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Subdivisions of Indonesia |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
(kecamatan, distrik, kapanewon, or kemantren) |
Level 4 |
(desa or kelurahan) |
Others |
Regencies (kabupaten) and cities (kota) are the second-level administrative subdivision in Indonesia, immediately below the provinces, and above the districts. Regencies are roughly equivalent to American counties, although most cities in the United States are below the counties. [1] Following the implementation of decentralization beginning on 1 January 2001, regencies and city municipalities became the key administrative units responsible for providing most governmental services. [2] Each of regencies and cities has their own local government and legislative body.
The difference between a regency and a city lies in demography, size, and economy. Generally, a regency comprises a rural area larger than a city, but also often includes various towns. A city usually has non-agricultural economic activities. A regency is headed by a regent (bupati), while a city is headed by a mayor (wali kota). All regents, mayors, and members of legislatures are directly elected via elections to serve for a five-year term which can be renewed once. Each regency or city is divided further into districts more commonly known as kecamatan (except in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, where kapanewon and kemantren are used, and Western New Guinea (Papua), where distrik is used).
An administrative city (kota administrasi) or an administrative regency (kabupaten administrasi) is a subdivision of province without its own local legislatures (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah). The leader of administrative city or administrative regency is directly appointed by the governor. This type of city and regency in Indonesia is only found in Jakarta which consisted of five administrative cities and one administrative regency.
As of January 2023 [update] , there were 514-second-level administrative divisions (416 regencies and 98 cities) in Indonesia. [3] The list below groups regencies and cities in Indonesia by provinces. Each regency has an administrative centre, the regency seat. [4]
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | South Aceh | Tapaktuan | 0.691 (Medium) |
2 | Southeast Aceh | Kutacane | 0.717 (High) |
3 | East Aceh | Idi Rayeuk | 0.698 (Medium) |
4 | Central Aceh | Takengon | 0.754 (High) |
5 | West Aceh | Meulaboh | 0.736 (High) |
6 | Aceh Besar | Jantho | 0.751 (High) |
7 | Pidie | Sigli | 0.723 (High) |
8 | North Aceh | Lhoksukon | 0.717 (High) |
9 | Simeulue | Sinabang | 0.690 (Medium) |
10 | Aceh Singkil | Singkil | 0.707 (High) |
11 | Bireuën | Bireuën | 0.744 (High) |
12 | Southwest Aceh | Blangpidie | 0.687 (Medium) |
13 | Gayo Lues | Blangkejeren | 0.698 (Medium) |
14 | Aceh Jaya | Calang | 0.718 (High) |
15 | Nagan Raya | Suka Makmue | 0.717 (High) |
16 | Aceh Tamiang | Karang Baru | 0.723 (High) |
17 | Bener Meriah | Simpang Tiga Redelong | 0.750 (High) |
18 | Pidie Jaya | Meureudu | 0.751 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Banda Aceh | 0.871 (Very High) | |
2 | Sabang | 0.783 (High) | |
3 | Lhokseumawe | 0.795 (High) | |
4 | Langsa | 0.788 (High) | |
5 | Subulussalam | 0.680 (Medium) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Asahan | Kisaran | 0.720 (High) |
2 | Batubara | Limapuluh | 0.708 (High) |
3 | Central Tapanuli | Pandan | 0.715 (High) |
4 | Dairi | Sidikalang | 0.739 (High) |
5 | Deli Serdang | Lubuk Pakam | 0.769 (High) |
6 | Humbang Hasundutan | Dolok Sanggul | 0.715 (High) |
7 | Karo | Kabanjahe | 0.765 (High) |
8 | Labuhan Batu | Rantau Prapat | 0.741 (High) |
9 | Langkat | Stabat | 0.727 (High) |
10 | Mandailing Natal | Panyabungan | 0.693 (Medium) |
11 | Nias | Gido | 0.655 (Medium) |
12 | North Labuhan Batu | Aek Kanopan | 0.741 (High) |
13 | North Nias | Lotu | 0.656 (Medium) |
14 | North Padang Lawas | Gunung Tua | 0.723 (High) |
15 | North Tapanuli | Tarutung | 0.752 (High) |
16 | Padang Lawas | Sibuhuan | 0.712 (High) |
17 | Pakpak Bharat | Salak | 0.703 (High) |
18 | Samosir | Pangururan | 0.728 (High) |
19 | Serdang Bedagai | Sei Rampah | 0.724 (High) |
20 | Simalungun | Raya | 0.749 (High) |
21 | South Labuhan Batu | Kota Pinang | 0.736 (High) |
22 | South Nias | Teluk Dalam | 0.650 (Medium) |
23 | South Tapanuli | Sipirok | 0.721 (High) |
24 | Toba | Balige | 0.769 (High) |
25 | West Nias | Lahomi | 0.646 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Binjai | 0.781 (High) | |
