List of Academy Award–nominated films

Last updated

This is a list of Academy Award–nominated films.


As of February 06, 2025:


If a film won the Academy Award for Best Picture its entry is listed in a shaded background with a boldface title.


Competitive Academy Awards are separated from non-competitive Awards; as such, any films that were awarded a non-competitive award will be shown in brackets next to the number of competitive wins. Films that were nominated, but had the nomination taken away for any reason are listed here, but without counting the nomination.

  indicates Best Picture winner.


Multiple Year Nominees

There have been 19 films nominated or awarded Academy Awards in multiple years. The nominations and awards are divided by each ceremony instead of totaled together.

Multiyear Film List
Amarcord 47th Academy Awards 11
48th Academy Awards 02
Day for Night 46th Academy Awards 11
47th Academy Awards 03
Forbidden Games 25th Academy Awards 0 (1)0
27th Academy Awards 01
In Which We Serve 15th Academy Awards 0 (1)0
16th Academy Awards 02
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion 43rd Academy Awards 11
44th Academy Awards 01
Marriage Italian Style 37th Academy Awards 01
38th Academy Awards 01
My Night at Maud's 42nd Academy Awards 01
43rd Academy Awards 01
Rashomon 24th Academy Awards 0 (1)0
25th Academy Awards 01
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 10th Academy Awards 01
11th Academy Awards 0 (1)0
Street Angel 1st Academy Awards 11
2nd Academy Awards 02
Sundays and Cybele 35th Academy Awards 11
36th Academy Awards 02
The Battle of Algiers 39th Academy Awards 01
41st Academy Awards 02
The Emigrants 44th Academy Awards 01
45th Academy Awards 04
The Four Days of Naples 35th Academy Awards 01
36th Academy Awards 01
The Quiet One 21st Academy Awards 01
22nd Academy Awards 01
The Shop on Main Street 38th Academy Awards 11
39th Academy Awards 01
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg 37th Academy Awards 01
38th Academy Awards 04
Through a Glass Darkly 34th Academy Awards 11
35th Academy Awards 01
Woman in the Dunes 37th Academy Awards 01
38th Academy Awards 01


  1. "Academy Awards Database". Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. December 11, 2024.
  2. 1 2 "Film Facts: 10 or More Nominations" (PDF). Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. March 2024.
  3. 1 2 "Films Winning All / None" (PDF). Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. March 2024.