1] Martyr; patron saint of breast cancer patients, martyrs, wet nurses, bell-founders, bakers, fire, earthquakes, and eruptions of Mount Etna
Agatha Yi Kyong-i 181418401984 May 6 by Pope John Paul IIOne of the Korean Martyrs
Agathangelus of Rome 200sc. 312found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Agathius 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Agathoclia unknownc. 230
Agathonicus 200s200s
Agathopodes unknown150found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Agilbert 600s600s
Agilberta unknown680
Agilulfus of Cologne unknownc. 750
Agilus c. 580c. 650
Agnellus of Naples 53514 December 596
Agnellus of Pisa c. 11957 May 12361882 by Pope Leo XIII
Agnes of Assisi c. 119716 November 12531753 by Pope Benedict XIVYounger sister of St. Clare of Assisi
Agnes of Bohemia 20 June 12112 March 128212 November 1989 by Pope John Paul II [25]
Agnes of Montepulciano [26] 28 January 126820 April 131710 December 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII
Agnes of Poitiers unknown586
Agnes of Rome unknown304found in Roman Martyrology [1] Virgin, martyr
Agnes Tsao Kou Ying 28 April 18211 March 18561 October 2000 by Pope John Paul II
Agobard c. 769840
Agostina Livia Pietrantoni [27] 27 March 1864 [28] 13 November 1894 [28] 18 April 1999 by Pope John Paul II [29] She was killed by a patient she was taking care of [29]
Agostino Roscelli [30] 27 July 18187 May 190210 June 2001 by Pope John Paul II [31]
Agricius of Trier c. 260329, 333 or 335found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Agricola 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Agricola of Avignon c. 630c. 700
Agrippina of Mineo 200s262783
Agrippinus of Naples 200s200s
Agustín Caloca Cortés [20] 5 May 189825 May 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [20] One of the Saints of the Cristero War [32]
Aibert 10607 April 1140
Aichardus unknown687
Aidan of Lindisfarne c. 59031 August 651
Aignan of Orleans c. 358453
Ailbe of Emly 400s528
Aileran unknown29 December 664 or 665
Aimo unknown1173
Alban unknown22 June 209, 251, or 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Alban of Mainz 300s400s
Alban Roe 20 July 158321 January 164225 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Alberic Crescitelli 30 June 186321 July 19001 October 2000 by Pope John Paul IIOne of the Martyrs of China
Alberic of Cîteaux 1000s26 January 1109
Alberic of Utrecht unknown21 August 784
Albert Chmielowski [35] 20 August 184525 December 191612 November 1989 by Pope John Paul II [36]
Albert of Genoa unknown1239
Albert of Louvain [37] c. 1166 [37] 24 November 1192 [37] [38] 9 August 1613 by Pope Paul VMurdered by three German knights shortly after becoming Bishop of Liège and regarded as a martyr afterwards. [20] [39]
Albert of Montecorvino unknown1127
Albert of Trapani c. 12407 August 130731 May 1476 by Pope Sixtus IV
Albert of Vercelli 1100s14 September 1214Also known as Albert of Jerusalem
Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga [40] 22 January 190118 August 195223 October 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI [41]
Albertus Magnus [42] before 120015 November 128016 December 1931 by Pope Pius XI [42]
Albinus of Angers c. 470550Invoked against pirate attacks
Alchmund of Hexham unknown7 September 780 or 781
Alcuin [43] c. 73519 May 804Played an important role in the development of the Carolingian minuscule [44] [45]
Aldebrandus 111930 April 1219Bishop of Fossombrone
Aldegund 639684
Aldhelm c. 63925 May 709
Alena unknownc. 640
Alexander 100s177found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Alexander I of Alexandria unknown26 February or 17 April 326 or 328Pope of Alexandria
Alexander II of Alexandria unknown14 February 729Pope of Alexandria
Alexander Briant 17 August 15561 December 158125 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Alexander of Comana unknownc. 250
Alexander of Constantinople 237–245337found in Roman Martyrology [1] Archbishop of Constantinople
Alexander of Jerusalem 100s251found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Alexander Sauli [46] [47] 15 February 153411 October 159211 December 1904 by Pope Pius X [48] [46]
Alexis Falconieri 1200s17 February 131015 January 1888 by Pope Leo XIII [49] One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order [50] [51]
Alexius of Rome 300s400sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Alfonso Maria Fusco 23 March 18396 February 191016 October 2016 by Pope Francis [52]
Alfonso Rodríguez Olmedo 10 March 159815 November 162816 May 1988 by Pope John Paul II [53]
Alice of Schaerbeek c. 122011 June 12501907 by Pope Pius X
Alkmund of Derby [54] c. 770800Killed by Eardwulf of Northumbria
Almus unknown1270
Alonso de Orozco Mena [55] 17 October 150019 September 159119 May 2002 by Pope John Paul II [56] [57]
Aloysius Gonzaga 9 March 156821 June 159131 December 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII
Alphonsa [58] 19 August 191028 July 194612 October 2008 by Pope Benedict XVI [59] [60] She was the first woman of Indian origin to be canonised as a saint by the Catholic Church [61]
Alphonsus Liguori [62] 27 September 16961 August 178726 May 1839 by Pope Gregory XVI [63] [64] Doctor of Church [63]
Alphonsus Rodriguez 25 July 153231 October 161715 January 1888 by Pope Leo XIII
Alto of Altomünster unknownc. 760
Alypius of Thagaste 400s500s1584 by Pope Gregory XIII
Amabilis of Riom unknownc. 475
Amadio degli Amidei 1200s126615 January 1888 by Pope Leo XIII [49] One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order [50] [51]
Amalberga of Maubreuge 600sc. 690
Amalberga of Temse c. 74110 July 772
Amandus 5846791584 by Pope Gregory XIII
Amantius of Como 300s8 April 448found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Amata of Assisi 1200s1250
Amato Ronconi [65] 12258 May 129223 November 2014 by Pope Francis [66]
Amator 300s1 May 418found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Amatus unknown6273 December 1049 by Pope Leo IX
Ambrose Barlow [67] 1585 [68] 10 September 164125 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [69] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Ambrose of Alexandria 100sc. 250
Ambrose of Milan c. 3404 April 397found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ambrósio Francisco Ferro unknown3 October 164515 October 2017 by Pope Francis
Ambrosio Kibuuka 18683 June 1886 [23] 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Ampelus 200s302found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Amphibalus 200s25 June 304
Amun 200s300s
Amunia of San Millán unknown1069
Ananias of Damascus unknownunknownDisciple of Jesus
Anastasia 0s68 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anastasia of Sirmium 200s25 December 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anastasia the Patrician 500s500s
Anastasius of Antioch 200s302found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anastasius of Pavia 600s680found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anastasius of Persia 500s22 January 628found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anastasius of Suppentonia 500s570found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anastasius Sinaita 600s700sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anastasius the Fuller 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anatoli Kiriggwajjo  [ sw ] [12] 1800s3 June 188618 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Anatolia 200s250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anatolius of Laodicea 200s3 July 283 [70] found in Roman Martyrology [1] Invented the first Metonic 19-year lunar cycle [71] in the 270s [72]
André Bessette [73] [74] 9 August 18456 January 193717 October 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI [75] [76] [77]
André de Soveral c. 157216 July 164515 October 2017 by Pope Francis
André-Hubert Fournet 6 December 175213 May 18344 June 1933 by Pope Pius XI [78] Priest of the Diocese of Poitiers; founder of the Sisters of the Cross
Andrea Dotti 125631 August 131529 November 1806 by Pope Pius VII
Andrew Avellino 152110 November 160822 May 1712 by Pope Clement XI
Andrew Bobola 159116 May 165717 April 1938 by Pope Pius XI [79] Professed priest of the Jesuits; martyr
Andrew Corsini 30 November 13026 January 1374 [80] 22 April 1629 by Pope Urban VIII [81]
Andrew Dũng-Lạc 179521 December 183919 June 1988 by Pope John Paul IIOne of the Vietnamese Martyrs
Andrew Kaggwa 185626 May 1886 [23] 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Andrew Kim Taegon 21 August 182116 September 18466 May 1984 by Pope John Paul IIOne of the Korean Martyrs
Andrew of Crete c. 6504 July 712 or 726 or 740
Andrew of Trier unknown235
Andrew Stratelates 200s300
Andrew the Apostle c. 5 BC62 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Andrew the Scot 800sc. 877
Andrew Wouters 15429 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Andrew Zorard c. 980c. 1009July 1083 by Pope Gregory VII
Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus 200s304
Angadrisma 600sc. 695
Angela Merici 21 March 147427 January 154024 May 1807 by Pope Pius VII
Angela of Foligno [82] [83] 1248 [84] 3 January 1309 [84] 9 October 2013 by Pope Francis [85] Her canonization was an "equivalent canonization" (without executing the ordinary judicial process of canonization). [86]
Angela of the Cross [87] [88] [20] [89] 30 January 1846 [90] 2 March 1932 [91] 4 May 2003 by Pope John Paul II [88] [92] Founder of the Institute of the Sisters of the Company of the Cross [90]
Angelelmus unknown828Bishop of Auxerre
Angelus of Jerusalem 11855 May 1220c. 1459 by Pope Pius II
Angilbert 76018 February 8141100 by Pope Urban II
Anianus of Alexandria unknown29 November 83found in Roman Martyrology [1] l
Aniceto Adolfo  [ es ] [93] 4 October 19129 October 193421 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [94] One of the Martyrs of Turon [95]
Anna Maria Rubatto 14 February 18446 August 190415 May 2022 by Pope Francis
Anna Pak Agi 178324 May 18396 May 1984 by Pope John Paul IIOne of the Korean Martyrs
Anna Schäffer [96] 18 February 18825 October 192521 October 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI [97]
Anna the Prophetess 1st century BC0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anna Wang 188622 July 19001 October 2000 by Pope John Paul IIOne of the Chinese Martyrs
Anne c. 50 BC12 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anne Line c. 156327 February 160125 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Anne-Marie Rivier 19 December 17683 February 183815 May 2022 by Pope Francis
Annibale Maria di Francia [98] 5 July 18511 June 192716 May 2004 by Pope John Paul II [99]
Anno II c. 10104 December 107529 April 1183 by Pope Lucius III
Ansanus c. 285c. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ansbert unknownc. 695
Ansegisus c. 77020 July 833 or 834
Anselm of Canterbury c. 103321 April 11091163 by Pope Alexander IIINickname — "Teddy"
Anselm of Lucca 103618 March 1086
Ansfried of Utrecht unknown3 May 1010
Ansgar 8 September 8013 February 8651584 by Pope Gregory XIII
Ansovinus unknown816
Anstrudis unknown688
Ansurius unknown925
Antanansio Bazzekuketta 1800s27 May 1886 [23] 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Anthelm of Belley 26 December 110726 June 11781368 by Urban V
Anthimus of Nicomedia 200s303, 311, or 312found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anthimus of Rome 200s303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anthony Dainan 15845 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Anthony Maria Zaccaria 1502 [100] 5 July 1539 [100] 27 May 1897 by Pope Leo XIII
Anthony Mary Claret [101] 23 December 1807 [100] 24 October 1870 [100] 7 May 1950 by Pope Pius XII [102] [103]
Anthony of Antioch 266302found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anthony of Hoornaar 1500s9 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Anthony of Kiev 15 August 119513 June 1231found in Roman Martyrology [104] Russian Orthodox saint, founder of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. [105] [106]
Anthony of Padua 1 March 13892 May 145931 May 1523 by Pope Adrian VI
Anthony of St. Ann Galvão [107] [108] 173923 December 1822 [107] 11 May 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI [109] First Brazilian saint. [109] Professed priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor. [110] [108]
Anthony of Weert 15239 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Anthony the Great 12 January 25117 January 356found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Anthony the Hermit c. 468c. 5201584 by Pope Gregory XIII
Anthusa of Constantinople 750 or 757801 or 808Daughter of Constantine V
Antia of Illyria unknownc. 138found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Antiochus of Sulcis 0sc. 110 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Antipas of Pergamum unknown0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Antoine Daniel [111] 27 May 16014 July 164829 June 1930 by Pope Pius XI [112] One of the Canadian Martyrs [113]
Antoninus of Florence c. 983c. 107331 May 1532 by Pope Gregory IX [114]
Antoninus of Pamiers unknownunknown
Antoninus of Piacenza 200s303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Antoninus of Rome 100s186found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Antoninus of Sorrento 555 or 556625
Antonio Gonzalez 159324 September 163718 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Antonio Maria Gianelli 12 April 1789 [100] 7 June 1846 [100] 21 October 1951 by Pope Pius XII [116] Bishop of Bobbio; founder of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Garden
Antonio Maria Pucci [117] 16 April 1819 [118] 12 January 1892 [100] 9 December 1962 by Pope John XXIII [119]
Antonio of Tlaxcala [120] c. 1516152915 October 2017 by Pope Francis [121] One of the Child Martyrs of Tlaxcala
Anysia of Salonika 284304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Aphian c. 287c. 305
Aphrahat c. 280c. 345found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Aphrodisius 25 May 7 AD28 April 65 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1] Priest of the Diocese of Béziers, martyr
Apollinaris Claudius 0s100sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Apollinaris of Ravenna unknownc.79 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Apollinaris of Valence c. 453c. 520
Apollinaris Syncletica unknown420
Apollonia 100s249found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Apollonius the Apologist 100s21 April 185found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Apollos 0s0s
Apphia unknown68 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Apronia of Toul 500s500s
Aprus of Toul 600s15 September 507
Aquilina 28113 June 293Child martyr
Aquilinus of Évreux c. 620695found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Aquilinus of Fossombrone unknown200sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Aquilinus of Milan unknown1015
Arbogast unknownc. 678
Arcadius of Bourges unknown549
Arcadius of Mauretania 200sc. 302found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Arcangelo Tadini [122] 12 December 1846 [123] 20 May 1912 [123] 26 April 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI [124] [125]
Archippus unknown0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Aredius c. 510591
Arethas unknownc. 523
Argeus of Tomi 200sc. 320found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ariadne of Phrygia unknown130found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Arialdo c. 101027 June 1066
Arilda of Oldbury unknown400s or 500s
Aristides of Athens unknownunknown
Aristobulus of Britannia unknown0sFirst Bishop of Roman Britain
Armogastes unknownafter 460
Arnold Janssen [126] 5 November 183715 January 19095 October 2003 by Pope John Paul II [127]
Arnold of Arnoldsweiler 700s700s
Arnold of Soissons 104010876 January 1120 by Pope Callixtus II
Arnulf of Metz c. 582c. 647
Arsenius the Great c. 350445Desert Father
Artaldus 11011206
Artémides Zatti 12 October 188015 March 19519 October 2022 by Pope Francis
Artemius unknown362
Arthelais 544560
Asaph 500s1 May 596found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ascelina 11211195
Asclepiades of Antioch unknown217
Asella c. 334c. 406
Aspren 0s100sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Assicus unknownc. 490St. Patrick's coppersmith
Asteria of Bergamo 200s307found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Asterius of Amasea c. 350c. 410
Asterius of Petra unknown365found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Astius 0s117 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Dyrrachium
Athanasia of Aegina c. 79014 August 860
Athanasius I 830872