2 | Gunungsitoli | 0.714 (High) | |
3 | Medan | 0.827 (Very High) | |
4 | Padang Sidempuan | 0.769 (High) | |
5 | Pematangsiantar | 0.811 (Very High) | |
6 | Sibolga | 0.756 (High) | |
7 | Tanjungbalai | 0.711 (High) | |
8 | Tebing Tinggi | 0.774 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Agam | Lubuk Basung | 0.746 (High) |
2 | Dharmasraya | Pulau Punjung | 0.740 (High) |
3 | Lima Puluh Kota | Sari Lamak | 0.711 (High) |
4 | Mentawai Islands | Tuapejat | 0.639 (Medium) |
5 | Padang Pariaman | Parit Malintang | 0.731 (High) |
6 | Pasaman | Lubuk Sikaping | 0.688 (Medium) |
7 | Sijunjung | Muaro Sijunjung | 0.702 (High) |
8 | Solok | Arosuka | 0.710 (High) |
9 | Pesisir Selatan | Painan | 0.720 (High) |
10 | South Solok | Padang Aro | 0.715 (High) |
11 | Tanah Datar | Batusangkar | 0.749 (High) |
12 | West Pasaman | Simpang Ampek | 0.709 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Bukittinggi | 0.825 (Very High) | |
2 | Padang | 0.839 (Very High) | |
3 | Padang Panjang | 0.801 (Very High) | |
4 | Pariaman | 0.788 (High) | |
5 | Payakumbuh | 0.806 (Very High) | |
6 | Sawahlunto | 0.751 (High) | |
7 | Solok | 0.800 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Batang Hari | Muara Bulian | 0.716 (High) |
2 | Bungo | Muara Bungo | 0.719 (High) |
3 | East Tanjung Jabung | Muara Sabak | 0.675 (Medium) |
4 | Kerinci | Siulak | 0.731 (High) |
5 | Merangin | Bangko | 0.716 (High) |
6 | Muaro Jambi | Sengeti | 0.719 (High) |
7 | Sarolangun | Sarolangun | 0.720 (High) |
8 | Tebo | Muara Tebo | 0.713 (High) |
9 | West Tanjung Jabung | Kuala Tungkal | 0.699 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Jambi | 0.810 (Very High) | |
2 | Sungai Penuh | 0.774 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Bengkalis | Bengkalis | 0.752 (High) |
2 | Indragiri Hilir | Tembilahan | 0.683 (Medium) |
3 | Indragiri Hulu | Rengat | 0.714 (High) |
4 | Kampar | Bangkinang | 0.748 (High) |
5 | Kuantan Singingi | Teluk Kuantan | 0.723 (High) |
6 | Meranti Islands | Selat Panjang | 0.679 (Medium) |
7 | Pelalawan | Pangkalan Kerinci | 0.740 (High) |
8 | Rokan Hulu | Pasir Pangaraian | 0.718 (High) |
9 | Rokan Hilir | Bagansiapiapi | 0.712 (High) |
10 | Siak | Siak Sri Indrapura | 0.754 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Dumai | 0.761 (High) | |
2 | Pekanbaru | 0.828 (Very High) | |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Central Bengkulu | Karang Tinggi | 0.698 (Medium) |
2 | Kaur | Bintuhan | 0.689 (Medium) |
3 | Kepahiang | Kepahiang | 0.702 (High) |
4 | Lebong | Muara Aman | 0.692 (Medium) |
5 | Mukomuko | Mukomuko | 0.706 (High) |
6 | North Bengkulu | Arga Makmur | 0.711 (High) |
7 | Rejang Lebong | Curup | 0.729 (High) |
8 | Seluma | Pasar Tais | 0.689 (Medium) |
9 | South Bengkulu | Manna | 0.723 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Bengkulu | 0.820 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Banyuasin | Pangkalan Balai | 0.695 (Medium) |
2 | East Ogan Komering Ulu | Martapura | 0.715 (High) |
3 | Empat Lawang | Tebing Tinggi | 0.672 (Medium) |
4 | Lahat | Lahat | 0.697 (Medium) |
5 | Muara Enim | Muara Enim | 0.710 (High) |
6 | Musi Banyuasin | Sekayu | 0.701 (High) |
7 | Musi Rawas | Muara Beliti | 0.689 (Medium) |
8 | North Musi Rawas | Rupit | 0.674 (Medium) |
9 | Ogan Ilir | Indralaya | 0.694 (Medium) |
10 | Ogan Komering Ilir | Kayuagung | 0.693 (Medium) |
11 | Ogan Komering Ulu | Baturaja | 0.715 (High) |
12 | Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir | Talang Ubi | 0.674 (Medium) |
13 | South Ogan Komering Ulu | Muaradua | 0.676 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Lubuklinggau | 0.768 (High) | |
2 | Pagar Alam | 0.711 (High) | |
3 | Palembang | 0.805 (Very High) | |
4 | Prabumulih | 0.770 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Central Lampung | Gunung Sugih | 0.723 (High) |
2 | East Lampung | Sukadana | 0.718 (High) |
3 | Mesuji | Mesuji | 0.664 (Medium) |
4 | North Lampung | Kotabumi | 0.696 (Medium) |
5 | Pesawaran | Gedong Tataan | 0.685 (Medium) |
6 | Pringsewu | Pringsewu | 0.722 (High) |
7 | South Lampung | Kalianda | 0.702 (High) |
8 | Tanggamus | Kota Agung Pusat | 0.685 (Medium) |
9 | Tulang Bawang | Menggala | 0.706 (High) |
10 | Way Kanan | Blambangan Umpu | 0.693 (Medium) |
11 | West Lampung | Liwa | 0.698 (Medium) |
12 | Pesisir Barat | Krui | 0.667 (Medium) |
13 | West Tulang Bawang | Panaragan Jaya | 0.684 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Bandar Lampung | 0.791 (High) | |
2 | Metro | 0.789 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Bangka | Sungailiat | 0.739 (High) |
2 | Belitung | Tanjung Pandan | 0.744 (High) |
3 | South Bangka | Toboali | 0.688 (Medium) |
4 | Central Bangka | Koba | 0.719 (High) |
5 | West Bangka | Muntok | 0.706 (High) |
6 | East Belitung | Manggar | 0.731 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Pangkal Pinang | 0.804 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Anambas Islands | Tarempa | 0.709 (High) |
2 | Bintan | Bandar Seri Bentan | 0.761 (High) |
3 | Karimun | Tanjung Balai Karimun | 0.742 (High) |
4 | Lingga | Daik | 0.681 (Medium) |
5 | Natuna | Ranai | 0.745 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Batam | 0.828 (Very High) | |
2 | Tanjung Pinang | 0.806 (Very High) |
No | Administrative regency | Government | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Thousand Islands | Pramuka Island | 0.741 (High) |
No | Administrative city | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Central Jakarta | Menteng | 0.830 (Very High) |
2 | East Jakarta | Jatinegara | 0.846 (Very High) |
3 | North Jakarta | Koja | 0.813 (Very High) |
4 | South Jakarta | Kebayoran Baru | 0.869 (Very High) |
5 | West Jakarta | Kembangan | 0.836 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Lebak | Rangkasbitung | 0.658 (Medium) |
2 | Pandeglang | Pandeglang | 0.669 (Medium) |
3 | Serang | Ciruas | 0.690 (Medium) |
4 | Tangerang | Tigaraksa | 0.740 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Cilegon | 0.751 (High) | |
2 | Serang | 0.739 (High) | |
3 | South Tangerang | 0.828 (Very High) | |
4 | Tangerang | 0.800 (Very High) | |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Bandung | Soreang | 0.742 (High) |
2 | Bekasi | Cikarang | 0.764 (High) |
3 | Bogor | Cibinong | 0.723 (High) |
4 | Ciamis | Ciamis | 0.725 (High) |
5 | Cianjur | Cianjur | 0.672 (Medium) |
6 | Cirebon | Sumber | 0.714 (High) |
7 | Garut | South Tarogong | 0.687 (Medium) |
8 | Indramayu | Indramayu | 0.698 (Medium) |
9 | Karawang | Karawang | 0.729 (High) |
10 | Kuningan | Kuningan | 0.712 (High) |
11 | Majalengka | Majalengka | 0.697 (Medium) |
12 | Pangandaran | Parigi | 0.698 (Medium) |
13 | Purwakarta | Purwakarta | 0.726 (High) |
14 | Subang | Subang | 0.713 (High) |
15 | Sukabumi | Pelabuhan Ratu | 0.689 (Medium) |
16 | Sumedang | Sumedang | 0.737 (High) |
17 | Tasikmalaya | Singaparna | 0.683 (Medium) |
18 | West Bandung | Ngamprah | 0.700 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Bandung | 0.835 (Very High) | |
2 | Banjar | 0.736 (High) | |
3 | Bekasi | 0.835 (Very High) | |
4 | Bogor | 0.785 (High) | |
5 | Cimahi | 0.800 (Very High) | |
6 | Cirebon | 0.770 (High) | |
7 | Depok | 0.829 (Very High) | |
8 | Sukabumi | 0.768 (High) | |
9 | Tasikmalaya | 0.750 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Banjarnegara | Banjarnegara | 0.696 (Medium) |
2 | Banyumas | Purwokerto | 0.745 (High) |
3 | Batang | Batang | 0.707 (High) |
4 | Blora | Blora | 0.713 (High) |
5 | Boyolali | Boyolali | 0.759 (High) |
6 | Brebes | Brebes | 0.684 (Medium) |
7 | Cilacap | Cilacap | 0.723 (High) |
8 | Demak | Demak | 0.745 (High) |
9 | Grobogan | Purwodadi | 0.720 (High) |
10 | Jepara | Jepara | 0.743 (High) |
11 | Karanganyar | Karanganyar | 0.781 (High) |
12 | Kebumen | Kebumen | 0.719 (High) |
13 | Kendal | Kendal | 0.743 (High) |
14 | Klaten | Klaten | 0.781 (High) |
15 | Kudus | Kudus | 0.772 (High) |
16 | Magelang | Mungkid | 0.719 (High) |
17 | Pati | Pati | 0.741 (High) |
18 | Pekalongan | Kajen | 0.718 (High) |
19 | Pemalang | Pemalang | 0.685 (Medium) |
20 | Purbalingga | Purbalingga | 0.706 (High) |
21 | Purworejo | Purworejo | 0.751 (High) |
22 | Rembang | Rembang | 0.725 (High) |
23 | Semarang | Ungaran | 0.751 (High) |
24 | Sragen | Sragen | 0.756 (High) |
25 | Sukoharjo | Sukoharjo | 0.793 (High) |
26 | Tegal | Slawi | 0.707 (High) |
27 | Temanggung | Temanggung | 0.718 (High) |
28 | Wonogiri | Wonogiri | 0.725 (High) |
29 | Wonosobo | Wonosobo | 0.698 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2023) [5] | |
1 | Magelang | 0.821 (Very High) | |
2 | Pekalongan | 0.772 (High) | |
3 | Salatiga | 0.857 (Very High) | |
4 | Semarang | 0.852 (Very High) | |
5 | Surakarta | 0.844 (Very High) | |
6 | Tegal | 0.774 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Bangkalan | Bangkalan | 0.662 (Medium) |
2 | Banyuwangi | Banyuwangi | 0.731 (High) |
3 | Blitar | Kanigoro | 0.730 (High) |
4 | Bojonegoro | Bojonegoro | 0.717 (High) |
5 | Bondowoso | Bondowoso | 0.686 (Medium) |
6 | Gresik | Gresik | 0.784 (High) |
7 | Jember | Jember | 0.691 (Medium) |
8 | Jombang | Jombang | 0.751 (High) |