Athanasius of Alexandria 296–2982 May 373found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Athanasius the Athonite c. 920c. 1003
Athracht 500s500s
Atilano Cruz Alvarado [128] 5 October 19011 July 192821 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Attala unknown622
Attilanus 93710071095 by Pope Urban II
Audax 200s250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Audifax 200s270found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Audoin 60924 August 684
Augulus unknownunknown
Augusta of Treviso unknownunknown
Auguste Chapdelaine 6 January 181429 February 1856
Augustine of Canterbury [130] [131] 500s26 May 604 [132] [133] found in Roman Martyrology [1] Founder of the English church. [134] First Archbishop of Canterbury [135] [136] A stone memorial, the St Augustine's Cross, was erected in Kent 1884, at the location where local legend recounted that St. Augustine first met King Ethelbert. [137]
Augustine of Hippo 13 November 35428 August 430found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Augustine Webster 1400s4 May 153525 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Augusto Andrés  [ es ] [93] 6 May 19109 October 193421 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [94] One of the Martyrs of Turon [95]
Aurea of Ostia unknown200s
Aurea of Paris unknown666
Áurea of San Millán 104311 March 1070
Aurelian of Limoges unknownunknown
Aurelius and Natalia unknown852Among the Martyrs of Cordoba
Aurelius of Carthage unknown20 July 429
Aureus of Mainz unknown16 June 436 or 451
Auspicius of Trier unknownc. 130found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Austrebertha 63010 February 704
Austregisilus unknown624
Austromoine 200s200s
Autonomus 200sc. 313found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Auxentius of Bithynia c. 40014 February 473
Auxentius of Mopsuestia unknown360
Aventinus of Tours unknown1180
Avilius of Alexandria unknown11 September 95Patriarch of Alexandria
Avitianus unknown325
Avitus of Vienne c. 450between 517-519
Aye unknownc. 711
Aymard of Cluny unknown965
Babylas of Antioch unknown253
Bacchus unknown300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Bademus unknown10 April 376
Baithéne mac Brénaind c. 534c. 596-598
Balbina of Rome unknownc. 130found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Balderic of Montfaucon 600s600s
Baldred of Tyninghame unknown6 March 757
Baldwin of Rieti unknown1140
Balthild of Chelles 626 or 62730 January 680
Baradates unknownc. 460
Barbara 200s200s–300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Barbatus of Benevento c. 610682
Barhadbesciabas unknown20 July 355
Barlaam and Josaphat unknownunknown
Barnabas unknown61 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Barsanuphius unknownc. 545
Barsimaeus unknown114
Bartholomew of Braga 3 May 1514 [138] 16 July 1590 [138] 5 July 2019 (equipollent) by Pope Francis [139]
Bartholomew of Farne unknown1193
Bartholomew the Apostle 0s0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Bartolomea Capitanio 13 January 180726 July 183318 May 1950 by Pope Pius XII [140] Cofounder of the Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenzo Gerosa (Sisters of the Holy Child Mary) [140]
Barulas 200s303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Basil of Amasea unknown300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Basil of Ancyra unknown28 or 29 June 362found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Basil of Caesarea 329 or 3301 or 2 January 379found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Basil the Elder unknown300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Basilides 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Basiliscus of Comana 200sc. 310
Basilissa 0s68 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Basilla of Rome unknown257
Bassianus of Lodi c. 320c. 413
Baudolino c. 700c. 740
Bavo of Ghent 622653found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Beatrice of Silva c. 142416 August 14923 October 1976 by Pope Paul VI [141] [142]
Beatrix 200s302 or 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Beatus of Liébana c. 750c. 800
Beatus of Lungern unknownc. 112
Bécán 400s500s
Bede c. 67326 May 735found in Roman Martyrology [1] Also known as the Venerable Bede
Bega unknownunknown
Begga 61517 December 693
Belina unknown11531203 by Pope Innocent III
Bellinus of Padua unknown26 November 11451431–1447 by Pope Eugene IV
Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello [143] 2 October 179121 March 185819 May 2002 by Pope John Paul II [57] Founder of the Benedictine Sisters of Providence [143]
Benedict Biscop c. 62812 January 690
Benedict dell’Antella 1200s20 August 126815 January 1888 by Pope Leo XIII [49] One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order [50] [51]
Benedict Joseph Labre 25 March 174816 April 17838 December 1881 by Pope Leo XIII [144]
Benedict Menni [145] 11 March 184124 April 191421 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [146]
Benedict of Aniane 74712 February 821
Benedict of Cagliari unknown1112
Benedict of Nursia [147] 2 March 48021 March 5471220 by Pope Honorius III
Benedict of Szkalka 900s10121083 or 1085 by Pope Gregory VII
Benedict the Moor 15264 April 158924 May 1807 by Pope Pius VII
Bénézet [148] 1163118413th centuryPatron saint of Avignon, bachelors, and bridge-builders; constructed the Pont Saint-Bénézet bridge
Benignus of Armagh 392467
Beningnus of Dijon 200s200s
Benignus of Todi 200s303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Benildus Romançon 14 June 180513 August 186229 October 1967 by Pope Paul VI [149]
Benjamin 329c. 424
Benjamín Julián  [ es ] [93] 27 October 19089 October 193421 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [94] One of the Martyrs of Turon [95]
Benno c. 101016 June 110631 May 1523 by Pope Adrian VI [114]
Benvenutus Scotivoli 1200s22 March 12821284 by Pope Martin IV
Berard of Carbio 1100s16 January 12207 August 1481 by Pope Sixtus IV
Berardo 1000s19 December 1123
Bercharius of Hautvillers 63628 March 696
Berhtwald unknown731
Berlinda of Meerbeke unknownc. 702
Bernadette Soubirous 7 January 184416 April 18798 December 1933 Rome by Pope Pius XI [150]
Bernard degli Uberti c. 10604 December 11333 December 1139 by Pope Innocent II
Bernard of Carinola unknown1109
Bernard of Clairvaux 109020 August 115318 January 1174 by Pope Alexander III [151] Reformer of the Cistercian Order
Bernard of Corleone [152] 6 February 160512 January 166710 June 2001 by Pope John Paul II [31]
Bernard of Menthon c. 1020June 10811681 by Pope Innocent XIProfessed religious of the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine
Bernard of Valdeiglesias unknownc. 1155
Bernard Vũ Văn Duệ 17551 August 183819 June 1988 by Pope John Paul IIOne of the Martyrs of Vietnam
Bernardino of Siena 8 September 138020 May 144424 May 1450 by Pope Nicholas V
Bernard of Thiron 104614 April 1117
Bernardino Realino 1 December 15302 July 161622 June 1947 by Pope Pius XIIProfessed priest of the Jesuits
Bernardo Tolomei [153] 10 May 127220 August 134826 April 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI [125]
Bernat Calbó c. 118026 October 124326 September 1710 by Pope Clement XI
Bernward of Hildesheim 96020 November 10228 January 1193 by Pope Celestine III
Bertha of Bingen unknown757
Bertha of Val d'Or unknown690
Bertharius of Monte Cassino c. 81022 October 883
Berthold of Parma unknown1111
Bertilia unknown687
Bertin c. 615c. 709
Bertrand of Comminges c.105011261309 by Pope Clement V
Bertulf of Bobbio unknown640
Beuno 500s21 April 640Also known as Bono
Bibiana 300s300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Birillus unknown90 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Birinus c. 6003 December 649 or 650
Blaesilla 364384
Blaise 200s316found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Blandina c. 162177found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Blane unknown590
Blathmac c. 750c. 825
Bodfan 600sunknown
Boethius c. 477524
Boisil unknown7 July 664
Bonaventure 122115 July 127414 April 1482 by Pope Sixtus IV
Bonaventure of Miyako 1500s5 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Bonfilius 10401125
Boniface c. 6755 June 754
Boniface of Brussels 118319 February 12601702 by Pope Clement XI
Boniface of Tarsus 200s307found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Bonifacia Rodríguez y Castro [154] [155] 6 June 18378 August 190523 October 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI
Bononio 900s30 August 10261026 by Pope John XIX
Boris 9861015
Bosa of York unknownc. 705
Botulph of Thorney 600s680
Brannoc of Braunton 500sunknown
Branwalator unknownunknown
Bregowine unknownAugust 764
Brendan of Birr unknownc. 573
Brendan the Navigator c. 484c. 577
Bretannio 300s380found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Brice of Tours c. 370444found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Bridget of Sweden c. 130323 July 13737 October 1391 by Pope Boniface IX
Brigid of Kildare c. 451c. 525found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Brinolfo Algotsson 1240–12486 February 13177 October 1391 by Pope Boniface IX
Brioc 400sc. 502
Britta unknown300s
Britto of Trier 374386
Brocard unknown1231
Brónach 500s500s
Bruno of Cologne c. 10306 October 110117 February 1623 by Pope Gregory XV
Bruno of Querfurt c. 97414 February 1009found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Bruno of Saxony c. 8302 February 880
Bruno of Segni c. 104518 July 11235 September 1181 by Pope Lucius III
Bruno of Wurzbug c. 100527 May 1045
Bruno the Great 925965
Bruno Sserunkuuma  [ sw ] [22] 1800s3 June 188618 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Brynach unknown500s
Brynoth unknown6 February 13171498
Budoc 400s500s
Buonfiglio Monaldi 1200s1 January 126115 January 1888 by Pope Leo XIII [49] One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order [50] [51]
Buriana 500s500s
Cadfan unknown500s
Cadoc c. 497580
Caedmon c. 657c.684
Caesaria the Elder unknownc. 530
Caesarius of Arles c. 46827 August 542
Caesarius of Nazianzus c. 331c. 368found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Caesarius of Terracina unknown200s
Caillín 400sunknown
Cainnech of Aghaboe c. 515600found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Caius of Milan unknown200sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Caius of Saragossa unknownunknownfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cajetan 1 October 14807 August 154712 April 1671 by Pope Clement X
Calepodius unknown232
Calimerius unknown280
Callistus Caravario 18 June 190325 February 19301 October 2000 by Pope John Paul II
Calminius unknown500s or 600s
Calocerus unknown130found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Calogerus the Anchorite c. 466561
Camilla Battista da Varano [156] [157] 9 April 145831 May 152417 October 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI [76] [77]
Camillus de Lellis 25 May 155014 July 161429 June 1746 by Pope Benedict XIV
Candida Maria of Jesus [158] 31 May 18459 August 191217 October 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI [76] [77]
Candida the Elder unknown0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Candidus 200sc. 287
Canius 200s200s
Cantius, Cantianus, and Cantianilla unknownc. 304
Canute IV of Denmark c. 104210 July 108619 April 1101 by Pope Paschal II
Canute Lavard 10967 January 11311169 by Pope Alexander III
Caprasius of Agen 200s303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Caprasius of Lérins unknown430
Caradoc unknown1124
Caraunus 400sunknown
Carmelo Bolta Bañuls 29 May 180310 July 186020 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Carmen Salles y Barangueras [96] 9 April 184825 July 191121 October 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI [97]
Carolina Santocanale 2 October 185227 January 192315 May 2022 by Pope Francis
Carpus of Beroea unknown0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Carthage the Elder unknown500s
Casilda of Toledo 9501050
Casimir 3 October 14584 March 14841521 by Pope Leo X or 1602 by Pope Clement VIII
Cassian of Autun unknownc. 350
Cassian of Imola 300s13 August 363found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cassian of Tangier 200s298
Cassius of Clermont 200sc. 264
Cassius of Narni unknown558
Castor of Apt 300sc. 420
Castor of Karden 300sc. 400
Castritian unknown137found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Milan
Castulus 200s286found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Catald of Toronto 7th century685found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Catellus of Castellammare unknown800s
Caterina Volpicelli [159] 21 January 183928 December 189426 April 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI [125]
Cathan unknownunknown
Catherine Labouré 2 May 180631 December 187627 July 1947 by Pope Pius XII [160]
Catherine of Alexandria c. 287c. 305found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Catherine of Bologna 8 September 14139 March 146322 May 1712 by Pope Clement XI
Catherine of Genoa 1447151016 June 1737 by Pope Clement XII
Catherine of Palma 1 May 15335 April 157422 June 1930 by Pope Pius XI
Catherine of Ricci 23 April 15222 February 159029 June 1746 by Pope Benedict XIV
Catherine of Siena [161] 25 March 134729 April 138029 April 1461 by Pope Pius II
Catherine of Vadstena 2 October 153824 March 13811484 (cultus confirmed) by Innocent VIII
Cedd c. 620October 26, 664
Cecilia 100s222–235found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cellach of Armagh 10801129
Celsus unknownunknownfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cermanus 200sc. 305found in Roman Martyrology [1]
César de Bus 3 February 154415 April 160715 May 2022 by Pope Francis
Cessianus c. 295303
Chad of Mercia c. 634March 2, 672found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Charbel 0s107
Charbel Makhlouf [162] 8 May 182824 December 18989 October 1977 by Pope Paul VI [163] [164]
Charles Borromeo 2 October 15383 November 15841 November 1610 by Paul V
Charles de Foucauld 15 September 18581 December 191615 May 2022 by Pope Francis
Charles Garnier [165] 25 May 16067 December 164929 June 1930 by Pope Pius XI [112] One of the Canadian Martyrs [113]
Charles Lwanga 1 January 18603 June 188618 October 1964 by Pope Paul VI [166] One of the Uganda Martyrs [166] [14]
Charles of Mount Argus [167] 11 December 18215 January 18933 June 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI
Charles of Sezze 19 October 16136 January 167012 April 1959 by Pope John XXIIIProfessed priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor
Chelidonia c. 1 October 107713 October 1152found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Christian of Clogher 1000s1138
Christina of Bolsena 200s200sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Christopher unknownc. 251found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Chrysogonus 200s300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ciarán of Clonmacnoise c. 516549
Ciarán of Saigir 400sc. 530
Cirilo Bertrán  [ es ] [93] 20 March 18889 October 193421 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [168] [94] One of the Martyrs of Turon [95]
Clare of Assisi 16 July 119411 August 125326 September 1255 by Pope Alexander IV
Clare of Montefalco 126818 August 13088 December 1881 by Pope Leo XIII
Clateus unknown64 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Claude de la Colombière 2 February 164115 February 168231 May 1992 by Pope John Paul II [169]
Claudine Thévenet 30 March 17743 February 183721 March 1993 by Pope John Paul IIFounder of the Religious of Jesus and Mary
Claudius of Besançon c. 6076 June 696 or 699
Clelia Barbieri 13 February 184713 July 18709 April 1989 by Pope John Paul II
Clement Mary Hofbauer 26 December 175115 March 182020 May 1909 by Pope Pius XProfessed priest of the Redemptorists
Clement of Ancyra c. 258312
Clement of Ohrid 830–84027 July 916
Cleopatra 200s319 or 327
Clotilde c. 474545
Colette of Corbie 13 January 13816 March 144724 May 1807 by Pope Pius VII
Colman mac Duagh 56029 October 632
Colmán of Cloyne 15 October 52224 November 600
Coloman of Stockerau 900s18 October 1012found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Columban 54023 November 615
Concordius of Spoleto 100sc.175found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Conrad of Constance c. 90026 November 9751123 by Pope Callixtus II
Conrad of Parzham 22 December 181821 April 189420 May 1934 by Pope Pius XI [170]
Conrad of Piacenza 129019 February 13512 June 1625 by Pope Urban VIII
Constantine the Great 27 February c. 27222 May 337 [171] Constantine is not recognized as a canonized saint by the Roman Catholic Church, although he is in many other churches.
Constantius of Perugia unknownc. 170found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Corbinian c. 6708 September c. 730
Corebus unknown138found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cornelius of Wijk bij Duurstede 15489 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Cosmas 200sc. 287found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cosmas Takeya 1500s5 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Crescentian 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Crescentinus c. 292c. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Crescentius of Rome c. 292c. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Crescentius of Saragossa unknownunknownfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Crispin of Viterbo 13 November 166819 May 175020 June 1982 by Pope John Paul IIProfessed priest of the Franciscan Capuchins
Cristóbal Magallanes Jara [172] 30 July 186925 May 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Cristobal of Tlaxcala c. 1514152715 October 2017 by Pope Francis [121] One of the Child Martyrs of Tlaxcala
Cunibert c. 60012 November c. 663found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cunigunde of Luxembourg 9753 March 104029 March 1200 by Pope Innocent IIIEmpress
Cuthbert c. 63420 March 687found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cuthbert Mayne c. 154329 November 157725 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Cyprian c. 20014 September 258found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cyriacus 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cyriacus of Satala 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cyril 826–82714 February 869found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cyril of Alexandria c. 376444found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cyril of Jerusalem c. 313386found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Cyrinus of Rome 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Dabheog unknownunknown
Dalmatius of Pavia 200s254 or 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Damian 200sc. 287found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Damien of Molokai [173] [174] 3 January 1840 [173] 15 April 1889 [173] 11 October 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI [175] Known for his work with people with leprosy in a settlement on the Kalaupapa Peninsula of Molokaʻi. [176]
Daniel and Companions 10 October 12271516 by Pope Leo X
Daniel of Padua unknown168found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Daniele Comboni [177] 15 March 183110 October 18815 October 2003 by Pope John Paul II [127]
Darerca of Ireland 300s400s
Darius unknownearly 300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Dathus 100s190found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Ravenna
David c. 5001 March 589
David Galván Bermúdez [178] 29 January 1881 [179] 30 January 191521 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
David Lewis 161627 August 167925 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
David of Munktorp 1000s1082
David Roldán Lara [180] 2 March 190715 August 192621 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
David the Dendrite c. 450540
David Uribe Velasco  [ es ] [181] 29 December 188912 April 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Demetrius of Thessaloniki 280305 or 306found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Denis 200s250, 258, or 270found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Paris
Denis Ssebuggwawo Wasswa 187025 May 1886 [23] 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Deodat of Rodez  [ de ]c. 134014 November 139121 June 1970 by Pope Paul VI [182] Companion of Nicholas Tavelic
Deodatus of Nevers unknown6793 December 1049 by Pope Leo IX
Devasahayam Pillai 23 April 171214 January 175215 May 2022 by Pope Francis
Devota 200sc. 303
Didacus of Alcalá c. 140012 November 14631588 by Pope Sixtus V
Didymus of Alexandria 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Diodorus of Tarsus 300s390
Diomedes of Tarsus 200s298–311
Dionysius of Alexandria unknown22 March 264found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Dionysius of Corinth unknown100sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Dionysius of Vienne 100s193found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Dionysius the Areopagite 0s0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Dismas unknown30–33 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Domingo Ibáñez de Erquicia c.158914 August 163318 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Dominic de Guzmán 8 August 11706 August 122113 July 1234 by Pope Gregory IX
Dominic de la Calzada 101912 May 1109found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Dominic of Silos 100020 December 1073found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Dominic Savio [183] 2 April 18429 March 185712 June 1954 by Pope Pius XII
Domitian of Carantania 700s802Duke of Carantania
Domnius 200s304
Donatus of Euroea 300s387found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Donatus of Fossombrone unknown200sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Dorothea of Alexandria unknownc. 320
Dorothea of Caesarea 279–290c. 311found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Dorothea of Montau 6 February 134725 June 13941976 (cultus confirmed) by Pope Paul VI
Drogo 14 March 1105c. 16 April 1186found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Dubricius c. 465550
Dymphna 7th century30 May, 7th centuryc. 620born in Ireland; died in Geel, Belgium [184]
Edith Stein [185] 12 October 18919 August 194211 October 1998 by Pope John Paul IIAlso known as Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Edmund Arrowsmith 158528 August 162825 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Edmund Campion 24 January 15401 December 158125 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Edmund Gennings 156710 December 159125 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Edmund of Abingdon 20 November c. 117516 November 124016 December 1246 by Pope Innocent IV
Edward the Confessor c. 1003–10055 January 10667 February 1161 by Pope Alexander III
Edward the Martyr c. 96218 March 978found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Egidio Maria of Saint Joseph 16 November 17297 February 18122 June 1996 by Pope John Paul IIProfessed priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor (Alcantarines)
Elena Guerra 23 June 183511 April 191420 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Eleuchadius 0s112found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Ravenna
Eleutherius of Illyria c. 100c. 138found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Elias of Palestine 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Elizabeth Ann Seton 28 August 17744 January 182114 September 1975 by Pope Paul VI [186] First citizen born in the U.S. to be declared a saint. [186] [187] Widow; Founder of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul in the United States, the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill, the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Halifax, the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of New York, and the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth of New Jersey
Elizabeth Hesselblad 4 June 187024 April 19575 June 2016 by Pope Francis [188]
Elizabeth of Hungary 7 July 120717 November 123127 May 1235 by Pope Gregory IXPatron saint of the homeless, blessed by St. Francis of Assisi, associated with the Third Order of St. Francis, first saint associated with roses through the miracle of the roses
Elizabeth of Portugal c. 12714 July 13361625 25 May by Pope Urban VIII
Elizabeth of the Trinity 18 July 18809 November 190616 October 2016 by Pope Francis
Eluned c. 468400s
Elzéar of Sabran 128527 September 13231369 by Pope Urban V
Emerentiana 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Emeric of Hungary c. 10062 September 10315 November 1083 by Pope Gregory VII
Émilie de Rodat 6 September 178719 September 185223 April 1950 by Pope Pius XIIFounder of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Villefranche
Émilie de Villeneuve 9 March 18112 October 185417 May 2015 by Pope Francis
Emily de Vialar 12 September 179724 August 185624 June 1951 by Pope Pius XII
Emma of Lesum 1000s3 December 1038
Emygdius 279309
Engelbert Kolland 21 September 182710 July 186020 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Engratia 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Enrique de Ossó i Cervelló 16 October 184027 January 189616 June 1993 by Pope John Paul II
Ephrem the Syrian c. 3069 June 373found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Epimachus unknownc. 250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Epiphanius of Salamis 310–320403
Epitacius unknownunknownfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Erasmus of Formia 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Erhard of Regensburg unknown600s8 October 1052 by Pope Leo IX
Eric IX of Sweden c. 1120–2518 May 1160found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Erlembald 1000s15 April 1075
Eucherius of Lyon c. 380c. 449
Eudokia of Heliopolis 0s107found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Eugendus c. 4491 January 510found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Eugène de Mazenod 1 August 178221 May 18613 December 1995 by Pope John Paul II
Eugénie d'Alsace Unknown735
Eugenius II of Toledo unknown13 November 657found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Eulalia of Mérida c. 29010 December 304
Euphemia 200s303
Euphrasia Eluvathingal [189] 17 October 1877 [190] 29 August 195223 November 2014 by Pope Francis [66]
Euphrosyne of Alexandria unknown400sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Euprepius of Verona 0sunknownfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Eusebius 3rd century17 Aug 310found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Eusebius of Rome 4th century357found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Eusebius of Vercelli c. 2 March 2831 August 371found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Eustace 0s118found in Roman Martyrology [1] Martyr and soldier
Eustace White 155910 December 159125 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Eustathius of Antioch 200sc. 360found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Eustochia Smeralda Calafato 25 March 143420 January 148511 June 1988 by Pope John Paul II [191]
Eutropius of Orange unknown27 May 475found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Evellius unknown66 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Evodius unknownc. 66 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Exuperius unknown127found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ezequiél Moreno y Díaz 9 April 184819 August 190611 October 1992 by Pope John Paul II [192]
Fabiola 300s27 December 399
Fabius 200s303 or 304
Fanchea 500sc. 585
Faustina Kowalska [193] 25 August 19055 October 193830 April 2000 by Pope John Paul II [194]
Faustinus unknown120found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Faustinus of Rome 200s302 or 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Faustus of Milan 100s190found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Felician 200sc. 297found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Felicissimus unknown6 August 258found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Felicitas of Rome c. 101c. 165found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Felicity 100s7 March 203found in Roman Martyrology [1] See also Passion of Saint Perpetua, Saint Felicitas, and their Companions
Felicula 0s90 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Felix 200s303Martyred with Adauctus
Felix 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Felix II unknown22 November 365found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Felix of Cantalice 18 May 151518 May 158722 May 1712 by Pope Clement XI
Felix of Nicosia [195] 5 November 171531 May 178723 October 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI [41] Professed religious of the Franciscan Capuchins
Felix of Nola 200sc. 250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Felix of Valois 16 April 11274 November 12121 May 1262 by Pope Urban IV
Ferdinand III of Castile 1199 or 120130 May 12521671 by Pope Clement X
Fidelis of Sigmaringen 157724 April 162229 June 1746 by Pope Benedict XIV
Filippo Smaldone [196] 27 July 18484 June 192315 October 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI
Finbarr of Cork 550623
Finnian of Clonard 47012 December 549
Fintan of Clonenagh c. 526603found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Fintán of Taghmon unknown635Bishop and hermit
Firmina unknown200sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Firminus of Satala 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Firmus of Satala 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Flavia Domitilla 0sc. 96 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Flavius Latinus of Brescia 0s115found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Flora of Córdoba unknown24 November 851found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Florentius of Vienne unknownc. 377found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Vienne
Florian 250c. 304
Fortunatus of Naples unknown300s
Fortunatus of Spoleto 300sc. 400found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Franca Visalta 11701218September 1273 by Pope Gregory X
Frances of Rome 13849 March 14409 May 1608 by Pope Paul VMarried layperson of the Vicariate of Rome
Frances Xavier Cabrini 15 July 1850 [197] 22 December 1917 [197] 7 July 1946 by Pope Pius XII [198] First U.S. citizen to be canonized [199] See also Elizabeth Ann Seton the first born U.S. citizen to be canonized. [186] [187]
Francesco Maria da Camporosso 27 December 180417 September 18669 December 1962 by Pope John XXIII
Francesco Spinelli 14 April 18536 February 191314 October 2018 by Pope Francis [200]
Francis Borgia 28 October 151030 September 157220 June 1670 by Pope Clement X
Francis Caracciolo 13 October 15634 June 160824 May 1807 by Pope Pius VII
Francis de Geronimo [201] 17 December 1642 [201] 11 May 1716 [201] 26 May 1839 by Pope Gregory XVI [201]
Francis de Sales 21 August 156728 December 16228 April 1665 by Pope Alexander VII
Francis Fasani 6 August 168129 November 174213 April 1986 by Pope John Paul IIProfessed priest of the Franciscan Conventuals
Francis Kichi  [ jp ]1500s5 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Francis Massabki 1800s10 July 186020 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Francis of Assisi 1181 or 11823 October 122616 July 1228 by Pope Gregory IXItalian Roman Catholic friar and preacher
Francis of Nagasaki  [ fi ]15485 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Francis of Paola 27 March 14162 April 15071 May 1519 by Pope Leo X
Francis of Roye 15499 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Francis of Saint Michael c. 15445 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Francis Shoyemon  [ pl ]1500s or 1600s14 August 163318 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Francis Solanus 10 March 154914 July 161027 December 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII
Francis Xavier 7 April 15062 December 155212 March 1622 by Pope Gregory XV
Francis Xavier Bianchi 2 December 174331 January 181521 October 1951 by Pope Pius XIIProfessed priest of the Barnabites
Francisco Blanco c. 15705 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Francisco Coll Guitart [202] 18 May 18122 April 187511 October 2009 Pope Benedict XVI [175]
Francisco Marto 11 June 19084 April 191913 May 2017 by Pope Francis
Francisco Pinazo Peñalver 26 August 180210 July 186020 October 2024 by Pope Francis
François de Laval 30 April 16236 May 17083 April 2014 by Pope FrancisCanonized by equivalent canonization, first Bishop of Quebec. [203] Professed priest of the Paris Foreign Mission Society.