9 | Kediri | Ngasem | 0.744 (High) |
10 | Lamongan | Lamongan | 0.751 (High) |
11 | Lumajang | Lumajang | 0.688 (Medium) |
12 | Madiun | Caruban | 0.737 (High) |
13 | Magetan | Magetan | 0.758 (High) |
14 | Malang | Kepanjen | 0.726 (High) |
15 | Mojokerto | Mojosari | 0.759 (High) |
16 | Nganjuk | Nganjuk | 0.742 (High) |
17 | Ngawi | Ngawi | 0.730 (High) |
18 | Pacitan | Pacitan | 0.707 (High) |
19 | Pamekasan | Pamekasan | 0.684 (Medium) |
20 | Pasuruan | Bangil | 0.707 (High) |
21 | Ponorogo | Ponorogo | 0.730 (High) |
22 | Probolinggo | Kraksaan | 0.682 (Medium) |
23 | Sampang | Sampang | 0.646 (Medium) |
24 | Sidoarjo | Sidoarjo | 0.823 (Very High) |
25 | Situbondo | Situbondo | 0.697 (Medium) |
26 | Sumenep | Sumenep | 0.692 (Medium) |
27 | Trenggalek | Trenggalek | 0.722 (High) |
28 | Tuban | Tuban | 0.712 (High) |
29 | Tulungagung | Tulungagung | 0.750 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Batu | 0.787 (High) | |
2 | Blitar | 0.812 (Very High) | |
3 | Kediri | 0.813 (Very High) | |
4 | Madiun | 0.834 (Very High) | |
5 | Malang | 0.840 (Very High) | |
6 | Mojokerto | 0.809 (Very High) | |
7 | Pasuruan | 0.777 (High) | |
8 | Probolinggo | 0.762 (High) | |
9 | Surabaya | 0.841 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Bantul | Bantul | 0.817 (Very High) |
2 | Gunung Kidul | Wonosari | 0.718 (High) |
3 | Kulon Progo | Wates | 0.761 (High) |
4 | Sleman | Sleman | 0.856 (Very High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Yogyakarta | 0.887 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Badung | Mangupura | 0.838 (Very High) |
2 | Bangli | Bangli | 0.713 (High) |
3 | Buleleng | Singaraja | 0.745 (High) |
4 | Gianyar | Gianyar | 0.798 (High) |
5 | Jembrana | Negara | 0.746 (High) |
6 | Karangasem | Amlapura | 0.697 (Medium) |
7 | Klungkung | Semarapura | 0.740 (High) |
8 | Tabanan | Tabanan | 0.784 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Denpasar | 0.852 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Bima | Woha | 0.689 (Medium) |
2 | Central Lombok | Praya | 0.691 (Medium) |
3 | Dompu | Dompu | 0.707 (High) |
4 | East Lombok | Selong | 0.692 (Medium) |
5 | North Lombok | Tanjung | 0.672 (Medium) |
6 | Sumbawa | Sumbawa Besar | 0.705 (High) |
7 | West Lombok | Gerung | 0.706 (High) |
8 | West Sumbawa | Taliwang | 0.738 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Bima | 0.780 (High) | |
2 | Mataram | 0.806 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Alor | Kalabahi | 0.638 (Medium) |
2 | Belu | Atambua | 0.644 (Medium) |
3 | Central Sumba | Waibakul | 0.643 (Medium) |
4 | East Flores | Larantuka | 0.662 (Medium) |
5 | East Manggarai | Borong | 0.642 (Medium) |
6 | East Sumba | Waingapu | 0.676 (Medium) |
7 | Ende | Ende | 0.691 (Medium) |
8 | Kupang | Oelamasi | 0.665 (Medium) |
9 | Lembata | Lewoleba | 0.666 (Medium) |
10 | Malaka | Betun | 0.627 (Medium) |
11 | Manggarai | Ruteng | 0.672 (Medium) |
12 | Nagekeo | Mbay | 0.677 (Medium) |
13 | Ngada | Bajawa | 0.695 (Medium) |
14 | North Central Timor | Kefamenanu | 0.658 (Medium) |
15 | Rote Ndao | Baa | 0.645 (Medium) |
16 | Sabu Raijua | West Savu | 0.595 (Medium) |
17 | Sikka | Maumere | 0.674 (Medium) |
18 | South Central Timor | Soe | 0.643 (Medium) |
19 | Southwest Sumba | Tambolaka | 0.642 (Medium) |
20 | West Manggarai | Labuan Bajo | 0.666 (Medium) |
21 | West Sumba | Waikabubak | 0.660 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Kupang | 0.810 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Bengkayang | Bengkayang | 0.703 (High) |
2 | Kapuas Hulu | Putussibau | 0.685 (Medium) |
3 | North Kayong | Sukadana | 0.657 (Medium) |
4 | Ketapang | Ketapang | 0.694 (Medium) |
5 | Kubu Raya | Sungai Raya | 0.702 (High) |
6 | Landak | Ngabang | 0.690 (Medium) |
7 | Melawi | Nanga Pinoh | 0.686 (Medium) |
8 | Mempawah | Mempawah | 0.685 (Medium) |
9 | Sambas | Sambas | 0.693 (Medium) |
10 | Sanggau | Sanggau | 0.684 (Medium) |
11 | Sekadau | Sekadau | 0.672 (Medium) |
12 | Sintang | Sintang | 0.694 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Pontianak | 0.815 (Very High) | |
2 | Singkawang | 0.738 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Balangan | Paringin | 0.713 (High) |
2 | Banjar | Martapura | 0.718 (High) |
3 | Barito Kuala | Marabahan | 0.688 (Medium) |
4 | Central Hulu Sungai | Barabai | 0.706 (High) |
5 | Kotabaru | Kotabaru | 0.706 (High) |
6 | North Hulu Sungai | Amuntai | 0.682 (Medium) |
7 | South Hulu Sungai | Kandangan | 0.712 (High) |
8 | Tabalong | Tanjung | 0.744 (High) |
9 | Tanah Laut | Pelaihari | 0.714 (High) |