Fridolin of Säckingen 500s600s
Fructuosus unknown259found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Frumentius 300sc. 383found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Fulgentius of Cartagena 500sc. 630
Fulgentius of Ruspe c. 4651 January 527 or 533found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Fursey c. 597650
Gabriel de Duisco c. 15785 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Gabriel Lalemant [204] 3 October 161017 March 164929 June 1930 by Pope Pius XI [112] One of the Canadian Martyrs [113]
Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows 1 March 183827 February 186213 May 1920 by Pope Benedict XV
Gaetano Catanoso [205] 14 February 18794 April 196323 October 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI [41]
Gaetano Errico [206] 19 October 179129 October 186012 October 2008 by Pope Benedict XVI
Galgano Guidotti 11483 December 11811185 by Pope Lucius III
Gall [207] 550646
Gamaliel unknownunknownfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gaspar del Bufalo 6 January 178628 December 183712 June 1954 by Pope Pius XIIPriest of the Vicariate of Rome; founder of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood
Gaspare Bertoni 9 October 177712 June 18531 November 1989 by Pope John Paul IIPriest of the Diocese of Verona; founder of the Congregation of the Holy Stigmata (Stigmatines)
Gaucherius 106011401194 by Pope Clement III
Gaudentius of Rimini unknown14 October 360found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gaudiosus of Tarazona 400sc. 540
Gebhard of Constance 949995
Gelasius of Fossombrone unknown200sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Geltrude Comensoli [208] 18 January 184718 February 190326 April 2009 by Benedict XVI [125]
Geminianus 300s300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Modena
Geminus of Fossombrone unknown200sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gemma Galgani 12 March 187811 April 19032 May 1940 by Pope Pius XII
Genesius of Arles [207] 200s303 or 308found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Genesius of Rome 200s303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Genevieve [207] 419–422502–512found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Genoveva Torres Morales [209] 3 January 18705 January 19564 May 2003 by Pope John Paul II [129]
George 200s23 April 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
George Preca [210] 12 February 188026 July 19623 June 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI
Gerald of Sauve-Majeure 1025109527 April 1197 by Pope Celestine III
Gerard Majella 6 April 172616 October 175511 December 1904 by Pope Pius X
Gerard of Csanád 23 April 977/100029 August 10461083 by Pope Gregory VII
Gerard of Potenza unknown30 October 11191119 by Pope Callixtus II
Gerard of Toul 93523 April 99421 October 1050 by Pope Leo IX
Germain of Paris c. 49628 May 576found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Paris
Germaine Cousin 1579160129 June 1867 by Pope Pius IX
Germanicus of Smyrna 100s155found in Roman Martyrology [1] Martyr
Gerolamo Emiliani 14868 February 153716 July 1767 by Pope Clement XIII
Gertrude of Nivelles [116] c. 62817 March 6591677 (informally) by Pope Clement XII
Gertrude the Great 6 January 1256c. 1302 17 November1677 (equipollent) by Pope Clement XII
Getulius unknown120found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gherardino Sostegni 1200s1200s15 January 1888 by Pope Leo XIII [49] One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order [50] [51]
Gianna Beretta Molla [211] 4 October 192228 April 196216 May 2004 by Pope John Paul II [99] [212]
Gilbert of Sempringham [116] c. 10854 February 1189 or 11901202 by Pope Innocent III
Giles c. 650c. 710found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Giordano Ansaloni 1 November 159817 November 163418 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Giovanni Antonio Farina [213] 11 January 18034 March 188823 November 2014 by Pope Francis [66]
Giovanni Battista de' Rossi 22 February 169823 May 17648 December 1881 by Pope Leo XIII
Giovanni Battista Piamarta [96] 26 November 184125 April 191321 October 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI [97]
Giovanni Battista Scalabrini 08 July 183901 June 19059 October 2022 by Pope Francis
Giovanni Calabria 8 October 1873 [214] 4 December 1954 [215] 18 April 1999 by Pope John Paul II [29]
Giovanni Leonardi 15419 October 160917 April 1938 by Pope Pius XIPriest and founder of the Clerics Regular of the Mother of God
Giuditta Vannini 7 July 185923 February 1911 [216] 13 October 2019 by Pope Francis [217]
Giulia Salzano [218] 13 October 184617 May 192917 October 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI [76] [77]
Giuseppe Allamano 21 January 185116 February 192620 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo 3 May 178630 April 184219 March 1934 by Pope Pius XI [219] [220] Founder of the Little House of Divine Providence. [221] Priest of the Archdiocese of Turin; founder of the Sisters of Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo, the Brothers of Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo and the Society of Priests of Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo
Giuseppe Maria Tomasi 12 September 16491 January 171312 October 1986 by Pope John Paul IIProfessed priest of the Theatines; cardinal
Giuseppe Moscati 25 July 188012 April 192725 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II
Giustino de Jacobis 9 October 180031 July 186026 October 1975 by Pope Paul VI [222]
Giustino Russolillo 18 January 18912 August 195515 May 2022 by Pope Francis
Gleb 9871015
Glyceria 100s177found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gobnait 400s to 500s400s to 500s
Godelieve of Gistelc. 10496 July 10701084 by Pope Urban II [223]
Godfried Coart 15129 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Godfried van Duynen 15029 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Gonsalo Garcia 6 February 15575 February 1597 [224] 8 June 1862 by Pope Pius IX [225] One of the 26 Martyrs of Japan, first Indian to become a saint [226]
Gonzaga Gonza  [ sw ]1800s27 May 1886 [23] 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Gordianus unknown362found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gordius of Caesarea 200sc. 310found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gorgonia 300s23 February 375found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gorgonius of Rome unknownunknownfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gotthard of Hildesheim 9604 May 10381131 by Pope Innocent II
Greca 12 October 28421 January 304
Gregorio Barbarigo 16 September 162518 June 169726 May 1960 by Pope John XXIIIBishop of Padua; cardinal
Gregory of Langres c. 446539found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gregory of Narek 945–9511003–101112 April 2015 by Pope Francis
Gregory of Nazianzus 32925 January 390found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gregory of Nyssa c. 335c. 395found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gregory Thaumaturgus c. 213c. 270found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Gregory the Illuminator c. 257c. 331found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Guarinus of Palestrina c. 10806 February 11581159 by Pope Alexander III
Guido Maria Conforti 30 March 18655 November 193123 October 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI
Guillaume Courtet c. 159029 September 163718 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Gummarus [227] c. 717774Saint of the Belgian town Lier [228]
Gyavira Musoke  [ sw ]1800s3 June 188618 October 1964 by Pope Paul VI [13] One of the Uganda Martyrs [13] [14]
Héctor Valdivielso Sáez  [ es ] [93] 31 October 19109 October 193421 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [94] First Argentine saint. [93] One of the Martyrs of Turon. [95] Also known as Saint Benito de Jesus. [94]
Hedwig of Silesia 117415 October 124326 March 1267 by Pope Clement IV
Hegesippus 1107 April 180found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Helena of Constantinople c. 246 or 248c. 330found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Helena of Skövde c. 110111601164 by Pope Alexander III
Heliodorus of Altino 300sc. 390found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Hemma of Gurk c. 99527 June 10455 January 1938 by Pope Pius XI
Henry II 6 May 97313 July 1024July 1147 by Pope Eugene IIIEmperor of Burgundy and Bavaria
Henry Morse 15951 February 164525 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Henry of Uppsala unknown20 January 1156
Henry Walpole 15587 April 159525 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Herculanils 100s180
Heribert of Cologne c. 97016 March 1021c. 1075 by Pope Gregory VII
Hermann Joseph c. 11507 April 124111 August 1958 by Pope Pius XII
Hermenegild 500s13 April 585found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Hermes unknown120found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Hermias 100s160found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Hermione of Ephesus unknown117
Hilarion 291371found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Hilary of Poitiers c. 310c. 367found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Hildegard of Bingen 109817 September 117910 May 2012 by Pope Benedict XVIProfessed religious of the Benedictine Nuns, Doctor of the Church in 2012
Hippolytus of Rome c. 170c. 235found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Homobonus 1100s13 November 119712 January 1199 by Pope Innocent III
Honorina 200sc. 303
Honorius of Canterbury 500s30 September 653found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Hripsime 3rd century290sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Hubertus 656–65830 May 727
Hugh dei Lippi Uggucioni 1200s3 May 128215 January 1888 by Pope Leo XIII [49] One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order [50] [51]
Hugh of Châteauneuf 10531 April 113222 April 1134 by Pope Innocent II
Hugh of Cluny 102428 April 11096 January 1120 by Pope Callixtus II
Hugh of Lincoln 1135–114016 November 120017 February 1220 by Pope Honorius III
Humilis of Bisignano [229] 26 August 158226 November 163719 May 2002 by Pope John Paul II [20] [57]
Humility c. 122622 May 131027 January 1720 by Pope Clement XI
Hyacinth of Rome 200sc. 257–259found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Hyacinth of Caesarea 96 AD108found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Hyacinth of Poland c. 118515 August 125717 April 1594 by Pope Clement VIII
Hyacintha Mariscotti 16 March 158530 January 164014 May 1807 by Pope Pius VII
Hypatius of Gangra 200sc. 325
Ia of Cornwall unknown450
Ignatius of Antioch c. 50 ADc. 108 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ignatius of Laconi 10 December 170111 May 178121 October 1951 by Pope Pius XIIProfessed religious of the Franciscan Capuchins
Ignatius of Loyola c. 23 October 149131 July 155612 March 1622 by Pope Gregory XVFounded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Ignatius of Santhià [230] 5 June 168622 September 177019 May 2002 by Pope John Paul II [57] Professed priest of the Franciscan Capuchins
Ignazia Verzeri [231] 31 July 18013 March 185210 June 2001 by Pope John Paul II [31] Founder of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Ildefonsus 60723 January 667
Ingrid of Skänninge 1200s9 September 1282
Inocencio of Mary Immaculate [93] [232] 10 March 18879 October 193421 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [168] [94] One of the Martyrs of Turon [95]
Íñigo of Oña unknown1 June 105718 June 1259 by Pope Alexander IV
Irenaeus c. 130c. 202found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Irene of Rome 200s288
Irene of Tomar c. 635c. 653
Irmã Dulce Pontes 26 May 1914[ citation needed ]13 March 199213 October 2019 by Pope Francis [217] Also known as Dulce of the Poor and first Brazilian woman saint[ citation needed ]
Isaac Jogues [233] 10 January 160718 October 164629 June 1930 by Pope Pius XI [112] One of the Canadian Martyrs [113]
Isaac of Armenia 354439–441
Isaac of Dalmatia unknown30 May 383
Isaac of Nineveh c. 613c. 700
Isidora 300sbefore 365
Isidore of Seville c. 5564 April 636found in Roman Martyrology [1] Archbishop of Seville, Doctor of the Church
Isidore the Laborer c. 107015 May 113012 March 1622 by Pope Gregory XV
Íte of Killeedy c. 48015 January 570
Ivo of Chartres 104023 December 1115
Ivo of Kermartin 17 October 125319 May 1303June 1347 by Pope Clement VI
Jacinta Marto 11 March 191020 February 192013 May 2017 by Pope Francis
Jacob of Nisibis 200s337 or 338
Jacob of Serugh c. 45129 November 521
Jacobo Kyushei Tomonaga c.158217 August 163318 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Jacques Berthieu [96] 27 November 18388 June 189621 October 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI [97]
Jadwiga of Poland 3 October 1373–18 February 137417 July 13998 June 1997 by Pope John Paul II
Jaime Hilario Barbal 2 January 189818 January 193721 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [168]
James Buuzaabalyaawo  [ sw ]1800s3 June 188618 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
James Kisai 15335 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan [234]
James Lacobs 15419 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
James of the Marches c. 139128 November 147610 December 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII
James the Greater c. 3 AD44 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
James the Just unknown62 or 69 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
James the Less 1st century BCc. 62 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Jan of Oisterwijk 15049 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Jan Sarkander 20 December 157617 March 1620 [235] 21 May 1995 by Pope John Paul II [236]
Jane Frances de Chantal 28 January 157213 December 164116 July 1767 by Pope Clement XIII
Januarius 200sc. 305found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Benevento
Jean de Brébeuf [237] 25 March 159316 March 164929 June 1930 by Pope Pius XI [238] One of the Canadian Martyrs [113]
Jean de Lalande [239] unknown19 October 164629 June 1930 by Pope Pius XI [112] One of the Canadian Martyrs [113]
Jean-Baptiste de La Salle 30 April 16517 April 171924 May 1900 by Pope Leo XIII
Jeanne de Lestonnac 27 December 15562 February 164015 May 1949 by Pope Pius XIIWidow; founder of the Sisters of the Company of Mary
Jeanne Delanoue 18 June 166617 August 173631 October 1982 by Pope John Paul IIFounder of the Servants of the Poor
Jeanne Jugan [240] 25 October 179229 August 187911 October 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI [175]
Jeanne-Antide Thouret 27 November 176524 August 182614 January 1934 by Pope Pius XIFounder of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joan Antida Thouret
Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo [241] 19 September 188617 January 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Jerome c. 34730 September 420found in Roman Martyrology [1] Translated the Vulgate
Jerome of Weert 15229 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Jesús Méndez Montoya  [ es ] [242] 10 June 18805 February 192821 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Joachim c. 50 BC15 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Joachim Sakakibara  [ fi ]15565 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Joan Elizabeth Bichier des Âges 5 July 177326 August 18386 July 1947 by Pope Pius XIICofounder of the Sisters of the Cross
Joan of Arc 141230 May 143116 May 1920 by Pope Benedict XVFrench heroine and martyr
Joan of France 23 April 14644 February 150528 May 1950 by Pope Pius XII
Joaquina Vedruna de Mas 16 April 178328 August 185412 April 1959 by Pope John XXIII
John Almond c. 15775 December 161225 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [33]
John Berchmans 13 March 159913 August 162115 January 1888 by Pope Leo XIII
John Bosco 16 August 181531 January 18881 April 1934 by Pope Pius XI
John Boste 154424 July 159425 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
John Buonagiunta Monetti 1200s125615 January 1888 by Pope Leo XIII [49] One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order [50] [51]
John Cantius 23 June 139024 December 147316 July 1767 by Pope Clement XIII
John Cassian c. 360c. 435
John Chrysostom c. 34914 September 407found in Roman Martyrology [1]
John de Britto 1 March 16474 February 169322 June 1947 by Pope Pius XII
John Eudes 14 November 160119 August 168031 May 1925 by Pope Pius XI
John Fisher c. 19 October 146922 June 153519 May 1935 by Pope Pius XI
John Francis Regis 31 January 159731 December 16405 April 1737 by Pope Clement XII
John Gabriel Perboyre [243] [244] 6 January 180211 September 18402 June 1996 by Pope John Paul II [244] [243]
John Gualbert c. 98512 July 107324 October 1193 by Pope Celestine III
John Henry Newman 21 February 180111 August 1890 [217] 13 October 2019 by Pope Francis [217]
John Houghton c. 14874 May 153525 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
John Jones 155912 July 159825 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
John Joseph of the Cross 15 August 16545 March 173926 May 1839 by Pope Gregory XVI [64]
John Kemble 159922 August 167925 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
John Kisaka 1500s5 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
John Lloyd 1500s22 July 167925 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
John Macias 2 March 158516 September 164528 September 1975 by Pope Paul VI [245] Professed religious of the Dominicans
John Maria Muzeeyi  [ sw ]1800s27 January 188718 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
John Maron 628707First Maronite patriarch
John Neumann 28 March 18115 January 186019 June 1977 by Pope Paul VI [246]
John of Ávila 6 January 149910 May 156931 May 1970 by Pope Paul VI [247]
John of Beverley unknown7 May 7211037 by Pope Benedict IX
John of Capistrano 24 June 138623 October 145616 October 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII or 1724 by Pope Benedict XIII