10 | Tanah Bumbu | Batulicin | 0.729 (High) |
11 | Tapin | Rantau | 0.725 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Banjarbaru | 0.805 (Very High) | |
2 | Banjarmasin | 0.790 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | East Barito | Tamiang Layang | 0.732 (High) |
2 | East Kotawaringin | Sampit | 0.726 (High) |
3 | Gunung Mas | Kuala Kurun | 0.727 (High) |
4 | Kapuas | Kuala Kapuas | 0.713 (High) |
5 | Katingan | Kasongan | 0.707 (High) |
6 | Lamandau | Nanga Bulik | 0.722 (High) |
7 | Murung Raya | Puruk Cahu | 0.700 (High) |
8 | North Barito | Muara Teweh | 0.723 (High) |
9 | Pulang Pisau | Pulang Pisau | 0.702 (High) |
10 | Sukamara | Sukamara | 0.698 (Medium) |
11 | Seruyan | Kuala Pembuang | 0.690 (Medium) |
12 | South Barito | Buntok | 0.723 (High) |
13 | West Kotawaringin | Pangkalan Bun | 0.744 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Palangka Raya | 0.822 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Berau | Tanjung Redeb | 0.766 (High) |
2 | East Kutai | Sangatta | 0.755 (High) |
3 | Kutai Kartanegara | Tenggarong | 0.759 (High) |
4 | Mahakam Ulu | Ujoh Bilang | 0.703 (High) |
5 | Paser | Tana Paser | 0.747 (High) |
6 | Penajam North Paser | Penajam | 0.739 (High) |
7 | West Kutai | Sendawar | 0.745 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Balikpapan | 0.822 (Very High) | |
2 | Bontang | 0.824 (Very High) | |
3 | Samarinda | 0.828 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Bulungan | Tanjung Selor | 0.733 (High) |
2 | Malinau | Malinau | 0.739 (High) |
3 | Nunukan | Nunukan | 0.685 (Medium) |
4 | Tana Tidung | Tideng Pale | 0.700 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Tarakan | 0.779 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Boalemo | Tilamuta | 0.687 (Medium) |
2 | Bone Bolango | Suwawa | 0.723 (High) |
3 | Gorontalo | Limboto | 0.696 (Medium) |
4 | North Gorontalo | Kwandang | 0.674 (Medium) |
5 | Pohuwato | Marisa | 0.680 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Gorontalo | 0.791 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Bantaeng | Bantaeng | 0.714 (High) |
2 | Barru | Barru | 0.730 (High) |
3 | Bone | Watampone | 0.683 (Medium) |
4 | Bulukumba | Bulukumba | 0.719 (High) |
5 | East Luwu | Malili | 0.749 (High) |
6 | Enrekang | Enrekang | 0.746 (High) |
7 | Gowa | Sungguminasa | 0.722 (High) |
8 | Jeneponto | Bontosunggu | 0.663 (Medium) |
9 | Luwu | Belopa | 0.727 (High) |
10 | North Luwu | Masamba | 0.720 (High) |
11 | North Toraja | Rantepao | 0.718 (High) |
12 | Maros | Maros | 0.721 (High) |
13 | Pangkajene and Islands | Pangkajane | 0.712 (High) |
14 | Pinrang | Pinrang | 0.735 (High) |
15 | Selayar Islands | Benteng | 0.700 (High) |
16 | Sinjai | Sinjai | 0.695 (Medium) |
17 | Sidenreng Rappang | Pangkajene Sidenreng | 0.732 (High) |
18 | Soppeng | Watansoppeng | 0.713 (High) |
19 | Takalar | Pattallassang | 0.694 (Medium) |
20 | Tana Toraja | Makale | 0.716 (High) |
21 | Wajo | Sengkang | 0.715 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Makassar | 0.839 (Very High) | |
2 | Palopo | 0.799 (High) | |
3 | Parepare | 0.796 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1. | Central Mamuju | Tobadak | 0.683 (Medium) |
2. | Majene | Majene | 0.694 (Medium) |
3. | Mamasa | Mamasa | 0.683 (Medium) |
4. | Mamuju | Mamuju | 0.704 (High) |
5. | Pasangkayu | Pasangkayu | 0.697 (Medium) |
6. | Polewali Mandar | Polewali | 0.662 (Medium) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Bombana | Rumbia | 0.681 (Medium) |
2 | Buton | Pasarwajo | 0.688 (Medium) |
3 | Central Buton | Labungkari | 0.664 (Medium) |
4 | East Kolaka | Tirawuta | 0.702 (High) |
5 | Kolaka | Kolaka | 0.751 (High) |
6 | Konawe | Unaaha | 0.733 (High) |
7 | Konawe Islands | Langara | 0.679 (Medium) |
8 | Muna | Raha | 0.710 (High) |
9 | North Buton | Buranga | 0.706 (High) |
10 | North Kolaka | Lasusua | 0.717 (High) |
11 | North Konawe | Asera | 0.723 (High) |
12 | South Buton | Batauga | 0.670 (Medium) |
13 | South Konawe | Andoolo | 0.711 (High) |
14 | Wakatobi | Wangiwangi | 0.720 (High) |
15 | West Muna | Laworo | 0.680 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2023) [5] | |
1 | Baubau | 0.781 (High) | |
2 | Kendari | 0.853 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Banggai | Luwuk | 0.723 (High) |
2 | Banggai Islands | Salakan | 0.674 (Medium) |
3 | Banggai Laut | Banggai | 0.674 (Medium) |
4 | Buol | Buol | 0.702 (High) |
5 | Donggala | Banawa | 0.674 (Medium) |
6 | Morowali | Bungku | 0.735 (High) |
7 | North Morowali | Kolonodale | 0.705 (High) |
8 | Parigi Moutong | Parigi | 0.674 (Medium) |
9 | Poso | Poso | 0.728 (High) |
10 | Sigi | Sigi Biromaru | 0.705 (High) |
11 | Tojo Una-Una | Ampana | 0.669 (Medium) |
12 | Tolitoli | Tolitoli | 0.683 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Palu | 0.828 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Bolaang Mongondow | Lolak | 0.702 (High) |
2 | East Bolaang Mongondow | Tutuyan | 0.685 (Medium) |
3 | Minahasa | Tondano | 0.777 (High) |
4 | North Bolaang Mongondow | Boroko | 0.693 (Medium) |
5 | North Minahasa | Airmadidi | 0.758 (High) |
6 | Sangihe Islands | Tahuna | 0.727 (High) |
7 | Sitaro Islands | Ondong | 0.703 (High) |
8 | South Bolaang Mongondow | Molibagu | 0.671 (Medium) |
9 | South Minahasa | Amurang | 0.741 (High) |
10 | Southeast Minahasa | Ratahan | 0.726 (High) |
11 | Talaud Islands | Melonguane | 0.717 (High) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Bitung | 0.757 (High) | |
2 | Kotamobagu | 0.752 (High) | |
3 | Manado | 0.806 (Very High) | |
4 | Tomohon | 0.788 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Aru Islands | Dobo | 0.658 (Medium) |
2 | Buru | Namlea | 0.710 (High) |
3 | Central Maluku | Masohi | 0.732 (High) |
4 | East Seram | Bula | 0.662 (Medium) |
5 | South Buru | Namrole | 0.670 (Medium) |
6 | Southeast Maluku | Langgur | 0.682 (Medium) |
7 | Southwest Maluku | Tiakur | 0.648 (Medium) |
8 | Tanimbar Islands | Saumlaki | 0.648 (Medium) |
9 | West Seram | Piru | 0.683 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Ambon | 0.825 (Very High) | |
2 | Tual | 0.702 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Central Halmahera | Weda | 0.684 (Medium) |
2 | East Halmahera | Maba | 0.695 (Medium) |
3 | Morotai Island | Daruba | 0.656 (Medium) |
4 | North Halmahera | Tobelo | 0.697 (Medium) |
5 | South Halmahera | Labuha | 0.666 (Medium) |
6 | Sula Islands | Sanana | 0.659 (Medium) |
7 | Taliabu Island | Bobong | 0.629 (Medium) |
8 | West Halmahera | Jailolo | 0.675 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Ternate | 0.821 (Very High) | |
2 | Tidore | 0.729 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Fakfak | Fakfak | 0.703 (High) |
2 | Kaimana | Kaimana | 0.676 (Medium) |
3 | Manokwari | Manokwari | 0.738 (High) |
4 | Arfak Mountains | Anggi | 0.587 (Medium) |
5 | South Manokwari | Ransiki | 0.624 (Medium) |
6 | Teluk Bintuni | Bintuni | 0.667 (Medium) |
7 | Teluk Wondama | Rasiei | 0.623 (Medium) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Biak Numfor | Biak | 0.739 (High) |
2 | Jayapura | Sentani | 0.741 (High) |
3 | Keerom | Waris | 0.686 (Medium) |
4 | Mamberamo Raya | Burmeso | 0.550 (Medium) |
5 | Sarmi | Sarmi | 0.667 (Medium) |
6 | Supiori | Sorendiweri | 0.651 (Medium) |
7 | Waropen | Botawa | 0.669 (Medium) |
8 | Yapen Islands | Serui | 0.696 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Jayapura | 0.816 (Very High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Central Mamberamo | Kobakma | 0.507 (Low) |
2 | Jayawijaya | Wamena | 0.610 (Medium) |
3 | Lanny Jaya | Tiom | 0.515 (Low) |
4 | Nduga | Kenyam | 0.363 (Low) |
5 | Pegunungan Bintang | Oksibil | 0.493 (Low) |
6 | Tolikara | Karubaga | 0.520 (Low) |
7 | Yahukimo | Dekai | 0.519 (Low) |
8 | Yalimo | Elelim | 0.518 (Low) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Deiyai | Waghete | 0.520 (Low) |
2 | Dogiyai | Kigamani | 0.576 (Medium) |
3 | Intan Jaya | Sugapa | 0.507 (Low) |
4 | Mimika | 0.768 (High) | |
5 | Nabire | Nabire | 0.717 (High) |
6 | Paniai | Enarotali | 0.586 (Medium) |
7 | Puncak | Ilaga | 0.456 (Low) |
8 | Puncak Jaya | Mulia | 0.517 (Low) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Asmat | Agats | 0.539 (Low) |
2 | Boven Digoel | Tanah Merah | 0.642 (Medium) |
3 | Mappi | Kepi | 0.615 (Medium) |
4 | Merauke | Merauke | 0.727 (High) |
No | Regency | Capital | HDI (2024) [5] |
1 | Maybrat | Kumurkek | 0.618 (Medium) |
2 | Raja Ampat | Waisai | 0.658 (Medium) |
3 | Sorong | Aimas | 0.682 (Medium) |
4 | South Sorong | Teminabuan | 0.645 (Medium) |
5 | Tambrauw | Fef | 0.563 (Medium) |
No | City | HDI (2024) [5] | |
1 | Sorong | 0.799 (High) |
Superlatives of cities can be found at Indonesian Wikipedia articles Daftar kota di Indonesia menurut jumlah penduduk and Daftar kota di Indonesia menurut luas wilayah. Although the least populated regency in Indonesia according to various sources is said to be Tana Tidung Regency in North Kalimantan, [6] Supiori Regency in Papua is included here instead because it has a smaller population of about 23 thousand people compared to 28 thousand people of Tana Tidung Regency.