John of Cologne 1500s9 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
John of Damascus 675 or 6764 December 749found in Roman Martyrology [1]
John of Dukla 1414148410 June 1997 by Pope John Paul II [248]
John of God 8 March 14958 March 155016 October 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII
John of Matha 23 June 116017 December 121321 October 1666 (cultus confirmed) by Pope Alexander VII
John of Meda 110026 September 1159c. 1170 by Pope Alexander III
John of Nepomuk c. 134520 March 139319 March 1729 by Benedict XIII
John of Rome 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
John of Sahagún 24 June 141911 June 147916 October 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII
John of Trogir c. 1034c. 1111
John of Tufara 108414 November 117028 August 1221 by elevatio et translatio corporis officiato
John of the Cross 154214 December 159127 December 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII
John Ogilvie 157910 March 161517 October 1976 by Pope Paul VI [249]
John Payne 15322 April 158225 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
John Plessington c. 163719 July 167925 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
John Rigby c. 157021 June 160025 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
John Roberts c. 157710 December 161025 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
John Soan de Goto  [ es ]c. 15785 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
John Southworth 159228 June 165425 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
John Stone 1400sc. December 153925 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
John the Apostle c. 6 ADc. 100 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
John the Baptist 1st century BC28–36 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
John Twenge 132010 October 13791401 by Pope Boniface IX
John Vianney 8 May 17864 August 185931 May 1925 by Pope Pius XI
John Wall 162022 August 167925 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Jón Ögmundsson 105223 April 11211201 by Pope Innocent III
Josaphat Kuntsevych c. 158012 November 162329 June 1867 by Pope Pius IX
Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero 16 March 184026 January 191416 October 2016 by Pope Francis [52] [188]
José Isabel Flores Varela [250] 28 November 186621 June 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
José Maria de Yermo y Parres [251] 10 November 185120 September 190421 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129]
José María Robles Hurtado [252] 3 May 188826 June 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
José María Rubio [253] 22 July 18642 May 19294 May 2003 by John Paul II
José Sánchez del Río 28 March 191310 February 192816 October 2016 by Pope Francis [52] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Josemaría Escrivá [254] [255] 9 January 190226 June 19756 October 2002 by Pope John Paul II [256]
Josep Manyanet i Vives [257] 7 January 183317 December 190116 May 2004 by Pope John Paul II [212]
Joseph 1st century BC0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1] Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Joseph Cafasso 15 January 181123 June 186022 June 1947 by Pope Pius XII
Joseph Calasanz 11 September 155725 August 164816 July 1767 by Pope Clement XIII
Joseph Freinademetz [258] [259] 15 April 1852 [259] 28 January 1908 [259] 5 October 2003 by Pope John Paul II [127]
Joseph Marello [260] 26 December 184430 May 189525 November 2001 by Pope John Paul II [261]
Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe [262] 186015 November 1885 [23] 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Joseph of Anchieta, S.J. 19 March 15349 June 15973 April 2014 by Pope Francis
Joseph of Cupertino 17 June 160318 September 166316 July 1767 by Pope Clement XIII
Joseph of Leonessa 15564 February 161229 June 1746 by Pope Benedict XIV
Joseph Oriol 23 November 165023 March 170220 May 1909 by Pope Pius X
Joseph Pignatelli 27 December 173715 November 181112 June 1954 by Pope Pius XIIProfessed priest of the Jesuits
Joseph Vaz 21 April 165116 January 171114 January 2015 by Pope FrancisPriest of the Oratorians
Joseph Volotsky 1439 or 14409 September 15151578 by Pope Gregory XIII
Josephine Bakhita c. 18698 February 19471 October 2000 by Pope John Paul II
Jovita unknown120found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Józef Bilczewski [263] 26 April 186020 March 192323 October 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI [41]
Józef Sebastian Pelczar [264] 17 January 184228 March 192418 May 2003 by Pope John Paul II [265]
Juan de Ribera 20 March 15326 January 161112 June 1960 by Pope John XXIIIArchbishop of Valencia
Juan del Castillo 14 September 159517 November 162816 May 1988 by Pope John Paul II
Juan Diego [266] 1474154831 July 2002 by Pope John Paul II [267] First Roman Catholic indigenous American saint
Juan García López-Rico 10 July 156114 February 161325 May 1975 by Pope Paul VI
Juan Grande Román 6 March 15463 June 16002 June 1996 by Pope John Paul II
Juan Jacob Fernández 25 July 180810 July 186020 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Juan of Tlaxcala c. 1516152915 October 2017 by Pope Francis [121] One of the Child Martyrs of Tlaxcala
Judas Cyriacus 0s133found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Jude the Apostle 0s0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1] Also known as Jude Thaddeus
Julia of Corsica unknownc. 439
Julián Alfredo  [ es ] [93] 24 December 19039 October 193421 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [94] One of the Martyrs of Turon [95]
Julian of Antioch 200sc. 305 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Julian of Cuenca c. 112728 January 120818 October 1594 by Pope Clement VIII
Julian of Mesopotamia unknown300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Julian of Sora unknown150found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Juliana Falconieri 127019 June 134116 June 1737 by Pope Clement XII
Juliana of Liège 1192–11935 April 12581869 by Pope Pius IX
Juliana of Nicomedia c. 286c. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Julie Billiart 12 July 17518 April 181622 June 1969 by Pope Paul VI [268] Founder of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. [269]
Julio Álvarez Mendoza [270] 20 December 186630 March 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Julius of Novara 300s401found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Julius of Rome 100s190found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Junípero Serra 24 November 171328 August 178423 September 2015 by Pope FrancisProfessed priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor
Justin Martyr 100165found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Justin of Chieti unknown200s, 300s, or 500sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Justin of Siponto 200sc. 310
Justina of Padua 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Justino Orona Madrigal 14 April 18771 July 192821 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Justus of Urgell 400sc. 527found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Juvenal of Benevento unknown132found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Juvenal of Narni unknown3 May 369 or 377found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Kalliopi 200sc. 250
Kateri Tekakwitha [96] 165617 April 168021 October 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI [97] First Native American to become a saint [97] [203]
Katharine Drexel 26 November 18583 March 19551 October 2000 by Pope John Paul II
Kilian 6408 July 689found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Kinga of Poland 5 March 123424 July 129216 June 1999 by Pope John Paul II
Kizito [271] 18723 June 188618 October 1964 by Pope Paul VI [13] One of the Uganda Martyrs [13]
Kunigunde of Rapperswil unknownearly 300s
Kuriakose Elias Chavara [272] 5 February 18053 January 187123 November 2014 by Pope Francis [66]
Ladislaus I of Hungary c. 104029 July 109527 June 1192 by Pope Celestine IIIKing Saint Ladislaus of Hungary completed the work of King Saint Stephen of Hungary, he consolidated the Hungarian state power and strengthened the Christianity. His charismatic personality, strategic leadership and military talents resulted the termination of internal power struggles and foreign military threats. He was seen as the embodiment of the knight-king ideal to be emulated all over Europe. Saint Ladislaus became the first saint in the world whose identity was confirmed by archaeogenetic tests. [273] [274]
Lambert of Maastricht 636c. 705
Lambert of Saragossa  [ es ]unknownunknownfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Largus 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Laura Montoya 26 May 187421 October 194912 May 2013 by Pope Francis
Laurentia 200s302found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Lawrence Giustiniani 1 July 13818 January 145616 October 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII
Lawrence of Brindisi 22 July 155922 July 16198 December 1881 by Pope Leo XIII
Lawrence of Rome 31 December 22510 August 258found in Roman Martyrology [1] Martyr of Rome
Lazarus of Bardiaboch 200s27 March 326
Lazarus of Bethany unknown0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Lazarus of Kyoto  [ pl ]1500s or 1600s29 September 163718 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Leander of Seville c. 53413 March 600 or 601
Leo Karasumaru 1500s5 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Leo of Montefeltro c. 275366
Leoba c. 71028 September 782found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Leocadia 200s9 December c. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Leonard of Noblac 400s–500s559found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Leonard of Port Maurice 20 December 167626 November 175129 June 1867 by Pope Pius IX
Leonard van Veghel 15279 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Leonardo Murialdo 26 October 182830 March 19003 May 1970 by Pope Paul VI [275]
Leonie Aviat [276] 16 September 184410 January 191425 November 2001 by Pope John Paul II [261]
Leopold III 107315 November 11366 January 1485 by Pope Innocent VIII
Leopold Mandić 12 May 186630 July 194216 October 1983 by Pope John Paul II
Leucius of Brindisi 100s180found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Leutfridus 600s738found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Liberalis of Treviso 300s400
Liberius of Ravenna 100sc. 200found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Ravenna
Libert of Saint-Trond unknown783
Liborius of Le Mans 300s396found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Le Mans
Livinus c. 58012 November 657found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Lodovico Pavoni 11 September 17841 April 184916 October 2016 by Pope Francis [52] Priest and founder of the Sons of Mary Immaculate (Pavonians)
Longinus 0s0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Longinus of Satala 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Lorcán Ua Tuathail 112814 November 118011 December 1225 by Pope Honorius III
Lorenzo Ruiz c. 160029 September 163718 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Louis Bertrand 1 January 15269 October 158112 April 1671 by Pope Clement X
Louis de Montfort 31 January 167328 April 171620 July 1947 by Pope Pius XIIPriest of the Archdiocese of Rennes; founder of the Company of Mary (Montfort Missionaries), the Daughters of Wisdom, and the Brothers of Saint Gabriel
Louis Ibaraki  [ es ]c. 15855 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Louis IX of France 25 April 121425 August 127011 July 1297 by Pope Boniface VIII
Louis Martin [277] 22 August 182329 July 189418 October 2015 by Pope Francis [278]
Louise de Marillac 12 August 159115 March 166011 March 1934 by Pope Pius XI
Lubentius c. 300c. 370
Luca Antonio Falcone 19 October 166930 October 173915 October 2017 by Pope Francis
Lucian of Antioch c. 2407 January 312found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Lucius unknownc. 165found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Lucius of Britain unknown100sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Lucy c. 283304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Lucy Filippini 16 January 167225 March 173222 June 1930 by Pope Pius XIFounder of the Religious Teachers Filippini (Filippini Sisters)
Ludger 74226 March 809found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ludmila of Bohemia c. 86015 September 921
Ludovico of Casoria [279] 11 March 181430 March 188523 November 2014 by Pope Francis [66]
Luigi Guanella 19 December 184224 October 191523 October 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI
Luigi Maria Palazzolo 10 December 182715 June 188615 May 2022 by Pope Francis
Luigi Orione [280] 23 June 187212 March 194016 May 2004 by Pope John Paul II [99]
Luigi Scrosoppi [281] 4 August 18043 April 188410 June 2001 by Pope John Paul II [31]
Luis Batis Sáinz 13 September 187015 August 192621 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Luke Alonso Gorda  [ pl ]18 October 159419 October 163318 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Luke Kirby c. 154930 May 158225 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Luke the Evangelist unknownMarch 84 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Lukka Baanabakintu  [ sw ]1800s3 June 188618 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Lutgardis 118216 June 1246found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Luxorius 200s21 August c. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Lydia of Thyatira unknown0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Macarius of Alexandria c. 300395found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Macarius of Egypt c. 300391found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Macrina the Younger c. 33019 July 379found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Madeleine Sophie Barat 12 December 177925 May 186524 May 1925 by Pope Pius XI
Máedóc of Ferns c. 55831 January 632
Máel Ruba 642722
Magdalene of Canossa 1 March 177410 April 18352 October 1988 by Pope John Paul IIFounder of the Canossian Daughters of Charity and the Canossian Sons of Charity [282]
Magdalene of Nagasaki 161115 October 163418 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Magnus of Anagni unknown100sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Magnus of Cuneo unknown200sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Magnus of Fossombrone unknown200sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Majolus of Cluny c. 90611 May 994found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Malachy 10942 November 11481190 by Pope Clement III
Malchus of Syria 300sc. 390found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Manuel González García 25 February 18774 January 194016 October 2016 by Pope Francis [52]
Manuel Míguez González 24 March 18318 March 192515 October 2017 by Pope Francis
Manuel Moralez 8 February 189815 August 192621 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Manuel Ruiz López 5 May 180410 July 186020 October 2024 by Pope Francis
María de las Maravillas de Jesús [283] 4 November 189111 December 19744 May 2003 by Pope John Paul II
Marcella of Marseille [284] unknown0s
Marcellin Champagnat [285] 20 May 17896 June 184018 April 1999 by Pope John Paul II [29] Professed priest of the Society of Mary, Marist Missionaries; founder of the Marist Brothers of the Schools [285]
Marcellinus 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Marcellinus of Tomi 200sc. 320found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Marcellus of Capua 300s or 400s300s or 400sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Marcian of Tortona 0sc. 120found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Marciana of Mauretania 200s303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Marciano José [93] 15 November 19009 October 193421 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [94] One of the Martyrs of Turon [95]
Marcianus 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Margaret Clitherow 155625 March 158625 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Margaret Mary Alacoque 22 July 164717 October 169013 May 1920 by Pope Benedict XVProfessed religious of the Visitation Nuns
Margaret of Castello 128712 April 132024 April 2021 (equipollent) by Pope Francis
Margaret of Cortona 124722 February 129716 May 1728 by Pope Benedict XIII
Margaret of Hungary 27 January 124218 January 127019 November 1943 by Pope Pius XII
Margaret of Scotland c. 104516 November 10931250 by Pope Innocent IVMarried layperson and queen of Scotland
Margaret the Virgin 289304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Margaret Ward c. 155030 August 158825 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Margarito Flores García 22 February 189912 November 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Marguerite Bays [216] 8 September 181527 June 187913 October 2019 by Pope Francis [217]
Marguerite Bourgeoys 17 April 162012 January 170031 October 1982 by Pope John Paul II [203] Founder of the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame of Montreal
María Antonia de Paz y Figueroa 17307 October 179911 February 2024 by Pope FrancisArgentina's first female saint
Maria Bernarda Bütler [286] 28 May 184819 May 192412 October 2008 by Pope Benedict XVI
Maria Bertilla Boscardin 6 October 188820 October 192211 May 1961 by Pope John XXIII
Maria Crescentia Höss [287] 20 October 16825 April 174425 November 2001 by John Paul II [261] Professed religious of the Franciscan Nuns of the Third Order Regular
Maria Cristina of the Immaculate Conception Brando 1 May 185620 January 190617 May 2015 by Pope Francis
Maria Crocifissa di Rosa 6 November 181315 December 185512 June 1954 by Pope Pius XII
María de la Purísima Salvat Romero [288] 20 February 192631 October 199818 October 2015 by Pope Francis [278]
Maria De Mattias [289] 4 February 180520 August 186618 May 2003 by Pope John Paul II [265]