Regencies | Province | Cities | Province | ||
Largest by area | Merauke Regency [ citation needed ] | South Papua | Palangka Raya | Central Kalimantan | |
Smallest by area | Administrative Regency of Thousand Islands [ citation needed ] | Jakarta | Sibolga [7] | North Sumatra | |
Largest by population | Bogor Regency [8] | West Java | East Jakarta | Jakarta | |
Smallest by population | Supiori Regency [9] | Papua | Sabang | Aceh |
Following the Regional Autonomy Act (Indonesian : Undang-Undang Otonomi Daerah) of 1999, many regencies have been split to create additional regencies and cities, the number of such divisions were thus increased to 514. However, these territorial splits can sometimes lead into corruption cases. [10] As of early 2024, further proposals for territorial splits are still under a moratorium. [11]
The latest new regencies split from existing regencies were South Buton Regency, Central Buton Regency and West Muna Regency in July 2014, while the latest cities were South Tangerang and Gunungsitoli in October 2008. There are no cities which have been split into other subdivisions, although the administrative regency of Thousand Islands was split from North Jakarta administrative city in 2001. Despite the name of South Tangerang being similar to that of Tangerang city, South Tangerang was actually split from Tangerang Regency.
In two special cases, all subdivisions of North Maluku and Riau Islands were made from parts of the defunct North Maluku Regency and Riau Islands Regency, respectively. All subdivisions of North Kalimantan are also made from lands of Bulungan Regency, but its area was split to several regencies before the province was established. Central Java (since 1965) and the Special Region of Yogyakarta (apart from the separation of the Thousand Islands Administrative Regency from North Jakarta City) are the only province-level areas which have not had any subdivision splits. Listed below are the subdivision splits from 1999 to the most recent ones in 2014; for pre-1999 splits see also main article in Indonesian Wikipedia.
(including current Southwest Papua province)
(including current Highland Papua and South Papua provinces)
(including the current Riau Islands Province, separated in 2002)
(including current Banten Province, created 2000)
(including current North Kalimantan Regency)
(in current Southwest Papua province)
(all in current Central Papua province)
These regencies are defunct by splitting its lands together, or renamed.[ citation needed ] This list does not include colonial-era regencies, or former regencies of the former province of East Timor.
Former regency's name | Fate |
Toba Samosir Regency (−2020) | Renamed to Toba Regency |
Western Southeast Maluku Regency (1999–2019) | Renamed to Tanimbar Islands Regency |
North Mamuju Regency (2003–2018) | Renamed to Pasangkayu Regency |
Pontianak Regency (−2014) | Renamed to Mempawah Regency |
Riau Islands Regency (−2006) | Split into 3 in 1999 and one each in 2001 and 2003, later changed name to Bintan Regency |
North Maluku Regency (−2003) | Split into 4 regencies and cities |
Kutai Regency (−2002) | Split into 4 regencies and cities in 1999, later renamed to Kutai Kartanegara Regency |
Sarolangun Bangko Regency (−1999) | Split into Sarolangun Regency and Merangin Regency |
Bungo Tebo Regency (−1999) | Split into Bungo Regency and Tebo Regency |
Tanjung Jabung Regency (−1999) | Split into West Tanjung Jabung Regency and East Tanjung Jabung Regency |
Buol Toli-Toli Regency (−1999) | Split into Buol Regency and Toli-Toli Regency |
Adikarto Regency (−1951) | Merged into Kulon Progo Regency |
Hulu Sungai Regency (−1959) | Split into South Hulu Sungai Regency, Central Hulu Sungai Regency and North Hulu Sungai Regency |
Barito Regency (−1959) | Split into North Barito Regency and South Barito Regency |
Kotawaringin Regency (−1959) | Split into West Kotawaringin Regency and East Kotawaringin Regency |
North Sumatra, also called North Sumatra Province, is a province of Indonesia located in the northern part of the island of Sumatra. Its capital and largest city is Medan on the east coast of the island. It borders Aceh to the northwest, Riau to the southeast, West Sumatra to the south, the Indian Ocean to the west, and the Strait of Malacca to the east.
North Sulawesi is a province of Indonesia. It is mainly located on the Minahasa Peninsula of the island of Sulawesi, south of the Philippines and southeast of Sabah, Malaysia, but also includes various small archipelagoes situated between the Minahasa Peninsula and southern Philippines. It borders the Philippines province of Davao Occidental and Soccsksargen regions to the north, the Maluku Sea to the east, Gorontalo and the Celebes Sea to the west and the Gulf of Tomini to the southwest. The province's furthest extent, the outlying and isolated island of Miangas to its north, is the northernmost island of Indonesia that has the country's sole and only border with the Philippines.
Southeast Sulawesi, is a province on the island of Sulawesi, forming the southeastern peninsula of that island, together with a number of substantial offshore islands such as Buton, Muna, Kabaena and Wawonii, together with many smaller islands. It is bordered by South Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi to the north, sharing a maritime border with Maluku and North Maluku to the east and East Nusa Tenggara to the south, as well a very narrow maritime border with East Timor to the south. The capital is the city of Kendari, on the east coast of the peninsula.