Maria Domenica Mantovani 12 November 18622 February 193415 May 2022 by Pope Francis
Maria Domenica Mazzarello 9 May 183714 May 188124 June 1951 by Pope Pius XII
Maria Giuseppa Rossello 27 May 18117 December 188012 June 1949 by Pope Pius XII
Maria Goretti 16 October 18906 July 190224 June 1950 by Pope Pius XII
María Guadalupe García Zavala 27 April 187824 June 196312 May 2013 by Pope Francis
María Josefa Sancho de Guerra 7 September 184220 March 19121 October 2000 by Pope John Paul II
Maria Katharina Kasper 26 May 18202 February 189814 October 2018 by Pope Francis [200]
Maria Micaela Desmaisieres 1 January 180924 August 18654 March 1934 by Pope Pius XI
María Natividad Venegas de la Torre 8 September 186830 July 195921 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129]
Maria Soledad Torres y Acosta [290] 2 December 182611 October 188725 January 1970 by Pope Paul VI [291]
Mariam Baouardy 5 January 184626 August 187817 May 2015 by Pope Francis
Mariam Thresia Chiramel 26 April 18768 June 1926 [216] 13 October 2019 by Pope Francis [217] Syro-Malabar Catholic nun and the founder of the Congregation of the Holy Family [217]
Mariana de Jesús de Paredes 31 October 161826 May 16459 July 1950 by Pope Pius XIILayperson of the Archdiocese of Quito, member of the Secular Franciscans
Marianne Cope [96] 23 January 18389 August 191821 October 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI [97]
Marie of the Incarnation 28 October 159930 April 16723 April 2014 by Pope FrancisCanonized by equivalent canonization and founder of the Ursulines of Quebec convent. [203]
Marie-Adolphine 8 March 18669 July 19001 October 2000 by Pope John Paul IIOne of the Martyr Saints of China
Marie-Alphonsine Danil Ghattas 4 October 184325 March 192717 May 2015 by Pope Francis
Marie-Azélie Guérin 23 December 183128 August 187718 October 2015 by Pope Francis [278]
Marie-Eugénie de Jésus [292] 25 August 181710 March 18983 June 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI
Marie-Léonie Paradis 12 May 18403 May 191220 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Marie-Madeleine Postel 28 November 175616 July 184624 May 1925 by Pope Pius XIFounder of the Sisters of the Christian Schools of Saint Julie Postel
Marie-Marguerite d'Youville 15 October 170123 December 17719 December 1990 by Pope John Paul IIWidow; founder of the Sisters of Charity of Montreal (Gray Sisters)
Marie-Nicolas-Antoine Daveluy 16 March 181830 March 18666 May 1984 by Pope John Paul IIOne of the Korean Martyrs
Marina of Aguas Santas 119139found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Marina of Omura  [ pl ]1500s or 1600s11 November 163418 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Marinus 200s366found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Marius 200s270found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Mark the Evangelist 5 AD25 April 68found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Marko Krizin 15897 September 16192 July 1995 by Pope John Paul II
Marolus 300s23 April 423found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Maron 300s410
Martha of Bethany unknown0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Martha of Persia 200s270found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Martin de Porres 9 December 15793 November 16396 May 1962 by Pope John XXIIIProfessed religious of the Dominicans
Martin of Leon c. 113012 January 1203
Martin of the Ascension  [ es ]c. 15675 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Martin of Tours 316 or 3368 November 397found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Martina of Rome unknown228found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Martinian c. 30 ADc. 67 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Martinianus 300s29 December 435found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Maruthas of Martyropolis 300sc. 420found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Mary c. 8 September 18 BC0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1] Mother of Jesus Christ
Mary Euphrasia Pelletier 31 July 179624 April 18682 May 1940 by Pope Pius XII
Mary Frances of the Five Wounds 25 March 17157 October 179129 June 1867 by Pope Pius IX
Mary MacKillop [293] 15 January 18428 August 190917 October 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI [76] [77]
Mary Magdalene unknown0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi 2 April 156625 May 160728 April 1669 by Pope Clement IX
Mary of Bethany unknown0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1] Identified as Mary of Magdalene historically
Mateo Correa Magallanes 23 July 18666 February 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Matilda of Ringelheim c. 894 or 89714 March 968found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Matiya Mulumba 183630 May 188618 October 1964 by Pope Paul VI [166] One of the Uganda Martyrs [166] [14]
Matthew Kohioye  [ pl ]161519 October 163318 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Matthew the Apostle 0s0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Matthias 0sc. 80 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Matthias of Jerusalem 0s120found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Matthias of Miyako  [ fi ]1500s5 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Maura unknown300s
Maurice 200s287found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Maurus 1 January 51215 January 584found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Maximilian Kolbe 8 January 189414 August 194110 October 1982 by Pope John Paul II
Maximus of Évreux 300sc. 384
Maximus of Naples unknown361found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Maximus of Rome unknownc. 260found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Maximus the Confessor c. 58013 August 662found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Mbaga Tuzinde  [ sw ] [294] 1800s3 June 188618 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Mechtilde c.124119 November 1298
Meinhard 1334 or 133611968 September 1993 (equipollent) by Pope John Paul IIProfessed priest of the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Latvia
Meinrad of Einsiedeln c. 79721 January 861found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Melania the Younger c. 38331 December 439found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Melchior Grodziecki c. 15827 September 16192 July 1995 by Pope John Paul II
Meletius of Antioch 300s381found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Melito of Sardis 100s180
Melangell 500s590
Menas 285c. 309found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Menodora 200s305–311found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Methodius 8156 April 885found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Methodius of Olympus 200sc. 311
Metrodora 200s305–311found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Mercurialis of Forlì 300s406found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Michael de Sanctis 29 September 159110 April 16258 June 1862 by Pope Pius IX
Michael Kozaki  [ fi ]c. 15515 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Michael Kurobioye  [ pl ]1500s or 1600s17 August 163318 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Michel Garicoïts 15 April 179714 May 18636 July 1947 by Pope Pius XII
Miguel de Aozaraza  [ pl ]7 February 159829 September 163718 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Miguel de la Mora  [ es ]19 June 18747 August 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Miguel Febres Cordero 7 November 18549 February 191021 October 1984 by Pope John Paul II
Mildrith c. 660c. 730
Mirocles 200s30 November c. 316
Mo Chutu of Lismore unknown14 May 639
Monica 332387found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Moninne c. 435c. 517
Monitor c. 490 Bishop of Orléans
Moses the Black 330405found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Mugagga Lubowa  [ sw ] [262] 1800s3 June 188618 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Mukasa Kiriwawanvu  [ sw ]1800s3 June 1886 [23] 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Munditia 200sc. 310
Mungo 51813 January 614
Mutien-Marie Wiaux 20 March 184130 January 191710 December 1989 by Pope John Paul II
Nabor of Milan 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nabor of Rome 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Narcisa de Jesús [295] 29 October 18328 December 186912 October 2008 by Pope Benedict XVI
Narcissus 200sc. 320found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Narnus unknown345found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Natalis unknown700s
Naum c. 83023 December 910
Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa 10 January 18896 July 194314 October 2018 by Pope Francis [200]
Nazarius unknownunknownfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nazarius of Rome 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nectarius of Auvergne 200sc. 300
Nereus 0sc. 100found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nerses I 300s373
Nicanor Ascanio Soria 181410 July 186020 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Nicanor the Deacon unknown76 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nicasius of Die 200s300s
Nicasius of Heeze 15229 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Nicetas the Goth 300s372found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nicholas of Flüe 141721 March 148715 May 1947 by Pope Pius XII
Nicholas of Myra 15 March 2706 December 342found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nicholas of Tolentino c. 124610 September 13055 June 1446 by Pope Eugene IV [296]
Nicholas Owen c. 15621 or 2 March 160625 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Nicholas Pieck 29 August 15349 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Nicholas Poppel 15329 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Nicholas Tavelic c. 134014 November 139121 June 1970 by Pope Paul VI [182]
Nicholas the Pilgrim 10752 June 10941098 by Pope Urban II
Nicodemus c. 1 BC0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nicola Saggio 6 January 16503 February 170923 November 2014 by Pope FrancisProfessed Oblate of the Minims
Nicolás María Alberca Torres 10 September 183010 July 186020 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Nicomedes unknown0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nilus of Palestine 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nilus of Sinai 300s12 November 430found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nimatullah Kassab [297] 180814 December 185816 May 2004 by Pope John Paul II [99] [212]
Ninian 300sc. 432
Nino c. 280c. 332
Noël Chabanel [298] 2 February 16138 December 164929 June 1930 by Pope Pius XI [112] One of the Canadian Martyrs [113]
Norbert of Xanten c. 10756 June 11341582 by Pope Gregory XIII
Nothhelm 600s17 October 739
Novatus unknown151found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nowa Mawaggali  [ sw ]1800s31 May 1886 [23] 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Nuno Álvares Pereira [299] 24 June 13601 April 143126 April 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI [125]
Nunzio Sulprizio 13 April 18175 May 183614 October 2018 by Pope Francis [200]
Nympha unknownc. 250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Nymphodora 200s305–311found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Oda c. 680c. 726
Odile of Alsace 6600720
Odilia of Cologne 300s300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Odilo of Cluny c. 9621 January 1049found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Odo of Cluny c. 88018 November 942found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Olaf II of Norway 99529 July 1030found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Olga of Kiev 890–925969Also known as Elena
Oliva of Brescia unknown138
Oliver Plunkett 1 November 16251 July 168112 October 1975 by Pope Paul VI
Onesimus unknownc. 68 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Onesiphorus unknownc. 81 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1] f
Onuphrius unknown300s or 400sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Optatus unknown300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Oran of Iona 400s500s
Orentius 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Orientius unknown400sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Osana 698750
Óscar Romero 15 August 191724 March 198014 October 2018 by Pope Francis [200]
Osmund 1000s3 or 4 December 10991 January 1457 by Pope Callixtus III
Othmar c. 689c. 759
Otto of Bamberg c. 106030 June 11391189 by Pope Clement III
Ovidius unknownc. 135
Pachomius the Great 2929 May 348found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pacian c. 310c. 391found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pacificus of San Severino 1 March 165324 September 172126 May 1839 by Pope Gregory XVI [64]
Palatias 200s302found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pamphilus of Caesarea late 200s16 February 309
Pancras of Rome c. 28912 May 303 or 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pancras of Taormina unknownc. 40 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pantaenus 100sc. 200found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pantagathus  [ fr ]unknown17 April 541found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pantaleon c. 275305found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Paola Elisabetta Cerioli [300] 28 January 181624 December 186516 May 2004 by Pope John Paul II [99] [212]
Paphnutius of Thebes 200s300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Papias of Hierapolis unknown100sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Parmenas 0s98 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1] One of the Seven Deacons
Parthenius unknown200sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Paschal Baylon 16 May 154017 May 159216 October 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII
Paschasius Radbertus 7858651073 by Pope Gregory VII
Patermutius unknown300s
Paternus of Auch unknown150
Patiens unknown12 November 150
Patrick unknown400sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Paul Chong Hasangc. 179422 September 18396 May 1984 by Pope John Paul IIOne of the Korean Martyrs
Paul Ibaraki 1500s5 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Paul Miki [301] c. 1562 [301] 5 February 1597 [301] 8 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan [301]
Paul of the Cross 3 January 169418 October 177529 June 1867 by Pope Pius IX
Paul of Thebes c. 227c. 342First hermit
Paul Suzuki 15635 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Paul the Apostle c. 5 ADc. 64 or 67 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Paul the Simple c. 225c. 339found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Paula Frassinetti 3 March 180911 June 188211 March 1984 by Pope John Paul II
Paula Montal Fornés [302] 11 October 179926 February 188925 November 2001 by Pope John Paul II [261]
Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus [303] 16 December 18659 July 194219 May 2002 by Pope John Paul II [57]
Paulinus II of Aquileia c. 726802 or 804
Paulinus of Antioch unknown67 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Paulinus of Nola 35422 June 431
Paulinus of Trier unknown358found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pausilippus unknown130found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pedro Armengol c. 123827 April 13048 April 1687 by Pope Innocent XI
Pedro Calungsod [96] 21 July 16542 April 167221 October 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI [97]
Pedro de Arbués c. 144117 September 148529 June 1867 by Pope Pius IX
Pedro Esqueda Ramirez 29 April 188722 November 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Pedro Nolasco Soler Méndez 182710 July 186020 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Pedro Poveda Castroverde [304] 3 December 187428 July 19364 May 2003 by Pope John Paul II
Pega c. 673c.719
Pelagia of Tarsus unknown300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Peleus unknown300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Peregrine Laziosi c. 12601 May 134527 December 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII
Peregrine of Auxerre 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Peregrinus 0s138
Perpetua 1827 March 203found in Roman Martyrology [1] See also Passion of Saint Perpetua, Saint Felicitas, and their Companions
Peter c. 1 AD64–68 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Peter Balsam 200s311found in Roman Martyrology [1] Crucified at Aulane during the Maximinian persecution
Peter Baptist  [ it ]24 June 15425 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Peter Canisius 8 May 152121 December 159721 May 1925 by Pope Pius XI
Peter Chanel 12 July 180328 April 184112 June 1954 by Pope Pius XIIProfessed priest of the Society of Mary, Marist Missionaries; martyr
Peter Chrysologus c. 38031 July 450found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Peter Claver [305] 26 June 15808 September 165415 January 1888 by Pope Leo XIII
Peter Damian c. 98822 February 1072 or 1073found in Roman Martyrology [1] Doctor of the Church
Peter de Regalado 139030 March 145629 June 1746 by Pope Benedict XIV
Peter Faber 14 April 15061 August 154517 December 2013 by Pope Francis
Peter Fourier 30 November 15659 December 164027 May 1897 by Pope Leo XIII
Peter González 119015 April 124613 December 1741 (cultus confirmed) by Pope Benedict XIV
Peter Julian Eymard [306] 4 February 18111 August 18689 December 1962 by Pope John XXIII [307] [306]
Peter Nolasco 11896 May 125630 September 1628 by Pope Urban VIII
Peter of Alcantara 149918 October 156228 April 1669 by Pope Clement IX
Peter of Alexandria 200s25 November 311Pope of Alexandria
Peter of Anagni 1000s11054 June 1109 by Pope Pascal II
Peter of Assche 15309 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Peter of Canterbury 500sc. 6071915 (cultus confirmed) by Pope Benedict XV
Peter of Jesus Maldonado 15 June 189211 February 193721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Peter of Narbonne  [ de ]1300s14 November 139121 June 1970 by Pope Paul VI [182] Companion of Nicholas Tavelic
Peter of Saint Joseph de Betancur [308] 21 March 162625 April 166730 July 2002 by Pope John Paul II
Peter of Tarentaise 110214 September 117410 May 1191 by Pope Celestine III
Peter of Verona 12056 April 12529 March 1253 by Pope Innocent IV
Peter Sukejiro  [ pt ]1500s5 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Peter the Exorcist 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Peter Thomas 130513661628 (cultus confirmed) by Pope Urban VIII
Petronax of Monte Cassino 1 May 6706 May 747
Petronilla unknownc. 90 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pharnacius of Satala 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Philemon unknown68 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Philetus unknownc. 121found in Roman Martyrology [1] Roman senator
Philip Benizi de Damiani 15 August 123322 August 128512 April 1671 by Pope Clement X
Philip Evans 164522 July 167925 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Philip Howard 28 June 155719 October 159525 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Philip Neri 21 July 151525 May 159512 March 1622 by Pope Gregory XV
Philip of Gortyna 100s180found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Philip of Jesus 15725 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Philip the Apostle unknown80 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Philo unknown150found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Philomena c. 10 January 291c. 10 August 30413 January 1837 by Pope Gregory XVIVirgin, Martyr
Phocas 0s102found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Phocas the Gardener 200sc. 303
Pietro I Orseolo 92810 January 98718 April 1731 (equivalent) by Pope Clement XII
Pinytus 100s180found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pio of Pietrelcina [309] 25 May 188723 September 196816 June 2002 by Pope John Paul II [310]
Pirmin 7003 November 753
Placidus 200s300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Placidus of Messina unknown500s
Plautilla unknown67 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Plechelm 600s730c. 950 by Pope Agapetus II
Podius of Florence 900s1002found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Florence
Polycarp 69 AD156found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Polydore Plasden 156310 December 159125 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Pompilio Maria Pirrotti 29 September 171015 July 176619 March 1934 by Pope Pius XIProfessed priest of the Piarists
Ponsiano Ngondwe  [ sw ]1800s26 May 1886 [23] 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VIOne of the Uganda Martyrs [14]
Pontianus of Spoleto c. 15614 January 175found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Adeodatus I 5708 November 618found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Adrian III unknown8 July 8852 June 1891 by Pope Leo XIII
Pope Agapetus I unknown22 April 536found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Agatho 600s10 January 681found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Alexander I 10 January 75 ADc. 115found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Anacletus c. 2526 April 92found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Anastasius I 300s19 December 401found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Anicetus 0sc. 20 April 168found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Anterus 100s3 January 236found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Benedict II 600s8 May 685found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Boniface I 300s4 September 422found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Boniface IV 5508 May 615found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Caius 200s22 April 296found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Callixtus I 100s222found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Celestine I 300s1 August 432found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Celestine V 121519 May 12965 May 1313 by Pope Clement V
Pope Clement I c. 35 AD99 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Cornelius unknownJune 253found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Damasus I c. 30511 December 384found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Dionysius unknown26 December 268found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Eleutherius 100s189found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Eugene I 6152 June 657found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Eugene II 700s27 August 827(cultus confirmed) by Pope Pius IX
Pope Eusebius 200s17 August 310found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Eutychian 200s7 December 283found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Evaristus 17 April 44 ADc. 107found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Fabian c. 20020 January 250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Felix I 200s30 December 274found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Felix III 400s1 March 492found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Felix IV 49022 September 530found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Gelasius I 400s19 November 496found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Gregory I c. 54012 March 604found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Gregory II 66911 February 731found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Gregory III 600s28 November 741found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Gregory VII 101525 May 108524 May 1728 by Pope Benedict XIII
Pope Hilarius unknown29 February 468found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Hormisdas 4506 August 523found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Hyginus unknown142found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Innocent I 300s12 March 417found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope John I 400s18 May 526found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope John Paul II 18 May 19202 April 200527 April 2014 by Pope Francis
Pope John XXIII 25 November 18813 June 196327 April 2014 by Pope Francis
Pope Julius I 200s12 April 352found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Leo I [311] [312] c. 40010 November 461found in Roman Martyrology [1] Also known as Leo the Great, Doctor of the Church [311]
Pope Leo II 611July 683found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Leo III unknown12 June 8161673 by Pope Clement X
Pope Leo IV 79017 July 855found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Leo IX 21 June 100219 April 10541082 by Pope Gregory VII
Pope Linus c. 10 ADc. 76 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Lucius I c. 2005 March 254found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Marcellinus 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Marcellus I 6 January 25516 January 309found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Mark 200s7 October 336found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Martin I 21 June 59816 September 655found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Miltiades 200s10 or 11 January 314found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Nicholas I 80013 November 8678 May 868 by Pope Adrian II
Pope Paschal I unknown28 June 767found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Paul I 700s824found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Paul VI [313] 26 September 18976 August 197814 October 2018 by Pope Francis [313] [200]
Pope Pius I late 1st centuryc. 155found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Pius V 17 January 15041 May 157222 May 1712 by Pope Clement XI
Pope Pius X 2 June 183520 August 191429 May 1954 by Pope Pius XII
Pope Pontian 200sOctober 235found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Sergius I 6508 September 701found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Silverius 400s2 December 538found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Simplicius 400s10 March 483found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Siricius 33426 November 399found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Sixtus I 42 AD125found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Sixtus II unknown6 August 258found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Sixtus III c. 39018 August 440found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Soter unknownc. 174found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Stephen I unknown2 August 257found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Stephen IV c. 77024 January 817
Pope Sylvester I 200s31 December 335found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Symmachus 400s19 July 514found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Telesphorus unknownc. 137found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Urban I 100s23 May 230found in Roman Martyrology [1] f
Pope Victor I 100s199found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Vitalian 60027 January 672found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Zachary 67915 March 752found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Zephyrinus 100s20 December 217found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pope Zosimus 300s26 December 418found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Possidius 300s400sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Potentian 300s390found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pothinus c. 87 AD177found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Lyon
Praejectus 62525 January 676
Praxedes unknown165found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Primus 200sc. 297found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Prisca 0s0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Priscilla and Aquila 0s0sAquila listed among the Seventy Disciples
Priscus of Auxerre unknownc.272found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Processus c. 30 ADc. 67 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Procopius of Sázava c. 970 [314] 25 March 10532 June 1204 by Pope Innocent III [315] [316] or by a liturgical elevation and translation of his body to the altar in Sázava [314]
Proculus of Bologna 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Proculus of Pozzuoli 200sc. 305
Prosdocimus 0sc. 7 November 100 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Protus 200sc. 257–259found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ptolemaeus unknownc. 165found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Publius 33 ADc. 125found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pudens unknown0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pudentiana unknown100sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Pusai unknown344
Quadratus of Africa unknownunknownfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Quadratus of Athens unknown129found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Quirinus of Neuss unknown30 March 116found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Quirinus of Sescia 200s309
Rafael Arnáiz Barón [317] 9 April 191126 April 193811 October 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI [175]
Rafael Guízar y Valencia [318] 26 April 18786 June 193815 October 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI
Rafaela Porras Ayllón 1 March 18506 January 192523 January 1977 by Pope Paul VI [319]
Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès [320] 29 June 183223 March 191410 June 2001 by Pope John Paul II [31]
Rainerius c. 1115 or 1117c. 1160found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Rais 200s303
Ralph Sherwin 25 October 15501 December 158125 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Raphael Kalinowski 1 September 183515 November 190717 November 1991 by Pope John Paul II
Raphael Massabki 1800s10 July 186020 October 2024 by Pope Francis
Raymond Nonnatus 120431 August 12401657 by Pope Alexander VII
Raymond of Penyafort c. 11756 January 127529 April 1601 by Pope Clement VIIISpanish Dominican friar
Raynerius of Split c. 11001180
Regina 200sc. 286found in Roman Martyrology [1] Martyr
Relindis of Maaseik unknown750
Remigius c. 43713 January 533found in Roman Martyrology [1]
René Goupil [321] 15 May 160829 September 164229 June 1930 by Pope Pius XI [112] One of the Canadian Martyrs [113]
Respicius unknownc. 250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Richard Gwyn c. 153715 October 158425 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Richard of Chichester c. 11973 April 125325 January 1262 by Pope Urban IV
Richard Pampuri [322] 2 August 1897 [322] 1 March 1930 [322] 1 November 1989 by Pope John Paul II [323]
Richard Reynolds c. 14924 May 153525 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Richard the Pilgrim 600s722
Rigobert 600sc. 743found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Rita of Cascia c. 138122 May 145724 May 1900 by Pope Leo XIII
Robert Bellarmine [324] 4 October 154217 September 162129 June 1930 by Pope Pius XI [325] Doctor of the church [326]
Robert Lawrence c. 14854 May 153525 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Robert of Molesme 102817 April 11111222 by Pope Honorius III
Robert Southwell c. 156121 February 159525 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Roch c. 134815 or 16 August 1376 or 1379added to the Roman Martyrology by Pope Gregory XIV (1590–1591)
Roderick 700s13 March 837
Rodrigo Aguilar Alemán 13 March 187528 October 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Rögnvald Kali Kolsson c. 110320 August 11581192 by Pope Celestine IIILayperson of the Diocese of Caithness
Román Adame Rosales [327] 27 February 185921 April 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Romanus of Caesarea 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Romanus Ostiarius unknownc. 258found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Romaric unknown6533 December 1049 by Pope Leo IX
Romuald c. 95119 June 10271582 by Pope Gregory XIII
Romulus 0s117found in Roman Martyrology [1] Martyr
Roque González y de Santa Cruz 17 November 157615 November 162816 May 1988 by Pope John Paul II
Rosa Francisca Dolors Molas Vallvé 7 November 18549 February 191011 December 1988 by Pope John Paul II
Rose of Lima 20 April 158624 August 161712 April 1671 by Pope Clement X
Rose of Viterbo c. 12336 March 12511457 by Pope Callistus III
Rose Philippine Duchesne 29 August 176918 November 18523 July 1988 by Pope John Paul II [328] Professed religious of the Society of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Rose Venerini [329] 9 February 16557 May 172815 October 2006 by Pope Benedict XVIFounder of the Religious Teachers Venerini (Venerini Sisters)
Rudesind 26 November 9071 March 9771195 by Pope Celestine III
Rufina 200s257found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Rufus of Metz 300s400found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Rupert of Bingen 712732
Rupert of Salzburg c. 66027 March 710found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Sabás Reyes Salazar  [ es ]5 December 188313 April 192721 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Sabbas the Goth 334372found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Sabbas the Sanctified 4395 December 532found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Sabina unknownc. 126 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Sagar of Laodicea unknown175found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Salomone Leclercq 15 November 17452 September 179216 October 2016 by Pope Francis [52]
Salonius 400400s
Salvador Lara Puente 13 August 190515 August 192621 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Salvador of Horta December 152018 March 156717 April 1938 by Pope Pius XI
Sancha of Portugal 2 February 1264c. 130210 May 1705 by Pope Clement XI
Saturnin 200sc. 257found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Saturninus of Cagliari 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Satyrus of Milan c. 331378found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Savina of Milan 200s311found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Savinian 300s390found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Scholastica c. 48010 February 543found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Sebaldus 700sc. 77026 March 1425 by Pope Martin V
Sebastian c. 256c. 288found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Secunda 200s257found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Secundus of Asti 0sc. 119found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Senán mac Geirrcinn 488500s
Senator of Milan unknown29 May 475found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Sennen 100sc. 250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Septimius of Iesi 200s307
Seraphin of Montegranaro 154012 October 160416 July 1767 by Pope Clement XIII
Serapia 0sc. 119found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Serapion of Algiers 117914 November 124014 April 1728 by Pope Benedict XIII
Serapion of Macedonia 100s195found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Serenus the Gardener 200s23 February 307found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Sergius unknown300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Servandus 200sc. 305found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Servatius of Tongeren 300s13 May 384found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Seraphim of Sarov 30 July 175415 January 183319 July 1903
Severian of Scythopolis unknown21 February 453found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Scythopolis, implemented the Chalcedonian faith among Palestine. He was murdered during the unrest caused by the Definition of the Faith, which stated that the divinity and humanity of Christ were two distinct but inseparable natures, contradicting the archimandrite Eutyches.