West Papua, formerly Irian Jaya Barat, is an Indonesian province located in Indonesia Papua. It covers most of the two western peninsulas of the island of New Guinea: the eastern half of the Bird's Head Peninsula and the whole of the Bomberai Peninsula, along with nearby smaller islands. The province is bordered to the north by the Pacific Ocean, to the west by Southwest Papua Province, the Halmahera Sea and the Ceram Sea, to the south by the Banda Sea, and to the east by the province of Central Papua and the Cenderawasih Bay. Manokwari is the province's capital and largest city. With an estimated population of 569,570 in mid-2023, West Papua is the least populous province in Indonesia after South Papua, following the separation off in 2022 of the western half of the Bird's Head Peninsula to create the new province of Southwest Papua, containing 52% of what had been West Papua's population. Its population density is similar to Russia.
Maluku is a province of Indonesia. It comprises the central and southern regions of the Maluku Islands. The largest city and capital of Maluku province is Ambon on the small Ambon Island. It is directly adjacent to North Maluku, Southwest Papua, and West Papua in the north, Central Sulawesi, and Southeast Sulawesi in the west, Banda Sea, Australia, East Timor and East Nusa Tenggara in the south and Arafura Sea, Central Papua and South Papua in the east. The land area is 57803.81 km2, and the total population of this province at the 2010 census was 1,533,506 people, rising to 1,848,923 at the 2020 census, the official estimate as at mid 2023 was 1,908,753. Maluku is located in Eastern Indonesia.
In Indonesia, village or subdistrict is the fourth-level subdivision and the smallest administrative division of Indonesia below a district, regency/city, and province. Similar administrative divisions outside of Indonesia include barangays in the Philippines, Muban in Thailand, civil townships and incorporated municipalities in the United States and Canada, communes in France and Vietnam, dehestan in Iran, hromada in Ukraine, Gemeinden in Germany, comuni in Italy, or municipios in Spain. The UK equivalent are civil parishes in England and communities in Wales. There are a number of names and types for villages in Indonesia, with desa being the most frequently used for regencies, and kelurahan for cities or for those communities within regencies which have town characteristics. According to the 2019 report by the Ministry of Home Affairs, there are 8,488 urban villages and 74,953 rural villages in Indonesia. North Aceh Regency contained the highest number of rural villages (852) amongst all of the regencies of Indonesia, followed by Pidie Regency with 730 rural villages and Bireuen Regency with 609 rural villages. Prabumulih, with only 12 rural villages, contained the fewest. Counted together, the sixteen regencies of Indonesia containing the most rural villages—namely, North Aceh (852), Pidie (730), Bireuen (609), Aceh Besar (604), Tolikara (541), East Aceh (513), Yahukimo (510), Purworejo (469), Lamongan (462), South Nias (459), Kebumen (449), Garut (421), Bojonegoro (419), Bogor (416), Cirebon (412), and Pati (401)—contain one-third of all the rural villages in Indonesia. Five of these are located in Aceh, two in Highland Papua, three in Central Java, two in East Java, three in West Java, and one in North Sumatra. An average number of rural villages in the regencies and 15 cities of Indonesia is 172 villages. A village is the lowest administrative division in Indonesia, and it is the lowest of the four levels. The average land area of villages in Indonesia is about 25.41 km2 (9.81 sq mi), while its average population is about 3,723 people.
Telephone numbers in Indonesia have different systems for land lines and mobile phones: land lines use area codes, while mobile phones do not.
This is an article about the extreme points of Indonesia.
The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Indonesia:
The following is an alphabetical list of topics related to the Republic of Indonesia.
Minahasa Regency is a regency in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Its capital is Tondano. It covers an area of 1,141.64 km2 and had a population of 310,384 at the 2010 Census; this rose to 347,290 at the 2020 Census, and the official estimate as at mid 2023 was 351,920.
South Bolaang Mongondow Regency is a regency of North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. The Regency stretches along the south coast of the province as part of the Minahasa Peninsula, facing the Gulf of Tomini. It was created on 24 June 2008 by splitting off districts which were previously the southern part of Bolaang Mongondow Regency. It covers a land area of 1,932.30 km2, and had a population of 57,001 at the 2010 Census, which rose to 69,791 at the 2020 Census; the official estimate as at mid 2023 was 73,046. The administrative centre lies at the town of Molibagu.
Raja Ampat Regency is a regency of Southwest Papua Province of Indonesia. The regency, which was formed by separating the archipelago from Sorong Regency, based on the Law 26 of 2002, was inaugurated on 12 April 2003. It consists of a number of groups of islands situated off the north-west end of West Papua; the four main islands from south to north are Misool, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo. At present, the regency covers a land area of 7,559.60 km2, with a total area stated as 67,379.61 km2. It had a population of 42,508 at the 2010 Census and 64,141 at the 2020 Census; the official estimate as at mid 2023 was 68,501. The principal town lies at Waisai on Waigeo Island.
This is a list of emblems or coat of arms used in Indonesia. Indonesia is divided into 38 provinces, and each province is divided into regencies (kabupaten) and cities (kota). There are 416 regencies and 98 cities. Each province, regency, and city has its own emblem.
Southwest Papua is the 38th province of Indonesia to be created, and was split off from West Papua on 8 December 2022. Despite being named southwest, it is a misnomer and this province is actually located in the northwest edge of Papua. The province comprises the Greater Sorong area which consists of Sorong City, Sorong Regency, South Sorong Regency, Maybrat Regency, Tambrauw Regency, and Raja Ampat Regency. The Bill (RUU) on the Establishment of the Southwest Papua Province was passed into law and therefore it became the 38th province in Indonesia with effect from 8 December 2022.