Severinus of Noricum c. 4108 January 482
Severus of Barcelona 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Shemon Bar Sabbae 200s345found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Sidonius Apollinaris c. 430481/490
Sigfrid of Sweden 1000s1100sc. 1158 by Pope Hadrian IV
Sigismund of Burgundy 400s524found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Silas 0s65–100found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Silvia c. 515c. 592found in Roman Martyrology [1] Mother of Pope Gregory I
Silvin of Auchy c. 65015 February 717 or 718found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Simeon 1st century BCunknownfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Simeon of Jerusalem unknownc. 107 or 117found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Simeon of Mantua 900s10161049 by Pope Leo IX
Simeon Stylites c. 3902 September 459found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Simón de Rojas 28 October 155229 September 16243 July 1988 by Pope John Paul II [328]
Simon Stock c. 116516 May 1265
Simon the Zealot unknownc. 65 or 107found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Simpert 700s13 October 807
Simplicius 200s302 or 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Smaragdus 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Sossius 27519 September 305found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Spyridon c. 270348found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Stachys the Apostle unknownc. 54 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Stanislaus Kostka 28 October 155015 August 156831 December 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII
Stanislaus of Szczepanów 26 July 103011 April 107917 September 1253 by Pope Innocent IV
Stanislaus Papczyński 18 May 163117 September 17015 June 2016 by Pope Francis [188] Professed priest and founder of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception
Stanisław Kazimierczyk [330] 27 September 14333 May 148917 October 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI [76] [77]
Stephen 5 AD34 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Stephen of Cuneo  [ it ]104514 November 139121 June 1970 by Pope Paul VI [182] Companion of Nicholas Tavelic
Stephen Harding ca. 105028 March 1134
Stephen I of Hungary c. 97515 August 103820 August 1083 by Pope Gregory VIIMarried layperson of the Archdiocese of Esztergom, king of Hungary
Stephen of Muret c. 13408 February 11241189 by Pope Clement III
Stephen of Obazine 10858 March 11541701 by Pope Clement XI
Stephen of Perm 134026 April 1396found in Roman Martyrology [104] Russian Orthodox saint
Stephen Pongracz c. 15837 September 16192 July 1995 by Pope John Paul II
Stephen the Younger 713 or 71528 November 764 or 765found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Sturm 70517 December 7791139 by Pope Innocent II
Swithun Wells c. 153610 December 159125 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Syagrius of Nice unknown787 or 788
Sylvester Gozzolini 117726 November 12671598 by Pope Clement VIII
Symeon of Trier 980s10355 January 1047 by Pope Clement II
Symeon the New Theologian 94912 March 1022Theologian
Symphorosa unknownc. 138found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Szymon of Lipnica [331] c. 143718 July 14823 June 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI
Talarican 700s800s11 July 1898 (cultus confirmed) by Pope Leo XIII
Tarcisius unknown200sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Tatwine c. 67030 July 734
Taurinus 300sc. 410found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Teilo c. 500c. 560
Telemachus 300s1 January 404 or 391found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Terentian 0s118found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Todi
Teresa Jornet Ibars 9 January 184326 August 189727 January 1974 by Pope Paul VI [332]
Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart 15 July 17477 March 177019 March 1934 by Pope Pius XIProfessed religious of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns
Teresa of Ávila 28 March 15154 October 158212 March 1622 by Pope Gregory XV
Teresa of Calcutta 26 August 19105 September 19974 September 2016 by Pope Francis [188]
Teresa of the Andes 13 July 190012 April 192021 March 1993 by Pope John Paul II
Thamel unknown125found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Thecla 30 AD0sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Thecla of Kitzingen 700sc. 790 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theobald of Marly 1100s8 December 1247
Theobald of Provins 103330 June 10661073 by Pope Alexander II
Theodora unknown120found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theodora of Alexandria 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theodore unknown130found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Théodore Guérin [333] 2 October 179814 May 185615 October 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI
Theodore of Amasea 200s17 February 306found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theodore of der Eem 1499–15029 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
Theodore of Pavia unknown778found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theodore Stratelates 281319found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theodore the Studite 759826found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theodoret of Antioch unknown22 October 362found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theodosia of Constantinople 600s700s
Theodosia of Tyre 2902 April 307found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theodosius of Kiev 10293 May 1074found in Roman Martyrology [104]
Theodotus of Ancyra 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theoktiste of Lesbos 800s800sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theonas 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theopemptus of Nicomedia 200sc. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theophanes the Confessor 758–76012 March 817found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theophilus of Antioch 100s183–185found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theopista 0s118found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Theophilus of Corte [20] 30 October 167617 June 174029 June 1930 by Pope Pius XI [20]
Theotonius of Coimbra c.108218 February 11621758 (cultus confirmed) by Pope Benedict XIV
Theresa of Portugal 4 October 117818 June 125013 December 1705 by Pope Clement XI
Thérèse Couderc 1 February 180526 September 188510 May 1970 by Pope Paul VI [334]
Thérèse of Lisieux [335] 2 January 187330 September 189717 May 1925 by Pope Pius XI [336]
Thomas Aquinas 12257 March 127418 July 1323 by Pope John XXII
Thomas Becket 21 December c. 111929 December 117021 February 1173 by Pope Alexander IIIArchbishop of Canterbury
Thomas de Cantilupe c. 121825 August 128217 April 1320 by Pope John XXII
Thomas Garnet [207] c. 157523 June 160825 October 1970 by Pope Paul VI [33] One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales [34]
Thomas Kozaki 15825 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Thomas More [337] 7 February 14786 July 153519 May 1935 by Pope Pius XI [338]
Thomas of Villanova [339] 14888 September 15551 November 1658 by Pope Alexander VII [339]
Thomas Rokuzayemon  [ pl ]159017 November 163418 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Thomas the Apostle 0s3 July 72 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Thomas Xico 1500s5 February 15978 June 1862 by Pope Pius IXOne of the 26 Martyrs of Japan
Thraseas unknown170found in Roman Martyrology [1] Bishop of Eumania
Tiburtius of Rome unknownc. 260found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Timothy c. 17 ADc. 97 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Titus 0s96 or 107 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Titus Brandsma 23 February 188126 July 194215 May 2022 by Pope Francis
Tola of Clonard 600s700s
Tommaso da Cori 4 June 165511 January 172921 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [168] Professed priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor
Toribio Romo González [340] 16 April 190025 February 192821 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Torpes of Pisa unknownc. 65 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Tranquilino Ubiarco Robles 8 July 18995 October 192821 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II [129] One of the Saints of the Cristero War
Tryphon unknownc. 250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Turibius of Mogrovejo 16 November 153823 March 160610 December 1726 by Pope Benedict XIIIArchbishop of Lima
Ubald c. 108411604 March 1192 by Pope Celestine IIIBishop of Gubbio
Ubaldesca Taccini 11361205
Ulrich of Augsburg 8934 July 9734 July 993 by Pope John XV [151] The first saint to be canonized not by a local authority but by the Pope. [341] [151]
Urban of Langres 327c. 390found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ursicinus of Ravenna unknownc. 67 ADfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ursmar 600s713found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ursula 300s21 October 383found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Ursula Ledóchowska [342] 17 April 186529 May 193918 May 2003 by Pope John Paul II [265]
Ursus of Auxerre 400s508found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Valentine 22614 February 269found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Valerian of Rome unknownc. 260found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Venantius of Camerino 200sc. 250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Verdiana 118210 February 1242found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Vergilius of Salzburg 70027 November 7841233 by Pope Gregory IX
Veronica 0s0s
Veronica Giuliani 27 December 16609 July 172726 May 1839 by Pope Gregory XVI [64]
Viator of Bergamo unknown370
Vicenta María López i Vicuña 24 March 184726 December 189025 May 1975 by Pope Paul VI [343]
Victoria 200s250found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Victoria of Albitina 200s304
Victoriano Pío  [ es ] [93] 7 July 19059 October 193421 November 1999 by Pope John Paul II [94] One of the Martyrs of Turon [95]
Victorinus of Pettau 200s303–304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Viktor of Xanten unknown300sfound in Roman Martyrology [1]
Villanus 1100s1237
Vincent de Paul 24 April 158127 September 166016 June 1737 by Pope Clement XII
Vincent Ferrer 23 January 13505 April 14193 June 1455 by Pope Callixtus III
Vincent of Lérins 300sc. 445found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Vincent of Saragossa 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Vincent Pallotti 21 April 179522 January 185020 January 1963 by Pope John XXIII [344] [345]
Vincent Romano [346] 3 June 175120 December 183114 October 2018 by Pope Francis [200]
Vincent Shiwozuka  [ pl ]c.157629 September 163718 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II [115] One of the 16 Martyrs of Japan
Vincent Strambi [347] 1 January 17451 January 182411 June 1950 by Pope Pius XIIProfessed priest of the Passionists; Bishop of Macerata
Vincenza Gerosa 29 October 178429 June 184718 May 1950 by Pope Pius XII [140] Cofounder of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa (Sisters of Holy Child Mary) [140]
Vincenzo Grossi [348] 9 March 18457 November 191718 October 2015 by Pope Francis [278] Priest of the Vicariate of Rome; founder of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines), the Pallottine Missionary Sisters and the Pallottine Sisters of the Catholic Apostolate
Virginia Centurione Bracelli [349] 2 April 158715 December 165118 May 2003 by Pope John Paul II [265]
Vitalis 200sc. 304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Vitus c. 290c. 303found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Vladimir the Great c. 95815 July 1015Grand Prince of Kiev
Walpurga c. 71025 February 777 or 779
Walter of Pontoise c. 1030c. 1099
Wenceslaus c. 91128 September 935found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Wendelin of Trier c. 554c. 617
Wiborada 800s9265 January 1047 by Pope Clement II
Wihtberht 7 May 67513 August 747
Wihtburh unknown17 March 743
Wilfrid c. 633709 or 710
Wilfrid II unknown29 April 745 or 746
Wilgils c. 630600s
Willehad c. 7358 November 789
Willehad of Denmark 14829 July 157229 June 1867 by Pope Pius IXOne of the Martyrs of Gorkum [24]
William of Breteuil 1000s1130
William of Donjeon c. 114010 January 120917 May 1218 by Pope Honorius III
William of Gellone 75528 May 812 or 8141066 by Pope Alexander II
William of Maleval unknown10 February 11578 May 1202 by Pope Innocent III
William of Perth 1100sc. 12011256 by Pope Alexander IV
William of Roskilde unknown1073 or 107421 January 1224 by Pope Honorius III
William of York 1000s8 June 11541227 by Pope Honorius III
William Pinchon c. 117529 July 123424 March 1247 by Pope Innocent IV
Willibald c. 700c. 787
Willibrord c. 6587 November 739
Wolfgang of Regensburg 93431 October 9948 October 1051 by Pope Leo IX
Wolfhelm of Brauweiler 1000s1091Professed priest of the Benedictines
Wulfram of Sens c. 64020 March 703
Wulfstan 1008January 109514 May 1203 by Pope Innocent III [350]
Zacchaeus of Jerusalem 0s116found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Zacharias of Vienne 0s106found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Zanitas of Bardiaboch 200s27 March 326
Zdislava Berka c. 1220 [351] 1252 [351] 21 May 1995 by Pope John Paul II [352]
Zeno of Verona 30012 April 371found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Zita [353] c. 121227 April 12725 September 1696 by Pope Innocent XII [354]
Zoe unknown127found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Zoilus 200s304found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Zosimus [355] 93 AD110found in Roman Martyrology [1]
Zygmunt Gorazdowski [356] 1 November 18451 January 192023 October 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI [41]
Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński [357] 1 November 182217 September 189511 October 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI [175]



Martyrs of Natal

The Martyrs of Natal were a group of 30 Brazilian Catholics killed in northern Brazil by a group of Dutch Calvinists in 1645. They were canonized on 15 October 2017 by Pope Francis. [359] Those that were killed on 16 July 1645 were:

Those that were killed on 3 October 1645 were:

  • Ambrósio Francisco Ferro
  • Antônio Baracho
  • Antônio Vilela
  • Antônio Vilela Cid
  • Diogo Pereira
  • Estêvão Machado de Miranda
  • Francisco de Bastos
  • Francisco Mendes Pereira
  • João da Silveira
  • João Lostau Navarro
  • João Martins
  • José do Porto
  • Manuel Rodrigues de Moura
  • Mateus Moreira
  • Simão Correia
  • Vicente de Souza Pereira

The remaining unnamed twelve killed on 3 October 1645 were 7 lay companions of João Martins, the wife of Manuel Rodrigues de Moura, the daughter of Antônio Vilela, 2 daughters of Estêvão Machado de Miranda, and the daughter of Francisco Dias. [359]

Martyr Saints of China

The Martyr Saints of China were a group of 87 Chinese Catholics and 33 Western missionaries martyred from 1648 to 1930 because of their faith. They were canonized on 1 October 2000 by Pope John Paul II. [360] They are:

Vietnamese Martyrs

The Vietnamese Martyrs were a group of 117 martyrs that were killed from 1745 to 1862 in Vietnam for their Catholic faith. [361] They were canonized on 19 June 1988 by Pope John Paul II. [362] They are:

Korean Martyrs

The Korean Martyrs were a group of 103 martyrs that were killed from 1839 to 1866 in Korea for their Catholic faith. They were canonized on 6 May 1984 by Pope John Paul II. [363] They are:

See also

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